Phantom Chronicles Chapter 10

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#11 of Phantom Chronicles Season 1 -Complete-

Happy Independence Day everybody! In honor of the holiday here is the newaest chapter of Phantom Chronicles! I hope you all enjoy it and leave a comment, fav and of course read!

was seriously beginning to wonder what Hope and Boss were talking about... it had been nearly ten minutes since we were forced out of the office. I asked Dil if he had any idea what was going on, but he merely shrugged and said it wasn't my business and to stay out of it which I begrudgingly agreed with, it was probably some kind of super-secret Reaper business anyway.

"Ah! What is so important that we couldn't stay?" I complained, bored out of my mind. There was nothing to do in the reception area. I don't think the secretary lady would like me fiddling with her computer, and none of the various tomes (the room itself was full of ancient looking books, I guess they weren't completely replaced) yet none caught my attention but they certainly got Dil, who was breezing through them as there was a pretty large stack next to him. The panther just looked at me in irritation, obviously not happy about being interrupted.

He just peered over the book he was reading and said. "Will you shut it? I'm studying this book! It's full of ancient magic!" he said quietly.

I figured a bunch of mouldy books would give him a knowledge boner. Almost immediately a thought of checking if Dil had an actual boner filled my mind and caused my dick to swell from its sheath.... I should probably stop thinking about Dil's dick...

"Would they even work for you? I mean you aren't a Reaper..." I gently inquired, genuinely curious. I wasn't sure if an um... Lumière was it? Was fully capable of, what info was on the library mainframe was limited and Boss had been tight-lipped regarding them, dodging nearly all our questions. That annoyed me greatly, when someone did that it always meant they were hiding something. Dil, seemingly oblivious to my thoughts just shrugged lightly.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure I can change things around a bit to suit my own powers... maybe get stronger abilities so I can help out with shadow-hunting goes. But it's certainly doable I think, if I kept on trying." He said not even looking up from the book. "It's certainly worth a shot!"

"Be careful then, I don't want to be blown to smithereens.... that'd suck." I got a chuckle out of that, which certainly made me feel good. He had been kind of quiet which baffled me, usually he'd be completely talking your ear off, but he'd been quite. But this time he stayed away, which made me wonder if he was truly okay.

"You won't be, trust me, Cosmo is helping me figure things out! But I do wonder what's going on myself, but it's really none our business, otherwise we probably would've stayed in there." The panther said before returning to his book. "So just be patient for once okay?" he continued with a mix of humour and seriousness. "If it was truly important, I'm sure they can handle it".

"It's not that, it's just I hate being left in the dark... and nobody ever seems to be willing to tell me what the hell is going on! It's frustrating!" I mumbled in annoyance. "Like how you kept the fact you could see ghosts from me for thirteen years... and how long it took you to come out to me." I said causing him to wince a bit. It turned out I was the last person to figure that little snippet out. Howie was actually the first person he told from what he said which kinda hurt a bit.

"We've been over this... I didn't know how you'd react. I 'knew' how Howie felt, he was always very close to Raymond, even before we started dating... heck, Howie's the one who set us up." He explained as calmly as possible before looking back to his book.

I just growled, I certainly remembered Raymond Willis... the lion had been a year ahead us... he was the Captain of the football team before Howie from tenth grade until his graduation and led the football team to state each year. He was also one of the openly gay students in the school who weren't ashamed at all about it, he and Dil had dated for nearly a year until Raymond left for California for college and they decided not to try a long-distance relationship.

"How is he anyway? You still keep contact with him?" I asked. He just shook his head no. "You don't? I'm surprised... I mean you guys dated for a while... I'd expect you'd at least send emails." Suzaku just rolled his eyes at my lame statement. He saw right through me. I had always been jealous of that lion... he had everything that I had wanted so badly. He was openly gay, was respected by his teammates and most importantly he had Dil. It wasn't fun watching him flirt and laugh with him, but Dil broke me from my thoughts when he sighed.

"We agreed it would be best if it was a full break, no emails, no IMing, nothing. So we wouldn't be tempted to try a long distance relationship. He's in California and I'm planning on studying in NYU." he said solemnly. "It was great, we had fun and the sex was amazing... the things he could do with those barbs..." he trailed off before blushing, "Our lives just took two completely different directions but that happens," he said before turning towards the door. "But I think they're done!"

As if on cue the door opened and the two came out. Both looked a bit grim but Boss's face brightened up considerably when he saw us. "Ah, boys, good to see you didn't sneak off again. I'll open a portal back to your room at the school soon enough," he said before turning his focus towards Dil. "And it was a delight meeting you Dillon, it's not often I meet a Lumière, we typically avoid their conclaves except for reaping." Dil quickly thanked him back and Boss just smiled and opened a portal and before I went through I could've sworn I saw Boss give Dil a sad look before the portal closed leaving us in the bedroom.

