Quality Father-Son Time: Greener Pastures

Story by Argentuscale on SoFurry

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I really, really enjoyed writing this one. And believe me, if you read part 2 of this story, I was just as concerned about Jared and Stark as you. So I went all out here. Despite my no swearing policy, I added a few curses here and there; nothing major, and certainly nothing excessive.

If you're new to this story, you can find part one here (copy/paste the URL into your search bar): http://europe1.yiffstar.com/?pid=69259

Part 2: http://europe1.yiffstar.com/?pid=69456

NOTE: I had a lot of trouble getting part 2 into the archive, and even when you search for the appropriate tags, you can't find it. I don't know if you'll be able to view it, but you should be able to get to it through my profile if the link doesn't take you there.

I'd also like to mention that, though this story is based on father/son relationships, it is not derived at all from personal experience or feelings. I despise the man who has the audacity to refer to me as though I'm his offspring, as if to make himself feel more special than he will ever be.

And with that, enjoy my most popular story at the moment!

Jared Corraine stood with his mouth agape, staring at the mare standing in front of his father, Stark Corraine, at the doorway. It was Resa Corraine, Jared's mother; the same mother who up and left without explanation years before, when Jared was only twelve.

"Happy birthday, Jared," she said with a smile, as if she had never left and everything was the same way it was six years ago. She was looking past Stark, who appeared just as stunned as Jared felt.

Resa turned to Stark. "Hello, honey. Can I come in?"

Stark regained his composure. "Why the sudden visit? Forget your purse when you went to the store. . .six years ago?"

Resa's expression changed immediately from giddy to depressed. "Can I please come in? I want to talk to you and Jared."

Stark looked at Jared, who said nothing, but quietly begged to whatever otherworldly forces that may control the world to send Resa on her way, zap her, anything but let her in the house.

The forces had other ideas, apparently. Stark let Resa inside. She took off her shoes and looked around the house. When she noticed Jared's shirt on the floor, she spoke: "So I see you guys haven't gotten any cleaner without me. Men and their mess."

"What do you want, Resa?" Stark said, impatience growing on his voice.

"Let me get a glass of water," she replied. She went into the kitchen, leaving Stark and Jared in the living room. Jared took the opportunity to whisper to his dad: "Dad, what is she doing here?"

"I don't know. She didn't call or anything."

"Can you get rid of her?"

"It's not that easy, Jared. . ."

They heard Resa's exclamation from the kitchen. She stomped out, one hand on her hip, the other holding a plastic bag. The one full of the sex toys Stark bought for Jared's birthday earlier.

"What are THESE?"

Jared's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the bag, but Stark appeared to remain calm.

"I think they're called 'dildos' and 'lube' in the Common Tongue," he said, his voice dripping in sarcasm. "And no, they aren't a homecoming present for you." Was Stark planning to tell Resa about his relationship with Jared?

Resa remained in her position, though she blinked at Stark's frank response. "And who, pray tell, do these belong to?"

"Me," Jared replied, the first word he said to his mother since she arrived.

"Why are you messing with these things?"

Jared followed his father's example. "I don't know; because I'm gay? Yes, I think that makes the most sense."

Resa's mouth gaped. "G-gay? When did that--"

"A few years ago, actually. Not that you were there," Jared added quickly.

Resa turned to Stark, who was fighting back a grin. "And you KNEW about this?"

Stark shrugged. "Can't help who the boy likes. 'Slong as he's not humping random strangers, I don't care about some toys or boyfriends hanging around." So he wasn't going to tell her. Jared never had any boyfriend other than Stark. "I find it funny, Resa," Stark went on, "that you take such a vivid interest in your son's life now after not bothering to write for six years. Care to get to the freaking point?"

Resa looked to Jared again and put down the bag, apparently dropping the issue


"After I left--"

"Why don't you start with why you left in the first place? There was no explanation, no 'bye, we had fun,' no nothing. You pretended to go to the store for makeup and never came back. Do you have any idea how frightened we were that some freak cut you or something? For months, we thought you were dead! And then we get the change-of-address forms in the mail, notifying us of a Resa Corraine's move three states away. So why, hm?"

