Chapter Seven: Return

Story by LucarioZer0 on SoFurry

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#10 of Love and Aura

After several days of traveling via ship, Valor and Tamash? arrived in the Sinnoh Region, the ship docking in Pastoria City. Walking down the gangplank, Tamash? stretched her arms out over her head with a yawn, glad to be back on dry land. She looked over her shoulder at Valor, who was following just a foot or two behind her, and telepathically said, "I can't wait to get back north. I've missed the snow."

Valor smiled, glad to see her happy. In recent days, her smile was becoming a less common event. "I'll never understand how you can stand, let alone like, cold weather."

"I thought you liked snow." She said with a confused look on her face.

"I like snow well enough, I'm just not a big fan of the cold."

"But, you grew up in Sinnoh. This region has tons of snow and plenty of cold places."

"What's your point? Growing up around it doesn't mean I like it."

Tamash? gave an exasperated sigh. "You're ridiculous." Then, with a suggestive wink she said, "I guess it's a good thing you have me to keep you warm."

Valor blushed. "Must you make jokes like that?"

"Who said it was a jo-" She suddenly stopped cold in the middle of the road, standing perfectly still, her eyes closed. Her eyes flew open a second later, and her expression became one of pure rage.

Valor looked at her with concern. "Tamash?, are you alri-" Before he could finish his question she took off running at full speed toward the northern part of Pastoria.

He took off after her, knowing full well that she was faster than him, wondering only what her reason for this could possibly be.

*** Aitana sat at a small table in the Pastoria Pokémon Center, trying to figure out what to do. She had been in Pastoria for over a week, simply because she didn't know where else to go.

She had spent the last four years plotting her revenge. Now that she had gotten it, she didn't know what to do. She was now bereft of purpose. She felt as though she no longer had a reason for living.

Her Gardevoir was also sitting at the table, right across from her. Her Gardevoir, her oldest and closest friend, had kept his silence about her thoughts, which bothered her a bit. She sighed and stood up. "Come on Gardevoir, let's go."

They left the center, but were forced to stop a moment later when a sphere of energy smashed into the ground in front of them. They looked up and were greeted by the sight of a Lucario standing before them, breathing heavily, a look of absolute rage on its face. Then, a female voice was heard in their minds " are the one...who mate."

It was then that Aitana noticed that the Lucario didn't have a chest-spike.

*** Valor came tearing around a corner, then came skidding to a halt. He had followed Tamash? this far, but, upon seeing the scene taking place in front of the Pokémon Center, he was unsure of how to proceed.

Aitana and her Gardevoir were standing there in shock, and Tamash? was growling, a look of bloodthirsty rage on her face.

Valor took a deep breath, and stepped up next to his mate, drawing her attention away from the other two. "Tamash?, let it go. I told you before, I dealt with this."

She looked at him in disbelief. "I will NOT 'let it go'! Not after what HE did to you!" She exclaimed, pointing to the Gardevoir.

Then, unbidden, came the mental sound of a smooth, confident male voice. "What I DID to him? First, I was only following the commands of my trainer. More importantly, YOUR trainer willingly participated in what happened."

"That doesn't mean he wanted to! As far as I'm concerned, you raped him! Now, I'm going to return his suffering to you tenfold!" Valor tried to stop her as she started moving toward the Gardevoir, but she stopped mid-stride, held in place by telekinetic power.

Valor turned to face the Psychic-type, a serious look replacing the calm one he had been sporting only a moment before. "Let her go, RIGHT NOW."

The Gardevoir laughed, a cruel, mocking laugh. "Or what, human? You'll bend over? Perhaps I should remind you what it felt like to be my bitch."

Valor fell to his knees, his body in shock as his mind was assaulted by images and sensations. Though the Gardevoir was still clearly standing in front of him, Valor could actually feel the pokemon's length forcing its way into his body.

Aitana looked on in horror at what her pokémon was doing. She shook her head, coming to her senses. "Gardevoir, stop it! Let them go!"