"Good to be back!" Dil mumbled as he lay down on his bed in his physical self. "I'm exhausted... gonna take a nice long nap..." he mumbled before nodding off to sleep. We both stared at him, amazed at just how fast he fell asleep... But then again he probably hadn't gotten much sleep after coming in so late plus it seemed he had a rough day so I just shrugged it off.

"He... fell asleep! Just like that? Is... that normal?" Hope asked in a confused tone. I just shrugged in a noncommittal nature not taking my focus away from the slumbering panther. Remarkably, it looked like his face had already started to clear a bit... the injuries would probably be gone by tomorrow possibly. Seemingly bored with the silence Hope then asked. "You really should tell him you know, he certainly deserves an answer."

I frantically shushed her in a way that made it clear now wasn't the time. "I'll tell him when I'm ready!" I quietly snarled. "It's nowhere near as simple as just saying it to him, we've known each other since we were five, if it doesn't work out we might not be friends anymore, I've already told you that." I said calmly as possible. "But I'm curious, do you have a roommate? I don't know if the girl's dorm had any open rooms."

"I do actually, though I haven't met her, she apparently had to return home on a family emergency before I started but I heard she'll be back tomorrow apparently... names Sunny Fletcher! I wonder what she's like? Do you know her?" I barely managed to hide the quiver of my muzzle of hearing who Hope was bunking with. I certainly did know Sunny Fletcher... hearing she'd be Hope's roommate almost made me cackle in mad laughter...Which seemed to confuse her a bit. "So, you do know her?" She asked again.

"Not well, we don't share classes, but I'm sure Dil knows her well? They're both in AP classes." I answered as truthfully as possible? "She... tends to keep to herself most of the time." Hope just nodded, thankful for the answer. "But I guess you'll be meeting her tomorrow... but shoo! I'm going to take a nap also so scram!" I said as I quietly moved her to the door? Once I was sure she was out I headed to my dresser and nabbed some pyjama pants and a pair of underwear before heading to the bathroom.

Once I made sure the door was locked tight I swiftly stripped my clothes off and neatly folded them considering I hadn't been able to get laundry done, so I needed my uniform. There I was faced with my semi-hard dick peaking from it's sheath. I had always been proud of my dick, it was about 12' long and maybe 4' thick with a grapefruit sized knot to complete it, though it still lay resting in my sheath... with a sigh I turned on the hot water and stepped inside, letting the warmth spread through me.

I was just content with having a pleasant shower however Suzaku had to decide to butt into the shower with an umbrella and a rain-jacket where he got those things I have absolutely no clue... 'Hope's right you know, Dil deserves an answer. How long do you think he'll continue to pine for you until he moves on? He was with what's-his-name for a year and he bounced back pretty quickly after that right?'

I just growled the mention of Raymond which he noticed. 'You aren't still jealous are you? They broke up 7 months or so didn't they?'

'I don't want to talk about it Suzaku... part of me does hope he'll move on, I love him too much to risk getting into a relationship and it not working out... I'd lose him forever then possibly.' I thought to him while grabbing the shampoo and started cleaning my hair. 'I can't lose him, if keeping him as a friend means him being with someone else then I'm willing to accept that.'

'What about you though? When he moves on will you? I know you're afraid but when has that stopped you before? You've never been afraid to take risks before why is this any different? Sure things might not work out but that doesn't mean that you will no longer be friends... I want you to be happy Ben, and I don't think you'll ever be truly happy unless you get closure on your relationship with Dil. It's cruel to not give him that much.' He said in a calm matter while I finished shampooing myself.

'It's not just what I want Suzaku... I want what's best for Dil, he deserves that much after everything he's been through... I was the last person he came out to! He was so afraid of me reacting badly he kept it from me for who knows how long. You didn't see how bad it was during middle-school...' I thought to him. 'He started withdrawing some which puzzled me a bit. I had no idea he was coming to terms with being gay... you know Dil's pretty religious... it must've been hard reconciling that with his faith. He deserves someone he isn't afraid to be fully open with, I'm not that person.'

'Then be more approachable to him! You are pretty surly sometimes... but I'm sure he had his reasons but things worked out in the end right? All I'm saying is that it's worth the risk of possible failure. I'm positive it'll work out and if it doesn't then you'll both have closure on the fact you're better off as friends!' he said, continuing to pester me over the issue which was seriously starting to get annoying.

I just decided to tune the bird out while finishing rinsing myself. Once I was fully done I decided that this would be as good time as any to jerk-off... I hadn't been able to for a while... Hope never left me alone long enough to do so, and I was usually too exhausted to bother during the few times she let me rest. And Dil was really weird about masturbating while another was in the room which sucked, so I gripped my length and started rubbing it nice and slow.

