Wolfhood: Reborn -Chapter Two: Freedom-

Story by TimidTabby on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolfhood Reborn series

I know I'm posting this a bit late at night or early morning, but I don't know if I'll have the time later today as I have a bit of a busy schedule. I will be continuing to editing this story in Saturday though so keep an eye out for the next chapter.

Wolfhood: Reborn

by TimidTabby

Chapter Two: Freedom

I'll just have to say I came down with something, a cold or the flu. Maybe she'll believe I'm having a harder time digesting my drinks. I got a call from my folks about something important. I just remembered I have to go into work early in the morning for an early shift...no, a Meeting. I have RABIES! That's probably the closest accurate line to explain my behavior. Ugh...Vivian's not going to buy anyone of those excuses; she'll just think I'm flaking and that I'm too chicken to grow up and be a man.

Stepping back into his bedroom, Aiden was surprised at how well his vision adjusted so quickly to the darkness. Though he was aided by moonlight, outlines and shapes of his décor appeared oddly vibrant and clear over an eerie yet captivating nocturnal glow. Was this how a wolf sees? Aiden blinked hard and shook his head, pushing the question out of thought to keep his mind focused and from stirring his nagging primal urges fully awake.

Yes; it's cool. But I gotta not think about wolf stuff anymore. I got to concentrate; tell Vivian she's gotta leave and...

"Took you long enough, wolfy," Vivian softly spoke, prying Aiden's attention to his bed where she laid under his covers forlorn.

Please stop calling me that Aiden secretly protested, even though he felt her pet calls rousing the beast lying readily within. "Sorry," Aiden apologized; looking down and away as he nervously approached the bed, tugging the front of his shirt like a tick. "Vivian, I don't think this is going to happen tonight."

"Awwww," Vivian cooed, sounding as if she wasn't taking Aiden's rejection seriously. "You can't really mean that, do you?"

I'm just going to have to be assertive Aiden exclaimed, prepping a stern fixed gaze upon his blind date. I have to make it clear that she has to...leave...

Before Aiden could speak, Vivian drew back the bed covers. His mouth hung open, sensing his tongue trying to escape into a pant as his date revealed her voluptuous body, bare and smooth as she remained on her side facing Aiden.

O-o-oh god, no...I can't...help...

Vivian simply watched amusingly as Aiden's animal side slowly surfaced once more, cautiously crouching over the edge of the mattress as he leaned in with his animated nose exploring her silky hide, sniffing jubilantly at the strong fragrant smells coming off her body.

"Thought so," Vivian chuckled, shifting her position lying on her back. A quiet sensual moan passed her lips as she stretched her limbs, heaving her ample bosoms provokingly as her hands slid down her stomach and massaged her hips. "I know this is what you wanted, wolfy. Don't be shy; your bitch is ready."

Bitch his primal thoughts growled deeply as his eyes grew wide and wild, easily falling back hard to his inner wolf's desires finding it impossible to resist as his date constantly instigates such urges. Aiden realized his deterrent plans were failing, losing interest in maintaining his humanity; eager to ravage his bitch as she wanted. It didn't matter anymore if Vivian thought he was a freak, or that he might change into a werewolf any moment; his instincts demanded he mate.

"Now you're hungry, aren't you boy?" Vivian crooned; a devious smile stretched across her face shuddering pleasantly as Aiden's resumed sniffing the contours of her thighs and belly. Soft arousing moans passed through her lips, head arched back in response to Aiden's attentive nose pressing vivaciously against her bare sides and hips. "Enjoy your spoils. Do whatever comes natural."

Sniffing and panting like a wild dog probably wasn't what she meant by acting natural, but Aiden happily found no resistance or disapproval as he carefully climbed in bed standing over Vivian hunched; animalistic eyes studying her naked frame. His bitch appeared turned on further, smiling as she closed her eyes and turned her head away, heaving her supple breasts. The seductive message was well received as Aiden rested on top, head centered over her chest as his nose took its fill examining her twin peaches thoroughly. A canine sounding whine cried from his voice as he rubbed his cheeks against them; his panting maw stealing several tastes of her perky pillows.

