A curse worth it's weight in gold part 2

Story by Koori_Flaps on SoFurry

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Ruuuuwr, first of all, excuse me for the short lenght of this, I didn't have much time because school was taking quite a lot of time but I turned in most of my school projects and such... Anyway...!


?Was edited by ? Vizholdwe ! I hope you all will enjoy, you'll notice this is more of a follow-up more than actual important development. I'll try to make it more worthwhile next time I update this story, I'll try do so it on a regular basis if that means something to people!

I guess this kinda actually feels like part 1.5!

[Part 2 : Set Free]

It was helpless, she could do absolutely nothing but squeal, sob, and barely even squirm under the size and strenght of that horrible beast, this green dragon that took advantage of her, that stripped her of her former body, the one of a male. To her rapist, her screams were like a symphony, he was delighted to hear her beg every once in a while, when her fighting spirit would kick in, when he would pretend that he was done with her, that he would leave her be.

The only problem was that those were only illusions. The night was worse than a nightmare as he pumped her full, refusing to let her rest, only stopping when he felt like it, when he felt like she deserved a break. Those breaks were merely seconds though, she was violated again and again with a tiny hope that the next time he'd ejaculate, she'd be left alone, that he'd walk away and forget about her, that he'd stop using her like this but that moment never came. She could feel the seed inside her, she knew that a clutch would be on it's way sooner than she could even imagine but as she tried to figure out a plan, she ended up forced onto her back and once more, the forced pleasure made her scream, it made her completely helpless, unable to focus. The large male could only get a greater amount of pleasure as his victim took the abuse to a point where her voice cracked, exposing her weakned state, allowing all of her exhaustion to be heard and she could barely stay conscious but that didn't matter to him.

The wet sound of her sex being assaulted by the male's large penis could be heard in all of the cave, the rare moments where she wouldn't hear them was when she fainted but soon enough, she would be forced into waking up since the male would only go harder on her. This happened over and over again, more times than she could even bear to remember, her mind just shutting off after a while, trying to isolate her from the brutal treatment that the male gave her as he mercilessly claimed her body as his sexual toy for the time being, knowing that by dawn, she wouldn't be his plaything anymore, that he'd have to respect his words.


The black dragoness' eyelids fluttered a bit after what seemed like an eternity. She did know where she was but she lost track of time, she felt like breathing was almost a chore as a thick and musky smell invaded her nostrils, the flashbacks of what happened on that horrible night flowing back into her mind, which made her freeze on the spot. She realized that -he- was still there and it's only when she turned her head to her side that she noticed the large green dragon, sleeping right next to her.

Ironically, he was curled up in a protective way around her, as if he wanted to make sure that she was alright. She could escape but part of her thought it wasn't a good idea to even try. She simply lowered her head and groaned as she repositioned herself, noticing her now swollen belly. It was obvious that a clutch was now mature in there and it was a matter of time before the eggs would start to slide out of her abused vent. She thought she'd be sore but strangely, it didn't seem to be the case, as if her body was made to be treated this roughly, as if it was normal for her to be bred to a point where she would faint. Shuddering from that realization, she slightly dug her claws into the ground and she gasped as she suddenly noticed that the dragon's eyes were gazing directly at her. He was emitting a low growl although his face showed no signs of anger or hostility, he was in fact showing a rather intriguing smile that made her feel awkward and slightly worried.

"...I knew you'd stay. That's a good girl..."

She decided to remain silent but she whimpered as she saw one of his paws reaching for her, her breathing pace increased and her heart skipped a beat. She even closed her eyes before she could feel something brushing against her scaly cheek, the mere contact of this monster's digits at her body was enough to trigger a reaction in her, she immediately felt tears rolling down her cheeks which made the male chuckle as he witnessed this reaction. The shuddering female was completely terrified, she didn't want to say something that'd make things worse, she didn't want to go back to what happened before she fell asleep and that dragon had all the necessary power to do so if he wished.

"...I see you're still sensitive. Oh well, the sun's about to rise, I believe there's still something you have to do..."

Her eyes widened both in surprise and in terror, she was so focused on her safety that she didn't realize what was about to happen but those words hit her hard. Before she could even move a muscle, the male pinned her down once more and he held the black dragoness with both his fore paws while she squirmed and tried to look away from the intimidating male. She closed her legs and at this gesture, the green dragon let out a chuckle.

"That won't prevent you from laying those eggs. Now, I think you should start right away but try not to moan too much, that'll turn me on...~"

She had no idea about the extent of this dragon's' powers but he placed one of his hind paws on her swollen belly and immediately, it felt like there was more movement in there than she ever felt. She quickly found that she would prefer spreading her legs during the act of laying those eggs, which she obviously never did before. She was afraid it would hurt and the male on top of her only made it more scary, his words always having a strong impact on how she reacted. She didn't want to have him aroused, she barely could imagine what it'd be like if she had to go through this again.

