Harry Potter and his Magical Mouse Ch. 1

Story by Silent Soul Ken on SoFurry

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#1 of Harry Potter and his Magical Mouse

An idea my beta reader came up with that I liked and decided to write. This is gonna be a short story so don't expect a huge plot or even huge chapters. I doubt my chapters will be more than 15 pages long. Anyway it's a crossover between Harry Potter and Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers. Things will go slightly differently from the normal story. Remember to read and review and check out my other stories in particular chapter of 'The Huntress and the Monster'

Harry Potter and his Magical Mouse

Short Story by Silent Soul Ken SSK

Chapter 1

Self-Discovery via a pet

Harry blinked then gaped as he stood at the entrance to Diagon Alley, at least from the Leaky Cauldron anyway. "Welcome 'Arry, to Diag'on Alley!" Hagrid declared, "'Ere we'll be getting yer school things. So first things first, money. Yer gonna need money if yah wanna get yer supplies." The giant advised.

"Sure thing..." Harry said dumbly, still not sure where to go. They headed down the street to collect some money from the giant white building that turned out to be Gringotts, the Wizarding bank, run by Goblins of all things.

-An Hour later-

Harry walked out a bag of money in hand that Hagrid quickly took and pocketed. "Alright 'Arry where to next? Yer wanna wand or some clothes or books or-"

"A wand would be good." Harry mentioned.

"Aw'right a wand it is then!" Hagrid declared, voice unintentionally booming through the entire alley because of his size.

The trip to Ollivanders was adventurous but largely uneventful, aside from the man running the store making a mistake and assuming a certain wand - some kind of wood with a Pheonix feather, Harry forgot - would fit him when it failed spectacularly. He instead found success in another wand made from Oak with a Snowy Owl feather core. Good for casting speed.

Even though Harry didn't know how such a thing was possible and was very curious, he didn't want to be a bother and ask. Plus, the wand accepting him was signified by a windstorm that made a mess of the shop, so the feeling of just wanting to leave so he didn't inconvenience the man further just grew.

"Ah right, one second Harry a'fore I forget 'ere" And Hagrid reached into his coat and pulled out slip of paper and handed it to Harry.

Harry grabbed it and looked at it; it was a coupon for a free pet. "What's this for?" He asked.

"Well I was gonna buy yeh an owl, wonderfully useful pet they are, then I thought of it and I said to meself 'I think 'Arry should choose his first pet.' So now you can!" Hagrid said excitedly.

Harry felt a large smile forming on his face at the caring act. A gift would have just been brilliant, but that Hagrid was letting him choose meant even more to him. He voiced this thought aloud, "Thank you Hagrid, that means a lot. How about we go use this card then?" He suggested.

"Alright then, off to the pet shop." Hagrid paused, "Which one do yeh want to go to? There's the Magical Menagerie that sells just about everything, and then Eeylops Owl Emporium, which sells just Owls."

"Do owls make good pets?" Harry asked.

Hagrid scratched his massive beard in thought. "Well I don't want ter judge, since they're such amazing creature, but Owls aren't the best fer pettin and spendin' time with, yeh know? They mostly just deliver letters back and forth between family."

"O-oh," Harry replied, mood dampening. He quickly perked up, not wanting to make the giant man worried. "I don't think I'll need that for a while, so maybe we should head to the Menagerie first?"

Due to the height difference Hagrid didn't notice the slumping of Harry's posture for the few seconds he was visibly depressed and grinned widely at Harry's question. "Good thinkin'! Yeh can always use a school owl if yeh need one in the future too. Best get a pet that fits yeh just right."

Harry nodded, "Aw'right Magical Menagerie it is, c'mon 'Arry," Hagrid lumbered off, Harry at his heels. It was a short walk with navigating through witches, wizards and other kids before they came to it, a small shop squashed against a wall, as well as partway into another building. The words 'Magical Menagerie' were plastered on a window. He expected to hear animal noises and children screaming but there was not a peep or even a creak.

Hagrid walked to the door and opened it. The exact moment he did a gust of noise and smell erupted from the building. It literally blew Harry's hair back. "Well, 'ere we are!" Hagrid said before he ducked in. Harry followed with effort, almost repelled by the smell and noise. He walked in and the door closed behind him with a click and an odd swirling sound that only lasted a second. He looked around where every wall was lined with cages where birds, toads, rabbits, cats, and strange creatures that he had no idea what they were resided in.

