Rise and Fall

Story by KlausNightfur on SoFurry

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#9 of Time, Confusion, and the Feelings that Arise

Well I know it took a while but here is the next chapter for all to read! I made a few revisions before finally posting but I am happy with the results! Comments and critiques are greatly appreciated! Take care everyone!

The night air was cool and heavily scented with wildflowers. A light breeze whispered through the trees and tickled the ear of the tall German shepherd walking aimlessly alone. The sounds of rustling leaves and running water gave the surrounding forest a tranquil aura. It was a good night to walk alone. A good night for a bit of mischief, if he had been into that sort of thing. No, he was here for a far less childish reason. In his youth he had been prone to making trouble around his hometown, even going so far as a bit of petty arson at various times though those had never been pinned on him. That was a different time where things had been much different within his home life. Nothing was the same now. He was no longer that same idiotic brat.

Up ahead the shepherd caught a glimpse of a small clearing. The light of the full moon illuminated a small patch of grass situated near a shallow creek. The scene was like that in a fantasy novel, light dancing among the trees as it reflected from the water's surface. It was the one place he had never shared with anyone. Not saying no one else knew about the area, yet it was nice entertaining the idea that this particular spot was his and his alone. It never failed that whenever the shepherd returned home this place would call to him. Here the fighting and yelling did not exist. The drunk of a father Brandon was forced to put up with at home was but a memory in this place. Yet, now standing here once more the area felt less warm than normal. His place of escape was no longer the one place he truly wanted to be. Gone were the days where he lay in the soft grass and dream of a better life for him and his mother. No longer would he sit staring into the water contemplating an end to a life of abuse. Brandon had something to live for now; someone to live for.

"So this is where you disappear to eh? Fucking disappointing. I thought you would at least be meeting a girl. Yet here you stand staring at a patch of dirt. You really are stupid aren't you boy?" Brandon turned to see his father standing at the edge of the clearing. His forepaw held an almost empty handle of whiskey.

"What do you want?"

"That is no way to talk to me. I came to check on you. You have changed since you started college. You aren't that scared pup that I used to smack around the yard."

"If I remember correctly you have been the one getting smacked around for the past few years. Thanks to you and some of the idiots from high school I have become quite the brawler. Would you like a reminder of that?" Brandon took up a defensive stance, readying himself for the inevitable fight that normally accompanied his paternal tormenter. Something was off this time, the old dog was more calm than usual.

His father padded slowly towards the running water. "You have yet to come by the house, which means you don't know what happened to your mother."

Mother... the only thing left tying him to this town. She was his sole reason for returning. His father had made it a point to beat him in front of her. Every time he would tell her that their dreams were taken because of their son's birth. After which he would promptly do the same to her. Brandon had begged her to leave with him, yet she held on to some useless sense of loyalty to the mongrel. "If you laid one filthy paw on her I swear I will end your meaningless existence." Was that sadness in his father's eyes?

"I didn't touch her. Honestly that may be where I failed. We have not laid together since you left. I neglected her, though how could I want to try making love to her when all she did was sit by the phone silently. Brandon do you know why I despise you? Your mother and I had our whole lives planned out. You weren't supposed to be born until much later. Yet one drunken night changed all that. You were born and I was forced into a dead end job while my dreams just stepped forever out of reach. Sure I make great money, bought you and your mother everything you needed, but it wasn't what I wanted. The position held no joy for me. I blamed you. I beat you. I began beating your mother, the one thing in my life I still loved. I fucked it all up. Now I have lost everything."

That last statement gave the young canine a sense of hope, and also a sense of dread. "So mom finally left you?"

"In a way... I came home to find her swinging from one of the rafters in your room."

Brandon imagined that this was what it felt like to be hit by a train. The pain inside his heart was physical. His mother was dead? "You're lying..."

"I wish I was son... She's gone... and it is all my fault. I kept thinking it was all some bad dream. We were doing so much better. We even had a trip planned for this summer. We were going to take a tour of Italy. I had been sober for the past 18 months. Now... I have no reason to be. You are all I have left. Yet, you are the very reason she died. You never visited. Never called. It broke her heart."

Brandon nodded slowly. The pain increasing to an unbearable point. "I wanted to forget about this place. In fact I had, until a very special someone convinced me to put the past behind me."

"Yeah? Well you had excellent timing didn't you? Almost two years later you decide to forgive? Well I hope you are happy. My wife is dead because of your selfishness. I realize that my actions caused you to be this way, so in a sense I am at fault as well. So I think we should both have to pay, don't you?"

