Breeding Grounds -Wolf TF (adult)-

Story by TimidTabby on SoFurry

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The image used in the thumbnail is © by loboleo. If you wish to see the full image go to his Werewolf artwork site (and Alpha Luna while you are at it) and support his work.

*** UPDATE *** 5-19-14 **

Decided to do a overhaul on editing this story today. Not too much has changed storywise; still the same plot. Just added a few paragraphs/scenes and reworded some of the grammar so the present tense and pretense stuff flows better *I hope

*** UPDATE *** 5-20-14 ***

Found some more grammatical errors to fix. This will most likely be the last edit I do with this story. If you do find any issues I missed please feel free to leave any constructive criticism below. Thank you

*** END UPDATE ***

It's been awhile since I posted something, something new at that. Full moon came and went, but my inner wolf has been howling nevertheless. Since I've been strained of ideas, and procrastinating on returning to older still in development ones, inspiration popped in my head as I reviewed Leo's site. Something screamed to me about the scene in the above image...other than the hot werewolf mating. I wanted to see if I could describe the setting of the urban alleyway he had added in; what possibly might be going on there beside animal sex. I realize as I typing that I need to STOP WRITING SEX >____<

Oh well; for those who aren't too scared or bored of my works and are here for the kinky werewolf porn, I present to you my interpretation of one of Leo's photomanipulations. It was originally a short work, but two revisions later and it became a longer short story...which might have repeating dialogue I could have filtered out before posting this ^^;

Hope you enjoy. I may do more (or finally get back to Wolfhood or that TF/TG story or, Heaven allow it, my Silent Hill Fanfic of over ten years...or even Howl).

Breeding Grounds

by TimidTabby

Inspired by artwork from LoboLeo

***UPDATED May 20th, 2014***

Goosebumps crawled up my neck as I realized where my seductress was leading me to for our privacy from the bar scene, feet frozen upon the entrance to the alleyway that traveled deep into the outskirts of a crammed urban neighborhood forgotten by time, but not lost to rumors and stories. Even in the dimly lit section did I catch, and smell, dried blood of what possibly remained of a hapless victim that dared to walk this ancient decrepit road. Barely anyone ever came this far into the oldest part of the city because of the horror stories that spread; rumors that a vicious gang claimed what some citizens called The Maze killing anyone that stepped into their territory. The last thing I heard was that it wasn't a gang of thugs but a pack of wild animals, having heard one story that a survivor discovered his friend or girlfriend being attacked and devoured by what he could only describe as a large hairy monster.

These rumors flooded my mind as I stared down the shadowy alley wondering if any of the horror stories were true and if I was about to meet my death tonight all for a quick fuck. But I was bestowed some courage as I allowed the gentle tug and sensual nuzzle of my seductress to feed my current baser desires and disregard the ominous feeling of this place. I was too blinded by lust to care about the consequences of entering such a dangerous habitat, adrenaline increasing my excitement as I shuffled my feet forward and followed my bitch anxiously into the haunting maze-like structure of the abandoned alleyways.

My bitch...why am I calling her that? I regard myself as a person of better moralistic standards and respect to all people race and gender. I would never outright call a woman a bitch to their face unless I met one that had managed to rub me the wrong way and deserved it. But my brain felt tangled, rewired thanks to this nagging yearning to have sex. Bitch, mate, being turned on by animal nuzzling and smells; what was happening to me?

Smells. My senses have always been a bit too strong as I was growing up, though many would find it a blessing to have superior sight and acute hearing. But I knew it wasn't normal, considering my vision seemed to have a strange effect during the night where even the faintest of light sources left an outline; a shine to better see what was in front of me. My hearing sometimes worked for me, and against me, especially if bombarded by several sounds at once leaving me nauseous and panicky. But I never really noticed how well my sense of smell was until recently, drawn by scents other than just tasty food or pleasant natural smells. I could identify people's scents pretty easily; I knew which one of my friends was sneaking up on me or who had been touching any of my stuff. Even the dogs and cats in my neighborhood I've learned to identify separately, even being able to tell which were male and female. In fact; female scents became the most alluring smells for least when in my lustful state.

Consciously; I knew I shouldn't have gone to the bar in the city tonight, fully mindful of the primal obsessions driving my goals. I was like an wild animal on the prowl; a licentious stalker watching groups of women without mates...boyfriends...come and go, chatting with their friends or strangers.

