By The Silver Light

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Just a little something that's been sitting in my folders for a while now.

The young wolf sat in her cell, crying into her paws. The cell was very well furnished and her father insisted that it wasn't a cell, but the two armed men outside the doors had shattered that illusion for her. Each time he visited her, which was rare in this season; he claimed that he did it not out of malice or punishment, but as protection.

Protection from men, he said. That was the only part that she truly understood, he threw around other words, words like 'heat', but she didn't understand what the temperature had to do with her captivity. It had begun last year, when she had reached the age of thirteen, the age referred to by some as 'maturity'. Her father had sealed her in here with the eunuch guards for the whole season.

Her blood came three weeks prior; her father had noticed it and brought her straight to her cell. She kept telling him that the bleeding had stopped, but he wouldn't let her out. Since her last year in the cell; her father had transformed the original cell into a fortress; impenetrable, he liked to say. Her current room was high in the tower at the rear of her new fortress; a deep moat of broken blades and dirty water stood between her and the men of the village and the men of the wilds.

Through the small window, the little wolf watched the moon slip out from behind a black veil of cloud. The light of the full moon struck her and her eyes lit up. She had always marveled at the moon, especially when it was this round and bright and beautiful.

In her last effort of defiance, she had taken the modest clothes her father had given her and placed them in her chamber pot and continued to use the pot as it was designed. "Princess," a voice came through a sliding panel in door, a high voice, yet distinctly male, a sign of the eunuch guard. "Your father bids you good night; he has retired to the keep for rest." He slid through the tunic she was to wear. "Please, dress yourself, Lady Amelia."

It occurred to her that she hadn't heard her name in a long while, but that didn't deter her. She took the clothes from his hands and laid them on the carpet by the door. The guard watched her, to ensure that she put on the thick article of clothing, but instead she stood over it in the buff and tensed herself.

Her urine flowed quickly; almost to spit in the face of her father and the eunuch guard both. "She piss on it again?" A deeper voice said; the other guard, she figured. When the guard gave an affirmative reply and closed the door panel. She heard a thud and the jingle of keys.

In her childish naiveté, she wagged her little grey tail. "It's about time someone let me out of this cell!" She said in her lordliest of tones. When the door opened, it was not what she expected, however.

The guard wore the garbs of the eunuch guard, but as he stepped into the room, he inhaled deeply and loosened his breeches. From within his trousers he pulled forth his cock; a thick, short shaft riddled with thick veins and a purple tip protruding from his retracted foreskin.

As she turned to run, her paw caught on the wet tunic and she fell onto the ground; desperately scrabbling to get back up. When her assailant saw her rump raised, he leaned in and took his opportunity. His strong paws held her waist in place while his cock found her puffy nether lips. He slid it into her roughly and growled like a beast.

In one corner of her mind she felt like something she'd been longing for this for a year, but the rest of her mind forced her to scream in terror as she was taken by the older male. Before he could reel back for his first real thrust, a crash from the ceiling echoed in the room like a clap of thunder and dust rained down from the rafters.

Her assailant was deterred momentarily by the noise, but the feeling of her cunt around him made everything else fade away. As he rode her savagely with bestial fury, she winced each time his short cock slipped out of her and forced its way back inside; spreading her walls. With another crash from the roof; pieces of wood fell from the rafters; shards of the beams.

He only intensified his molestation of her and before she had even realized it; the ceiling came down before them. Only small shards of wood hit her and nothing hit the man atop her, but something big and black came down through the roof with the wood. She was pushed aside by the rapist as he stood to face the intruding beast. As her limp body hit the edge of her bed; the real world faded into black.

From the black of her unconsciousness, she awoke to yet more black. But this black was different; it was cold, it was hard. She was in a cave. She lay in the depths of the cave, unharmed but for the slight soreness in her head.

With a sudden spark the black was illuminated by a bright orange flame. On the other side of the flame sat a giant black beast; it seemed to be a wolf but it was larger and blacker than any of the wolves she had seen.

For a moment she thought of screaming, but the fact that she was still alive kept her from panic. "Why am I in a cave?" She asked, immediately calling herself stupid in her mind for thinking that it could speak.

"Protection," it snarled back at her.

"Take me home, now!"

"This is your home now." His red eyes were dappled with strife and sadness. "If you return, you die."

Her paws reached down to her femininity, and her fingers slipped inside. Her father had always told her that bad things happen to wanton girls. In her culture, girls of high birth who had no maidenhead before marriage were sentenced to death. "What are you?"

"I was once a wolf, like you, I was cursed by the gods. Werewolf you call me."

She looked him over as the information settled. "Why did you come for me?"

"Your scent," he lay down beside the fire and turned away from her. "The same reason he came for you."

"So you're going to..."

"In time, yes," he didn't move. "For now, get some sleep."

She sat beside the fire for a time, watching the flames dance in their oranges and yellows. As her eyes stared unwavering into the hot light, she remembered back to the night that had been. Her last memory was of the werewolf falling through the roof. As she recalled her encounter, she struggled to remember fear, pain or anger. All she could remember was the feeling of him inside her.

