Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 24

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#24 of Text adventure

Ok given this is part 24 I'm sure I don't need to put the full text here, it's a choose your own text adventure, read the chapter, see the options at the end for what our hero's should do next and then vote by commenting.

It's been a long road and our hero's are drawing to the end of the road, will they be able to overcome the perils of Kafta

A 11111111

B 111

C 111111

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Plants it is, hope you all like the result

As the door shuddered from the blows of the skeletons Aleoric turned and made a run towards the door to the right, Jarus hot on his heels. The room itself was huge, with vines covering every wall, plants lined the floor in large pink flowers, with thick petals. There was no roof just a huge hole leading right up to the surface, sunlight filtered down, though the plantlife had long single climbed up, pink flowers covered every wall. Water was dripping down constantly from above them, as if it was raining. In the centre of the room was a giant pink flower bud, easily twice the height of the bear and twice the width.

They didn't have time to look at the room, the doorway had a huge stone door, Aleoric lay the unconscious fox down on a pile of leaves. The bear and the pony both started to push the door, it began to move slowly. The skittering sound of bone on stone was growing close and the two began to panic. Forcing with all their might they managed to push millennia of dirt, grime and rust out of the way. The huge door slammed shut with a bang, the bear slammed home a stone bolt locking the door. Then the two collapsed on the floor panting with exhaustion, the sounds of swords on the stone eventually stopped and the two looked at each other with relief.

Aleoric got to his feet a little shakily and glanced around the room, his robe soaking with the water raining down on them. His nose flooded with the scent of pollen, it was nice and earthy, quite reassuring to the pair. "We should rest here for a moment," Aleoric whispered trying not to think of the friend he had lost.

Jarus didn't say anything just leaned back against the door and closed his eyes breathing deeply. The scent was familiar and yet so soothing, neither of the two could speak, their hearts were too heavy with grief. Aleoric reached out to touch one of the many flowers, it was as big as his paw, leaf shaped petals were as thick as his fingers, spongy and warm in his paw. As he reached out he noticed the rain drops in his fur were yellow, so thick with the flowers pollen they dyed his fur.

Yawning with exhaustion the bear found his legs were getting weaker and he slipped down to his knees. Blinking in the green light that filled the cave he closed and then he opened his eyes and yawned. Looking around his bedroom with a grunt, it had been a strange dream, so real and yet so silly, dragons and maticores, not to mention new lovers. Ha, he was a long way off fighting dragons, still with Master Roniac's help maybe someday he would be powerful enough. He was studying fire magic with a passion few could match, his abilities were growing daily. In a few years he would leave the guild a fully fledged mage able to stand toe to toe with the best of them. Until then this simple trainees room, with nothing but a bed, desk and chair was all he needed.

He rolled over as he heard his bedroom door open and looked up as a big grey rhino entered, seven foot tall with huge muscled shoulders and firm body. Except for his stomach which was a match for the bear's big and round, warm and soft. Dressed in a simple brown bathrobe, and if the bear knew the rhino, nothing else. Roniac, his master, teacher and lover, the two had spent many blissful nights together. "Good morning my student," the rhino said closing the door after himself.

"Good morning master, boy did I have some strange dreams last..." Aleoric stared to say, wanting to tell his lover everything.

"Aleoric, I want to hear it all, but first I have a great and pressing need this morning," the Rhino interrupted letting his robe slip open to reveal his grey cock, over a foot long with a pink and drooling tip.

Chuckling the bear licked his lips, he loved nothing better than a good morning session with his favourite teacher. "Of course master," he replied sitting up in bed and reaching out taking the thick cock in his fingers, it felt strangely smoother than normal. A deep grunt reminded him of his master's impatient needs and the bear opened his mouth.

Roniac must have been really needy because as he opened his lips the rhino thrust inside fast and deep, pressing his cock right to the back of the bear's throat. The bear suckled warmly licking at the shaft as he bobbed his muzzle suckling firmly. He swallowed mouthful after mouthful of warm pre, his master must have really been in the mood the bear could never remember him drooling pre this copiously before. Gentle paws caressed his head and then shoulders and chest, teasing his sensitive nubs. Strangely the cock felt thinner than he remembered, and cooler too. His master's meat was usually so hot against his tongue and his jaw didn't feel quite as stretched as it usually did, the bulbous tip wasn't giving him the usual lump in his throat, although it was giving him the lump in his pants. He didn't get time to think of this as a warm body pressed up behind him.

"Shh my sexy pupil, it's just a spell, a powerful one, I've wanted to share this with you for a while. To be with you many ways at once, it's a gift, one I reserve for those of my lovers who are truly special, who mean the most to me." The rhino whispered into his ear, as he licked at the bear's ear and neck, while the duplicate him slowly mated Aleoric's muzzle.