Even though fate was on my side tonight, having my seductress and I meet, a part of me feels shame for what I was doing at that bar. It's as if I have lost control; I had become a slave to this baser force longing to court and mate, hungry wild eyes and an attentive sniffing nose filtering out the meek and ugly for the ones that looked and smelled ripe; looking for a bitch in heat. I'm not a bad person; I'm not a pervert or sex-fiend. But tonight I can't shake away the maddening longing my darkest desires crave, needing to court a willing bitch and mate to our heart's make her mine.

Somehow; I feel like a Duran Duran song fits perfectly with my situation, but the title or lyrics slip my mind.

Maybe I was lucky that my seductress appeared almost out of the blue to rescue me from myself before I tried to make a move. The way she greeted me with her sinful grin, taking the empty seat next to me as if it was her right to claim, lacking any modesty in her motives and gestures to rile me into full blown arousal; It was as if she sensed my sexual tension; my primal angst. Her sensual company for the few minutes we were together was to me, distracting my attention from the fodder of possible couplings to assure me I had found my prize, that she was my willing bitch.

I admit, and shameful to say; I wasn't immediately swayed by her looks. She is definitely a looker; shimmering short brunette hair, sporting a tan to her natural peach skin, small but formed breasts pressing against her tight clothing. But if I was given a different choice, I would have been selfishly more satisfied with a woman that fit my unique definition of a perfect woman.

But I looked past that the moment I became trapped in her eyes, feeling startled and yet mesmerized by the unforgettable tint of fiery orange that glimmered passionately when she held her intimate gaze upon mine. I could sense the same feral nature that had me afflicted this night; an untamed beast also on the prowl to express her wild ambitions with someone who would understand...and survive the encounter. I felt like I knew what animal represented her animal nature, the same that was trying to break free from its cage within my being, but my thoughts were too frail to picture it consumed by the exhilaration of meeting who could quite possibly be my soulmate.

Her eyes captivated me, but her smell sealed my fate. Her scent is what heralds my desire to the world that I must have her, hypnotized by the strange but intoxicating perfume that filled my nostrils. I could find little escape or reprieve from my overwhelming yearning whenever she drew closer to me, eventually taking her rightful place on top of my lap keeping me in her bodily cuddle as if forcing me to take a good whiff. Stranger still; her scent oddly reminded me of the same musk of that of a dog, but different, and yet it somehow felt right; appropriate; arousing. And there was something else; another scent that was hers but something I sensed all females must possess, a fragrance that was driving me crazy wishing to mate with her rise astronomically.

I became absentminded of our actions as our lust appeared to have taken over, knowing only after the fact that we exchanged heated passions in the form of animal nuzzling and licks; our voices drowned out by the bar scene yet I distinctly recall hearing our intimate cries as inhuman coos and growls, our voices changed as if we were wild animals.

She to mine. This bitch is as restless as I am; I can smell her heat. I can't wait to mate.

My brunette seductress must have felt the same way as she had suddenly released me from her carnal grasp, tugging at my arm and leading me away from the lounge area and outside the bar. As I followed my horny seductress I began to feel alert to wandering prying eyes, perhaps judging our heated animal passions. Even I knew our intimacy then seemed too barbaric, but part of me resented those judging eyes, remembering how my throat tightened as I felt like snarling; gnashed teeth eager to seek out the worse of these offenders and tear their throats out. This was never me; I never considered myself much of a violent and rowdy person. But this behavior; this fierce animal instinct felt natural, adding another notch to realizing how distant I had become between my own kind. But my seductress reminded me of our pressing matter, feeding my bizarre elation in feeling like an animal as she gently sunk her teeth behind my shoulder, not breaking the skin; playfully nipping, pulling me out of that noisy bar and the retched crowded smells...and those annoying judgmental looks.

My mood shifted back to its primal exhilaration walking out into the streets with my sultry seductress, the both of us sighing in relief breathing in the crisp night air. My anticipation seemed to rise with the full moon that climbed the starry sky ahead, as if the cascading silver rays fueled me with a raw primal energy making it easier for me to succumb to my animal desires. My ears tugged to the sharp pitch of my seductress's voice howling to the moon jubilantly as if in greeting, smiling as I caught her tongue lolling into a canine pant for a brief moment. My eyes were wide and intense; my hungry gaze focused solely on her as I was enchanted by my bitch's primal elation increasing my desire to have her, wanting to tear her clothes to shred and ravage her; mount her; mate.

