Dreams - Fae rescues me

Story by Furisky on SoFurry

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#2 of Dream

A Dream of wanting to escape and get away to another world

It was another day at work. Not my happiest time but another day of the

same drudgery. Day in and day out same thing. I was on my way to

building 1 to pick up a reimbursement from finance. As I reached the

sidewalk in the cul-de-sac I noticed a silver grey sedan making a u

turn. As it reached me in, it stopped, The window rolled down, and the

driver said "is your name Furry?" This was totally unexpected so i bent

to see who was in the car. Looking in and saw a nice looking man at the

wheel in a shirt and slacks with a tie. I responded "Pardon ME?" He

replied, "Aren't you the one who calls himself Furry online in

TheCoffeeShop?" How did this stranger know my name? I was puzzled and

somewhat curious. "I said yes, I use that moniker." At this point he

said get in. He didn't ask, he stated it. He had made it an order.

Confused at this I started to balk muttering I needed to go to building

one but he reinforced it. "I said get in, now!" I don't know why but I

opened the door, sat down closed it. He started the car moving and said

"buckle up." I immediately complied. Something about him made me want to

obey. That and I had always buckled. It was confusing and kind of scary.

To me he was total stranger and I was blindly doing what he told me to

do. HE knew me, about me, but how? Trying to deal with this totally

surreal situation I turned to him I started to ask who he was. He

responded, "hush, I need to concentrate on traffic. Be quiet a moment."

I closed my mouth but remained silent.

The inside of the car was clean and well maintained. It was older but

looked very pristine. He pulled onto the freeway heading south. Once

again I started to ask who he was. "You really don't know how to do what

you are told," and his brow furrowed. I shut up immediately embarrassed

at this rebuke. He took the ramp to the interstate heading east. I

figured I would wait until he addressed me. Remaining quiet as we rode

for almost 20 minutes, we began leaving behind the local communities of

home, I asked him where he was taking me? "East," was all he said.

As the miles clicked away under us and we headed into the mountains I

was now afraid. He knew my nick so he knew who I am and he also knew

where I worked and what I looked like. Why had I just done what he told

me to do. I began to fidget and think about how to get out. Then he

turned to me and said he was Fae and he came to get me because he knew i

needed to be away from there, that I was hurting, and it was time for


He was Fae, the Fae. I knew him from the CoffeeShop. I suddenly realized

that not only that I knew him and of him, but it was because of

everything that had transpired because of our encounter together online.

I was joyous. The fear left me. But I had family. I just couldn't leave.

I began to worry about the family and the job and what they would think.

I couldn't just leave. He turned to me and, looking directly into my

eyes, told me to stop worrying and fretting. You work for me now. Just

enjoy the ride.

The mountains were kind of plain and empty. Most of the land was high

desert with little to really see. There were rock formations and some

interesting geological features but mostly empty mountains. The scenery

got more interesting as we came down out of the mountains. Agricultural

farmland spread out around us. Green fields of some crop I didn't know.

Crossing a river we entered another state and a city passed by. After

that was hard desert. Areas of dunes and scrub and cacti.

We changed the interstate to one heading north and he spoke to me. "I

have the idea that you would be a good match for a position I have in

mind. I need a coder and you can do that but I want someone to take care

of me and my family at home. You really seem like a good fit after our

chatting online. That and you also seem to really want and need change

in your life." Nodding I didn't know what to say so i smiled. I said,

"Thank you for this." I would have hugged him but he was driving. From

the look on my face i think he understood.

He lived in a part rural part suburban community. The houses were spread

put not packed together. His place had a 3 car garage which we pulled

into. The door closed behind us and we got out of the car. Walking up to

me he asked, "Are you ready to begin living your new life?" I looked at

him and into his eyes. He was so intent on me, giving me all his

attention. I said, "Yes Sir." "Good, then start by stripping. Put your

clothes in the hamper over by the washer." He pointed to a tall wicker


I immediately removed my shirt and placed it in the basket and

unfastened my belt and dropped my shorts. Then looking up I noticed Fae

was not disrobing. I paused standing in my boxers and gave him a look of

curiosity. His brow furled and he gave me a look I can only describe as

dis-pleasured annoyance. The boxers came off quickly as well as shoes

and socks and all went onto the basket.