"No. I'm done taking orders from you," he said with a cold look in his eyes. "It's not like following you has done me any good."

"What are you talking about?"

Gardevoir scowled. "Ever since you were just ten years old, I have been your pokémon. And I've always done everything you asked of me. And why? Because I'm in love with you; I always have been. But you chose some human before I could find the courage to tell you how I felt. I didn't care though, because I was happy just being with you. Even when you spent four years thinking of him, I didn't care. Even though you wouldn't admit it, I knew you still loved him, but I kept following you because I thought that, just maybe, if you got your revenge, you would let go of him, and I would finally be able to tell you how I feel. But clearly, that's not going to happen."

Aitana shook her head. "I'm sorry Gardevoir, but I'm not attracted to y-"

"Don't you lie to me! Or have you forgotten that I can read minds? I know that you've thought about it! And I know that you've enjoyed those thoughts as well!"

As they continued talking, Valor took advantage of Gardevoir's distraction, and by mustering all of his will power, fighting against his mind with everything he had, inch by inch he reached down to his belt, and pulled off a Pokeball.

"Gardevoir, I'm truly sorry, but please, don't take it out on them!" Aitana begged, her eyes tearing up.

"You were the one who had me do that to him in the first place!"

"I know, and looking back, I'm not proud of it. In fact, I regret it!"

"I don't care! The point is, you've been using me for nine years and I haven't gotten a thing out of it! I'm sick of-"

"Akatsuki, Bug Buzz!"

A deafening drone filled the air as Valor's Volcarona attacked, breaking Gardevoir's concentration completely. Taking advantage of the lapse, Tamash?, who could move freely again, rushed forward, her paws glowing green with her Aura. She delivered an open-palmed strike to Gardevoir's midsection, bringing him to his knees. She then delivered a swift kick to his head, her shin colliding with the side of Gardevoir's skull, knocking him out cold, causing Aitana to gasp in shock.

"Sadistic prick." Tamash? spat in Gardevoir's general direction, then trotted over to Valor, who was on all fours. She knelt by his side and asked, "Are you alright?"

He looked up to her, a weak smile on his face. "Yeah, I'm fine." A bit shaky, he stood up with her help, then turned to face his other pokémon. "Thanks, Akatsuki. You were a lot of help. Return." The Bug-Fire type nodded silently just as the red beam of energy made contact, returning him to his Pokeball.

Still being partly supported by Tamash?, Valor turned back to Aitana, who was on her knees next to her Gardevoir. "Aitana, this was an unfortunate occurrence, and I'd like to avoid it in the future. It's not your fault that we ran into each other like this, so I won't hold it against you. I suggest you avoid northern Sinnoh though, because next time could be even worse."

As he and Tamash? started to walk away, Aitana spoke. "Valor, what happened to you? You used to be so timid, and shy...and unsure of yourself. How-why did that change?"

Valor stopped, his back to her. "Being with Tamash? has changed me. I'm willing to do anything for her, even if it means putting myself in harm's way. She gives me strength, and courage, as well as the will and confidence to accomplish anything. THAT is what changed." Tamash? smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. She lightly nuzzled his neck, and he scratched her behind the ear. They then set off, leaving Aitana and her Gardevoir behind.

A few minutes later Gardevoir stirred, then his eyes opened. "What...happened?"

Without hesitation Aitana smacked her pokémon across the face. "You stupid fucking psychopath! What were you thinking?!"

"You already know the answer to that."

She gave an exasperated sigh. "Yes, I do, but that's not good enough! Ever since I had you do that to Valor I've come to regret it, and what you just did was almost as bad!"

"So what now? Are you going to release me or something?"

"I should, but after all this time that we've spent together, I couldn't." She then looked around to make sure nobody was around, then said, "And you're right. I...have thought about what it would be be with you. I care about you very much, but I never said anything, because those thoughts scared me."

Gardevoir gulped. "So, what does that mean"

She sighed, then grabbed him by the hand, and got up, guiding him along behind her. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" He asked, a look of confusion on his face.

