Realisation - Chapter 5

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Part 5! Lemme know what you think :3

DISCLAIMER - The following story contains content of a sexual nature including explicit sexual actions between characters not necessarily at age of consent. If you are under age or this content is illegal in your region please do not continue reading and leave this page. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental.

This work is copyrighted to JakeM © 2013, do not use or distribute this material in any way without the strict permission of the author.




Dear Jake, My Love

_ Words cannot express the depth to which my love for you extends into my heart. Since before you were born I knew you would be the most important person in my life, and no matter what happens, no matter where you are, what're doing, who you're with, I will always love you and will never stop thinking about you._

I want you to know that I accept you for who you are, I cannot vouch for your father, the way he treated you shocked me beyond belief, I had no idea he was so bigoted and I apologise for him, I try to hold on to the hope that he will come to his senses and realise what he has done. I will see you very soon, I promise you that, my love.

_Please, for now, stay with Sam, he can provide you with the love you need and deserve, and hopefully keep you safe. I have enclosed just over £1000 for you to start you on your way, it should keep you going until I can get you some more. I do not want you to worry about me, baby, I can handle myself and deal with your father. _

Please. Stay Safe. I love you my dear.

Your Loving Mother.


His tears fell onto the piece of paper, smudging the ink, as Jake held the letter tightly, re-reading it for what felt like the hundredth time. He just sat there cross-legged, on the double bed in Sam's bedsit, head bowed, ears back, staring into the letter that his mother had sent. Sam sat next to him, holding his paw and gently stroking his harm, whispering words of comfort to his poor boyfriend.

'Sam, you were good to bring me to Jake, it was the right thing to do.' Sam's social worker sat opposite the two boys, sitting on a Sam's small arm chair. She watched on, fighting back the tears herself, how can someone do this to such a vulnerable young cub? It disgusted her.

'Well, I knew something had to be done, I hate seeing him in such pain.' Sam responded. It had been a week and a half since Jake had been thrown out of his house, Jake had gone into a deep spiral of depression, he had barely eaten and had not left the bedsit at all, in fact, the only times he had got out of bed was to go to the toilet or get some food. He had stopped crying by about the 4th day, he just stared into space, hardly acknowledging Sam. When this letter arrived 2 days ago, the tears returned, so many, pain filled tears. Sam knew he had to get him help, he could only turn to the one other person he had in his life, and that was his Social worker, Kate.

'Now Jake, I cannot begin to imagine how much pain you are in.' Jake gave no response, just continued to stare at the letter, quietly whimpering and sniffling. 'I have read your mother's letter, and I agree with her, I think it would be best for you to stay with Sam, that way I can keep an eye on both of you. Sam, I know you've been in a similar situation before, so I'm relying on you to help Jake through this, you will have to be strong and support him, can you do that?'

Her soft but authoritative tone was comforting to Sam, she'd been so kind to him over the past year, he began to see her as a sort of older sister. 'Of course I can, you can count on me, Kate.' As he said this he pulled Jake's head to his shoulder and let him rest there, he was still quietly sobbing, making a slight wet patch on the tiger's shoulder. Not that he minded.

'Okay, well thank you Sam. I'm going to have to go now, I'll see you at this time next week, if there are any problems, you do not hesitate to call me.' Sam nodded. Kate walked forwards to the bed and knelt down, so she was at eye height with the wolf cub. 'Jake, please look at me.' Jake reluctantly took his head off his lovers shoulder and looked down into the kind woman's face. Kate was slightly taken aback by Jake's usually amber eyes, which were now blood-shot and drained of his usually sweet personality. She spoke in a soft, soothing tone. 'Jake, I know it's difficult, but you're going to have to get through this, you shouldn't have to do this on your own, you have your tiger to help you.' Sam squeezed Jake's thigh gently 'I will be contacting your mother soon, but for now, do not go to your house, I will go and collect some of the things you need, and I am only a phone call away if you ever need me. I'll see you next week.' She removed the paw that she had laid on his knee, and left the bedsit, leaving the two cubs alone, fighting back tears as she went.

As soon as Kate had gone, Jake didn't hold back and pressed his face into Sam's soft chest fur. With loud cries his tears soaked into the Tiger's white fur and he held onto his love's back, to stop himself from shaking too much.

Sam sat, letting him get all of his emotions out. He held his wolf tight, trying to stop him quivering, he could feel his chest dampen slightly. Oh how he wanted him to get better.

Jake pulled away and looked into Sam's comforting eyes, sniffing and wiping away tears with his paw. 'Sam... why are you still helping me? I've... I've been nothing but pathetic the past week.' He said through sobs.

Sam was a little hurt by this, he grabbed Jake's head in his paws and made him look him in the eyes. 'Jake, I love you more than I know how to say, you are not pathetic, you have every reason to be how you are, what happened to you was horrific, I will be here to support you through it all, I can promise you that, do not ever doubt me.' He saw his boyfriend give him a small but sweet smile, this was the best response he'd gotten out of him in over a week and made him so happy. He pulled him in for a loving hug. 'You just don't know how much you mean to me.'

