One's Own Medicine

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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#43 of Ridgewood Elementary Tales

Here is the main story for my little parent/teacher night trilogy. This one is the most important in terms of plot and is quite dramatic. It does contain some minor non-con moments, so be forewarned. The name of this story is credited to VerbMyNoun he told me it would be a good fit, considering how many characters get a taste of their own.

Enjoy :)

Garfiode belongs to Garfiode

Kevin belongs to Kevinsnowpaw

Sierra and Jessika belong to ShinyMelanie

Erik created by myself and VerbMyNoun

Isaac finished the last puff of his evening cigar as he walked towards his school his daughter and her girlfriend following along behind him, all three bundled up in thick, fuzzy winter coats. Allison's parents had decided not to come, finding the venture almost pointless considering all the private meetings they had been having with the Berkleys. They allowed Allison to go the event anyways in order to spend some more time with her young love interest. The sheep and bear cubs skipped along with glee as they firmly held each other's paws, much more carefree in their posture than the professional adult that led them inside.

Tonight was Ridgewood's annual parent/teacher night and the entire staff was there to meet with the parents of their students. There would be presentations, Q+A's, and specified breaks in between, the whole Friday evening event taking about three hours in total. Isaac wasn't too worried about the overall evening, more or less just there to introduce himself to the parents and be in his office in case anyone should need him. There was still a good hour before everything went down as he entered his office, his eyes raising in suspicion to find his wife standing in the secretary area with Cassandra and Erik, the trio sipping on coffee as they each exchanged a nervous glance.

"Carol?" the bear said with a little surprise as he pat Allison and Chelsea on the butt, shooing them off to go wander, "I didn't know you were going to be here tonight..."

"Yes dear, I umm, got off work early and figured, well... the four of us should talk." Carol fiddled with her fingers.

Isaac nodded with a slight sigh as he stepped towards his office, holding the door open for his staff, "Well, you better come inside then!"


Allison and Chelsea stepped through the halls of their school with paws locked, their arms swinging in a gentle sway as each little heartbeat pulsed gently. They had been together officially for roughly six months, their casual sexual relationship turning romantic after their overwhelming feelings ignited on a cruise across the Pacific. What seemed so strange to the pair at first was second nature now, their feelings for each other transcending any definition of age or gender. Despite their age, the two were blossoming into something passionate and endless, even as the two explored their own budding sexuality apart from each other.

They had spoken several times about their playful encounters with others, and were pleasant to find their trust in each other deep enough to allow it from interfering with their relationship. They had never taken much time to speak of it, but the youngest of the three Berkleys was following the relationship footsteps of her parents all too well. Allison's home life was far different in comparison, and the events of this school year alone were binding all three together again in a closeness that had been almost unimaginable in previous years. Michael had stopped drinking, and was spending far more time with Owen, and the two seemed to spend more time with their daughter, showing nothing but support for the mate she had chosen.

"Chelsea..." the sheep said as she kept walking alongside her girlfriend.

"Yes hon?" the bear replied sweetly.

Allison smiled as she gave the bear a sweet peck on the cheek, "I love you."


" that's when we started dating." Erik finished, having the courage to be the first one to speak.

"That's all very fascinating Mr. Mitchell," Isaac began, "...but you dating my secretary isn't really my business, at this scho-"

"I also know Cassandra has been seeing you and your wife." Erik interrupted.

The bear looked a little taken back for a moment, but managed to keep his composure, "Well yes, our marriage may be different than others, but as long as you can abide by our-"

"...and I've slept with your wife."

Isaac went silent as his ear began to twitch, the bear taking a deep, anxious breath before sitting down in his desk chair. "Well now... that, is... worth discussing."

Carol looked to her husband sympathetically as she held Cassandra's paw, "I m-meant to tell you Isaac, but I thought we should all-"

Isaac silenced her by holding his paw up, "No, no I agree Carol, it's just," he rubbed his eyes with his paw, "This is complicated."