I gradually began to increase my pace until my paw was nothing but a blur while my other one began to tweak my right nipple and gradually moved see down to my belly then finally down to my pulsing knot which caused me to let out a strained gasp from the feeling. Eager to feel more I squeezed down on my knot simulating a tie until I was sent over the edge, not realizing a cried out Dil's name as I came until after I came down from my orgasm. After I came down from the high I was immediately filled with disgust.

"Ugh, this is so wrong... I shouldn't be cumming to Dil no matter how amazing his ass looks... That would complicate things even more..." I muttered to myself as I swiftly got under the fur-dryer and let it rip, soon enough I was completely dry and dressed in my Pyjama's after that I quietly tip-toed into the room and was pleased to see that Dil hadn't moved an inch from where he fell asleep the gentle undulations of his chest the only sign he was actually alive... he looked... beautiful in his sleep, like a dreaming angel.

With a heavy sigh I gently picked him up and placed him under the covers. After that I gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead before wishing him a good night before climbing into bed myself and swiftly falling into dreamland... unfortunately however that was short-lived as I heard banging coming from outside the door. Annoyed at being woken up I begrudgingly got out of bed before the banging woke Dil up. As soon as I opened the door I saw the source of the interruption, a giant of a grizzly stood there still in his football jersey which strained a bit from his thick belly. His brown eyes looked at me in a questioning manner.

"What do you want Howie? It's late, and I'm exhausted and you might've just woken the entire floor right now!" I told him coolly which made his ears droop a bit as he turned his head down in embarrassment. "Well?" I asked him as calmly as I could, given the situation. Howie was a good guy of course but I really just wanted to go back to bed. As if sensing my irritation the bear immediately started to blab his reason for coming so late.

"I just wanted to check up on him... he okay?" The giant of a bear asked. I just nodded and opened the door to show him the panther still curled up in sleep which seemed to relax the bear a good bit. "Good, he didn't look so good earlier he was pretty banged up when he came to me poor kitten." He stated kindly. Sensing this might be my only chance to get answers so I quickly pounced.

"Who did that to him Howie?" I growled out catching him off-guard

"I'm sorry Ben I can't, Dil made me promise to keep my silence, you're a great guy but you aren't worth breaking my word. Whatever his reason for doing so is between you two." He stated as kindly as he could. He just stood there awkwardly for a bit, eyes drawn to the ground and paws in his pocket. He looked unsure of what to do at the moment and frankly neither did I... it honestly hurt, Dil being so desperate that he forced Howie not to tell him... Why was he defending the bastards? I just couldn't understand.

"Answer me now Howard Todd or I'll force it out of you!" I snarled. Howie gave me an odd look obviously shocked by my blatant threat but I held firm. I had to know! I had to make those who did it pay for hurting him! "Please Howie, I need to know, I won't tell him you told me." I offered. He just frowned however, I could tell he really did want to tell me but his sense of honor obviously prevented him from doing so.

"I better go though... it's late... I'm sorry I was no help but I promised him... See ya Smokey." He said giving a tiny smile before walking away leaving me alone at the door. Glumly I closed it back and lay back down, my mind swirling all over the please. I really did hurt... Dil wasn't being fully honest with me, he lied to my face about what happened and swore Howie to silence even though it was obvious that the grizzly wanted so badly to tell me. Did I do something wrong? I just sighed a bit before turning over once again... thinking about this shit wasn't going to help me sleep so I slowly managed to empty my head and fall into a somewhat fitful sleep.


Morning arrived in a less than pleasant manner as I was rudely woken up by the infuriatingly loud blaring of our alarm clocked. Groggily I reached over and smashed the snooze button and was surprised to see Dil was already up. I just rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the sleepy in my eyes. "How long have you been up?" I asked him, noticing he was already in his uniform. The panther just shrugged as he remade his bed making sure it was completely perfect as was his custom.

"Not long really... I already showered and got our stuff ready for class... there should he hot water left so get a shower and get dressed so we can go for breakfast."

"Thanks," I murmured as I gathered my uniform sniffing it briefly before recoiling. Yeah, I definitely needed to do the wash... Or well... "Hey, it's your week to do wash clothes isn't it?" I asked the feline who just nodded his affirmation. "Good, I'm out of clean uniforms... and I really need to catch up with the team."

"Right, I'll get to that after classes... I'm running low on uniforms also." He said while he continued to pack his book-bag. "But you really should get in the shower, breakfast starts soon and I'm starving!" He said.

With I chuckle I swiftly rushed into the bathroom and stripped my clothes off and stepped into the shower. True to Dil's word we thankfully did have hot-water but I quickly cleaned myself up so not to keep the hungry kitty waiting. After that shower I got out, got dressed and stepped out to see Dil waiting impatiently from his bed. "Thank the lord! I was beginning to think you'd never get out!" he complained.

