In the Barn

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission for jimmyb383 (FA)

Belair belong to jimmyb383 (FA)

Other character belong to jupiterfox (FA)

It was a sunny day in the lush valley of Melancthon, known for being a sector of agriculture. Some could think that this area wasn't different from an industrial district, farms just being another expression for the expansion of business. But these days, anything was possible and anything could be found; away from the loud chatters of gigantic property owners, stood people there and there, enjoying what life could offer to them. It mattered little to Belair; life was too short to worry about what others were doing, as long as it didn't harm him...

He was a dragon, but using that term alone would be denying his reality; he was a dragon hybrid, his other essence being of the equine family. Orange like the falling leaves, with a crimson mane, he was a sight to behold, one that always stimulated the imagination of those that wandered by. There was more to discover than that, but wanderers would content themselves with this mere sight...

He looked at the horizon; the wind was calm, but chilly, while the land was vast; it was a peaceful day, one that made him wonder what he could be doing to keep himself busy. One could have believed that a farm was always busy, but this wasn't the case that day; the land wasn't ready to be ploughed yet, but it would be soon. It was a matter of days, but until then, he would assure himself that everything was ready for that task...

Free time was a luxury for him, one that he had the intention to enjoy; but how would he pass the time he had in his hands in a constructive matter? Sure, if he took the time to stop and think about it, he would find some ideas, but he had no desire to do this, for now; he wanted to find one, one that could render the day memorable...

As he scratched his head, he realized that his quest would head nowhere is he would try to do anything alone; he had to find someone to share his plan with, someone who could help him develop his vision, or at least shreds the clouds that were fogging his vision; he had the impression that there was something he wanted to do, but what? Perhaps he should take a look around before searching for someone, so an idea could appear...

He looked at the barn, in the distance; plenty of memories inhabited the building, as he approached it, wondering if it would serve a purpose to enter it. Perhaps there was something in it he could use, like that last time; shivers of delight ran his spine as he let the memories flood his mind, stopping him in his tracks...

He shook his head for a moment, before turning around and heading for the house; there was more to explore inside than here, although, there was some machinery he could use, if the timing was right...

He looked at his house for a moment, wondering if he should enter it or not; there was so much he could do inside, although the outside was rather tempting. There was plenty to discover and to do, but he had to admit that his mind was getting fixated on entering it, for he was sure that he would be able to find something to do more interesting than what could await him outside.

What was he doing outside anyway, thinking about actions he could do, when he could do something? Without hesitating, he walked toward the mansion, wondering what would await him inside, if there was anything in there. It was more than a possibility, but again...

He opened the door, hearing it cringe on its hinges; at least he didn't try to be sneaky or crafty, for this could have ruined all his chances for such an action. The sound was somewhat comforting; it had a story of its own, one that he learned to enjoy, for he had to live, days after days, until the day it would repulse him...

``Belair, is that you? I thought that you had a busy day today on the farm'' said a voice coming from inside the living room, attracting him toward it. He could have responded to it from afar, but to see her again was such bliss. It would be a quite a welcomed distraction, after such a bland and boring day.

There she was, sitting on a sofa, using a laptop; the love of his life, she was enjoying her free time browsing the web, searching for concepts that escaped his grasp. He dared not question the purpose for such a quest, for it could concern him; in life, there was always a moment to stay silent.

She was a fox, with an orange overcoat and white underbelly; the fur near her ankles and her paws was dark brown, inviting him to explore with his eyes. She was wearing a tight skirt and a pair of jeans; it left little to his imagination, as he could observe her curves and forms, making him dream.

``Belair, are you searching something?'' she asked, lifting her head from the screen a moment, before looking at it again, focusing on the task that she was trying to fulfill, although he had the impression that she was looking at something else before he entered the house. It made him curious; what sort of entertainment was she was browsing not long ago.

Not that it bothered him that he couldn't watch it now; in fact, it made him curious of what it could be it. Perhaps it could even give him ideas on how to pass his day, although he had the impression that if he looked too much into it, he would be too captivated by it, unable to free himself from it. Perhaps it was for the best that he didn't discover anything.

