A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 2

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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#6 of The Endless Void; Book One: A Multitude of Stars...

We were shrouded in darkness as the ceiling of Enterprise Hall dimmed completely. I felt Natalie clutch my arm, but I didn't acknowledge her. I suppose it might have seemed callous, but I didn't care. There was a low murmur from the students in the hall. A bright pillar of light erupted from the center of the stadium suddenly and I had to shield my eyes. The faculty apparently had no problems being overly dramatic. Stars began to fill the darkened ceiling in waves that spiraled out from the pillar of light. A few galaxies also popped up here and there among the sea of pin-head sized lights. One star, larger than the rest, faded into view at the center and familiar looking planets dotted the ceiling outwards.

"Welcome to the Aerospace Exploration Academy Orientation and Introduction Course." A deep, but calm and soothing voice said. "To begin; we are here."

An arrow lit up on the ceiling, pointing at the third planet away from the star. I assumed that the pillar was some kind of projection machine. There was a collection of cheers and applause that filtered around the room. I heard one student yell, "Go Earth!" If there were any faculty present, they ignored the minor outbursts.

"As you all can see, the universe is a very big place. Let's back up a few light years to see a more complete picture."

The arrow stayed with the planet as it sped away from view and a cloudy streak of white arced across the ceiling. Spiral galaxies could be seen in the background, dotting the otherwise black expanse. The arrow was pointing at a small offshoot arm near the middle of the galaxy. The room was silent for a few moments before the surprised gasping began. Joel leaned in next to me; so close I could feel his warm breath on my neck. It sent shivers down my spine and it was all I could do to prevent myself from turning and locking my lips against his in the near darkness.

"Jesus, that's kind of scary, don't you think?" He whispered.

"It's just the galaxy," I whispered, shrugging my shoulders to stop the shivering feeling.

"But look how small we are!" He continued.

I just grunted in response. Natalie still clung to my arm, her jaw hanging open as she stared upwards. I looked down the row we were in to see if anyone else wasn't freaking out. Hadn't these people ever watched the Discovery Channel? I saw a few humans several chairs down and a red haired female gave me a knowing look as she rolled her eyes. Her two friends, both blondes, were hanging off of her arms like scared kittens clinging to their mother's fur. I shrugged in response and shook my head in disappointment. She laughed, making her two friends look up quizzically. If I was straight I probably would have found her attractive. I turned my attention back to the ceiling. I didn't want to give the impression I was interested in her.

"I see many of you are concerned, but don't worry. Most people are awestruck when they stare the universe in the face. We could zoom out further and show you the entire thing, but I think this is far enough for now. Let's take it back to more familiar territory, shall we?"

The ceiling zoomed back in until our solar system was floating above us once again. The audience erupted into excited murmuring.

"Silence, if you please, we have a lot to discuss today and not much time to do it in."

I saw a panel in the central platform slide open and three humans rose up out of the floor, smiling. There were two men and one woman. One of them was holding a wireless microphone.

"Allow me to introduce your introductory class faculty: My name is Paul Sims, advisor for the school of Physics and Piloting;"

The human holding the microphone had silver hair and was wearing a plaid button down shirt and brown khaki cargo pants. He waved and the students applauded with enthusiasm. Natalie even released her vise grip on my elbow to clap. The three humans spread out on the central platform and looked out over all of the eager students.

"This lovely lady is Rebecca Townsend, advisor for the school of Aerospace Technology;"

The woman looked more like a grandmother than a professor. She wore a hand woven shall and a white knit blouse. She had spectacles on and a brown dress that went down to her ankles. Even more students erupted in applause for her.

"And this is Robert Schiller, advisor for the school of Aerospace Communications and Entertainment."

The third human on the platform was dressed similarly to the first in a baggy flannel shirt rolled up to his elbows. He had brown hair and very rugged features with a five o'clock shadow to boot. His blue jeans hugged his legs snugly and I found myself swooning. I applauded along with the other students this time in spite of my previously cool demeanor.

"No professors up there like us..." Natalie mused. I didn't think she was talking to anyone in particular.

"Many of you who have siblings attending already may notice that we are short one faculty member," Sims continued. "I regret to inform you that Professor Caldwell has left the Academy after twenty years with us. Caldwell was one of the foremost pioneers of the Universal Expansion Program and she will be sorely missed."