Resa hung her head. "Before that day, I. . . .met someone."

Stark rolled his eyes. "I gathered that. What else?"

"We had gone out several times, and we fell in love," she continued. "Well, after a few months of this, he said he was moving away, and he asked me to come with him. He had a new, well-paying job, and a house by a lake. It was a difficult decision, but I went with him."

"Okay," Jared said, "So why didn't you stay at this nice house by the lake with this man who obviously was better than the other men in your life?"

"Well, for a while, everything was perfect. We got married and he got rich. But then I got pregnant, and he didn't want children. He said he'd leave me if I kept it, so. . . . . . . .I got rid of it. But the relationship continued to dwindle from there, and I still don't know why. He soon filed for divorce and kicked me out of his house. That was two weeks ago. I've been trying to come back here ever since."

"I see," Stark said. "Now that you can't mooch off of Pretty Boy, you came crawling back to the inferior boys in the ugly neighborhood in the messy house. Sorry, honey, but you're still homeless. Get out."

Resa burst into tears. "Why can't you show a little sympathy? I know I made a huge mistake, and I know you have reason to hate me, but damn it, I'm still your wife and mother!"

This was the first time Stark's composure left him during the conversation, and Jared didn't like it. Why was he shaking? Surely he wasn't considering letting her stay. . .

Stark looked at Jared with the deepest apology in his eyes, and Jared knew.

"Fine. You can stay until you can support yourself. Then it's over. I never want to see you again, and neither does Jared."

Resa's mood lightened a bit, but she still sniffed. Jared felt his own tears welling up. Now that Resa was staying, he wouldn't be able to have his father. How could Dad do that to him? They were lovers, and he just let that bitch stay after some crocodile tears! And what if they got back together? Jared would be alone. . .but Stark said she'd only stay temporarily, hadn't he? But Jared didn't even expect that. Who knows what other surprises he would pull?

He stormed off into his room, not saying a word to either of his parents out of fear of flipping out and hitting them both, slammed the door behind him as hard as his strength allowed, jumped onto his bed, and cried for the first time since Resa left.

He stayed in his room all night. He never wanted to come out again. Late into the night, at about midnight, his door opened. It was his dad. Stark went to the bed and spoke softly to Jared.

"I'm sorry, son." He stroked Jared's mane, but Jared pulled away.

"Why did you say she could stay?" Jared asked. "You know we can't do anything while she's here."

"I told you it's not so simple," Stark said. "Your mother left without goodbyes, as you know. But she also left without filing any papers. We technically never got divorced. I was going to kick her out myself, and then she said that she's still my wife. She's right. And if she changes that, if she starts to hate us, she'll file divorce and ask for half of what we own, possibly even the house. If she leaves--when she leaves--we have to make sure she leaves without wanting to go through the legal mess. And the only way to make sure she does that is to give her time to get a job and make enough to support herself." He sighed. "I'm just as depressed as you are, Jared. We won't be able to do anything for a while, but I promise you, once this is all over," and here he bent to kiss his son on the cheek, "I'll make sure you have the best you'll ever have as long as you live. Be patient, and just avoid her if you don't want to deal with her. I love you."

Jared sniffed, still depressed that he wouldn't be able to feel his dad's warm, naked embrace or kiss his lips again for who-knows-how-long, but he was relieved to know why Stark decided to let Resa stay. He hugged his dad's neck and said "I love you, too, dad." He kissed Stark's cheek before his dad left the room.

And so, the days went by. Resa slept on the couch at night and looked for a job most of the day. She didn't say much to either of the boys, and they said less to her, but she had questioned Jared about his sexuality a couple of times and got into a few shouting matches with Stark. While sexually starved, neither Jared nor Stark would masturbate--they planned on saving everything they had for the day when Resa would leave, no matter how long it took. But God, it was hard.

