Chapter 1

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#1 of Cherry's Pie and the Hedgehog

Cherry's Pie and the Hedgehog

Based on the German fairytale Hans My Hedgehog

featured in Jim Henson's The Storyteller

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"I want a child. I wouldn't care if it were a strange thing made of marzipan or porridge - or if it were ugly as a hedgehog! I want a baby! To wrap in a bundle and sing to and snoodle with and hug to bits!"

-- The Farmer's Wife

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Chapter 1

The women stood in a line, their wrists chained, their heads bowed. They were all of them cut of the same cloth: young, beautiful, with long flowing hair to their pert backsides. All of them had the same high breasts, and in the cold chill of the dungeon, all of them had nipples hard as rocks. Pink nipples, brown nipples. The little patches of hair that swathed their moist sexes were of colors as varying as their skin. They stood in rows before their cells, lining the corridors with their soft beauty.

The girls had been offered from various corners of the kingdom, offered to the Crown Prince as the ripest, most desirable maidens in their villages. Whichever girl could break the spell, she would be the luckiest girl in the world. Her village would be showered with riches, as would her family. But there was no talk of marriage. That was unthinkable. It was known far and wide that the prince was betrothed to Princess Rhiannon of the neighboring kingdom, a woman whose beauty was a legend, a woman of whom statues had been erected.

Cherry didn't feel lucky. She was naked, her wrists were chained, and she was freezing. All of them were. They stood in silence, staring at the hard stone floor. The prince was coming. The warden of the prison had already cautioned them, had already instructed them in the way they should behave: do not speak unless spoken to, do not disobey a word His Highness says, and do not, do not, do not look him in the eye.

But why? Cherry had to wonder. What sort of curse was on their prince? Had the witch given him the plague? Disfigured his face? Take one of his eyes? She bit her lip: perhaps he hadn't any eyes.

Cherry's heart leapt when the sound of distant boots echoed in the corridor. All the girls flinched and bowed their heads, little breasts shivering from the cold. Cherry did likewise, her bright red curls falling forward in a mass around her face. She had a real name, but her father had always called her his princess, his princess of sweetness and cherry pie.

How miserable Papa had been when the village mayor offered her up to the prince's men. She had been stripped of her dress right in the village square, inspected like a cow at market by the advisor, and then whisked away to the castle. The journey had been long and no small amount of humiliating: they stopped very often to rest at taverns and inns, and always, she was forced to sit naked in the public eye, her hands bound as one of the leering guardsmen fed her from a bowl.

The guardsmen were the worst. They would talk freely before her, remarking on her freckles and moles, her high "tits" and how they wanted to sneak a quicky with her when their captain wasn't looking. But none of them ever dared to touch her, and she knew the consequences of such a thing would have been dour and definitely not worth the momentary pleasure.

The sound of the prince's boots preceded him, and with him came the sound of rattling chains. The guardsmen returned a girl to her cell, and glancing up, Cherry recognized her as olive-skinned, dark-haired Delilah. Delilah was a girl of breathtaking beauty, and Cherry was surprised that she hadn't been able to break the prince's curse. Delilah seemed surprised as well. Looking very hurt, her dark nipples trembled as she hugged herself and backed away to the far wall of her cell. She had been put in a cell alone, and one of the guardsmen barked that the other girls were never to speak to her.

Cherry snorted. They were never allowed to speak anyway. She hadn't spoken in so long, she was going hoarse. And she was dying for water. She was so thirsty, she had taken to licking the moisture from the walls when no one was looking.

"Shall you choose another, your majesty?" asked a voice. Cherry knew that voice. It belonged to the prince's advisor, a hunched and groveling man named Odipes, who wore a pair of tinted spectacles on his long nose. He always wore rings and fine robes, and when Cherry heard his rings clicking, she didn't have to look up to know the man was rubbing his long hands.

"No, Odipes," drawled a sarcastic voice, "I came all the way down here for the sheer hell of it." It was the prince's voice. As always, he sounded young and scornful. Cherry had heard him many times, speaking to the guardsmen or his advisor, but she had never seen him. To lift her head in the prince's presence would have meant an immediate smack from one of his muscly guards. The prince was always surrounded by such brutes. She remembered the first night she arrived: the girl next to her had dared to look at the prince and had been spanked before everyone later that night with a paddle. As a lesson.

