FY 7 - Minefield

Story by Kaily Spensor on SoFurry

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#7 of Coming of Age Book 1

Kris tries to talk to the Coach about what's going on in his life to get an adult's perspective, but for some reason the Coach seems to be avoiding him.

Monday morning was bright and clear with the sun shining down warmly. Kris thought it was horrible. Why couldn't the weather reflect his emotions, a dark stormy sky would better suit his mood. By the time he reached the school he was deep in thought about what he was going to talk over with Kittara. He wasn't sure just how to broach the subject, but he knew he didn't want anyone else to be around and able to over hear. He nodded to the janitor one of the few people who was up as early as he was, and he headed around the back of the school toward the gym and ultimately the pool.

The door was unlocked as he knew it would be so he pushed his way inside and headed for the locker room. He was one of the people who knew that the school doors were unlocked at six am for athletes like him to get in some early training, the football team was already on the field their coach making them run laps in their protective gear. It didn't take long before he was in his school issued swim suit and diving into the pool. The cool water helped him focus on his laps a little but he knew he was moving slow and sluggish today, his mind just wouldn't let go of his problems like it usually did when he was doing laps. He kept checking the big clock over the Coach's door to see what time it was, and it was always just a few minutes after the last time he checked.

Finally around seven thirty, just a half hour before their classes started Kittara came walking in. He was very nearly mad at her for taking so much time. He was out of the pool the moment she walked in from the girls changing room, grabbed her by the arm and hauled her into the sauna. "This is the only place with a door that locks." He shoved the door shut and locked before it turning to look at the vixen.

Kitt was a little annoyed at the abrupt way he dragged her around and had her mouth open to say something about it when she caught sight of his face. Her eyes widened and she stood there staring at him, she'd never seen the raccoon so close to tears before.

"I think my Dad is a homophobe... and... he thinks I'm gay. He might be right... I... don't know what to do..." The last came out as nearly a sob, and even before the girl started talking, he felt the tears rolling down his cheeks from the realization that he would never be what his father wanted in a son.

Kittara's heart melted, she took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders pulling his head down to rest on hers. "Oh Kris..." For a while she just held onto him and let him cry since she didn't know what else to do. He was still wet from the pool and that soaked into her suit and fur but she didn't care. When it seemed as if the flood of tears had abated, she stroked the back of his head lightly. "I don't know what to tell you Kris. I mean I've only seen what Kerris has to go through every time he tries to call his family... Maybe you should ask Coach? He's likely had something like this happen to him in his life." She kept stroking his still damp curls, the heat in here was starting to dry him out but he'd still need a shower to get rid of the chemicals.

They jumped apart to the sound of someone pounding on the door, both sets of eyes moving to the little window that showed a very upset looking horse glaring at the two of them. A muffled, "Unlock this door right now!" came to them, which had Kris moving almost before he realized what he was doing.

"Hey Kris," Kitt said softly, "Maybe now isn't the best time to talk to him..." She caught the raccoon's hand and held it tightly while he unlocked the door and opened it for the irate horse.

Venn's nostrils flared taking in the scents of the two kits fully expecting to taste arousal, when what he got was tears, his temper vanished. "What where the pair of you doing in there? You know you're not to lock that door." He didn't wait for an answer since it was minutes till the first bell. "Just hit the showers and get to your classes. I'm very disappointed in the pair of you!" He shooed them toward the changing rooms and went into the sauna to make sure that he hadn't missed something. He was sure he'd pick up something, some hint that Kris was into Kittara and he could stop dreaming about the boy.

His shoulders slumped when he couldn't detect even the slightest arousal scent even from the vixen. He must have disturbed them before they got amorous. Well with the reputation the vixen had it was only a matter of time before he was able to get the evidence he needed for his brain to stop tormenting him with dreams of the boy.

* * * * *

The rest of the day passed in a blur for Kris, he went to all his classes and tried to focus on what was required of him but he was pretty sure most of what his teachers had to say went in one ear and out the other. He made sure to ask someone in each of the classes for a copy of their notes after the bell rang, even if he did get some odd looks he managed to get what he needed for each class. Kitt was the most understanding, she found him on all his breaks and at lunch to see how he was coping, she even took notes in Calculus for him so he wouldn't have to even pretend to do that.

The only one of his teachers to realize something was wrong was Mr. Kasador. The rabbit held him back after class and asked him if everything was alright, he seemed so concerned that Kris almost broke down and told him, but he wasn't sure that the rabbit would understand. He'd never heard anything that suggested Mr. Kasador was even remotely into guys and that kind of made him think it would be better to wait and see if he could talk to the coach. Kittara rescued him by saying they'd be late to their next class.

By the end of the day he was a total wreck; he slipped into the changing room and quickly shed his uniform, yanking his suit on with little regard for the fur he was pulling. If he could catch the Coach before practice, he'd feel so much better to just get this off his chest and know that someone else understood what was happening in his life.