My rational mind has been waning ever since. I don't understand why wanting to act like an animal makes me feel alive; felt natural. I think back wondering If I had tried to court any other bitch that the results may have not been in my favor. Would I have gone too far; would my beastly lust towards a more down-to-earth civilized woman have ended with the inexcusable act of rape...or even murder? Perhaps it wasn't a fluke that my seductress came to me when she did; we shared the same urges and longing seemingly eager to be taken by a stud; to mate like feral beasts. Perhaps this was divine intervention, or the devil claiming a new minion.

Our unusual animal desires continued to manifest as my adoring mate and I held each other in a short embrace, smiles flashed exchanging deep kisses before breaking away and sprinting off, pausing by an intersection to see if I was following; her alluring orange eyes gestured to not keep her waiting. I was all too excited to make her wait, chasing my mate playfully through the streets; laughing and howling like the wild mutts we were.

This primal sensation felt incredible, howling with exhilaration with my willing mate as I felt alive and, in an odd sense, free. Strange thoughts filled my head as I followed my mate obsessively deeper into the quieter; emptier parts of the town oblivious to the destination. I was beginning to struggle with the concept of clothes, feeling I should be bear with the night breeze caressing against my naked being; to feel a different warmth blanket my body. I wanted to run like an animal on all fours, to feel my muscles burn and the strength of quadruped limbs pound the soil of the earth as I raced towards unknown destinations. I wanted to continue to pant and howl, to talk in a beastly voice, the only verbal communication that made sense. It was undoubtedly clear I wanted to feel like a wild animal; I wanted to look like a wild animal, to sound like one, hunt like one, mate like one.

Perhaps it is another reason why I had found courage to progress onward. These primal feelings remained strong, sinking only briefly when I became aware of where my mate was leading me to; the abandoned maze-like alleyways, feeling it return as my mate wrapped her arms around my shoulders and kissed my lips; nuzzling against my cheeks. Her amorous expression and sultry body language added assurance that we would be safe, reminding me of our 'needs' to attend to than being afraid of rumors and horror stories. Staring down the dark intimidating path now in my state of mind, I suddenly felt no true fear. I felt that if any danger were to reveal itself that I would not run with my tail between my legs. I felt as if I was the predatory to be feared; my mate and I can defend ourselves, kill if the need arose. We were the monsters to be feared tonight; more so if anyone attempted to follow and disturb our courtship.

Intruders into our den during our mating would be met with drawn blood and spilled guts. I have never been a violent person...but I feel a ting of excitement as I think about my mental monstrous deeds.

I remain on alert though as we travel deeper into the alleys, the moon hidden from the tall structures of crippling abandoned homes unable to illuminate these enclosed narrow walls. My nose can smell stronger lingering scents of decay and blood that even the shine of my sight couldn't easily detect, shamelessly sending shivers of primal thrill down my spine. My fingertips throbbed and trembled, tightening them to a fist to try to release any pressure; my nails dig into the palm of my hand almost cutting into the skin. My teeth were gnashed and bared as a deep soft growl sounded in my throat, instinctively pulling my mate closer to me as we walked, wanting to keep us safe and ready for any signs of a threat. My stern and menacing expression shattered as I was taken off guard by an affectionate lick to my cheek, looking to my mate mystified smile seeing hers as she giggled, amused at my display of dominance. My smiled stretched from ear to ear, my eyes heavy and pining as I felt flushed, anxious to reach the end of this road and finally have her to ravage my bitch and make her howl again in carnal delight.

I begin to wonder if this is really me. Am I really nothing more than a wild animal enslaved by my baser instincts? Why am I approving of my primal actions and fantasies? I feel less human more and more...and I find myself caring very little of losing my humanity.

The maze had led us into a large opening where neighboring fences and clotheslines still hanging above the towering complexes met; I can smell the rust of drainage pipes and the dust of ancient brick and mortar left unattended. I can also smell of blood, animals, and sex invading my nose so intensely that I feel lightheaded...and exhilarated. A mystifying haze clouds my thoughts the more I was captivated by the smells, the scent of lust the most prominent. I could almost see the beasts that had wandered into this reprieve, fornicating with their significant other and staining the concrete with their spilt seed. My pants felt tight between my legs, breathing heavily as my body grew hotter than it was back at the bar, pulling on my shirt tightly wanting to remove my clothes. It was as if this animal side of me, already restless and riled, can barely contain its anticipation as if the primal spirits of this tattered sanctuary were afflicting my soul.

