Howard's Way (6)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#6 of Howard's Way

I know it has been a while guys, but finally here is chapter 6 of Howard's Way. As usual if you like what you read then please comment, vote and fave it, thankies.

Howard's Way (6)

By Wolfie Steel

Mason and I sit in the car while Max drives us to our destination, as we make the journey Mason leans forward to speak to Max.

"Max, I know that you are retired, but Tom has never been to a race meet before, hell he has never been close to a racing car before, so why not let your hair down a little and drive us around the Monaco course as only you can?"

Max does not say a word; he just gains a wicked looking grin. We hit the street circuit and Max steps on the cars accelerator, I hold on for dear life as we take the tight and twisty turns, beads of sweat forming on my forehead, suddenly we hit the tight left hand chicane that leads us into the Mont Blanc tunnel, and for just once in my life I can feel the anxiety that the professional racing drivers feel.

Once the lap of the circuit is complete Max drives us to where Mason's Motor Home is parked, man I had seen some beautiful Motor Homes in the past but this one was the top of the pile. I finally get my nerves back into shape as we all get out of the car, Max collects our bags and takes them into the Motor Home, I look at my lover and speak.

"Mason, how the hell did Max drive so well around that track, I would have slammed into any one of those walls at that speed"

A slightly sour expression crosses Mason's muzzle as he replies.

"Well Tom, you see it is like this, Max used to be a racing driver, a good one at that, well one year things changed, we were at the Silverstone Raceway in the UK, it was an important meeting for DeLuth Racing as we were tied on constructors points with Ferrari, Max was just four points shy of taking the driver's championship for the second year running and so he was pushing really hard, maybe a little too hard as it turns out. He took a right hand turn a little too fast and he lost control, he slammed straight into the tire wall at 150 miles per hour, there was a group of spectators standing behind the tire wall, well you have to remember that health and safety back then was nothing compared to what it is now. Unfortunately the car smashed through the tire wall and into the group of spectators killing two and injuring ten more, and then...."

Mason didn't get to finish as he was interrupted by Max.

"And then Mr. Howard I lost my confidence and gave up on being a racing driver, I totally blamed myself for what happened and it finished my career, however, Mr. DeLuth kept me in the team and when Jock Danson, the previous Vice Principle, retired, I took his place"

I looked at the monster of a Horse but as big as he was I could see tears welling up in his eyes. Mason walked slowly over to Max and gently rubbed his right shoulder.

"Hey now Max, what happened could have happened to anyone"

Mason then turns to me and continues.

"I know that Max still blames himself and yes as I said he probably was pushing a little too hard, but after the accident there was an investigation carried out to see what had caused Max to lose control, it seems that his right front suspension arm had collapsed and so he had lost his steering, he was from that point on effectively a passenger"

He turns back to Max again.

"There was nothing that you or anyone could have done to stop the accident from happening"

Mason takes out a tissue from his jacket pocket and hands it to Max, who then uses it to wipe his eyes.

"Max you were cleared of any involvement by the investigation team, trust me bud if you had been found to be at fault I would have drop kicked your arse out of the team, as it is you were a decent driver, now you are one hell of a Vice Principle"

A small smile spreads across the Horses muzzle.

"Thanks Mason I needed that, I know that the accident was twelve years ago and that a lot has changed since then, but I still think about what happened and it still has the same effect on me, well if you don't mind, I will head to the garage to see how the guys are getting on, in free practice yesterday we did pretty well, so I want to make sure that continues"

With that said the Horse headed off. I stood there still a little stunned, I couldn't believe what I had just heard, I mean I knew that any form of motor sport was dangerous, but I never in all of my days thought it could be deadly.

Mason slowly takes me by the paw which brings me out of my shocked state, we head into the motor home and begin to unpack our overnight bags, with the bags unpacked Mason takes me by the paw and pulls me close to him, he leans forward and our muzzles meet in a passionate kiss.

The kiss itself only lasted maybe a minute or so, but the effect lasted a lot longer, my eyes I'm sure were glazed over and I have no doubt that my Doberman pride was standing to attention. Mason still has my paw in his and then leads me to the teams garage area, as we walk I come back to my senses and realise that if I don't do something quick I am going to be facing a garage full of guys all staring at me while I'm sporting a hard-on.

But, no matter how hard I try my cock just won't lie down, oh well too late now. We enter the garage area and sure enough the knowing stares begin, one of the driver's, an overactive Dalmatian, is the first to speak.

"Watch out everyone, we have a Doberman with a nuclear hard-on that threatens to destroy us all"

I blush to a bright red, fortunately my fur hides it well, I then let out a chuckle as unseen by the Dalmatian Max walks up behind him and grabs his ass, Max leans down to the Dalmatian's ear.

"Daniel, it ain't the boss's guest that you have to worry about, now apologize to Mr. Howard or I will personally make sure that you can't sit properly for a month"

The Dalmatian hangs his head slightly, now unable to meet my gaze.

"Sorry Mr. Howard, that was a shitty thing for me to say, but I was only making a joke, everyone here knows that Mr. DeLuth is now mated with you and none of us have a problem with that"

The smile never leaves my muzzle though and I just nod gently, the Dalmatian turns and walks away and I notice that he is re-adjusting his race suit; maybe Max grabbing his ass had an unwelcome side effect?

Max walks over to us with a huge smile on his muzzle.

"Sorry about that Mr. Howard, that was Daniel McTavish, he has a heart of gold but he also has a big mouth and only one brain cell that rarely sees the light of day, now Mason, if you and Mr. Howard will follow me please we will head over to the timing wall so that the mechanics can get the cars started, it is time for the qualifying session to begin"

We both follow the Horse to the timing wall, Mason parks his fine rear on his seat while Max offers me his seat, at first I'm a little wary of taking the Horses seat but then he sits on the wall next to the timing boards.