Finally, after a little more than a week, Resa found a job at a nearby supermarket. Nothing major, but since she wouldn't be spending the money she earned on anything (Stark had forbidden it), she should have the finances for renting a small apartment after a month or so, provided she worked overtime.

On her first day, she said goodbye to Jared, and he simply waved her off. Her chance to play mother had long-since passed. When she was gone, Jared went into the bathroom and began to take a long, hot shower, with the water as hot as it would go.

As he bathed, he heard the bathroom door open. He looked out of the shower door and saw his dad, wearing a towel around his waist. He was grinning.

"Room for one more?" Stark asked playfully.

Jared smiled and responded. "Sure. Come on in, big boy."

Stark dropped his towel, revealing his glorious testicles, which appeared even bigger than usual due to the lack of sex between the horses. He stepped into the shower, which was large enough to hold the two stallions, and upon seeing his wet, naked son, his member immediately began to emerge, creating an erection in Jared as well. Jared grabbed a hold of Stark's shoulder and grinned; it was the first time in over a week that they had seen eachother naked, touched eachother outside a quiet kiss or a quick tap on the ass. Their muscles glistened with the running water that ran down their bodies and dripped off their hanging members.

"Oh, God, I almost forgot how big you are," Stark said to his son.

"Mmm, I almost forgot how good you look when you're wet," Jared replied.

The two horses leaned into eachother and kissed, rubbing their penises against their chests and feeling the water rain down on them. They both savored the taste of the other horse's mouth, the feeling of his tongue in him, the pleasure of their hands groping their body. Stark's pelvis began to move seemingly of its own accord, instinctively pushing against his son's chest. Jared strongly considered pushing back, but he broke the kiss.

"Not now," he whispered. Those were the most difficult words he ever had to say.

Stark replied in a breathy voice, his eyes closed and his tongue dripping with lust. "Oh, why not? She won't be back for hours."

"But she'll be back, "Jared said. "The next time we do it, I don't want interruptions. I want it to be the best I'll ever have, like you promised. When she leaves, I want to have you all day and night, and we can do everything together, rather than play around in the shower. And remember, you still owe me my birthday hilting." Jared smiled when his father opened his eyes. He appeared disappointed, but when he spoke he said "All right. For you, I'll wait. But you're not making it easy on me, stud."

"Oh, you make it more difficult for me, stallion."

The horses giggled to eachother for several minutes and finished their shower. Jared looked at Stark's muscular butt as he bent over and got the towel off the floor and almost went back on what he said before, but he managed to restrain himself enough to just give it a slap.

Resa had better earn that money fast.

Days went on by, and turned into weeks. Stark and Jared read, watched television, went out to movies, whatever they could to try and get their minds off of sex and masturbation, but it was unbearably difficult. It got to the point where just seeing eachother got them both hard, but still they managed to hide this from Resa, who made good money in her job from overtime. She never bought anything, as Stark had said; Stark bought food and clothes and paid the taxes and used only his own money. This was in order to guarantee that Resa's earnings would accumulate as fast as possible. When she was home she cleaned the house and made food; one good thing about her was she was an unbelievable cook. The first thing Jared had missed when she left was her food. Jared almost adjusted to her being home again, but the fact that she left always kept him from fully welcoming her back, and he still yearned for the day she would leave him and his lover.

Eventually Jared began writing stories, mostly erotic, to try and put his hormones at ease by expressing himself another way. Most of his stories, unsurprisingly, involved father/son incest, and he often referenced his own experiences with his dad to come up with usable material. His stories weren't top-notch, but he published them on a website for yiffy stories and quickly became popular. It was like making porn videos, he realized: he was erotically expressing himself to an audience of hundreds, perhaps thousands of ogling eyes. He had Stark's permission to write and publish the stories, provided Stark read them first, for. . . .constructive criticism. In addition, Jared couldn't use his name, post any pictures of his face, or give out any personal info of any kind; not even his age. But it was fun.

