The Guardians Shadow Ch3

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#3 of The Guardians Shadow


CH 3

"That's right general. There appears to be a set of Champion levels that just emerged in sector 25." The hunter looks around the room and is surprised that the room has changed very little since the last time he was here. The room looks like the command center of the shuttle missions, the only change is that the overly large screen has changed to encompass more features. Like a globe like the world he sees through his glasses on a hunt, and a few other smaller things.

A set of red dots start to blink in central Oregon. The two are a little far apart but distance means little to these creatures. Once they would catch wind or something of the other, they would immediately head for the other and fight to the death. And since these two were champion levels, the damage that they would inflict on the land could be disastrous.

Looking around the room the hunter begins to see several of the people at different consoles start to shake, probably out of fear.

"Alright everybody calm down. Lets start running this by the books." The general shouts. As he shouts orders to the people around the room the hunter goes over to one and looks down at the screen. At this console he hopes that it will tell him what these champion level monsters are, and sure enough it does. His eyes go wide as he finds that one of the monsters is the same kind as the one that killed his parents. He doesn't even look to see what the other one is as he quickly takes to his heals and runs back to his hanger.

Once he is fully reloaded and packed for the trip his PDA/Cell goes off. Pulling it out of his pocket, he attaches the headset to it and answers it. It turns out to be the general.

"I guess I don't need to tell you to get ready to be deployed. Don't worry about the payment, it's already in trans..."

"This ones on the house general." He interrupts him. "Whenever one of those specific monsters shows up, I think it's my civic duty to remove that stain off the face of the earth. All I need is a green light to go after that monster, and your ok to use deadly force." He doesn't bother waiting for a reply as he reattaches his supplies to his bike and refuels.

"I don't think it would matter either way. Especially when you ran off like that from the command center. I'll send the data that you'll need in a few minutes. Good luck and gods speed."

"Thanks general." Are his only words and the lines goes silent. He set his sunglasses over his eyes which display local directions to an intercept point and kicks over the engine and zooms out the already open hanger doors.

With speeds that would make anyone sick he travels down different highways. It only takes a few minutes before he attracts the attention of the local law enforcement. They do their best to stay with him but after a few moments the simply pull ahead of him and provide him with an escort to the local of the two monsters. He doesn't bother to stop to eat or rest as his escort is replaced several times by a fresh cop. After nine hours of riding he leaves the local roads and the cops to go off road.

His glasses change from street GPS to back country road setting. He follows the directions for quite a ways until he can hear the sounds of battle. He slows the bike further to avoid the local plant life and presses a switch on the glasses. The glasses change again to a overhead view of the area and confirm his suspicions that the two are now in combat with each other. The combat zone is less than a quarter mile away, so he parks his bike and slings his gear over his back and makes for the battle zone.

The close he gets to the battle, the more he terrain starts to show it. He is quite astounded to see several dark looking diamonds imbedded in several different places. In other places he can see that many of the trees have been totally burned to a crisp or the earth itself looks scorched. Obviously he is dealing with a fire user, but what about the other one? He quickly shakes his head as he connects his glass to the computer and slaps it onto his wrist.

The land around him is mostly flat so he has to stay behind trees as much as he can. Though every time he thinks he is in a safe position, he quickly has to move off to either avoid being burnt to a cinder or hit by a shower of diamonds. Once he is close enough he looks around a burnt tree that is still smoking to see the two champions.

He nearly drops his gun as he sees the x shaped scar on the center of the creatures chest. This is it, the 30 foot monster that killed his family all those years ago. He just stares at the creature for what seems like an eternity, then is brought back to reality as the thing starts to advance upon the other creature. He tares his eyes away from the creature to see what this demon is going to attack.

Again he is spell-bound as he sees the most rare type monster out there. It's fur is jet black almost all over it's body except the tips of it's tail, just under the double joint on it's legs, it's paws which are white, and the tips of it's ears. Upon it's thighs it has a set of yin yang symbols that are spread apart and purple in color. On the upper part of the creatures chest was what he would probably call a tuff of large fur. Just behind it's shoulder blades seems to be a set of three spikes, and It's face looks like that of a fox. It stands just over 6 feet tall, and is facing towards the humongous giant with a serious look in it's sea blue eyes.

The creature looks pretty bad as much of it's fur looks like it's been burnt or singed, sweat covers it's body, and it's breathing is very deep. Just then the creature fell to one knee and started to wince as it grabbed at it's left leg.

"I have sampled almost every type of Digimon out there. Though you will be an exquisite treat. A Renamon that has been corrupted by a virus." A small bit of drool appears at the side of his mouth. Reaching up with his short forearms the big dinosaur wipes away the drool only to have more start to appear.

"Do you really think that it's going to be that easy." The Renamon said. It's voice almost sounded like a dark angel. The Renamon tried to stand back up only to fall back to it's knees this time. It was obvious to him that this Renamon couldn't fight anymore.

The large dino started to laugh. "Just look at you. Even though you can't even stand anymore you still have the nerve to bluff. I always enjoy it when my meals fight to the bitter end, it makes absorbing your data that much sweeter." Just then he opens his mouth again and cries, "Nova Blast!" For a spit second he sees fire leaking out of the things mouth then a fireball the size of an RV came hurtling out of it's mouth. The whole scene seemed to slow down as he watched as the ball of fire made it's way to the Renamon.

The Guardians Shadow Ch4+5

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW CH 4+5 It looked like the end for the Renamon, but just as the blast was about to hit the Renamon, it fell forward and pushed back with it's arms. In doing so it was like it jumped backwards only in reverse. The only problem...

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The Guardians Shadow Ch2

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW CH 2 As he pulled up the gate he was met by the local guards. Not paying them the least bit of attention as they complimented him on another job well done. He had heard all this before and would probably hear it from the...

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The Guardians Shadow

THE GUARDIANS SHADOW "That's right lieutenant. There should be a target a few miles to the South of your local." A short man looks down at his PDA at the GPS locals. A green dot indicates his location and a blinking red shows the local of the...

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