"Hey! I wasn't in the shower near as long as I usually am! Let's go!" I gestured with a grateful nod Dil exited the room with me following behind. The hallways were packed as they usually were with the other male seniors also getting up. Dil greeted most of them as we passed them and they greeted him back. However, after we exited the dormitory and walked to the main building where the cafeteria was we both fell into an incredibly awkward silence. I still had no idea how to broach the subject of who hurt him... and he seemed to be at a loss for words himself which seldom happened.

Almost as soon as we reached the cafeteria Dil immediately spotted Christie and the twins who quickly waved me over. Turning to me he gave an apologetic smile before saying. "Hey listen, I think I'm going to eat with the girls...maybe you should eat with the team? You've missed a lot of practice so you should catch up with them!" He said before running off, not even waiting for my answer. While I was caught up in my confusion I didn't even notice anyone approach me until they spoke.

"I still don't understand why you keep that faggot around Zideke, or how you stand sharing a room with him." The voice said in an icy tone. Angered by the insult to Dil I turned around snarling and saw a tall dark-furred rabbit... great, the team druggie was bothering me looking as twitchy as ever... we had never gotten along much, especially after he started using... I still wondered if his family's money was the only thing keeping him from being expelled?

"Don't you dare call him a faggot Twitch, or do you wish to relive what happened the last time you did so?" I threatened referencing the time I gave him that shiner when he started mouthing off against Dil in my ear-shot. He just glowered, obviously remembering that incident and wisely didn't go any further.

"He's my best-friend Twitch, we grew up together, and he's a fantastic roommate, we share washer duties and our room is always organized because of him, I have no idea what I'd do without him." I stated as calmly as possible. "And him being gay doesn't bother me, it's not like he's near as flamboyant as others, he's pretty low-key about it." He only let out a snort but wisely kept his trap shut.

"But he honestly a nice guy, I'm sure you would get along if you gave him a chance, get better friends than Glenn and Louis, they're assholes and I never got what you saw on them." I said honestly, while we never truly saw eye to eye I did genuinely like Twitch, he was alright when he was away from the two assholes.

He just humphed a bit before breaking his previous silence, "They've stood by me when I was at my lowest point, so I owe them that. Sure Glenn's a fat idiot and Louis is a man-whore but they have been good friends since middle-school, much like you and Patterson." He stated coolly. "To be honest I don't have much against him, he seems alright for a queer but Louis and Glenn can't stand taking showers with him..." I had to let out a snort at that. How fucking cliche, afraid of sharing a shower with a gay man because they're afraid he'll check them out. As if he would, I knew Dil's type, neither fit.

"Tell them not to flatter themselves. I highly doubt Dil finds either attractive. Especially Louis, we both know Dil only dates other mammals." I quipped, causing him to snort out again obviously unamused. "Or I can tell them, oh, do you have any idea who hurt Dil yesterday?" I saw a brief look of guilt flash across his face. "You something don't you? Spit it out Twitch! Before I break our deal regarding your... problem." Anger then flashed through his face... I was threatening him over the deal we made that he get rid of the drug paraphernalia that I found in exchange for him controlling his friends.

"Why do you think I'd know what happened to him? Are you insinuating that I had something to do with it?" he replied. "I haven't touched him nor would I, so save your accusations! And you wouldn't! You promised!" I just gave him s sinister smile which made him even more nervous as he began to fidget which looked odd considering he was always twitchy anyway.. "You really wouldn't would you? I'd get expelled! Possibly jailed!" He muttered, quietly sweating a bit... "Alright ,okay! I'll tell you! Just don't tell the principal! I get enough shit from my parents, I don't need to add him to the mix!"

"Who is it Twitch? Tell me so I can rip their dicks off and feed them to them!" I snarled causing a few people to glance weirdly at me. Including Dil who looked like he was secretly begging him to lie, Hope and Howie were also looking at us curiously as well. "Well? I'm waiting! Tell me or I'm ratting you out!" He just looked torn, unsure as to what to do. He kept looking around, as if trying to figure it out and continuously kept drawing a blank before he once again sighed reached his decision.

"I... I can't. I'm sorry Zideke, but I'm not going to sell someone out to save my own hide. Do what you want, but I'm not a snitch, but I promise you, I didn't touch the cat. I left before he got hurt. But I'm sorry, but I couldn't face myself if I just sold them out, I know exactly what you'd do to them if you got their paws on them." He said calmly before he turned around and started walking away. "If you want to eat with us we got a seat open as always." He offered wanly before fully walking away leaving me seething. Sensing my rage Suzaku immediately started to try and calm me down before I started setting something or someone on fire.

'Calm down Ben, he chose to face the risks to himself rather than rat out who did it, in a way it's honourable of him to do so. But calm yourself before you wind up burning something, or worse someone. The last thing we need is you to show reveal your powers to the public, Hope would flip' he cooed gently in hopes to calm my enraged thoughts. Gradually, I managed to force myself to calm down by shutting my eyes and rubbing my temples. Eventually I felt the anger slowly recede.