"Oh! Good dog," Vivian gasped; Aiden lapped more wildly as he sensed the thrill in his bitch's tone. The evidence grew as her hands embraced and raked the back of his shoulders, her body undulating to his beastly licking and nuzzling. Another rational thought echoed within regarding how this wasn't exactly how Aiden imagined making out and having sex for the first time, but Vivian's bizarre acceptance of his wolfish behavior warded off the uncomfortableness and shame, simply following her erotic suggestions to do what felt 'natural'.

"Damn; you are an animal, baby," Vivian exclaimed. Aiden peered up from her heaving breasts to see the bitch's face swelling in escalating bliss, the hard blush of her body exposing how his intimate primal touching affected her. "You must fuck like one too."

Aiden's conscious surprisingly upheaved the torrent of his animal personality briefly; though he was becoming annoyed quickly by its persistence. It warned him of his earlier fears, afraid that if he continued in the state he was in that Vivian might get more than she bargained for; that his inner wolf could come out completely. What would happen then? Should he stop and deal with the embarrassment of not going through with losing his virginity?

"So let's just see..." Vivian moaned, shifting her position once again under Aiden as she rested on her belly, hands grasping the mattress cover tucking her knees under her stomach; lying as if on all fours. Aiden backed away crouching on the balls of his feet propped on the floor; hands planted on the near the edge of the mattress holding him up as he was given an appealing view of Vivian's full moon underneath the real lunar light.

"...let's see how well you fuck like one."

Hungry eyes shined at the erotic sight, peering eagerly at the moist folds of Vivian's inviting sex, his nose attracted to the aromatic perfume of her climbing need. Mild disenchantment surfaced as Aiden's animal instincts sulked over the lack of stronger pheromones, believing his mate's heat should smell more potent and intense like the bitches from his dreams. Nonetheless; her scent smelled deliciously arousing, letting out a long exhilarating snarl as he followed his instincts and 'naturally' began to coat Vivian's humid folds rapaciously with his tonuge.

Taste good. Make her ready. Make shewolf howl.

Howls...well, cries of bliss sung from Vivian as she flinched from each new lap of Aiden's tongue dwelling deeper into her nether, yet she remained stationed and firm, feeling her rump thrust against each following lick after to aid his moist strokes. It was astounding; she didn't smell like a real wolf, but she was quite adamant in maintaining this role playing. It was almost a shame that Vivian didn't look the part, the earlier daydream illusions of her sporting ginger fur and lupine features crossing Aiden's primal thoughts.

Maybe she is a wolf like me. Maybe...I can set her free...

"Go-o-o-o-ood doggy!" Vivian exclaimed again, looking back to Aiden with panting much like his with a smile. "Don't stop, baby; you're bitch needs to be ready."

Aiden's mind howled triumphantly, extremely content to see his horny date embracing not only his but her inner animal. He was all too obedient and happy to oblige, returning to her slick humid gates dripping with his saliva and her internal dew. He resumed licking, dwelling deeper as he passed through the folds, enjoying every succulent favor Vivian's womanhood could offer.

"Yes..." Vivian gasped, fingers grasping tighter around the bedsheets as her body tensed, legs growing weak as her plateau was surpassing into her climax, Aiden's tongue apparently long enough to reach and cover the sensitive points of her sex. His tongue worked harder and faster pushing to make his bitch howl in pleasure as her nectar flowed, feeling his loins pulsate madly as the head of his wolfhood coated and ran with passive juices; the base swelling.

Bitch ready. I'm ready. Need to mount, now!

Before Aiden could take swift action; Vivian cried out jubilantly, her body trembling in sexual ecstasy to the wonderful orgasm induced simply by his ravenous tongue. The smell of his bitch's satisfaction; again not as intense and feral as his animal side hoped, weighed heavy over his nose elated to know how well he was preforming. His body was already beginning to feel ablaze, muscles twitching and skin crawling in a delightful way as rose from his crouch stance looking over Vivian's plump rear and perspiring backside, ready to claim his mate.

"Amazing wolfy!" Vivian cried, huffing from the lack of air in her lungs from her powerful orgasm, catching Aiden off-guard as she spun around meeting her wild lover face to face with a sly smirk, chuckling. "I should return the favor before we get down to business; get a taste of what's going to be humping inside of me."

Yes!!! Enjoy your tasting. Help me...

It was too little too late before Aiden's rational thoughts snapped back into his conscious, wide eye panic replacing his primal excitement as he watched Vivian crawl up to the end of his bed and stare at his canine loins, frozen and dumbstruck.