"Where do you think, dumbass?" Dear Arceus, why are all the males I'm attracted to such idiots, she thought as they went back into the Pokémon Center, headed for her room.

*** The door to the room closed, and Aitana immediately started stripping off her clothes.

Gardevoir stared in shock, scarcely believing what he was seeing. "Are you sure about this? I mean, you've never...that is you're still a-"

"Finish that sentence and you won't have anything left to fuck me with." She turned to face him, her body now completely uncovered.

Gardevoir gulped. He had wanted this for years, but now that the moment was here, he found that he was very nervous. She stepped closer to him, causing him to blush. She smirked, and asked, "So, do you like what you see?"

He looked away, avoiding her gaze. "I always have."

She reached up and turned his head back toward her, then took a deep breath, and pressed her lips against his, kissing him for the first time. They allowed themselves to be consumed by that moment, him being careful not to get too close to her, lest he harm her with his chest-spike. When she pulled away a moment later he released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. She turned around and walked over to the bed, then bent over, resting her arms on the mattress. She looked back at him and said, "Go ahead. I'm all yours."

He was momentarily taken aback by how fast this was moving, but then he decided that, after waiting for so long, it was a nice switch. He came up behind her and placed his hands on either side of her hips. His fully erect, vaguely human shaped length was lightly pressing against her already slick entrance, but then he stopped. He looked down at that red-headed vision of beauty for a moment, then asked, "You know the first time hurts, right?"

She nodded. "Yes, I do. But this is you're only chance. Either do it now, or you won't get another one."

Not liking the sound of that, he gripped her a bit tighter, then plunged his maleness into her virgin passageway, eliciting a gasp of pleasure and pain, a few drops of her virgin's blood dripping from between her lower lips.

Her breathing quickened, and she realized that whatever she had been expecting, it wasn't what she was feeling now. Up until this moment, the only thing that had ever come in close proximity of her intimate areas was her own hand, but that didn't compare to the eight inches of snow-white poke-cock that was now filling her. He paused for a moment to allow her to get used to the feeling, then started thrusting, each motion of his hip jolting her forward slightly as he enjoyed the feeling of her tight human sex.

She started biting her lip, desperately trying to avoid crying out-or passing out-due to the strange mix of pleasure and pain she was feeling. Her whole body was quivering, and a moment later she experienced her first coital orgasm, her inner muscles contracting rhythmically around her Gardevoir's length.

Experience had given him some endurance, but he didn't last much longer anyway, and, after filling his trainer with his cream, he pulled himself out of her, and laid himself down on the bed. Aitana carefully flipped herself over, lying down next to him. Breathing heavily, she said, "Amazing as that was, it was more painful than I expected."

He nodded, then moved closer to her. "I love you, Aitana."

She was quiet for a moment, then, deciding that it was time to move on with her life, and that hiding her feelings wouldn't serve a purpose anymore, she quietly said, "I love you too, Gardevoir."

*** After leaving Pastoria, Valor and Tamash? continued to make their way north toward Snowpoint City. At the end of their first day of traveling they slept in Hearthome City, before moving on toward Solaceon the next morning.

They arrived in Solaceon Town an hour or two before noon. The town was basically one long stretch of road with buildings on either side. It was a small town, one of the smallest in Sinnoh.

As they were walking through the town, Valor stopped, a conflicted look in his eyes. "Are you alright? Is something wrong?" Tamash? asked, concerned by her mate's behaviour.

He was quiet for a moment, then with obvious reluctance, he started to speak. "Listen, I uh...there is something...that I need to take care of-something important. But, I need to do it...without you. So, my question is this: would you be alright...with me...leaving you the Pokémon Daycare for, well, the day?"

She blinked in surprise at the request. Then surprise turned into confusion. "Well, if you need to do something by yourself, that's fine, but why leave me at the Daycare? I can take care of myself for a little while, you know."

Valor sighed. "Sweetheart, I love you, but whenever you go off somewhere by yourself, and nobody is watching, you get into trouble."