The room was painfully silent as each member thought over their delicate situation, once again leaving the gemsbok as the first to speak up, "Listen, Mr. Berkley sir, I have no intention of coming between you and your wife, I assure you I am completely devoted to Cass, if it weren't for her... other needs, I would happily remain monogamous to her, I assure you... th-this is not my world."

Isaac scratched behind his neck as his ears still twitched with irritation, "Be that as it may, you were with my mate, without asking me-"

"Chelsea..." Cassandra whispered to the bear.

"Huh?" Erik asked as she heard the bears' daughter's name, both parents spatting a firm "Nothing!" to the gemsbok.

"Honey," Carol said to her husband, "To be fair, there was a lot you left me in the dark about, and a whole hell of a lot more I had to adapt to."

Isaac gave his desk a soft punch as he fought his own nerves, knowing damn well he was being a hypocrite, "Fine, fine, you're right... It's just, I'm being protective, I don't want to lose you to some young, athletic, skinny-"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Carol interjected, stepping over to rest herself into her husband's big, soft belly, "Since when did I ever say I wanted a skinny jock... umm, no offensive Erik."

The gemsbok shrugged, "I've been called worse."

"I want a big cuddly bear who shows me how to be wild, he teaches me my boundaries and then dares me to break them," she locked Isaac's lips to hers, sharing a long, passionate kiss, "You are never losing me... but I do think, I deserve the safe privileges you give yourself."

Isaac looked into his wife's eyes lovingly before turning to Erik, his look turning serious, "I can't say I like sharing my mate-"

"Can't say I like sharing mine..." the gemsbok shot right back with equal intensity.

"...but I can learn to live with it," Isaac continued, despite the interruption, "If you do steal her away from me though-"

"Same goes to you-"

"I will kill you!"

Erik laughed despite the fire in both their eyes, "Not if I kill you first!" The two rose to their feet, both females getting a sudden look of concern as they rushed to each other, both paws thrown forward before smacking against each other, in a firm paw shake of understanding. Both ladies let a tense breath escape them as the testosterone filled men seemed to have settled things, the group all slinking back into their own chairs as they let the tension of their confessions wash away.

Isaac finally spoke as the trio seemed to have calmed down, "I think the rules have been set, so let's agree to speak to one another should anyone feel any of us is crossing the line... now get the hell out of my office, I have a parent/teacher night to run!" The group let out a relaxed chuckled as they were kicked out with a sarcastic tone, the bear's light hearted nature returning.


The rest of the night seemed to go off without a hitch, Carol staying with Isaac in his office as a guest for the rest of the night. She brought a good vibe to the parents, showcasing how family oriented the school actually was. The night was very relaxed as it always had been in past year, going as far as even allowing some of the students to roam around with their parent's permission. Allison walked along the hallways all by her lonesome as Chelsea left to go find Kevin for her. The sheep smiled as she enjoyed a carefree stroll along the halls of the place run by her 'pretty-much-father-in-law'.

Unbeknownst to her however, a certain student had taken the opportunity to enter the school after hours, unattended by any parents as he searched for his own obsession. Just as Allison was about to pass one of the janitor's closets, the bright red and black striped tiger grabbed her by the back forcing her into the closet with him. "What the fuck?!" the sheep snapped at him as he pinned her down, the bulge in his pants rubbing against the front of her skirt. "Garf, this isn't funny, fuck off!"

The tiger laughed with a snarl as he slid his paw up her skirt, snaking his fingers through her panties to rub her slick pussy, "It's not supposed to be funny sheepy!"

Allison blushed as she grit her teeth, her body feeling tingles as the tiger began to finger her without her permission, "Garf n-no!"

"C'mon Allison, don't tell me you don't like it!" the tiger growled as he leaned into her neck, chomping down with a firm bite. The sheep grimaced and kicked in a little spasm, fumbling at her attempt to break free of the tiger's hold. Part of her wanted to hate him for taking advantage of her, but another small part of her couldn't help but be coaxed by the forceful dominating stance.

"See!" Garfiode sang out as he looked down, sliding the sheep's panties off the view the soaked folds he was spreading open, "You can't say you don't like what I'm doing!" Just before Allison could cry out another protest, the tiger vibrated two of his fingers rapidly over her clit, causing her to fell down to her arms, rump arched up as she moaned out. The tiger slid his shaft against her damp folds as she dropped into such a convenient position, his spines brushing against the swollen sex in gentle stings.

