The Dancing Coyote Inn

Story by DeeCoyote on SoFurry

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Hello there! So to balance out the extreme rating of Swak, I offer this, a little story about two canines and their business. Hope you enjoy!

Dee felt himself washing weightlessly as if floating on a fast moving river with undulating swells. The water was warm and made no sound. The coyote's eyes simply stared upwards at the clouds and sky passing by in slow motion totally ignorant of the spec of a mammal beneath them. Colors lit across the surface of the river water like oil had been poured into it from some unknown source. Dee smiled softly and looked upwards, viewing the river bank sweep by upside down. A figure was standing there on the shore, and though at a distance his voice was clear.

"Wake up.... wake up hun"

As if on cue, the river burst into a froth of globs of foam that spread slow motion from where Dee was floating on his back. Colors still flowed from one to the next in complete silence. The coyote seemed indifferent to the chaos erupting around him like it was some natural thing one would expect.

"Sweetheart.... open your eyes"

As if by command the dream ceased as Dee's senses tuned in the real world. The mid-morning sun was shining warm through the bedroom window. Before his eyes could completely adjust to the glare, the silhouette of his mate became visible. A soft yawn gripped him. "Hey...." he said, stretching his neck to give the German shepherd a nuzzle over his black muzzle. "You were in my dream just now... on the shore of a river while I washed down it" The dog smiled and stroked Dee's head-fur and ears back a bit before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Makes sense.... for once"

Dee breathed in a soft sniff of the dog's scent from the soft fur of the canine's cheek, fresher than the smell from his body and the coyote's that permeated the bedsheets. "Mmmff... I like this better" he said, and nuzzled softly from where he was sniffing on the dog's cheek to his muzzle, to give him a kiss. The two of them lapped at each other's muzzles softly amidst the cream colored bed sheets, lit and warmed by the morning sun. After a moment, they broke the kiss, each licking off the little bit of spittle from their muzzle in typical canine fashion.

"Today is the first official day of spring" Dee said resting on his back with his paws folded under his head. His mate, Raxor, snuggled in against his side with his muzzle resting lightly in the coyote's armpit fur. "Yeah... but it's felt like spring for weeks now" he responded, still a little sleepy himself. The coyote nods and rested there with his eyes closed for a few moments. It's Tuesday, their least busy day... so there is no rush to get out of bed at the moment. "Yeah, its been nice" the yote murmurs, on the verge of falling back asleep as the sun's warmth lulls him.

The two of them decided to start a inn/spa last spring after they decided that it might be nice to settle down for a time. Several years earlier when Dee was weathering out a storm in one of the little shelters he built while traveling the land, a certain German shepherd had come to knock upon the shoddy wooden door. The coyote had left a lantern burning outside as sort of a beacon for any weary traveler that may have been passing by. That night the two of them shared some special moments that neither will forget. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened, but it felt different... never had it been such pain when Dee's guest had left in the morning. Sometimes life gives you hints, as subtle as they may be. The coyote took that as a hint to seek out the dog who spent the night with him some days earlier. He has not regretted it for a moment since then.

They had traveled together for a few years before deciding to grow some roots in this mid-country town. With what little money they could come up with, and several sexual favors with Dee's shady gnollish cousin which may have not even been necessary, they were able to purchase a burned-out building that stood tucked back away from the town almost on its outskirts. The location wasn't too bad since it was a small place, but they started with nothing if not less than that given they had to clean up the ashes of the previous building. Such seclusion gives privacy, and such privacy has its advantages.

Through the fall they framed the building and got enough of the walls on it to protect them from the approaching winter. Little by little the place shaped up into a small inn with 6 small bedrooms upstairs, a dining room able to sit 8 or so people at a long wooden table, and the rest of the area in the basement occupied by private baths, resting areas, and the furnace. Water was readily available via aqueduct that was built to serve the town from a mountain stream. Wood was bought from woodcutters that made that their living when there wasn't time. Local farmers and the center-town market enabled them to provide their patrons with a hot meal. Word spread about the quaint little inn near Fox Run. It took time, but they did well for themselves.