She crossed her arms, clearly not pleased with that particular characterization. "Give me one example."

He smirked. "Okay, what about that time you pissed off that swarm of Beedrill?"

She gave an indignant scoff. "That wasn't my fault. They overreacted. How was I supposed to know they had a nest in those trees?"

"Besides the fact that you have the ability to see Aura?" Valor gulped upon seeing the irritation on her face. "Okay, forget that example. What about that time with the Zoroark?"

"Hey, you agreed not to bring that up again! Besides," she continued, looking rather embarrassed, "Zoroarks create very convincing illusions. I...couldn't have possibly know he wasn't really you. But nothing happened and you know it!"

Valor held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Fair enough. It was convincing, but you did figure it out-and kick his ass-before anything happened. But what about what happened in Undella Town? You know, with that crazy Ninetales?"

Tamash? looked down. She didn't have an argument for that. "Alright, fine. You win. But if I have to be put in the Daycare, I refuse to be put in there alone."

He nodded understandingly. "Alright then. Who do you want to go with you?"

"Kinzoku." Tamash? responded without hesitation.

"That was quick. Why her?"

"Because she's the only one that I actually like and get along with. She's the only one I can really talk to."

Valor was confused. "What's wrong with the others?"

Tamash? sighed. "Seiza is too proud of himself, especially for a male member of a species where the females are dominant. Inazuma, while not actually a snake, is a bit too serpentine for my taste. I don't really dislike Akatsuki, but I find his constant silence kind of unnerving. Then Sangoshou, well, he's just a douche."

"What do you mean?"

"He's pompous, judgemental, and he's the only member of the whole team who isn't accepting of our relationship."

"Wow, really? I had no idea."

"He's good at hiding it, but we all know how he really feels."

Valor ran a hand through his hair, taking in the information. "Okay then. Kinzoku it is."

Less than half an hour later, Tamash? and the female Aggron were let out into the Daycare's outdoor area, at which point Tamash? looked up, just catching a glimpse of Seiza flying off, carrying her mate off to who knows where.

Actually speaking for once, she said, "I wonder where he's going. I mean, what could he have to do without me?"

Kinzoku tilted her head slightly, not used to seeing her friend so...sombre. "Don't worry, Tamash?. He never does anything without a good reason. He certainly wouldn't separate himself from you without a good reason."

Tamash? sighed sadly. "I guess you're right." She then looked around, taking note of all the other pokémon that were out there with them. There was everything from pokémon that had clearly hatched only recently, to pokémon that were fully evolved like themselves, and there were pokémon of every type. "So how should we spend our time?" she asked as the wandered out into what could best be described as a small field.

The Steel-Rock type stretched as they walked. "Honestly, I would be happy just to sleep all day." Kinzoku gave her closest approximation of a smirk as she then said, "But I doubt that appeals to you, seeing as you don't have your usual human pillow."

Tamash? could feel her face growing warm beneath her fur as she shook her head. "And Valor thinks my jokes are bad!"

A female voice then came from behind them. "Maybe that's why he left you here. Of course, it's far more likely that he's bored with you, and went to find some human female to play with."

They turned to face the source of the voice, and Tamash? instantly started growling at the sight of an all too familiar Ninetales.

The fox pokémon smiled. "What's wrong beautiful? Aren't you glad to see me?"

"No, I'm not! What the hell are you doing here, Kas-"

"Don't you dare call me by the name that wretched human forced upon me!"

"Fine then. How and why are you here, Ninetales?" Tamash? asked, desperately trying not to lose her temper.

She smiled again. "Why, I'm here for you, of course. After I was left on that beach, I decided I couldn't just let go of a beauty like you. I managed to work my way back to this region by stowing away on ships, but by the time I got to this town, I was exhausted, and half-starved. The humans who run this place foolishly decided to take care of me. I was planning on leaving soon so I could go north to find you, but, as luck would have it, here you are, Lucario."

"My name is Tamash?!" She growled at the Ninetales.