"Alright 'Arry we got, birds, a few owl's, some toads, puffskeins; some blokes like'em. Nifflers too, handy little treasure sniffers if you need one. They got cats and..." Harry's mind tuned out the words as he walked looking around in awe, he heard some squeaking and looked to see some rat's sniffing things and squeaking to eachother. He looked at them and saw some mice in the next cage over. Scanning them, he saw white, black, grey, even some a slight cream colored mice. Then he paused as something caught his eye; sitting on a small bottle cap was a mouse, but the thing was that it was quite literally sitting as if a human would.

The mouse also had a strip of newspaper wrapped like a crude dress around its body, which he noticed was also human in shape. It watched the other mice in other cages with it's proportionately large eyes. He took a few steps forward and looked at it closer, noticing it's face was rather humanoid as well, with a human shaped jaw and mouth. She had hair as well, blond and about waist length. He also saw fingers, and even toes! He looked at her with childish fascination, as any 11 year old would. He reached for her cage and tapped a bar gently, hoping to get her attention.

The mouse turned its head to him, its big blue eyes wide with surprise. It stood and backed away fearfully.

Harry withdrew his hand, worried he'd scared her somehow.


The black haired boy jumped, having not noticed this giant of man walking up to him. "You want 'er?" He asked.

Harry looked at Hagrid then at the mouse, which was now hiding behind a pile of wooden shavings. She looked at him though and slowly came out from shavings, idly brushing the few that had stuck to her 'dress' off of it with her hands.

He held the coupon in hand, looking at it for a few seconds before glancing up to the strange creature in the cage before nodding.

Hagrid beamed, happy the lad had found something interesting. It might not be as cuddly as the type of beasty he preferred, but everyone had their own tastes, and that was just fine. "'Awright!" he reached for the cage but Harry grabbed it and hefted it up quickly. The mouse squeaked and fell onto it's side at the rapid movement of her home.

"O-Oh I'm sorry." Harry said hurriedly, feeling quite bad about it.

The mouse looked up at him, her eyes wide with disbelief. She gave a chirping squeak, but he just looked at her in return, not sure what to do.

"'Arry bring her over 'ere!" Harry jumped again and he looked at Hagrid, who was standing at a counter where a woman was tapping the counter, her hair a frizzled mess. He walked over, making sure not to jostle the cage any longer. The mouse stood and wandered over to the bars, only to look down as the ground passing by caught her attention. She squeaked again, this time in fear, and took off like a shot back to her pile of shavings.

"Oh that one 'ey? Well you be doing me a favor. So where's the coupon? Hagrid mentioned you had one." She asked. Harry set the cage on the counter and held up the coupon as requested. She took it and began to observe it closely.

"What do you mean? Favor?" Harry asked.

"Well her original owner, if you can even call him that, brought her here about a few weeks ago; called her a failed experiment and to do what I like with her. Ye' might notice that she's rather thin? Hasn't eaten anything I give her, just drinks water." The woman said. Harry decided to look and he did notice her limbs were rather thin. "That's not even that uncommon to be honest, a lot of magical beasts have unique diets, and can even survive on nearly nothing for long stretches of time because of their magic pools, but I'm getting worried about her. The guy didn't seem to really think much of her, poor thing." She then hit her register, causing it to chime loudly and open. She placed the coupon on the tray before sliding it closed. "And there ya go, she's all yours." The woman said, "Now go on, I got other kids to deal with." She ordered, not nastily but there was a slight edge in her voice. She was clearly a busy woman and tolerated no dilly dallying.

"'Mmmm we'll need to get a book on mice to see what she might want ta eat." Hagrid suggested, Harry looked at the mouse then he held up a finger to her. She looked at it then at him and reached out a small hand, only to scoot back and give a tentative squeak before she could quite make contact.

"Aw'right next up is..." And so the day went, Harry and Hagrid had went to get his school books, along with some books on mice behaviors, food, habitats, and care. Then he went to robe shop to get his first school robes fitted. It was there that he became aware of the fact that he had an odor problem, which the seamstress commented on, much to Harry's embarrassment. After having his robes chosen he was now with Hagrid walking to the Leaky Cauldron.