The punished girl, however, was defiant. She spent the night screaming that she would rather die than sleep with the prince, then proceeded to let everyone know the prince was a monster. That's right. They had to fuck a monster! The guardsmen dragged her away by the hair. They never knew what became of her. Cherry remembered that she was blonde and her name had been Daisy.

Thinking of Daisy, Cherry kept her head down. She could see the prince's black boots moving slowly up the corridor. His boots were followed by the silver boots of his armored guardsmen and the narrow purple slippers of Odipes. After some indecision, the prince's boots halted before Cherry. Her heart about stopped.

"Lift her up," the prince whispered. "I'll try her."

"Close your eyes, girl," said the warden at once. He raised his voice to the other girls, "And all of you keep your damn heads down! Or you'll wind up like Daisy. Remember Daisy?"

Cherry trembled and did as she was told. She held back a squeal when one of the prince's guardsmen lifted her up from behind. His big hands held her thighs open, as if her sex was being offered, displayed for the prince. She trembled again. She knew what was going to happen. When past girls were chosen, she had listened with her head bowed to their shrill cries of pleasure, to the licking and slurping . . . and now it was her turn.

"Be still, girl," the warden instructed. "He's not going to hurt you. I've told you again and again, no one will hurt you here."

Thinking of Daisy and the paddle, Cherry knew better. She couldn't stop trembling.

"Be still," whispered the guardsman who held her in her ear. "You're making his majesty angry . . ."

Cherry took a breath and calmed herself. She swallowed hard when she felt a thumb carefully peal open one of the soft lips of her sex. A hot tongue suddenly slapped her and she cried out: it was like the hot, prickly tongue of a dog! She wriggled and struggled as a sudden rush of pleasure swept over her. She could feel herself throbbing and twisted to escape. The guardsman hissed for her to be still. She arched her back and cried out. He was eating her - the prince was eating her in front of everyone, and it felt so deliciously good, she was ashamed. She could feel the discomfort of the guardsman who held her, could hear his grunts as he struggled not to become aroused at the sight of her heaving breasts, at the sounds that were coming from the mouth on her wet sex.

Cherry couldn't take it. Her thighs strained against the guard's hard fingers. She managed to break them free, and they snapped, locking around the prince's head. His head was velvety, like a fur coat. She heard him grunt and the sound trembled against her sex. The guardsman cursed at her, grabbed her thighs, and managed to pry them free. The prince backed away, and Cherry, breasts still heaving, twisted and fought against the guardsman, twisted like a frightened deer. The guardsman easily flipped her over his shoulder and slapped her buttocks, booming for her to calm down.

"Your highness . . ." whispered Odipes nervously.

Cherry hung over the guardsman's shoulder, unable to catch her breath, her red curls in her face. She could still feel the tingling pleasure on her sex, could still feel the heat of the prince's breath and the rough strokes of his tongue. That had not been a human tongue! What disturbed her even more was that she had enjoyed it. It disturbed her that she wanted it back there, licking, slurping, caressing and eager. She shuddered all over. Oh god. So this was why the other girls screamed in ecstasy before they were taken away . . .

"She is wild in her passion," said Odipes timidly, "perhaps another, the little mousey girl over there . . ."

"Shut up, Odipes," the prince whispered.

Odipes did shut up.

"Clean her up," the prince further instructed, but Cherry knew he was speaking to the guardsman. "And have her waiting at La Vallen tonight. Ah - but do not clean her sex."

Cherry's eyes grew round.

"She emits a certain smell that I want preserved," the prince said solemnly.

The warden cleared his throat. "Of course, your highness."

Many boots left, among them the prince's boots.

Cherry cried out softly when the guardsman set her on her feet. She looked up at him. He was a towering man, with kind blue eyes and an amused smile. "Be happy, girl," he told her. "The prince has chosen you."

Cherry glanced over at Delilah, who was crouched in her cell, glaring daggers from her vivid green eyes. She rubbed her arm and stared at her feet, feeling miserable. Were they insane? She should be happy that she must sleep with a beast?