Elsewhere, Chelsea and Kevin had reunited and were roaming the halls to find their favourite sheep. They had already roamed what seemed like half the school aimlessly with no signs of her. They decided to stop by the school's office, hoping Isaac was on a short break on the off chance he had seen her.

Allison let out a low cry that was a mix of pleasure and disdain, her body and psyche at war with each other over the tiger's advance. She made no effort to conceal the volume of her cries, almost wanted to be discovered and saved, her own warming body too teased to allow her to stop willingly. The more excited the tiger would get, the more his barbs would flare, scraping against her inner walls.

At the same time, Garfiode slid two of his fingers into the sheep's tailhole, using his own saliva as lubricant as he began to push his fingers into her at the same pace he was fucking her. Saliva fell from the sheep's lips as she panted and howled, her morals betrayed by the pleasure overtaking her. She still grit her teeth as she shook in a mix of anger and fear, but her rump pushed up against the tiger, allowing his fingers to push deeper into her backside.

Garfiode was getting closer and closer to coming, the spines starting to grip the inside of Allison's body almost to the point of stabbing her. "Garf, it's really starting to hurt now, you have to stop... stop... STOP!!"

Just outside Chelsea and Kevin had finally found the girl they were looking for, but the sounds she was making were unlike any they had heard before. Before either had time for second thought, a footpaw each connected with the janitor closet door, knocking Garfiode off of Allison as it collided with his side. "What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?!" Chelsea screamed as her fist hit the tiger's cheek with a thud, Garfiode dumbfounded as the two newcomers stood over him, huffing in a fury.

"I-it's ok," Allison said as she got to her feet slowly, holding her sides as she looked away in embarrassment, "W-what he did wasn't right, but I, I d-didn't really try to stop him..."

Chelsea looked into her lover's eyes with slight confusion as she held Kevin back with her arm, the rabbit panting an angry breath. "Allie hon, what do you mean?"

"I mean, I should feel violated but I don't, I mean as he did that, I thought... what makes what I did to Kevin any different?"

"No Allison-" the rabbit protested, silenced by a single paw held up by the sheep.

"No Kevin, it's true, you told me to stop that day after school and I didn't... I mean, Garf is an asshole... but he's not that different from me."

"That is not nearly even close to being the same thing!" Chelsea growled as she gave the tiger a deep scowl, her girlfriend still holding a pale expression. "You may have seduced Kevin, but you did not force him into anything, he would have stopped you if he didn't want to go through with it."

"That's the problem, I-I think if I had put up more resistance, but I didn't... I mean, at first I tried to get him off me, I really did, but the way he took charge, not letting me say no, the way he was rough and demanding, it-it..." Allison began to stutter as she realized the sickest part of her violation, "It felt good... w-what's wrong with me Chelsea?" As she spoke softly little tears welled up in her eyes, the sheep looking up at her girlfriend as quite suddenly she dropped to her side, clutching her in a desperate hug.

"Allie, my love, nothing is wrong with you... after everything you and I have been through in our lives, what we've, d-done to others, it's hard to know when we've crossed a line... today Garf crossed a line that should never be crossed... your body was just, reacting, just like anyone's would."

Allison held her lover as she snuggled into her, her muzzle brushing against the warmth of her soft fur. "Chelsea I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." the sheep began to sob as she trembled in the bear's arms.

Garfiode gulped as he listened to the conversation around him, his heart hammering in his chest as a sick cocktail of regret and remorse bubbled up. "A-Allison, I shouldn't have, I th-th-"

"Shut your fucking mouth up you little s-" Chelsea hissed before being cut off by Allison.

"No, let him speak, I wanna know what he has to say for himself."

The tiger gulped, "I've been watching you, what you've been doing with these other boys, and well, I... I thought you liked being treated rough like that, and I guess, I lost control of myself... I," a single tear dropped from his eyelid, "I didn't really want to hurt you."