``Not really; I'm passing time, trying to find something that I could do. I know I could be working, but I want to relax today, to take off from the farm work before resuming the activities tomorrow'' he told her, wondering if he should ask her for help about his quest. Perhaps she had an idea on how he could spend the day without breaking a sweat, even though he didn't want to bother her...

She looked at him for a moment, smiling; it was as if an idea crossed her mind, although he was unable to tell what sort of idea it was. The only element he was sure is that it would be an interesting one, for she always had fun ideas, ideas that he remembered fondly with time.

``Oh, I believe I might have something in mind, but you must head back outside; I forgot something in the barn, an element that could give life to my idea. I'll join you in a moment there, since I have a feeling that you won't find it that easily'' she told him, as she turns off her computer, looking at him with a smile.

He wondered what she meant by that and what item she was talking about, but before he could ask more, she was already gone, leaving him with more questions than he had. He could always follow her, but that would ruin everything that she would try to accomplish and that was not what he desired...

Following what she told him, he opened the door and walked outside, wondering where he was supposed to be next. He was supposed to find something without knowing what it was; he had to better start searching in an area that would give him the highest opportunity rate and success at the same time.

The one and only area that came to mind was the barn, the area that he ignored not so long ago as he headed out to the house. His chances were higher in there, although he had no clue what he was seeking...

The barn welcomed him, the penumbra surrounding everything that was inside; if only he could find the switch to turn on the light, so he could observe more than the boxes and the stalls. Passing his hand on the wall, he was able to find the switch he was seeking.

Passing his finger on it, he tried to turn it on, only to realize that a simple movement wasn't enough for it; could it be broken, the passage of time taken its time on the structures? Or was it due to another factor?

He decided to press the switch with force, to determine if there was something blocking it; forcing it down, he was able to turn the system on, making him realize that what was stopping his effort was mere rust. Perhaps he could apply some oil to oil when he would have time later, but for now, he was supposed to find an item...

The light was weak, but enough for him to watch what he needed to explore; he could observe the stalls, where the horses were sleeping. For now, they were empty, for they were in the field, enjoying the day. They didn't need supervision, for the fences surrounding them were sturdy enough to stop, while the worker around them was keeping an eye on their movement.

He could also see the tools he was using, lining up on the wall; some of them were on the ground, as if an unknown force blew them to the ground. It was probably the wind, although it could have been their employee who, by accident, send them to the ground. But this wasn't what he was seeking; he wasn't sure what he wanted, but he knew that this wasn't what he needed, for now...

What was he searching, actually? If only he had a clue of what he was supposed to bring back; he knew that she had an idea in mind, but she could have shared it with him, instead of leaving him in the dark, for now he was now seeking an illusion, something that was probably not even there in the first place...

He went farther inside the barn, letting his mind wander as he looked around; perhaps he would be able to find something that would please his love without being the specific item she was searching.

Of course, failure was a possibility that he wasn't afraid, in this case; he could always wait for her to arrive, although he wanted to find it before she arrived, to prove to her that he was able to fulfill such an easy task.

Or was it the reality? He had no indication, no clues and no directions; it was a miracle that he was here and not in the field, searching for an element that could have fitted the image that he tried to build in his mind. He was about to turn around when he heard a voice behind, one that he recognized without any problem.

``Oh, there you are; I knew that you would be here, since you have a tendency to search the barn each time I ask to find something. Not that I'm complaining about your habit; in this situation, it will be quite practical for what I have in mind'' she told him, as he turned around, wondering what she was talking about.

As he looked at her, he realized the kind of idea that was crossing her mind while she was exploring the web; wearing a leather corset, black stilettos and fishnets, she was carrying a riding crop in her left hand, making him wonder what she would do to him...

``Now now, don't you try to shy away; you know that you want what is going to happen next'' she told him, as she advanced toward him, waving the riding crop near his face, taunting him a bit. The gear was close to him; would it strike him again? Or would it rest?

