The Story of the Easter Roo

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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Hey there all! Its time for a good-ole fashioned Zeeme holiday special!

and we all know what that means!!

Perverting the hell out of one of your favorite childhood memory's and drowning them in an ocean of semen!


Anyway, this was a twist on something that was based off a conversation I had with someone. Sure its not your "Traditional" Easter TF story filled with butt fucking rabbits and suggestive themes of oviposition....but hey, I wanted to make a mother fucking Easter Roo, so I did!

So sit back and enjoy and let me know what you think of it in the comments below!

Happy Easter!


(P.s Yes I understand the Rise of the Guardians relation, but NO it was not based off that.)

Happy Easter Everybody! Now I know that this story doesn't actually feature everyone's favorite cute little bunny. But don't you think that the roo's should get a little love every now and again? Anyway, this story is heavy with M/M and M/Solo sex scenes and isn't meant for those under the age of 18! So now I ask you to sit back, relax and take off your pants while you enjoy this little twist on a holiday special ;)

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The Tale of the Easter Roo


The dull roar of chattering people lightened up for the briefest of moments as the train on the opposite side of the tracks finally arrived. A crowd of people quickly gathered around the doors, paying little heed to anyone trying to actually get off the train before they all scrambled to get on board and grab one of the few available seats before the doors closed. It was always like this in the CBD, especially at Wynyard Station during peak hour where Greg stood leaning against a pole waiting for the next train across the bridge to take him back home.

Rush hour was hell. The station packed to the brim every week day at 9 am and 5pm to a point where one wrong move or shove could send someone falling down into the tracks. Added to the fact that regardless of it being peak hour or not, this particular station always felt hot and humid. Almost like a massive oven that slowly baked you alive before you could escape to an air conditioned train...if you were lucky.


Greg flinched as a guard blew his whistle barely a few steps away from him and waved his flag, signalling the conductor as the electronic doors slowly began to shut. As the train slowly began to depart, that brief moment where there was actually room to move was ended by a massive influx of men and women in suits, most likely having just escaped the confines of work.

He sighed and reached into his own dress pants and pulled out his phone, flicking his fingers across the touchscreen pad. He tried not to pay attention to the loud tourist couple a few steps away commenting on their Australian vacation and asking random bystanders how they get to the Opera House.

Admittedly though he remembered being a bit like them not to long ago when he moved from the States himself.

Greg was a bit of a taller fellow at about 6'2 with clean kept black hair and deep blue eyes. His job at one of the local banks meant he was mostly sitting on a computer on a general basis and wasn't on his feet most of the time. This had led to his body growing a little soft, pulling himself away from his old swimmers build he used to maintain while living back in San Francisco. This gave him an almost normal sort of look. Not exactly fat but not really muscular. But given his surrounding's that was a fairly average look when it came to corporate business. But that seemed to suit him well, because when it came to most people who even knew him, average was the best way of describing him. Unless of course someone was referring to his intelligence.

It was his own ingenuity and smarts that had shot him up through the rankings at his old job, and it was that same set of smarts that got him offered a job in Sydney Australia. It had even come complete with a nice apartment a little ways out of the city. Sure the commute was a bit of a hassle, but his contract was only for three years and getting a car and driving it to the city would be a nightmare.

The ground then began to softly vibrate and Greg glanced down into the darkness of the tunnel and saw a light coming from it. Slowly the train began to approach until finally it came to a full stop and its doors began to open.

People then began to flood the doors and Greg decided it was best to hang back while everyone rushed to grab their seats. He didn't mind standing, unless there was some lady with a pram who decided to come to the city to run an errand and leave in the middle of rush hour. That meant a near guarantee that he would get bumped into or have his kneecaps jabbed by one of those massive monstrosities.

Finally the area began to calm down and the guards began blowing their whistles. Greg quickly rushed onto the train just before the door shut and grabbed a hold of the pole in the center of the compartment just as the train began to move.

They began their uphill accent from underground as they made their way toward the bridge. Thankfully now that they were all inside, the noise from the talking had died down slightly and was mostly just a few soft murmurs in the upper and lower portions of the carriage.

"Mommy! Mommy! When's the Easter bunny gonna come?"

Greg turned his head and looked at the small child was sitting on his mother's lap who clearly had no concept of an "inside voice" in one of the nearby seats. She looked clearly frazzled after a long day at work and something told him she didn't want to humor the child.

"Soon hun soon, now can you please be quiet? You're making too much noise." She finally responded.

"But I wanna meet him and give him a carrot and play!" the child indignantly responded.

It was slowly becoming clear that the mother and child where not from around here. When you come to a place where you hear a different accent every time, you start to pick up on the subtle differences. These two sounded clearly American, but the little boy was starting to pick up on some of the ways things were said around here.

Suddenly though one of the older men in the carriage turned around to look at the little boy with a bright smile on his face.

"Don't you know? We don't have the Easter Bunny around here."

The little boy let out a loud gasp and nearly looked as if he was about to start crying. His mother shot the man a venomous look, but the older man just kept smiling.

"Ya see, we do have rabbits around here. But they aren't strong or fast enough to get everywhere they need to be. Especially sense we live in a place with a big desert. The poor little things just wouldn't be able to take the heat. But what we do have is kangaroos! Now I know that over where you're from the Easter bunny goes and delivers eggs all over the place. But, the Easter Bunny asked his cousin the kangaroo to take things over for him when Easter rolls around over here."

The little boy's eyes widened with wonder before he quickly turned around and looked at his mother.

"Mommy mommy! I wanna see the Easter Kangaroo! Please!"

The old man chuckled and the woman softly smiled as she gave her son a pat on the head and did her best to quiet the child. The other passengers seemed to pay little mind to what had just gone on, but a few people smiled softly at the antics of the excited child. Greg only shook his head and chuckled softly.

"Well that's creative to say the least..." he muttered softly.

