Prison ship breakout

Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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Date: Month Gamma, Day 27, Year 0217 Mission Priority: Capture Enemy Prison Ship and Secure High-Profile Prisoners

The mission seemed simple at first. All we had to do was board a low-security ship, take a few prisoners, and get out of there before we were noticed by the Celetic Forces. The ship itself was one of there standard prison ships: slowmoving, bulky, and no weapons to speak of. In fact, the only thing we had to do to put this ship out of commission was to fire an EMP pulse at it to dissable its com transmitters. The targets weren't that big of a threat, one of them was a high-ranking official from our side, so this mission shouldn't have been that big of a deal. The other two targets were: the Chairman from one of their Security Grid Stations, so not much threat from him, and a former enployee of one of Celetic shipping docks.

The assault started at around 6:17:32, with a close range EMP pulse from our ship, CRIMSON WINGS, a standard stealth ship from our fleet, nearly invisible to all types of radar. Our boarding craft were launched shortly after that. Each boarding ship contained 8 soldiers, each soldier wearing standard issue assualt armor and wielding the standard issue assualt rifle. The boarding ships hit the side of the prison ship and started to bore their way through the hull of the ship. Once through, the hatch would open and soldiers would come pouring out, automatic rounds flying everywhere. Text-book style boarding. I myself was in a boarding ship that hit somewhere near the bridge of the prison ship. Checking my ammo, I braced myself for the impact. SLAM. A blinding light, and we were through. After a quick sweep through the corridors, it was determined that most of the guards must have been off duty, somewhere in the barracks portion of the ship. The few that were up had been quickly cut down in short bursts of fire. My squad had just secured the two corridors connected to the bridge when the ship's emergency alarm went off. An inconvience, nothing more. The damn Celetic fools couldn't do anything about the alarm anyway, since by then our forces had surely taken most of the ship. The first flaw in our plan was that the few sections of the ship that we didn't occupy had locked themselves in and noone had been instructed to carry cutting torches. Another minor inconvience. The second flaw in our plan was that the holding cells were in the bottom of the ship, as was the Chairman's quarters. Our boarding ships hit near the top of the ship, giving the bottom enough time to lock down. It was probably one of these areas that had sounded the alarm as well. This was a more serious problem, because we had to open up those areas fast, before a Celetic patrol ship came by. Most of the crew in the bridge had been slaughtered instantly in the boarding, two of them were kept alive to use as hostages. One seemed to be a superior officer, an tough looking ferret, but the other looked like a brand new ensign, which meant he would be easier to intimidate, and negiotiate with. Our first attempt to contact the holding cells was met with insults and promises that not one of us would leave this ship alive. The cocky bastards' jeering was cut short when we told them that we had taken some of the crew prisoner. Yes, the Celies changed their tone completely then, begging us not to hurt them and offering to listen to our demands. They were still unwilling to open the blast doors that locked the lower portions of the ship. Knowing that we were running out of time, I approached the ensign, a young fox. Fear was set on his face, it looked natural there, as if he had reason to be terrified his whole life. "Listen. We need go lower ship.", I said in my best Celetic translation. "Help us, you live. Don't help, you die." Despite my rough attempts to speak his language, he understood perfectly well what I was saying. But, fearful for his life as he was, he shook his head no. He knew we weren't going to kill him, since he knew how to work the controls of the ship. We had to take more drastic measures. "He dies.", I said, pointing at the officer. Before the fox had time to reply I fired a couple of rounds into the ferret, hitting him straight in the chest. His uniform stood no chance of stopping the bullets, and his blood that spilled from the wounds shone nicely the white shirt he was wearing. A pefect example of the point I was trying to make. "Help us," I demanded once again, poiting at ferret. The fox slowly nodded, he was a coward after all. "Good." I told the rest of my squad to help search the ship. I didn't need help for this. The fox stood up, and walked over to one of the chairs, taking extra care to step around his dead officer. He sat down and started typing. The alarm shut off. The intercom on the wall was suddenly a-buzz with the voices of the people in the holding cells, they must have been wondering why the alarm was turned off, they were speaking so fast I didn't have time to understand any of