Sounds of protest erupted around us, booing and hissing emanating from all sides of the auditorium. Natalie and Joel lifted their voices along with everyone else. I just sat in my seat with indifference. Sims held up a hand for silence and eventually, the room quieted down.

"I don't believe this shit!" Joel said angrily next to me, folding his arms over his chest. I doubted he even knew who Professor Caldwell was. I sure as hell didn't.

"We do have a replacement professor who I assure you will do everything in his power to emulate and succeed in Professor Caldwell's efforts to finally getting a class to tour the stars. This new professor graduated from the very prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has an undergraduate degree in Aerospace Studies and a PhD in Extended Space Travel Theory. He is also the first professor ever employed by the Aerospace Exploration Academy of his kind and really an amazing guy. Please give a very warm welcome to Professor James Hugh!"

The whole introduction was made to be a spectacle. I could see it in the way that Sims moved his arms emphatically to put more emphasis behind his words. I could also see it in the way that Joel and Natalie's eyes widened in expectance next to me. I admit it was extremely difficult not to get sucked up in the excitement of the introduction. Another floor panel slid open on the platform and, to everyone's surprise; a young looking lion rose up from beneath. Even I was shocked. He had Joel's build and I was immediately infatuated. His mane was pulled back into a short pony tail behind his head, no doubt to keep it in check. His tan suit jacket was loose on his shoulders, but the sleeves were just the right length. Under it he wore a multi-colored, but primarily red flower-print Hawaiian shirt that was open down to the center of his golden furred chest, underneath the rest of his neatly combed mane. The shirt hung loose over his white, immaculately clean slacks and his brown loafers were shiny as if they had just been polished. He waved sheepishly at the stunned crowd as Sims passed him the microphone.

"That introduction was wholly unnecessary," he said, cracking a smile. He was gorgeous. His baritone and calm voice made the bulge in my pants return with a vengeance. I cursed under my breath and shifted in my seat to try and hide it. A trickle of laughter ran around the audience as Professor Hugh spoke. "I assure you all that I will do all in my power to get at least one of you into space within your five year term with us at the Academy."

Thunderous applause and boisterous cheering echoed through the domed auditorium. The students didn't care who was teaching the courses as long as they had a chance to make it into space. I couldn't help but clap along with them, though. The lion raised his hand for silence and the applause gradually died down.

"Thank you," he said. "But I am curious. By a show of hands, how many of you are interested in the Universal Expansion Program?"

Arms immediately shot skyward all around the auditorium. Virtually everyone was raising their hand. Even one of mine was held aloft in spite of my previous feigning of interest to Natalie. She shot me a sly, accusing look and I ignored her. Hugh seemed taken aback on the platform. The other professors smiled.

"Well that is certainly a lot of prospective students, but I don't blame you at all. The chance to explore the unknown would be a difficult one to pass up. But enough filling you with anticipation, let's get down to business shall we, Rob?"

Hugh handed the microphone to Schiller and the rugged looking human grinned as he spoke.

"Thank you, James. We are going to separate you into groups so that this class won't feel so much like a show. It will also be easier for the four of us to explain each program in more detail to smaller groups. So to start, I would like you all to push the orange button on the back of the seat in front of you. For those of you in the front row, the button is on the short partition instead."

The previously invisible buttons lit up in front of us and Joel, Natalie, and I reached forward in near unison to push them. Panels slid open in the small wall revealing sleek, silver colored laptops held in place by two vertical, black elastic bands. I pulled mine free of the elastic and whistled as I examined it more closely. I could see the FutureTech brand name on the front and I new it was a top of the line machine.

"Fucking BOSS!" Joel exclaimed next to me, obviously ecstatic.

Natalie was silently looking it over in the same manner I had. Excited shouts and murmurs ran around the auditorium. I flipped the computer open in my lap and the screen lit up, giving my ursine features a spooky blue glow.

"If you open your new laptops," Schiller continued, "and follow the onscreen prompts; you will see which group you have been placed into."

Words popped up on my screen. "Please insert your Aerospace Exploration Academy ID card into the card reader slot on the left hand side of the computer," it read. I obeyed, digging my ID card out of my wallet and sliding it into the slot. The computer thought for a split second and then the message on the screen changed.