The Fire-type scoffed, a look of disdain on her face. "No, it's not. That is the name given to you by a human oppressor."

Kinzoku tilted her head to one side, a rather odd looking movement for an Aggron. "What do you mean 'oppressor'?"

"What do I mean? Humans are selfish creatures. They abuse us and our power. They make us fight, then have the gall to say they care. All we are to them is a way to stave off boredom! We're just their playthings!" Then with clear anger in her voice she said, "Or their sex toys."

Tamash?'s eyes narrowed. "What happened to you, to make you hate humans so much?"

"It's not what happened to me," the Ninetales said through shuddering breaths, "It's what happened to my mother. Like you Tamash?, she gave her heart to some human. But eventually she was forced to leave because of him. It broke her heart, and she never really recovered. I hate humans, because of what...because of what my...what father...did."

"Your...father? You mean you're half human?" Tamash? asked, utterly stunned.

"Yes. I am. But I'm not here to discuss my origins. I'm here to save you from that human you naively believe is so wonderful. You don't see how wrong you are, and I want to help you, because I love you." She was smiling again, a deceptively sweet and innocent smile.

Tamash? scowled. "You're not here to 'save me', you're here for your own selfish reasons! And not only that, but you are wrong! No matter what you may think of humans, I love Valor, and he loves me, and it's just that simple!"

The Fire-type's expression changed again, becoming darker. "Don't be a fool. He will only cause you pain and suffering. He's just like any other human!"

Tamash?'s eyes grew sad. "I pity you. You are so full of hate, because of the actions of one human, that you can't see the good in them. You can't see that they do care about us, that we are more than entertainment to them. I don't know what happened between your...parents, but you shouldn't base all your beliefs on that."

The Ninetales was shaking with anger now. "Don't you act as though you know! I've seen what humans are capable of, and I'm sick and tired of the whole damn spec-"

"Hey, what's going on over there?"

All three of them looked around for the source of the voice, and spotted one of the people who worked at the Daycare, a young man, running over with a look of concern on his face.

The fox pokémon growled, then attacked, a large pillar of flame headed right for the young man. Kinzoku moved, and just barely in time she came between the Flamethrower and the now flinching human.

Cutting of the stream of fire, the Ninetales gave a derisive snort. "Stupid overgrown rock. Look what protecting a human has gotten you."

"Kinzoku, are you alright?" Tamash? asked, concerned for her friend's safety.

The female Aggron was shaking, and had scorch marks covering her body. "I...I'll be fine."

Switching back to using telepathy, Tamash? asked the same question of the adolescent human. He nodded silently, surprised by the sound of her voice in his mind.

Tamash? then turned back to face the Ninetales, her face sporting an expression that could have intimidated a Samurott. "You've gone too far this time, Ninetales, and I won't stand for it."

She scoffed. "It's his fault for trying to interfere. And it's her fault for trying to defend him."

Tamash? didn't respond. Instead she quickly charged and fired an Aura Sphere. The ball of energy hit the Ninetales directly, sending her sprawling back several meters.

"You always were powerful. It's too bad. I won't like marring such a perfect body. For, even with all your strength, you are at least part Steel-type, and my flames shall melt your spirit." The Ninetales had a cruel gleam in her eyes, and a second later she attacked again, this time using Fire Blast.

Tamash? used Protect, blocking the flames themselves, but not the heat they gave off. All the other pokémon in the field were watching in silence, not wanting to incur the wrath of the two battling pokémon.

Tamash? dropped the protective field and used Dragon Pulse, the greenish-blue sphere of energy leaving her mouth at breakneck speed. The Ninetales countered with Energy Ball, the Grass-type move colliding with the Dragon-type in a flash of light and smoke.

Kinzoku simply stood by, unable to do anything in her state but watch.

"That's it, I'm done toying with you! Take this!" The Fire-type attacked with Psychic, sending a beam of mental energy straight toward Tamash?. She blocked the attack with another Aura Sphere, the two energies pushing each other back and forth for supremacy. While the Ninetales was focused on blocking her attack, Tamash? jumped up, and, from her aerial vantage point, fired a Flash Cannon at her opponent. The attach hit the unprepared Ninetales, causing her to collapse, unconscious.