"Mm, she's pretty, I'll admit it," said Odipes skeptically. "But . . ."

Cherry's heart leapt when she realized the royal advisor was still there. The thin fop crept close to her and lifted her chin, inspecting her face and breasts with a critical eye. He tisked and shook his head.

"What? What are you going to complain about now?" demanded the guardsman with the kind blue eyes. Cherry saw him take a ring of keys from the warden and start searching through them. They were going to take her manacles off. Oh, god, yes!

"Were you not paying attention, lad?" Odipes demanded of the guardsman and frowned. "She's too wild in her passion. The prince's tongue turned her on like a switch! She is not going to be able to please him. She doesn't know how to control herself . . ."

"She can learn," said the warden quietly. He turned to his men, "Alright, get these girls back in their cells - move, move!"

Chains rattled as the girls shuffled back into their cells. Cell doors grated and slammed. Chains rattled again as the prisoners went to their corners and peed in buckets or curled up on the straw. The warden marched away, leaving two of his men behind to pace the cell block.

Odipes shook his head. "His highness does not have the patience to teach some girl how to control herself in the sack!" He looked at Cherry, and she was surprised when he spoke directly to her, "Hasn't a man ever touched your pussy before, girl?"

Cherry knew better than to answer. She felt the blush creep up her face and bowed her head.

The guardsman scowled as he flipped through the ring of keys. "They're all virgins, Odipes, you know that."

Odipes snorted. "Even a virgin can have participated in some foreplay. This girl has never had her pussy licked before, I can tell. She tried to escape the whole time. The pleasure was a surprise to her. I can't imagine what she thought would happen if she had simply let him please her." Odipes looked at Cherry again, disapproving.

"Come now," snorted the guardsman, "if the curse could be broken with an experienced girl, we need only have taken some whores from the local brothel. But the curse requires an innocent. This one . . . she's probably the most innocent here. If I whipped my dick out, I bet she'd scream and faint."

Cherry bit her lip and glanced again at Delilah, who was sulking in the corner, still glaring. Ah. So that was why Delilah couldn't break the spell . . .

"Where the fuck is this key," cursed the guardsman. "Hey, girl, lift your manacles so I can start testing these . . ."

Cherry lifted her wrists, wincing when the chains drew down heavily on her.

"Still, she's pretty enough, I suppose," said Odipes thoughtfully. "She's just the sort the prince likes. Big pussy lips. He likes that. And small pert tits."

"And her thighs are strong," added the guardsman with a laugh. He tried a key on her manacles, cursed and tried another.

Cherry stared at her manacles and willed herself to stop blushing. They were talking in front of her as if she wasn't there or as if she couldn't understand. Her face was getting redder and redder. She wanted to die.

"What's your name, girl?" demanded Odipes.

Cherry saw him take out some parchment. A nearby assistant leapt forward with quill and ink. The assistant was a young teenage boy in a tunic, about thirteen, who stared all around him in amazement. His eyes went to Cherry's breasts and he licked his lips.

Odipes tried to dip the quill and missed the ink. He glowered at the boy. "Wake up, Hanson, and hold the inkwell right! You've been in here a thousand times - you've seen tits before!"

"Yes, sir . . ." muttered Hanson and held the inkwell right.

"They call me Cherry, sir," Cherry whispered miserably.

The guardsman laughed. "Cherry Pie. And no one has ever tasted your pie until today."

Cherry's heart skipped a beat when they all looked at her: they were waiting for an answer. The teenage Hanson gazed at her with mischievous eyes, no doubt thinking of eating her cherry pie.

"No, sir," Cherry whispered to the floor.

The guardsman frowned. "Stop being so miserable, dammit. You've no idea how lucky you are. Any one of the girls in the kingdom would scratch your eyes out to get in your place . . ."

"Don't waste time explaining things to peasants, Dodry, it's pointless," sniffed Odipes, who Cherry realized was jotting down her name. "Village?" he prompted.

"The village of Odiwir . . ." Cherry whispered.

"Family?" came the next question.

"Only my father. Henry."