A month and a half had passed, and the day finally came when Resa declared she had enough cash to live in a rented apartment; now they just needed to find one. They looked in the newspapers and would go out to look at apartments that appeared interesting, only to find that most of them either had needed repairs that Resa couldn't afford or were located in drug neighborhoods or were near-impossible to live in altogether; one place had no toilet, another had a bathtub with an entire colony of roaches living in the drain, another had a hole in the roof the size of a Prius, and yet another had heroin hidden in the walls of the master bedroom. While looking up a house that actually looked nice, they were confronted by a wolf that opened his coat to reveal a whole assortment of watches, knives, plastic bags full of only-God-wants-to-know-what and looked at the family.

"Hey, you guys look like you're looking for something," he spoke very fast. "Well, I got watcha need, yes, I got it all right here! Need a Rolex? Fifty bucks! No? Twenty-five! No Rolex? How about this nice little needle-cleaner. . . ."

So the search took a lot longer than any of the horses had hoped. But they kept looking.

After weeks of searching, they finally came upon a nice place that was livable and intact. The neighborhood was good, mainly thanks to a patrol, and they weren't confronted by drug dealers or exhibitionists. Resa loved it and signed the appropriate papers. Jared wanted to dance the day she was finally to leave, though a small part of him did feel depressed again. If she hadn't left them, things would have been so very different between him and his parents. Stark and Resa also signed divorce papers, and Resa left all but some old china to Stark. They were officially divorced.

Resa had gathered her things and called a cab to take her to her new home. She turned to Stark and Jared, who were twitching with anticipation.

"I know things will never be the same, and I know you two have no reason to forgive me, but I enjoyed this time together. I hope we can have it again one day." She kissed their cheeks. "Oh, and Jared, just remember to always stay loyal with whatever man you end up with. They don't forgive easily." She winked.

Jared appreciated the advice, and the implied acceptance of his sexuality, but was afraid that if she didn't leave very soon, he would rip off his clothes and mount his father right in front of her.

"I'll be sure to remember that. Bye." He mustered. Stark didn't say anything.

Resa got into her cab after one last look at them, and the yellow vehicle drove off. She was finally gone.

Jared closed the door, turned around, and pounced on Stark. They fell to the floor, kissing and moaning harder than they ever had in their lives. Stark ripped at his button-up shirt, pulling off the buttons one by one as he took it off, and Jared took off his pants and threw them across the room onto a television. His boner took off his underwear for him, stretching the old pair of briefs until they ripped, just as Jared had planned. Stark reached up and removed Jared's shirt, leaving both horses with their chests exposed.

"Your chest is bigger since I last saw," Stark said.

"I've been working out more. Now shut up and fuck me, dad."


Did Jared hear that right?

"Wait? God, I've been waiting long enough!" But Jared got up. If his dad wanted to wait, then there was probably a good reason.

He followed Stark into the kitchen, his penis begging for his father's touch. Stark opened a drawer and pulled out a small bottle.

"I didn't tell you this," Stark began, "But Resa came onto me one night. I refused, of course, but I later found out that she actually bought a bottle of Viagra and planned to drug me with it. She succeeded. Dear God, she succeeded. But I still kept her away, and I just waited for the drug to wear off. The bottle's still full," he said, and that evil grin appeared on his face. Oh, how Jared loved that grin.

"You said back in the shower that day that you wanted me all day and night when she left," Stark continued. "Well, here's how it's gonna be done." He smiled, popped open the bottle and took a pill, then tossed the bottle to Jared, who also took one, then he dropped the bottle onto the ground. Stark removed his pants and playfully tossed his boxers onto Jared's head. Jared threw the boxers off and stared for a second at his dad's marvelous body, bulging in muscles. His dad's throbbing penis was fully erect, long and thick and engorged with blood, and his balls hung low, full of the delicious liquid that had accumulated in their time of unwilling abstinence.