Just then, the train finally pulled out from the tunnel into the light of day. Greg quickly stole a glance of the beautiful Sydney scenic view, as well as a glance towards to opera house as it stood out like a massive beacon in the harbor. The boy nearby seemed to be excited as well as he glanced out the window and let out soft, excited "oooh's" while the rest of the passengers just kept looking at their smartphones or reading the paper.

Admittedly, after living here for over a year, the excitement of seeing all these things had waned after Greg had seen it so many times heading to and from work. But still, there were those brief moments where he was subtly reminded that he was living in one of the capitols of the world.

The train kept going at a steady pace after that, stopping every few minutes at a new station and letting out a few people. By the time they had passed through Chatswood however the train had been nearly emptied except for a few college aged kids that must be heading towards the university. The older man from before though still lingered on the train, and every so often when Greg glanced over he saw the older gentleman looking towards him with a smile. This went on for a few stops before Greg finally decided to break the strange silence between the two of them.

"That was really nice of you to help out that mom and her kid. But the Easter Roo? I gotta say that's a new one." Greg said with a chuckle.

The old man laughed and looked up at Greg from his seat.

"You gotta let the kids believe. Great men and women have always dreamed about the impossible and that's how we are sitting on this train at this very moment. Sure we all need to grow up sometime, but you gotta hold on to that little bit of wonder even when your my age."

Greg smiled briefly at the old man's way of thinking as he glanced out the window and watched as the landscape slowly began to turn from the urban city to a more natural and rural setting.

"I suppose, but I don't think some big kangaroo is going to come to my house and pay me a visit." He said with a chuckle.

The old man smiled and laughed softly.

"Stranger things have happened in this world my boy. And when you're in a country where kangaroos are all over the place, you might just not want to tempt fate."

"Well I'm on the 6thfloor. They would have to jump really high to get up to me."


After an hour long ride, the train finally arrived at his station.

It was a bit out of place, but quiet. Thankfully though everything he needed was right there in the town square and he only needed to visit the city if he was going to work or he needed something particular.

As he stepped down from the platform, he caught a glimpse in the distance of the Pacific Ocean as the sun began to set. As he turned to leave the platform the train quickly made its way out of the station, revealing a clear view of the town below and the wide plains that lead into the outback of Australia. He could even see a few shapes quickly darting across in the distance that he guessed must have been kangaroos. It was entirely possible after all, the damned things where everywhere, and they even made an appearance every once in a while on the outskirts of town.

Greg then began his trek back to his apartment, passing by the town square just as the shops where beginning to close. The area was decked out in Easter decorations, but there was a definite chill in the air. The swapped seasons was still something that Greg still hadn't gotten used to, but thankfully the weather was still more or less the same that he had back home. But no matter what, he still wasn't quite used to having Christmas where it could get as hot as 30°C.

It took a few more minutes to finally reach his apartment block and he was able to get inside with little effort. After climbing up a few flights of steps he finally reached his unit and stepped inside.

With a limited time spent here, he had opted not to invest much in terms of furniture or appliances. He had the basics, such as a bed, a TV and a few utensils. But for the most part his apartment looked fairly empty most days. That didn't bother him though however, he lived alone and he didn't spend a whole lot of time here anyway.

Letting out a relieved sigh, he dropped his bag and took off his jacket while he wandered over to his closet to put on something more comfortable. Choosing just to go with his pajama pants and a t-shirt he then went to his bed and fell onto it with a thud before turning on the TV he kept at the end of his bed. As the screen began to power up, he reached over to his phone and checked on a few things just as the hourly news station popped onto the screen.

It seemed like a fairly normal day in the city, with the overly cheery newscaster talking about things like accidents, events, and local news. But the normal clear cut graphics surrounding her on the screen were decorated with vines and flowers, and a small little kangaroo graphic sat in the corner of the screen next to the logo for the news agency looking out towards the audience. Greg chuckled slightly at the sight and remembered the story the old man had told the kid. The whole concept of the "Easter Roo" must be a running joke here in Australia. Although he had to admit, when you compared the two, kangaroos where just essentially big rabbits. They both were fast and hopped around all over the place, they both had big ears and feet, and they were both herbivores. Sure there were a few differences as well, but at the end of things, they were more or less the same.

Greg watched on for a few more minutes before he felt himself getting a little bored of the constant commercials breaking up the un-interesting news. He quickly flipped through the channels after that, finding little of interest on the other entertainment venues until finally he decided to hook up his PS3 and play a few games. As he reached over to grab his controller to turn the system on, he felt a slight numbness in his right foot and a quick chill that shot down his spine. As he sat back down into a more comfortable position, he rubbed his foot, thinking that he may have pinched a nerve or something. The tingling sensation persisted for a few more moments before it faded away. Greg paid it little mind after that and just went onto playing as the sun began to set in the distance.


That night, as Greg laid in his bed, a shadow leapt up from down below and landed with a thud onto his balcony. A clawed hand slowly pulled back the unlocked sliding glass door, barely making a sound as two massive feet made their way inside the apartment. Softly and carefully, the creature slowly made its way towards Greg in his bed. Through the darkness one could see that this creature was huge, tall and from what it appeared very well built. It also almost seemed to look somewhat human, but the two long ears and massive tail betrayed that misgiving.

With a stealth that betrayed its size, the creature finally made it to Greg's bedside and stood over him with a cocky grin on his face.

The creature then leaned down, barely an inch away from Greg's face as he sniffed the human slightly. Greg let out a murmur in his sleep and turned over until he was lying on his back. The beast smiled as it reached down and pulled down the covers slightly, just enough so that it could see the humans groin through its boxer briefs. Then, as it looked down at his sleeping captive once more, the creature began to rub its stomach and down in a lower portion of its body.

Soon after that, the pointed end of the beasts cock slowly began to emerge from its hiding place, which emitted a soft, musky aroma. The creature, not wasting any time, reached down and grabbed its member and slowly began to stroke while standing over Greg, barely ever making a sound.