"So what's next Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"Whot's next? Well that'd be up to you 'Arry, you could stay with me for a bit but I can't give ya' a place to stay so you'd have to go back to the Dursleys and wait till school starts. Only you got the choice." Hagrid said.

Harry frowned, he didn't want to go back to the Dursleys but he didn't really have a choice in the matter. All he could do now was prolong how long he had before he had to go to them. He looked at his new pet, the small mouse looked at him with those big eyes. He got a sense of devotion along with a wary caution as she looked up at him with those eyes of hers. She wanted attention, that was for sure. But he would have to read the books on the mice first to properly know what kind.

"I can stay for a bit right? Then I'll go back later; I want to read up on the books first." Harry said.

"Aw'right let's go the Leaky Cauldron then." And so they went, into the magical pub where Harry spent the next 2 hours reading on how to care for mice.

When he had finished the third book, 'Mice behavior and needs' he closed it. He had one last book to go through but decided to put his knowledge to the test. First thing, a proper cage needed bedding. That seemed to be a moot point as there was plenty of small wooden chips on the bottom of the cage. "Okay so that's done, next is water." He checked and saw a water bottle with a metal tip on it, which the mouse would lick and a small ball would be pushed back allowing it to drink. "Is that okay for you?" He asked pointing at it. The mouse looked and she nodded, "You sure? I could get you a bowl if you want. If you want it nod, if you don't shake your head." He said.

The mouse nodded and she gave a cheerful squeak. He smiled at that, not even suspecting a mouse that could understand human speech was strange, since he had no reason to.

He went through the other items needed; food. Mice usually ate grass, cheese, vegetables, mice kibble and human food, though the last one wasn't overly recommended.

He looked and did see a small bowl of kibbles, and just like the woman had said it looked untouched save the ones scattered about from him carrying the cage. "Hmmm maybe cheese!" He said, getting up and making his way over to Hagrid to make his request.

The mouse looked at her new owner, frowning as he turned his back on her. She wondered how long he would have her before he ultimately discarded her. She wasn't a fool, this kindness of his would have it's limits. And once those limits were reached he would discard her... like her creator did. Still, she appreciated the small acts of kindness. But she would need something more significant if she wanted to believe he would care for her. She heard footsteps and she stopped frowning and looked up to see her owner back with a small wedge of cheese.

Had this been before she had been changed she would've dined on the cheese with gusto but she could only feed on one thing now and her keen nose was telling her that new master could provide her with a variable feast, so much so that she was actually a little dizzy just smelling it; she even caught herself drooling when he'd been carrying her.

The only thing to do now was wait till he fell asleep or at least was distracted enough to make her move.

Harry opened the cage and set it down in front of her. She sniffed it, but shook her head. He frowned as he closed the cage door, thinking. He looked at her as she walked to what looked like a birds nest where a small blanket and pillow was and she got in and laid down, covering her body with the blanket. She snuggled against the pillow and fell asleep.

He smiled at the cute scene, but he wished he knew what she wanted to eat.

Well it wouldn't do to dwell on it. He looked at the clock, 8:37 P.M. He would have to go back to the Durseleys... he looked at his new pet mouse as he had that thought. He would have to hide her, they would think she was a rat and try to kill her. Of that he was certain. He looked around and slid off his chair to talk to the owner.

-20 Minutes Later-

Harry looked at Hagrid with remorse, "So I guess this is where we go our separate ways huh?" He asked.

"Ah don't worry 'bout it 'Arry, yeh'll see me again when yeh go to school! Jus' a month from now, so chin up Aw'right?" Harry smiled and nodded; in a little over a month he would go to Hogwarts and be among peers. He turned and headed inside with his belongings in tow, feeling better than before.

-10 Minutes Later-

Harry laid in his cramped room, if it could be called that, reading his book. It was certainly bigger than the cupboard under the stairs, but the room was still utterly filled with Dudley's old toys, which made sense since it was the storage room for Dudley's refuse until just that morning, when the Dursely's had hurriedly put a bed and a desk in here - both as low quality as they could get away with, since they wanted to spend as little money on him as possible.

After reading the book on mice, a curiosity began to envelope Harry; that was the curiosity to read and learn to be prepared. He flipped the pages, reading quietly. It had been rather simple to avoid the Dursleys and get all his belongings in. They hadn't even seen the cage, too busy with avoiding him. Of course though he had been denied a shower due to them wanting to go to bed and if they heard even a peep they would toss him, and whatever items he had, outside. So he'd have to deal with being pungent for one more night. He sighed as he closed his book, shifted into his bed, pulled his blanket over himself.