As he tried to move away, she delivered a gentle hit on his leg, making him stop in his tracks; he had to listen to what she was going to tell him, for she was the one in charge, the one that was going to decide what was going to happen...

``That's a good boy; a bit slow, but always compliant, in the end. You don't need these clothes, now don't you?'' she asked him, waving her riding crop in front of him, wondering if he would obey. That would be a shame if he didn't, but she would be there to teach him.

There was no purpose in contradicting what she was ordering him to do; he knew that this was a role play, one that could be quite pleasant to follow. He wondered what sort of ideas she would follow, for this was probably an introduction to a greater act, one that would take him by surprise, although he couldn't be sure of such a possibility.

She had the tendency to include several acts together; she was a creative lover, a trait that he admired, but was afraid of sometime, when she let her imagination out her control for too long. Perhaps, one day, he would be able to place his voice in the decision making, so he would be able to create fantasies on its own, but until then, he would follow what she would propose, for she knew better than him...

He took his time to take off his shirt, stripping in front of her; as much as he wanted to discover what sort of plan she had in mind, he wanted to tease, to let her be a bit flustered before she would be back in character.

As he removed his shirt, she passed the riding crop on his chest, letting the leather run on his skin for a moment before removing it, smacking him on the rear for good measure. Although he was wearing a pair of jeans, he felt the blow through them; it wasn't strong enough to hurt him, but it stimulated his imagination...

He had such a nice, firm bottom; although he didn't need to remove his jeans yet, she could still feel it when she smacked him. It would be fun to toy with it, but before she could do such an action, she had to reach it; he had to strip for her, but not in the way that he used to do.

``Good boy, now take out the rest'' she told him, as she passed the crop near her lips, passing her tongue on it for a tongue before letting it falls near her knee. She had to wait for him to remove it all, so she could continue; until then, she could motivate him more, but until then, she would be patient...

He removed his jeans, wondering if she would hit him back again, but it seemed like she was waiting for him to make the next move, as he tossed the clothes away, passing a hand on his covered loins. He felt her hand stop a moment on his male hood, grabbing it; was she going to stroke him or do something else?

He waited for the hand to move, to act, but as he waited, nothing happened; it stood there, waiting, blocking any possible move, but making him wonder if she would act on his own, for she seemed lost in her thoughts. Perhaps it was the moment for him to express some ideas of his own, so he would be able to take the initiative for a short moment until she would strike back.

As he was about to move again, she tapped his hand, blocking his potential action; although he could have excellent ideas, this wasn't the time for him to enact them. He would wait for her to tell him what he could do, for she was the one in charge, after all; he had to learn that she was the mistress, this time.

``Impatient, aren't you? Seems like I will have to teach about obedience a bit'' she told him, as she pinched his member, causing him to wince for a moment, before she stroked him, mixing pain and pleasure in his mind.

It was always fun to watch him squirm when she was toying with him; to watch him tense and try to dodge her effort was fun, but she wished that it could last longer. To feel his member pulsating under her digits as she pinched it, the resistance of the cloth providing more sensations than what she expected.

She could always remove his undergarment, to let his shaft free, but that would unwise, for the moment; direct contact would pleasure him too much, an element she wanted to avoid. She needed to prolong the pleasure, until she would be able to fulfill what she had in mind; for it, she had to tease him without mercy.

It's not like she didn't enjoy it; holding his covered member in her hand was satisfying, for even though she couldn't feel the flesh under her digits, she could feel the form and the pulsations in her palm, knowing when to stop before it would be too late.

He closed his eyes, wondering what she was going to do to him; he could always watch her, but he wanted to keep it a surprise, an element that would still be fresh and exciting when he would live it. Doing so, he decided to close his eyes, letting darkness be his only for the time being; the mystery of what was going to happen made the entire event arousing, one that would be carved in his memory.

She wasn't sure why he closed his eyes, but this was an element she wasn't going to reject; he was learning fast and she was content with his efforts. But before she could continue, she had to find the particular item she had in mind; where could she have placed it? It couldn't be too far away, but again, there were a chance that she misplaced and therefore she would be forced to spend quite a moment searching around, until she would find it.