HE walked up to me and began inspecting me. His hands touching and

gripping. He crabbed a wad of flabby flesh and shook it a little which

sent ripples over my body. Blushing I dropped my head to hide my shame

at my shape. When he felt my breasts I started to raise up my arms and

he pushed them back down looking directly at me. My breasts had always

been a point of suffering for me ever since childhood. Large and full

they looked like they should be on a female's chest rather than mine. My

nipples, however are the little male nubs. Pinching my right nipple hard

he pulled pulled up lifting the entire mass and shook it. He did the

same to the other side. The pain from his actions caused me to flinch

and inhale a couple times but remaining mostly quiet I avoided his look

of displeasure.

Finishing he simply said, "Come," and walked into the house. Following

quickly to catch up I looked at the inside of his home. It was lovely,

clean, uncluttered and smelled lightly of pine scent. I followed him

into a huge bedroom with an awesome king size four poster bed with a

canopy. It looked as if it was made of expensive hard wood and the

finish let the color and grain show beautifully. All of his furnishings

had the same wonderful look. The floor looked like polished granite and

the pattern of the stone flowed together so well that you could hardly

see where the seams were. The walls were also paneled with a wood finish

and the lighting was indirect, soft, and lit the room everywhere. There

was no window.

Walking to the bed he sat and patted the bed beside him. I sat down. He

looked at me and began speaking. "When we talked online and I began to

understand you you had joked about wanting something and even made the

comment that you were worried that the reality would be far different

than how it seemed in your mind. I can tell you that it is. However, you

wanted it then, do you still want it now?" Confused I said we had

discussed several activities and wasn't sure to which he was referring.

He reached out taking my hand smiling and said, "you told me you wanted

to receive a real 'face fuck' where you were forced to just take it." I

nodded. He continued, "Well now is the time for it." He smiled and

continued, "I normally wouldn't think that beginning a new relationship

would start this way but I also want you to work for me and this can be

a very good test for me to see if you can do what you say you can do and

deal with difficult situations. I know you imagined being restrained

when this happened but I would like you to accept it while using your

own self control." Suddenly it hit me that this was too real and I was

about to change my life. Fae was making my fantasies come true and this

was a test to see if I was telling the truth. Years before I had learned

that truth was always the best and lived by that so I knew when I shared

my deepest, and darkest, fantasies that they were all true. Now Fae

wanted me to prove it to him. "Yes," I said. "Thank you for everything

and I will do as you ask. I have not, and will not lie to you Sir. What

do you wish me to do?" He simply said to lay back on the bed and let my

head drape over the edge and keep your hands at your sides no matter

what. I immediately complied and watched him from my inverted viewpoint

as he removed his pants and lay them neatly on the head of the bed. He

approached me and his cock, not yet fully erect, was already climbing.