His pointed cock continued to grow while in his massive pawed hand as he worked it up and down in a steady rhythm. It wasn't long after then that the massive slab of meat passed over a foot in length and started to leak a clear precum that dripped slightly onto the prone human. All this time though, Greg still laid there, deep in sleep, although his face scrunched up somewhat as he unconsciously smelled the musky aroma in the room. However he then suddenly began to relax, as if he was experiencing a nice dream. Although it was most likely a wet dream judging by the angry tent that was beginning to grow in his boxer shorts and the clear stain of precum that soon appeared.

The beast smiled as he watched the human's clear arousal build as his own was beginning to reach its breaking point. As his member began to leak more precum that rained down onto the prone humans face, the beast let out a soft murmur as it reached up and began stroking its own chest and stomach with its free hand. Finally though, the creature let out a stifled moan as its cock throbbed in its grip and shot out its load all over the humans face. The beast tried its best to stifle its ecstasy as it pointed the tip of its cock directly into Greg's partially opened mouth. He missed a few shots that went a bit longer than it had anticipated, but just as his flow began to weaken, a single droplet of his cum leaked from his cock and fell directly into the human's mouth.

Greg let out another murmur and turned over to his side. But then he began to smack his tongue and lick his lips before he turned again, putting his face nearly within an inch of the creatures missed shots.

The beast smiled as he saw something that only he could see envelop the human. He knew that his job was done and now it would only be a matter of time before the preparations would be complete. As he began to slowly back away, he paused and admired his handiwork one final time before he waved his hand and a colourful egg suddenly appeared in his grasp. The creature then slowly leaned down and placed the egg on the human's bedside table before making his way out the way he had come in.

"Happy Easter mate..." he murmured with a grin as he slid the door shut behind him and leapt off the balcony with his powerful legs.



Greg's eyes were suddenly jarred awake at the screeching cry of a Cockatoo that had apparently decided to make roost outside his apartment. Groaning softly, he thanked the fact that today was a Saturday or else he would he gone out and strangled the bloody bird.

Letting out a soft sigh, he somehow pulled himself off the bed and sat on the rim, trying his best to wake up completely before he started to move around the apartment. After a few more moments he decided the best remedy for that was to take a shower, especially sense he now noticed a powerful smelling musk coming from somewhere. Judging by the sticky feeling he felt in his boxer shorts, he assumed it was coming from him and he would need to clean up after his wet dream.

As he began to stand up however, he felt a rush to his head that nearly knocked him off balance. Thankfully though his desk was nearby and he was able to prop himself up before he fell back down onto his bed. The whole room span for a brief moment before his vision finally began to clear and he was able to come to his senses. Taking it slowly after a near fall like that, he carefully walked to his bathroom, remarking how wobbly his feet felt and how small his apartment suddenly looked. He brushed it off however and blamed it on his tired state as he approached the bathroom door and stripped down. Turning on the heat to stave off the chill of the cold morning, he balanced out the hot and cold valves to a more suitable setting before he stepped inside and let the relaxing feeling of the warm water wash over him. He stood there for a few moments, letting his mind wander and his body adjust to the temperature before he reached down and grabbed the soap and began to scrub himself down.

For some strange reason though he that day. Not like he was sick or anything, in fact he felt fairly energetic after he had finally begun to wake up. Although his feet felt a little sore and there was another persistent throbbing that was also taking up his attention. As Greg washed the suds from his body, he looked down at his modest 7 inch erection as it stood out almost angrily in front of him. A strange thing given the fact that he couldn't recall having any particularly hot dreams that would have caused his morning wood, although previous evidence would go against that notion. As he looked down at his own member though his mind began to fill with more lewd thoughts. Reaching down he slowly began to stroke his member, with the first initial contact sending a shiver of pleasure down his spine and making him let out an involuntary moan.

He had never been this sensitive before, but he didn't want to stop. Slowly he began jerking off as the heat in the shower slowly began to build. As he continued to stroke faster and faster, he was un-aware that his member was growing larger and thicker in his grasp. However it would have been impossible to tell at the time, because his hands were growing at the same rate as his cock and each stroke still felt just as natural as before.

As he continued to pleasure himself, another set of changes began to come into place as his body began to widen and the light layer of fat he had accumulated since moving here began to fade away to show clear muscle.

Letting out another moan, Greg leaned against the shower wall and closed his eyes as he began to wildly stroke himself. His body then began to grow at a largely abnormal rate as those muscles he had previously gained through swimming and cardio began to swell with power. Pec's that once stood flat and plain began to grow to near body builder size, and his abdominals became clearer cut and defined to a washboard shape. Finally as his body finished growing, his feet began to swell to inhuman sizes. Passing his old shoe size and nearly looking almost comical in comparison to his new body that now looked like a muscular male model. But then, after even just a few moments of working his meat Greg just couldn't hold it in anymore and he let out a loud moaning gasp as his cock fired off a massive load all over the glass door of the shower. His changes stopped immediately afterword's and Greg was left panting in exhaustion and pleasure as he propped himself on the side of the shower just as the hot water began to run out. Still in a lust filled daze however, he looked at his massive load as it began to slide down the glass and down into the drain at his feet and felt a sense of pride...and curiosity.

After a moment he was able to stand up again properly and was able to reach down and scoop up a small amount of his spent load with his fingertip. He looked at the goo for a brief moment, with new thoughts of curiosity suddenly popping into his head.

"Why haven't I tried tasting it before?" he thought to himself.

Slowly then he reached his finger up and placed it, along with his leftover cum into his mouth before taking his finger out. He let the cum stay on his tongue for a few moments before he quickly swallowed it and licked his lips.

It tasted a little bit salty...but also a bit sweet as well.

Just then the cold water began to hit Greg's body and he felt a chill shoot across his body. He scrambled quickly to turn off the faucet before he was able to step out and grab a towel to dry off.

