Kristoffer's Redemption chapter 2

Story by Yuko_Foxx on SoFurry

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#3 of Kristoffer's Redemption

this is chapter 2. enjoy, I should have chapter 3 up either by tomorrow night, or Thursday night, one of those two assuming I get it all typed up by then. either way enjoy.

Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 2 Mad world.

When Kristoffer woke up he was in a dark room with a single light hanging from the ceiling above a wooden 4 leg table, He tried to stand but found he could not, his legs and wrists were secured to the chair legs and arms, and his chest was held to the back by some short of a harness, so he settled down and looked around the room, many didn't know but Kristoffer actually had rather good eye sight, even in the dark, as his eyes quickly adjusted he could make out the form of another fur leaning against the wall with their arms crossed, Kristoffer ignored the other fur for the time being and focused on other things, such as the items on the table before him he could see his 3 knives on the table each one un-folded and open, next to them was a rather thick stack of vanilla colored folders with his name stamped on the tabs, and on top of the stack was his cell phone, he then looked back to the fur against the wall and sighed.

"Alri." The other fur walked over and put a finger to Kristoffer's lips to make him be quiet and then spoke himself "Alright look I'll be the one doing all the talking. I just want to ask you a few things, you are to answer with a yes or no and nothing else, if you break these terms I will leave you alone or 3 hours and then we will try again. Is that understood?" the other fur asked and moved his hand, Kristoffer thought about this for a little bit then muttered something under his breath before he looked back to the other fur. "Yes sir" the other fur nodded and took the folder from the top of the stack and opened it after moving Kristoffer's cell phone, he then took out a pen and looked to Kristoffer. "your name is Kristoffer C. Miller, 24 years old, species is black fox with white tipped tail and tipped ears, you have no job and live with your Great Aunt and Great Uncle Virginia Ray Miller and John C. Miller, you graduated from Buena High school in Sierra Vista Arizona zip code o 85650 with one of the highest reading levels of your graduating class in 2010, is this information correct?" "Yes sir." Kristoffer replied looking back down with a sigh, his ears lowering., the other fur whom Kristoffer could now tell was another fox, he was a swift fox, with bright red fur and black ears and paws, the other fur continued "Kristoffer would you mind telling me with the middle initial C. in your name and you Great Uncles name stands for?" "It stands for Charles, Kristoffer Charles Miller, and John Charles Miller." "Thank you," the other fox said as he wrote something down in the file, "so Kristoffer, or do you prefer Kris?" the fox asked "either or, it really doesn't make any real difference to me." "Well then Kris, My name is Blaze. I work for Happier Beginning's Incorporated, We got a call from your friend Jason that you was on breaking point. Now Kristoffer, I'm seeing a lot of Holes in these files, lots of well Black lines if you will. It seems to me that no one really knows what you put up with but those you choose to let in. I can see the scars on your wrist and above your knee where the blood was so thick it stained your fur down to the follicle permanently dying your black fur with a slight glossy red." to this fact that Blaze stated so clearly Kristoffer hung his head in shame, he had tried for years to get rid of those traces of his self-abuse, he had shaved, and dyed and pulled the fur out one strand at a time and it still came back the same way.

"Kris, what we do is we take furs like you, Furs who are close to the edge, Made choices that they later regret, Furs who have been hurt so badly that they are now blind to when they themselves hurt other's, we take the furs like you and we help them get back on their feet, But we can only help if you let us." Kristoffer stayed quite as Blaze stated his explanation and when he finished Kristoffer gave a sad smile "all around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces, bright and early for the daily races, going nowhere." Blaze looked down and sighed and then pushed a paper in front of Kris and smiled back at him "yea well I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, when people run in circles it's a very very mad world." The two shared a small chuckle and then Kristoffer looked up his ears perking a little bit as if he heard something then he sighed and looked down "if I sign this, what will happen?" "Ohh come now Kris, don't tell me that someone like you who clearly knows that nothing is ever normal is afraid of the unknown?" "I wouldn't expect you to understand what I've been through, and I wouldn't expect you to care." "Yes well I do care. But I can't tell you what comes next, the only way to step forward and get better is to sign that paper, I can tell you this much, I my self was just like you once Kris, Maybe not quit as destructive but I've been there, I've done that, I got my t-shirt Kris. I can help you if you let me. So what say you? Do we have an accord?" Kristoffer thought about this briefly then sighed and looked up to Blaze who was looking back expectantly then gave out a hardy laugh when Kris spoke up. "Well are you going to let me out of this damn harness so I can sign my life away or not?" "Well Kristoffer. It looks like you won't have to find out the meaning of being lonely." Blaze said cryptically as he undid the harness.