Locker Room Cub 5

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#5 of Locker Room Cub

The short drive back home during the early evening had taken its toll on Averal as the lupine stopped the car and yawned showing off an impressive set of fangs to the world. Still naked from his earlier exploits with Darin the teenage wolf scratched at the dried semen on his groin and watched as a flurry of flakes peeled from his fur and fall onto the floor. Grimacing Averal shook his head as he thought about how much trouble it would be to try and trudge up to the bathroom and take a shower.

Looking to his right the wolf smiled as he watched his 'little brother' sleeping peacefully with his mouth open and a bit of cum drying on his mouth. The pup was cute to say the least as he slept on with the vibrator in his tailhole while wiggling just a touch as his muscles sought to expel the thing. Groaning and squirming in his seat the eleven year old shifted around before turning onto his side and then curled himself into a ball before falling back into slumber.

Averal chuckled before taking off his seatbelt and opening his side door. Getting out and stretching his tense muscles the wolf inhaled a nearly gagged at the raunchy scent of male sweat, semen, rut, and testosterone. He would defiantly have to clean the car out when he woke up in the morning. If his parents got into the car and smelled the intoxicating mix of pheromones and sex he would be in a world of trouble that not even 'Fenrir' would be able to get him out of.

Locking and shutting his door Averal went over to Darin's side and picked the pup up from his seat. His weight was nothing the older wolf couldn't handle and when the teenager slumped the younger lupine over his shoulder he caressed Darin's tail and ass. Darin shuddered when the broad paw pressed the toy deeper into him and mewled when his prostate was stimulated for a second time that night.

Averal stopped himself less he ravish the young wolf right there in his parents garage and closed the car door. Turning around and clicking the button on the key chain the car beeped and then when silent. The two wolves headed into the house through the kitchen door, up the stairway and to Averal's room. Thankfully the older wolf's parents were dead to the world as the older couple's room was silent and neither stirred to question their son about his whereabouts this evening, as parents have the bad habit of doing.

Once inside his room Averal placed Darin onto his bed face up and gazed at the little lupine. The memories of hours before came in a rush as the older lupine closed his eyes and remembered what he had done with the pup.

That sleek body writhing in his grasps as he pleasured them both.

The domination he held over the younger wolf while sexual gratifying himself.

The look of submission in Darin's eyes as he succumbed to his master.

The warm feeling of the eleven-year-old's mouth around him.

The sweet moans and gasps taken from the immature body.

The heat of his cock exploding.

The scent of lust from two males; one young and needy and the other strong and demanding.

His own heart beating when he fell over into the pit of euphoria and down into ecstasy.

Averal snapped himself from his recollection to stare at Darin. For a while the teenage lupine wondered if what he was feeling was what it meant to love someone wholeheartedly. Not the love for a parent or sibling but the maddening feeling of desire and want for someone that swept him up like a tidal wave. But then again, it wasn't just the lust he knew was inside of him but an urge like no other that called for him to take hold of the boy and soothe his pains while intertwining their very beings together into one.

'Of for Fenrir's sake, I'm startin' to sound like one of Jill's sappy romance novels. Next thing I'll be thinking is that I want Darin as my mate. Heh...yeah right...who'd be dumb enough to want a kid who barely even knew what was happening to him as a lifemate...I...' Averal thought long and hard but the contempt of his contemplations didn't come as easily as he had assumed they would

In a few years he would be off to college probably in another state and Darin would be in high school or at least finishing middle school. The pup would grow into a healthy and charming wolf that would have all the guys wanting his tail. He's probably have two or three boyfriends, be out dating, flirting, kissing, fuc...

The steady growl from Averal's throat caught him by surprise as he rubbed his chest on up to his muzzle where the streams of vibrations hadn't yet stopped. Just the thought made him sick and want to kill the first bastard that touched what was his. Glaring at Darin the older wolf went over to the pup and then sniffed him from head to the pads of his feet.

Every inch was covered by his musky scent and a pleased snort blasted from Averal. Shaking his head the teenager wouldn't let it happen. Damn the consequences and what other's thought or said: Darin was his. The pup belonged to him both body and heart. There was no chance in hell that he was going to give the little wolf up to some dumb ass that would use and abuse him. Nope, he wouldn't let it happen.

Reaching out Averal pulled the vibrator from the younger wolf's tailhole until it popped free. Watching as the little one squirmed and whimpered at the loss of feeling Averal grabbed the boy's legs and lifted the eleven year old up until he was face to face with the clenching muscle that made up the pup's tailhole.