Chelsea and Kevin still seemed to tremble with anger, but Allison had started to get some of her colour back, "I-I forgive you Garf... what you did was not right, and if you ever do it again, I'm sticking your fucking head on a pike, but I know that feeling, that inability to control yourself." She held herself as she began to shiver at her own dark thoughts, a warmth suddenly filling her as Chelsea squeezed her tighter.

Kevin and Garf kept their distance as their eyes seemed to look over each other, a clashing in the rabbit's expression as he felt contempt brewing in his little body. The young couple on the floor shared a long, passionate kiss, the final set of tears falling from the sheep's cheek as she broke the kiss, whispering into her partner's ear, "A-am I damaged goods?"

Chelsea grinned as she only held the sheep tighter, "You're my damaged goods, and I'm yours... let's fix each other."

Allison couldn't help but beam as she gazed into her mate's eyes, a pink hew covering her cheeks as she let out a calm collected, "Ok... I love you Chelsea."

The bear rubbed her nose against the sheep's as she let out a giggle, "Not as much as I love you silly!" As the two embraced each other again, Kevin took a deep calming breath, he could not forgive Garfiode so easily, but for now, he would bid his time.


Erik stretched his body out as he fought the butterflies in his stomach away. For whatever reason small events like these always seemed to tense him up a little bit. He supposed it was because he had to give the best performance as a teacher, reminding him ever so slightly of his old tryouts as an athlete when he was younger. Just as he was finally ready to address his upcoming class, the first two guests arrive, his jaw nearly slamming to the gymnasium floor as the two mice walked in.

There standing almost eye level to him was Sierra's mother, the stunning mouse resembled her daughter greatly, but her body was more filled out, aged like a fine wine. Her hair was the same bright blonde, tied up in a pretty little bun, and her fur had the same soft look as the younger mouse.

It was Sierra that really caught the gemsbok's attention though, the adorable, slender young mouse wearing a beautiful white dress that seemed to dazzle in the light, its shimmering edges trimmed with green lace. Her hair was straightened and flowed beautifully as she walked, its step swishing it back and forth/

The gemsbok gulped as his composure was instantly compromised, his eyes unable to leave the sight of his gorgeous student. "W-well hello, you must be Ms. Aven, it's an honour to meet you!"

"An honour?" the older mouse giggled as she shook the paw offered to her, "What makes you say that? Not that I'm not flattered." Sierra rolled her eyes as she was forced to watch her mother fail at her half-assed attempts at flirting.

"Well Ms. Aven, your daughter here is both my star student and star athlete, and she's the Captain of Ridgewood's volleyball team."

"Yes," the older mouse said with a deep smile as she ruffled her daughter hair with her paw, Sierra glaring as her perfectly straightened hair was almost ruined by mother's overzealous affection, "She continues to make me the proudest mother in the world, and please, call me Jessika."

"Well you see Jessika," the gemsbok continued, "That's just it, it's an honour and a privilege to be able to teach and coach your daughter, so it is also an honour to meet you."

The mouse blushed as she swished a paw in his direction, "Oh please, you are far too kind!" She was met with the same shining smile as the gemsbok as much to Sierra's satisfaction, they seemed to share a momentary connection of chemistry.

"That's your dress from picture day isn't it?" the gemsbok finally acknowledged Sierra again.

The mouse smiled as she curtsied, showing off the hems of the beautiful dress, "It is, glad you remembered."

Erik smiled back at her, thinking of how she looked just as angelic when that particular picture was taken a short two months ago. "How could I forget?" the gemsbok said sincerely, "It looks so wonderful on you... although as if you'd need anything else to brighten that look of yours."

The mouse blushed with a giggle, Erik distracted suddenly as a pair of paws caressed his arms. "So, why don't you show us around?" Jessika said in a tone that seemed almost sensually laced.

Erik cleared his throat as he adjusted himself, his posture clearly made somewhat awkward by the advancers of the mouse's mother. "S-sure," Erik muttered as he pulled away from the older mouse, her face clearly contorting in a short look of hurt, "Sounds good." The two mice followed him as he showed off the ins and outs of his gym, Jessika clearly pouting from a sense of rejection as Sierra seemed distracted with some sort of unspoken poise.