"Welcome Marcus Dunham. You have been assigned to the Leo Group." I smirked at the group name. It figured that I would be in the same group as my astrological sign. Joel looked at my screen and clapped me on the back excitedly. I flinched at his touch.

"Hey, man! We're in the same group!" I took a furtive glance at his screen and saw that his last name was Tyrden. I filed that information away in my brain for later use if I should need it. Natalie burst into joyous giggles on my other side and I looked over to see what she was laughing about. Her last name was Camden and all three of us were in the same group. Wonderful.

"Hey that's great!" I feigned excitement.

The professors on the platform waited until the excitement in the room died down. It took several minutes. Schiller eventually had to whistle into the mic to get the room to pay attention.

"All of your assignments for tomorrow's class are located in the 'important files' folder on the desktop of your new computer. Now, I will announce where each group will meet tomorrow so pay attention please! Aires group will be meeting with Professor Sims in the Eastern Wing of Enterprise Hall; Taurus group will be meeting with me, Professor Schiller, in the Southern Wing of Enterprise; Scorpio group will be meeting with Professor Townsend in the Northern Wing of Enterprise; and last but certainly not least, Leo group will be meeting with Professor Hugh in the Western Wing of Enterprise."

James Hugh grinned as he looked down at the floor of the central platform, shaking his head. The goofy smile made the lion look even more adorable. Schiller continued.

"If any of you become lost, please ask a fellow student, a professor, or one of the security officers for help. It's better to be late than to not show up at all. Getting lost is not a valid excuse. You are dismissed for now. Tomorrow, though we start getting serious."

The entire auditorium cheered once more as the ceiling slowly became clear once again. Joel, Natalie, and I gathered our new gear and stood to leave.

"What are you two going to do with the rest of the day?" Natalie asked.

I shrugged. I didn't really have a plan so I made something up.

"I might go to the gym later," I said.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Joel chimed in. "I was just gonna sit on my ass in the room, but I'll hit the gym with you, Mark if you're looking for a workout buddy."

I wanted to tell him just how much I wanted him to be my workout buddy. I wanted to tell him exactly what I wanted to do to him in the locker room, the steam room, the sauna, and the showers afterwards. I wanted to tell him that I desired our fur pressing together as we raised our voices in pleasure, our scents and fluids mixing together in muzzle and under tail.

Natalie spoke up before I could respond. "Well if you two want to stop by my room later a few friends of mine from back home in Michigan were going to have a small movie night. We probably won't be watching much since there's class tomorrow morning, but it should still be fun."

"When are you thinking of starting that?" I asked.

"Probably around six or seven," she replied as we started making our way towards the exit at the back of the stadium seating. I looked back, watching the professors as they stepped down off of the platform in the center. They were chatting amongst themselves much like we were.

"Well I like to work out late at the gym," I said. "I don't know when they'll kick us out to close the place up, though."

"Totally sweet!" Joel said. "We are gonna have one kick ass workout, man!"

"Well take my number," Natalie told me as she pulled her cell phone from her purse. "That way you guys can call me when you're done at the gym."

I nodded and copied the rat's number into my phone. She waved goodbye as the crowd swallowed her while Joel and I moved towards another exit.

"This school rocks!" Joel was still surfing the excitement high from the introduction.

"It figures that they made a lion teach the Leo group." I chuckled.

"Oh I totally called that one!" Joel grinned. "So, uh... what do you usually start with at the gym? I'm a torso guy myself."

"Oh I work on everything each time I go."


"Yup. Everything." I put my emphasis on the last word, trying to inject some innuendo into it. Joel wasn't getting it.

"Jesus, man, that's a lot of work. How long do you spend there usually?"

I shrugged as we left the hall and stepped out into the midday sun.

"I've never been to this gym before so I don't know the layout. It might take me longer since it's my first time here. But usually I go for a good four hours. I take longer sometimes depending on my mood or if I'm behind."

I had the cheetah staring at me now to check out the results of my workout plan. I liked the feel of his eyes on me so I didn't look back at him.

"Do you use any... you know... supplements?" He asked sheepishly.

I laughed. "Like protein pills? Fuck no! This is all natural, dude," I said, grinning.

I flexed my arm for him, enjoying his fascination. Damn, if he were gay, he'd be such a muscle whore. The cheetah seemed to notice that he was staring and his face turned deep red as he looked away.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't mean to... uh... I mean-" He scrambled and fell over his words.