My ears perked to the soft wails of sensual moaning, turning my gaze to my horny mate noticing her tongue lolled once more in an animal pant; her eyes looking up to the open sky not blocked out by the tall structures of the aged urban complex. I look up with her spying the full moon ascending higher closer to its zenith, giving us the illumination we craved. My eyes quickly grew warm, feeling myself succumbing intensely to the same primal thrill like my mate as we gazed wildly upon the moon, my own tongue tumbling out from my gapping maw panting just as heavily.

Nevermore so did my urges to bath in my natural nudity free of my human trappings ever feel so demanding; so right, aware of the amassed sexual thrill of willingly divulging my mental breakdown; the desire to be a wild animal maddening than ever in my life. I thought back to the sensations I felt looking to the moon earlier in the streets, how this primal obsession heightened under its presence. Was the full moon causing my mood swings; filling my head with these thoughts, and my body with this energy? Why now of all the times I ever gazed upon the moon...or have I always felt this wild; never grasping my hidden nature until now. Was it because of her, my mate that shares the same wild passion that burns within us now, showing me how to embrace it as she does?

My questions faltered while my arousal heightened, looking back to my mate as she pursed my instincts first. She eagerly undid her lower clothing pushing them down to her ankles and kicking them aside with her shoes, revealing she had been wearing nothing underneath as she basked in the moon's light nude from the stomach down. I was conscious of the short hairs that had appeared over once assuming smooth tan legs, believing I was witnessing the fur of her bush spreading up to her naval, but am too absorbed in my bitch's bewitching sways and gyrations to be bothered by it.

In fact; my mind wonders how much more sexy she could be if her fur covered her form...if her appearance was more beastly. Maybe this is why I keep referring my mysterious seductress as my mate; a bitch. I'm not dissing her or degrading her; I'm simply referring her to what she is; as the animals we are. We are man and woman; male and female; stud and bitch. And my bitch was becoming more attractive the farther her animal personality drove her, part of me wishing she act more the part...look more the part.

As if reading my mind; my mate slowly fell forward onto her hands and knees, baring her teeth as she sounded soft growls and whines; her body quivering as she stretched her limbs and neck, flexing her shoulders and back. I felt compelled to follow her behavior, embracing my inner animal as I mimicked her posture and attitude, a sharp snarl escaping me as I suddenly felt an intense adrenaline rush swell inside. In my primal trance I finally grew appalled feeling these clothes covering my body, brashly pulling my shirt over my head and finding some relief as the cold air soothed my flushed upper body. My fingers, the tips swelling and throbbing from a sharp pain under my fingernails, trembled as I undid the button and zipper of my jeans, rolling my back onto the gritty cool concrete floor as I pulled down my pants and boxers kicking them and my shoes away. I was enthralled by the relief of the brisk night air and cool ground soothing my searing body, uttering pleasant whines and yelps as I thrashed and stretched my naked form loosening tense knots and aches.

I feel great, expressing myself in a way most of society would disapprove upon; disgusted by. Maybe this is what my mate wanted to show me, brought here so we could be alone and comfortable to unleash what we had to bottle up inside to fit society's normal views. What I want...what I long for; no other attractive woman would and will ever accept me for what I am, calling me a freak or monster. I still don't understand why I am this way, but I love ever second I can flee from my inhibitions, even if it was turning me into some feral animal.

My vision of the full moon became obscured, though by a different admiring view with two equally majestic shines of orange. My mate; my bitch in heat climbed on top of my lap raking sharp nails along the skin of my shoulders and chest, the two of us growling thrillingly in our rough love. The thrill only elevated as our ears became bombarded with the weighed huffs of our excited animal panting, the saliva from her lolled tongue dripping onto mine. I wanted to kiss her lips, again noticing mild changes having become strangely darkened from her luscious hot pink, but instead found joy in exchanging amorous lashes of our affectionate tongues. I wanted our bodies to mingle, wanting our hides to caress the other as I wrapped my swollen hands around the back of my mate's shoulders pulling her in deeper. She returned my loving embrace with a fury of nuzzling against my neck and cheeks, whining pleasantly as we both cuddled and grind.