Help...help me lord; I'm fucking screwed.

He was too consumed by embarrassment to glance down at his date's face, imagining her shock and disgust while she stood still and went silent. Despite the protest his limbs ached to turn away from Vivian and hide his shame, Aiden knew it would not do any good now. The freak-out or laughter was soon to come.

"Oh my god!" Vivian cried, laughing.

Laughter. Of course. Now she's going to brag about nearly getting fucked by a dog and that I'm a freak and...

"He wasn't joking about the dog penis," she added, covering her mouth to suppress her on-going giggling.


"What?" Aiden growled inhaling deeply to calm him back down before his animal side turned aggressive.

Vivian shook her head, her eyes squinting as her lips curled tighter into the widest smile Aiden had ever seen. "Sorry, I didn't mean to blurt that out. I'm just surprised your friend wasn't kidding about you're 'special package'. He said you'd probably act like an animal in bed, but I thought he was just telling some bullshit story."

Aiden was momentarily speechless tilting his head in confusion; mouth agape like some awestruck cartoon character. "Who told you this?"

"You're friend; Gary, the one that set us up."

Gary??? Aiden's thoughts scanned for any memories of his best and only friend ever stumbling upon the nature of his deformity with no avail, growing frustrated at the idea that Gary had kept this a secret and told a stranger. That snake bastard. I'm going to kill him!

"Whoa; easy Aiden," Vivian calmly chuckled, sitting up on her knees straight as she caressed her slender hands over his shoulders attempting to relax his aggressive demeanor, Aiden snarling unconsciously. "For what it's worth, I...don't mind."

His flared lips loosened and temper ebbed taken back by Vivian's honest acceptance of his abnormality. Aiden stared at the grinning lover curiously, trying to judge and understand what exactly was happening and why she was easily tolerable with the form of his wolfhood.

"You...you really don't?" he stuttered, sheepishly lowering his head expecting some sort of sarcastic or hurtful response.

Vivian didn't answer right away making Aiden nervous, but her seductive grin didn't fade as she studied his cock carefully. "Don't get me wrong;" she finally said with a chuckle, eyes darting down to her left contemplating something randomly, "It's definitely weird. I don't normally hookup with guys with...animal cocks. Especially ones that looks real." She moved her right hand down hovering near his stomach gesturing to Aiden if she was allowed to touch. Aiden gulped hard tensing with embarrassment, eventually nodding halfheartedly as he felt her hand grope and squeeze his animal erection thoughtfully, biting his lower lip; whimpering as her groping were reviving his primal urges.

"Holy..." Vivian gasped, her eyes beaming with odd fascination of what she was beholding in her hand. "This really is real."

If we go any further again, you're going to feel just how real when we tie Aiden thought, recalling his feral dreams and the moment before and after his release; the base of his wolfhood engorged and swollen to tie the pairing mates together.

"Aiden? How did it get like this?"

The familiar question managed to push back his urges as Aiden looked down to the innocently curious Vivian, and then back to his canine member. He sighed, pulling away from his date's groping hand, taking a seat at the end of his bed with his back turned away. He shook his head lightly going over the scenarios he had already thought of before, uncertain what to tell his inquiring date.

"I honestly don't know," Aiden somberly replied. "I really don't know. I was just born like this. I didn't really put two and two together how wrong it looked until I High School, maybe even before that."

"Seriously?" Vivian giggled, hooking her arms underneath Aiden's with her hands grooming his chest, resting her head on top his right shoulder. "Didn't you even get it checked-out with a doctor?"

Aiden scoffed. "No way; I'm not ready to become a sideshow for doctors to examine and parade me around the world. The last thing I want is to have my genitalia on display for being a biological mystery."

Vivian snickered hugging affectionately. "I think there's a little something called 'patient confidentiality' to consider, Aiden. But what about your parents? If you were born like this, how would they ever let you grow up without some form of corrective surgery?"

A low growl sounded through bared teeth, a ting of his inner wolf's aggression surfacing yet leaving Vivian steely in her caring affection save for a brief flinch of caution from his growl.

"I don't know who my real parents are," Aiden said sullenly. "I was adopted when I was a baby. I don't think my foster parents realized that I was a mutant baby. It doesn't matter anyways; I haven't talked to them in almost a year and I doubt they would care about my deformity any more than they care about me now. Truthfully, I believe I was nothing more to them then child welfare money."