It was then he finally began to notice something was definitely off. His apartment seemed even smaller than before, and he himself felt a bit wider and heavier than normal. However, his bathroom mirror was still fogged over with steam and he couldn't get a clear view of himself. But as his hands began to drift down to his chest and stomach it was then he realised something was definitely off. Reaching over and placing a hand on the mirror, he wiped away the condensation and finally got a good look at himself.

He was huge, massive to say the least to a point where he wondered if he could even get out the door. He was still somewhat used to seeing some muscle definition on himself after working out and running laps for so long, but this kind of growth was completely abnormal. He had slowly watched his body grow into decline after working a desk job for so long and he had wanted to re-join the gym to help solve that. But this...this was something supernatural. Someone just doesn't turn into a body builder over night with massive pec's and abs that you could grate cheese on.


He did look pretty a real stud of a man. He practically looked like one of those massive guys he had seen at Bondi Beach who work out in the outdoor gym all the time. His skin even seemed slightly tanned and any blemishes or freckles seemed to have faded away. Feeling curious he flexed his right arm, watching the veins pop up from underneath his skin. He smiled with excitement as he repeated the same action with his left arm, remarking in the power and strength he felt throughout his entire body. He was even able to figure out how to make his pectorals twitch like he had seen cocky bodybuilders do before.

"This is incredible!" he said to himself as he let out a laugh and flexed both of his arms at the same time.

It was then however he felt his arousal began to build again and he looked down at his soft member as it began to stir once again. From what it appeared though, he had gained a few inches there as well. His cock nearly looked to be the same size that it was when he was hard, and he was still soft! That seemed to send a jolt of pleasure down his spine again and soon his member was standing tall and proud again. Greg smiled a cocky smile as he reached down to stroke his member once again, sending the same, almost abnormal jolt of pleasure throughout his body once again.

"This is going to get addictive..." he said to himself with a smirk as he began to jerk himself off again, unaware that his body was beginning to change once again.


After the cold morning seemed to wear off, things began to heat up again in the area. Especially in the vicinity of Greg, who had just finished his 4th jack off session.

His body was soaked in sweat and his face was plastered with a stupid grin as his most recent load began to soak into his skin. As time went on, he began to realise that with every time he got off, he changed a little bit more. Although not as much as he had done the first time.

After his second session, his jaw became a bit more angular and his black hair grew longer, giving him an almost tribal and wild appearance that just screamed masculinity. His third session had actually caused his body to grow a carpet of chest hair, as well as a sexy looking beard. His fourth session however didn't seem to change much. Although it was now he was finally beginning to notice how large his feet were getting.

After the initial rush of his most recent orgasm had worn off and he had enjoyed the afterglow for a bit. Greg decided that he had enough for now and what he had now was more than enough. Sitting back up off his bed, he watched as his spent load that had missed his matted chest fuzz began to slide down in-between his abdominal muscles. Reaching down again like he had done with the last three loads, he scooped up what he could before bringing his cum to his lips and licking his fingers clean.

Greg then stood back up, his head feeling another rush and his balance shifting slightly. After going through such a rapid growth spurt, he still hadn't taken the time to get used to his new body. Although he was a little too distracted by his own lusts to take any time to figure things out.

Deciding that now was a good of a time as any; he began walking around his apartment, his feet stomping slightly on the bare floor and his increased bulk being forced to navigate through the smaller areas.

"I'm going to need to do some re-arrangement..." he muttered to himself as he began to walk towards the closet.

As he approached the other side of his room, he nearly bumped into several different objects and even stubbed his toe on the corner of his bed. Wincing slightly and letting out a hiss of pain, Greg decided it might just be best to go outside for a walk so that he could get used to things.

As he finally made it to his closet however, he suddenly realised he had little to nothing to wear...

All of his shirts were three sizes too small, and he couldn't even imagine fitting into any of his shoes now. All that seemed to fit now were a pair of workout shorts that strained under his increased bulk, and left very little to the imagination.

Letting out a sigh, he thanked his lucky stars that he had gotten paid earlier that week, and he decided to do some clothes shopping while he was out.

Grabbing his keys and squeezing himself through the doorway, he was finally able to get himself out of his apartment and down onto the streets below. Thankfully he had seen plenty of other guys running around in his area wearing only shorts, and although it still seemed a bit strange, he had also seen lots of people walking around barefoot even in the CBD. As he began to walk towards the city square he saw a few people. Some of them seemed to gawk at his massive size and impressive chest hair, while others looked in awe or jealousy as he passed by them. Greg felt a massive stroke to his ego as he passed by more and more people, where nearly everyone had some sort of reaction to the sight of him.

As he reached the shopping district, he was disheartened to see that most of the clothing shops had not opened yet and wouldn't be for a few more hours. Suddenly met with a bit of free time, Greg decided to make his way towards the trail that lead toward the beach.

Ever sense he had moved there, he had meant to go there and see the waters of the Pacific from the other side of the world. However there was no way of getting there via car or bus. The only way there was through a long, natural trail that he had always been wary of due to its dense underbrush and the instilled paranoia that everything in Australia was poisonous.

This time however, he was feeling very bold and he took off in a light jog towards the beach. Thankfully though most of the path was paved, but as he drew closer to the water the pavement faded to soft white sand and creeping beach plants. Once his larger feet finally hit the sand though, he decided to take it slow given his previous history of coordination with his new body.

Upon approach he found the beach empty, not a soul to be seen for miles as the waves calmly lapped against the shore. He smiled and was grateful for the privacy as he approached the water and let the salty sea water lap against his feet while the bracing wind blew across his muscular body.

He stood like this for a few moments, enjoying the feeling and the peace and quiet before the sudden snapping of a twig caught his attention and he turned around to see another man approaching, flanked by two large kangaroos that just seemed to have been going the same way.

"Oi! Don't usually see someone out here this early!"

The man smiled and waved while the two kangaroos hopped off into another direction, curiously digging at the sand and picking up shells before they bounded back into the brush.

