Broken Frost

Story by King Z on SoFurry

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#1 of R.o.t.G (Rise of the Guardians)

A Rise of the Guardians fan-fiction, copyright: I do not own any part of the Rise of the Guardians. All I own is the words that I type. This story is set before Jack became a Guardian, I hope you all enjoy.

Jack sat on his rock by the lake in which he drowned years ago. "What am I doing here Manny, it's been 250 years and still no one believes in me, I hate being invisible" Jack said staring up at the moon hoping to get an answerer. "Nothing... great, you speak to North and the others but not me..." Jack adds as a lone tear falls down his cheek. "Jack, Jack? Oh there you are." a man dressed in a red suit says as he walks over to Jack. "Oh hey North, hows things at the pole" Jack asks the man known as North; a jolly soul once you get past the rough and tough attitude North uses. "As you know Jack, a Guardians work is..." "Top secret, yeah I know" Jack says finishing North's sentence. "Good, maybe one day, you'll be a guardian too Jack" North says placing his hands on Jacks shoulders. "Well, time for me to head back to the pole, I was just making sure your ok" North says as he climbs into his sleigh. "I'm fine North, just go. Christmas is right around the corner" Jack says as North takes off into the sky. 'Why him Manny, why North of all people. Bunny would have been better... Why's North my handler" Jack says towards the moon expecting an answerer. The wind around Jack picked up 'Time to go to work' Jack thought to himself, he jumped off his rock and let the wind carry him to a small town known only as Timweed. Jack loved this small town, there were so many children hoping for snow and Jack was the one to provide it, Jack flew across the sky by help of the wind, snow fell behind Jack as he flew. 'Just some snow to cancel school' Jack thought to himself.

Jack enjoyed watching the children play, even if he never got noticed. He felt happy that his creation brought so much joy to the kids. "Another year of not being noticed, but that's fine I guess" Jack says to himself. A snowball flies up towards Jack almost knocking the young spirit, below him 5 children ran about throwing snowball's and having a good time. Jack could not hold back his tears anymore... He sobbed for a while cursing the day he became like this, alone and forgotten. Jack lands onto a telephone wire wiping his eyes, 'Manny... I curse you' Jack thought to himself. A small humming noise caught Jack's attention, the humming was coming from a small boy across the street. Jack sighed and looked at the boy. The boy smiled and started skating on the patches of ice on the sidewalk. The boy almost lost his footing a couple of times but they way he danced on the ice Jack could no longer feel upset. the boy stopped, raised his head towards the area of Jack and grinned the the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. The boy wave up at Jack and then walked away... Jack could not speak, was this a dream? Was it a trick by Sandman? Many thoughts ran through Jack's mind, above Jack the Man in Moon (Manny) seemed to be smiling!


I hope you guys liked my very first fan-fic, I decided to do the Rise Of The Guardians because I just LOVE that movie, it's so wonderful!


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