This was bliss; I yearned so long to be with a female, to share my abnormal animal tendencies with someone as passionate in her primal nature. I feel almost whole, as if my life is coming full circle. I don't care about the ancient conditions of this hideaway, or the scary rumors that this town had once plagued my mind. I don't care about this town or anyone else right now; remembering those judging eyes from the bar, damning silently in my chaotic thoughts those that would continue to judge how we were now. I'm at peace here with my mate, free to act like a wolf with my ever changing beautiful shewolf. that how I see us as now? Is that what the shine in my heated wild eyes is beginning to see her? This epiphany led me seeing my mate's outline as slightly different, but I could see pointed tips protruding from her short hair; wolfish ears growing out. Her cheeks and neck felt fuzzy to the touch of my oddly thicken hands, feeling as if her hair was spreading down over her back. My lapping tongue dancing in her mouth felt her teeth; canines long and sharp much like a carnivorous creature. And as I say this I feel her tongue grazing my teeth, feeling the same lengths as hers; similarly thick hands cup the sides of my head playfully groping long wolfen ears twitching sensitively to her touch.

My god...we ARE turning into wild animals; into wolves!

Despite my constant arousal and excitement seeing us slowly change into lupine beasts; I couldn't help but feel panicky; abruptly ceasing our primal passions as I struggle and shove my mate off of me. While she steadily crawled back to her hands and knees whimpering in confusion of my rejection I clamor to my knees examining my naked body, needing to see what else had changed. Sure enough; fur was sprouting over parts of my body in alarming rate, my shoulders and chest have dawned the most in a thick coat. I realize now why my hands AND my feet suddenly feel thick and deformed; my extremities were almost shaped completely into large lupine paws, the throbbing of my fingertips contributed to the protrusion of dark claws replacing cracked torn-off nails; the skin of my palms and balls of my feet toughed with smooth padding. I even took a curious peek at my own genitals, amazed at how my foreskin had unraveled and formed a sheath between my legs attached under my belly; my inhuman canine shaped member aching for stimulation.

Before I can express my current emotional state in any form I felt my mate's paw-shaped hands massage my hairy shoulders, whispering animal coos and comforting words into my lupine ears telling me that "everything would be all right" or "what I'm feeling, what I'm becoming is natural." She placed her nuzzling face between my neck and cheek, licking my ear to calm my nerves and reminding me what our instincts originally demanded of us, feeling one of her paw hands traveling down my barreling chest down to my furry belly, stroking my red need. My voice groaned with a soft howl, raking the concrete with my claws as a small part of my humanity wanted to resist, the animal part becoming impatient for waiting this long to copulate.

She whispered again how we should hurry and mate before her pack arrived, not wanting to keep them waiting for tonight's hunt on our account; before the other males in her pack become jealous and possessive. Others? There were others like us?

My eyes began to dart around the supposed wolf den this rumored place had become, seeing the grounds more clearly with the moon's light. I could see the various blood stains I had smelled coming in, old and recent shedding fur of the other wolves and the kills they had dragged within; scattered remains of chewed, snapped bones and decaying bits of flesh and guts. My nose twitched and flared sniffing for more of the lingering scents of the past kills, trailing from my hunger for sex for a new one as I broke from my mate's hold, sniffing the grounds for something that was close to edible. I didn't have to scourer far before I came upon a small pool of blood and bone centered in the middle of the den.

I caught a glimmer of amusement from my mate's expression while my eyes and mind wandered and imagined the feast the other wolves must have had here. It was enough to elicit my earlier primal desire to stalk and hunt, wishing I had been here with the pack dragging their kill from their hunting ground for the pack to feast. My chest tightened as I feel my rib cage beginning to expand, feeling my gut churn and swell both from my incredible transformation and from a deep sensation of regret. I felt left out, disappointed to have missed the festivities of the last hunt, my mouth salivating over imagining the large game and delicious raw meals I could have partaken in then, longing for the feeling of my fangs and claws tearing into a living or downed pray.

The stain...the pool was still fresh. There was a considerable amount of blood I could lap up, chunks of shredded meat I could devour. Had my mate's pack already hunted before we got here? Was I left out of the thrill of the kill again? My tongue still hung from my panting maw, finding myself leaning closer to the small pool of leftovers; the sweet yet coppery smell of the remains making my stomach growl and twist. I paused before the tip of my tongue broke the surface of the pool, hesitant that I was about to feed off the remains of a human soul. My nose said differently; it didn't smell of anything human. It must have been a fat deer, or possibly several rabbits, maybe even a bear! I'm not certain if I can trust my intuition, but I can't fight back the hunger pains anymore.