"I'm not the only one who's gotten bigger muscles," Jared said, desire for the vascular stud in front of him dripping from his voice. He walked to his father and they embraced, kissing eachother hard on the lips and licking their muscular chests. Stark picked Jared up and set him on the kitchen counter, and kissed his son's neck. Jared felt the hard tip of his dad's member gently poke his butthole, and the resulting wave of ecstasy sent a tsunami of pleasure up his spine that escaped from his mouth in the form of a loud neigh.

Stark whispered in his ear, "I still owe you your birthday present. Not to mention all the missed nights we have to make up for." He let go of Jared again, and walked out of the kitchen, his raised tail beckoning Jared to follow. They went into the master bedroom, and Stark reached into a drawer in the nightstand by his large bed. He pulled out another bottle.

It was lubricant.

Stark opened the bottle and squeezed the jelly out all over his dick, rubbing it and moaning for his son, who watched the whole thing with lust. When he finished, he threw the empty bottle away and pulled out another one, and repeated the process of wetting his penis for what was to come. After the third bottle, Stark moved onto his side.

"It's time for you to feel your daddy's cum in your ass," Stark said lustfully.

Jared climbed onto the bed and kissed his dad one more time. Then he turned around and got on his hands and knees, and he pointed his rear at his father. He raised his tail as high as he could, and he reached behind with one hand and rubbed his eager ass, spreading the cheeks apart a little bit. "Fill me, dad. Fill me to overflowing, like you promised."

Stark looked at his son's sexy butt. He moved over to Jared and rubbed his hips, and he bent forward and slowly licked his son's butthole, gliding up and down the crevasse and circling the anus like it was a doughnut. Jared moaned his loud appreciation for his father's tongue, feeling the slimy muscle glide into his ass and move its way around his insides.

"Yes, lick my ass good, dad!"

He felt his father's hand grope his large, full testicles as his tongue continued its work, and his penis eeked prefluid as pleasure racked his body with every lick from Stark.

Then Stark's licking stopped, and he got up and settled himself over Jared, his hands on the bed at Jared's sides.

"You ready, boy?"

Jared raised his rump as high as he could in response. "Oh, God, yes, I'm ready. Mount me good and hard, daddy; I'm BEGGING you."

And then he felt it. Stark slowly and gently pushed the tip of his huge penis into Jared. He could feel it glide across his tailhole, stretching it wider than it had ever been stretched, and he let loose a spurt of prefluid as he felt his dad's cock go deeper in. Even with the lube, it stung a bit, but he didn't care. He gasped and moaned as his father's cock slid into him all the way down to the base. They stayed that way for a few seconds, and Jared could feel the veins in Stark's penis throb hard against his insides. His father's breathing was hard above his head.

"Happy Birthday, son," Stark said.

He began to thrust into his son, slowly and gently at first so as to get the teen's body adjusted to the massive cock inside of him. Jared gasped and moaned each time he felt his dad pull out for such a long time that it felt like he would pull all the way out, but then Stark would push back in again, slightly faster than before. It was his dreams come true. He was finally under his father's powerful legs, finally full of his dad's bulging meat, just as he fantasized a year ago.

Stark's pace began to quicken, sending Jared into bouts of ecstasy.

"Harder!" Jared shouted.

Stark obliged, apparently no longer as concerned for Jared as he was for orgasm. Jared could feel his dad's massive balls slap against his own as he was repeatedly hammered by the animal on top of him. Stark grunted as he pushed into Jared's tight virgin ass.

"Oh, I'm about to explode," Stark soon said. Jared tightened every muscle in his butt, eager to feel his dad's ejaculation inside of him for the first time. Stark's speed quickened even more, and then he suddenly stopped. Jared felt his father's drool run down from his back and onto his arms, and he knew that he was almost finished. He felt Stark's penis swell inside of him and begin to throb violently against his inner walls. Then a warm, wet rush entered his senses, and he neighed his pleasure at being filled with his dad's cum. Again and again his cock surged its release, filling Jared more and more, until he thought he might burst.