The height of the edge of the bed was a perfect match for his height and

he gently wiped his cock against my face. I licked and tried to capture

his cock with my lips as he did this. He had a wonderful musky scent and

I inhaled deeply. He then placed his cock into my mouth and i began to

fellate him. I have always loved the texture and taste of cock but being

upside down created new challenges. I suckled and licked but had no

ability to take him deeper or work my mouth in the position I was. Then

he gently pressed in and my mouth was filled. His cock was getting

harder and longer quickly and he pulled back. I took a deep breath and

continued to suckle. His pumps, so short and sweet, became longer

strokes and as he hit the back of my throat evoked a gag. Concentrating

and forcing myself to relax i fought down the urge just as his cock came

into me again. My hands started to rise as i flinched and i forced them

down. I could do this. His penetration pushed past my gag spot this time

and into my throat. I swallowed and swallowed but his cock pulled back

as he continued his fuck. Gasping as my airway opened his cock drove in

once more. I was salivating all over it providing lube as it forced its

way into me. The excess saliva running out of my mouth and pooling in my

sinus. His pumping became faster and I unconsciously arched my back. His

cock drilling in and out of me as it battered my throat open as it slid

inside. Tears began running down my eyes as i tried to breath and his

assault hurt my throat and my jaws ached. Then he slammed his cock deep

and held it there. I felt it swell and pulse. His scrotum draped over my

nose he shuddered and his cock pulsed again. My throat, still trying to

swallow to ease the passage, I knew he was pumping his cum into me. But

it was all academic. I could neither feel it nor taste it as it was so

deep in my gullet. I only felt the need for air as he held his cock deep

in me. My lungs began to ache and then scream and i had to keep forcing

my hands back as they tried to rise. Then he pulled out. He did it

quickly and I could breathe.

As I gasped I began crying. A deep sobbing as my whole body shook and

the tears flowed. I knew it would probably not be pleasant but that was

awful. I rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed. Fae sat down

next to me and held me. He gently raised my chin and looked me in the

eyes and smiled. Then he kissed me on the lips. A rich full loving kiss

as he held me. I was weeping but in his arms I felt the pain of the

experience drift away and his touch and reassuring arms took my mind

away. I blushed. I felt my skin tingle and get hot as the blood rushed

to the skin. The feelings that overwhelmed me made me feel as if I was a

small child in his embrace. I cuddled in close. He chuckled and gripped

me tight. He gently nuzzled behind my ear then raised my chin and looked

once more into my eyes. His gaze melted me and he smiled. I shivered and

felt like I should be wagging my tail. I smiled back and he kissed me

once more.

When I had settled he petted me on the head and said here, lets watch

it. Not understanding he took the remote from his night stand and

pointed it at the wall. The panels opened and revealed a large flat

screen monitor. As soon as it opened an image popped up. It was me

laying on my back on the bed and he was just pushing his cock into my

mouth. It was a bit surreal watching this porn where I was an actor. His

hands were holding the top rail of the canopy as he pumped into me. I

was my hands start to rise and they went back down. He smiled and when

he did I felt a rush of pleasure. I watched the whole thing and my mind

flashed back and forth remembering and yet forgetting. His cock was deep

in my throat and you could see it as he stretched my neck. It looked as

brutal as I had felt it was but now somehow it did not seem so bad. My

throat still hurt and I would be hoarse for a few days but as I watched

my cock started to tingle. I looked up at him and he smiled again. I

moved to him and he hugged me again. I lowered my head as we hugged and

I said "Thank You Sir." He replied, "you are very welcome my pup."

Removing the rest of his clothes he led me into a huge shower just off

the master bedroom. We both showered and I was allowed to wash his body

and he mine. It was the first time I had ever showered with another man

and had any contact. This was wonderful. The soap had a sweet floral

scent. He handed me some purple shampoo that had a nice fruity smell and

I washed my hair. He used something tan to wash his hair. We rinsed off

and exited to dry. He had big luxurious towels and we dried quickly. He

pointed to a brush and some toiletries and told me they were for me.

"Thank you Sir! You are so thoughtful." I brushed my hair and teeth and

left the bath.

Fae led me into the kitchen which had a small dining table and we sat.

Both still naked he asked if I would like a sandwich and a drink and I

affirmed. He stood and moving about in the kitchen quickly assembled

two lovely lunches of sandwich, chips, fresh fruit and iced tea. He sat

next to me and we both ate. When we finished I rose and took the plates

into the kitchen. I wiped the remainder of the food in the disposal and

rinsed the plates. I placed them in the dishwasher and ran the disposal

to clear it.