Taking a tentative sniff the older lupine growled when he couldn't find his scent inside the most precious area that made up his pup. Remedying that Averal rolled his tongue from his mouth and licked over the tightly coiled pink area. Darin gasped and wiggled but the teenager didn't release him instead he buried his face even deeper into the backside of his younger wolf and stuck his tongue in even deeper.

Darin barked quietly as his eyes began to open and he became aware of his position.

"A-Averal...what are you dooooiiii...." Darin lost his breath when his 'older brother' pressed into him even deeper and delve into his body making him loss focus for a split second.

Averal pulled his tongue back and crawled over the boy until he was looking Darin in his eyes. The younger lupine gazed up in time to see Ave bend down towards him and trail his warm muzzle over his own.

"Averal...are you okay?"

Not saying anything, the bigger wolf continued to scent mark his pup over his entire naked body. Repeating the gestures three time Averal growled in satisfaction when his smell was ingrained with Darin's 'til he could no longer tell where the boy ended and he began...just the way it should be.

Curling around the other the older lupine wrapped his pup into his arms and crooned as he urged the other back to sleep. Darin wanted to question the strange behavior of his best friend but the near silent murmurs in his ears combined with his mind blowing orgasm from hours before drove him into darkness. It had been a long time since he had been put to sleep as such but no matter how old a wolf might be the gentle song of quiet murring from another wolf that sang of protection and comfort made by someone they cared for was the easiest and most effective way to send them into the land of dreams.

When Darin was asleep Averal pulled the covers over them and pressed his face into the throat of his pup. He too began to fall to sleep but before he could his ears cocked and his head snapped to the doorway.

Standing just inside of his den was Jill with a blank expression on her face but a sparkling glow of embers in her eyes.

'We'll talk tomorrow.' The female whispered before closing the door behind her and casting the room into pitch black.

Not wanting or caring of his sister's presence the teenage wolf snorted before resting over his pup and the trailing off into slumber. He slept fitfully with the knowledge that his most precious one was wrapped in his arms without a care of their own and safe from the world around them.

Morning came on the wings of the rising sun and Averal awoke sniffing the body next to him and grimacing somewhat. The rancid smell of unwashed fur, dried cum, left over musk and grimy skin made the older wolf nearly gag. Averal yawned before looking down at Darin's sleeping muzzle and then began to lick over the pup's face. Like all pup's the younger wolf made those cute groaning sounds into the back of his throat while trying to turn over and get back to the comfortable darkness he had been in but the incessant swipes of warmth over his nose made it impossible. Blinking open his bleary eyes Darin stared into the misshapen face of someone before blinking his eyes and clearing his vision.

"Morning." Averal said while smirking at his pup.

"Mrnin'" Darin managed before closing his eyes and trying to curl into a ball once more.

"Oh no you don't." Averal nipped at Darin's neck making him squirm and then yip before moaning and wiggling in the other wolf's hold.

Averal chuckled a bit before hoisting the younger wolf up from his position and then throwing the covers from around the both of them. The bed sheets as well as the mattress were covered in the two lupine's scent and Averal growled at the thought of having to clean up after he finished showering later on today but better than having his parents complain about the smell. And speaking of showering...

Averal saw that Darin had fallen back asleep like any other pup his age and decided to give him a little wake up call. Carefully getting up without waking Darin from his sleep the older wolf made his way to the bathroom and turned on the water while angling the pup onto his shoulder where he wouldn't fall off before steeping into the spray. Immediately the warm waters sprayed over Averal's front and Darin's backside getting the two thoroughly matted before Averal sat his bundle from off on him onto the pup's own feet right under the deluge.

It took a sec for the younger wolf to realize he couldn't actively breath before he sputtered and then flailed around and tripping back into Averal's hold. The older wolf laughed boisterously as watched his little brother's antics before squeezing Darin's shoulder holding him steady. Bending down and licking the pup's ears the teenager smiled down to him before patting his head. The younger of the pair scowled before he felt something nudging him in the back and he looked over his shoulder to see the older wolf's stiffening erection rising to greet him as well. Gazing up to Averal the younger wolf received a gentle nod before Darin turned and took the rising flesh into his muzzle and began to nurse onto it. Averal ground his teeth together before letting out a hiss and thrusting forward into the pup.