The buff gemsbok brought the two lovely ladies over the storage area, opening the doors with the key looped to his pants. "First on our tour is our storage room," he spread his arm open as if pitching a house to perspective buyers, the room filled with rows, racks and cases of almost every bit of equipment imaginable, "As you can see here at Ridgewood we take our athletics very seriously, and pride ourselves in our results of tournaments hosted by the school board."

Jessika nodded with bright and thoughtful eyes, showing as much interest as she could into what she was being shown. Her eyes flickered and sparkled as she followed closely behind the stud of male, flashing her cutest look his direction every moment he viewed her. The middle age mouse stepped over to one of the shelves as something caught her eye. "Lacrosse," she began to reminisce, "I used to play this when I was still in school, and it was my favourite sport!"

Sierra couldn't help but giggle as she listened to her mother's excitement, "She was on a team when she was in high school... but I don't think our schools do Lacrosse teams anymore..."

Erik nodded, "Sadly no, but I'm sure your mother was a great Lacrosse player."

The older mouse blushed at those words as she crept a little closer to the gemsbok, wrapping her arm around his as she whispered, "Show us more."

Erik blushed himself as he felt her hold him again, but he let her flirt with him for now, knowing that a little innocent playfulness wouldn't bother his mate. He brought the pair to his office next, showing off the area where he did all of his reports. The dusk was cluttered with sheets documenting both his class curriculum and the stats for his school teams. Sierra gave her teacher and coach a sympathetic smile as she said sweetly, "It's really too bad Coach Ivan can't come back more often to help you sort all this stuff out."

Erik chuckled as he organized some of the loose papers, "It's really no big deal hon, I love sports, so all this organizing just helps me fuel that passion." He rubbed his leg gently as a little bit of stiffness emerged, the mouse looking a little sad as she noticed his momentary limp.

"Sorry to cut out for a moment, but where is the nearest washroom?" Jessika asked as she seemed to have the urgency to go.

"Certainly," Erik said as he led the pair back out to the gymnasium, "Just that door to the left, girl's change room, there should be two stalls after the door next to the shower."

"Thank you Mr. Mitchell" she said with a flutter of her eyes, disappearing as the door swung shut.

Erik groaned as he rubbed his leg again, setting himself down on the gym floor. Nearby Sierra gave him another one of her famous smiles, the mouse hopping down into his lap with playful innocence. His eyes widened as she inadvertently grinded against his lap, his will power forced to work on overdrive as he held back an instinctual erection. "Well hi there miss affection!" he joked as he massaged her shoulders, more in friendship than sensually. Sierra sighed happily as he muscles were gently touched, seeing the touch as caring rather than enticing.

She leaned back a little naturally as his paws roamed, accidently draping her hair over his muzzle. Erik's heart hammered as he sniffed the soft locks, the smell of floral shampoo adding to the mouse's gentle nature. Sierra gulped a little as she caught the tickle of his inhaling breath, a blush covering her cheeks as she could tell her teacher's pants were beginning to tent. She tried to move herself away from the centre of his lap, but only made things worse, her balance slipping a little as the rough outline of his erection slide under her skirt and against her panties.

"Shit!" Erik murmured as he tried to slink away from the wall, his mind screaming at him to hoist the cub off of him.

"I-it's ok" Sierra whispered, her tone misunderstood as her shyness cut off the rest of her sentence. She had meant to add 'It's an accident, and only natural' but instead she simply sat awkwardly, the slight rubbing against her panties, causing her to feel little tingles.

Erik had thought of this moment for a long time, not wanting to act on it, his fear of the school's lack of boundaries keeping him morally sound. He could feel it all crashing down now as her neck draped over his shoulder, everything in his mind was holding him back, but the surging blood in his lap betrayed his resolve. Time seemed to stop as his muzzle made contact with the girl's neck, a gentle nip causing the mouse to squeak loudly in surprise. She panted and shook as her body tingled, soon lifting off of her teacher to stumble away.