He waited again, but nothing happening, as if she was bored with the situation; perhaps it was true, since he didn't resist too much to her. Or was it the case? He could hear her walk around, as if she was searching a peculiar item.

As he pondered over the utility of the act that he committed, he felt her approaching him, carrying an object in her hand. Although he was curious about the nature of the object in question, he decided to wait for her to use it, for he had to quell his curiosity; it was what she wished, after all...

He expected a shock or a hit, but when he felt her grab his hands, it made him curious; what could she have in mind that would need him to have his arms and hands moved in a certain way? What sort of devilish, yet erotic plan did she want to accomplish? He was her puppet, willing to fulfill her desires; for this moment, he would exist to be an object of her deepest fantasies, a willing slave to her darkest desires. The only action that could stop him from performing would be a simple command from her.

As she moved his hands for a moment, he was tempted to open his eyes, but he decided to keep them close; what would be the point of breaking the suspense at this point? He had to live it until the very end.

As his arms were stretched, he felt something metallic lock around his wrists, tying him on a wooden pole. He could observe that the item in question was in fact a pair of cuffs; she was kind enough not to tighten too much, for if she didn't listen to what his body told her, she could have cut his blood flow by accident.

He was grateful for the attention that she paid attention to such small details; he wasn't sure how he would be able to repay it, but he was sure that there was something he would able to do compensate. Whatever the mistress would order, he would follow; it was the least he could, for the attention she was gracing him. That is, until he would have an opening...

Although he offered a tempting sight, one that she could indulge in right away, she needed to restrain herself; there was so much she wanted to accomplish and he needed to keep his full stamina for it.

But that sight wasn't complete; it was still just a mere portion of what she wanted to discover and explore. The cloth, even though it could have some potential, was now an obstacle in her path, one that she needed to remove, so she could savor the sight.

A swift movement, a gentle grab; it was sufficient for her to pull it down, revealing his malehood in all its glory. It was inviting her to pursue, begging to be used; it was she needed to pursue what she had in mind...

She looked around, wondering where she could have left the instruments she would need for the next step; she hoped that she wouldn't need to leave the barn to find them, but it wouldn't be a bad element in itself. He would learn a valuable lesson from it, one of patience; from there, he would wait for her to come back, edging and thrashing at the cuffs.

It would be a beautiful sight to behold, but it would render too sensitive for what she had in mind, while draining him of his stamina. She needed him to be rigorous and fledgling, a state of body and mind that couldn't be achieved if she would let him alone for quite a while, whimpering in the dark building.

It could be a fun experiment to try, though; it would be quite interesting to discover what would happen to him when the doors would close on him, letting him alone in the dark for a few hours before she would come back, to toy with him. But this wasn't the plan she had in mind; the idea that was born had to be preserved, so she would be able to use next time...

As she was plotting and scheming, she was able to find the items she needed, although she couldn't use them now; she had to prepare him, so he would enjoy the sensations to the fullest, a fact that was essential to her.

Not waiting for him to give his accord, she approached, determined to fulfil the idea she had in mind. Passing her hands on his chest, she took the time to explore what he offered to her; so much to discover, to play with...

Lowering herself, she grabbed his malehood with one hand, feeling it harden in her palm; it was a welcomed contact, one she desired over anything else. Now, would he be able to play along, or would she be forced to use a few tricks?

Although he wanted to keep his eyes closed, he couldn't resist the appeal to open them, to observe what was happening around him. He was unable to determine what she carried around, for she placed away from his sight, but he knew that it was big, since he could a part of the crate in the corner of his eyesight. He was curious to discover what she was planning for him, but for now, it seemed like he was the center of her attention.

He could feel her hands on his member; they were soft and agile, not standing on the same spot, as if it would be too much for him to bear. Agile artisans, they knew where to touch him, to let him moan in delight; if only he would be able to enjoy their touch, but each time the pleasure was starting to build up, they left him, frustrating him a bit.