With trepidation he tapped on the door to the Coach's office, what if he didn't understand? When there was no answer he cautiously opened the door and peeked inside. He could tell by scent that the coach had been there within the last few moments but he wasn't there now. His ears drooped and his tail dragged the floor as he closed the door and headed for the pool. Most of the rest of the team was already assembled and the coach was giving them instructions when Kris joined them.

"Ten laps then and we'll see how you're doing after the warm up. I want you all in the pool when I blow the whistle so hustle into your starting positions." Venn moved purposefully toward the lifeguard chair, pretending he didn't see Kris come in late or the hopeful look in the boy's eyes. "On your marks," The kits scrambled to get to the starting blocks; he couldn't help but notice that Kris, usually the first to move, was slower than the rest today. When he blew the whistle he got the expected dive from all but Kris, who was a few moments behind the pack. That made him frown slightly but everyone was entitled to an off day.

He kept an eye on all the swimmers, unable to help noticing that Kris was distracted and not in his best form. Well that's what he got for screwing around when he should have been doing his morning laps. There was no way that Venn was going light on the kid after finding him and Kittara locked in the sauna this morning.

Noticing something he called out "Audio, keep your tail under control, you're slowing yourself down!" as the boy's head came up to make the turn at the end of the lane. He kept his eyes on the lanes watching the kits as they moved through the water noting that Audio started to pay more attention to his tail and was gaining ground on Krista who was swimming in the lane beside him.

When the raccoon's head broached the water he hollered, "Kris, what's wrong with you today? Straighten out your arms when you stroke! You know better than that!" He frowned as the boy fumbled through the water, horny little bastard, he should have shaken the snot out of him this morning. Whoa, where did that come from? He shook his head to clear it, forcing thoughts of punishing the kit out of his head.

His attention turned to Marcus, and he rolled his eyes. "Marcus, keep your legs straight, you're not crawling through the water you're gliding." This was going to be a rough practice if all the boys were going to act like they'd never been in the water before.

An hour passed and Venn let the kits go shower, only the girls seemed to have the slightest idea what they were doing today and it was more torture to himself to keep them here when they were obviously not in the right head-space to swim. He leaned back in his desk chair closing his eyes for a moment to try and get some perspective. There was too much in his head right now, too many conflicting emotions. He was trying to sort through the jumbled feelings that were bubbling to the surface when there came a timid knock on the door that lead into the boy's changing room. He seriously considered pretending he wasn't here, the last thing he needed was to have Audio in here propositioning him again.

With a deep sigh he said "Come in." The door opened and he looked up in time to see the raccoon pushing through it. He was on his feet in seconds making sure he had the desk between himself and the kit. "Kris, shouldn't you be on your way home?"

The kit was in his uniform pants but his upper body was naked, though he did have a towel draped over his shoulders. "Coach I need to talk to you..." The look in the kits eyes went right to Venn's heart, but he couldn't afford to be emotionally involved with a boy that was less than half his age. The boy walked toward him slowly holding onto the towel with both his hands.

He shook his head slowly moving around the desk to keep it between himself and the advancing boy. "Now isn't a good time Kris I have a dinner date." He opened the door into the gym, trying to not look like he was running away from a fourteen year old boy. "Try and catch me tomorrow." He glanced over his shoulder to see those soulful brown eyes regarding him with a pained expression. Feeling like a horrible person he let the door close behind himself and legged it for the safety of his car. At least there he could have the privacy to sort through the conflicting thoughts and emotions that seeing the boy half dressed had brought up in his head.

* * * * *

For the rest of the week every time Kris tried to find some time alone with the Coach he found himself standing staring at the retreating horse's back. The heavy feeling inside him just kept building and building until he couldn't think about anything else. His school work started to slip, making most of his teachers hold him back after class and have a talk with him about what was going on. He was stoically silent through these interviews refusing to tell them anything about what the problem was. Every time he had to go home his stomach coiled into such knots that he couldn't eat. The only real relief he got from the horrible sinking feeling was when he was swimming or boarding. He started spending more time in the pool and out on the streets. His Dad was his cheerful normal self, as long as Kris kept up the illusion that Kittara was his girlfriend. She helped by coming over after school and trying to help him catch up on the work that he was missing in his blurry classes.

* * * * *

The dreams persisted, but the content had changed. Now Venn was seeing the half naked kit walking into his office and before the raccoon could open his mouth he had pinned him to the wall, his hands loosening those uniform pants as he sank to his knees. He had no control over his actions in the dream, no matter how hard he tried to wake himself or tell himself that it was just a dream, he pulled the beautiful black cock free of Kris' sheath and wrapped his mouth around it.

