Damn It All...

Story by Valadius on SoFurry

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Damn her. Damn the engagement. Damn it all! Those words ran through Darren's mind as he drove around town, heavy music playing on his player as he drove around town, trying to find some way to end his current pains. The wolf both loved and hated his mate. Loved her for what she once was, anyway. And hates her...because she had to turn into something else when he asked her paw in marriage and moved in with her.

If it wasn't one thing, it was another. Anything from cleaning the house for her to taking her to dinner every other night, and she still did nothing but gripe and yell at him for some little thing he didn't do that day.

Her voice rang in his head, "You do know I'm allergic to dust, right? You want to send me to the hospital?"

It was only one damned spot! And in an area where she never went...except this time to check on his dusting.

And if it wasn't something like that, it's something like missing a spot on the table when he was cleaning it or thirty minutes on the phone with his own mother before she got pissed off at him for running their phonebill up into the sky.

"Dammit, Rachel..." he whispered under the metal on his player as he arrived at a small bar called the Dewdrop. He'd been there quite a few times. A gay bar. Some really cute guys in there, but one in particular was on his mind. He was a friend from his college years; a jackal with a sweet smile and an understanding demeanor.

They had dated a bit in college, but they ended up breaking up because of Darren's family moving away to this new town in which he found Rachel and fell in love with her, himself being openly bisexual and loving either sex the same as the other. But Kevin...he had been there for him before Rachel was ever in the picture and it was by sheer luck, it would seem at first, that Kevin ended up moving to the same town as Darren's family did when he graduated from college.

Stepping out of his car, the wolf walked into the bar, looking it over and at all the guys inside. A few were cuddling in a booth, apparently a pair of couples on a double-date. And there Darren was, engaged to a complete bitch. He'd be lucky if they were sitting in a booth like that, talking and laughing the night away and talking about how great the other was the night before.

Damn her.

There was an empty booth on the other end of the bar, so he decided to take it and sit himself down, taking off his leather jacket and scooting it to the opposite end before seating himsef, breathing a sigh as he hung his head. The jackal wasn't there. Was probably working late.

A waiter walked up to the booth, a rather sleek-looking tiger with a nose-piercing, "What'll be, handsome?"

The wolf offered a smile and said, "Just get me a beer, Greg. Thanks."

The tiger nodded, but before he went to get the beer, he turned back to Darren, "Are you all right, Darren? You don't seem like yourself."

"What do you mean?"

"You're....sulking. I've never seen you do that before."

"It's nothing," the wolf lied, "I just need a beer and I'll be better, trust me."

The tiger hesitated a moment, but then nodded, heading towards the bar to get his drink. Darren hung his head again, hearing those words of his so-called loving fiance ringing in his head once more. It wasn't long before the tiger came back and smiled, handing him his beer, "There you go, hun. Oh, by the way...there's somebody here who wants to see you," he says, pointing to another booth.

Darren looked and his eyes widened a bit as he saw Kevin. But...Kevin wasn't acting like Kevin. He was sullen-looking. "What's wrong with him, Greg?" he asked the waiter.

The tiger sighed and lowered his head down to whisper to him, "I know he really wants to see you, Darren, because you're his closest friend. He may not have said it to me, but when he just now came in and sat down, I know you're the only one who can cheer him up from what happened," he pauses a moment, making sure that the jackal wasn't paying attention before continuing, "His boyfriend dumped him."

Darren blinked a few times at that, "What? Someone dumped Kevin?! How? Why? He's too sweet to have done anything wrong!"

Greg nodded, "I know, hun, I know, but...his boyfriend wasn't exactly the...faithful type, you know."

Darren shook his head and grabbed his beer, "I'll go to him. Maybe I can cheer him up some, get his mind off of it."

Greg smiled, patting Darren on the shouder with a soft-padded paw, "Good. I wish I had as good a friend as you, Darren."

Kevin was looking at the wall at the opposite end of the booth. Probably why he didn't notice Darren when he walked in. The sound of someone seating themself in his booth made his big ears perk a bit, "Please...I am not up to picking up a quick fu--" when he saw whom he was talking to, his hand shot to his mouth, "Darren! Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Darren chuckled and said, "No, no, it's okay, Kevin, it's okay."

The jackal nodded and said, "I'm still sorry, Darren, I'm just...just a little tense right now...I--"

Darren nodded, "I know, Kev. Greg told me what you told him. I didn't see you when you came in, so when he told me, I wanted to come see you."

Kevin blinked a bit, feeling a tear come to his blue eyes, "I...I don't know what I did wrong...I loved him...I did all I could for him..."

Darren immediately switched to the same seat as Kevin, "Sssh, sssh. No need to cry. I'm here for you," he wrapped an arm around the jackal and stroked that wonderful soft fur as he whispers, "It's going to be okay, all right?"

"I just wish I knew what I did wrong. I treated him like I treated you when we were dating...with all the love I could offer."

The wolf nodded slowly, "I'm sure you did, Kevin."