Averal closed his eyes into slits as he let the warmth of the water wash over his somewhat sore fur and relaxed as his cock was taken into his little one's throat. Darin was able to relax his gag reflexes to the point where the tip of the older wolf's tool slid easily into his mouth without complication. Averal thrust his hips lightly into the younger wolf's muzzle while listening to the soft sucking noises Darin made as he bobbed his head up and down onto the red pointed shaft drinking down the sweet nectar that seeped from the tip. Groaning and arching his hips Averal breathed shallowly as he felt his morning load burn in his balls but resisted from coming so early, that first morning orgasm always being a sneaky one and coming too quickly for his licking not to mention the fact that Darin was giving great head to him with his tongue rubbing against the underside of his length and the puppy's lips forming a tight ring for him to thrust into.

Darin was giving everything he could to the older wolf as he suckled onto his cock, swallowing down the flood of pre and feeling that warm tingling feeling he did whenever Averal was intimate with him. His own puppyhood was straining from out of his sheath and rising up to greet him while his own testicles drew up somewhat to his body, the heat from the shower relaxing him that he leisurely ran his head back and forth over Averal's penis letting the pointed tip kiss the inside of his cheek and the back of his throat before taking it further down into his esophagus to where the tennis ball wide knot of the older wolf hit him in the nose making him stop from taking the Averal's sheath into his muzzle if he could but settling on swiping his tongue of the furry pouch of flesh instead.

Averal growled and reached out for the shower tiles behind Darin and curled his claws into the wall and down them. The scraping sound of the material giving into his thickened claws made painful screeching sounds but didn't break up the two wolves from their mating but instead urged them both to lower their ears.

"Is everything alright in there?" Someone said making Averal snap open his eyes and retract his cock from inside Darin's throat. The streaming tip shot onto the pup's face almost in indignation for being removed from its home while Darin sat onto the shower floor with his muzzle open catching every bullet of pre that fired his way.

"Yeah Jill, we're fine. Averal answered while fighting to keep from tell her where she could go right now.

"...Don't forget about what we have to talk about later Ave." She said before walking away from the bathroom door.

Like death sweeping over a field Averal lost his erection at the thought of the conversation between himself and his sister. Putting a paw over his head and then sighing the older wolf rubbed his head and then blew a puff of breath from his muzzle before looking down at Darin who was looking to him with unrestrained admiration. Reaching down and then lifting his pup up from off of the shower floor Averal licked at the little wolf's face and muzzle before kissing him. Darin opened his muzzle and accepted his older brother's kiss fully.

Once the two broke apart Averal sat his pup down and then started to clean the other with a bar of soap and rag that he had kept on the rim of the shower stall. Darin laughed happily as he let his older brother soap him up and then let him wash every part of his body, especially under his tail and over his groin, which the puppy made sure to raise up into the older wolf's touch.

This went on for a long period with the two alternating with Darin washing Averal once the older once had finished cleaning him. The little lupine made sure to pay extra attention to the teenager's bits and tailhole all the while sneaking little touches and fondles under the pretense of cleaning. It warmed Averal's heart and loins that he was getting such affection from someone he cared for so deeply that his resolve for the coming trail was set.

Turning the water off and shaking off as only canines could the two wolves got out of the shower and grabbed individual towels from the bathroom closet and then began to dry off before hitting the button fur driers and letting the mechanized hot air finish drying them. Their fur puffed out somewhat silly and the two laughed at one another before Averal got out a fur brush and began to comb through Darin's fur getting the knots loose and grooming the other. Sweeping the fine bristled brush over the pup's front and then down to his feet before turning him over to his back getting his spinal column, butt, and tail the older wolf found himself occasionally sniffing the pup. Darin giggled when the cold nose of his best friend and big brother touched his ears and neck before turning around and liking Averal right over his black nostrils and face. Averal coughed to cover up a happy whine that had broken through his muzzle before handing the pup the brush and kneeling onto the towel on the floor.

When Darin had finished up both males walked naked to Averal's room. Once back inside the rancid smell made both of them gag before Averal went to open a window.

"Hey Darin, if you clean my room I'll take you to the movies today."


Averal watched as the pup set about getting things back in order, taking the sheets of the bed, folding his clothes up, sniffing over what was dirty and putting it into his hamper before the older wolf walked out of his room, after grabbing a somewhat clean pair of shorts he had stashed behind his dresser and then heading downstairs. In the kitchen a certain wolfess was waiting for him with a cup of coffee in her paws slowly drinking it and looking up at him over the edge of the cup. Averal returned her stare before sitting down at the table and then opening his muzzle.

"Let's talk." Averal began.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: loboron for your inspiration and getting my lazy tail in gear!