'Oh, I love you too.' Jake pulled back and looked into the tiger's face. He leant in and planted a warm, soft and loving kiss, the first one in over a week. He'd missed the taste of his tiger. He pulled back once more and gave Sam one of his adorable cheeky grins, his tears had stopped now, thanks to Sam's comforting.

'Jake, what are you up t-' The tiger started to question, but was cut off by Jake's paw sliding under the waist band of his jeans and boxer shorts and into the warm, moist haven that was his groin. 'Oooh, Jakey that feels gooood.' They hadn't actually 'done' anything since the night before they came out to Jake's parents, and Sam couldn't deny it had been difficult, he was extremely pent up, but he didn't want to put any pressure on his fragile wolf cub. He put his head back, closing his eyes, as he enjoyed the familiar touch of his boyfriend's paw on his quickly stiffening sheath. He knew it wouldn't take long for Jake to get him to reach his climax.

Jake withdrew his paw after a few moments of fondling the area he had missed so much. He undid his boyfriend's button and pulled his trousers and boxer shorts off, revealing his lover's cock. Sam unbuttoned his shirt as Jake did his lower portions. The wolf gently licked the tip of the slowly extending erection and murred as he coated his mouth in that sweet tiger precum. He took the entire length into his muzzle once it was fully extended, gently bobbing up and down, pumping his tight mouth around it.

Sam huffed at puffed at the pleasure he was at last again receiving from the cub. 'Jake, strip off, lie on top of me.' Jake did as he was told, stripping off (revealing his own fully erect penis) and gently placed himself on top of Sam, so they were face to face. Sam placed his arms around Jake's back and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Jake could feel their two erections pushing against each other, exchanging their precum, he slowly began rocking backwards and forwards, making the two members rub against each other. Still joined at the muzzle with his love, Sam closed his eyes again, in bliss at the sensation of Jake's cock rubbing against his own, their precum soaking into their fur.

'Oh, honey that feels amazing.' Sam encourage Jake, who did respond, just moved his hips faster. He moved one of his paws down in between their bodies and tried to wrap it around their throbbing members, but their combined girth was too big for his small paw, he kept there and did his best to keep the cocks together.

Sam started slowing moving his hips in time with Jake, doubling the pleasure both of them felt. Both cubs started giving out soft moans in ecstasy, they both needed this more than they realised. Both their cocks began to grow slightly and become harder, they were both very close to orgasm.

'Oh, baby, I'm close.' Sam breathed in Jake's ear

'M... me too...' Jake felt Sam start to buck his hips into his own, which lead to Jake doing the same. Both their cocks started jumping and twitching in Jake's paw, in between their hot bodies, as their combined seed spurted from their tips, it splattered on their stomachs , unable to go any further as their chests were connected, creating a barrier. They lay there, climaxing for at least a minute, leaving a pool of warm semen on Sam's stomach, and a lot sticking to Jake's as he continued to grind into his boyfriend's body. Once they had both finished, Jake fell exhaustedly into Sam, with an audible 'squelch' as their cum matted their fur together, some of it dripping onto their bed sheets. Both boys lay there panting, Sam wrapped his arms around Jake, keeping him there. So much tension and pent up energy had been released then, from both parties. The needy-ness of the session had left the both drained, but Sam could see Jake was smiling a smiling which made his heart melt, he had longed to see his love happy for so long.

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep, connected by the sticky mess between them, but more from the fact that they had each other.


It was about 2am. The sleepy city outside their flat hummed groggily in the morning moon. In the embrace of his lover, the wolf cub stirred awake, feeling too hot. Jake gently lifted the covers off of himself and removed his lover's arm from his back as he climbed out of their bed. The pre-adolescent wolf scratched his chest fur as he stretched, feeling a hard patch on his stomach, evidence of the couple's engagement the night before. He smiled at the memory. It was still too hot outside the covers, so he pulled back the floor length curtains covering up the door that lead to the small balcony at the back of their 3rd floor bedsit. Jake slid the heavy door out of his way and stepped outside, the cool morning air instantly hitting his naked body, making him smile in satisfaction. He leant on the balcony railing, his head in is paws, just staring out over their quiet street, the hum of city life just a few streets away audible in the breeze.

Jake didn't usually have trouble sleeping, but with everything that had happened in the last 2 weeks it was understandable. Not only that, but open stepping outside he noticed that the moon was shining bright in its entirety, casting an ethereal glow over the otherwise dark, tree line streets. Jake took his gaze away from the city spreading for miles in front of him and gazed into the moon, his ears pushed back against his furry head. Wolves all had a special connection with the moon, and this cub was no different, it was said that if a wolf stared long enough into it they can see their path, or at least things would seem a bit clearer, but that was just silly superstition.