Suddenly there is a world of noise as all of the teams fire up their cars engines, Max leans forward and hands me a set of headphones.

"Here, put these on and you can hear the boss talking to the drivers"

I put the headphones on and instantly most of the noise from the engines is drowned out, Mason makes sure that I can hear him by talking into his microphone, I give him a thumbs up to acknowledge that I have heard him. The dull roar of the engines increases again as the cars begin to move out onto the circuit.

  • + + + + + + + +

The qualifying session lasts for a couple of hours and ends up with the cars from DeLuth Racing being placed 5th and 9th, Mason then had a ten minute debrief with the drivers and then we walked back to the motor home.

We enter the motor home and Mason turns and locks the door, he then takes my paw again and leads me to his bed.

"Well Tom, after a session like that I need to unwind a bit, so why don't we unwind together? Maybe we can even tie"

Mason winks suggestively and then begins to remove his clothing, he flings his clothes into a pile on the floor and then climbs up onto his bed, and he gets onto all fours and then raises his sweet tail, presenting his glorious rump to me.

I waste no time in climbing onto the bed behind him, and instantly my muzzle heads straight for its prize, the tail hole of Mason DeLuth. I bury my muzzle between his butt cheeks and then I begin to lick him out causing moans of extreme pleasure to come from Mason's muzzle, finally I was slurping the one thing that I had been lusting after for the last few days and be damned if I wasn't getting Mason worked up too.

"Holy fuck Tom, that tongue of yours is pure ecstasy, I only hope that when you plough me you do it so that I am left in no confusion as to who my mate is"

I snigger a little and remove my tongue and muzzle from Mason's entrance.

"Well my sweet Husky, you are about to find out"

I move my hand paws up onto Mason's back and then I position my raging cock at its target, yes I know that as this is my first real time of having sex with Mason that I should probably wear a rubber, but at this moment in time I don't think that either of us could give a shit.

I slam my cock deep into Mason's rump and penetrate him good, he stifles a howl that would have had everyone rushing to the motor home fearing that he was in some sort of trouble; I begin to pound Mason hard causing moans and whimpers to come from both of our muzzles.

After a few moments Mason begins to match my humping motions by pushing back as I push forward.

"Oh gods Tom, I thought you were inexperienced with guys, but damn if this is inexperience, then I dread to think what you'll be like in time"

Mason begins to pant heavily, he then grabs a pillow and buries his muzzle into it, and I know that he is pretty much at the point of no return, which for me is a good thing, because I too can feel the tell tale signs of my impending explosion. I give one final thrust which pushes my knot deep inside of Mason's sexy rump, as I penetrate him he cries out my name and then spews his seed all over the bed.

The contractions that his butt gives as he sprays his load cause me to fill his rump with my premium Howard juices. Mason finally slumps down to the bed and lies there in a pool of his own cum, I rest on top of him, my knot still stuck fast in his beautiful butt.

We rest there for about ten minutes, both of us panting heavily and unable to speak and then Mason finally finds his voice.

"Let me tell you sweetheart, that was mind blowingly good, I know now that I am never gonna want to be with anyone else. Sure my ass is gonna be sore for quite a while, but that just makes me love you all the more"

My knot finally shrinks and I am able to remove myself from Mason's ass, in truth I would have loved nothing more than to stay right there, but my bladder decided that it had other ideas.

I walked into the bathroom and begin releasing my bladders contents, as I do so I hear a knock at the door of the motor home, I hear Mason groan as he gets off his bed, seconds later the door is unlocked, god I hope to all hell that Mason is decent and does not allow whoever is at the door into his bed area.

I finish my ablutions and then I wash my paws, hey cleanliness is next to godliness after all, with all of that done I find a dressing gown that is on the back of the bathroom door and wrap myself in it, as I walk out from the bathroom I can hear Mason talking to Max.

"Hey Mason, sorry bud I didn't mean to....disturb you both, but I just wandered if you and Tom would like to join me and the boys in the hospitality tent for something to eat and drink?"

Before Mason can answer I join in the conversation.

"Actually hon, I could do with some food and drink, you took quite a lot of energy out of me"

Mason's eyes go wide as he stares at me, but I just giggle as I continue.

"Oh come on Mason, give Max a little bit of credit, even someone with a heavily blocked nose will probably be able to smell the funk that is in the air in here, and let's face it, it doesn't exactly take the brain of Einstein, no offence Max, to work out that we have both been at it"

Max just shakes his head and roars with laughter, and then he continues.

"Oh man Mason, you are so owned, now are you two love birds coming to the hospitality tent or are you going to be boring old farts?"

Mason finally gives in.

"Okay fine, give us a few minutes to clean up and get ready and then we will join you"

The Horse nods his head and then heads out from the motor home leaving me and Mason alone again. I wonder if Mason is angry at me for basically outing him. Or does he see it as a chance to come clean with his teammates, well I guess I will find out any minute now.

"Tom I can't believe that you just said that to Max, but on the other paw I guess it is pretty obvious what went on, and Max did seem to take it all in his stride, so maybe no harm done"

I wrap my arms around Mason and hold him close.

"I'm sorry hon, I didn't mean to step on your toes there but if the guys see us together all the time then they are going to figure it out for themselves, better to tell them now and move on"

We both pull away from each other and then take turns using the shower and getting ready to join the guys in the tent, while Mason is showering I open the windows in his bed area and then I change the bed sheets. Once we are both ready we head out to the hospitality tent and eat and drink the night away, we finally call it a night just after midnight and head off back to the motor home for some much needed sleep, well tomorrow is going to be a big day for both of us, so we need to be well rested.