"Hey, relax, Joel. I'm not gonna bite you or anything." I grinned at him and playfully gave him a light jab in the shoulder with a loose fist. His stomach growled suddenly.

"Shit, we never ate, did we?" He asked as my stomach turned over angrily as well.

"Yeah we kind of forgot about that this morning... Let's head for the cafeteria then."

He gave me a playful salute, grinning. My stomach fluttered at his show of subservience even though it was a joke. The thought of him calling me "sir" as I made him mine was an enormous turn on for me. My pants became very tight and I shifted my laptop in front of me protectively. Thankfully, Joel was walking ahead of me and didn't notice my sudden embarrassment. The crowd of students shrunk to a trickle and even that split off into smaller groups. A large group of us was approaching the Event Horizon Eatery and Joel and I followed them inside.


I look down at my glowing blue form as I enter the sector of space that is my home within the commune. It was not easy to maintain my composure in the congress and the audience chamber, but in the relative privacy of my quarters I allow my anger to color me deep red. There is nothing physical about my home; just the walls of energy that keep the commune together. Green clouds of space dust block the view into the congress from my home, kept in place by the lines of energy that crisscross the commune like the elements of the web of a plan I had hatched. The entire commune rests inside an enormous gas cloud. The borders are kept solid by the energy manipulated by the fission core in the center of the complex. None still living remembered the construction of the commune or how we came to be sentient. We are little more than space dust ourselves after all. Truly, is anything in this Universe more than a product of space dust? I stop myself from becoming philosophical. My father would have scolded me for thinking such nonsense if he were still living. In any case, it will take a long time to physically travel to Earth. Dreaming my essence there was significantly more efficient, but since I had been bared from that, I have no choice but to leave the commune without the permission of the elders.

Centurion is not my name. It is my classification. I am a researcher by profession but my age designated me a centurion. Much like my sister Eurydice is a comet age class and Zethias is a red dwarf age class. My mother would have preferred my occupation was something less dangerous; possibly a member of the council. I do not agree with her. My father had died trying to find a purpose for our people. Or rather, what we considered death anyway. He had rejoined the cosmos as nothing more than star matter after his experiments had robbed him of his sentience. I will not let his work disappear as he had. I of course will not experiment on myself. That was my father's mistake. I hover in the center of my quarters, planning my route to Earth. The database that supplies the commune with its vast store of knowledge tells me I will need enormous amounts of energy to make the journey without needing to recharge. Luckily several gas giants and stars dot the way. I will need to stop off periodically to ensure I am not left drifting in deep space. For now, stealing small amounts of energy over time from the commune's core would suffice. They shouldn't notice the missing fuel until I am light years away. I turn on my Dreamguard, the metallic orb that hovers next to the green walls, and drift into meditation.


Joel and I made it back to our room at two in the afternoon. We had eaten our fill at the cafeteria and I was eager to work it off as soon as I could. I gently placed my new laptop on the desk and began unbuttoning my uniform shirt as Joel flopped down on his bed. Joel stared at me again as I slid the shirt from my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I smirked at him as if it were obvious.

"I'm getting ready to hit the gym," I said.

"What? Already? But we just ate."

"Exactly. I want to burn off all of the calories that meal gave me."

I unzipped my fly and slid the blue uniform pants down my legs. Joel looked back up at the ceiling as I did. I was hoping he would keep staring. I tossed the uniform into the laundry bag I had brought from home and slipped my briefs off as well. I watched Joel take a sidelong glance before he cringed and looked at his wall.

"Aw, dude! Warn me before you get naked!" He shrieked.

"You didn't have to look," I laughed. "Come on. Get your gym shit together. I want to be out of here by two forty."

I rummaged through the closet to find my black gym shorts, pulling them up my legs quickly. Joel opened his closet as he started taking his uniform off. I watched him strip out of the corner of my eye.

"Dude, are you seriously going to free-ball at the gym?" He asked.

"Psh, yeah," I replied. "I like showing off for the chicks."