Stark raised his head and shouted. "Oh, YES! Take every drop of my cum, slut! YES!"

Jared shouted back. "God, it feels so good! Fill me more, dad! I want more!"

And Stark humped him again. He violated his son's willing butt and released another wave of semen into his insides, marking him as his own forever. Stark filled him up so much that his tailhole leaked cum before he even pulled out.

When Stark finally exited his son's anus, he fulfilled his promise. Semen escaped like a river, flowing onto the bed and onto Stark's legs. Both horses neighed and whinnied. Stark was still very hard. The Viagra had kicked in. They had all day to go, and they were only just beginning. Hormones took control, and the horses released every inhibition they had.

Stark laid down on his back and gripped his cock in his hands. He yelled a scream of desire, and called to his son. "Cum on me, Jared! I need to be covered with your seed!"

Jared jumped onto his father's chest and thrust his pulsing member up and down his father's big chest and stomach, and rubbed against his dad's dick with his own. He kissed his begging dad, who still held his own penis with both hands and moaned, "Oh, yeah, screw all over me, you big, hard stallion." Soon Jared felt his penis begin to grow and pulse, and he sat upright and released all over his dad, covering his chest, dick and face as Stark caught some of the semen with his open mouth.

"Ah! Ah!" Jared exclaimed with every pulse of his cock as his father was coated in white liquid. It was Jared's first ejaculation in. . . years? No, months. Stark began to pant loud and hard, and Jared saw his cock begin to swell up and throb, and he quickly moved within its sights just in time to get sprayed with his dad's own warm, delicious cum. He raised his head and let the liquid splash onto his chest, and he rubbed his body down as his father's fluids trickled down his abs and onto his cock and down his balls while Stark moaned and shouted with every surge of his release.

Both horses were completely covered in their own warm cum, but neither stopped. That Viagra was kicking ass, and they both loved it. They enjoyed eachother, licking at their bodies and rubbing their members and coating their asses with semen. Jared was on top of Stark, and he turned and pointed his rear in Stark's face again. Stark raised his head and greedily licked his son's ass yet again, and Jared moved down between Stark's legs and he licked what he could reach of Stark's tasty butt, inhaling the wonderful, sweaty scent. He raised his head and began to lick his father's long penis, tasting his own insides from when he was mounted. He moaned like he was licking a delicious candy cane.

"Oh, yes, suck your sexy father's big dick," he heard Stark say. He felt his father begin to lick his balls, and Jared groped his dad's huge orbs and sucked on his club of a penis, eagerly licking off the semen that had gathered on it.

The two horses stayed there in the 69 position, sucking eachother's balls and cocks until they both released at the same time, filling eachother's mouths to overflowing with their delicious cum. When they stopped, Jared faced his father's muzzle again, with semen running down both of their faces, and they kissed. They stayed like that for over an hour, kissing and rolling in the cum-soaked bed, not caring about anything in the world but the horse he was macking.

The day went on, each one taking turns mounting the other. Jared filled his father's butt, and Stark released everything he had onto Jared while he posed his sexiest positions, and Jared sucked Stark off, taking the cock out of his mouth just before Stark's release so to cover his face in cum. They both pleasured eachother for hours on end, and when they felt themselves begin to tire, they took another Viagra and went again long into the night.

The time passed slowly, and when the two stallions awoke the next day, completely covered in jizz and filled to the brim, they took a shower together and mounted eachother yet again in the hot, steamy bathroom. Then they ate a huge breakfast, not having eaten anything but semen and ass the day before.

They hugged eachother, father and son, lovers for life.

"I love you so much, Jared. I'll always look after you and I'll always be there for you, as your father or your cock slut, even when you're in college and out on your own. I promise."

"I love you too, dad, and I always will. I'll never reject you or take someone else for my own. You're mine, and I'm yours, and it will always be that way. I'm so happy to be your son."

The stallions continued to embrace as the sunlight crept in through the windows and the newspaper hit the front door. The day was beginning.