Can’t Go On Thinking Nothing’s Wrong

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#63 of Hockey Hunk Season 5


Hello and welcome to the Hockey Hunk!

This may come as a bit unannounced, but this is the season finale of this season of The Hockey Hunk - but we shall be back on next Monday with the first chapter of Season 6! Why? Because this one's been going along for quite some time, and with a new season comes a sense of new adventure...hence...a very short break ,and then, the next season of the Hockey Hunk! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and believe me, there will be more...a lot more tuned, and enjoy this instalment!

Cheers to you all!



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"...who's gonna pick you up...when you fall...who's gonna hang it up...when you call..."

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Ah to be young and in love...or at least to be in love...

"You should hire this Jacob Holden to DJ a slow dance night at your club," I chuckled into Demetrius' sweet-smelling ear.

The otter giggled.

"I'd need to install a safety cordon around him," the otter smirked.

"Bodyguards," I said, "lots of them."

"With harnesses," the otter licked his lips, his eyes flashing.

"You're awful!" I declared happily.

"I know! It's what I do!"

"...Who's gonna plug their ears...when you scream..."

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My brother was leaning onto the counter when I reached the kitchen. His face seemed a bit glossy...yep...he always got sweaty when he was drinking, and this seemed no exception. He was clutching a bottle on his paw even now.

"HEEEEY BROTHER!" the one with the lop-sided leather cap on his head told me with a waggy-tailed grin.

"How about you take a break and have a soda instead?" I pointed at the beer and looked at him indignantly. "Otherwise I'll be putting you to bed or something before the night is through."

My brother looked offended.

"I can handle myself! Why do you keep telling me to stop drinking when I'm not even drrrruunk?"

Yeah, right.

"Just how about you just eat something and sit down? You've been bouncing around all night!"

"Well I am the host am I?" Cobb grimaced. "I've been trying to make sure that everyone is having a great time!"

"Do you think everyone is having a good time?" I suggested.

"Shuuuuure, why not?" my brother slurred. "Rory's friends are dancing and you and Rory are making out in the corner when I'm not looking and totally don't WANT to look either mind you and Peter is making friends with Tate so everyone's happy eh?"

I glanced over at the table where Rory had just joined the cougar and the fox while I'd come to see what Cobb was up to, and I couldn't really tell from Tate's expression whether he was actually enjoying himself or not. He looked more uncomfortable than anything else, at least to me.

"Yeah, right," I said.

"So what's your problem then?" my brother pointed his ears at me, so swiftly that it almost made his cap flip off his head. "Not getting enough making out time because I'm too busy making sure you're having fun?"

I wouldn't even go there. Telling him that we weren't making out was only going to make him more certain that we'd spent every moment of the party with out tongues down each other's throats while he wasn't looking, because looking at that is icky. Now if only this Nicholas guy and his buddy would start making out and give Cobb some of his own long as they didn't try actually kissing Cobb. We all knew how that turned out when Tate tried that trick on him.

That was too funny still, though, even if Tate had gotten so much pain over it. Really felt for him like that. If ever there was a case of going for the wrong guy...and we'd all done that...I sure had.

I just shook my head.

"You should take a breather," I told him, "and really, Miller's Light?"

I pointed at his beer bottle and left before he'd have the time to reply.


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"... you can't go oooon...thinking...nothing's wrong...who's gonna rive you home...tonight?"

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I sat down next to Peter on the dining table and flashed my best friendly smile at both him and the surly fox who was disbelievingly staring at the dancing duo of Nicholas and Demetrius.

"Hi, guys!" I said.

"Hello, Rowreeh," Peter rumbled while nodding in my direction, briefly.

"Hmhh," the fox nodded, too.

Dang. He didn't sound like he was having very much fun. He wasn't even drunk, as far as I knew, unlike the drunken grumblings of Cobb I could hear from the kitchen nearby, where Victor was confronting his brother.

"Was the food nice?" I asked as cheerfully as I knew how to.

"Quite, thank you, Rowreeh," Peter said.

"How about you, Tate?" I made the question direct and in his face. He looked at me awkwardly.

