A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 3-In The Results

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dragon's Tale

The year is 1999. Retried Marines John Alex Mason,friend Hudson James Weaver and brother Issac Tyler Mason,have stepped back into the Corps to rescue their fellow Marine and brother in arms Wyatt Nolan Clarke. The friends are overjoyed to get the team back together. Little do they know that this is 30 year old John's last mission.....as a human anyway....

29 Years Later December,23rd,2029 Tyro's POV

Sozenn crashed to the ground,panting as I pinned him under my weight. "Looks like I win agian Sozenn",I said pridefully.

Sozenn laughed,"Nice one Tyro,but I swear,one of these days,I'm going to win one of our fights."

"Not on your life brother",I replied.

Sozenn was my best friend,and we had the worst case of rivalry you can possibly imagine. But we looked out for each other. One time,we were hunting and I was pinned by a pack of bobcats,by myself,I could hold four or five,but the ten that there were would have ripped me to shreds had it not been for Sozenn and his reflexes. He claimed that he saved me on the grounds of "Wanting to kick my ass on a later date". So far,he has been unable to make good on his threat. Sozenn was a dark green woodland dragon with grey scales running down his underside. He was a good deal smaller than i was,and is fast enough to lay me out,but if i cloud pin him,he didn't have the power to force me off. Most of our duels end with him pinned under my 5,021 pounds.He has eyes like a cat and razor sharp scales on his wings that were capable of slicing trough a small metal pipe. His two horns protrude backwards about two feet and there is not a place on his body notcovered by scales,except for the membrane on his 30 foot wings.

Sozenn righted himself as my two boys,Ace and Dusk,continued to spar in the grass,Ace had closed his jaws around Dusk's shoulder and wasn't letting go. Dusk struggled helplessly against his older brother,whining as he did so.

"Dad",he cried,"make Ace let me go!"

"Son",I scolded Ace,"let up your brother."

Ace had a bit of a satisfied grin as he let go of his brother. I checked the wound on Dusk's shoulder,Ace had taken a pretty good bite out of his brother and Dusk was fighting to stay standing.

"Honey,I called,come out here a minute."

My mate Adelind exited our den,with our youngest cub,Helix following her. Adelind was a Mountain dragon,like me. She has tanish scales on her head,back and tail and bluish scales running down her neck and undersides. She was stream lined with no horns or spike to speak of and her claws were short and and a little stubby. Her blue eyes sparkled like gems and her soft voice was enough to calm down anyone. But boy does she have some wicked teeth though,I'd once seen her sink them in to a buffalo and tear it to shreds with just a few quick movements.

"What happened,she asked.

"Ace bit Dusk,I said,It looks like it might be bad."

Adelind inspected Dusk's bleeding sholuder,"It looks worse than it is honey,she told Dusk who had a few tears in his eyes from the pain.

Dusk was a small dragon,Adelind and I think he may actually be a runt. Ace on the other hand,was much bigger and enjoys tormenting him. Dusk can get a good swipe at him only now and again. Ace sticks up for his brother though.

"Just try not to put any pressure on it for a couple hours and it will be fine."

Adelind licked the blood off Dusk's shoulder and carried him into the den. Ace and Helix stayed outside,playing hide and seek in the bushes around our den.

"Must be nice",Sozenn said.

"What,I asked turning to him.

"Being a father,he said,my eggs still haven't hatched yet,Cora and I are starting to worry."

Sozenn and Cora had tried while back,and at first they seemed successful,but when time to hatch came,and they didn't,Sozenn had freaked. He's worried one of them might be sterile. Adelind and I had a little more success,and that's when our rivalry started,I have a feeling he'll forget all about it once the eggs hatch.

"Don't worry,I said slapping him with my tail,they'll hatch,I promise." "Who knows,I said smugly,maybe they'll be like a Christmas present."

Cora had told me that the eggs were starting to make noises,but she had kept it a secret from Sozenn,she's going to tell him tomorrow morning.

"You and Cora are coming for Christmas,I asked,aren't you?"

"Of course,Sozenn said,there,there will be caribou,won't there?"

(Sozenn was a helpless caribou addict,Cora says she sometimes catches him eating leftovers in the middle of the night.)

"Yes,I laughed,there will be caribou."

"Good,Sozenn said,it always helps when I'm not feeling high spirited."

"Well man,Sozenn said spreading his wings geting ready to take off,you and Adelind take it easy."