"Sierra, I'm sorry," Erik said as he got up, "I don't know why I-"

"No," Sierra whimpered as she stood a few feet away from him, "It's ok, I'm not mad, I just-I should go."

"Please wa-" her tried to stop her, the mouse quickly pushing past the gymnasium doors as she rushed off. The gemsbok felt sick as he was left to stew in the terrifying reality of his actions, his mind reeling from the terrible outcome of months' worth of tension. He wanted to chase after her, but he knew it would only make things worse. The only hope he had at repairing their friendship was to give her space, and time to think and recover from the shock of his violation. He turned to look at the girl's change room door as he realized Jessika had never come out, and he entered slowly, calling out her name to make sure he didn't walk in on her indecently.

"Back here!" she replied as her name was called, the gemsbok following the voice to the shower. His mind was too clouded to question the illogical nature of her placement, no suspicion raised until he was suddenly pounced by the older mouse. He lay on the floor after a short tumble, silent and dumbfounded as she draped over him. Her lips pressed to his as she kissed him, at first doing all the work before his tongue instinctually aided her. Her paw draped over his thigh, slowly working its way towards his crotch, meeting the hard on that had been given no time to soften.

"Fuck!" she whispered as she disconnected her muzzle from his, feeling out the massive length that was shapely noticeable in his pants. The mouse barely spoke as she fiddled with the teacher's zipper, releasing the hard cock from its trapped state.

Her eyes were wide as globes as she looked over the impressive shaft, nipping her bottom lip as she said, "I-it's been so long, since my husband past away, I-I need a man!" Erik remained silent and vacant as she tapped his cockhead with her tongue, slowly working a few inches into her muzzle as she stroked the rest of it.

'Maybe it's best,' he thought to himself, 'If I can't have Sierra, I'll just have Jessika.' He groaned a little as she picked up her pace, giving him a satisfying blowjob, 'After all Cassandra has Carol, why can't I...' Before that thought could finish he pulled away, lightly pushing the mouse away as he stuffed his member back in his pants. "Look, you're very nice," he began, looking away as his tone was left dry and serious, "...and your daughter is very important to me, but I'm taken, if I wasn't I'd appreciate this... and I'd consider seeing you, but I just can't, you are charming and sexy and a million guys out there would love to be with you... but not me, I'm sorry..."

The mouse sat on the floor dumbfounded as she had been rejected so suddenly, her lustful, lonely state having made her more perverse and desperate than she ever wanted to be. It hurt not just to remain alone, but to give up on her own morals without even so much as a lay. She got to her feet as she brushed off her dress, grabbing her purse as tears began to flow from her eyes. Not a day went by that she hadn't wished her husband was there, keeping her and her daughter safe and happy. Before the image of the handsome mouse could break her down she left the change room, barely able to speak as she said to the gemsbok in a cold whisper, "Thanks for the tour."


Erik sighed as he let the warm water of the change room shower flow over him, rubbing his eyes as he let his stressful mind wander. He had pushed through all of his duties that evening, despite the distraught and regret raging inside him from his own actions. He had never seen Sierra act the way she had tonight, and the advances of the mouse's mother left him more than just a tad uncomfortable. What was supposed to be a fun first parent/teacher night had been left a mental burden and he had no idea how he would face his star student the next day.

He was so distracted by his thoughts he hadn't even heard the change room door open and the mysterious figure creep in behind him. His body shook as two arms wrapped around his chest, a feminine form with firm breasts pressing against his back, as a smooth, familiar tongue played with the lobe of his ear. "Mmm, here?" Erik asked with a chuckle as two paws reached to his waist, holding the thick cock that had begun to rise from the female's touch.

"Yes here," Cassandra replied as she stroked his shaft, still nipping at his ear, "I'm not waiting any longer!" All of Erik's stress seemed to wash away in her arms, the touch of his lover enough to temporarily relieve him of all his doubts and worries.

"You just can't stay out of trouble can you?" Erik groaned as he lay back, the beautiful form of his mate coming into view as she turned to face him. Water trickled through her soft black hair, her firm breasts splashed with the cascading nozzle waves as she slid her fingers down her lover's chest, her body lowering until she was eye level with his impressive manhood. She sucked on the head smoothly as she looked up at the gemsbok with a seductive glance, her lips slowly pushing down so a good half of his length could submerge into her muzzle.