'You're right... he could've been a coward and sold them out but he chose to risk getting expelled rather than sell them out... but damn him... I was hoping he'd go ahead and tell me... but enough of that. I'm starving, let's go eat.' I thought as I headed to the cafeteria line, intent on filling my belly. Deciding to leave the thinking for when my stomach wasn't being all rumbly.


I wound up just eating breakfast with Hope, which was actually not as bad as it sounds like. I was slowly beginning to appreciate her companionship some... not that I'd ever admit it, it'd go straight to her head it would but I did respect her a bit. "You know, you have never really told me about your parents? You hardly talk about them, at least not near as much as Dil talks about his own... what do they do?" She began to pry. "You're named after your father right? If I read your files your full name is Benedict James Zideke Jr.?"

"Yes, I'm named after the bastard, but do not call me Junior! Ben is fine. As for what they do? They're both company lawyers... they defend the company and their interests in court. They're damn good at what they do, but they've always been too busy to bother with me. When I was a kid I practically lived at Dil's and my grandparent's house... that was before my grandma died, and Grandpa sold the house and moved in with us. I was fifteen when she died, a stroke if I remember correctly. Grandpa was heartbroken... they would've been married forty-five years that year."

"That's so sad, so you were closer to your grandparents and Dil's father than your own parents? That's pretty depressing..." she said lightly while fiddling with her food absentmindedly. "My parents were killed by Shadow's when I was a baby, so I don't remember them much, my grandpa raised me, but he died twelve or so years ago... but he was very old when he died. I still miss him, but I understand his time was up so I try to keep his memory fresh in my mind so I won't forget him."

"My grandparents were awesome! Grandpa always took me and Dil fishing and on hikes... I... can't believe he's gone..." I said before shaking my head, last thing I needed was to start bawling in front of everybody. "Plus Father Patterson was more of a dad than my own. I always slept over on weekends when we were in elementary school, and Dil and I have been bunking together since middle-school," I said as I continued my eating. "We always went to Church on Sunday though obviously, but that wasn't so bad though... Father Patterson was always incredibly captivating and he wasn't one of those hellfire and brimstone types either."

"I'm curious, why do you call him Father Patterson? It's honestly unusual to see you refer to someone so formally, especially someone you've pretty much known your entire life... what kind of Preacher is he anyway? Obviously not Catholic, since you mentioned he's a Widower..."

"He's an Episcopalian Preacher, similar to a Catholic Priest but he never took a vow of celibacy obviously. I actually think he's dating the Churches Choir head... About as to why I refer to him so formally? He's a man of the cloth for one. Grandpa always told me to be respectful of them, plus I just can't see myself calling him Alexander or Alex it'd just feel wrong." I said in a calm manner while finishing my food. "Plus he's always seemed so wise, and I guess he is, being spiritually sensitive would probably give him a lot of understanding of spiritual matters as a whole. But I'm curious, where do Reapers go when they die? Do they also go to the afterlife?"

"Reapers are reborn back into the mortal world, we don't have an afterlife... that path is closed to us. We're needed to maintain the balance of souls. As for where you would go? I have no idea honestly, we never had a Reaper who still had their mortal body... and I had no idea you were religious, you never talk about it," she replied as she finished her own food, looking intently at me while she did so. "Do you still go to Church? They provide transportation to religious services don't they?" I just nodded. "Do you go? I'm honestly curious, we don't have churches in the cities... we worship our own deity. Not so different from the one you call Yahweh."

"I'm not especially religious honestly, I really only went to Church to hang with Dil and my grandparents... they never missed a service and they always got along well with Father Patterson. Dil's religious though, but he tends to keep it to himself usually, but he usually stays here on Sundays when we don't go home, said he didn't really care for the Churches here." I said lazily as I sat back, my belly full of much needed food. "But maybe we should head to class, I saw Dil leave a few minutes ago and I want to catch up with him."

Hope just nodded and gathered her food onto her tray. "Right, let's go then!" she said as we quickly dumped our food into the trash and put the trays up before we both hurried down the hall. I was beginning to worry that I wouldn't be able to talk to him before class, but just as we reached the floor to the classroom I saw him standing outside talking to a familiar white bunny. She was a little thing, not counting her ears she reached Dil's chest. Her hair was a striking strawberry-blonde and her uniform was carefully put together. The bunny didn't seem to be too thrilled with talking to the panther because her face was set in a small frown her green eyes looking annoyed.

"I'm fine, and no Dillon, I do not wish to discuss my brothers passing... Your concern is heart-warming, but it is not wanted or appreciated. Not everyone is as talkative as you are so can we please just enter the class? I'm tired as I just arrived and barely managed to unpack my things when I found someone else's stuff in my room." She stated coolly to the panther, but Dil being Dil just took it with a smile and continued on.

