Project M

Story by himinoboi on SoFurry

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generic disclaimer people, if you're not 18 or legal go away, if you dont like M/M relations go away, if you dont like incest im going to ask you to leave, and dont steal my characters their mine ok i worked hard on this. so sit back and enjoy


"Reverb Inc. reels today at the loss of the great Dr. Arch Valor, who died in an implosion early this morning." A small vixen said speaking in an even, saddened tone, a news logo behind her. "Charles has more on this horrible story. Charles."

"Thank you Cindy." A grey wolf started, motioning to the scene behind him, "as you can see, Reverb Inc.'s science department has been decimated today when an old generator apparently malfunctioned taking out half of their facilities. Luckily no other employees were killed in the incident but there were ten people taken into the hospital for minor injuries and radiation treatment." Behind him the plain concrete structure is shown from the air, the building has more then half gone as if it had vanished.

The vixen continues her spiel. "The company has been known for the past decade as the triumphant, run by the triplet sons of a once small time business man, Francis Valor. Upon his death his sons inherited their father's company and have made it into the monumental force it is today." The vixen took a breath and the camera angle changed, a few pictures of the company over the years came on the screen, one of them being from the Nobel prize awards with Dr. valor smiling happily, his black fur perfectly kept from what parts showed form out of his lab coat.

"The question now is can the remaining brothers, Darvis and Lunar keep their place in the business world?" the grey wolf returned but his story was cut off as the TV went blank.

" Well Dr. Valor, I mean Mr. Rommel." Chuckled another panther standing beside a recliner before the pixilated void, "now that you're presumed dead," he looked down to his brother, "what do you want to do?"

The panther in the chair looked through a manila folder, Classified Files stamped on the cover. Inside were charts on brain scans and odd notes scrawled in the margins one word was darkened more then the others, Positive. "Interesting indeed," he muttered then looked up to his brothers. "I think we should find out what the machine has done to me." His grin widened as he looked to his two brothers.


Another shot glass was set in front of the depressed looking Doberman, the amber liquid soon downed like all the others. The barkeeper looked over to him with a look of concern, "Brad, please man, you have to stop." He wiped the bar down as he looked over to his friend.

"I cant, it hurts whenever I do, man. Every time I see her face in my mind and I die on the inside." He whined, breath reeking of various types of booze the current being pungent rum. "She was all I had, man."

The barkeeper, a rather buff Husky, deepened the look of concern in his eyes; he wasn't paying attention to much else. Throngs of people bounced around them to the beat of the music and their own hormones. "Hey Anthony!" another barkeeper, a slim cheetah, came over to the secluded two. "I need help man it's a madhouse tonight." The husky grudgingly left his friend.

For five minutes brad sat there undisturbed, staring into the translucent shot glass; the face of his lost love burning into his mind. From behind him a panther, wearing a mesh shirt soaked in sweat, came up to the stool to brad's right. He smiled as he looked over the muscled Doberman.

"Hey man, why come here to be alone?" he asked when he saw the depressed look on the candid's face.

"Anthony gives me free drinks." He said in a drunken slur.

"Sounds nice, but I don't think a young guy like you should be that depressed, your alive aren't you?" the panther looked to his new acquaintance and slicked back his hair.

At these words Brad began to choke up, tears running rapidly down his face. "But she's not!" he cried smashing his hand down on the edge of the bar.

The panther jumped back a bit still in his seat, before a concerned look came to his face. "I'm sorry man, here." He poured a shot glass to the brim with a nearby vodka bottle and pushed it before Brad who downed it instantly. The rest of the night played out the same way each of them taking a few shots at a time until the bar closed at about four in the morning.

When they left they were both drunk as hell barely able to walk the two blocks to Brad's apartment in a somehow crumbier part of town. They both sat on Brad's couch the rest of the night drinking a few bears, when the panther looked to Brad, staring deep into his eyes. "You're getting sleepy" he spoke. The Doberman tried to resist but soon gave in, the alcohol making him compliant. At that the panther smiled.


Brad awoke to the hangover to end all hangovers, everything was throbbing and pounding, all sounds blared at him. His morning could have been better to say the least. When he finally got to his bathroom he noticed the spiked color he was wearing, one he hadn't worn in ages, long before Cindy. This time when he thought of her he hurt less the collar seemed to be comforting him.


A couple weeks passes since his drunken depression and Brad couldn't have felt better. He was working harder at his job as a personal trainer; even after his boss died the company that took the gym over let him stay.

He had also received a raise which helped him immensely. Subconsciously he began to save any extra money he had under his bed in a suitcase, he didn't know why but he had a nagging feeling that he should, as if it was needed.

Ever since he started wearing his collar he also had become more comfortable with his body, often times finding himself naked, save for his collar, if he was at home for long periods of time undisturbed.

The night that he went back to the bar, on one of Anthony's work nights he felt amazing, and he dressed for a night of "fun". As he walked in the husky smiled looking utterly surprised. "Wow Brad, I was getting kind of worried about you."

"Sorry man, I had some stuff to get on top of in my life." Brad slicked back his hair and ears nervously as he spoke.

"It's cool man cuz' you look 'nice'". The dobe smiled when he heard the emphasis put into the word.

"Thanks man, haven't been doing much different though." He smiled, his pearly teeth glistened and a short laugh came out as well.

An hour passed as they talked, catching up a bit and on other minor things when one of the barkeepers called in sick, Brad quickly offered to help for the night. Soon ladies swarmed the bar to get a look at the handsome Doberman, yet he paid no mind to their attention.