He always woke with the horrible sinking feeling, and the remembered taste of cum in his mouth. It was driving him crazy! It was testing the limits of his friendship with Kerris. Every morning without fail he called the fox desperately seeking some explanation for these recurring dreams. Finally the fox had had enough, Friday morning when he called it went straight to voicemail. He couldn't blame Kerris, he was being a horrible pain in the ass.

Venn hauled himself out of bed and went through the motions of getting ready for the day. He pulled on a pair of running shorts and a sleeveless muscle shirt, then he sat down and pulled socks on before his running shoes. If he couldn't sleep at least he could run. It was still hours from dawn but he knew his trail like the back of his hand. He tucked the front door key into the little pocket in his shorts and headed out.

* * * * *

"Hey Coach?" Audio caught the large horse's attention after swim practice, "Got a minute? Wanted to ask about the summer schedule."

The horse nodded as he headed for his office. "Yep, but make it fast." He didn't wait for the boy to follow him through the door just let it close behind him.

Kris watched the smaller fox shoot a look at him over his shoulder and fumed. He'd been trying all week to get a few moments alone with Coach O'Brien and he kept getting side stepped and turned down. He felt the frustration and anger building inside him as he headed into the boys changing room. He kept looking at the door into the coach's office waiting for Audio to come out so he could slip in and see if the coach would finally talk to him. He was still in his swim suit when Audio came in from the pool instead of the office door. Turning he glared at the boy. "Where's Coach?"

Audio shrugged like it didn't matter and turned his back on the raccoon. "He had to go said something about meeting up with a friend..." The offhanded way that the Fennec was acting about it just made Kris all the more angry. How dare he steal the last few moments available to talk to the Coach when he knew Kris had been trying to pin him down all week. Then to act like it didn't matter! Kris felt all the frustration and fear and anger he'd been pushing down all week come bubbling up in him and before he knew what he was doing he'd taken the few steps across the locker room and shoved the little Fennec against the wall. "You little shit! You Knew I was trying to talk to him, why did you have to let him go!" He shook the smaller boy by the shoulders his tail bristling and a low growl rising up from his chest.

Audio tried to shove him off, grabbing his wrists and pushing but the smaller boy was no match for the enraged raccoon. "What are you talking about? He just had to go is all." The Fennec tried to duck out of the raccoon's grasp, when he couldn't real fear showed in his eyes as he stared at Kris.

Marcus, by this time at least in his uniform pants, bolted past the pair out into the pool area screaming for Coach O'Brien. Kris paid him no attention, He was too focused on his target, the edges of his vision were going black all he could see was the smug look on the little fox's face. Keeping the boy pinned in place with his left hand he pulled his right back balling it up into a fist and let the rage out!

The first punch landed on the side of the Fennec's face as he tried to duck out of the way making him howl in pain. The second landed on his shoulder, then the fox bit his wrist, making Kris scream in pain himself. The fight was chaotic and messy, both boys punching and kicking and biting each other indiscriminately. They fell to the floor but still they were pounding at each other, Kris took as many hits as he gave, finding it hard to connect with his smaller opponent.

A large hand came down and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck pulling him off the smaller boy, but he didn't care he kept trying to hurt him like he'd been hurt, to show the little brat that he wasn't the center of the universe. He was flung backward stumbling and losing his balance, before he was caught on either side by a pair of hands on each of his arms. Looking up he found Kerris holding him on one side and Mr. Kasador holding his other arm. Audio was across the room, Coach O'Brien's large hand pinning him to the lockers by pressing into his chest. An out of breath Marcus stood in the open doorway, with all four of the girls standing behind him, the quintet were watching with wide eyes as if they'd never seen two boys fighting before.

"What is going on in here?" Three male voices raised in unison echoed off the tiles.

The fennec spoke up first. "He just attacked me for no reason!" The small boy looked like a bug pinned against the lockers by Coach O'Brien's large hand.

The older fox holding Kris' left arm snorted. "No reason huh? Couldn't have had anything to do with your prank last week could it? We told you to apologize to him, did you ever get around to it?" He let go of Kris and advanced on the smaller fox. "You were picking on him again weren't you Audio. How many times do we have to tell you that bullying isn't an answer to your problems?" He paused but the boy didn't have anything to say, just lowered his head and looked at the floor. "Get your things we'll discuss this on the way home." He turned to the horse and sighed softly. "Vince, I'll call you later alright?"

The coach lifted his hand from Audio's chest and nodded to Kerris. "Sure Kerr, and thanks." He placed a hand on the larger fox's shoulder then turned to face Kris with a disappointed look. "My office, now!" He nodded to the rabbit as Kasador gave Kris a gentle push toward the office door. "The rest of you get changed and go home. We've had enough excitement for one day." He followed the raccoon and rabbit into his office firmly closing the door behind them.