With the blanket over him he stripped his clothes off, not wanting to get them any smellier than they already were, and set them on the ground away from his bed. He would've changed into his robes but he didn't want to get them smelly either, now more or less nude under his blankets he sighed and looked at his pet's mouse's cage, which was on the small desk table to the right. Quietly but aloud he wished her good night and fell asleep.

She woke up the moment she heard him snoring, not that it was loud, more like a loud breathing really, but her ears were very sensitive, being what she was. She yawned and got out of her own bed. She saw only white as her master had covered her cage with a white sheet. Well, it wasn't as though she didn't know where he was. Her mouse ears twitched as she homed in on his snoozing and then she sniffed. She could smell her prize yet again, stronger now, so she got out of bed, walked over to cage door and opened it with ease. She pushed it open and got out the door, which closed on it's own thanks to the cloth. She got out from underneath it and she looked around at her new home. It was small, or at least very cramped and full of clutter. Perfect for a mouse, a human not so much.

She saw him on a small bed snoring. Swiveling her eyes she looked around, trying to see first how to get to him then how to get back. It was simple, while she was wasn't too far from him, in fact she could jump over easy enough, jumping back would be tricky. She'd need something to act as a type of ladder or even pole vault. She looked around again and she saw on the table just a bit away was a small toy ladder. It was somewhat damaged, with paint peeling and one of the rungs missing but it was still functional.

The mouse ran on over, grabbed the ladder and hefted it up, but it was rather weighty and her emaciated form couldn't quite lift it all the way. She could only drag it across the table, which didn't help as it scraped against the surface with a loud grinding sound. Her master stirred and she froze. In the end he mumbled but otherwise stayed still.

She moved again and managed to get it to the edge of the table. She gritted her teeth and used her legs to push the ladder up with what little strength she had. The ladder swung up then down onto her master's bed. Satisfied, and proud, she hurried over to her master as quickly as her stealth level would allow.

She sniffed and she shuddered at the smell. He stunk, but that wasn't what made her shudder. What made her shudder was the smell arising from his crotch. She squeaked in happiness and began to home in on the scent. She quickly burrowed under the blanket and began sniffing her way to her prize.

It didn't take her long to find it; her master's flaccid immature cock. She gave a hardy sniff and she shuddered, her lips salivating. She moved forward grabbed his uncut cock and pulled the skin down, revealing the underside of the cock where smegma was built up. This is what the little mouse craved; semen, whether it be new or old. Her creator was a... somewhat lonely person yet was gifted in alchemy and magic. He wanted to create the perfect sex doll lover, and she was his first subject. However, her retaining her small size had been a disappointment and she had been discarded. The rejection still stayed strong in her mind.

She began to lick up the smegma, enjoying the taste and smell, which would've disgusted most yet she ate up like it was ambrosia. And with every swallow her body lost it's thinness, now a healthy shape with a very light muscle tone forming. As she ate Harry occasionally shifted but thankfully never turned. She kept eating, making sure she got every last bit and when she finished she couldn't help a small belch. She put her hands over her mouth and giggled.

Finished, she wriggled out from under the blanket. Her master was still asleep and she went to the ladder and climbed up it. As she stepped on the last rung Harry muttered then turned onto his side, his hand raising up and just pushing the ladder to the side where it stood on one leg. The mouse jumped just in time as it fell. She knew she had seconds before it hit the floor. She skittered to the cage, under the cloth, opened the door and was in just as it clattered to the floor.

Harry gave a snort and he sat up, his eyes squinted, his face confused. He blinked and looked around, a hazy fuzz being all he could see. When he saw nothing, he muttered, something about creaks and stupid squirrels then laid back down.

Now satisfied, she went to her bed, snuggled in and fell asleep; her stomach full and her body vitalized.

-Next Day-

Harry sighed as he rubbed his body down with the sponge, finally able to shower. It would take a while, he needed to get every inch of his body done, including down there. He hated this part as he was somewhat sensitive. He reached down and looked at his penis and pulled the skin down, only to receive a surprise to see it completely clean. He stood there as hot water ran down him, wondering what happened, but eventually he just shrugged and went about cleaning the rest of it. Best not to think on it too much.