"Yeah, quite."

"Cobb's quite the chef," Peter rumbled. "I'm positively full!"

"Well that's good," I smiled, knowing he didn't always eat enough, at least not in my opinion.

"Did he show any culinary talent when you knew each other?" Peter posed the question at Tate.

The fox's tall ears flicked. He really looked surprised.

"He only liked eating a lot," he mumbled.

"I bet he did," Peter murmured, sounding quite the hungry cat, and surely on purpose, too.

Was this night bringing the catty bitch out of all of us? It seemed so to me.



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I closed the door carefully and then tiptoed back into the living room.

"Yep, he's out," I told to Rory, whom was sitting on the armchair, looking a bit tired by now, considering the hour, but comfortable. That was nice. It was very nice.

"Are you sure?" he murmured.

"I think the term would be...'passed out', I think," I smiled.

"Well after all he drank..." Rory snuffled.

"It looked like he was going to try to finish it all off, yeah," I mused with a bit a of a cringe.

"And almost managed," Rory observed dryly.

"Heheh," I chuckled.

"I'm not sure your friend Tate enjoyed the party too much," he said.

"I don't think so either," I huffed as I sat onto the armrest of the couch so that I was facing Rory, "I suppose we could've done better."

"Maybe we were too busy keeping Cobb at bay," Rory said.

"Yeah," I said, scratching my muzzle, "maybe...have to think of something else to do to cheer that guy up."

"I just hope that Peter didn't offend him somehow," he said, "I know he can be a bit much, too."

"Maybe we were all a bit much to him," I said, "he doesn't seem to be all too comfortable with himself."

"It's not easy for everyone," Rory nodded. "And with all the other baggage he's got on his back..."

"Much for one man," I stretched my paws over my head and let out a deep sigh, as I let myself to finally relax a bit.

"Maybe too much," Rory mused.

I dropped back onto my paws, stepped closer, and reached out.

"It's time," I said.

"Hmmm?" Rory's ears perked curiously.

"I promised you a dance," I told, "Let's do it before we drop like Cobbs."

He looked at me, and I smiled.

"Come on."

He got up, and I took his paw, leading him over to the part of the living room floor that had acted as the dance floor earlier for Rory's friends. We weren't wearing any leather caps now, though.

"Just a sec," I told him as I went over to the CD player, to put on a track. The music started to play, and as I turned to face Rory, he looked surprised.


"Another of Cobb's picks?" he stated.

I smiled as I stepped close...really close...and put my arms around him.

"He might've taken my music for the mix he did for the party," I confessed.

Rory quirked his brow.

"You dog..." he smiled.

"...if you don't know me by now..."

"Uh huh," I smiled, nuzzling his cheek.

We swayed.

"...all the things that we've been through..."

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"It's not bad," he said.

"It shouldn't be, it's the 80's," I replied.

"Do you both have an 80's music taste?"

"If you don't know me by now," I replied, deadpan.

He snuffled.

I kissed him, really softly, and let it linger for as long as we wanted to.

"I hope to," he said.

"Me too," I replied.

And we swayed some more.


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Dancing with a handsome Dobie might've been fun, and snuggle-dancing was even more so, too, and it probably wasn't a surprise that we soon ended up in the bedroom. Things got cosy quite quickly...very good with our warm bodies colliding with a gentle thump. There was...warmth in the air indeed, but we let it burn slowly.

"What should we do?" the Doberman pinning me to onto the bed questioned me with calm, warm eyes.

"What do you have in mind?" I whispered, well aware that a paw was playing with the collar of my shirt.

"We could fool around," he said.

I chuckled a little.

"Are we still on the eighties?" I said. "Fool around?"

"Alright, alright," he rumbled...yes...sexily, "have hot man-sex?"

Rory Junior seemed to agree, sandwiched between our bodies.

"I won't argue with that," I rumbled, "what do you want to - "

He silenced me with a kiss, a long one, that left me suitably breathless.

"Just stay put," he told me.

"Yessir," I replied, because indeed, it sounded like a command, even if he probably didn't mean it to...but still...yes...Dobie...