Even my mate urges me on to taste as she stood next to me on all fours, drinking lightly from the small pool with little thought or concern, softly growling contently. I whine to her through my panting, motioning my confusion in what to do. My mate answers back with a sinfully innocent smile, licking my lips and sharing the taste of the blood and chunks of meat from the puddle. The fear lifted away as I tasted her offering consoled by her amorous feral gaze, the white of her eyes blackened and her orange moons wide, leaning my head forward and ravenously lapping up what I could.

I know this is wrong on so many levels for a human...but it was so right for me, normal for a wolf.

My meager meal was suddenly cut short, my world spinning as a massive force tackled me head on flinging me onto my back against the hard concrete surface with my shoulders pinned. A fierce snarl roared at me as I realize I was staring down two rows of carnivorous teeth hovering dangerously close. Unable to resist trembling from the aftershock of my surprise I manage to control my composure as I discover that my assailant was a fellow wolf, fully transformed into a large feral beast; the shine of its beady yellow eyes striking me down with hostility adding its exhibition of pure dominance. This wolf was not happy to see me.

Barks and growls continued to rise as I saw past my aggressor, several other wolves of various size and fur color walking into their den all gazing upon me with similar uncertainty and aggression. They remained stationed behind the one pinning me down despite a few eagerly leaping in and out wanting to join, my aggressor snarling and snapping his fangs to send them back in line. They were to be a live audience as they watched their Alpha prepare to either send me away bleeding and shamed or to end my life here.

The pack's Alpha. I feel as if I should respect his presence and submit to his stature, beg for my life and plea to let me join his pack. But what I really feel is blinding frustration wondering what it was I had done to have angered the Alpha attempting to make me look like an Omega in front of my mate. I didn't stand for this, baring my fangs and snarling furiously as I made my move, pounding my handpaws greatly against the Alpha's furry chest knocking him far back in a astound show of strength. I quickly clamored to all fours, postured defensively as I stay fierce snapping my teeth whenever the Alpha tried to tackle me again keeping him off his guard. I wasn't trying to usurp his position over the pack; I just wanted to be treated as an equal, to show I'm not a weakly and that I was fit and strong to be with my mate.

Our snarling and staring contest came to a halt as my loving mate appeared at my side, nuzzling my bristled neck and shoulder fur as she conveyed her affection toward me and her pack. She whined and barked verbally like a wolf, pleading with pride and grace to stop the senseless fighting. In what human tongue she did use she spoke of me to the Alpha as if I was a lost kin, discovering me in the most unlikely of places among the humans; she admitted how in such a short amount of time we had spent together that she cared for me. She told them she had chosen her mate, and that she would fight with me if her packmates dared to spill my blood. The wolves looked to each other exchanging glances and silent contemplations, seeing intelligence behind the animal as the Alpha brought his stern gaze back to us. He approached cautiously, my fangs still bared and ready to tear if he tried anything. He looked to my mate, and then back to me, until finally nodding in respect.

The other wolves followed their Alpha's decision and bowed; heads then lifted high as they howled welcoming me as their kin, crowding around me once their Alpha walked away and took his seat near a shadowy corner the moon had yet touched. They all took turns acknowledging my scent, licking my face, and brushing their animal bodies against mine getting to know me in their way. My eyes beamed with glee; my face stretching a wide smile, I resumed my excited panting returning each greeted lick, sniffing their hindquarters to memorize their personal scents. There were two females among the crowd, each bitch eager to take in my musk acting extra affectionate; one shewolf sniffed close to my canine erection while the other was eager and curious enough to present her sex, looking back to see if I would accept her invitation. They were both repelled back immediately; one of the males agitated over the presenting bitch was pushed away from me, the other about to taste my wolfhood scared off by my own mate as she lunged towards her and snarled viciously.

I couldn't smile any wider than I already did, my arousal returning to its peak finding the other shewolves interested in me, and my real mate making it clear that I was her possession; her love. We looked at each other as our feral eyes glowed, sensing that we were finally free to enjoy our company and resume our intimacy. I waited eagerly for my mate to climb back onto my lap so I can hold her close; so our tongues can become entwined again. I'm ready to receive her; to let our bodies become one and make us whole.