During construction Dee had accidentally spilled some hot ashes while cleaning out the furnace in the basement and stepped on them, and after the display of agility and movement he then performed, the two canines decided to call the place "The Dancing Coyote Inn". Raxor took care of the cooking in the evening while Dee greeted the guests and took them to their rooms. The shepherd was a good cook, damn good. With the small capacity of their place they could afford to cook hearty evening meals from what Dee was able to gather in town or hunt. Both were skilled masseuses for the time they spent traveling in the more exotic parts of the world. Raxor picked up much of his cooking ability in those regions as well, and was able to offer delicious stews and spiced dishes that made their guests salivate audibly.

Their patrons had left by now. Few ever wanted to sit down for breakfast but took some bread and a boiled egg or two with them as they continued on their journey. Some would stay for a few nights while they carried in business in town. It was much less expensive to stay at The Dancing Coyote than the larger inns right in town, if all you did was sleep there. That was, of course, not the only service they offered. Many came just for the luxury of soaking on one of their hot bathes or enjoy the steam room. These were their most profitable customers, moreso if they were interested in the more specialized services Dee and Raxor provided. More times than not, their paws rubbed more than just tired muscles.

A tentative knock roused the two from their laziness. "This early?" "Sounds like it... go see what they want". Usually people just came in, but he had not hung the lanterns out yet. Dee nodded and donned his loincloth. The thin garment left little to the imagination and gave glimpses of what was underneath when he was working. After a bit of a yawn the coyote opens the door. Two sets of wide eyes stare up at him. A little otter dressed in green tunic shifted his weight nervously, opening his mouth as if to speak but remained silent. It might have had something to do with the coyote being easily twice as tall as the little mustelid. Dee smiled. "Hello there, what can I do for you?" he says softly, bending over a bit and resting his paws on his knees.

The otter seems to snap out of a daydream and say in a rehearsed cadence that failed. "Good morning! I would like to have a bath! A hot bath!" Ah, he thought when he heard the otter's accent, River District. As if the fact that the little one was an otter would have led him to believe otherwise. The coyote had learned not to make assumptions, though. "Well sir, you've come to the right place. We have private tubs, steam, food and rooms if you'd like to stay the night." It was the typical sales pitch that rolled off his tongue without thought. He continued. "Baths and steam are 15 crowns, lunch is 7, dinner 10." The coyote had to maintain his composure despite how hilariously adorable the otter was looking as he listened. "...a bed 30 and it depends for special services." "Yes!" the otter exlaimed. "A bath and lunch please!" and started to untie a purse on his belt.

The coyote nodded and held the door open for his small guest, giving a welcoming gesture with his arm. "Very good, right this way." The inside of his Inn smelled of the previous dinner, slightly damp wood from the baths beneath them, and a mixture of scents from all the various species that have come and gone. Once inside the otter set the 22 crowns in Dee's large paw. "Do you have fish?" "Trout's fresh, salmon is smoked" Raxor said from behind the little mammal, causing him to jump a bit. The dog had put his apron and pantaloons once he heard they had a customer. "I'll have trout" the otter said. Raxor nodded and went off to the kitchen to do his thing. "To drink?" "Water please". Dee set a tankard of water in front of the little guy, who held it with both paws when he took a sip. Seeing his customer was set, he nodded "I'll get your bath ready", and went on downstairs to stoke the furnace.

There were two large brass cisterns on top of the furnace which held enough water to fill two single baths or the one double they had. It took some time to warm up, but thankfully wood was plentiful and cheap. The coyote got the fire going and made sure the bath he was going to put the otter in was clean. He set out a towel in the changing area and lit a few of the lamps around. The trick was to put scented oil in them to give the whole place a lovely fragrance instead of that sooty oil smell. Once satisfied, he headed back upstairs.

Raxor was having idle conversation with the otter when Dee came back upstairs. "....a few weeks ago, it's been a long journey" their guest was saying. The dog nodded "Well I'm glad you've stopped by." The otter's fish was half gone already, and he didn't seem to mind the company during his lunch. Dee nodded to the both of them "Your bath will be ready in about 20 more minutes. Sorry it's taking so long, but I hadn't started the furnace yet today." The otter made some gesture with his paw because his mouth was full of fish at the time. The coyote guessed it meant "that's OK", and meandered into the kitchen for some breakfast.