It was a blatant lie, but I was hoping Joel wouldn't notice that fact. He laughed. I couldn't tell if it was a serious laugh or a mocking one. He hung his shirt on a hangar and put it back in the closet. He had a beautiful chest. I wanted to jump on him and take him right then and there, but I stopped myself. I pulled a white undershirt over my head as the cheetah slid his uniform off. He was wearing black boxers that were shiny. They were probably made of silk. He put the pants on the same hanger and grabbed a pair of red gym shorts and something else that was white, but I couldn't identify from his closet. Then, to my dismay, he stepped into the bathroom.

"Don't leave without me," he said.

"I won't."

The bathroom door closed behind him. God damn it. I was so close to seeing him naked. There was always the gym showers I supposed. I put on a pair of short socks and my sneakers. I had just finished tying the last one when Joel came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a white t-shirt as well as the red shorts. He quickly put on a pair of sneakers as I grabbed my towel from the bathroom. Joel picked up his towel as well and we left the room. Joel clutched his belly as we walked down the hall.

"Aw man, I ate so much... I'm gonna make myself sick if I work out right now."

"So then stretch first for a while until you can start cardio without puking," I said.

He smirked at me. "How come you don't feel ill, dude? You ate more than me!"

"I'm a bear. We can pack it away better than anyone." I winked. "Seriously, though I've been doing this for a long time. My body's used to it by now."

Joel nodded. We left the dorm building and walked towards the gym. A cool breeze was blowing over the quad and I watched Joel shiver slightly out of the corner of my eye.

"You a warm weather cat?" I asked.

"I'm a cheetah. It kind of comes with the territory." He grinned.

"Yeah I noticed your fur isn't as thick as mine." I looked down at the ground as we walked. "There weren't many cheetahs in my home town. It was mostly humans actually. Middle School and High School sucked for me being practically the only animal in the school system." Being gay hadn't helped either. At least I could talk to my parents about being a bear. My father would have killed and skinned me if he knew I was a homo.

"Jeez, that sucks. Did your parents ever give you the 'why you're different' speech?"

I laughed. "They didn't give me specifics, but I learned about it in grade school. Certain people made genetic altering decisions without thinking about their offspring. But you'll notice I haven't cared enough about it to try and get it reversed."

Joel frowned. "A lot of us don't have the money. We couldn't get it reversed even if we wanted to."

"Do you want to?" I asked. "You've never lived as a human. It might suck more than living like us."

"Oh I'm sure it does suck more." Joel grinned. "I had some human friends when I was younger. I've decided that their problems with who they are about equal mine. I won't ever complain about being a cheetah."

I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't complain; that he was the hottest cheetah I had ever seen, but I didn't. I couldn't. We continued walking in silence towards the recreation center. The building was square, like the dorm buildings were, and looked like a product of the late twenty-first century. It was made of stone or faux stone. Large tinted windows ran the length of the upper floor. I guessed there was some kind of track up there for running. We walked through the sliding doors on the first floor and swiped our IDs through the reader. The inside of the building was painted beige with a linoleum tiled floor and blue stripes running along the walls. It was hideous. We followed the signs to the male animal locker room. It didn't bother me that that the locker rooms were separated. I didn't blame humans for not wanting to watch dogs or cats strip nude. I wouldn't want to watch some of the fat-assed humans I saw at my home gym strip either.

The locker room was fairly empty. There were two other animals inside when we entered. One of them was a thin, gray wolf who was changing into his workout clothes. He had just pulled the shorts up over his rounded ass when we came in. The rest of him was a pleasing sight as well. A patch of white fur rested on his abdomen at the base of his neck. He had a silver stud in his left ear as well. He seemed to ignore us as we found some empty lockers. I took a better look at him as I put my towel in my locker. The wolf's bushy tail protruded from above the waistband of his shorts and it too had a patch of white at the tip. His legs and arms looked built, but it seemed like he should have been working his torso a bit more. He lacked the definition that Joel had on his chest.

I switched my attention to the other animal in the locker room, an older gorilla. This guy looked like he should have been in a wrestling ring. He was slipping off his clothes to jump in the shower and I just barely caught a glimpse of his tiny prick as he turned away. He probably juiced. I shook my head and nodded to Joel who was looking up at me as he re-tied one of his sneakers.

"Ready to start?" I asked as the gorilla turned on the shower and the wolf left the locker room.

Joel just nodded. "Stretches first, right? Got it. Let's go!"