Greg smiled and waved as the man approached. He hadn't seen him before in the town, and he seemed friendly enough. But boy was he big.

Nearly the same size as him, the man approached Greg with a towel slung over his shoulders wearing only a tightly fitting orange speedo that barely concealed anything. However his hair was blonde and cut short and his eyes were a piercing green in contrast to Greg's own blue.

The man paused for a moment as he laid his towel down before he finally came up to Greg.

"Don't think I've seen ya around here before. Names Frank, yours?" he said with a thick Australian accent.

"Greg, pleased to meet you." He said as he offered the man his hand.

"Ohhh...that an American accent? Where ya from?" he said as he took his hand and gripped it powerfully.

"San Francisco." Greg responded with a smile as he gave the man a look over, remarking in his tribal tattoos he had over his arm and chest as well as the necklace he was wearing.

"Heh, capitol of the world for guys like us eh?" said Frank with a lewd grin as he looked down at Greg's package through his tight shorts.

"Excuse me? Wait...oh..." Greg said with a pause before he finally put the pieces together.

" I'm not gay." He continued as he blushed slightly.

"Really? Huh, well then mate I gotta warn ya, this place is a popular cruising spot. If your gonna dress like that" he said as he pointed towards Greg's shorts.

"Then you're gonna get a lot of people coming onto you. Although I don't think I could blame them." Frank continued with a smirk as his eyes drifted back towards Greg's package.

Greg chuckled softly and nervously as he looked at the predatory look in the other man's eyes. He almost felt the urge to make a break for it and run back to the town, but then suddenly the other man let out a loud laugh and his expression immediately softened.

"I'm just teasing you, but if you don't mind me saying you are quite the stud. I'm sure any girl out there would love to have you in the sheets" Frank said with a smirk as he playfully patted Greg on the shoulder.

"T-thanks..." Greg said before he finally began to relax again.

"No problem, anyway I'm just gonna sit over here and soak up the sun. And maybe see if I can't catch me a nice man or two." Frank said with a playful wink before he went back to his towel.

"Was nice meeting ya Greg, hopefully I'll see you around town sometime." He said with a smile as his thumbs began to reach towards his ill-fitting speedo.

"Yea you too..." said Greg as he slowly began to make his way down the shore to continue along with his walk.

As Greg began to walk away, the man slowly slid down his speedo and left himself bare for the world to see. Just as he lay down onto his towel with his muscular ass exposed to the air he turned his head towards Greg and watched him as he walked away. Before he could get too far though he then smiled and sat up, cupping his hands like a microphone before he shouted out.

"Oh, and Happy Easter mate!"


One shopping spree, a gym membership and a few more gawking looks later. Greg finally made it back to his apartment later that day with a sack full of new clothes that would properly fit his new size. He had also opted to buy himself a little bit more... "Revealing" underwear that would fit his larger body more comfortably. Including a bright red speedo that showed off his package nicely.

"When you have the body for it, why not show it off?" he thought to himself with a cocky grin as he stripped out of his tightly fitting shorts and threw them into the laundry basket along with his new clothes.

Stretching out for a moment he let out a yawn as he looked out the window to encroaching twilight in the distance. His apartment had a great view that looked directly out into the water, and he could see a few shapes in the distance as they made their way across the beach. That guy Frank must have been right about that place being a great place to cruse, it was private, secluded and out of the way so that they wouldn't bother anyone. He even considered going back there again tomorrow to sunbathe and see how many guys would ask to suck his dick...

Greg paused at that last thought, and then shook it out of his mind.

"I'm starting to get such an ego..." he said to himself as he lay down on his bed and turned on the TV.

The news channel was still decked out in Easter decorations, and the little kangaroo still sat in the corner of the screen next to the channels insignia. The news was more or less the same as before, an accident in the CBD, a robbery out west, and some news about the government's recent decisions. Greg didn't pay any mind to most of the stories until one in particular caught his attention.

"And tomorrow is Easter! Where the Easter Roo goes out and hides eggs for the little boys and girls to find. This year though we are having a special hunt right in the heart of the CBD where one special kid might find an egg with a special surprise inside! So get ready kids and grab your baskets!"

The image then shifted to a man standing next to a large kangaroo munching on a carrot he must have been given during the course of the shoot. The creature stood tall and proud, but in his eyes was a simple innocence as he happily munched on the treat that he was given.

Greg chuckled at the sight of the massive beast before he turned off his TV and let out another yawn as he stretched out across his bed, which was barely able to contain his increased size. He considered starting up some laundry and maybe playing some more games until he felt like heading to sleep. But his body still felt so alive and full of energy and he could begin to feel his newfound ego beginning to grow, urging him to show off his masculinity to any who would watch.

That same feeling also directed his blood towards his cock once again and it wasn't long after that he was sporting his full 14 inch slab of meat. Thinking for a brief moment about how he knew what happened before when he started jacking off like last time, he could hardly resist the temptation to wrap his huge hands around his equally massive meat.

Slowly he began to jack off, just as he had done so many times earlier that day. He shut his eyes briefly, imagining himself with some attractive woman or having several women fawning over his massive size. Rubbing their tits along his shaft, licking and sucking on his nipples...fingering and fucking his hole.

That last thought suddenly sent a jolt of pleasure through his body and Greg's cock throbbed in response to the thought of anal play. Soon then he began to stroke faster and faster, the thought of people playing with his hole shifting from beautiful women to handsome men. Men as big as him with cocks larger than his own rubbing the tips of their member's right at the entrance to his insides while they dangled their own cocks right above his face. Teasing and taunting him and driving him wild as they licked and sucked his member with a skill that no woman could ever replicate. Then, the sudden feeling of being penetrated rocked through Greg's body and caused him to let out a moan of pleasure. However, it wasn't long after that initial feeling he felt a sense of discomfort that sent him out of his lust filled haze. Checking his surroundings, he finally realised that he had taken his free hand and began fingering himself. Greg blinked slightly as he slowly began to withdraw his fingers, but every single second he pulled out sent a wave of pleasure through his body. By the time he had taken them the whole way out, he felt a strange sense of emptiness. His cock then began to grow soft, the orgasm high beginning to wane as the fire in his groin began to cool.