Tamash? landed, then quickly went to Kinzoku's side. After looking her friend over she turned to the young man. "My friend needs healing. Go get a restorative, and something for her burns." He nodded and ran inside.

He came back a few minutes later carrying a green spray battle that Tamash? recognized as a Full Restore. "Here, this should heal her completely."

Tamash? sighed when he tried to give it to her. "My paws aren't exactly made for working a spray bottle."

He blushed and his expression turned sheepish. "Oh. Right. Sorry. I'll just take care of it then." He started spraying Kinzoku's wounds. "So, do you two have names?"

Tamash? nodded. "She's Kinzoku, and my name is Tamash?. What's yours?"

He looked away from Kinzoku for a moment, and simply said, "Matt." He then returned to treating the Steel-Rock type. "So what's the deal with that Ninetales? Do you know her?"

Tamash? quickly explained how they knew her, and why they had wound up fighting, but she carefully avoided revealing her relationship with Valor.

"Wow, that's pretty tough to believe. But it does make some sense. Still, I think she overreacted."

Tamash? nodded sadly. "She did, but can you do me a favour? Don't hold it against her. Don't give her another reason to hate humans."

"Don't worry, I won't." He stepped away from Kinzoku, who now looked completely back to normal. "There, that should do it." He then walked over to the unconscious Ninetales, picked her up, and carried her into the Daycare.

"Are you alright, Kinzoku?" Tamash? asked.

"I am now." She answered, stretching out her rejuvenated body. "Do you think you can stay out of trouble if I take a nap? Now I actually need the sleep."

Tamash? laughed. "Yeah, it's fine. I'll wake you up when Valor gets back."

This was exactly what she did when Valor returned a few hours later. He retrieved them from the Daycare, and, after a brief-albeit informative and surprising-conversation with Matt, they set out on the road once more.

"I can't believe Kasai came all this way! Of course, her heritage is a fair bit more surprising."

Tamash? nodded in agreement. It wasn't long before they were out of town, and Tamash? decided to ask the question that had been on her mind since he had returned. "So, where did you go today?"

He smile mysteriously. "Sorry, but I can't tell you."

She stopped walking, prompting him to do the same. "Valor, answer me honestly. Are you...seeing some other female?"

Valor was taken aback by the question, and he had a slightly hurt expression on his face. "Tamash?," he said quietly, "How many times must we go through this? Do you really believe I would do such a thing? Do you really have so little faith in me?"

"No, I just-I-I don't-I don't want to lose you, for any reason." She stammered out, seeming to be on the verge of tears.

Valor stepped closer to her, wrapped his arms around her, and hugged her tightly. Then he whispered, "Tamash?, I will always love you, and I would never leave you. And nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever change that. You're the only one for me. No other female-of any species-could ever compare."

She smiled and lovingly nuzzled his neck. "I love you, Valor."

"I love you too." They then separated themselves, and set off down the road once more.

"So really, where did you go?"

He laughed. "I already told you, I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"It's a secret. But don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

This only made her want to know even more. "Tell me, or I'll maul you!"

"Is that a threat, or a promise?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

"Ugh! You're impossible!"

They continued onward, her pressing him for an answer as they went.

*** Her red-orange eyes slowly opened, and she was surprised to find that she was now inside, lying on a rather comfortable bed.

"Oh good, you're awake."

The Ninetales looked around for the source of the voice, and was surprised to see a human male standing nearby, specifically the same young human she had attacked earlier. 'Good', she thought, I attacked him, why would he be relieved to see that I'm alright?

Her face must have betrayed her thoughts, because next he said, "Judging by your expression, you're confused. That Lucario, Tamash? told me about you. I felt like it was time a human showed you some kindness. We're not all bad, you know. Most of us aren't, in fact."