"That's awful," Vivian consoled, Aiden feeling her cheeks rub tenderly against his neck; nuzzling affectionately. The primal caress was soothing and welcoming even in his fragile state of mind, elevated by the fact Vivian continued to show intimate behaviors even though she knows if they resumed making out (or reenacting his animal foreplay) she would be getting a beastly phallus rattling inside her temple. Why would she want that? Was there something about the appearance of his loins that turned her on, or was she simply brave enough to experience something strange and unique penetrating her sex? Was she still too drunk to understand what was going on, noting that only an hour must have passed since they left the club...or since arriving to his apartment? In this whimsically wild ordeal; Aiden had lost track of time; was Vivian sobering up yet still willing to play out this bizarre adventure?

"Can I ask you something?" Aiden asked, inquisitive eyes turning to meet Vivian's. "No offense, but...why are you so docile about this? I would have thought you be running out the door screaming in terror or busting a gut by now."

Vivian pulled away slightly, her face red trying to hide her own secret shame. "I don't know," she weakly answered. "I just don't think it's that big of a deal."

Aiden's brow furrowed hearing Vivian make such a remark, expressing his confusion with suspicious glaring eyes.

"Ok; so it is a big deal. But...I guess you should consider yourself lucky that I don't necessarily mind. In fact; I think it's quite 'exotic'."

Her wording brought his arousal back to his peek, feeling his tongue wanting to loll back into an excited pant. But Aiden wasn't quite convinced. "Exotic, huh?"

"Well sure," Vivian tittered pressing closer against Aiden's back as she cuddled, kissing passionately over his shoulders and cheek. "It's an experience no woman has ever considered before.

"Or if they have..." she trailed, her right hand prodding between Aiden's thighs tenderly caressing his animal shaft; Aiden huffing and whining as his sexual longing returned, enjoying the sensation of his fingers exploring the contours and hardness of his proud erection. "Maybe they've been too afraid."

"A-arf-fraid?" Aiden barked, struggling once again between keeping his animal urges under controlled or following his natural instincts.

Vivian nodded agreeably sighing pleasantly. "You've already been showing me how strong and dominate you can be when you lose control; letting the animal out. It's kind of kinky. I like to be a little wild myself; let my own inner animal come out once in a while. I guess that's why I don't have any reservations if we just take it slow and intimate...or if you want to fuck me like an animal.

"I've actually been thinking about it since your friend put the mental image in my head," she continued, nipping gently at the lobe of Aiden's ear as she whispered, making it harder for him to fight back the urges even less. "I've thought about the feeling of your doggy dick penetrating me, humping hard and fast, feeling that animal knot. The ferocity of it, the primal force behind it...I think I've been waiting for a guy like you, Aiden."

"Wolf," Aiden growled once more, feeling his grinding teeth aching to snap at his sensual bitch.

"Sorry?" Vivian said puzzled.

"My dick...its wolf."

Vivian chuckled, mimicking a playful growl as she rubbed harder against Aiden's body; grinding for stimulation. "Of course, wolfy. And I think it's about time you finally take what's yours tonight and make me howl."

The walls between his rationality and his primal nature had become hair thin, feeling the line snapping at any moment. The strain of keeping his composure; to simply enjoy a normal passionate sexual experience had become far out of reach at this point. Vivian apparently favored the animal over the man, purposely teasing the wolf stirring madly inside to be free with her deliberate animal affections and motions; expressing her relish to have Aiden's wolfhood inside her, knotting within. Aiden was quickly losing control...he wanted to be freed.

"Please Aiden; make a wolf out of me," Vivian murmured, whining like a distress dog as she stuck her own tongue out in an animal pant, lying back against the mattress with her legs and arms tucked in; like a submissive bitch.

Too good to be true Aiden thought as he rolled gently on top of the begging Vivian, charmed at how far his date was willing to go to make him feel comfortable about his erratic wolfish behavior and exotic deformity. The wishful thinking that Vivian could be a werewolf crossed his mind again, but seeing as her scent was still human even in her arousal made it more likely that she was some kind of sexual nut. At this point; though, the reason no longer mattered. The moment Vivian fell into her own canine trance simulating a gleeful bark and excited growl as her hands reached back over his shoulders and pulled him close, Aiden had succumbed to his primal lust.