"I'm being serious Sunny, I understand what it's like to lose someone close, I lost my Mother and Grandfather when I was a kitten, and my grandma died when I turned ten. Were you close to your brother? But as I said, if you need to talk you can always come to me." He said before his ear twitched and he turned towards us. "Oh, hi Hope, Ben..." He said lamely before turning back to Sunny. "Hope's your new roommate, the person who owned the stuff you saw... But we should head in!" he said before he all but ran into the classroom. Sunny looked a bit confused but followed suit, leaving me and Hope alone.

"What was that about? Is something going on between you two? He looks like he's avoiding you, what happened?" I just shrugged helplessly, I honestly had no idea what was going on... but it was probably better to think of this later, so quickly herded Hope into the classroom and sat myself behind him, but he still didn't acknowledge me which was beginning to piss me off, but before I could say anything the teacher walked in and began to take role as he always did.

Class soon ended and Dil was among the first out gathering his things at lightning speed and hurrying out before I could even put my books back into my bag... what the hell was going on? Suzaku naturally had an opinion as he lazily floated around my head looking somewhat bored from the class. 'Maybe he heard your conversation with Howie? He could've been listening in without your knowing..? And he looked odd when you confronted Twitch.' He had a point... I hadn't thought of Dil listening in... I just assumed he was still asleep, and he did look anxious at breakfast.

'You're probably right... but he can't run forever, we share a room and I'll trap him in a barrier if need be, I'm getting tired of him avoiding me!' I thought as I gathered my things and began to walk to my next class wondering to myself on what to do about Dil and his weird antics... I hated when he got like this! It always drove me fucking mad! But yes, I'd corner him after school was over, that would work. So with a sinister smile I continued on my merry way trying to figure out ways of cornering him without being turned into an electrified pincushion.


I couldn't believe that wolf! Bad enough he wouldn't mind his own business! But he had the complete gall to interrogate both Howie AND Steve! I was so thankful that Howie kept his promise and he cornered Steve and not Glen or Louis. Least he was a relatively honourable person. Besides his occasional homophobic remarks he never gave me much trouble like Glen or Louis who would've sold each other out in a heartbeat. Sensing my frustration and annoyance Cosmo did his best to try and sooth me before class.

'Calm down Dil, he's worried... you know how he is when it comes to you. You should just tell him everything and get it over with!' He shouted in my head his little halo slightly off-centre. 'You can't avoid him forever you know, you share a room. And he will probably continue to snoop around until he gets his answer. What then? I honestly don't understand why you shielding those assholes... Those two deserve to get roasted if you ask me. Plus I'm sure Hope can make it look like an accident.'

'I don't want them hurt... As much as I loathe Glen and Louis, I know for a fact that Ben would go out of his way to suffer if he found out.' I mentally told him as calmly as I could_. 'Ben has always been crazy protective but I can't continue to rely on him for everything. I'm not going to weigh him down any more than I do already. If I told him I know he would immediately go for a kill-it-with-fire approach. And I don't want him in trouble with boss... I'm sure there is a rule about hurting mortals or something.'_

'I do think there is, but I still think they'd deserve it... but what do you think of that rabbit, sure he didn't touch you but he still let them hurt you... that wasn't much better if you ask me.' Cosmo said as we slowly neared the classroom. I didn't share any other classes with Ben thankfully, all my classes outside History were AP. Mrs. Winters just nodded towards me as I sat down at my usual seat. The classroom was about half-full at the moment but I waved at Sunny as she sat next to me but she ignored me as usual.

Cosmo not so quietly wondered I just gave a mental shrug, she was less than friendly but she had her reasons I say. Maybe her parents were like Ben's? And why did I just bring up Ben... ugh! I'm serious Dil talk to him, get closure... either he returns your feelings or he doesn't. It's better than torturing yourself over it!' I just let out a mental sigh as I slowly rubbed my temples.

'I've been over this with you already, I'm not going to be the one to make the first move, I'm not going through the humiliation and potential awkwardness of telling him my feelings and him being straight! No way in hell! But class is starting we can talk later, I need to focus.' I said as I dismissed him and focused on Mrs. Winters. The elderly Doe was the teacher for Advanced Placement Chemistry and had worked here for well over thirty years. I had always respected her and she was generally well regarded by staff and students.


Class ended soon enough, chemistry always seemed to fly by, I was naturally in my own little world not really paying attention to where I was going, my mind still running loops over Ben until I accidentally crashed into someone. "Hey watch it!" The voice shouted as I fell on my ass like a complete prey. I swiftly looked up and saw Steve standing above me looking annoyed. I gave a light gulp as he continued to glare at me. "What the hell was that Patterson? Pay the fuck attention to where you're going!" He snarled but held out a paw all the same.

