Baise's obsession

Story by Sinkarma on SoFurry

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#1 of Erzhler's Matinee

Short(NOTE:short) story of a dragon and her obsession of an individual

Something I wrote to make me feel better. Was feeling lonely and needed to OBSESS about something

Note: there are some spelling errors but I cant correct them here for some reason

Another night has fallen.

She snaked out from under the rocks that sheltered her from the sun. Her long, slender, black body gleamed in the moonlight. Now in the open and not crammed away in the earth she could take shape. Seven horns sprung out of her head, two pairs of legs grew out of her sides and large wings sprouted out of her back, though her eyes remained shut. She could not set out until she dealt with a small nuisance. She reached out with her mind to a specific soul.

Somewhere at a power plant sat a man working the night shift in the control room. He was relaxing while watching television when suddenly he became stiff, and then started shaking as he frothed at the mouth. He turned to the controls and began typing away, shutting down power to a specific town.

She sensed it. The artificial lights of the nearby town all suddenly snuffed. The only light was that of the moon and the stars now. She opened her eyes, six sapphires with red glowing eyes trapped inside them. Now she was free, free to fill the gaping hole and cure the pain that has plagued her.

She curled up her long body into a spring and then launched into the sky, where she spread her wings and flew over to the darkened town. Anyone else would have had difficulty navigating in the low moon light but she could see perfectly. Though she didn't need her eyes for this flight, she had visited her destination so many times she could reach it blind.

She continued until she was above a specific house, an average size one with a red roof and a small front yard, this was the place that held her cure. She then turned down and plummeted to the ground. She landed hard onto the ground, but due to the nature of her body she received no harm, nor did she leave a mark on the yard or make a sound. In the yard she was only a few meters away from her goal, but there was something that needed to be done first. She hopped to one of the windows. The curtains obscured her view but when she focused she could see two dim lights in the room. The light was from the souls of two people, they were still. She listened carefully to what was happening inside, all she could hear was two people sleeping, one snoring loudly. She moved on to the next window.

When she looked through this window she saw one lone soul's light, lying still, and when she listened in she could hear the soft breathing of a snoozing girl. The sound excited her, the moment was perfect, they were all asleep and the absence of their precious electricity has gone unnoticed. She squeezed a hand through the edge of the closed window and opened it wide from the inside. She could fit through the open window with a slight squeeze. She crawled through and onto the floor. She sneaked out under the curtain and into the dark room.

She could now see her. The sight of a teen rabbit girl sleeping in her bed consumed her vision. She felt a shiver run through her body, her cure was just before her.

"Anni..." she whispered.

Anni was the cream coloured rabbit girl's name. Over the last few years thought of this girl had begun to overtake her mind. As much as she would have liked to just walk out she couldn't leave yet, the pain was too much, and she needed her too much. Only her head was visible under the blanket, she bit the blanket and slowly pulled it off; she didn't want to wake her even though her eyes were begging her to not tease them with this slow unveiling. Slowly her shoulders came into view, and then her apple breasts in their pink bra. Her white belly was revealed next, a stray black hand lay atop it, it rose and fell in the slow rhythm of her breathing. Her curvy thighs and legs slipped free and the blanket dropped to the floor. She stood still looking at her legs with their black fur giving her natural stockings.

She let go of the blanket and moved in close to the girl's panties. She could just barely see the outline of her pussy through them. She nearly planted her snout right into her before she stopped. She felt thrilled that she could be so close to her and be unnoticed. She inhaled deeply, trying to get as much of the girl's scent into her snout. She shivered as the smell drugged her. She felt tempted to rip the girl's panties off and push her tongue into her but she couldn't reveal herself so bluntly.

She pulled away from the girl's groin and moved to the side of the bed and leaned in towards the girl's head. Hovering there watching her breathe, mesmerised by the rhythm of her breath. She suddenly exhaled as the girl breathed in, then opened her mouth and positioned it over the girl's head just as she began to exhale. She held there and sucked in the girl's breath. She pulled away when the girl finished exhaling.

She stood still, holding in the used air. She revelled silently inside at this act, it was as if she held a piece of her life inside her and it was this piece that could fill the hole inside her and numb the pain. She stood dazed until she whispered "Anni..." using the stolen breath.

She felt strange. Usually she felt relieved by now and could continue with her life as normal. She could still feel the sting inside her. It was as if she had become numb to these acts.

Something didn't feel right. A strange idea entered her mind and she could only watch as she acted upon it.

She leaned in to one of the girl's long ears. She whispered to her softly "Anni... I love you."

The girl seemed to stir, she murmured "who are you?" in her sleep.

Her voice was so beautiful. Talking to the girl and hearing her reply had a strange effect on her, she had started shaking and a warm feeling began flooding her body. She tried to reply to the girl but in her state all she could do was make incomprehensible noises until she stuttered a reply

"I-I a-a-am Lid de Baise..."

Suddenly the girl's eyes shot open, she sat up and looked around her franticly. She pulled back to avoid contact and watched her in silence, she was a little afraid at seeing her awake. She didn't react when she reached for her bedside lamp; after all there was no power. The girl flicked the switch a few time but the light didn't come on.

She felt slightly relieved that the light didn't switch on. Though she was not prepared for what happened next.

The girl grabbed her phone and after a press of a button switched on its light.

She stared paralysed with fear at the light the girl held in her hands. Her mind was panicking and kept repeating "Run!" but it was too late to react as the light swept across the room towards her. All she could do was close her eyes and clasp her front paws over them. Then the light was on her. She could feel it burning her. She froze, her skin began to crawl, and then pain flooded her mind. Her eyes stung even under the cover of her paws. All the while she dreaded the coming screams.

But the scream didn't come. The light vanished and the dark sucked into her and cooled her. She was confused. When she lowered her paws and peered through an eye she saw the girl lying with her back turned to her in the bed with the blanket over her.

She didn't see her. She heard her name but the girl didn't see her eyes, and she simply picked her blanket and went back to sleep

She had very mixed feelings now. She was happy that she wasn't spotted, though she felt bad for disturbing the girl's sleep. She also felt disappointed; the girl would go on still not knowing she even existed.

This close call left her feeling rather melancholic. She stood still and waited for the girl to be completely asleep before she whispered "sorry" and then lifted the curtain and climbed out the window.