it. "Prisoner names," I told the fox, shoving the barrel of my gun into his back to enforce my point. He rapidly typed something and on a list popped up on the moniter. I leaned closer to take a look. Yep, there they were. Our General Straton, and the shipping docks guy, someone name Moorse. I had been about to tell my captive to unlock the ship when I recieved an urgent message from CRIMSON WINGS. A Celie patrol ship was en route to our postion, and was trying to contact the prison ship. A message came up on the moniter that must have confirmed this. The fox smiled, knowing that he was the sole factor of weither our mission was a failure or a success. I shoved my gun into the side of his face, trying to threaten him, but nothing was wiping that stupid grin off his face. "If I were you I'd stop with the threats," he said in perfect Jeskar. "You speak our language?" I asked, still shocked that someone like him could know it. "Yes, and from the looks of it, I would say that I'm the one in charge right now, wouldn't you?" "Listen you," I raised my gun again, " If you don't tell that patrol ship that everything is fine and to back off, I'll-" "You'll what? Shoot me?" He smiled again. "If you kill me, the patrol ship blasts this one to hell. If you don't cooperate with me, I'll tell them the truth and they'll blast this ship to hell. Either way, I hold the ticket to your survival." The cowardly bastard sure had a lot of courage when he had powerful friends at his disposal, but he was right. He had officially taken charge of our mission. I had no choice. "OK, what do you want? A promise that you live through this?" "That," He said, " And something else." He smiled again, pointing at his crotch. 'That perverted son-of-a-bitch!' I thought. But, this mission was too important to give up on. "Fine, but first you tell the patrol ship to take a hike." "Deal." He said. Opening up the message on the moniter, he quickly typed something in. Another message came back. "They had wanted to know why the ship was just sitting here. I told them that we were having a problem with some of the prisoners, and had to shut down some of the ship to make sure that none of the prisoners could escape. They also said that I we weren't on our way in 2 hours, they were going to send some troops over to lend us some help. Now then, back to other business." He spun the chair around and undid his pants. I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his underpants. Smiling again, he waved me over to him. Scowling at him, I took off my helmet and set it on a chair. Shaking my brown hair out of my eyes, I dropped to my knees in front of him. "I believe you know what to do." He said, while stroking the spotted fur on my face. "And don't get any ideas, I still haven't opened the lower ship yet." I pulled down his underpants and stared at his sheath, and the cock that was starting to emerge from it. Telling my self that it was for the mission, I lowered my head onto his dick and started to lick it. This immediately got a positive response from him, as he started to moan after a little bit. I lowered my head a little further and started sucking. Not bothering to look up. I lowered my head further. till I was deep-throating him. His moaning was getting on my nerves, and he started to stroke my hair, but I ignored it. In my position on the floor, I had no way of knowing how long this was taking, but it felt like it was taking forever. Then he started to buck his hips, almost making me gag! Resisting that too, I continued my sucking. His moaning was growing louder, and his thrusts into my mouth were growing stronger. I knew he was close. A wild idea came into my mind, what if I took advantage of this situation and started to have fun with him. I could force him to unlock the ship, and kill him after he did it. I had just decided that that was what I was going to do when he came into my mouth! I was disgusted, both with him, and myself. I literally swallowed my pride as I swallowed his cum. The taste was horrible. I lifted my head up and glared at him. He had his eyes closed, and was panting. Pig. "Ok, I said, I kept my half of the deal, now it's time to keep your half." "Agreed." He said. He was a pig! Willing to trade lives for his own pleasure! He spun the chair back around and started typing again. The computer made a beep, and a message came up on the screen. "Done." He said, as we heard distant shouts. He really did keep his word.

After the prisoners were loaded onto our ship, my squad boarded our ship to leave. Before the hatch closed all the way, I grabbed hold of it. The fox was standing on the other side, just out of reach. "Hey! Out of curiosity, what's your name?" I had to know, someone this vile deserved to have a name. "Zack Moorse." He replied. In my shock I let go of the hatch and it quickly shut the rest of the way. I saw the fox walk back to the bridge so he wouldn't be caught in the decompression of the corridor when the boarding ship broke away. Swearing frantically, I pounded on the hatch. We had missed one of our targets, we failed the mission.