"Sorry Steve... My mind was in another world entirely, so I'll pay more attention," I said as I took his offered paw and he easily lifted me up. "But how are you? You don't look so good?" I said, not that I was close enough I saw he was even more shaky than usual and his eyes looked completely bloodshot. "You aren't high are you? Because you could get in serious-" I said before he quickly shushed me into silence and his glare made me uncomfortable.

"I'm not high... now at least..." he murmured quietly, "Had a huge bender yesterday... didn't want to get up, but Louis wouldn't leave me alone!" The dark furred rabbit muttered rubbing his temples. "I've got a fucking headache ugh... I hate coming down from something." I just frowned at that, it was common knowledge that Steve had... problems regarding drugs. Even the teachers knew but since he was careful not to let it interfere with school and basketball, they ignored it. Seeing my face he frowned. "Don't you start lecturing me Patterson! I've heard the drugs are bad shit! I don't care, so save it!"

"I'm not going to lecture you, just give you my concern," I told him with a frown, "You have a lot of potential, you're plenty smart and athletic, but... no, I said I wasn't. But I do think you should be careful Steve." The rabbit just let out an amused snort which confused me. "Something funny?" I asked him but he just continued to chuckle a bit before it turned into an aggravated sigh which confused me even more... however he broke me from my confusion his voice somewhat strained for some odd reason.

"I just don't fucking get you! Glen and Louis constantly torment and hurt you, I let them do it and get you continue to shield us from Zideke! You have the gall to worry about me even though I've been nothing but an asshole to you since middle-school!" He muttered. "You should hate me! Not worry if I'm alright! You make no fucking sense! Seriously, you're far too nice for your own good. I just don't understand why you don't tell Zideke... they continue to go after you because you make yourself an easy target! Most people don't protect their bullies."

"Much as I loathe those two I don't want them in the hospital... you know how extreme Ben can be if you piss him off! He nearly took your eye out just because you called me a faggot in his earshot... think of what he would do to those two." I said as my paws went behind my back. "But we better get to class, see you later Steve!" I said before I quickly started to walk away. However just as I was about to get out of earshot Steve shouted something at me his voice sounding amused.

"You know, you've got to be the only one other than the staff to call me Steve instead of Twitch, I never got that... but see you later I guess..." he said before rushing his way to class.

I just shrugged and did the same, barely making it before the bell. I never understood Steve much, when he wasn't near Louis and Glen he was a completely different person... we actually had a full conversation and he didn't call me a queer or faggot the entire time. He seemed like d good enough person, I just never understood why he continued to hang out with those morons... but I guess they could say the same thing with me and Ben.

"I really need to stop thinking about Ben..." I mumbled to myself lightly, hopefully the archery range would be open... been awhile since I got up shoot a bow and not having a bunch of soulless monsters try and eat me. Maybe that would help? I could sneak into the room after school and get my bow and arrows before Ben arrived. Wouldn't be too hard if I was quick enough. At least deny the inevitable confrontation by a few hours... yes, that was exactly what I was going to do! Test out those new arrows I got a few days ago!

'You do realize you're running right? Doing your damnedest to avoid the wolf, what's stopping him from confronting you at the range? You can't avoid him forever Dil, you need to tell him everything, get closure and move-on. This avoiding him nonsense is getting ridiculous!' Cosmo shouted into my ear causing me to wince a bit at the volume. _'I know you're afraid he'd go on a warpath on those bastards, and you are afraid he might not return your feelings but you should still talk to him.'_With that said I quickly tuned him out and began to actually listen to Mr. Watkins lecture. AP Calculus was one of the more challenging classes but I always enjoyed it. I loved testing myself intellectually, it was the entire reason my entire schedule barring two classes (History and Gym(*ugh*)) were AP college level courses.


The rest of the day passed without any major drama... And once again I found myself cautiously looking around the changing-rooms looking for my tormenters. I was always careful about changing well away from the others and I was always last in the shower afterwards. I wasn't fully comfortable about changing in a smelly room filled with a bunch of hormonal boys. The absolute LAST thing I needed was one of them getting the wrong idea and accuse me over perving on them. Though none of the guys were my type anyway, it was best to avoid stupid unnecessary conflict.

Miraculously I managed to get dressed and out without anything major happening. Considering that I accidentally broke the volleyball net the Coach had us playing soccer today. Which was alright, I was mostly left as goalie anyway, less running for me and by exception less chance of humiliating myself like I did yesterday, unfortunately however I had the luck of winding up on the same team Glen and Louis. Barely containing my moan I warily approached the pig who just flared at me with a surprising amount of hate.