"He didn't even think about going out with other men...until after we promised to be together forever...like he was waiting for it to happen...." Kevin wrapped his arms around Darren's strong frame, making the wolf's leather jacket which he donned before walking over make that sort of crumpling noise they make.

Darren brought his hand up, stroking his distressed friend's headfur, "Sssh. If he was unfaithful, then you don't deserve him, Kevin. You deserve better than that."

Kevin sniffled, "But...but...."

Darren shook his head, "No buts. You deserve better. Better than what that creep of a now ex-boyfriend could give you. Period." He frowned playfully, "And if he were to show his face around here, I'd give his muzzle something to smart about tomorrow, how about that?"

Kevin couldn't help but chuckle, a smile appearing on his muzzle, "That...won't be neccessary, Darren, but...thanks anyway...." he then looked up at Darren.

For some reason, their eyes locked. Darren's green eyes to Kevin's blue ones. God, Darren had almost forgotten how radiant those eyes were. How almost hypnotic they were and how they displayed that warmth within the jackal that it seemed only he could see. Almost unconsciously, the wolf's paw reached up to stroke along Kevin's soft cheek, his heart feeling like it's ready to thump right out of his chest as he continued to look into those eyes.

Kevin blushed lightly, gently nuzzling into Darren's paw, "Mmmm...I almost forgot what your soft-side looked like."

Darren smiled and said, "Oh, it's always been there. Just a few people have ever seen it..." he whispers as he continues, "and one of those people has always been you."

The jackal's blush reached his ears, making them turn a light shade of red as he licked his lips a bit, "Thank you, Darren..." then the jackal's head moved forward, kissing Darren's cheek before returning to its original position.

Darren blinked as he touched where he had been kissed as Kevin asked, "Darren...what would have happened if we...you know....stayed together even when you moved?"

"I...I guess we'd be....doing what we're doing now. Enjoying time together and...forgetting our troubles because..." he noticed Kevin looking him over and into his eyes.

"You know, Darren...your eyes have always been the best to look into. You've been captivating me, even after your engagement to Rachel..."

Darren couldn't help it much longer. He brought his muzzle to Kevin's, feeling those soft lips on his. God, he missed those lips that he used to kiss every night before taking him up into his dorm that they coincidentally shared and spending the rest of the night in each other's arms. Kevin was mildly surprised by Darren's actions, but it only lasted a moment before he finds his arms wrapped around Darren's frame, lost in the kiss that he, too, had missed, his fingers gently scratching behind that jacket of his.

The kiss lasted for only a few seconds, but it felt like forever between the two, a soft murr coming from each other's throats as it was held, then Darren slowly released, "Kevin..." he pants a little before saying, "I will always love you...I confess it to you, I will always love you like I did when we were together. I hated my parents for taking me away from you and I promise that I will never leave your side again."

Kevin's ears perked and the sweet smile that drove Darren nuts reached his muzzle, "Darren...are you asking me out again?"

Darren took Kevin's paw in his own and whispered, "I'm doing more than that. I'm wanting to have you tonight...and every night from now on."

Darren led Kevin out of the booth and into his car. Kevin smiled at Darren before saying, "Where're we going, Darren?"

"I'm getting us a hotel room for tonight. We'll even have room service." He smiled back, holding Kevin's paw close to him as he drove.

Kevin then asked, "Why, all of a sudden, do you want to be with me? Don't you have Rachel? Is she engaged to you?"

Darren sighed, "It's...kind of a long story..."

"Go ahead," said Kevin, his hand leaving Darren's to rest on the wolf's leg, gently squeezing it, "You can tell me, honey."

The trip to the hotel consisted mostly of Darren telling Kevin about how his relationship with Rachel was turning into one big steaming pile of shit. Darren had not done anything wrong, yet she would constantly try to find something to yell and get mad at him about. All the while, Darren would apologize and promise he'd do better, but she never gave him a second chance to redeem himself. He would be immediately condemned for all he did wrong...if you can even call it wrong.

Kevin put on a frown of disapproval, "And you're the one telling me that you deserve better." The wolf gave him a curious look and the jackal said, "Why do you even put up with it? Aren't you supposed to be the dominant one? I know you were when you had me."

Darren sighed, "I wish I could tell you..."

Damn the engagement.

The hotel room was warm. One king-sized bed, a jacuzzi-tub and shower, and a perfect view over the town from the window. Darren locked the door behind him as Kevin smiled, looking at the bed, "Mmm...it looks comfy..."

Darren walked over to Kevin, wrapping his arms around him like he's his long-lost love, his lips kissing the soft fur of Kevin's neck, remembering how much the jackal like that, "Mmmm...so does something else...."

Kevin murrred softly, tilting his head up so that the wolf can kiss his neck, his paws gently scritching along his strong chest as he gave a needy murr, "Mrrr...oh, honey, I love it when you do that..."

Darren grinned and winked to the jackal, "I know." He began removing his jacket and his shirt, revealing his toned upper body. It wasn't overly muscled, just nicely toned. Kevin touched his abs, running his fingers lovingly against them.

"I forgot how sexy you were, Darren...my love...."