"God Cass that feels great!" Erik groaned as he wrapped his fingers through her hair, guiding her head down into his lap as she gulped down his length with a slight gag. She let out a soft murmur as she gripped the gemsbok's crotch, her fingers wrapping around the side of his leg as she rocked her muzzle up and down over his thick rod. She stopped only for a moment as her gag reflexes demanded a break, her lips turning to his firm balls, giving them a hard but enjoyable suck. "Mmm, turn around babe!" Erik said gently as he rubbed his lover's ears, the doe turning to show her ass off to her man.

"Mmm, there we go!" the gemsbok growled with enthusiastic glee, his fingertips grazing and tickling his lover's pucker as he leaned in, tickling her clitoris with his nose as he inhaled her scent. Her breath grew heavy as the exhaling breath of her mate tickled her folds, his tongue sliding into her moments later as he sensually kissed her moist cleft. Her eyes closed as she raised her rump, the tickle of his fingers and the caressing tingles of his tongue making her pussy almost as wet as the water pouring down on the pair. He dug his fingers deeper, wiggling them around as he stretched her tight, warm pucker. Normally Erik would have been gentler with the invasion of his digits, but he knew how much his lover loved to have her backside played with.

He slid his tongue deeper into her canal, wiggling it in subtle vibrations until her body opened up for him, accepting his tongue gracefully as he dove it in and out of her slick pussy. "That's s-so-ahh!" Cassandra cried out as he pressed his tongue in just the right spot, "Yes right there, oh god!" Erik smiled as he pressed his muzzle against her, diving his tongue as deep as it could go, inhaling her scent as every conscious sense gave itself over to the cause. Within moments she had begun to squeal out, his muzzle and mouth showered in her sweet nectar as her first orgasm came crashing in.

"Someone's excited today!" he jeered her own as he kept fingering her tailhole, sliding out to giver her a moment to breathe.

"St-st-stop..." the doe whimpered.

"Hmm," Erik pondered, "Stop what?"

"Stop," she panted as her body shook with trembling aftershocks, "Stop teasing!" She spread her folds open for her toned lover, "Fuck me Erik, I've waited long enough!"

Erik grinned as her heard such depraved desperation coming from his mate. He gripped his cock with his paw, rubbing the tip teasingly along her aching pussy lips, "Stop teasing? But you look so sexy writhing around like that!"

"Don't!" Cassandra growled as she slammed back, hilting the entire cock into herself. As soon as she had taken charge she instantly regretted it, her body reminded her of just how endowed her boyfriend was. "Ow, ow, ow... shit!" the doe whimpered as she felt Erik slide out of her, his cockhead rubbing her clit until her stinging pain had been replaced with fluttering tingles.

"Now now Cass... this is my shower, my gym... my rules!" As the gemsbok spoke, he slid his cock slowly back into his mate's warm pussy, its inner walls hugging his shaft in a tight grasp.

"Mmm, yes sir!" Cassandra called out lustfully as her lover treated her just right, his pace more realistic than hers as he slowly began to make love to her. He would let his entire length drop out of her, only the tip remaining inside before sinking all the way back in, his ministrations slowly timed and carefully calculated. The moment she began to loosen up he would change his pace, going from moderate to slow in an unrecognizable pattern. Occasionally he would rub a couple fingers over her clitoris, and sometimes penetrate her pucker with them instead. Each touch was unique and precise, the doe left with no spare moments to adjust to the sensations.

Her body was on overdrive by the time Erik had turned the shower nozzle off, keeping the pair from getting water-logged as he allowed her own liquids some time to shine. He pushed her further as she began to shake, thrusting into her full force as she screamed out from the intensity of her climax. "Just ride it out baby!" he instructed his lover as he kept sliding in and out of her slowly, her body shaking and her breath staggering as tingles and shivers almost put her in shock.