The moonlight glistened off the pistol which now pointed at Brandon's chest. He stepped back, realizing the seriousness of his father's conviction. "So this is how we pay?! You kill me and you automatically feel better? How fucked up are you?"

"This pistol is my way of ridding this world of what killed your mother. Just accept it. This is how it has to be. I'm glad you came home son, it reminds me again of what I could have had. It also reminds me of what I was too blind to see I had..."

Charlie smiled up at the bright moon peeking through the trees as he meandered his way along the small path along the creek. The shallow stream had no name, most just referring to it as the creek since it was the only one close to the town. Not many others traveled this deep into the woods making it the perfect spot to enjoy a midnight stroll. If too many knew of the beauty here then they would surely flock to the area. That would be the end to these quiet nightly strolls. That would be a shame. These were the only mean of relaxing the old bear had after a hard day's work at the hardware store.

A shot rang out in the night. The sound was as clear as if Charlie was standing right beside the weapon. Hunting season was out, yet there were always those who took to the woods at night even out of season. The old bear sighed and continued his walk hoping no other shots would follow. A light breeze carried with it a light scent of gunpowder and something else. It was obviously blood, yet it smelled strange. Feral creatures had a unique, wild scent to their blood that would usually set his mouth watering. This scent was lighter, more metallic. Charlie rushed in the direction he thought the shot had come. That scent could only mean someone was hurt, or worse. The terrain of this area was all too familiar which allowed him to run without much fear that he would fall. There was a small clearing ahead. A cozy little spot where he sometimes would stop to admire. Only one other fur had he ever seen there, a young canine who would lay silently in the grass. It was here that he came upon the body. The green of the grass was marred by crimson stains. The water ran red as the stream carried the blood away. It was a nauseating sight, but now was not the time to be sick. Charlie had to get home and call the police.

Emrys lay awake in the darkness of his room. Brandon had gone home to make peace with his parents. It had taken the jindo quite some time to convince the shepherd to go. Brandon asked him to go, but it was something the shep needed to take care of on his own. Now Emrys could not shake the feeling that something bad might happen to his mate. He had tried calling, yet each time ended with a voicemail. Obviously Brandon was asleep. It would be nice to hear from him tomorrow. He knew how to take care of himself anyway. Nothing could happen. "Then why do I feel like something has gone horribly wrong already...?"

A door creaked and shut. Was Flynn just now getting home? He hopped out of bed eager to talk with someone. Flynn would just have to stay awake a little longer. "Flynn?"

"Emrys? What are you doing awake? You usually sleep heavily enough that I don't wake you."

"It wasn't you, I can't sleep... I feel off somehow. Like something is horribly wrong..." His voice cracked and the feeling of dread increased.

"Wrong? Are you worried about Brandon? I'm sure everything is ok. You are just missing him. Nothing at all wrong there."

"Can we just talk for a bit? It would make me feel a bit better..." The pleading in his voice was all too evident. Emrys was not the type to beg, yet this was as close to it as he had ever come. Flynn had no choice but to agree.

"How about I fix us some drinks. Maybe that will help to calm your nerves a bit." Flynn motioned for the jindo to follow. Emrys wrapped a blanket around his shoulder in an attempt to rid himself of the clinging chill. This night needed to be over already.

"So... I take it you still enjoy the occasional screwdriver?" Flynn said setting a bottle of vodka out onto the counter.

"Yeah... but I think we may be out of orange juice..."

"No worries there. I took the liberty of bringing back some things we were running low on." The collie took out an unopened bottle of orange juice with a smile, "Not quite fresh squeezed, but at least it's not from concentrate."

Emrys chuckled softly. "True..." The two were wary of letting silence develop between them. Flynn took the initiative and began recalling his time spent with Caim earlier that evening. The two furs had gone shopping, something that the collie had found oddly enjoyable. Emrys felt some of his fears subside. His best friend had grown much closer to Caim in the past few days. The two seemed almost glued together at times, spending most nights together at one place or another. The jindo supposed he could not really blame them. Brandon had quickly become a larger part of his world. The shepherd effortlessly stole his heart, and even more impressively had given his own. There were things in both of their pasts the two discussed recently, and with every confession Emrys found himself more certain that he belonged with Brandon. It seemed to him that it was turning out to be the same between Flynn and Caim.

Flynn handed the slender canine a glass and set down across from him. He seemed to be waiting for Emrys to say something, anything to show that his efforts to help were successful. Emrys gave him a reassuring smile and took a long drink before speaking. "I'm sorry Flynn... I promise it is good, and I'm sure it will help me get some sleep. I just can't seem to shake this feeling."