As was expected it didn't take long for Jake to start thinking about his mother, and he began to feel a lump in his throat. This time was different though. Jake kept staring at the full moon and chocked down the sobs; he had cried too much these past weeks, it was time he dealt with his feelings, he needed to stop crying and move on, he knows his mother loves him, and he would see her again, it was time he got a grip. Still holding his head high, he closed his eyes and felt a single tear roll down his furry cheek. The tear fell off his face and dropped down all 3 stories to fall on the concrete floor below, sinking into the cold stone. That would be the last tear he would cry for the events of earlier last week, he swore that to himself. After releasing that solitary tear, things seemed much clearer to Jake, as if something had come down and lifted a large weight off his shoulders. He opened his eyes, which had to readjust to the moon. The moon. Maybe the stories were true.

Jake sighed, feeling happier than he had in what felt like an eternity. Scratching his matted stomach fur he went back into the bedsit, leaving the door slightly open to let some air in, but closing the curtains. He turned round and say the sleeping form of Sam, lying twisted on his side, with his legs splayed, the covers wrapped awkwardly around him, from where'd wriggled and shifted his position. Jake couldn't help but smile at his dreamy love peacefully sleeping, chest gently rising and falling, his fur all pushed around and out of shape. Sam had been so good to him over the past weeks, he didn't know what he would have done without him, he knew he would always love him as long as possibly could.

Jake climbed back into bed and sorted out the covers, so it was just covering half their bodies. Sam shifted around at the feeling and unconsciously pulled Jake into hug, burying his head in the crook of his neck. Jake inhaled the tiger's scent deeply and smiled contently. It wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep again.


Sam awoke to the smell of frying bacon and eggs, his favourite. 'Mmm, babes I didn't know you could cook.' He didn't open his eyes, he just lay there in bed, smiling and smelling the sweet aroma.

Jake giggled 'Hehe, well, you don't know everything about me yet.' He walked over to the sleepy tiger still lying with his eyes closed, he placed his paws on either side of the bed, with his tiger in the middle and leant down to give him a kiss. 'Come on sleepy boy, your breakfast is ready.'

Sam opened his eyes slowly, to the sight of his love walking back to the stove on the other side of the room. He was literally only wearing an apron to protect his fur from the hot oil, so when turned away from the tiger, Sam could see his naked rear and furry little orbs in between his legs. Sam smiled at the display and dragged himself out of bed, stretching out and scratching his messy hair. 'What time is it?' He yawned

'About 11. You're a lazy tiger, aren't you!' Jake joked, turning round to see his naked tiger looking the cutest he'd seen him, his eyes all droopy from too much sleep, and his fur was messed up sticking out everywhere. 'Come on you, sit down and I'll bring you your food.' He said, giggling at the way the tiger stumbled across the room, still not quite awake.

'Well, us tigers are famous for being lazy.' He countered as he sat down at their high surface, on one of the bar stools they had. 'Besides, our session last night really took it out of me!' He gave Jake a cheeky look.

'I've been slaving at this stove for hours, so you better like this!' Jake gave a giggle and walked up behind him, placing his breakfast in front of him, his head nuzzling in Sam's neck. Sam turned around and gave Jake a passionate kiss, taking the cub's saliva as a nice appetizer. The kissed for a minute before Jake pulled away and gave him a mock-serious look 'Now now, behave, you're breakfast is getting cold! Eat up!'

'Thank you sweetie, it looks lovely. ' Jake said and began shovelling down the scrambled eggs and crispy bacon, muttering his appreciation.

Jake grabbed his own plate and sat opposite Sam and began eating . Sam looked up from his already half empty plate and smiled at Jake. 'You know, this is the first proper meal I've seen you eat for over a week, and this is the first morning you haven't been crying. What's changed?'

Jake put down his fork and took Sam's paws, looking deeply into his eyes. 'Well, I did some thinking last night, and I've decided to move on. I'll never forget what my father did to me, but I know mum loves me, and I know I'll see her again. I really could not have done any of this without you, you have been my rock, and I cannot thank you enough.'

Sam leaned over and gave Jake a loving kiss. 'I would not have had it any other way, I'm just glad to see you happy at last.'

'It still hurts, I don't know how long it will take to go away, but I've got you.' Jake said, placing a paw on his heart and his other paw on Sam's wrist.

'Well, as long as you still have passion and love for your mum, it will hurt, you will just get used to the pain. From what I've seen this morning, you're well on your way.'

Jake just couldn't smile at him enough. 'Come on. Enough talk, eat your eggs!'

'Yes sir' Sam replied in a little school boy type voice.

'Besides, we've got a big day ahead of us.'


'Well, most of my stuff is back home, and I can't go there... so you're taking me shopping!' Jake wagged his tail expectantly at his boyfriend.

'Oh I am, am I? Well... as long you're a good little puppy, then we'll see!'

Jake just sat there and watched his boyfriend happily eat his food. He was happy. At. Last.

To Be Continued...