Feeling deeply loved and honoured the bear pushed back willingly against the rhino. Pure awe for his master's magical skills filled him, to have produced a duplicate of himself just to mate with the bear, that was powerful magic indeed. Feeling a thick cock pressing between his buttocks the bear moaned around the cock in his mouth and pushed back wantonly. Sucking eagerly his maw milking the shaft as he felt his master's cock thrusting against his pucker. Stretching him gently, and wonderfully around the invading member. Sliding inside far easier than it ever had before, Aleoric assumed it was the magic, making it somehow easier to take his master's huge cock. It had always hurt at first and yet this time no pain only pleasure. Roniac pressed against his prostate, making the bear gasp and then the rhino thrust again and again, pounding hard into him and always spearing right into his prostate.

Aleoric cried out again and again, his cock throbbing, spraying pre onto the sheets as the bear rocked between both cocks. Feeling something warm around his cock, he looked down to see a third copy of his master, the huge horned head bobbing as the bear's thick cock slipped back and forth in his lips. It was too much stimulation for the bear, crying out he came hard flooding his master's muzzle as the copy behind him chuckled. "Mmmm there's a good pupil, that was just the first load, it's going to be a long morning and it will take all you have and more to satisfy me." Whispered the rhino as he continued his mating of the bear's ass and muzzle, assaulting his prostate as he continued to suck on the bear's cock, drinking down every drop and helping to stimulate him back to erection as quickly as possible.

Back in the cave the beast chuckled to itself, Cerberus had been alone for many years, now he had three new playmates, three new sources of life essence. The fox had been easy to seduce a simple dream of his dead lover. The bear had been next, a dream of his former master, the two were now strung up above his bud. A tentacle in each mouth feeding them numbing nectar, one in their asses massaging their prostates, while one of Cerberus's flowers stretched around their cocks, milking them forever stimulating them to give load after load of their living essence to the beast.

All that remained was the pony, the bear and fox both stuck in the dreams that would repeat forever, the beast turned his attention to his final victim. Slipping into his dreams and taking him back to his days of whore training. The beast took the form of one of the pony's former instructors, it was so easy, he ordered the pony to suck him off and the pony opened his maw.

A thick green vine rose from the floor, the tip pink and drooling yellow nectar already, it rained down over the pony's lithe body and then thrust into the equine's willing mouth. The beast shuddered with pleasure as it took a new maw, it had been so long since it had had anything but spiders and beasts to milk, their life essence tasted bitter, but sentient beings like these three tasted sweet.

Next Cerberus ordered the pony to lift his tail and like the well trained whore he was Jarus did. Back in his training days he had been so subservient and willing, he was perfect prey for the beast now he had tricked the pony into the right dream. Another thicker tentacle rose, drooling and the beast knew that he didn't need to be gentle, for none of Jarus's trainers had been. The tentacle thrust in hard and the pony' whimpered, as he found the sweet nut he began to stimulate the equine.

A thick phallus began to grow out of his sheath, it took only a half dozen thrusts into the pony's prostate to get him fully erect. A flower rose off the floor to reach for the equines cock, the fleshy petals flexing and the stretching as it opened it's mouth. The pony was larger than most males and it stretched his flower to the limits but, as he made the pony dream of fucking another slave, he walked his flower down the huge shaft, getting more and more of the cock deeper into the tentacle. Until at last he had the full length inside the flower, the petals tickling Jarus's balls as the vine around his cock squeezed and massaged the meat. It didn't take long before the equine shot a heavy load of his essence into the vine. Cerberus purred in delight as he drank more essence, three sweet loads and the fox was already about to blow his second.

With his victims fully under his thrall the beast knew he would be able to milk them for years, until they were nothing but husks, then he would open his huge bud and devour what remained of them.

And so our adventure ends, with our band entirely dead or captured.

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Just kidding!

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As the beast drank his fourth and fifth loads of essence from his victims he heard a trio of battle cries. Three green skinned animals charged in, swords cut into his vines and Cerberus bellowed in anger. Thousands of vines rising up to fight the intruders, who hacked and slashed at them. Still the beast knew it would only take one slip and he would have them. The smallest was the first to fall, a vine around his left foot lifting him high into the air. No gentle dreams for these attackers, they needed to pay for their insolence. The beast forced a tentacle into the greenskin creature's mouth, the nectar numbing his struggles. A vine rising and forcing it's way inside his ass, seeking out his prostate to stimulate his cock, as a flower prepared itself to start milking.