Their lips locked first, rekindling the passion back in his living room as he started slow and gentle, letting his idle hands explore Vivian's body freely as their beings grind and mesh, her spread knees squeezing his lower body tangling. His mouth soon drifted away from her lips, still tasting the lingering Tequila in Vivian's breath as his romantic kisses shifted back into previous animal licks, wetting her cheeks and neck with his beastly affection.

"My, what big teeth you have," Vivian delightfully mused, gasping from the sharp yet pleasurable dull pain of Aiden's sensual nipping over the skin of her shoulders and neck.

Aiden regained some clarity to utter, "The better to eat you with, my dear!" before letting out a soft thrilling growl returning to his animal foreplay.

"I know that already, big bad wolf," Vivian joked, referring to Aiden's adventures between her thighs minutes ago.


The word echoed in his mind proudly, growing friskier. The fears of how badly this night could have gone were swept under the rug, astounded and elated that he had met a woman that accepted him for what is. Aiden had dreaded those wolfish whispers getting the better of him, ruining his chances to finally experience real intimacy and sexual gratification. Instead, he found a mate that fed off those whispers; comfortable with his animalistic tendency. And all for the better, being able to let go of his shame and embrace the urges he kept bottled up inside for the last few years feeling alienated if anyone knew the truth.

Aiden may not have been born a wolf, but he gradually began to accept that he may be one in spirit. Why else was he born the way he is? His past dreams with his lupine experiences, stalking and hunting live game; meeting other shewolves and mating to his heart's content. This may have been his Id speaking to him, manifesting his desires in such a strange way, but Aiden couldn't deny to himself any longer how much he liked it. Nothing about wanting to be a wolf felt wrong to him. If he was a Werewolf he hoped he could change one day and finally get the real deal; running like a wolf, hunting like one...mating like one. This was how he wanted to behave; no...supposed to behave.

Tonight, being a wolf was right.

"Feels good," Vivian whimpered, keeping up her primal play as she continued to pant and absorb all of his animal licking and nipping, her body glowing in strong arousal of it. "Fuck me wolfy. Take your bitch and fill me. Let me feel that knot."

My shewolf Aiden growled in his frenzied mind, pulling his tasting maw from his bitch's neck, looking down over his needy mate as he worked his pelvis and pushed forward, yelping as their beings intertwined for the first time in his life (awake anyways). The sensation of heightened sexual arousal was indeed expected, the added pulsating heat of his mate's moist shrine around his throbbing canine pole increasing the pleasure as well as his need to start pumping and fornicate. The gentleness of his earlier passion soon began to recede as all there is now is the need to mate; the need to fuck and fill his bitch.

"That's it, wolf boy," Vivian moaned pleasurably, her grip tightening around Aiden as her body shuddered at the sensation of his penetrating loins. "Let that beast out. Go wild!"

Aiden happily accepted her invitation, shamelessly lifting his head back howling triumphantly. Vivian, enthralled by her lover's feral embracement howled with Aiden, her howl not as powerful and majestic like his eerily spot-on sounding one, but the mutual bond enough to light a fire in his pelvis. He spared a fleeting attempt to work his thrusts in cautiously, not to accidentally damage his blushing copper haired mate, but his eagerness and instincts took control picking up a steady and hurried rhythm. His penetrating motions glided effortlessly even in his humping pace, her folds still slick and moist from her earlier orgasmic release. Aiden's head remained lifted, wild yet lust dazed eyes peering to his window gazing upon the moon watching the spectacle. His breathing and panting grew harder as the carnal sensation of pure sexual gratification began to build, eyelids half shut as his concentration focused on nothing else but the moon, riding his bitch, and the shared pleasure between them reaching heights he never believed would be possible.

Mates...found mate! Found...shewolf. Feel right. Feel...free...

_ _

* * *

"Oh God, yes!" Vivian shouted, still pretending to act as much like an animal as her lover. Her eyes began to shut tight from the intensity of Aiden's forceful humping, the visuals around her becoming too much to bear with all the erotic stimulation affecting her. Half open eyes gazed back at the familiar panting lover, but she was sure the peeking sensation and the lasting booze was making her see things, believing Aiden's nose was getting darker and more dog-like. Even his teeth seemed longer than normal, as if he had grown fangs making her earlier Red Riding Hood joke frighteningly accurate. She ignored this believing she was imagining things, having too much of a good time being fucked to notice other possible illusions spreading over her newest lover.