He didn't want it to stop. It just felt too damned good...

Slowly and cautiously, he inserted his index finger back into his hole, sending a shiver down his spine once again and stroking the flame inside him once more. His member shot back up to its full length again and Greg could feel the pleasure from earlier returning. He kept pressing onward after that, pushing more of his finger inside himself with little effort as his cock throbbed in his grip and began to leak a fountain of pre. Soon though his finger had reached its limit and he could press it no further. It was then though he slowly withdrew, the same tingling pleasure of being finger fucked shooting across his body until that same emptiness began again as he was all the way out. But that void was soon filled as he added another finger, sending another jolt of pleasure down his spine as he began to build up a steady rhythm of fucking himself and jerking himself off. He continued this process for a few moments, working himself up until he could hold three fingers. Although when he tried to work himself up to four, he found the positioning awkward and uncomfortable. But he still wanted more; he was so close to the edge and was building up such a massive load that he had to keep on going.

It was then he finally noticed a colourful looking Easter egg sitting right there on his bedside table.

Throwing all notion of sense to the wind, he picked up the egg, realising that in fact it was made of a dense rubber, almost like one of those roped balls he had heard about in those creepy porno films. He then brought the egg towards his hole, pressing the object into him with little resistance before the egg popped inside him with little effort.

But that brief moment where the egg entered him was all that it took.

Even with both of his hands occupied, his cock surged and let out a massive load that shot clear past Greg's head, before coating his entire hairy chest in a lake of his own cum.

Greg was in complete ecstasy, barely able to make out a single moan as the egg vibrated inside of him and his cock coated him in a torrent of his own cum. Soon his own sperm began to leak down the sides of his muscular body, but the shots upon shots of his own spunk didn't stop for a few moments after. Greg had lost count after the first few shots, but once the high finally wore off he realised that he must have been going at it for a whole minute.

As he lay there, gasping for breath and basking in the afterglow of the most intense orgasm of his life, Greg looked up towards the ceiling in a daze.

He laid there for nearly half an hour, the high still rocking his body and the remainder of his cum soaking his sheets with his spunk. Finally though he was able to pull himself from his daze and sit up, letting out a whoop of accomplishment as he looked back to see how far he had shot and how much he had produced. His balls felt swollen and sore after such an exercise and Greg would have sworn that they looked even larger than before. He then began to clean himself up as he had done before. But after it became apparent that he could never remove it all before it began to stick to his chest hair, he took a quick shower to wash out what remained.

As he stepped out from the shower, he failed to realise the egg that was still crammed up inside him had suddenly disappeared. Thinking though that it must have come out in the shower, Greg paid it little mind as he began drying himself off as he approached the balcony.

Night had already begun to set, and he could see small bon-fires being set up along the sea shore. Down below he could see a few people walking up and down the streets, but for the most part it seemed that the party was out on that same beach he had visited before.

Greg smiled as he looked out towards the water, wondering just what sorts of stuff they were doing out there. Until suddenly he got a wicked idea and grinned as he went back inside, grabbed his new speedo and a towel and made his way out the door.


It was unusually warm that night.

Normally at this time of year, things began to cool down. It was usually almost cold enough to warrant a jacket. But Greg was naturally a warm person so he never really needed to use one unless it was really cold.

Not like any of his old jackets would fit him now.

Clad only in a bright red speedo, Greg made his way down the trail towards the bonfires where he saw groups of men gathered around. They all seemed fairly young, and all of them fairly fit. He noticed a few wearing shorts and a few others wearing more revealing swimwear. But every once in a while he saw someone stand up and move from one bon-fire to the next, naked as can be.

However no one seemed to pay them any mind and everyone else just relaxed around the fire. Talking, drinking and laughing with one-another under the clear night sky as the nearby waves of the ocean roared in the background.

As Greg approached the centre of the bonfires, he caught a few guys checking him out. A few of the more lewd looking ones even groped themselves through their swimsuits, or even grabbed a hold of their cocks and gave them a playful stroke.

Greg smiled at the attention and felt his ego grow. But the tightness he was feeling in his trunks was also becoming uncomfortable. He paused for a brief moment to re-adjust himself more to the side, but that only lead to a clear outline of his cock through the fabric that barely contained his massive meat.

"Well well...what do we have here?"

Greg turned his head towards the familiar voice and saw himself face to face with Frank, standing proudly naked with an erection of his own with a small crowd of men looking up from where they were sitting.

"Didn't think I would see you out here again mate...but I gotta admit, the scenery is what usually brings people back." He said with a smug grin as he pulled his arms back, flexing them almost tauntingly as his cock throbbed in front of him.

"Ye...yea I suppose. I mean I didn't have anything else to do tonight and I thought I could come check out what was going on down here." Greg said shyly, although the growing stain in the side of his speedos betrayed his real feelings.

Frank chuckled as he turned around and sat down on a nearby log. He then turned back to face Greg and patted the empty spot next to him.

Greg gulped slightly in nervousness as he began to approach, watching the hungry eyes of the other men surrounding him eye him like he was a piece of meat. As he sat down though, a few of the nearby men introduced themselves and began to strike up a conversation. A few of them asked where he was from and how they liked his accent. Some even asked to feel him up a little bit, but Greg politely refused to their disappointment. But after a few minutes the sexual tension slowly began to wane and Greg began enjoying himself. Someone even threw him a beer and he began joining in on the conversations and laughing alongside the other men.

"See? We aren't that bad." Frank said next to him as he sipped his own beer and smiled.

Greg smiled and nodded as he let out a laugh and placed an arm on Franks shoulder.

"Ya-know man. Honestly I thought you guys were going to rape me or something. But now that I'm getting to know you guys, you're all right!' Greg said with a smile as he took another swig of his beer.