But she had other plans, running her forepaws over my knees as she made herself comfortable between my legs, sniffing my throbbing wolfhood feverishly. I knew what she was doing, believing I was prepared for the stimulation to come. I was wrong; though pleasure coursed my being as her moist tongue brushed up my burning shaft I know now it was nothing I ever imagined. Fantasizing the experience was one thing; feeling the experiencing had me whimpering like a pup wanting to howl loudly in jubilation despite containing my astounded delight.

I could see the two wolves that had fought earlier; the pair with the female presenting herself for my attention, watching us in our provocative act. They soon became uneasy and jittery, the two focusing their attention upon each other nuzzling and licking affectionately as they began to wrestle and play, my nose smelling their arousal even from where I laid. With half shut eyes I saw the male stud tackle his mate onto her back, continuing to exchange their affections until the shewolf rolled onto her belly under him; the male repositioning until his legs and forearms gripped around his bitch, mounting as he began to pump and thrust.

My animal instincts grew impatient. It was my time to mount my bitch, my time to mate.

My loving mate must have once again sensed my urgency, removing her maw and tongue from my wolfhood; saliva dripping from her panting tongue as we stared into each other's eyes. She gingerly sat up on her knees brushing her searing partial furry body against mine, licking my lips and nuzzling my swollen cheeks as her hand paws fondled my shoulders and chest. She teased me on grinding her abdomen against my velvet pole, lifting her head back with a growling chuckle liking how my hand paws wrapped and explored her back and sides. My face returned her nuzzling brushing against her petite yet ample breasts while I pressed and feverishly rubbed my loins eagerly near the hot dwelling of her gates. Soft howls of ecstasy erupted from our voice as we shared carnal pleasure searing between our sexes, stunned that my mate choose to end her tease sliding herself upon my pulsing wolfhood.

My lust filled eyes studied every part of her glowing being as I was being ridden, seeing how much she had changed after her oral fondling, the moonlight revealing her lupine appearance. Her fur was nearly developed and thick over all of her naked tan hide hiding most of what once made her human. Her breasts remained though covered in her fur, small animal teats swelling down her belly. Her growing lupine tail wagged and curled in her elation flagged as I could smell the pheromones that drove me insane with lust coming off her heat; her tail spreading the scent that even the other males minding themselves or watching became bothered and wrecked with arousal. Her ears were fully lupine, erect and twitching to the playfully yelps and excited howls of her kin and I. And her face had begun to push forward, a short animal muzzle forming from her protruding blackened nose and fanged maw.

I realize now that I was a fool to have thought my mate didn't look appealing from her appearance. All I see now is a beautiful shewolf shedding her human disguise and showing me her true nature, overjoyed to see she was successful in showing mine as well. Was this what we really are; was this what humans called Werewolves? Had I been bitten by my mate when we met at the bar transferring her curse; her gift onto me? But my inner wolf had always been within me before this night; was being with her all it took to finally be freed?

My questioning thoughts didn't last too long, still blissfully absorbed by our passionate copulation to care. My primal need to fill my mate and satisfy our lust was my only concern now, my forepaws groping her behind as I took over some control in her riding, thrusting my hips and pushing my stifling phallus as deep as I can from my sitting posture. My bitch yelped excitedly, suddenly overwhelmed by my dominance as she relaxed and let me work, her grip growing weak from the surge of primal pleasure surely swelling within her. Our panting maws huffed harder and faster, growling wildly in pleasure as I began to feel the base of my wolfhood becoming engorged, my shewolf's gates growing tight around my red shaft.

This was the knotting; our sexes would soon become locked, concealing the majority of my seed inside. Once trapped, there was little chance of going back. This would improve our chances of impregnating my mate, baring her pups for the Spring and growing our numbers. This will bound us together, proof that we are soulmates. I zealously pump harder, wanting to complete our knot; wanting to make her mine.

The moment is suddenly put on hold; my mate assaults my face with playfully licks whining happily, her human voice becoming lost to her animal changes, removing herself from my lap as she shuffles back to all fours turning away from me. My eyes gaze ravenously on her rear as she lifts her tail and lower her upper body, looking back to me with confirmed declaration and longing. I seize the moment immediately, wishing to continue our copulation; sniffing the delicious arousing heat from her swollen sex before my tongue savored the trickling dew that formed around her inviting entrance. My excitement surged as my mate began to howl softly in pleasure, her flagged tail wagging as I tasted more of her hot gates, tongue lashing fervently wanting to make my bitch howl more; louder.