She scoffed and looked away from him, prompting him to shake his head sadly. "Well, I won't hold anything against you. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." He started to walk away, then stopped and said, "By the way, I think Kasai is a beautiful-and rather fitting-name for you."

He then left the room, and she closed her eyes, intending to go back to sleep. As she drifted off to sleep, she was surprised to find herself thinking, if he's the one saying it, I could come to like that name.

*** Two days later, Valor and Tamash? had made it as far as Route 217, but now found themselves fighting a blizzard as they headed north along the snow-covered route.

They could barely see, and each step was a struggle. "Still happy to see snow again?" Valor asked, shouting to be heard over the wind.

"Not particularly." She said, her voice sounding at a normal level in his mind. With how far they had come already, turning back would be counterproductive, so they continued onward through the driving snow.

After a little while, they could see the vague outline of a small building a short way ahead of them. Moving as fast as they could, they made their way to the building, which turned out to be a small cabin. Valor knocked, and, when there was no answer, they forced the door open, hurried inside, and, fighting against the wind, shut the door behind them.

"It looks like nobody has been here in a while." Tamash? commented as she looked around the one room cabin. It was sparsely furnished, with only a bed and a small table.

Valor nodded. "I don't think it actually belongs to anyone. I think it's meant to be a shelter for people caught in storms."

"Lucky for us, huh?" It was then that she noticed that Valor was shivering slightly. "Are you alright?"

He smiled weakly. "I don't exactly have a built-in fur coat like you do."

She stepped closer to him, smiling seductively. She wrapped her arms around his midriff and said, "How 'bout I help warm you up?"

He laughed. "Now, how could I say no to an offer like that?"

Standing on the tips of her toes she kissed him, and he kissed her back, enjoying the feeling of her warm body against his. After a moment or two their roles seemed reversed, as he was quickly warming up, and she was now trembling slightly, though from anticipation, not cold.

She stepped back from him a moment later, a mischievous grin on her face. Valor eyed her cautiously, not sure he liked her expression. "What?"

"Well, I was just thinking, maybe we could try doing something a little...different, this time."

"Different how?"

She turned and walked over to the bed within the small cabin. She climbed up onto the bed, then positioned herself so she was on her paws and knees, her shapely rear facing toward him. She looked over her shoulder at him, her face still wearing that same grin. "It's really quite simple. I'd like you to take me like the bitch I am."

"Oh, is that all? Well, I think I'm more than capable of that." Then, with a devilish grin of his own he added, "And then some."

"What does that mean?"

He started pulling off his clothes, his jacket coming off first. "You'll see."

She continued to look over her shoulder as he undressed, wondering what her normally submissive mate had in mind. When he was finished he walked over to the bed, but instead of mounting her, as she had expected, he got into the bed and crawled up behind her, giving him a perfect view of her utopia.

He smiled to himself. Though that part of her was usually invisible, covered by fur as it was, at the angle her body was bent it was in fact visible, standing out as a splash of pink against her blue fur. Well, she wants this to be different, he thought.

He carefully flipped himself over so he was on his back, then pushed himself farther up the bed so that his head was between her knees. Before she had time to react, he lifted his head up, and ran his tongue along her sex.

She gasped in a mixture of surprise and pleasure as his soft tongue slid along her tight entrance. He continued upward and started using the tip of his oral muscle to tease at her swollen clit. Panting now, she looked down at him, not believing what she was seeing. "Valor, what are you-"

He pulled away for just a moment, his eyes meeting hers as he said, "Shush, Tamash?. You're always the one taking care of me. Let me take care of you for once." He then returned to his oral stimulation of her now slick lower lips. She gave a shuddering gasp, then smiled, thinking to herself that she had made the best possible choice for a mate.

He returned his attentions to her clit, then took one of his hands from where they rested on her hips, and started stroking her slit with one of his fingers. He started slowly pushing his way into her, and a moment later he was knuckle deep in her mound. He began flexing his fingers, massaging her inner walls as he continued to lick at her clit.