The weight room was more elaborate than I had thought, judging from the outside of the building. I had left Joel in the aerobics and cardio area after I had finished my preliminary stretches. He was still feeling a bit too full, so he had told me to go ahead without him. It was a shame. I had really wanted to watch him lift. Maybe I could have spotted for him too. The room smelled of sweat masked by air fresheners. It was a typical weight room smell. I went about my business for a few hours, finishing several upper and lower body sets on various machines. Then I noticed the wolf from the locker room struggling with a particularly heavy bench press. I sauntered over nonchalantly. If I couldn't have Joel, then this guy would be an adequate substitute. I looked down at him as he struggled to lift the weight, moving my gaze to the multiple disks on either end of the forty pound bar. The wolf's face was a mask of strain and effort, the muscles bunching on his arms and chest as he tried to lift.

"Need some help, buddy?" I asked politely.

The wolf opened a startled eye and gave me a quick once over before nodding emphatically. I moved over to stand at his head, lifting the bar with him until it clanged back into its resting place. The wolf sat up breathlessly.

"Thanks, man. I guess I should try a little less weight next time."

I nodded. "Yeah that would probably be a good idea. If you need a spotter, I'm happy to oblige if you'll do the same for me."

"Sure, that would be great! My regular workout pals ditched me to play video games."

I lifted two of the discs from the bar and put them back in their place on the rack nearby. The wolf laid back down on the bench as I came back. I put both of my hands under the bar, standing behind his head.

"Ready when you are," I told him.

He lifted the bar up and I followed it with my hands, stepping forward so that I was standing practically over his face. It gave him a clear view up my shorts, but he didn't say anything. Excellent. The wolf blushed as he looked up my shorts, trying unsuccessfully to be discrete about it. I smiled down at him as he strained with the weight.

"How many reps do you usually do, buddy?" I asked.

"...eight..." He said as beads of sweat started to form under his shorter fur at his temples.

"Go for ten this time," I suggested.

He kept his gaze upwards and nodded. With each lowering of the bar I squatted a little over his face, bringing my junk close enough for him to smell it without shoving his nose up my shorts. I could tell it was making him hot from the slight bulge in his shorts. As the wolf hit eight lifts, his arms started to wobble.

"Just two more, man. You can do it!"

He gritted his teeth and lifted the bar once more, closing his eyes from the strain.

"Just one more; come on!" I encouraged.

He grunted and put his whole upper body into it, forcing the bar up in one mighty heave. I took it from him and set it down on the metal bars above him as he sat up, panting. He looked at me and grinned. Neither of us needed to say anything. We were both gunning for the same thing. I rubbed my hands together.

"My turn," I said, grabbing the two discs I had removed earlier and putting them back on the bar.

"Are you trying to show me up or something?" He asked, still grinning.

"Not at all. Just going through my regular routine."

"Oh so this is regular for you then?" He was referring to my shorts.

"Every time I go to the gym it is." I said, mischievously.

He stood up from the bench and I took his place, laying down under the heavier bar. I noticed that there was no one else in the weight room and it made me wonder where Joel had run off to, but it was a passing thought. I gripped the weighted bar above me as he took his position at the head of the bench. He smiled down at me as I lifted the weights from the rack above me.

"It's a good thing we have similar routines, huh?" He said as I brought the bar over my head and he copied my previous movements exactly. He was going commando as well and I had a lovely view of his round, grey-furred orbs. They bounced as he squatted with every lift I made. I also had a great view of his puckering tailhole and I wanted desperately to shove my face into his groin. His scent fell over me, natural and woody, like a warm forest breeze. My shorts tented very obviously and he grinned toothily down at me. By rep six, I saw the pink tip of his canine member peeking out of the top of his sheath. He was enjoying this as much as I was. I finished my set at twelve reps and the bar clanked back in place. I sat up, panting slightly as he leaned on the bar.

"You want to go for another set?" I asked him.

"How about we cut the shit and take a few minutes in the sauna or steam room?" He countered.

I was a bit taken aback by his straightforward attitude.

"Er... alright." I chuckled.