"It's not rape if you're willing mate..." said Frank with a grin.

Greg laughed at the comment and a few of the other man quickly joined in. The night then continued onward with little incident as the boisterous laughter began to wear down and Greg began to notice how some of the nearby men were getting awfully close to one another.

Soon then after, one after another some of the men excused themselves. Always paired with another or sometimes in small groups. The camp suddenly then began to grow very quiet until it was only Frank and Greg sitting around their bonfire alone.

"Heh, looks like everyone else has gone off to have some fun." Frank said with a smile as he took one final sip from his beer before throwing it off into the collection bag nearby.

" said this was a cruising spot though right? And they were all guys..." Greg said as he took another sip of his own beer.

"They all probably went back home, or they are in the bush fucking like jack rabbits." Said Frank with a grin as he reached down to idly stroke his own persistent erection.

"Uhh huh...well...umm...can I talk to you about something?" Greg asked shyly.

"Sure mate, ask away."

Greg gulped slightly and took a deep breath before he turned to face Frank. It was then he finally began to really notice how well built the other man was and how sexy looking his tattoos and necklace looked on him. He almost looked like some sort of island surfer, his skin even looked the classic bronzed look and he sported a massive "board" right in front of him.

"My eyes are up here mate..." said Frank with a grin as he stroked his meat once again, practically making Greg's mouth water.

"I...I...err...right!" Greg said as he snapped himself out of his daze and looked up at the man in front of him.

Frank chuckled and smiled, reaching his arms back to stretch once again and nearly sending Greg once again into a horny stupor. But he was able to hold onto himself just barely so that he could get the words out of his mouth.

"I...umm...have been having some thoughts lately...and they aren't the kind of thoughts that I've had before." He said shyly as he reached down to adjust himself once again now that his erection was starting to show itself.

"I've been fanaticising about...other guys and stuff. And it feels a lot better than any other time I've thought about a woman before." He continued.

Frank nodded and smiled as he placed a hand on Greg's shoulder.

"If you want a blow job, all ya gotta do is ask." He said with a grin.

"What?!? Wait no! I mean I don't know what's going on and I'm kind of freaked out by it all and..."

Suddenly then Franks finger met Greg's lips, silencing the babbling muscle head as Frank stood up, his cock inching dangerously close to Greg's face before he stood in front of him with his hands on his side.

"Look, you're never really going to know until you try. So unless you want to live life wondering "what if" how about you just let me show you what it's like playing for the other team."

Slowly then Frank began to lean down, and for a brief moment he stole a kiss from Greg before he moved down and began to pepper his chest with small light kisses before he moved down to his barely covered groin.

Greg shivered in pleasure as the other man teased him, looking down onto Frank him as he looked up before he pulled back the front waistband of his speedos and let his hefty erection loose into the night air.

Frank stared at the slab of meat with a hungry gaze before he gave Greg once final look. Greg seemed scared and somewhat nervous looking down at the man who was just about to give him his first blowjob. But the growing arousal he felt stifled his fear as he nodded his head in approval.

Frank smiled as he then opened his mouth and took in as much of the other man's cock as he possibly could. Greg moaned in response as the more experienced man licked and suckled on his pole while he reached down and began to stroke his own meat while he worked.

The two men then sat there for some time, one moaning loudly into the night sky while the other pleasured him, while the other knew full well what was to come next and embracing it fully.

Unknown to Greg, his changes began to flare up again in full force, but he was too enraptured by the expert's blowjob to pay any mind to what was happening. Down below him, Frank began to change as well, his ears lengthening out into long furry extensions covered in sandy brown fuzz while his body began to coat itself in the same fur at a rapid pace.

Greg himself also was going through a similar change as his ears slowly moved to the top of his head while they lengthened out and were coated in a dark black fur to match his own ebony colored hair. The same fur then began to appear along his neck, moving downwards towards his chest and growing along his sides. Frank saw this and smiled even with his growing muzzle stuffed full of the changing man's cock as his back began to extend and a large bludge grew from his backside. Forming a thick and powerful tail meant for balance before it was coated in the same brown fur that was coating his entire body.

Even with the pleasured feelings rocking across his body, Greg began to feel the slightest feeling of discomfort as his ass began to ache. He opened his eyes for a brief moment so that he could see where the pain was originating from. But that was when he saw the two massive ears that his partner now sported, along with the long, thick tail he now sported from his backside.

Greg let out a surprised gasp and a whimper before suddenly he heard a loud rip come from his backside to reveal his own growing tail. He let out a loud moan as he felt the extension as it grew along the sands, before it was covered in a hide of dark black fur. Greg then turned his attention back to the man in front of him to demand some sort of explanation before he realised that he was a man no longer.

His face was much longer than before and more animalistic. His nose ended in a wet black end like a dogs but he had the similar shape to that of a kangaroo. The rest of his body had also changed, with his size increasing dramatically and his legs having shifted and grown thick with muscle that was supported by two massive clawed feet.

Greg screamed and the beast pleasuring him looked up and saw the fearful expression in the man's eyes. Suddenly breaking away, the kangaroo man stood up, his own erection now dwarfing the size of Greg's own as he smiled a cocky grin down at the smaller human.

"G'day mate." He said in a familiar voice that Greg instantly realised was Franks.

Greg didn't say another word as he bolted upward and tried to run away. But the familiar feeling of a head rush suddenly racked his mind and he felt himself loosing balance. But without anything to grip onto, Greg began to fall down towards the log he had been sitting on. But before he landed, the massive hands of the kangaroo behind him caught him and gently lowered him down.

"Whoa, easy there mate." He said before he leaned down and lifted the changed man's tail and began examining his hole.

"Get...get away..." Greg moaned before suddenly another wave of changes washed over him and soon his body began to expand and the black fur covering his body began to compensate.

"Easy there mate it's almost over...just got to lay back and enjoy it." The kangaroo man said as he watched Greg's thighs plump up and his feet began to grow larger and larger.