Kris sank into the chair that Kasador guided him to, hanging his head and staring at the floor. He couldn't believe he'd actually attacked the smaller boy, but he had the bruised feeling in his ribs and on his left cheek to prove it. He felt... confused really. All he'd wanted was to talk to someone about what was going on at home and he'd ended up in a fight with a smaller boy. Now the two people who actually gave a shit about him here at the school were looking at him like he'd just killed their favorite puppy. He wanted to sink through the floor and vanish. That's when the tears started. He wasn't even aware of them until they started dripping onto the floor where he could see the wet spots. He could hear the two older men discussing his fate in hushed whispers but he didn't care anymore. Everything had turned to shit. He couldn't face going home and telling his father that he'd beaten up a smaller boy that was tantamount to cowardice in his father's eyes. His one last haven, the school was now just as dangerous for him as home. What if they kicked him out? Where would he go then? What would his Father say? He wrapped his arms around his chest and pulled himself up straight in his chair ignoring the wet patches on his cheeks as best he could. If they were going to throw him out at least he'd face it like a man.

Both the horse and rabbit were half turned away from him, holding a whispered conversation. He waited with the trepidation building in his chest as he watched the two frowning faces. Finally they turned to face him both looking sad and concerned. It was Kasador who spoke first, "Kris, something has been bothering you all week. Please, you're safe here, just tell us what's wrong?" The large flame colored bunny moved closer and squatted down so he was on the same level, but Kris refused to meet his eyes. "Did something happen at home? Has Audio been bullying you?" He felt more than saw the rabbit's paw rest on his knee but still he refused to say anything.

He jumped and looked up when Coach O'Brien barked out, "Answer him boy!"

He regarded the horse with wide eyes for a moment then just let him have it. "You wouldn't talk to me! You have been avoiding me all week! You said if I ever had a problem I could come to you and then when I did have a problem you shut me out!" He stood up nearly knocking Kasador over and advanced on the horse who was leaning his ass on his desk. All the pent up rage that he'd been feeling all week long rolled out of him and he let the horse have it. "You said I could trust you like I trusted my old Coach! But when I needed you all you did was tell me no and run away just like everyone else who said they cared about me!" He stopped himself just before he took a swing at the Coach but he could see in the horse's eyes that he knew how close he'd come to being hit. "I hate you! You made me think I could count on you!" As the last words left his mouth he felt the rabbit's arms going around him, pinning his arms to his sides and he started to struggle wanting free of the confining embrace. "Let me go!" He yelled, kicking back at the rabbit's legs only to find himself held tighter, "Let me go!" It was more a demand then a yell this time, but the rabbit just held him closer. "Let me go..." The final time he said it all the fight seemed to drain out of him and he went limp against his captor, impotent tears streaming down his face now as he slumped to the floor with the rabbit kneeling behind him, still holding him but not as tightly now.

* * * * *

Venn stared at the boy, totally shocked when he flew out of the chair at him he didn't have the slightest idea where all that rage was coming from. He saw the moment come and go where the boy could have taken a swing at him, but it didn't matter that he hadn't, the horse felt like he'd been punched in the gut. The boy was right. He'd told the kit that he could come to him with any problems he had and than he'd refused to talk with him after catching him in the sauna with Kittara. No it wasn't just that, it was seeing the half naked student advancing on him in his office. He was glad Mitsuda was here, there was no way he'd have been able to contain the boy in his current state of mind. Watching the rabbit holding the boy while he cried ripped at his heart. He knelt down before the pair and stroked the hair off the boy's face. "Kris, I'm sorry I've had some personal issues this week. I didn't mean to close you out. Tell me what's wrong?"

It was as if the tears opened the flood gate, the boy poured out his story, how his father had been acting strange ever since he'd found Kris and Sean on the couch kissing, then the move here. This part Venn knew about but it was news to Kasador. Then on to what had happened over the weekend when his father found out he was helping Kittara with her calculus, and how that turned into the pretend situation between them and ultimately Kris' discovery that his father was homophobic and he himself was gay.

Venn met the rabbit's eyes, this was the first time Venn had faced a situation like this. He much preferred facing down unknown gunmen, at least then he knew where the mine fields were.

FY 8 - Friday night.

Kris turned to wave to Mr. Mitsuda, waiting till the car was out of sight before he headed for the apartment building. His Dad's car was in the lot and so were most of his buddies so there must be some sporting event on tonight. He really was not...

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FY 6 - Revelation

Venn was in the shower with the boy, naked this time with his mane streaming down his back under the pressure of the falling spray. He was sitting on the floor which was odd but he pushed that out of his mind because the boy was leaning over his left...

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It was going to be another long night. Saturdays were always busy but this one looked to be super busy. Rocket came backstage after his show was over and fell into one of the chairs. "How rowdy are they out there?" Jake asked adjusting the finishing...

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