He slid down my body, and soon my belt was undone, and then there was a great tug and a wriggle of my ass and...

"Hmmm..." he was sniffing around my groin, now, the feeling hot and strange at the same that created a sense of anticipation in my quivering loins.

Well...poetic poetic...I suppose that was the essence of it...Victor's poetry of licking over my shaft, though...hhnnnnngh...


It's like he'd found a delicious piece of steak or something...all the way to the nibbling while he teased my balls...then his chin fuzz on that sensitive place where my sheath had retracted and my bare flesh poked out...making me gasp. I tried to keep it quiet so as to not to raise any further attention, biting my teeth together.

"I think I know just what to do..." Victor whispered.

Did he have to tell me? And say that just before he angled me and took me extra slowly into his suckling warm muzzle. His tongue made swirls...his lips made suckling motions...his fingers fondled and tugged...


I was soon panting softly, the room filling with the noises of my breathing, and soft, slippery sounds. It sounded sexy, though, and he had me going alright, my tail batting against his thick thighs while he slowly but...yes...hungrily went down on me.


Soon it was getting very good indeed...very warn...he had me...going...going...


I bit onto my arm and he knew what has happening, of course he did, his paws clasped on my hips while the bucked and I did what men do, all over his slithering tongue while he gulped it all down and left me like an oozing puddle on the bed. Victor soon roused me by crawling on top of me and sharing a rather funky-flavoured kiss.

"Wow..."I mused afterwards, sniffing the air around our muzzles afterwards while throbbing contently...indeed.

"How about you return the favour?" Victor's eyes were gleaming as he looked down to me. "I'm pretty pent up now."

He licked his lips, and damn if that wasn't sexy or what.

"Isn't it only fair?" I smirked.

We both chuckled dirtily, kissed a bit, and felt each other up, until we were both worked up again, at least especially me, since I had to recharge, and he even more knotted up, so to speak.

"Let's do it the proper way," I told him, then, grinning up to the big lug of a Dobie on top of me, "stand up."

He looked at me for a bit, but then he obliged...standing up indeed...all big and nice and...and hell if I didn't kneel down in front of him, panting a bit still as I pawed on the bulge on his crotch me slut, but I sniffed it too.

"Hmmmm..."I mused.

"Hhhhhh..." ... Victor went.

I unpacked him and he flopped out gorgeously, if I had to put any words to it and like always in my experience, he was a mawful...but I had eager paws and nimble fingers and what wasn't in my muzzle was under my expert grip and fondle while he stood there, letting out those sexy noises of pleasure and allowing me to do this most delicate thing on him.

He let me mind my own business, too, he was polite like that. Nothing kills the mood like someone grabbing your ears and just trying to pump it in...he was gentle...he let me play...and I did, suckling on his Dobie sausage and gripping his knot until he couldn't help but threaten my ears like the way I mentioned...but he was cool about that, too, nothing I couldn't handle...

"Returning the favour?" I told him during a brief gasp for breath before I went back to it, slip-slopping back and forth and licking his blunt, leaking tip until he almost barked out...and I knew that...yes...with a little more of a squeeze on his big, pulsing knot, I experienced a veritable...well...gush.

"Bleh," I made a sound.



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Hmmpphph...something was nudging me...warm and nice and squirming...hmm...Rory...looking for some night-time seconds? We'd gone to bed while cuddled he was shuffling closer nice...I smile to myself a little as I swung my arm over him and leaned closer, nuzzling into his neck.

"Hmmmmmm..." I rumbled as I smelled him.

"Victor?" I heard Rory speak.

"Uuhrrhrhrh..." someone said.


I opened my eyes and realized that the neck I'd been about to kiss was not covered in thick mane but in very smooth, sleek furs, and the body underneath me was way too large to be Rory.

"VICTOR!" now that was Rory again.


"EUUUUUUUUUUUUURGH!" the shape in front of me bellowed.


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That was no Victor.


Well, that's it, folks! See you on Monday with Season 6 and all that entails! I hope to see all of you there to enjoy what I have in store for you all! : )