It was a skillful tease, bringing further than he could have imagined; he could feel the desire to take her, to plunge his member deep in her. But he knew that without her consent, he would be unable to do anything, for he was still trapped in the cuffs.

Perhaps if he listened to what she ordered him to do, he would be set free; from there, he would be able to fulfil the idea he had in mind. Or maybe he could let her do what she was planning; perhaps she would be able to tame him...

But until that would happen, he would remain dubious, for as he enjoyed what was happening, the feeling that he should get more involved in the act rose in his mind, making him question his whole position. Perhaps it was not too late for him to get involved; he enjoyed being dominated, but as it advanced, he wanted to strike back, to show that he was able to take charge too. Maybe it was too late for such a thought, but he needed to give it a try, so his mind would be at peace.

She stopped for a moment, removing her hands from his member; she could sense that he was up to something, but she wasn't sure what it was. It didn't matter; she would continue with her plan, until it would reach the final act.

There was little to nothing he could do now, but she had to assure herself that he would obey and follow that path; taking the riding crop she dropped on the ground, she decided it would be the perfect tool to teach him a lesson before moving on.

Looking at him for a moment, she grabbed his shaft with one hand before striking it with the crop, making him wince in response; the blow wasn't strong enough to hurt him, but it was enough to change his focus back on his real duty. He had to learn that although he could have his ways from time to time, she was in control this time and no one could change this situation, unless she would approve it.

She had to control herself; she wanted to hit him more, but the more she would do it, the more he would enjoy it, putting her idea in peril. Like the other thoughts that crossed her mind before, she had to place it aside, for now; the future would be bright with the marvels she would be exploring...

But this wasn't the time to think about this sort of thing; she had to find the device, the one that could give life to the idea she had in mind. She knew where it was, but before moving to pick it up, she had to check if there was enough power for it to function without any problem.

Looking around, she was able to spot the battery she needed; it would be quite useful, for machinery wouldn't work on her imagination. All that was left was to move it near him, so she could activate it and let it do its magic on him, until he would give up. It would be quite the beautiful sight to behold; perhaps she could even record it, to make sure that she could enjoy it... or share it with the world. It was a shame that she didn't bring a camera with her, this time; she could always run back inside and find it, before he would even suspect anything. But she wasn't in the mood for it... not now; anyway, she was going to have plenty to display when she would be done...

``It's time for you to close your eyes again'' she told him, as she reached for a blindfold. This time, she wouldn't count on his good will. Anyway, this would only enhance his experience, creating pleasant memories...

As he stopped moving, the darkness blinding once again, she knelt close to his shaft, stroking it for a few moments, grinning at the prospect of what was going to happen. She could feel his member pulsate softly, inviting her to continue. She could hear the moans, but at least he wasn't begging for more; it seemed like he learned his lesson, but it was somehow disappointing.

She wanted to correct him a bit more, to let the riding crop do the talking; but since he was able to control himself, there was no point, unless he would break character. Although she wanted to prolong it, she knew that there was no point in dwelling on that matter, when there was more to do.

Shaking her head, she turned her attention toward the device she dragged toward him; she had to make sure that it would function properly, for it would serve little purpose if there a malfunction in its system. There was only one way to test it...

She looked at the machine; simple in appearance, one could be fooled into believing it was a device used every day on the farm, but that impression would disappear after a close examination.

From the base, that resembled an innocuous metallic cube, one that could be confused with a battery or a piece of scrap metal. But from there, extensions could be seen, as if the device had a hidden purpose.

They all looked the same; starting from the base, they were tubes, transparent and of medium size, reminding of a rope that would have been turned to cable. At the end, one could remark cylinders attached to them, all of the same size; their purpose was obscure for a rapid observer, but as she observed them, it wouldn't be able to fool anyone...

Grabbing an extension with one hand, she steadied his member with the other, pinching it at the same time, to calm him down as he was trying to struggle against his shackles. As she felt him stop for a moment, she took the initiative to slide the extension's end on his shaft; it was a tight fit, perfect for the occasion.