What he did have to think about was a name for his new pet. This morning he had woken up to find her looking at the toys curiously, he had given her a few to see what she would do. She looked at them and made to move, but that was when the door was banged on and he heard, 'Go wash up!' from his cousin.

So he went to take a shower. He scrubbed himself good and hard and then turned off the water, walked out, grabbed his towel and began to dry himself. He then put on the clothes he had on the side and was out the door and in his room within the minute. When he came back he found a surprise. The mouse was wearing some new clothes - a light blue jumpsuit - and had taken the legos and built her own house!

She was currently setting up small toy tools and was getting a belt in order. "Well you're handy." He said, utterly amazed, "You got a few gadgets huh?" He paused. The mouse looked up at him inquisitively. "Gadget..." Her ears flicked and she smiled. "You like that huh?" She nodded, "Okay then, your name is Gadget!" She squeaked.

Harry smiled, then a thought crossed him. If she could do this... could she read? He began searching through Dudley's junk and eventually found an old tattered school book. He flipped it open and came to a history section and held it up to her. "Can you read this?" He asked, she looked then shook her head. Harry gave a chuckle, somewhat pleased but also just a bit disappointed.

What was he expecting, a mouse to be smarter than him? Then again, he was glad she _wasn't_smarter than him. Harry would teach her though. "Okay then, here." He flipped the pages again and then he went and propped the book up so she could read. It was currently on the alphabets.

"Here give this a try!" He said, "Do you want me to help?" She looked at him then at the book and she shook her head. "Alright then, if you need my help just squeak. I'm gonna do some reading." Harry said and he went to his books and pulled out his transfiguration book.

She... Gadget looked at her master in silence. He had named her... and it was an appropriate name- she liked it for it described what she was... a tool. Though she wouldn't know until much later the real reason why he named her that would come to light. Gadget began her studies, the words were simple, yet she felt like more could be done with them, even if she didn't know how quite yet. There was... something itching in her mind, a desire, but she didn't know what. She then heard her stomach grumble. She put a hand to it.

The newly named Gadget looked at her master, he was also focused on a book. She looked at the door and she got up on all fours, running with a mouse's quiet yet quick feet. Gadget got to the cage door, stood and as quietly as she could she opened it. A challenge as she could hear the start of the squeaking thanks to the somewhat rusty joints.

Thanks to her hearing though she opened it without it making too loud a creak. With the door open Gadget scurried out, closed and locked the door and made her way over to the edge of the table and looked around to find a way to the bed. The answer was an easy and quick one, Harry's foot was angled at the table just enough that she could climb onto it or at least use it as a type spring to jump onto the bed. She went to the foot and aimed making sure she would hit her destination.

She took several steps backward got to a sprint stance and she ran heading for the big toe. When she was a centimeter from the edge she jumped. Her tiny body soared through the air. She could see the big toe below her. She began to drop as she lost momentum, falling down, down, down... right onto the big toe! The moment her second foot landed on it she pushed up and jumped up soaring up high and landing right in the middle of the folded up blanket on the bed.

Harry, feeling something, looked at his foot. Lowering the book slightly so he could see over it, he saw nothing, so he shrugged and raised the book again.

Gadget laid there for a few ore seconds before she looked up very slowly and carefully. When she saw her master once again engrossed in the book she began to crawl out of the blanket. She was on the bed and looked at her master. He was still dressed in shorts and a shirt. A baggy vinyl one, as such it had very large and loose leggings. It was the perfect opening!

She ran forward on all fours for the extra speed. It didn't take her long to reach the cavernous opening, and she walked in her mouse eyes lighting the way with what little light there was as a catalyst. After some careful maneuvering, mainly to avoid stimulating her masters leg, which would no doubt cause him to slap his leg on reflex, thinking it was a bug, and ultimately squishing her, she reached her goal.

The scent was magnificent. It wasn't nearly as strong as before, but it also wasn't clouded by filth, making the pure scent of her master come through crystal clear to her nose. She didn't bother hiding her drool, incredibly hungry all of a sudden. She looked at her prize, to her small size his balls and cock seemed rather big, after all it was as big as her body, then again he was only a boy and it would only become bigger with age.