"You better not mess this up today faggot!" he viciously snarled at me sending his putrid breath almost making me gag, "Because if you do I'll make yesterday look like nothing. Stupid fairy faggot!" I just rolled my eyes. How creative of you Glen... however I quietly fantasized about Ben turning him into bacon but I held myself back as much as possible. Seemingly getting his message across he then lumbered away talking to Louis some. They were whispering something but I wasn't fully bothered so I just ignored him and got into my designated place as goalkeeper.

The game overall went as I expected it to. Thankfully the ball never went my way that much and my enhanced reflexes certainly helped with that as well. I just stood and watched as the other players ran around the court fighting over the monochromatic ball. I winced a bit when I saw Glen 'accidentally' kick the ball right into Roy Nilsen's snout causing the Sheppie to let out a loud whine as I heard something crack. Couch Nelson was quick to call a time out while he chewed out Glen while he checked to see if Roy's nose was broken.

"Doesn't look broken, but I'll let the Nurse decided on that! Patterson! From and centre!" He bellowed out which caused me to rush towards him. Once he saw I was within speaking distance he immediately unloaded his orders. "I want you to take Nilsen to the Nurse, I'll give you full marks of course, but I think you'd be best suited for that." Which was pretty much 'please go away and stop disgracing my livelihood...' though he was far too nice to say that. I just nodded and he then turned his focus back towards Roy. "Is that okay with you son?" He asked, but Roy just nodded still covering his hurt muzzle.

"I-it's fi-fine sir! Thank you!" He stuttered, obviously desperate to get away from everybody? Once I helped him up we were quick to leave the gym and enter a truly awkward silence! It had been ages since we had last spoke... we hadn't talked since I woke up tied to him with bottles everywhere from the October festival. To this day I still couldn't remember what exactly happened. "So... How've you been? How's Ben?" He asked obviously eager to stop the awkward quiet that permeated the room.

"We're both doing fine, still somewhat tired... last week was pretty stressful honestly, what with Ben's coma among other things. Just glad to be getting back into the swing of things," I replied also hoping to break the silence. It was really getting chaffing. He just shrugged, seemingly not having much to offer. "How's your family? They doing good?" Another shrug indicated that he didn't want to talk about it. "So did I miss much during classes?" another nod. "You alright though? You seem... odd... Something happen?" He once again just nodded and didn't say a clue why he knew her.

"I'm good, just trying to get through the daily grind... but you never answered my question, you left before I could get confirmation and you didn't answer my text messages either... do you want to go out or something? Maybe go get something to eat? Or catch a movie...?" I could only let out a sigh. I had completely forgot his offer actually. Truth to be told he had been pestering me about going out after the whole drunken sex thing. I had done my best to avoid him he was a good guy but I really wasn't interested in a relationship now. Especially when my mind and heart were centred around Ben. "That a no?" he then asked, ears dropping a bit.

"Yes it's a no, I actually forgot about it entirely, but no I'm not interested in a relationship at the moment. I'm sorry Roy but I don't think I'm in a good place for one. We're seniors, we'll be graduating soon and I can't afford to let myself to get caught up in any relationship drama. Besides aren't you going out of state? I don't do long distance relationships." Roy just pouted obviously unhappy with my answer before another idea flashed through his mind it seemed. His smile becoming devilish.

"If you're not interested in a relationship maybe we could keep it casual. I mean we already had sex after-all, though neither of us remember it much I say." I just nodded, he had a point I wasn't fully against casual sex, I'd just got my brains fucked out by a complete stranger... and Roy WAS an attractive dog. But I kinda felt bad for him, he obviously liked me a great deal and obviously wanted more than I could offer him. Was it right to use his feelings as an excuse to get my rocks off? Would it count as leading him on?

"I don't know Roy, is that a good idea? For you I mean? You obviously want more than just sex, and I can't give that to you... I don't want you to delude yourself into thinking it's more than what it is." I said to him as sincerely as possible. "You are a good guy, you deserve someone who wants more than sex." I said while twisting my tail in my paws. "But no, I wouldn't be so opposed to keeping it casual as long as you are okay with it."

"I do want more, but honestly, I'll take what I can get. I do really like you, maybe after class we could head to my room? We won't be back till late and you could use my shower." He said in an eager fashion and I could smell his arousal which against my better judgment it began influencing my own, plus it'd keep me away from Ben for an hour or so. Sensing my interest he smiled a bit. "So, you are interested?" He leered lightly causing me to blush a tiny bit and my dick to leak into my undies.

"I think that sounds fine, but first we need to get that nose first!" He winced at that as if he had completely forgotten the reason we were out here in the first place, guess the arousal dulled his pain for a bit. With our arrangement decided we just continued the rest of the way in silence until we reached Nurse Cantor's office. The Nurse had obviously been informed of our arrival as she immediately started checking up on him, Thankfully his snout wasn't broken. And we eventually started our way back to gym, fully intent on going through with our plans.