"What do you think is wrong? I mean he is just at home. No danger there right? I doubt anyone could harm Brandon even if they tried." Flynn tried to seem as uplifting as possible, yet it did not seem to work. Emrys still had that worry situated in his eyes. The collie stood and before Emrys realized what was happening he felt Flynn's arms pull him into a tight embrace. "I know you're worried... I also know that this is not just separation anxiety. You have a reason for feeling the way you do, obviously. Just know that I'm here for you. I may not can rid you of your worries, but I can at least help shoulder them with you. After all, we have been through so much together. If I couldn't ease at least some of your worries then what kind of friend would that make me?"

Emrys smiled and leaned back into the larger canine's embrace. Flynn seemed happier since Caim came into the picture. It was nice to see his friend's smile again, especially at a time like this. The collie had always been a comforting presence. At one time Emrys would have enjoyed this embrace as an opportunity to be close to the one he loved so dearly, now it was closer to the comfort of a dear friend. This was not to say his feelings for Flynn had vanished. The feelings he had for Brandon just overshadowed those he held for his old friend. It was an odd situation, yet the shepherd made it possible to live happily and put aside his unrequited feelings. In fact the shepherd made him feel more than happy. It was as if the only time life made sense was whenever his mate was around.

Brandon would return to him. Of that he should be certain. Flynn was right in saying that the shepherd could take care of himself. Emrys just need wait and be here when his mate came home. For that he would need to rest. Flynn had helped clear his mind and now it was time to stop sulking. He thanked his friend and apologized for keeping him up so late. This was the first time he had felt so loved in a relationship so it not so unnatural for him to act a bit out of sorts. Flynn thankfully seemed to understand and even sent him off to bed. He needed his rest for tomorrow. It would not do for Brandon to return home to a tired mate.

Flynn downed the last bit of liquid in his glass. Water to hydrate before a good night's rest was another of his rituals he seldom deviated from. He found it often helped him clear his head during the more stressful times. Emrys had been so worried over Brandon just making a trip home. The shepherd's home life must have been rough for the jindo to worry so. Though he doubted there was cause for much worry at this point. The shepherd was one of the most stable individuals Flynn had met. Brandon would steer clear of trouble if for no other reason than for Emrys' sake.

The collie smiled as his phone chimed to inform him of an incoming message. It was Caim wishing him goodnight as had become a routine for the two. Flynn had felt increasingly positive about the direction their relationship was heading, enough so that he thought it was the right time to officially ask the ocelot to be his mate. It was a big step for the both of them. Whether or not Flynn was ready to give himself to another once more could only be answered with time. Honestly he was uncertain if it was too soon for him. Not even one month ago he had learned of Kathleen's betrayal with Conall. Yet the more he thought about it, the more he felt like continuing with such a relationship would have been a betrayal to both of them. Consequently, things could have ended much worse though he wasn't sure how. Would resentment truly be any worse than what had actually transpired?

He sighed, stretching as he retired to his room. The bed creaked as he collapsed on top of the mattress, letting out a groan of exhaustion. Caim never seemed to tire when the two were together. His smile seemed perpetual as the two furs spent their days learning more about one another. The physical side of their relationship seemed to be moving along at a nice pace as well. Caim had become more and more comfortable around the collie, even answering the door in a towel much to Flynn's surprise. He supposed it should not be as big of an issue since Caim was male yet there was still something so sensual about the way the wet cloth clung to the ocelot's slender, feminine frame. Flynn could not help but blush and hope that Caim would fail to notice. The feline certainly did notice.

That was the first time Flynn had ever laid with Caim. As soon as the door closed behind him the ocelot dropped his towel revealing the naked fur underneath. The feline's tail twitched back and forth eagerly and his ears tilted in such a way that Flynn could only describe as cute. The collie's own tail wagged unconsciously as his eyes locked with the feline's own. Those eyes held him frozen in place. The intensity was breathtaking. Flynn did not even remember the point at which his own clothing was removed. Before he knew it their muzzles pressed against one another, bodies pressed eagerly together. Flynn could feel his uncertainty and unfortunately he was unable to hide it from Caim. The feline smiled reassuringly and pulled the collie into the bedroom. What followed after was unlike anything Flynn could have imagined. The scents, the emotions, the intense feelings flowing through him opened him up to a world he thought left behind.

At one time he had felt this for Kat, yet those feelings had also come with small worries about their future and how he could make sure she remained happy with him. With Caim there seemed to be none of the initial worries. It was as if Flynn knew how to keep him happy, knew that there were no situations the two could not get through together. He wondered if Caim felt the same way of him.