"Ahh s-stop..." she whimpered as her pussy began to sting, the sliding of his cock no longer comfortable, "It's getting a little ahh-" She wobbled a little as he pulled out her, his cock nice and slick from all the juices she had released. "S-sorry hon, but I'm still good to-Oh god!"

Before she could even offer the suggestion he had pushed the first few inches of himself into her backside, the doe's pucker already somewhat loosened by the gemsbok's fingers, her own nectar serving as lubricant. "I know baby, I know" the gemsbok whispered as he began to toy with her ass in the same overwhelming inconsistency. Although it did not have the same slickness or shapely hold as her pussy, Cassandra's ass was much tighter and just as warm. "Yeah, shake it Cass!" he chuckled as she wiggled her rump for him, the doe clenching herself so her ass grew even tighter.

"Mmm, I'm not gonna last much longer if you keep that up!" he said as she kept up her tightening and bouncing.

"Why don't you fill me up then stud!" she said softly as she made no effort at slowing down, speeding up in fact as she desperately coaxed him to finish. Erik panted out as he thrust harder and faster, joining Cassandra in her pace as within moments his body tightened. He let out a long, low grunt as he pressed hard against his lover, bucking wildly as he shot volley after volley of cum inside her.

Before he was completely empty, Erik slid out of her backside, his paw aiding with the intensity of his orgasm as the rest of his cum shot out over the doe's aching pussy lips. By the time he was done with his violent spurts, her entire rear end was coated in sticky white strings, the gemsbok scratching the back of his head as he chuckled with a slight blush. "Hon, umm, I may need to turn the shower back on..."

The doe turned her head to give him a seductive wink, her fingers reaching back to scoop up all of the gemsbok's gooey treat. She slid her fingers slowly into her muzzle, swallowing it down slowly as her free paw pushed whatever she missed into her pussy. "Who says that dear?" she said in her usual sly tone before getting to her feet, "Now get your clothes, it's fucking late!"


Erik sighed as he drove home, his girlfriend leaning against him as he drove. With the parent/teacher night craziness out of the way he was free to enjoy his weekend, the doe deciding to spend the entire forty-eight hours at home with him. His eyes were focused on the road as he continued the short trip home, his face suddenly contorting to a disapproval as he felt his zipper being yanked down. "Cass, what the hell are you doing?" he scolded his mate as she began to stroke his cock, the gemsbok unable to keep it from naturally hardening.

"Shh, just drive dear..." Cassandra whispered as she gulped his shaft down, the gemsbok's breath heavy as he brought his attention back to the road, his lover igniting his flames of passion all over again. By the time she had successfully swallowed his whole length down they were home, the doe giggling as her mate pulled out the key, giving her a stern but hungry gaze.


Cassandra moaned as her back smacked gently against the front door, the pair still half closed as Erik used his strength to help hold her up. The doe cried out as waves of orgasmic bliss washed over her, all pretenses of gentleness and precision having left her lover. Now he bucked wildly into her, his cock jabbing her insides with feral need. He had barely just hilted her when she began to shower him with a heavy squirt, her breath leaving her in heaves and coughs as he set her down on the floor. Erik wiped sweat from his forehead as he caught his breath, his lover suddenly grabbing his cock greedily and shoving it into her muzzle.

She worked it down her throat in fast, smooth sucks, tasting her own nectar as she milked the gemsbok's engorged prick. Erik didn't take long either, in moments his paw holding the back of her neck as he fired another, smaller volley of cum down her throat. She giggled as she let the softening member fall from her lips, watching as her lover fell onto his back, panting. She let him catch his breath for a minute before pouncing on him, nipping his nipple hard. He let out a hurt groan as she suckled on the now sensitive area, her teeth quickly moving up to gnaw at his ear. "Everyday... you will do that to me every day... or I'm inviting Ms. Aven over for dinner."

"Ugh you saw?" Erik couldn't help but laugh as he slapped the doe's ass.

"I did," she giggled as sucked on the gemsbok's neck, "...and I mean what I said."

The gemsbok laughed as he spread his lover's ass and pussy with both paws, looking into her eyes as he growled, "I hope you weren't planning to walk much on Monday!"