Enter Pokemon

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#6 of Chapter 2: The Reign of King Scourge


Ash Ketchum was having a picnic alongside Misty and broke. As usual Pikachu was freed out as well were Charzard and Squirtle. The Pokemon world was filled with various simplicities. But Monodramon was already advancing his plan toward complete conquest. He once again tricked Reemon into following him into the Pokemon world. He offered even more intense sexual intercourse here. In this world Monodramon opened his mouth and spoke, "Mono, Mono." Reemon looked at Monodramon oddly then opened his mouth and said, "Ree." Monodramon looked over and saw the Pokemon he wanted on his side. He had Reemon use his growing ability to manipulate people to remove Ash and the humans from the picture. Pikachu started giving chase as the humans ran off. Charzard and Squirtle saw Monodramon and Reemon. They stood up to get ready for battle. Squirtle said, "Squir Squirtle." Monodramon and Reemon purposely gave retreat back into the portal from which the came in order to get here. The Pokemon gave chase blindly going into the portal. It was a strange mixture of all colors but they gave chase desperate to catch these unknown creatures. The entered the new world, the buildings were much taller. Charzard asked, "Where did they go...? What the..." Squirtle asked, "What's the matter? Wait, we can talk...." Charzard turned around and the portal was gone. There was no way of getting back. Reemon left behind some of his dark energy scattered along the area. Charzard said, "This is bazaar." Squirtle looked up the bright sun and pulled out his tipped shades. Squirtle said, "We can't go back that way. We have to find those two now. They might be the only ones who will know to get back." Charzard looked down, "But we won't be able to talk anymore." Squirtle waved his hand, "Please, we've gotten around just saying our names." Charzard rushed his words, "But I'll never be able to say I love you..." Squirtle took off his shades and stuttered, "Wha, what?" Charzard looked down, "I know everyone sees us as rivals and were even opposites. But I don't care any of that. I loved you ever since we met." Squirtle looked away, "This feels so sudden." Suddenly Tails saw this little commotion and kept flying and asked, "Are you two new around here?" Squirtle starched his head, "We sure are." Tails said, "Come on this way then." He flew down and walked them over to a small house. They went inside into the kitchen area. Tails asked, "You hungry?" Squirtle said, "Nah, we just ate." Tails left closing the door, "Alright, this is your new home. Enjoy." Charzard remained standing while Squirtle sat down. Charzard asked, "What are you doing?" Squirtle said, "We could be here a while." He heard a knock at the door. Squirtle opened the door. It was none other than Monodramon in his business suit. Squirtle jumped back, "You..." Charzard looked at who was at the door and got ready as well. Monodramon said, Please now that we are here, I can explain my actions. You see you two were too good for that world. It's a damn curse only to speak you're name. That's got to be really hard when you're in love. You see, I set you free. Those humans were keeping to as slaves. Humans here were just as disgusting. So here they are banished to the underground that is until they can become more civilized like us Digimon. Sadly we don't live in such a free world either. Some fool from another world named Scourge rules over us all. But that problem will soon fade. Oh, and something tells me you'll shortly discover one of the other joys of being in our world. Just as a heads up you should take a shower, you smell bad." Monodramon just left with a big old smirk on his face. Charzard asked, "Why didn't you stop him?" Squirtle looked down, "Maybe you were right. Maybe it might be better here..."