"Right bro,I said as he took off."

I entered our den,Adelind was doctoring Dusk's shoulder,who was crying with the pain. Like I said,Dusk does not have a high tolerancefor pain. "Tyro",Adelind said.

"Yes my love",I replied.

"Come over here and help me".

I went to her side,she was trying to apply some herbs to Dusk's shoulder,but Dusk could not hold himself still,though I could see he was trying to.

"Mom,it stings,he whined.

"I know honey,Adelind softly replied,but if I don't put them on,It's going to get infected."

"Let me try honey,I said taking the herbs from her.

With a little bit of gentle force,I was able get the mashedherbs onto my son's bleeding shoulder. The herbs had strong healing properties,but they'll knock you cold,I weigh two and a half tons,and an ounce of the stuff is enough to knock me out for the entire bit of 10 hours. Dusk was out of it instantly. Adelind breathed a relived sigh.

"Finally,she said,thought I'd never get him to take them."

"How you get me to take them is a mystery",I said sarcastically.

"Please,Adelind said smiling and rubbing my muzzle,your just a big baby."

"Am not",I replied playing along.

"Are so",Adelind replied.

This went on for a few minutes,the entire time Adelind and I were nuzzling each other. Ace and Helix came padding into the den.

"AWWW SICK,Ace shouted.

I laughed,"Don't ever let me cacth you rubbing muzzles with any girl then."

"Don't worry Ace said,I don't want a girl friend."

"Ha,i laughed,I said the same thing right before I met your mother,now look at me."

"I thought it was sweet,Helix said,it shows Mommy and Daddy love each other."

Ace pretended to suffocate and then rolled over on his back,playing dead.

"Pff,are we sure he's ours",I asked Adelind sarcastically.

"Well,we'll see how dead he really is once I say:dinner's ready."

Almost on cue,Ace was back from death as a deer craving zombie. We all started to chow down. I placed a slab of the meat between my paws and ripped it off. It had sweet spots and sweeter spots. I chewed on it hungrily. After dinner,we lay around the fire,telling stories that we either made up,heard from other dragons,or in rare cases,from eavesdropping on human campers. When I told my story about something called "Bigfoot". Ace and Helix listened with wide eyes and perked up ears. They were asleep before I had even finished the story,so I put them in bed,then,I checked Dusk's shoulder. It looked a lot better than it did. He obviously wasn't in any pain,because he had a light snore,his wings were limp at his side. With the kids asleep,It was time to tell Adelind what Cora had turned me this morning.

"How's Dusk,Adelind asked lifting her had and looking at me.

"He's fine,I said laying beside her and placing a wing over her back,he was out of it when I went in there."

Adelind placed her head between her paws. "So,I said,Cora told me the eggs are making noises."

Adelind picked her head up and locked her gaze with mine,her eyes were wide. "Are you serious?",she asked in a surprised tone.

"Yeah,she think's they'll hatch soon."

"Does she have any names,Adelind asked.

"Galzra and Inioth if they are boys and Nilanth and Kelarth if they are girls."

"Hopefully he'll have a daughter and Helix will have someone to play with."

The sun set outside and our den was quickly consumed by darkness,only the glow of the fire lit the inside. The image of the fire reflected in Adelind's eyes.

"Wow,I said softly,you look beautiful."

Adelind laughed a bit,then placed her head under my muzzle. Her body rose and fell with each breath. I relaxed,I could feel my heart rate drop and my breathing settle.

"I love you",I said. "I love you too",Adelind said.

After a few minutes of listening to the crickets and the frogs chirping outside,a deep sleep over took me.

A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 4-To New Beginings

Location: Cheyenne Mountain Complex Time:2200 Hours Task Force: Raven Hudson's POV Johns words to Emelia tugged on my heart strings. "Marines don't die",he said with his last breath. John was dead,and there was no getting around it. I wanted to...

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 2-Genesis

The fly upriver took about a minute and a half. I was sitting on the edge of the chopper with my 48 primed and ready. Emelia was gliding beside us and Frank and Issac were beside me. "Coming on the convoy now",Hudson said. I looked out the side...

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 4-Flashback

I awoke late the next morning. Adelind was laying in the grass outside the den watching the kids play. I smiled as I stood up and stretched out. How would I describe my appearance? I had sand colored scales on my head,back and tail,with greyish white...

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