Oh, when those two words hit his ears, the wolf couldn't help but feel his pants get even more tighter than they already were. The jackal brought a hand to the bulge in the wolf's pants, rubbing gently as he whispered, "I still love you, Darren...my big, bad wolf..." he smiled and pressed his longing lips to Darren's, the wolf tilting his head to lock their kiss, his tongue reaching into Kevin's muzzle to rub Kevin's lovingly, the wolf's paws reaching down to undo the jackal's pants, unbuttoning and unzipping before they fell to the floor, showing Darren the jackal's thong underwear. He smiled, releasing the kiss to look down at the tenting thong.

"MMmmm...my jackal's getting all horny...whatever shall I do?" he grinned, then reached for his own pants before Kevin raised a hand to have him stop.

With that, the jackal went to his knees, undoing Darren's pants and pulling them down and tossing them aside. The wolf's impressive cock stuck out of the slit in his boxers, much to the delight of the jackal. He licked it, tasting the pre that was forming at its tip before sticking his muzzle into the boxers, licking the cock from its base up, running his tongue over the veiny organ, murrrling as he did so.

"Mmmmngh...oh, Kevin," said the wolf as he felt the warm, wet tongue of his lover, "I missed you so much..."

Kevin moaned softly, soon wrapping his muzzle around the cock, running his mouth over the cock. Oh, Darren loved that, reaching down to hold the jackal's head as he thrust into his mouth, "God, suck it, Kevin...suck it good...." he grunted, his cock twitching a bit at the back of Kevin's throat.

Kevin gave the cock a few good sucklings before he pauses and glances up at Darren, slowly slipping his muzzle off the member, "I want you to fuck me..."

Darren murrled softly and said, "Mmmm....I thought you wouldn't say for a second there, love."

Kevin stood up, naked except for that thong, which he slips down, revealing his hardened erection, "Yes...but I want you to fuck me...mate me...take me as yours...." he kisses the wolf's bare chest, licking the nipple, "I want you so badly, Darren...all of you..."

The wolf's arms went around Kevin as he kisses those lips once more, releasing to whisper, "And I want to mate you, too, Kevin...because it has always been you that I wanted...I love you so much."

Kevin smiled the sweet smile and kissed his lover's lips before turning around, bending over and his tail lifts up, bringing his eager tailhole into view for the wolf. Darren murrrls at the sight and licks his inder and middle fingers, bringing them to the hole and gently rubbing his saliva over it as the jackal moaned, "Mmmngh...please...don't tease so much....I want you too badly to have you teasing..."

Darren grinned and positioned himsefl where the tip of his cock was pushing into the entrance of Kevin's lovehole, his paws holding onto the jackal's hips as he pushed, "Nnngh, honey, you are so tight..."

Kevin whimpers and pushes back against his thick cock, biting his lower lip as the waves of bliss hit him, "Mmm...yes...push it all in, my love...I want to feel you all inside me..."

The wolf's cock finally hilted in the jackal's hole and he pulled back, slowly and gently until his cockhead was the only thing left in the soft, warm, tight hole of his lover before plunging his cock back inside, "Ugh...god..." then he pulled out just as far again and then back in just as rapidly before working up a rythm, giving off quick strokes, making his balls slap against the jackal's as he fucked him. Oh god, this was so great! His paws squeezed the jackal's lush buttcheeks as his hips smacked against them before one paw reaches around, grasping Kevin's rod and rubbing it up and down.

Kevin was moaning and whimpering as the wolf pounded him so lovingly. And the wolf's pumping made him nearly go over the edge before Darren whispered, "Mmmngh...I'm gonna cum, baby...tell me you want it..."

"Mngh...I want it all...all of your seed in my ass..." he moans and pushes his ass back against his lover, "All of it..."

That was good enough for Darren. He pushed his cock as far as it could go inside the jackal before he nearly howled aloud, his hot wolfseed spurting inside the jackal's bowels, filling him with his seed, even causing some to leak out of his tailhole and around the wolf's scrotum. The jackal didn't have long to wait after to release, his own cum spurting onto the floor underneath.

As their orgasms ebbed to a halt, the wolf gently brought the jackal up to a standing position, his cock still buried in that beautiful ass of Kevin's as he kisses him on the cheek lovingly, "Mmmm...my jackal's still got the best ass, I see."

Kevin smiled and whispered, "And you're still the best wolf I know...or will ever know..."

Darren gently pulled himself out of the jackal, his arms wrapped around Kevin in a loving embrace.

Just then, a soft ringing was heard. The wolf growled, the ring having them lose their magic moment, "Excuse me, honey. This may be important," he kissed the jackal's lips before going over to where his pants was left on the floor, digging in a pocket and pulling out his cellphone, answering without looking at the caller ID.


"Is this Darren Warrel?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"This is Dr. Mulborne of the hospital here in town. I'm afraid we have some bad news."

"What is it? Is it dad?"

"No, sir. It's Rachel. There was a break-in at your house. She...she didn't stand a chance."

The cellphone dropped to the floor, the wolf frozen in horror.

Damn it all....