That is until she felt his fingers tighten over her shoulders, feeling a sharp poke against her precious milky skin.

"Ow, watch it, baby," She said, opening her eyes finally to see the most shocking thing ever in her life. The person on top humping her madly for gratification...it didn't look human anymore, at least not as much. Instead; Vivian was now gazing horrifyingly at a person that bared little resemblance to the man she willingly agreed to a date and be bedded by. It was creature of human flesh and physique, but the face was twisted and deformed, shaped in the appearance of something close to a dog.

Or a wolf.

"Oh God, get off me!" Vivian shouted, shoving the creature away but finding it hard to do so. She realized the creature's penis remained firmly attached to her vagina, feeling the base of its animal design engorged and swollen within her sex. The creature itself seemed to take offense to her behavior, pushing Vivian back down against the bed and snarling furiously, continuing to pump into her without much of a care save for his personal need to finish relieving his sexual tension. Vivian's eyes were wide with immense fear, her voice wanting to scream for help but too afraid to make a sound without angering this beast. But as she watched the creature's maw open wide, growling and readying to snap over her left shoulder, her voice could no longer be held back.

"No, please stop! Stop!"

The creature suddenly froze, halting its vehement pumping; its fangs only less than an inch from breaking the skin of Vivian's shoulder. She trembled in place, sobbing as she waited for the monster's next move hoping this would be over soon, that it was going to spare her life. As its face came back into view her terror became conflicted with confusion, feeling that she somehow recognized the face of this monster. She could see in its fiery yellow eyes that it was just as confused; sensing similar nervousness and fright she felt now.

This is insane! How did this...this thing get on top of me? What happened to Aiden; is this some kind of sick joke? Did he have some mutant dog hiding somewhere to bait and switch? I knew he was weird, but I didn't think he was this sick. This is some sort of disgusting game him and his bastard friend cooked up isn't it? If this thing doesn't kill me first I'm gonna...

"Vivian? What's wrong?"

Vivian gasped astonishingly, shaking in a cold sweat replacing the ones from her intercourse. Now she really thought she was losing her mind. Did this monster just sound like...

"Aiden?" She exclaimed under exhaling breath. "Is that you?"

Aiden himself questioned her response, dumbfounded at her reaction and awestruck stare. "What do you mean is it..." He stopped suddenly, his feral golden yellow eyes widening as he apparently realized why Vivian had gone into such a shock, feeling the weight and shape of his face from the way his mouth opened and closed. He quickly brought his hands to his face, wincing from the unintentional hard slapping, having not expected to touch his own mouth so soon. He rubbed around the bridge of his nose and gasped his own surprise, discovering the bridge had extend outward along with his upper lip and jaw, imagining in his mind the form of a short animal muzzle upon his head.

Oh my god! He really is a...this isn't a joke?

"Get off of me," Vivian shouted, rocking frantically for freedom, the two of them still locked.

"What...what is this?" Aiden cried, suddenly feeling the abnormal way his ears twitched and pulled above his head. Bringing his hands to where his ears use to be he traced the cartilage up to the tops, realizing his ears were now pointed and longer, erect in similar surprise. "No. This...this can't be happening to me; not now."

"I said get off me!" Vivian screamed, pushing Aiden once more with all her strength, the force enough to finally release their sexes toppling Aiden onto the floor. Unbound, Vivian grabbed her clothes hastily putting them on as she made a beeline for the doorway and the living room. Aiden got to his hands and knees, almost finding it painful to leave this position until he willed himself to sit upright, darting his gaze towards Vivian reaching for the knob of his apartment door.

"Wait! Vivian! Don't go, please!"

Vivian turned with a sneer, having trouble facing him directly. "I knew you were strange, Aiden, but I never thought you were...!"

"Please don't leave me like this," Aiden pleaded, reaching out to her pathetically with an outstretched clawed tipped hand. "I swear I don't know what's happening to me. Please don't leave."

Vivian scuffed in disgusted, scanning her eyes at one part of her shoulders as she felt wet blood moisten under her blouse. "Jesus Christ. You know if you turn me into a fucking werewolf I'm going to rip you throat out with my own damn claws, you fucking dog."

"No! Vivian?" Aiden tried to call her back once more but lost his voice as she walked out furiously, slamming the door behind her.