Grabbing the largest greenskin by both wrists he dragged him clear, another victim and only one more to go. The last was by far the most skilled, his eyes sharp and his reflexes honed, but Cerberus was patient and he had thousands of tentacles. It was as he forced his flowers around the other two greenskin cocks that the plant managed to capture the last one, pulling him clear. Only for a much larger brown furred attacker to charge in, Cerberus could taste power on this one. The brown one threw missiles at the large pink bud. They smashed and liquid flowed harmlessly down the flower. Cerberus chuckled at the uselessness of the attack as he prepared to capture his seventh victim of the day.

It was then that the brown furred one drew out a torch and with a flick of flint it was ablaze, a casual toss it hit Cerberus's flower. The liquid burst into flames and the beast screamed. His victims were released, falling to the floor, as the beast began to wither and die. The giant bud burst and his black blood flooded out over the floor quenching the flames as Cerberus, the great watchplant, died.

Aleoric blinked and the memory came flooding back to him, the dream had seemed so real, yet in his mouth the taste of sweet nectar was no substitute for musky rhino cock. His ass was sore from the constant pounding, as was his cock from the perpetual sucking.

Gar the orc was the first to break the silence reaching behind himself and pulling a tentacle out of his ass his voice rumbled, "my arse hurts!" Somehow in his simple way the orc had captured the bear's exact feelings, confusion and a sore arse among other things.

His brother spoke up next, "yeah None you took your sweet fucking time getting into the fight."

"I needed to prepare the torch and flint, if I hadn't got the damn thing alight first time we'd have all been fucked, literally and figuratively." None replied as he strode over to where the pony and the third orc lay.

The confused expression on Jarus's face turned to one of joy as he took the manticore's paw and was lifted to his feet and into a hug. "You're free!"

None smiled and kissed the pony on the cheek, "Yes some damn chaos dragon just broke the curse. Broke a lot of my power too, no more addictive cum and I was surrounded by a whole very annoyed orc tribe at the time. Fortunately even weakened they were no match for me."

He reached down and picked up the other orc, "little Teis here decided to join me, the rest died on my sword or ran away. Then we started looking for you when we ran into these two..."

"Yeah 'ran into us', you chased us for fucking miles and threatened to skin us if we didn't help you find this place," snorted Bar as he picked up his sword and replaced it in his sheath. "Still we don't mind helping ourselves to a share of any treasure in return for helping save all your lives, me and Gar are gonna need some cash to set up our new lives..."

"And to find Troy!" Gar rumbled as he wandered over to poke the fox with his toe, Kenia hadn't moved. "Is this one dead?"

Sniffing a little, his eyes running with tears Kenia looked back, the fire had gone from his eyes and he didn't have it in him to be angry, "not yet," he mumbled as he got to his feet.

Aleoric was by his side a heartbeat later a friendly paw on his shoulder only for it to be shook off by the fox. Kenia looked around but couldn't find a weapon so he turned on the group, "how did you guys get here?"

"Oh there's a tunnel takes you right to the other entrance to this room, bypasses the entire city walls and everything." Bar replied as he glanced at the other door. "That way lead to the treasure?"

"Well maybe, it definitely leads to an army of skeletons." Aleoric said doubtfully and realised that the only other option was to head back out the tunnel and home.

"Then we are going back in, we need to find the alter and destroy it for Runo, I'll go alone if you guys go back!" Kenia announced his words getting louder and stronger as he spoke until he was almost shouting, the fire coming back to his eyes. The barbarian was hurt but that was just going to make him more dangerous, gods help anyone who tried to stop him completing Runo's quest, because nothing short of divine intervention was going to stop him.

"We go back," Aleoric agreed as he found his magic tome and opened it to some more powerful spells. "Weapons ready guys, Jarus get the door."

Swords were drawn, clubs raised, Bar didn't say a word as he pressed his spare short sword into the fox's empty paw with a nod. He knew what it was like to lose a friend and lover in combat, he knew the fox didn't need sympathy he needed vengeance.

As the door opened their eyes went wide, for the hall behind them was empty. Kenia shot through the door before anyone could say anything. The group charged after him, through the stone door and the shattered wooden door to where Runo had fallen, to find nothing, no snake body just the dagger he had given Kenia.

"The spiders, they must have come back and taken him," Aleoric muttered sadly.

"I thought we killed them all," Kenia whispered sadly, he kneeled down on the spot he had seen his love expire and whispered. "I will free your people and kill your father I promise... I swear it by any gods listening, I will fulfil your destiny, in your name."

Aleoric looked back at the way onward, two rooms remained unexplored. "We should split up and check out those two rooms, Kenia, Jarus are with me we started this together we will finish together. None, you Bar, Gar and Teis take the other room."

Ok a simple choice now on which room Aleoric should take,

A Bone door to the centre

B fire door to the left

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this adventure is drawing near it's end, only a few more chapters left to go, I do hope people have enjoyed it.