Koji and Alex Second Time

Story by NekoGirl2014 on SoFurry

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#2 of SexyBoys

My Second Story I made. :3

It was just another day...weeks had passed, Alex could very well remember the best night of his life with koji. But after that night Alex found out koji had disappered, he has no clue why, and when. But he looks forward to the day they meet again...

Alex is in a bar, around 11 pm, sitting there thinking all this over, 'Why did he leave?, was it me? why?' he sat there thinking and thinking. Tell someone taped on his sholder. He turned around. He see a wolf, dark black fur. Almost looked like koji, but sadly no.

The wolf smiled and asked "Know any place were I could meet some nice guy's?"

Alex looked this boy over, seeing he was around 21, maybe 22. "No I don't sorry." He turned back around. He suddenly felt the boy grab his mane and pull him from the bar. And said "I'll have to deal with you then" He evily smiled at Alex.

Alex had never felt so scared in his life, he just froze there. He closed his eyes hoping this was all just a bad dream. He felt the boy let go, and heard him scream.

The wolf was yelling "Let go! I...I" The boys voice stoped

Alex opened his eye's, He was suprised, to see Koji there holding the boy down by his neck, so tight the boy could hardly breathe.

Koji yelled at the boy "You ever fucking hurt him, I'll kill you!" He threw the boy across the room, still very pissed the glared at the boy tell he got to his feet and ran like hell.

Alex still sitting there surised and in fear, he said "K...Koji?"

Koji turned, and looked down, knowing alex would be mad at him for being gone. He layed his ears back.

Aelx looked Koji over and over, and he brought his head up and kissed him deeply, letting him know how much he missed him.

Koji Blushed abit and kissed him back the same, letting him know as well. He pulled back and looked at alex, seeing how grow up he looked from the 1st night. He looked like a little scared lion. Now he looked brave. Like a real lion. Saying "I thought you would be mad at me?.."

Alex smiled alittle, and ran his fingers through Koji's fur and said "Why would I be? Sure I was a bit sad, But I could never be mad at you."

Koji looked at him more, Thinking, then ask's "Why havent you found your self someone new.? or done anyhting?"

Alex looked at him "I truely love you koji....I know you might not...but I do."

Koji was suprised my the words, the just, hugged alex tightly. Never wanting to let go.

Aelx smiled and hugged him back. and asks "You got a place?...I'm kinda tired."

Koji smiled "Yeah..I do." He picks alex up and carry's him to his car and sits im in the passenger side and koji gets in the driver's side, starts the car, and dives to his house.

Alex softly yawns and leans against koji some, and falls asleep slowly, before the reach the house.

Koji pulls in and smiles at alex, and gets out of his car, goes around and picks alex up. He locks the car up and unlocks the house. and goes to the second bed room and lays alex in bed. Koji goes and cleans around the house.

Alex lays in bed asleep, for an hour or two. He wakes up slowly, get's out of bed,and looks around for koji. He walks by koji's bed room and hear something. He slowly opens the door, and see's him masterbeting. He blushes and just watches in for a few mins feels him self becoming hard. So he open's the door slowly.

Koji hears the door he cover's himself up, and looks at alex and blushes "W..what are you doing up?"

Alex smiles and walks over to Koji and removes his cover, "Dont be shy, and I normaly dont sleep long."

Koji lets him and see's that alex is hard as well, he places his paw over alex's cock and rubs through his pants softly.

Alex blushes and moans softly, and pulls his pants and boxers down.

Koji wraps his hand around the lower part of alex's cock and he sucks on his tip very softly.

Alex blushes and lets out a soft moan and places his head on the back of kojis head.

Koji sucks harder on his tip feeling him get harder. and he rubs the other part of his cock softly.

Alex closes his eyes, his moans getting louder and he become much harder.

Koji takes half of alexs cock into his mouth and sucks harder, still rubbing the other parts, and he starts rubbing him self.

Alex helps push head head making him take more and leans his head back just alittle moans just abit louder

Koji lets out soft moans as he rubs him self harder and just removes his hand from alex, and takes it all in sucking as hard as he can.

Alex lets out a loud moan of pleasure, feeling his moans and his warm mouth.

Koji pre-cums alittle and rubs harder and harder on his own. and keeps sucking on koji's.

Alex moans abit louder and runs his fingers through kojis fur. And he pre-cums alittle as well. He moans out softly "I'm so close"

Koji smiles abit and moves it in and out some, and moans more, as his close as well.

Alex cums alittle in Kojis mouth and moans kojis name softly then alittle louder as he cums alot in kojis mouth now.

Koji swallow it, and some goes down his chin as koji moans loudly as he cums alot, and his cum all over his hand. after alex is done cumming he slides it out of his mouth and holds his paw up do alex.

Alex licks the cum off his paw then off of kojis cock, and his chin, they then kissed for a bit then got into koji's bed and slept togther again....