When I returned to the table he said he had something for me. Sitting on

the table before him was a small strap that looked like an old dog

collar. He said this has been in his family since he was a boy and he

thought it would be a good fit for me. I giggled. I had never had a

collar before. Having been a furry I kind of always wanted one. Now Fae

had taken me in and he wanted to collar me. "I am honored Sir that you

would think so much of me." I said while beaming a smile of

appreciation. He stood and placed the collar around my neck. Leaving

room he locked it comfortably. I asked how I looked and he responded

"exactly like my pup should." Then he hugged me.

He then walked to a counter and retrieved a short looped leash. He

smiled and clipped it to my collar. Giving it a gentle tug I stood and

he led me to another part of the house. We entered what looked like a

utility room with a white linoleum like floor. One wall had all cabinet

doors and a washer and dryer recessed into the wall. The other wall was

all mirrored tiles. The lined up well with little distortion where each

tile met. Looking at myself I wanted to hide my unappealing shape but he

held my leash. Fay stood there so lovely. The ceiling was white acoustic

tiles and had recessed florescent lights shedding a soft even light

everywhere in the room. The only thing out of place was a platform near

the center of the room.

The platform looked like a was a piece of 3/4 inch plywood topped by

covered by a 6 inch mat. Some kind of rubber foam stuff with a rough

texture but shiny. It seemed like it should be slippery smooth if not

for the little bumps.

Fae led me to a cabinet and opening it removed two glove like things as

big as boxing gloves but furry. He took each hand and fastened my hands

into the the furry paw gloves, cinching the wristbands. He then removed

some padded knee pads and wrapped and fastened them to my knees. I

assumed I would be his pup soon. He said, "down on all fours. Let's see

how this feels." I got down and he walked me over to the platform

stopping me when was on the padded top. Asking me how it felt I

answered, "fine."

This close to the platform I noticed it had 9 recessed eye-bolts in the

cushion. One eye-bolt at each corner, 3 along the center line, 2 spaced

a few feet in from each end and one right at the end which, I was to

learn was the back.

Fae, telling me to hold still, fastened my glove paws to the eye bolts

in the top two corners. Walking to a cabinet he retrieves some objects

and returned. Taking what looked like a flat leather piece with straps

he wrapped it around my ankle and cinched it. It looked like the were

Velcro straps as he fastened it to me. He then clipped that to the

eye-bolt in the back corner and did the same to bind my other ankle.

Once again he went to the cabinet and returns with a ball gag. I began

to look concerned now that I was helpless. He looked into my eyes and

said, "Trust." As he wraps the straps around my head I worry I can't

breathe but there is a small hole in the middle of the ball that he

pushed into my mouth so my fear eased. I hear the straps slide through

the buckles as he tightens it to my head.

He takes the lead attached to my collar and threads the end through

through the eye-bolt below my head and pulls my head down until I am

laying with my cheek to the mat. The mat is cool on my face. I can see

myself in tiles of the the mirrored wall.

I watch as he gets a steel rod with rings on each end and the center. I

realize it is a spreader bar. I giggle a little I have never been near a

spreader bar let alone had one used on me. HE fastens it to a cloth

loop on each knee pad and clips the center bar to the last unused

eye-bolt beneath my hips.

"Easy pup, only a few more things."

He takes a short soft rope he wraps it around my scrotum trapping my

testicles at the bottom then slips a loop between them pulling them

apart and leaving the line exiting at the bottom. He takes the end and

loops it through the center eye-bolt at the back edge of the platform.

Pulling this tight causes me some discomfort as i am forced to squat

slightly and push back to relieve the strain.

"Almost done pup," he says and he reaches beneath my chest and clips

something to my nipple. It pinches and feels cold and hurts. Looking in

the mirror I see small a metal object hanging from my nipple with two

little bells dangling. They were the little round kind with a ball

inside. I felt him connect another to the other side and both start to ache.

He leaves the room and i hear what sounds like his refrigerator opening

and closing.