Raxor swatted Dee's rump in the kitchen when the coyote was trying to pick off a piece of meat that the dog had only just started to prepare. "Ehy! Paws off!" he said, and stuffed half a roll in Dee's muzzle instead. "Mmmfff!" the coyote mumbled, splaying his ears and munching on the bread. "His name's Talel, from the River District as you might have guessed. Lived there his whole life and only just started to travel" Dee nodded "Ah, good then. We'll have to give our little guest a welcoming gift" Raxor's ears perked at this and started to say "Oooooh wait a minute, don't you..." but stopped when the coyote shook his head "Only if he asks for it... and you know its odd he would come pretty much straight here, we do have a reputation". The german shepherd nodded "Yeah, true...well let me know if you need a hand" Dee grinned and winked "Yeahhhh I will, I know how you like their type."

With that the coyote left the kitchen and went back to their only guest, who was washing down the last of the fish in the most adorable way possible. The little otter set the tankard down with both paws when he saw the coyote, a pleased look on his short muzzle. "Your bath should be ready now, I'll show you to the changing room if you're ready" His question was met with an eager nod, and the two headed down a set of stone stairs into the basement. Dee held a paw out towards a bench with some cabinets around it. "You can put your clothes in one of those cabinets, I'll go draw your bath while you get ready" The otter nodded and waited until the large coyote was gone before starting to undress.

Dee moved a hinged duct over to the bath he picked out for the otter and plugged the drain, then moved to the furnace where he raised a gate valve to let the water drain out of the cistern. Steam rose from the stone bath as the water filled it, adding a bit of aroma to the air from some herbs Dee had put in the cistern. From where he was standing, he could see maybe half of the otter's lithe body while he disrobed, watching him carefully fold his rather new looking tunic and tuck his coin purse between the folds in an effort to hide it. Before the otter turned around, Dee was busy folding the still-steaming duct away and tying it off on a hook on the ceiling. The coyote was testing the water's temperature when Talel approached, obviously nervous and half hiding his little furry sheath. He offered his guest a warm smile and bowed a bit "There you are...if you need anything more just pull that thin rope hanging by the tub." and motioned to the pull-string which made its way up the wall to a bell upstairs. The otter didn't say anything but nodded, and was probably blushing under that soft pelt of his.

Dee started to walk away when he heard some struggling and scratching behind him. When the coyote looked over his shoulder, the otter was hanging on the rim of the tub trying to get a foothold to climb in. Without any luck Talel plopped back on the floor and looked over "Uhhhh?" he started to say, but the coyote was already on his way. "Sorry about that, I didn't think... need a hand?" The otter nodded. Dee bent over and scooped the smaller mammal up with his paws under his arms and set him in the steaming water. A long, drawn out Chuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr! emanated from Talel as the hot water met his body, the otter holding onto Dee's arms while he was lowered in. When the coyote went to withdraw his paws from the steeping otter, his paws were grasped lightly by little webbed ones.

"Hmmm?" the coyote asked politely. Those cute otter eyes looked up at him in an upside down gaze. "I uh... I heard you guys do some extra stuff, and your paws..." he felt them over with his smaller ones, the coyote just holding his paws open so the otter could explore them "They're just so big... I think they'd feel nice. I have the coin!" Dee shook his head. "Lets just say this one's on the house... a good-luck gift for the start of your travels." The otter perked up and exlcaimed "Thank you!" before settling back in the tub, finally letting go of Dee's paws. The tub was big for the likes of Talel, maybe two or three times his size.

The coyote set up position at the head of the tub and leaned over it and the waiting otter a bit, starting first to rub his fingertips over the little mustelid's head and around his ears. A contented Wirrrrr! squeaked out of the otter as Dee worked over that lovely pelt and the muscles beneath, slowly rubbing down from his guest's head to his neck, using his size as an advantage to knead out any tension he found. As time went on he worked lower, having to lean over the tub more to reach down Talel's long body. This was nothing he hadn't done before... a teasing move that brought his loincloth covered sheath closer to his patron's muzzle.