Odipes sniffed and kept writing. The teenage boy kept ogling. Dodry, the kind guardsman, kept cursing and searching the keys.

"Well, that's that," sniffed Odipes. "If this one breaks the curse, her village and father shall be rewarded handsomely."

Shall I be rewarded for this humiliation? Cherry thought miserably.

"Is Cherry your real name?" blurted Hanson. He licked his lips.

Dodry laughed when Odipes lightly whacked him over the head and told him to get back to the castle. The boy scrambled away, looking sheepish.

"And remember, Dodry," Odipes said pompously, "no one is to touch this girl. No one. On pain of death. Her innocence . . . it's something the prince must take himself."

Dodry nodded. "Of course. I would never let anyone --"

"For your own sake, you had better not," Odipes said curtly, then turned and sauntered away.

Dodry rolled his eyes. He tried yet another key and stiffened: this was the one. He looked at Cherry, his blue eyes hard. "I am going to remove these," he said to her, "and you must, must behave. I don't like punishing the girls here. You remember that blonde? Daisy?"

Cherry nodded slowly.

"She resisted, she failed to obey our commands, and she was given to the castle guardsmen to do with as they pleased. You can imagine what they were pleased to do."

Cherry swallowed hard. "I won't make trouble."

Dodry smiled, relieved. "Good girl."

The manacles came away, and Cherry moaned as she rubbed her aching wrists.

"There, there," Dodry whispered to her. He grabbed her gently by the back of the neck and steered her away. She could hear three of his men following behind. They walked through the gloom of the dungeon, passing many cells containing sullen girls. The girls watched curiously or enviously as Cherry was marched past. Some actually ran to their cell doors and peered out at her.

They were solemn as they made their way. Cherry soon realized they were going up instead of down: upstairs to the bathes. She remembered being taken to the bathes upon her arrival. They had simply hosed her down, gave her a towel to dry herself, then put her in a cell. She had to wonder how they were going to do things now: the prince had asked that her sex be left unwashed.

They entered the bathes, which were identical to the rest of the dungeon: stone walls barren of decoration, cold stone floors and torches in brackets. Two young men were sitting on stools when they entered, clad in simple tunics and playing cards on another low stool between them. Stacks of towels were piled on shelves, as well as bowls of soap, creams, and shampoos. Cherry recognized the two boys: they were young men, late teens-early twenties, assigned to hosing the girls down every night after supper. They looked up from their card game, and seeing Cherry, they grinned as they got to their feet.

Cherry stared at her toes. The boys loved their jobs, even if they weren't allowed to really touch the girls as they wanted. Just staring at them was enough.

"You aren't going to hose her," Dodry told the boys, and they brightened: that meant close contact. "You are going to wash everything except what is between her legs. Get the grime off her tits and legs and wash her ass - but not the pussy. His highness likes the smell."

The boys nodded eagerly. One went to get soap from the shelves, the other turned on the water in the open shower. There were many such showerheads against the walls, all controlled by knobs. Cherry watched, her heart beating hard, as the boys stripped naked: they would have to get under the shower with her.

"The water's getting hot," called one of the boys. He stood under the water, letting it plaster his dark hair to his face and neck. He was handsome, they both were.

The other boy - a square-jawed blonde - offered his hand with a friendly smile.

Cherry hesitated, frightened.

"Go on, girl," whispered Dodry and gave her a small prod in the back. "Let them bathe you. My men and I will stand here and make sure nothing more comes of it."

Cherry moaned. Didn't he understand? The fact that they were watching made things even worse! She glanced at Dodry's three men. They had a glazed look in their eye, and one was staring at her ass.

"Do you know why the prince commanded this?" Dodry went on. "So you would get used to men around you, looking at you. So you would relax. You're like a frightened bird. You can't be that way when his highness takes you."

Cherry swallowed hard. Ah. So they were breaking her shyness.

She looked at the boy's offered hand and took it. He led her to the shower and under the water, glancing at her warmly and affectionately. His comrade had the same kindness, the same affection. The water was indeed hot and it plastered her curls to her face and shoulders at once. They lathered up soap and began to bathe her, slowly, carefully, surrounding her as they massaged her breasts in deep strokes. She looked over at Dodry helplessly, but apparently, touching her breasts was permissible.

