Dream Keeper

Story by King Z on SoFurry

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#2 of New Stories

I created this story 5 years ago, I hope you enjoy!

'What is a Dream Keeper?' many ask, some have seen their work. A Dream Keeper is known by many names; spirit, phantom but the word most know us as is ghost. We are not scary or things to fear, we take your dreams and keep them for when you need them, but not all of our kind are nice and sweet. There is one known as Dark aka 'The Boogeyman' he feeds off fear, any kinds. It could be little or big, as long as he gains power. Our tale starts with a boy with so much promise of creating powerful dreams but he could also create terrible nightmares.

'Nick are you coming in or not, it's starting to snow!' said a woman dressed in a black satin robe. 'I'll be in soon!' said the boy known as Nick as he hanged from the monkey bars. The wind blew in fast, as fast as a hurricane. It blew Nick left and right, the boy knew it was time to move. The storm blew through the trees with an eerie whistle. Snow fell hard and fast, and Nick was enjoying each second. The young boy feared nothing just like his father, the strong wind blew Nick towards the door and into the warmness of his mother, who picked up her boy and gave him a big hug!

Night came quickly, as the mother cleaned and the father dried. Nick sat and watched his show, snow fell harder it caused the lights to flicker and go out, but Nick wasn't scared, he gave both his parents a hug and went off to bed!

Inside Nick's dream he could be anything, tonight he wanted to fight a dragon. He got his wish, his dream was filled with cheering crowds as he slayed the dragon. All cheered his name, but outside of his dream he was being watched. 'So peaceful, Nicky boy' said a shadowy figure. 'Your dreams are going to come crashing down upon you, starting NOW!' the figure adds waving his hand over the sleeping boy. Inside his dream the dragon rose once more, Nick smiled bravely and readied himself for another round. things went as they usually do, Nick struck a blow after blow onto the dragon, victory seemed near until the sky turned black and the dragon seemed to grow, the dragon charged at Nick, the shock of fear ran through the boy as he awoke in his room sweat rolled of his head, outside the window Dark grinned. 'Your first of many nightmares Nicky, I hope you enjoy!' cackled Dark as he vanished.

I hope you guys enjoyed, I'll be working on more sneak peek stories like this one. I hope you enjoyed!


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