"This is essence du canine," he says jokingly as he swabs something

could between my butt cheeks and fully pushing a swab into my tail hole

while wiggling it. He then paints some on the skin below my tail and

onto my scrotum. It had an odd smell, kind of a musty smell. It wasn't

lube, it didn't feel like lube.

I hear a scratching sound at the back door to the utility room and a

bark. He must have a dog and now the dog wants in. Hearing a bump, the

the dog must have jumped against the door from the outside. The dog

sounded big. "OK Hun, now i think you are ready to meet the rest of the

family." Family? Confused I thought he lived alone. "This is Cerberus."

Opening the door, a huge dog bounds in.

Making a beeline straight to me he began to inspect and sniff me. I

struggled against the bonds but was unable to move. He put his muzzle

right in my ass crack and sniffed then licked at my anus. I took a deep


"Cerberus used to be owned by a woman who enjoyed his baser animal

instincts. He has a custom made strap-on so he could pleasure her in

both openings at the same time. Cerberus seemed like a good name. Today

he only needs 2 of his heads." Then he giggled. Realizing the

implications of what Fae was saying I struggled harder to free myself

and began sweating.

He grabbed Cerberus by his collar and pulled him to his face he began

talking to him. "Here you go boy. I know you have been lonely since your

last bitch left. This is your bitch now. She is yours and you get to

have her whenever you want." Cerberus was licking his face and he was

petting the dog. Who? What? The bitch? Realization hit me, I was the

bitch! He was giving me to his dog. I struggled but was held fast. He

went to the cabinet and brought out a small quilted blanket. "This is to

protect you from his claws. He likes to grip his bitch and use the

claws." Cerberus was whining but standing beside me i could see his cock

hanging extended from its sheath. He was panting and waiting for

something. Fae draped the blanket over my back and standing said

Cerberus! "Mount"

The dog immediately leap onto my back, his weight driving me forward.

The rope tied to my scrotum tugged me back hard sending pain searing

through me. I pushed back to ease the pain, the little bells clamped to

my tits jingling as I struggled. "Good Pup, very good, such a good bitch

for Cerberus." The dog's haunches were driving him into me as his whole

body pumped on me, I could feel his cock sliding down near my cock as he

tried to find an opening. Watching all of this in the mirror I saw Fae

kneel down and grasp the dog's cock then gently guide it to my tail

hole. Squirming I couldn't free myself, was this really happening?

Sensing his cock at the opening of my boi pussy, Cerberus, lunged

forward pushing me. Again the rope pulled and the numbing pain. Pushing

back this time just help drive the dog's cock in. Cerberus's cock rammed

deep into me. The bells constantly jingled. Fay clapped and cheered,

"good boy! Mount your bitch." And he petted me on the head and said,

"Good pup you are going to be such a special bitch for us."

Caught between pain in my balls and the hammering of Cerberus's cock.

His paws gripped my sides like a vice. His cock must be huge to hurt so

much. I was his good bitch forced to push back into his cock as he

fucked me like a machine.

Then Fae said "oops, almost forgot." What now, wasn't me being his dogs

breeding bitch enough for now. He opened another cabinet and removed a

plastic bucket like thing with tubes hanging down. He placed the bucket

like thing near my head and fastened the tube to the ball stuck in my

mouth. Since you are going to be Cerberus's property and also mine, you

need to start smelling like you are. He fastened a clip over my nose

forcing me to breath through the mouth. My air hissing through the tube

into the pail. You will get used to this and hopefully will even enjoy

it. He then unzipped his pants and urinated into the pail. As soon as

the stream hit the bucket, the air line was carrying his urine and

blocking the air. Realizing this I began sucking an drinking furiously

so I could breathe. It was strong and had a bitter taste. I sucked on

the ball drinking it and cleared the line. Gasping for breath with

Cerberus hammering me I became aware of a huge swelling in the dog's

cock pressing on my anus. Oh shit, it was his knot. he was going to do

his best to knot with me and the rope on my balls meant I was forced to

push back and help him do it. I began tearing. Why had i obeyed. Why did

i let others just use me. As I wept with each breath, I felt drops of

pee spraying into my mouth from what was left in this sinister thing.