That thought alone made her spurt down below, a reaction that was unfortunately worthless, because of the size difference. She needed to be careful with this next part, but desires clouded her reason and she got onto his ball sac and pulled down his length looking for any smegma. But she was disappointed to find nothing; everything either licked or washed clean off.

She pouted, her large ears drooping before they perked up. Well no matter, she knew what she had to do next.

She grabbed the length wrapping her body around it and prepared to get started... only for a bright light to suddenly shine down on her, the intense shift blinding her briefly.

Harry had been squirming as he read, something was going up his leg. He could feel it but he didn't smack it as it faded away eventually. Not to mention he should probably train himself out of that urge since he now had a small pet. He dismissed it until he felt something step on his testicles. As a man, well boy really, that was something to examine. He looked down to see a strange bulge poking from his shorts. His first instinct was to smack it but multiples reasons why that would be a bad idea sprang to mind and he held himself back.

One of those reasons caused him to glance at the table, only to find an empty cage. A quick scan showed that Gadget was nowhere to be found which could only mean... he grabbed by the waistband and pulled them up and down his legs. Instantly he was Gadget embracing his length with her full body and his eyes widened with something akin to horror as he saw her mouth open.

He instantly assumed the worst; that teeth were about to get involved. He reached down and grabbed her by her newly created belt before pulling her off. She squeaked as he held her up, his eyes fixed on her. "What were you thinking?" He demanded.

She lowered her head ashamed then she put a hand on her stomach.

"W-What you mean you eat... boy's privates." He guessed, horror growing.

She shook her head wildly, which made him feel a lot better right away. She looked around then squeaked, pointing.

Harry looked to see a notebook and pencil. He looked at her, eyebrow cocked before he flipped the book open and set her upon it, giving her the pencil. She took the massive object and after some adjusting began to write. Harry looked reading line by line "'I... eat... seemen... or... smeg... muh..." He cocked his head at that. "And what's that exactly?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes and went back to his crotch and pointed at his nuts.

"Uh... last I check those were called balls." He said hesitantly.

She gave a glare that radiated impatience. She went to his length and once again wrapped her body around it. She began to stroke the length using her entire body. Harry thought for a second wondering if he should pull her off again but he decided to let her do what she wanted. She reached for the head and her hands began to rub and even pinch it. Harry could feel something happening, blood was emptying his head and going down his body and into his penis where it began to stand up, engorged, gaining another 3 inches, where it stood red, pulsing and sensitive to touch. As Harry quickly found out when she licked the head of his length.

He tensed as he felt something stirring in his loins that he couldn't really describe. But it felt a lot like when he wanted to take a leak. But the more she moved her body up and down the stronger the sensation became. Harry was starting to sweat, he felt tingly all over and the pressure was building becoming even stronger than before.

Gadget could feel it, his cock was throbbing, every pulse making her body jump slightly. She moved from his length and wrapped her arms around his bulbous head and pulled it down. She licked the head a few more times. Harry could feel his limbs start to buck but he grabbed the bed frame holding himself still. "I-I'm... gagh!" He couldn't finish as his head jerked back, his teeth grinding and something spurted from his urethra straight into Gadget's open hungry jaws. Gadget swallowed audibly and loudly as she was peppered with his tiny spurts. When it was over she rubbed her stomach and smacked her lips then she went to grab any stray drops that she could find and eat. Harry laid on his back panting, wondering what he should do. What he felt was... exhilarating, hell it was the best feeling he had in, well, years! He sat up after regaining his wits and looked at Gadget, who was patting her belly and licking her fingers. He looked down at his length, once more flaccid.

He looked at her again and held out a hand. She jumped, squeaking, then she looked at him then at his hand before she climbed onto it. He held her up to eye level. "So you eat that stuff then?" He asked, rubbing the back of his head.

She nodded, squeaking something that seemed like it would have been a fully formed sentence if she knew how to speak english.

"Well okay... I guess if that's the only thing then I'll give you when you like but uh... try to give me a heads up so we can do it properly you know? I don't know how often I can feed you, or even how much you need, so if you're even a little hungry just say something- er, let me know." He really enjoyed what she did, so he hoped she needed to eat alot.

She blinked then gave a joyful squeaked and leaped at his face clinging onto his nose and rubbing her head against his, squeaking joyfully.

Yet in the back of Gadget's mind she couldn't help but wonder... when would he abandon her?