Soon enough, the female stifled a groan as she felt more movement inside her, her womb inhabited by the large oval shells as she held them inside her, protecting them with her body. One of the eggs visibly stretched her insides as it began to slowly slide out of her hole, the tip of the shell was now visible. She could only grit her teeth as the smooth surface of the egg rubbed at her insides firmly while making it's way out. Coated in a slimy fluid to help it out of her body, she also found out that they were made to give her both trouble and pleasure. It wasn't an easy task to lay one of them but it wasn't a hard task either, her body could actually do the work by itself but it would take quite a while if she let this happen and in a situation like hers, she couldn't relax, it was impossible.


"Ooooh, I see that first egg, it's coming out and that's not a golden one!~" The male teasingly said while the egg kept making it's way out, slowly since it was the first she had ever layed. Eventually, she let out a moan as the egg was about to be halfway out but as she did, the male took action, which she didn't anticipate. She felt the thick tail pushing between her legs while she heard a loud growl and before she could actually do anything, the egg was pushed right back inside her, bringing her back to the starting point. She whimpered loudly and was about to protest when the large creature interrupted her, he whispered to her in a raspy but very serious voice.

"I said no moaning... You'll get three warnings and then..."

He stared into her eyes and she simply whimpered louder, knowing he was serious, knowing that she would probably go through some more awful things if she did moan. She wanted to flee, to stop all of this but he simply wouldn't let her go until she'd lay that first egg. Sobbing quietly, the female started the process over again, focusing on her breathing to make sure she didn't moan as the shell stretched her to a point pleasurable enough for her to eventually have an orgasm. The only freedom she had was to splay her toes and to choose wether to spread her legs or not, she was still pinned down, still waiting to be set free before she could do anything else.

As the first egg made it's way through, she reached an orgasm and held back her moan with difficulty, slight squeals escaped from her nostrils as the slimy shell slipped along her sensitive lips, stimulating her to a point she could barely handle. The male's gaze didn't stop looking away from her, he kept taking every single moment for his enjoyment as he watched her lay, as he saw the eggs sliding out of her vent, bringing her closer and closer to a mindless bliss.

Egg after egg, the female whimpered she wondered if that beast lied to him, it felt like time was frozen, it felt like she had laid at least a hundred of them by now but the truth is that the one that was going to be laid was the last of the clutch, if his words were not lies. The words he pronounced made her growl slightly, she was being mocked by him.

"Surely you know that I kept the best thing for the last part of this show you're putting on for me...~"

She kept staring into his eyes while tears rolled down her cheeks. Quickly, she felt it down between her legs it was different, it felt heavy to a point that her eyes widened. It wasn't just a regular egg and it certainly didn't weight just like the regular thing, she just coudn't understand why she didn't notice before. The green dragon didn't wait before bringing the female's maw to his, forcing her into a deep kiss while his yellow eyes kept gazing at her, enjoying to see the distress and fear in the black scaled dragoness' azure eyes. He retracted from the kiss to give her a simple order which she would inevitably follow, that is if she wanted things to end well and it was the case.

"All those moans you held back... Let them out while I kiss you. And that's an order."

She was about to mutter out something when the dragon's maw took her into a deep kiss, enough for her to shudder, to submit while the thick oral muscle of the other dragon began rubbing at hers mercilessly. Once more, her eyes widens as the egg begins to work it's way out of her nethers, this once visibly more of a challenge than the others although it gives her no pain to do so. Abandoning herself to her need to scream, to squeal and to moan from all the pleasure she gets from pushing this egg out of her body, she also orgasmed a few times while attempting to push the egg out, although the male's tail pushed it back inside her a few times, her captor visibly wanted this to go on. It eventually came to an end as the first golden egg slipped out of her stretched vent, leaving her panting and groaning as she laid on her back. The dragon finally set her free, climbing off from the black scaled female to indicate that he was ready to let her leave.

"I'll be waiting for your return, female."

The arrogant tone in his voice made her grit her teeth both in anger and humiliation. She couldn't completely accept her condition, she couldn't just live the rest of her life as a female. She would have to find a way to make things right and maybe, someday, she'd have him pay but for now, she simply had to get out of this place. Rolling back onto her belly, she stared at the large golden egg for a second before she stood back on all four. Walking away on her shaking legs, she did feel like she was about to collapse but she pressed on and as her scales met the light of the rising sun, she noticed that the claws, her horns and such began glowing in a golden light.

She didn't know where to go yet but she did know where she wouldn't be staying.