Our earlier missionary mounting and my oral play was enough to evoke my mate's changes near completion, pausing momentarily as I watch her human figure reshape, hearing sickly pops and cracks as her form became narrow and her limbs and hips losing its bipedal posture. Her face strained as she herself growled and whined in discomforting exhilaration; I sensed her desperately wanting her muzzle to finish growing out, to become a full fledge wolf again.

I only wanted her more this way, to mate like real wolves.

Opposing questions from what was left of my rational human mind attempted to warn me of the possible dangers and consequences of allowing myself to fall victim to my lust and this animal power, afraid that I was about to become a mindless monster that will terrorize these streets like the rest of the pack, becoming part of the town's dark rumors and horror stories. But I no longer paid any attention to them lest cared. I now have a better understanding of what I am and what I can do; I am at home with my mate and my new family; my real pack. I belong here with my kind, not among the humans. I want to roam the wild and take part in thrilling hunts. I want to protect my kin and defend this territory that is our home away from the woods. I want to be with my mate and fulfill our instincts; give her pups and grow our pack.

I want to be a wolf. It felt right having fur, standing on all fours with strong paws and deadly claws, and accepting my animal instincts as my own. My body was nearly finished following my mate's metamorphosis, breaking away from my shell as I feel like me again. Being a wolf is what I am meant to be, and I was lucky to have found a loving mate devoted enough to set me free.

My mate began to whimper impatiently, begging me to end my oral play and mount her. I teased her no longer as I happily answered my bitch's desires, my forearms gripping her sides tight; my pelvis seeking the gates to her temple once more. Her head lifted back; her feral eyes watched me as I could see her fully formed lupine lips curl into a smile. I leaned forward and licked her neck and ears, recalling what little human passion I wished to share before I craved nothing but to fill my mate; to share the pleasures of our sexes longing for release. Without resistance, she accepted my love bite over the nape of her furry neck, flinching only slightly from the pain as she panted in delight; whining pleasantly as the moment returned; my wolfhood penetrating her primal dwelling.

The rundown reprieve of the alleys, our den, no longer held two humans among wolves. Only wolves resided in this place. The scent of sex and lust mingled with the lingering smell of past game and the abundant musk of our pack filled my nostrils as I rode my mate, pounding harder and faster as it only made me crave release sooner. We were fulfilling our duty as wolves; following our instincts to mate before the end of winter so our brood would be born during the spring for plentiful game. That wasn't to say neither I nor my mate found any enjoyment in our act, and neither did our mating packmates close to us. They howled triumphantly at their end, relishing their satisfaction, and love, as the two dropped to the floor and cuddled in their mounted posture, content and happy being together. It is one of the few feelings I am relieved to retain becoming an animal as I neared my peak, adoring my bitch as she adored me. Our snarling only came from the heightened pleasure building to its climax, sounding that we were close. I could feel the knot in my loins returning, swelling; the walls of her temple tightening,, made whole.

She willingly offered herself to meet our desires. She said to her pack that she choose me as her mate. I felt no shame in embracing my primal nature, elated that I was free to behave and act the way my true nature desired, and that I had others to share this with. My life couldn't be any more perfect.

Our howls followed our spent kin as my wolfhood erupted and flooded my mate's temple, still pumping mildly fighting the sensitivity of my orgasm so my seed would reach all corners. Our bodies quivered from our heightened rapture, my mate's limbs grown weak as she lay down; I remained on top as I rested knowing we were to be stuck together for a time...and I was happy with that. Wolves and other canines normally would lie away from each other while knotted, but I can't bear to release my loving grasp wanting to hold my mate this way as long as I can. We looked back to each other, seeing the content and love in her feral orange eyes as we nuzzled and licked, doing my best to hold her close in my forearms.

A short time passed; my packmates paced and whined anxiously ready to set out and venture into the woods beyond this ancient den, waiting for us. Untied, we hurried to our paws and joined our kin ready and hungry, eager for my first kill. Tails wagged high and pavement clattered with the pounding of our paws, racing through the maze-like alleys once more before hitting the empty streets and seeing the road that led to the countryside and the wild ahead. We stayed close together like a real pack, my beautiful mate running side by side. I am overjoyed with my newfound freedom, eager to complete my rebirth as I howl proudly; my new family adding their voices to my song.