Fae said, you need to relax your tail hole completely and push back like

you are taking a dump. IT will ease the knot into you rather than having

Cerberus driving it in and hurting worse. He reached down underneath me

and started stroking my cock. It was already hard from the hammering my

prostate was getting. I tried to comply pushing back and straining. The

knot was working its way in and Cerberus was making sure it did. It

hurts! I strained and pushed back. It hurts! It hurts. Finally it pushed

inside me and my anus closed around it aching. Cerberus still humping on

me and rocking me forward and back. Fae worked my cock and I just let

loose. The pain at my balls, the severe pain in my ass. Totally helpless

and drinking Fae's pee all came at me and as Fae's hand worked my cock I

just exploded in a terrifyingly huge orgasm. It felt like every muscle

in my body tensed and I exploded onto the mat below me. Fay gently

milked my cock saying "good pup, that's a good girl." Then Cerberus

swelled even bigger. Tensing my muscles had sent a signal to Cerberus

that his knot was deep inside and the squeezing my anus did when I

orgasmed started his cock swelling more. His body was locking itself

into his bitch to make sure I would have his puppies. I lay there

panting and dealing with the pain which was worse now that my sexual

intensity had been spent.

Stuck there for what felt like hours, Cerberus finally came out of me. I

was sore and leaking his cum all over the platform. Fay then pressed

something into my tail hole. I didn't care any more. Then he unfastened

me from this bondage. I couldn't look at him. He pulled me up to a

standing position and then lifted my chin looking in my eyes directly.

He said, "I understand how you feel but I really love you and you know

deep down this is what you truly want." Then he kissed me and started

leading me by the leash away. The thing in my tailhole was weird and

looking into the mirror quickly noticed it was a rubbery tail and as i

walked it wagged back and forth. We went into the shower where he washed

me and rinsed himself. Then he dried me using a towel and he led me to

his bed. He put me on it and layed down beside me and cradled me in his

arms. "See that wasn't so bad." And he hugged me and cradled me.

Exhausted I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning and had to pee. I had slept through the rest of

the previous day and all night too. Fae was next to me and snoring

lightly. I slipped out of bed and used the bathroom. cleaning out my

tail hole also but returning the tail where he had put it. I returned to

the bed and crawled in next to him. I wrapped my arms around him and

felt his skin and muscles. He had what looked like a morning hard on and

i reached down to feel it. It was wonderful and I couldn't resist

sliding down and gently suckling on it as he slept. The movement as i

began seriously sucking and working his cock in my mouth awakened him.

He patted me on my head several times and pulled away from me. "Sorry

Pet but need to urinate." And he climbed out of bed and headed into the

bathroom only to return a few minutes later. He held me and kissed me

and said, "ready to continue with what you were doing?" We both smiled

and I slid down again and took his cock into my mouth. This time he came

quickly and i felt his cum hit my throat but i could taste it and feel

his cock swell. It was so wonderful. After his spasms stopped and his

cock relaxed I looked up and he kissed me on the lips. We held the kiss

and cuddled closely then. The soreness seemed to fade as he held me in

his arms and cradled me. Then i felt a cold wet touch and jumped.

Cerberus had come into the bedroom and pressed his nose against my butt.

I looked back and he was wagging and panting. Fae said, "I guess he

wants some of that too hun." Looking at Cerberus I had noticed his cock

was extended from his sheath as he was already partially excited.

Looking back at Fay I said, "You mean?" He simply said, "You are his

bitch now pup." Reflecting on everything that had happened in the last

day I climbed out of the bed. As I walked walked to the utility room i

could feel the rubber tail wagging left and right as Cerberus followed me.