I stood up and gestured for him to lead the way. My gaze locked onto his swaying ass as he sauntered out of the weight room with me in tow. We passed the cardio and aerobic area. Joel was nowhere to be seen. I noticed the sunset through a window out of the corner of my eye. Was it that late already? I checked the clock hanging in the hallway. It read four thirty. Where the hell did Joel go? I shrugged and assumed that I would find him back at the room. I could always try to get him to the gym another time. He was probably just shy. The wolf led me into the locker room; which was thankfully empty. Being so close to the gym's closing time, that wasn't too surprising. The wolf tore off his shirt and dropped his shorts as he pulled a towel from his locker. I did the same. We stood naked in front of each other and I had to admit, his torso was actually more built than I had originally given him credit for.

"Sauna or steam?" He asked.

"I like the heat," I said, strolling towards the sauna.

I pushed open the wooden door and chose a spot on one of the wooden benches. He sat next to me as the door closed behind us. The heat wasn't oppressive, but it did make my breath catch in my throat a bit. My nostrils flared at the heat and the smell of baked wood. The air was dry, and that was the way I liked it. Steam rooms always matted my fur in uncomfortable places. As the door hit the jam, the wolf slid out of his towel, stroking himself hard. I smirked as his pink cock slid from his sheath. It was purely canine with a pointed tip and a bulbous shaft. I wondered if that part of him had been a cosmetic choice when his forebears became wolves. I also wondered if he had a knot.

"In a hurry?" I asked.

He just put a hand on my shoulder and pressed down roughly. He was lucky I enjoyed giving head. I sank to my knees in front of him and sniffed at his round balls. That same forest-like scent covered them and I gave them a long, wet lick. A moan escaped his lips and he leaned back against the wall as a spurt of pre dripped down the crown of his cock. I licked the shaft from sheath to tip and inhaled his wolf hood to the base, sucking as I went down. His pre tasted salty, but that's just what I wanted. He whimpered in eagerness and I felt the hot spurts of the smooth liquid hit the back of my muzzle. I swallowed hungrily and let the pointed head of his prick slide into my throat.

"Oh... fuck..." He groaned as I ran my tongue along the underside of his throbbing meat.

My tongue darted around the bulbous part of his shaft and I gasped slightly as his sheath started to thicken. He was knotted after all. He grabbed my head and began thrusting into my muzzle. I growled around the hot, pulsing erection in my mouth and sucked harder. He whimpered and groaned as his knot finally popped free of his sheath. The thing was huge. I couldn't imagine how he fucked with that getting in the way. He shoved his dick down my throat suddenly and the knot pressed against my lips, insisting entry. I wasn't about to let him lodge his length in my throat so I resisted. That seemed to frustrate him and he hunched against my face, trying to get off on just the feeling from his shaft. I contemplated letting him explode in my throat, but I decided that I wasn't in the mood. My hands shot up, grabbing his wrists and forcing them from my head. He looked down at me and "erfed" in surprise. I looked back into his eyes with a look of ice in mine. The previous fire and demanding look evaporated from his. His length slid out of my mouth as I stood up in front of him, my erection tenting the towel I still had around my waist. I held his wrists and moved them both into my left hand, still griping them tightly. He gulped under my stern gaze as I swallowed the last of his deliciously salty precum that I had been rolling over my tongue.

"Take off my towel, puppy. Now."

It was not a request and he knew it. He sat where he was, looking up at me as if cheated, dick throbbing between his legs.

"But I-"

"But!" I said, mocking him. "If you're complaining about your hands, then use your teeth."

"This isn't fair! I-"

"Were you thinking me a submissive bear, then?" I asked, glaring at him. "If you don't get this towel off of my waist, dog, you will regret it. I think we've already established who the stronger one is here."

He looked down at my towel and blushed, leaning forward in obedience as his ears folded back against his head. He grasped the towel in his teeth and pulled back on it. It fell away from me easily, freeing my thick, almost human length. He spat out the towel and looked back up at me, cheeks red and eyes defiant. I ran a finger through the white spot on his chest idly.

"Good boy," I said. "Now get on all fours and relax."

He gawked again.

"But I've never-"

"No time like the present. Get on all fours, puppy. I promise to be gentle if you cooperate."

He looked like he was going to say something else, but his member throbbed incessantly and he reluctantly laid back on the bench, desire winning out over his apprehension. I grinned and released his wrists as he obeyed, climbing up behind him on the bench. I lined up my dripping erection, spitting on it and rubbing my saliva and sweat around the length. The tip of my bear meat pressed gently at his entrance and he whimpered, clenching instinctively. I needed to distract him somehow.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"...uh... Ben." He said, confused.