He could feel the cylinder on his member, tightening as it reached the base of his shaft; he was afraid that it would hurt him, but the machine seemed to know what his limits were, as it stopped when it wrapped snugly around his malehood.

The pressure was comfortable, making him drool; it was pleasant, an experience he never lived before. He wondered if it would stay at the same level all the time or if it would progress as he would give in to its explorations.

But as the question entered his mind, the machine took life, as if it had a will of its own; perhaps it could sense that his shaft was now trapped in the cylinder, adjusting itself to the reality it was now facing. It had a duty to fulfill, one that he wouldn't be able to escape anymore; perhaps it was a fate that he wanted...

He couldn't see anything, but sight wasn't required to know what was happening to his body; he could feel the tube vibrate, as it was preparing itself. Before he was able to focus on the situation, the device engaged its operation mode, taking him by surprise.

There was a suction exerted on his member, as if the machine was alive, determined to please him; it gave him the impression that it was trying to pleasure him the same way as any living, sentient being could with its mouth.

But at the same time, there were pressures and movements combining with sucking sensation, giving him the impression that there was a vacuum in the cylinder, one that would drain him of his essence.

The pleasure was intense, but the machine didn't seem to have the desire to let him reach orgasm; perhaps it was a setting that she instated, or perhaps it was the design of the device itself. Either way, it was designed to keep him on edge, unable to reach the level he desired, for each time he was getting close, the machine would stop, letting the enjoyment fade before starting again.

She looked at him, wondering how long he would be able to last in such conditions before begging for release. She could always fiddle with the setting, to see what would be his reaction, but there was a chance that doing so would be enough to give him the boost he would need to reach his threshold, an element she couldn't permit without her intervention.

She couldn't let a machine outperform her; she was the one in charge, the one that was supposed to direct this destiny. She couldn't let a simple device control out stage her; this was the time to step in...

Looking around, she was able to find what she needed without any efforts; contrary to the device, it wasn't difficult to find. It was with regret that she left his side, to reach a box; inside it was the item she sought, the one that would change the situation.

It was a strap on, of an exquisite design; the straps were made of black leather, resistant and delicate to the touch. The dildo was large, larger than her mate's member; textured on its entire length, it was made to mimic an exotic creature's phallus. As massive as it could be, she knew that it would fit perfectly in him, for it wouldn't be the first time...

Searching in the box, she grabbed a bottle of lubricant that she placed on the ground while she adjusted the straps on her loins, making sure they were tight enough to hold the passion she would ... in it.

Taking the bottle, she moved behind him, rubbing the tip of the toy on his backside, prodding his tail hole for a moment before giving him a quick slap with it. She felt him trying to impale himself on it; she couldn't let him do such a thing... or could she?

Pouring some lube on the dildo, she awaited his next movement; it didn't take long for him to try again, a tentative she greeted with a thrust of her own, sending the toy depth within his rump. The sounds of the machine joined her own, while she enjoyed what he offered to her, his moans echoing in the barn.

She heard him gasp as the flesh welcomed the intrusion; she expected more resistance to her presence, but it seemed that his state of mind was helping the situation. She hoped that he would be able to last...

Placing a hand on his mouth, she trusted deeper, feeling his body tense, as the machine seemed to follow the same rhythm as she did; perhaps there were a few elements she didn't know about it, but more she would use it, the better it would be.

As she removed her hand and let him moan, she could hear the machine stop for a moment, pausing after it received what if conceived to get. Perhaps she could free him and stop the device.

But as it started again, she realized that there was no point in doing such an action; he needed to be trained, after all...

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He was alone, but he knew that this wouldn't be for long; the master would be back soon, a prospect that filled him with excitement. There were a lot he could have let his mind wander about, but he knew that this wasn't the time; why would he waste his...

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The Egg Genesis

In the beginning, there was nothing; the darkness surrounded everything, except for one being, one that transcended existence. He was an egg, filled with the knowledge and divine essence, only one of his kind. Looking around, he found himself lonely;...

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Rodent's Special Trip

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