She was moaning slightly now, and the primary thought in her mind was stop teasing and FUCK me already! "Valor..." She begged.

He smiled. "That's it, beg like a good girl to get your treat."

In between outbursts of moaning she said, "You little bastard! I'm going to pay you back for this!"

He laughed. "I look forward to it, but that doesn't sound like begging..."

She couldn't stand it anymore! She needed him inside her, and even if he hadn't said anything, she had been on the verge of begging anyway. So, she decided to play along. As he continued to tease her with his soft tongue and gentle touch, she started to beg. "Please, I need you inside me. Make me your bitch. Pleeasse..."

He smiled again. "That's a good little Lucario. I suppose I can oblige..." He withdrew his hand from her, eliciting yet another moan. He slid out from under her, got up onto his knees, and turned to face her already quivering form.

He moved forward, pressing the tip of his long since erect length against her moist slit. Seeing the pleading look in her eyes he said, "Don't worry. No more teasing. Promise." She gave a yelp of surprise as, in a single thrust, he buried himself to the hilt in her passageway.

"Ooohhh, please let me bear your pups!"

This caught Valor off guard, as she had never said anything like that before. He smiled then, and softly said, "I wouldn't have it any other way." With that he started thrusting against her. Each motion jolted her forward. They both started breathing faster, each thrust of his hips against hers bringing them both closer to their respective finishes.

Hers came first, her inner muscles contracting rhythmically around his member, milking him for his seed. This was enough to push him over the edge, and a moment later he flooded his mate with his virile cream.

They stayed where they were, both panting. Then, with a lustful growl, and a single, seemingly effortless motion, Tamash? turned to face him and pushed him down, pinning him to the bed.

"What are you doing?!"

She smiled. "I told you I would pay you back for teasing me, and making me beg. You had your time to be in control, but now it's my turn." Without hesitation she laid herself down on him and bit into his left shoulder, drawing a gasp of pleasure from him. "Mm, does my little masochist like that?"

"But, I'm not-"

"Valor, are you in pain?"

"Yes." He answered through another gasp of pleasure as she applied slightly more pressure.

"Are you getting sexual pleasure from it?"


The corner of her lip twitched as she fought the urge to smile. "So, that would make you a..."

"Fine, you win! Just-ungh-don't stop!"

She gave a muffled laugh, then started grinding against him, enjoying the feeling of her mate's manhood sliding between her lower lips. As her own pleasure increased she had to tighten her focus, so as not to bite straight through his shoulder.

Valor's eyes were closed in ecstasy, and a moment later his balls contracted again, sending another torrent of his seed into her body, and pushing her into another orgasm of her own.

She released her hold on his shoulder, and laid her head on his chest. She giggled. "I love little masochist."

Valor sighed, the laughed. "I love you too." They both drifted off to sleep, satisfied and content. *** When they woke up the next morning, the blizzard had passed and sunlight was streaming in through the window.

Tamash? rolled off him and the bed, and stretched out her body. "Looks like we can get going."

Valor got out of bed and went over to where he had left his backpack the night before. "Yes, but first, something else."

She looked at him curiously, and when he stood up he had a small box in his hand. "Here, this is for you."

She took the box and carefully opened it, then let out a surprised gasp. Inside was a shining silver Soothe Bell, strung on a red ribbon. Inlaid in the front, and carved in the shape of a heart, was a Dawn Stone, the aqua coloured gem sparkling, just as her eyes were sparkling with happiness. "Valor, it's beautiful."

He smiled. "This, is why I left you at the Daycare. It was custom made, and I had to go pick it up. Turn it over."

She did, and was surprised to find an engraving on the back. The small, curving letters simply said "For my mate Tamash?, with all my love."

She smiled and carefully tied it around her neck, then hugged him and said, "Thank you, Valor. I love you."

He wrapped his arms around her and said, "I love you too, Tamash?. Merry Christmas."

A short while later they left the little cabin, Tamash? wearing her new bell. At around midday they reached the Acuity Lake Front, and half an hour later, they arrived in Snowpoint City.