"Not anymore," I said.


"You're name's Joel now."

The head of my cock disappeared into him as he released the tension on his hole in confusion. He gasped and the clenching came back with a vengeance around my thick rod. I clenched my teeth against the tightness, but held my position. He squirmed on the other end of my cock, whimpering and whining.

"Oh fuck...! Oh god, you're big! Holy shit...!" He shrieked.

I stuffed my towel into his mouth to shut him up. I didn't want to draw too much attention even if it was near closing time. He gurgled into the towel as I shoved another inch into him.

"Shut up, Joel! You love my cock in you, you know it. Fucking relax you pussy."

I felt under him and grasped his still throbbing erection around the knot. He gasped and hunched from instinct making the rest of my cock sink deep into him as he pushed back. My nuts pressed against his and I removed my hand from his dick, pushing down on his shoulders to give myself more leverage. I started slow, just as I had promised him. The wolf below me yelped and moaned into the towel as I began gently thrusting. His tailhole clenched around my pulsing bear hood and I groaned in pleasure. He was deliciously tight. I wondered if Joel was the same way. I sped up my thrusts, leaning down over him until I was fucking him almost straight down. He just gurgled, submitting to my dominant actions completely.

"Are you going to be quieter now?" I asked.

He nodded, tears streaking his face. I wanted to see Joel like that; helpless under me and completely submissive. I removed the towel from his mouth and he gasped softly, grunting every time I hilted inside of him. The wolf's face turned deep red and he reached between his legs to stroke his erection. It made his tailhole clench more rhythmically around my shaft and I groaned in pleasure.

"Oh yes, Joel. Oh that's it, milk my cock, baby."

"F-fuck..." he groaned.

"What was that?" I asked.

"F-fuck me! Oh god, I'm gonna shoot soon..."

I pounded his ass with violence now, trying to get him off, but also trying to reach climax as well. He whimpered a little louder as I roughly mated him, but I no longer cared how loud he was. I fell onto him, clutching him around the chest as my torso pressed against his back. My cock went deeper into him in that position and I bit his shoulder dominantly. He yelped suddenly and blushed as his tailhole contracted tightly around my dick. I continued pounding him savagely as he unloaded his spunk below him. I heard it fall to the wood with loud plops. He must have had really thick seed. After a few moments of being tense and my savage thrusts he collapsed under me. I continued fucking him, though. I wasn't going to stop until I had filled his sweet ass with my own juice. He softly whined under me as I ravaged him. My own nuts drew up close to the base of my throbbing shaft and I released his shoulder from my teeth.

"Oh shit, Joel... Oh fuck I'm gonna fill you!" I growled into the wolf's ear.

My cock erupted inside of him as I buried it to the base, my twitching nuts pressed tightly against his. He panted under me as I shot rope after rope of my sticky, white seed into his clenching passage. I slid my still shooting member from his tight hole making him groan in protest. The last few thick strings of my cum shot over his used ass as I sat back on the wooden bench. My dick throbbed as I slowly stopped panting, the heat of the room seeping into my tired muscles. I grabbed the towel, his towel, and wiped off my still rigid bear cock. I took my towel from him as I threw his over his head.

"I'll be in the shower," I said coldly.

He stirred under the sticky towel and pulled it off of his head as I opened the door.

"Wait...!" He said.

I turned to look at him in the doorway.

"You... you didn't even tell me your name..." He was clearly shaken up as any normal person would be. He had expected to be on top. He also probably never expected that he would like being on the bottom.

"You're right. I didn't," I said as I walked out of the door and into the showers.

He didn't follow me out of the sauna. He was probably thinking about our coupling. I wondered if he would talk to security about it. Not much they could do without a name, though. There were enough bears on campus that I felt secure. I doubt he would tell security anyway because he probably felt guilty about liking my thick rod throbbing against his prostate. I grinned to myself. Now if only I could get Joel under me and moaning. I turned off the water of the shower and headed back to my locker. Ben crept out of the sauna and into the shower area after I left. I put on my shorts and pulled the undershirt over my head. It was five twenty. I decided to call Natalie after I left the gym. I slung my towel over my shoulder and looked over at the shower area. Ben was soaping himself slowly, paying extra attention to his rear end. I waved cheerfully at him as I left.