They put her hands above her head and cleaned under her breasts and under her arms. The blonde drew close as he massaged her breasts. His pretty eyes were warm with desire. He stole a kiss on her neck, then nibbled her ear. She blushed.

"Don't kiss her, boy!" Dodry warned.

The blonde smiled and immediately stopped, but he looked Cherry deeply in the eyes as he felt her up. She was trembling all over. The other boy was stroking her thighs. Her naked flesh was soapy and shiny with water, her nipples dripped with it. She moaned, wishing they would stop touching her breasts. The dark one kept squeezing her nipples, pulling them from behind, and she felt as if she was carefully being milked. His hard chest was against her back, his cheek was near her cheek. He whispered such dirty things to her, she felt herself throbbing and was ashamed.

They had her bend over in the water. The blonde pried her buttocks apart and the other carefully cleaned her there. He let his fingers brush her sex a few times, grazing the large lips that cloaked her tight innocence. When they had finished, they turned off the water and dried her off, rubbing her through the towels as they massaged the water away.

They sat her on a stool and she noticed with a jolt that they both were hard. She had never seen a man hard before. Their phalluses stood erect with veins from nests of blonde and black hair. Even wet with water as they were, she could smell the musk of them.

"Look how she stares," laughed Dodry. He came into the room, his boots splashing through the water that was swirling away in the drain on the floor. "Hey, boys, we'll teach her a quick lesson." He stopped behind the blonde boy and gestured for the other to get on his knees.

Cherry watched, her eyes round in disbelief, as Dodry took the blonde's hard phallus in his hand. He slowly started to stroke, while the other boy on the floor knelt before them. Cherry couldn't imagine why he was kneeling, but she understood after what happened next: the blonde gave a choked cry and his seed spilled on his friend. He sagged in Dodry's arm, looking weak and content. Dodry ruffled his hair in amusement and told the other to clean him up.

Cherry couldn't move. The dark boy obediently began licking the fluids from his friend's penis. The blonde grunted weakly as he started to get hard again, as that pink tongue flexed against, him wetly insisting.

"You will do these things for his highness," Dodry told Cherry. "These things and more."

Cherry swallowed hard. Why? Why was putting her tongue in such a place required to break the curse! She couldn't stop staring as the dark boy suddenly closed his mouth on the other, pleasuring him with long, wet sucks. His victim frowned with pleasure, moaned and whispered, "A-Ahh . . . slow down . . . slow down . . ."

Dodry took Cherry's arm and pulled her up. "Keep the towel around your head, girl," he instructed as he led her out by the neck. He was moving so fast, Cherry could hardly keep up. Behind her, she could hear the helpless cries of the blonde boy, the eager moans and sucking of the other.

Out in the corridor, Cherry was shocked when Dodry touched his fingers to her sex. She blushed as he brought his fingers to his nose. "Good," he sighed. "It's still there."

Cherry averted her eyes. Her scent. Why was her scent so damned important?

"Come on," Dodry said and led the way again.

She knew where they were going. They were going down. They were leaving now. But to where? She strained to remember the prince's words. He had instructed the men to take her somewhere, but she could not remember. She suddenly felt frightened and nervous. She glanced at Dodry several times.

"We're going to La Vallen," the kind guardsman said when he caught her frightened look. "His majesty's summer home. You should be happy. You're going to see the ocean! Wipe that frightened look off your face. How many times must I tell you?"

Cherry stared at her feet as they walked. She realized for the first time that she was still free of her manacles. Perhaps she could escape on the way! But she glanced at Dodry, who had been so kind, and knew she didn't want to get him in trouble. Perhaps she could escape once she was there, at this distant summer home called La Vallen.

When they arrived outside, it was windy and cold, and stars winked across the dark sky. Dodry wrapped Cherry's naked body in his cloak and carried her to the waiting carriage. She climbed up inside and sat, and she was relieved to see Dodry and his men were coming as well: they mounted their horses and surrounded the carriage. The driver snapped the reins, and the procession started down the drive, slowly leaving the towering dungeons behind.