As the yote continued his rubbing, his sensitive ears could hear light sniffing between the increasingly deep breathing of the little fellow below him. It wasn't to long after that when his paw bumped lightly into the otter's erection. Without breaking his pace, the coyote curled his paw around the thin member and slowly started to stroke it, to which the otter offered no protest. With his free paw Dee reached to his waist and untied the knot that held his loincloth on and let it drop away to the floor around his feet. Hovering an inch above the otter's muzzle now was his plump, furry sheath and glistening red tip that poked from the stained opening. He felt the otter shift up a little, and then the most delicate lick flick across his exposed flesh.

Now the stage was set.... no more testing the water, so to speak. Dee kept up gently stroking the otter's member beneath the surface of the water. He had heard some time ago that homosexuality was common among the otters of the River. A little splash echoed in the empty bath room when Talel reached up with his little paws to grasp the large sheath above him, tugging it down to expose more of the coyote's throbbing length. His little nose flared at the scent of it, much muskier than the other males he had been with. Much of it had to do to the size, he guessed, not knowing that Dee purposely kept himself pretty musky down there for this specific reason.

By now Raxor knew well what was going on downstairs and why Dee hadn't come back up yet. He sat there on the stool behind the counter idly rubbing his sheath, teasing his member solid underneath his apron. He was waiting for it, his cue, and the anticipation was half the fun. Down below, Dee's paw had moved from the otter's twitching member to roll his balls around a bit and then on further to the little mammal's pucker underneath. Talel squeaked in approval and kept jerking the large coyote above him off with both paws. Precum flitted across the otter's face in a steady drizzle only to be lapped up eagerly. Slowly Dee reached over to the pull-string and gave it a little tug to jingle the bell it was attached to upstairs.

Raxor's ears perked up as he sat there panting, canine shaft in one soaked paw while he tweaked his nipple with the other. "That's my cue" he thought, and headed downstairs, tossing his clothes in a heap in the changing area. Talel muttered "Whuuuh!?" when Raxor came in, and was shushed by the coyote. "From the both of us" he said, and rubbed his slimy member over the otter's short muzzle. A pleasured moan slipped past the otter's lips as he lapped at the coyote's length, floating on his back with his legs spread as Raxor entered the tub. Already rock hard, the dog moved into position between Talel's short hind legs and rubbed his member over the otter's tailhole and balls. As if suddenly waking up, Talel muttered out "Aaaaaah! Wait! You're too big!" Raxor gave the little guy a soft pet on the belly. "Don't worry, I'll be very gentle and very slow... no one else has come in today, so there is no rush." Only slightly consoled, the otter nodded and went back to nuzzling and jerking off the drippy coyote cock above him.

The big dog lined his tip up with Talel's little pucker and started to have doubts himself if this was going to work, but it had in the past so might as well try. Slowly his pointy tip started to sink in and spread their guest open, pausing when he started to squirm more than usual. "Uuuuuuuuuunnnnnggggg!" groaned Talel when Raxor managed to get his tip inside, stretching the otter far past anything he could have imagined possible. The dog's ever flowing precum made it possible, and now set to work lubing up the mustelid's rectum. Inch by inch that thick dog sausage disappeared inside the little otter, mushing against his prostate and making his little otterhood twitch madly. Without hesitation Talel gave himself over completely and closed his eyes, tilting his head back and swallowing down Dee's member. He gagged a bit when the canine's tip jabbed down his throat but quickly recovered.

The two inn keepers thrust into each end of the otter in a slow, sensual rhythm, letting the little otter get used to their girths and extract as much pleasure out of it as possible. Water splashed over the edge of the tub now and then and flowed on to the drain by the nearest wall. All three moaned and panted, the otter sometimes gagging or gasping after deep-throating Dee for an impressively long time. Much to Raxor's surprise, Talel curled his thick tail upwards and probed under the dog's tail with incredible accuracy. In a similarly impressive display, the little otter forced his muscular tail up inside the large canine with one hard shove. Raxor flagged his tail and let out a throaty moan, clenching his pucker around the thick, wiggling otter tail while he thrust between Talel's legs. He could feel it mushing and mashing on his prostate while the otter wiggled it around almost like he'd had some experience doing so.

