The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 28

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#27 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

So many announcements...

People lay about the mess hall in various states of undress, basking in the afterglow of public sex and several orgasms each. The wolf silently padded through and around various gatherings, making his way to the galley to get his meal while the mess slowly recovered from the chaos that had just taken place. The only female still standing was Chiko, and she seemed to be a bit preoccupied. As the wolf returned from fetching his meal he saw why. A playful rat had slipped between her thighs as was licking her sex to give her a bit of relief. The wolf put his food down, stepped up behind the resisting bird and gave her wings a good scratching. In response, the avian's eyes flew open and she cried out as a hard orgasm washed over her. Her back arching as pleasure wracked her body. "You are welcome Bianca." The wolf said sarcastically. An arm went up along with a muffled and familiar "wohoo" from where the arm popped up. The wolf turned to return to his meal only to find himself pounced upon, much to his surprise as Alhundro walked in. The fox monarch chuckled, seeing the Lord of the manor getting laid low as most of the recovering people in the mess hall began to regain some form of consciousness. "Greetings fellow mercenaries. I would like to congratulate you in your first successful mission for the Patriarchy." He said as a pleasured growl punctuating his words. "As you can see, victory brings rewards besides getting paid. Fame is always a side effect of this business, as well as infamy. Wealth is also a usually welcome side effect. All three of those can attract enemies and friends by the scores. Stay healthy and keep in shape while you are off the clock. While you are on the clock, be professional and polite. You get more return business that way," He said as a grunt sounded from the wolf. "I suppose having such a young and well trained Lord does not hinder things with repeat business." This garnered a chuckle from the crowd. "Alhundro...when I get out of this...hold...I am going to hurt you...bad...." The wolf said between pleasured growls and grunts, garnering more chuckles from the crowd. "I am sure the wolf will be happy to address you all once the house mistress is done with him." Alhundro commented. Bianca commented. "I think she is about..." she was interrupted by a howl as the pinned wolf gave up his hot seed to the hungry fox female. Bianca chuckled. "Never mind." She said as the wolf groggily pushed himself up and Nadia unceremoniously off of him with a yip. Alhundro chuckled as he looked for possible escape routes, knowing that the wolf would likely make good on his threat now. The wolf moved frighteningly fast. Grabbing the monarch by the nape and holding a good foot off the ground. The wolf then scanned the crowd and pointed to the Rat who had been licking Chiko and crooked a finger for her to approach. She did as she was ordered. The wolf whispered something in her ear and she smiled and blushed. The wolf placed the rather forlorn monarch back on his feet where he spent very little time as the rat pounced him and began having her way with him shamelessly in front of the crowd. "Now that the guest of honor has been dealt with." The wolf said with a playful smile. "All the play aside, I brought you all here for this meal for a reason. I have discussed this with Alhundro and he is in agreement of this course of action. Before this mission was fully accepted, I received an honored guest to this estate from the east. She bore a request that I have read and contemplated for several days before this mission we went on. Suzujomei Oyamishima has requested that I visit him a final time before I take full command and lordship of this estate. Now I know that this estate and unit are still in its formative stages. But the captains I have in place and the new units still in training should know what is in store for them in their immediate future. Until my return, Alhundro will be taking command and accepting contracts for this unit on my behalf. I was planning to return with Chiko, but I know there will be other volunteers..." An immediate interruption as a half naked rabbit got up from the fur pile and marched up front with a still slightly dazed tiger an tow. Standing with them was the house mistress once they took their spots on the left side of the wolf. He sighed. "Chiko-san. I will need to speak with you privately after this meal. The message had something of interest for you in it that I cannot say here in front of the gossip...I mean princess." He said, deftly sidestepping the bolt of electricity sent his way. "You will pay for that wolf..." said Bianca as she charged up for another bolt at him only to find herself in the strong and gentle embrace of a tiger. "Let it slide little gossip." Bomani teased her playfully. She growled threateningly at the tiger, but he held her firmly in his strong paws, taking her little zaps of revenge. Ceberune smiled at her in her impotent rage. "I will make it up to you later Bianca. Perhaps an apology?" he offered. She stopped a moment and growled lustfully at the wolf. "Good. But for now, Chiko-san. In my office if you would. The rest of you, carry on." He said walking out with the sated avian close behind him.

Chiko bowed low to the wolf once they had entered his office. "Am I here to thank you properly Ceberune-sama?" she teased. He chuckled. "No, you can save your revenge for Bianca. All I did was speed things up on that count, but I do have something serious to discuss." He said handing her an unopened scroll, one she had seen him catch when he originally opened the missive she had delivered from her Emperor. "What is this Ceberune-sama?" she asked. "A letter addressed to you. Considering the expense of the materials and the effort on the calligraphy for the address, I would say it was a suitor." He teased. She huffed. "It had best not be that pesky boy you kept getting into fights with in school." She said distastefully. He chuckled. "He wasn't that bad. Made friends with him while I trained as a Grand Master. He helped me with the culture a bit so that I could avoid future fights." He said as the avian opened and began to read the letter. Her face went from impassive to surprised, then moved to a very obvious blush. Ceberune smiled. "It would seem that the suitor has already made quite the impression. Good on him." He said. "Should I have some proper wedding clothes prepared for your pending ceremony?" She slowly lowered the letter and reflexive put up her courtier fan. "No Ceberune-sama. There will be no public ceremony for this...and if you could please keep this between the two of us, I would appreciate it." She said. The wolf smiled. "Of course. Though why on Sarthas you think you need to ask me to keep it confidential..." she put a talon to his lips to silence him. "Because it is for my own confidence, not this silly bird being paranoid. Now hush and let me speak." She said. The wolf did as he was asked as the avian took in a breath to speak, blushing horribly despite her fan covering up her face. "The letter is from Kinmareo-san. We have been courting each other for years now, without permission from our families or the Grand Dragon. As you know that is a dangerous state of affairs in my empire. If either of our families found out, there would be scandal and blood." The wolf nodded for her to continue. "This letter contains the approval of my father and his family and is written by Suzujomei. I love that horse, but his calligraphy is terrible." Ceberune laughed. "His hands are not built for detail Chiko. That is why the Uma work the fields, it is what they are best at." He said. She chuckled. "True, if this one had not gone to the Pheonix war college." The wolf smiled. "I take it you are smitten with him because he showed his true self?" She blushed again. "How did you know he was feigning simpleness?" The wolf chuckled. "Because it is a survival mechanism built into the males of my race. Act stupid and simple Those with huge egos will not deign to look at you. Only the paranoid really look closely at those of us who have used this tactic, which works out well as those in power usually consider them insane." He stated, Chiko giggled. "As you know him then I wish to ask your advice Ceberune-sama." He nodded. "Of course. But I would recommend sleeping on it first." She smiled. "An excellent idea Ceberune-sama. By your leave." She said as she turned to leave. "We leave the estate in three days. Be packed and ready. I have a feeling we will not see this estate for some time." He said. She turned and bowed. "Yes my Lord." She said teasingly before she left, amused at the annoyed snort she garned from the wolf.