For the pair the bar couldn't have closed any sooner, and the duo trudged to brad's place, which was now fixed up, they were almost dead tired but they managed to kick back a few beers still. At about three in the morning the pair was definitely drunk and a shadowy figure came from Brad's room. "Hello my pet." Purred the panther from all those weeks ago, he smiled as he looked over the two men. "I see you've brought a friend as instructed." His smile grew wider.

() _ ()

The alarm clock flashed a green 10:45 A.M. when Brad woke up. With a groan he stretched, happy that he didn't have to work today, a Saturday to himself. Then an arm draped itself over Brad's naked waist, the paw gripping his neither regions. A single heartbeat later and Brad sat up as best he could the fur behind him doing the same, but he couldn't sit up correctly something kept him at an odd angle.

The dobe looked over his shoulder to see who was keeping him pinned down then both furs gasped in horror. The now fully conscious, Anthony, sat there naked, his paw firmly griping Brad's crotch, until he quickly drew it back.

"What's going on?!?!" their words were simultaneous; they were just as shocked as the other..

Brad was the first to try to pull away but something kept him firmly planted to the spot. When he looked, what he saw took a while to register.

"Umm... Anthony? Do you have any idea what happened?"

"Nnnooo..." the husky was freaking, both looked down again and the scene was the still the same. Anthony's shaft was firmly buried in brad's ass the knot stretching him open. The husky tried to pull out just as the dobe tried to pull off, the force did nothing but pull them back together, brad winced at the pain but the knot wouldn't budge. When the husky pushed back in to try again they both let out involuntary moans.

"That felt good, man," brad blushed, his cropped tail rubbing his friend's lower stomach.

A look of revelation passed through the husky. "Wait did you do this?!?!" the husky's anger flared.

"No man I swear! I don't think I would!" Brad squirmed under the gaze.

"Then how did this happen?!"

"It must have happened while we were drunk, man." Brad looked into Anthony's eyes, and he felt something in those cobalt pools that wasn't there before. With a sudden jerking motion they were kissing, a furry of motions taking place in their joined maws and something came out of them both from the back of their minds. Anthony broke the kiss pushing his friend face down into the bed with little resistance.

In one powerful thrust he popped his knot free of brad's hole his shaft pulling out to the tip before he slammed the entire length back in, the whole time brad was moaning. His ass was filled to the brim and he was begging for more.


Neither of them realized it when they both moved in together and days passed, the whole incident seeming like just a blur to them. Their bodies on the other hand and the spot at the back of their mind remembered fully, waiting each night for the right time to act on their hidden instincts when they would rut all night.

Nothing changed for weeks then, every night was the same, work to keep up appearances, function like normal and then go home. Their minds began overlooking the events of each day, as if it was all a dream, something to distract them from their night "fun". To them nothing that they were doing was out of the ordinary as if their lives were supposed to be like this from the beginning.

Then two packages were delivered to their home. They both knew that they were theirs, but up until that point they didn't know about them. Soon they had set up what was inside the boxes, their gift was two huge digital screen monitors and two computer systems, one for each of their rooms. Both of them took some time off to "enjoy" their gifts.

When they logged onto their respective computers they were greeted by a hypnotizing swirl that lulled tem into an unconscious state. Each day when they did regain consciousness they found themselves soaked in their own cum, Brad also sometimes in urine, which they would promptly wash off and go about things until they went to sleep. They both did this every day until they went back into work.


"So my dear brothers, what do you think? Is my plan not genius?" Dr. Valor purred as his brothers licked up and down his glistening shaft. Their eyes seemed far off and glazed over in pleasure.

"You are Master." Purred Darvis.

"They always are Master." Cooed Lunar, they continued to work on him until he shoved his fingers violently into them. Both of them began to mewl like kittens as he did, pleasure coursing through their bodies.

"Good, at this rate project Morpheus will go on without a hitch." Arch purred.

$ _ $

Brad was having a great day; he now managed the gym, so he was making money hand over fist. Looking over his whole life he had never felt happier, he was now successful, happy and fit. Even the adjustment of Anthony moving in all those months ago seemed to be going ok even if he didn't understand why he had asked him to move in. he shrugged the thought of doubt away, it was nice having a friend around the house, and since Anthony recently became the manager of the bar he was becoming pretty successful himself. As if everything was going according to plan.


Anthony stood nude before the swirling void upon his monitor; he was absentmindedly stroking himself as the monitor spoke to him.

"Slave T41 reporting Master." His cock swelled when he said the word master.

"Good my pet, how far along are you with your project?"

"I've collected the money master." Moaned the husky, a pearl drop of pre oozed form the tip of his member, the voice seemed to cause him pleasure when it spoke.

"Excellent and B47 how is his progress?"

"You didn't ask him during your session master?" he shuddered as the voice washed over him, the pearl growing larger.

"You dare question me?!?!" an unseen force came through the screen and the husky fell to the floor in pain.

"I'm sorry master, never again! I am loyal to you!" the force lifted him back to his upright position Anthony returned to his subconscious stroking with a sigh of relief.

"Well, the slave's progress? How far is it?" the voice returned to normal, and the husky began to pant, this time in pleasure.

"He has finished collecting the money master, he is also ready." He moaned his balls tightening against his body.

"Then we will progress to the next phase, tomorrow you both will go to this address, your going on a little trip my pet. Both of you are." The spiral stopped, the screen showing an address and time, when the spiral finished Anthony screamed in pleasure, cum flying from his cock to all over his face, body and hand. He licked his lips hungrily then went to the living room where he stored his money. When he passed Brad's room he could hear whimpers of pleasure and pain, he smiled wider when he heard the sounds.