The dog and coyote's knots started to swell and threatened to tie the otter at both ends. Talel didn't realize he had to squeeze behind Dee's member, so the yote did it for him just as Raxor sunk his own bulb into the otter's freshly loosened ass. Talel's eyes shot open as he struggled and pawed at Dee's hips, fighting to swallow the coyote's hot load while gurgling out a high pitched squeal. Raxor's strong paws kept the otter held in place with a tight grip around the little mammal's waist, keeping him from attempting to squirm off his swollen knot. Cum flooded into the otter from both ends now, something he had only dreamed about while napping alongside the river. He choked again and winced his eyes shut, pushing at Dee's hips with his little paws. The coyote wasn't quick enough to pull out and the otter ended up gurgling some of his load out of his nose. It burned with the scent of masculine canine and no matter what he did he couldn't get rid of the scent that literally flooded his nose. Raxor's knot burned inside the dazed otter's tailhole, distracting him from the splatters of spunk that the coyote shot across Talel's muzzle once his tip left the otter's lips. He had never been filled like that before, it surged pleasure through him far more than the pain of being tied.

The three of them panted and rested in the afterglow of a lovely orgasm; the otter there on his back floating with his legs wrapped around Raxor's waist, a visible bulge in the little mammal's belly where the dog's knot held back the volume of seed, not to mention all that he managed to swallow before choking. Dee stooped to pick up his loincloth and swab the spilled spunk from his crotchfur with it, then tied it back on despite the stains all over. Raxor, of course, would not be able to leave so soon. Dee slowly stroked down the otter's cheek and head while they all waited for the dog's knot to soften enough. Thin wisps of seed washed around on the otter's belly. "Well I see you enjoyed that" the coyote said with a smile. Talel covered his muzzle with both paws and squeaked in embarrassment. "Awww, haha, its ok little gu...Huuurrrrnnggg!" Raxor followed, groaning when the otter tried to curl his tail but only succeeded in sending it deeper into the German shepherd. The dog leaned over a bit more and started panting again, his pucker clenching and relaxing around the otter's muscular tail. Slowly he squeezed out Talel's tail, letting out a long pleasured groan in the process.

"Sorry!" the otter piped up. Raxor could have said the same thing, because even though his knot was softened now, pulling out was never easy. He kept a good grip on the otter's skinny waist and started to drag his doghood out of the now squirming otter. Talel groaned and squeaked as that dogmeat slowly slide out and popped free from his gaping tailhole underneath the water. Strings of seed flooded out after before the otter could manage to clench his loose pucker shut. Now free, the otter rested back in the hot water and churred contently. Raxor stepped out of the bath and shook off the water from his fur, then used one of the towels in the area to finish off the job and saying "Talel you take as long as you need down here, we'll be a bell-ring away if you need anything....else". The otter nodded and waved a little paw to the two canines before they headed back up the stairs.

Once they were gone the otter reached down to feel his pucker. Never had he taken a member that size before, and certainly not one with a knot. His tailhole felt sensitive, swollen and very loose. A slimy stream of cum oozed from him when he teased it open. At some point in all that he had reached a blinding orgasm but still he remained hard. With no one else occupying the other baths, he set to pawing off while floating there teasing his pucker.

Upstairs Raxor and Dee tidied up the place a little bit more just in case someone came in. Dee washed the dishes and his mate set to cooking up some dinner. The two didn't say much, just smiled at eachother, knowing that little otter downstairs would be back again for some more special treatment.

Eventually Talel walked slowly up the stairs with a soft content gaze on his muzzle, sighing happily when he came over to the counter. Dee smiled and rested his head on a paw while looking at him. "Feel better?" he asked. "Hehe... yes! Thank you" the otter churred out, shifting his weight a little bit while he clasped his coin purse and looked at the door. "I was thinking, aaaah, that I would get a room here tonight before I carry on". Dee's smile widened as he nodded "Of course Talel, that'll be 30 crowns and 10 more if you'd like to have dinner here." The little otter nodded and handed over 40 crowns. Dee led him up the room that was next to him and his mate's bedroom, and handed over the key. "See you tonight" he said, not indicating whether that meant dinner or...tonight. The coyote walked back downstairs and joined his mate again, giving the canine a shoulder rub while he stired a pot of curry over the fire. "He's all settled in dear" "Good... good. Man was he tight.... I can hardly stop thinking about it" Dee snickered and nodded "I'll find out this evening, if you haven't wrecked him too much". The two grinned at each other and wagged in unison, broken only when Raxor had to slap the coyote's paw away from sampling the curry.