She realized that she needed it again. She needed it bad. A snore from the werewolf told her that there was no chance there. As she recalled the scene from earlier, she removed the false eunuch and put in his place the werewolf. With each thrust of the werewolf in her memory, her lady lips grew moister.

It was only when she began massaging her maturing parts that she realized something. She stood up and moved to the corner of the cave; so that she was in the werewolf's view, should he awake. She stood with her legs spread and said a silent prayer to the gods that this would work. The moment the first drop of urine fell, he sniffed deeply.

His ears pricked at the sound and he licked his lips with his large tongue. When she finished, she moved closer to him and her scent grew stronger in his nostrils. His sniffs were deeper and his whole head moved closer. She looked down at his crotch and noticed that he appeared to have no penis. He had two balls and a stub where his penis should have been, a furry stub it remained in her naïve mind until it opened and a shaft of red pierced outward, licking the cave air.

Her eyes widened as his sheath revealed it to her. It looked very different to the other mans penis. With a red shaft and tip whose shape she couldn't describe and the repeated squirting of a strange liquid, she leaned forward and put her paw on the growing dick. The werewolf's eyes flicked open and he groaned. "I was going to wait, but if you insist."

He stood up and she fell backwards, rolling onto her stomach and raising her hips like she did last time. Instead of crude paws on her hips, she felt a warm tongue lapping at her eagerly. As he licked over her slit, she shivered and moaned; succumbing to the expert tongue work. With a sudden jolt and the same tingling sensation she got when she saw his cock, her vagina pulsed and juice flowed from it like it never had before.

"Are you ready, my little mate?" He whispered to her in an impossibly deep voice. She whimpered a reply in her euphoric state and he moved his hips to hers. He rolled her over and rested his cock against her chest. It was about nine inches of solid red flesh; thickening after the tip and thinning out until the sheath. The liquid constantly squirted from his tip.

He pulled it back; leaving a trail of slick werewolf seed as he went. He pressed it against her tight cunny and panted as it passed into her. Her pussy stretched unbelievably as he pushed into her. His eyes found hers as he began thrusting; slowly at first. His eyes never left hers as his hips rolled in the motion he found deep in his instincts. In his eyes there was adoration and lust, and in hers there was much the same. Not for a moment did the werewolf notice any pain in those sweet green eyes.

"This is what you were made for." He growled as he grinded up into her cunt. She writhed beneath him, deep in pleasure and a tingling sensation around her whole body. It felt strongest up the center of her body, radiating from her wet and full pussy. Her eyes closed and she moaned louder and louder.

With each thrust, she took more of him than possible before. The line of blackened fur left by the wolf's seed grew across her bare chest. Slowly her body expanded, elongating her torso and limbs. As his thrusting intensified her eyes opened. Her red eyes opened.

When she looked upon him now, she felt as though she was seeing a completely different creature. Instead of a hirsute, terrifying beast with sadness in his eyes, she saw a beautiful male with adoration in his eyes.

He smiled and pulled back, letting his cock slip out of her completely. It still spat seed with each throb. "My beautiful mate..." he whispered as he stood over her. He lifted her off her back and put her on all fours; ready for the final mounting.

He climbed onto her rear and she felt the spurts from his cock once more. He humped up into her like a feral beast into his bitch. He quickly found the deepest recesses of her cunt and thrust his cock into it. Fully embodying the bestial nature of the creature, the werewolf thrust hard and fast. Where they had once served the purpose of filling her with pre-orgasmic seed, they now served only one purpose; breeding.

Her moans were more animalistic than ever as she was bred by the thickening cock of the werewolf. With each thrust, she felt the furry sheath of his cock against her pussy and the hard bulb within it. His thrusts coaxed it out of its protective sheath bit by bit. By the time the knot had fully come free of his sheath, his cock had grown at least three inches and from when he began it had almost doubled in girth.

She figured his penis was deliberately shrunk to accommodate her then small form. In her new form, Amelia was still small, smaller than her mate at least, but she was much larger. She could feel the large volumes of his seed inside her, but he knew that he wasn't done there. With her new bestial mind, so many secrets her father kept from her had been revealed. The very nature of her heat now filled her every thought.

His arms came around her waist and his body leaned over her. As she could feel him trying to force his knot inside, his teeth came down on the skin of her neck with a lusty growl. With a whimper as reply, she submitted to him fully and he pushed his knot into her folds and his orgasm begun.

He released her neck to howl into the depths of the cave; a proclamation of love or victory, perhaps. The seed that he pumped into her was thicker and it was all sealed in by the thick penile knot. With all his juices sloshing around inside, she knew that he had hit his mark.

He rolled over, taking her with him to their side. He spooned his new mate, dick firmly stuck inside her. In a slow and loving touch, he ran his paws across her many teats and it came to rest on her stomach; where his pups would soon be growing. "I'm Amelia," the werewolf bitch whispered to her lover.

"Jon," the male whispered back as he held his mate and drifted back off to sleep, to dream about the pups that would soon be nipping at his ankles.