* * *

The primal whispers chattering in Aiden's mind were persistent but muffled for the time being, devastated feral eyes unable to pry away from the front door. His voice continued to sound canine whines as dread encroached the spiraling situation. Aiden's world felt like it was crashing down, each few seconds crashing wave after wave of debilitating fright. Now not only did Vivian see him for what he is but who knows what kind of story she'll spread. Hell, what if she goes to the police to have him arrested for attempted rape and being a monster? Then again, she was still inebriated. If she did go to the police there was a good chance they wouldn't believe her. One whiff of her breath and they would only send her home with an escort to make sure she didn't pass out over a ditch in the street.

Drunk or not; the monster part seemed true, reaching for his face again studying the misshapen form of his protruding nose and mouth. Clamoring off the floor, staggering slightly from the unusual way his feet wanted to stand on his toes instead of heel down, he made his way to his vanity mirror across the left side of his room hanging over his dresser. Knocking away some dirty clothes and material objects Aiden stared long and hard in the mirror's reflection. It was baffling seeing what was really there; a part of him wished he was seeing a trick of the light from the moonlight shining down through his window.

Holy cow...is this really happening? Am I turning into a Werewolf?

A curious growl passed though baring teeth stretching blackened lips to get a better look at his fangs and sharpen incisors, opening his mouth to let his lengthened tongue fall out. He turned his head left to right to better examining the protrusion of his malformed muzzle, parting line formed and centered over his upper lip underneath a moist and leathery blackened canine nose. His ears; they truly lost their human appearance as much as his face as wiggled and rotated those animal fixtures, twitching sensitively as he groomed and play with the thin triangular wolfish alterations.

Feeling his fleshy wolf ears; Aiden became acquainted with another beastly discovery, holding out in front of him deformed thick paw-like hands. The palms not only looked stretched but the skin had formed tough padding; the growth of darkened claws cracking away his fingernails adding to the forepaw structure. Only his thumbs seemed to remain, and that felt like it could disappear any moment. It wasn't much surprise after to see the shape of his feet, elongated and bulky also taking a more hindpaw appearance. What was a surprise was the growth poking out the base of his spine as he peered back up behind his rump, a bony appendage long enough to move; wag on its own.

"A tail? I have a tail!?" Aiden bellowed, rubbing the sensitive length of his fleshy nub, pulling back in shock of feeling the prickling hairy texture of fur starting to slowly sprout.

Aiden turned to face the mirror once again filled with disbelief. It seemed impossible that his appearance had changed so radically, still finding it hard to believe that he was undergoing a Werewolf transformation. Part of him considered that he was asleep, having those bizarre wolf dreams again only starting from being human to becoming a wolf. But Aiden felt deep down this was happening for real, the sensations too real and exhilarating to be an illusion. He stared deeper into his mirror, a shiver racing down his spine as he gazed into the eyes of the monster in his reflection, a haunting golden yellow with the whites blackened out replacing his once human hazel eyes.

"Is this really me?" Aiden questioned, running his trembling clawed fingers over his animal defined cheeks. "I feel...good. These changes; lord help me but...I think I want to change more. I don't feel quite right like this, I feel incomplete. I...I need..."

Let out the beast in you. Go wild!

Vivian's earlier invitation echoed in his mind; only her voice was switched with the familiar primal whisper, hearing it growl agreeably. Involuntary; Aiden suddenly began to repeat the whisper's actions, growling softly while displaying bared fangs in front of the mirror, brow furrowed and tense and wolf ears folded back behind him as he leaned aggressively over his dresser. His claws began to dig into the wood, his growl growing deeper as his upper body hunched, letting out a wolfish roar as the vertebra of his spine began to swell following sickly audible pops. His spine lengthened; his small tail grew inches longer, the light coating of fur thicken and shaping into a more realistic furry tail suitable for a wolf.

He could feel the bones and muscles of his face beginning to build pressure, screaming for release by need of pushing his nose and mouth out longer...to become a real lupine muzzle. Aiden pressed his palms against his temples, shaking his head violently to make these animalistic tendencies stop. His voice wanted to mutter audible resistances, but this inner beast climbing out the deepest part of his soul only fought harder.

Why is this happening to me? _ Aiden cried within his mind, his thoughts clouding to the foreign mentality of the wolf obscuring his way of thinking. _Am I really a Werewolf? Is this why part of my body looks like this? Was I...born this way? Born...a wolf. Wolf...