Greg tried to let out another form of protest, but all that came out was a pleasured moan as the fur began to make its way down his changing legs. From all appearances it seemed that Greg was not too far off from becoming a kangaroo just like the man holding him. A few grey streaks had already formed into his fur across his arms and legs, giving him some unique patterns. The fur had also even enhanced his chest fur even more, giving it a grey border on the outer rim while making the areas where it once stood thicker and softer than the rest of his hide.

As the fur finally finished coating everything below his neck, it then began to work its way back up, slowly creeping up his face as his bones and facial structure began to change.

A few more pops, a twist and a change soon set the final pieces in place. Finally then with a loud gasp Greg's muzzle had completely formed and his changes where complete.

"There ya go...all finished up my little joey..." Frank said with a grin as he moved Greg's tail to the side and positioned his own pointed member at the entrance to his hole.

The brown roo then laid down on the newly changed roo as if to comfort him and hold him close to his body, but his pointed member still was right at the entrance to the changed man's hole and was ready to penetrate him.

"You wanna finish this? You wanna see what comes after?" Frank said softly as he reached up with one hand and gently rubbed the new kangaroo's ears.

Greg mumbled underneath him, but the moment he began rubbing his ears he made out a pleased sound and a relaxed smile was plastered onto his new muzzle. Frank took that as a good of a response as any as he sat back up and readied himself.

Already leaking a steady stream of pre after the arousing experience, Frank was already lubed up and ready to go as he slowly slide himself into Greg. The new kangaroo let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden feeling of the other roo's cock as it began to enter him. But soon that surprise was replaced by a pleasured moan as he smiled and muttered something underneath his breath. Frank then continued to push more and more of himself into Greg, exciting more pleasured moans from the black kangaroo as his own member began to throb with need.

Slowly pushing himself in and slowly pushing himself out, Frank worked up a good pace, speeding up slightly much to the other kangaroos pleasure as he fucked him on the log while the fire from the bonfire crackled behind them. Only adding more heat to the already growing passions the two felt.

After a little while though, Frank paused and Greg lifted his head and looked back at the other roo in confusion before his entire world was turned upside down and he was then sat onto a nearby towel, looking directly up into the stars and the handsome kangaroo above him.

Frank then continued his work, using his powerful legs to help him thrust harder and deeper, causing Greg to moan out in pleasure as his own pointed cock stood out proudly from its sheath in need. The other roo saw this and smiled wickedly as he put the other roo's legs over his shoulders and used his free hands to tease and stroke the kangaroos changed shaft.

As the two continued though, the men from earlier slowly began to make their way back to the camp. Although now most of them were not the same men they once were before. All of them, coated in sperm and sand were now kangaroo men like the two they observed fucking before all of them. Soon a crowd began to gather round the men and Frank finally noticed them. Smiling cockily he raised up a fist in pride and the other men cheered in approval. It was then that Greg finally saw the other men slowly approaching and also noticed that they were not the only beasts on the beach.

The surrounding men began to hoot and holler, some of them even stroking their own cocks to the spectacle and some of them even trying to approach to join in the fun. But the others kept the more excited members of the group at bay while Greg and Frank continued their love making.

Frank let out a loud moan as he began to pummel Greg's hole faster and faster, and the other Kangaroo enjoyed every moment of the rough treatment as he felt his own orgasm beginning to build. But just as he felt himself drawing close to the edge once again, his world shifted once again as Frank lifted him up and sat him on all fours while still speared onto his cock.

Greg could then finally see the entire group of roo's as they watched him being taken like a new bitch. Most of them were already jacking off to the spectacle, and he even saw a few who were mimicking the doggy style position he now found himself in. Greg felt a strange sense of pride at watching all of his brother see him get filled by Frank, as well as a sense of his ego growing because he somehow knew this meant that there would be others who would now be clamouring to fill him or be filled by him. Greg then smiled cockily as he thrust his hips back into Frank's groin, exciting a moan out of the kangaroo as he pummelled his hole harder and faster than before until he finally shouted out.

"I'm cumming!"

The brown roo then thrust into him a few more times, prodding Greg's prostate over and over again until finally he let loose a flood of his own cum deep inside Greg. This sent Greg over the edge as well as he shot out his own load all over the towel beneath them and down into the sands surrounding them.

The roo's surrounding them cheered and Greg gasped for breath from the intense experience. He could feel Frank as he lay down onto his back, pulling him in for a hug but still keeping his cock lodged deep inside of him.

"Well're in...welcome to the brotherhood of the Easter Roo's."



Another day, another hour long train ride. But at least now he had something to look forward to when he got home.

Greg slowly made his way down the platform, working his way past the normal path he made for his apartment and towards the nature trail that lead to the beach. He had begun making a habit of bringing a gym bag along with him to work to store his clothes when he came out here so that they didn't get coated in sand...or other things.

As he made his way past the first stretch of the road, he reached the point where he knew that no one else could see him from the main road. Ducking into the bush, he quickly stripped out of his tightly fitting suit and stepped out of his uncomfortable dress shoes and socks. Slowly pulling down his pants, one could see a bright red speedo that he was sporting underneath along with a rather thick erection that was outlined through the fabric.

In the distance, Greg could hear the cry of his friends out on the shore. Probably already started without him and already getting in their evening work out. He then shucked his speedos and stuffed his clothes into his bag before hiding them in his usual spot before he stood up and exposed himself to the fresh salty air.

He then began to feel the familiar tingle of his changes as they began to set in as well as the increased libido that came with it. He then began to slowly walk towards the beach before he began a light jog. That jog led to a run that run lead to a sprint, and soon the sprinting became hopping as he bounded across the brush towards the seaside where he could see some other kangaroos already running up and down the sea shore.

It may be a few months away and he was introduced to this all a little too late to be a part of the last scramble. But this year he knew he was ready.

He knew that the Easter roo's would have another member on their team.