Pressure exploding against his chest and the muscles of his legs trembling and tightening eventually knocked Aiden to his knees, bellowing another frantic lupine roar as his weight shifted forward falling onto his inhuman forepaws. Spasms racked Aiden's body as he became fully aware that his entire being was slowly transforming, his body toning and filling out into the appearance of the animal taking over; taking control.

Wolf...I'm wolf...

Ultimately; whether by the influence of the wolf or not, Aiden started to see things in a different light, coincidentally aided by his rising longing to stand under the lunar curtain cascading into his room near his bed. The storm plaguing his mind quelled as he moved into the light standing on all fours rather than his forepaws and knees, panting excitedly with rapt eyes staring up to his window gazing at the silver moon bathing his body. Though his face grimaced in discomfort with his body still shifting, Aiden began to feel almost at peace.

I'm wolf. Always been wolf. Trapped in human body...howling for freedom. Finally free. Finally...me!

Such a haunting recognition hasten his metamorphosis; Aiden's body temperature exceled as his form felt closer to finishing his lupine alterations. He flexed his body forward, head lifted to greet the moon, standing on the edge of his paws as his tail flagged and whipped happily. Animal lips formed a jubilant smile, growling in both discomfort and pleasure of his searing blushing skin itching madly as hairs; fur developed over his nudity thickening in a rapid rate.

So good...stance feels better. Paws so soft and strong. My tail...feel complete. I'm burning; my fur...closer, almost free. Need more! Need to be wolf!

My face...this pressure... Aiden's mind began to slip away, or at least what Aiden use to think of himself as he accepted his wolf side, confessing little opposition as his face sounded crunches and pops; his short muzzle extending longer until there was very little left of his once human features. The fire that had engulfed his being since his transformation dulled but continued to burn bright within his spirit, feral eyes snapping wide open and awake to a different world than the one his human-self lived.

Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!!! Aiden's mind chanted victoriously, letting out a lengthy triumphant howl expressing his joyous freedom.

Steaming with abundant wild energy, panting thrillingly in the prospects of his rebirth; Aiden searched his room in a curious romp, sniffing his floor and dirty clothing as if having forgotten that this was his apartment, exploring new smells and sights his primal nature was innocent to. This small blocky structure belonged to him, his scent everywhere claiming his territory, but Aiden wasn't exactly satisfied with his den. It didn't feel like this was where he belong; his senses craved the simple smells and soft textures of the earth, the openness of a vast forest and meadow, and the exhilarating scents of live game to hunt. He longed for the wild; he wanted to return home.

A different smell distracted Aiden for only a moment, reminding him of why his loins had remained stiff and throbbing. The smell of sex lingered on his lumpy bed, his lupine tongue lapping at the moist stain left behind by the juices of a human female. Though the memory was hard to recollect even having only been minutes ago, Aiden soon recalled his failed conquest with the human female Vivian, having been close to relieving his needs and filling his bitch before the human became abusive and rejected his love.

Not wolf Aiden's primal mind thought, growling at the disgust of being denied his gratification and for his disgraceful decision to have sought a human female like her to mate with. Left me needing; left me horny.

His consciousness drifted as Aiden was consumed with thoughts and desires to find a shewolf, to court a bitch in heat and complete his ritual with a more loyal and dependable wolf, his wolfhood dripping simply at the frantic fantasy of mounting and mating. When his eyes opened again, Aiden was startled momentarily to find himself outside his human apartment, looking side to side from the street he stood by for any onlookers or signs of trouble. It didn't matter what he had done to escape his cramped human den only that his spirit shined as brilliantly as the nearly pale full moon hovering above him without walls or glass between them.

Find shewolf. Court...mate...howl together. Hunt, run, claim territory. Love my shewolf, mate and be mates. Moon watches me; guides me. Moon sets me free. Be wolf...be free!

In awe of the moon's ever watchful presence, Aiden lifts his head high howling in respect and love. His paws rake and pound the concrete of the street, growling excitedly as he sprints forward towards the shadows of the trees, diving deeper away from the human city in favor of the sanctity of the wild. There was no other course Aiden knew to take other than what his soul howled for; the thrill of the run, for the future hunt and kill, and his conquest to find a true mate was all that drove him.

Tonight, everything changed and would change for Aiden. Tonight...he was free.