He sniffed himself find the smell indeed disgusting. He shoved his legs into his shell then his arms and fluffy tail. He pushed himself out revealing his was rather thin under the shell. Charzard blushed as Squirtle turned towards him and he could see Squirtle's exposed dick. Squirtle walked straight heading toward the shower room. Charzard looked down seeing his orange dick was exposed from its sheath as well. Charzard followed up behind Squirtle. Squirtle turned on the shower and Charzard caught up. Charzard desires were growing faster than any other new knowledge of this new world. He drove a kiss right on Squirtle's neck. Squirtle closed his eyes and just let out, "Mmmmmmmmm." Charzard was now feeling the love bug taking over laying kiss upon kiss of sudden romantic and sexual desire. Squirtle moved his hand back around Charzard's thick neck pushing him deeper into it. Charzard moved his shaft pressing against Squirtle's massive fluffy tail. Charzard began to turn Squirtle toward him. He broke the kiss and they looked at each other. The sparkle in each others eyes would have been something they would have never realized before. Charzard leaned in pushing Squirtle against the wall kissing him now using his tongue. Squirtle did so as well finding this move too good to pass up. Charzard led up, working down the thin body and moving his head toward Squirtle's shaft. Squirtle closed his eyes and Charzard just huffed heat against Squirtle shaft. Squirtle moaned, "I love you Charzard." Charzard blushed as he licked the shaft twice then went down on it with his entire mouth. Both of Squirtle's hands moved on Charzard's head. Squirtle blushed, "Ahhhhhhhh." Charzard bobbed his head loving this new taste; there was a certain moistness to Squirtle's shaft. Squirtle clenched harder as Charzard picked up the pace. Squirtle squinted as he moaned again, "Whaaaaaaaaah!" His cum shot out and Charzard gulped it up and kept at it feeling semen shoot out shortly after. Charzard pulled back. His grabbed his own shaft and Squirtle blushed, "Let me get that." Squirtle moved Charzard's hand and worked his mouth on the warm orange shaft. Charzard's head snapped up, "I love...Youuuuuuuuu!" His orgasm came rather quickly. He was more sensitive and easier to work up. This new world and the darkness found its way into their hearts. Charzard moved Squirtle back down. He laid Squirtle' tails flat on the ground. He pressed his penis against Squirtle asshole and pushed inside. Squirtle yelped, "Fuck! Ahhhhhhhhhh, fuck me." Charzard pushed deeper and started to work up a pace. His look was one of determination and lust. He wanted to please his long lover for the first time fully. Squirtle wrapped his legs around Charzard's waist. Each thrust was filled with such vigor that there was little pain for long. This was the first time Squirtle blushed as well his face masked in a dark purple hue. Charzard moaned, "I can feel it again." Squirtle begged, "Please fill me up." Charzard humped like a crazed god, both closing their eyes. Both yelped loudly, "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" They both had an orgasm. Charzard felt Squirtle remove his legs and was able to pull out. They both stepped into the shower with the hot water running. Charzard was in front and Squirtle was behind. Still hard Squirtle lifted Charzard's tail and found the hole. Charzard felt the push a cringed, "Rrrrr." His hands pressed against the tile. Squirtle hands clasped Charzard's. Squirtle humped a few times then moaned, "I want to hear you moan." Charzard spread out his lower and upper teeth, blushed deeply, arched his head and moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhhh." Squirtle leaned in, Charzard turned his and they kissed passionately. Squirtle went at it both of them sharing their climax again. Squirtle removed his self and fell back letting the cooling water hit him. Charzard got out and picked up Squirtle and carried him to the bedroom. He gently rested Squirtle on the bed. Squirtle blinked several times letting a yawn break out. Charzard leaned in and kissed him on the forehead. Charzard blushed, "I want to be yours for forever." Squirtle blushed too, "You always were, and you always will be." He pushed off the bed kissing him back. They spooned for the first time that night.

They woke up the next morning. They heard a knock at the door. Squirtle opened it to see it was Monodramon again. Monodramon crossed his arms, "I suspect you enjoyed your night have hot sex yes?" Squirtle blushed, "What? Were you...Never mind..." Monodramon smirked, "No need to get flustered. Sexual desire is strong in our world. Sex means a lot to us here. And if you go back you'll never get to experience that again. Now if you wish to stay, there is a price. You must work for me. It's that simple. And you won't even have to do much." Squirtle looked down, was sex too good to pass up. This world made everything about it seem so calm and easy. In his world he would be reformed back to just saying his name over and over. Squirtle said, "So, no more humans." Monodramon said, "You're better off without them. They cause nothing but heartache my good friend. Here, we're all friends...all expect for that damn Scourge. But like I said, soon enough he won't be a problem." Angel joined him he looked back, "Ah, another of my workers. Angel this is Squirtle." Squirtle asked as Angel shook his hand, "How did you know my name?" Monodramon said, "I studied the Pokemon world before blindly charging in of course. Plus you said it before you wanted to battle us remember." Squirtle starched his head; the truth of the matter was he could remember anything from before coming here. Squirtle said, "I guess I don't." Monodramon said, "That's because you're already assimilated into this world. Plus you don't want to lose you're first and only love interest in Charzard. That would be a shame." Squirtle said, "Ok, we'll work for you." Monodramon nodded his head once, "That's all I needed to hear. We'll be in touch trust me on that." Monodramon left with Angel. Squirtle went back to bed were Charzard was watching T.V. Charzard smiled warmly, "Good morning." Squirtle smile grew as he hoped in the bed and joined Charzard. He crossed his around the back of Charzard's neck. They two enjoyed most of the day in the bed watching television, later on that evening they went outside deciding to further explore this world. They saw nothing but creatures all around. This world was nice. Sex really was exploited much more here as well as food. The two made sure to hold hands finding the environments big. They find one alleyway and felt a strange presence. They found themselves going down it to see a creature similar to that red one they saw but it was blue. He turned and smiled, "Hello cuties." They both looked at each other then back at him. He extended his hand out, "I'm Veemon. That Monodramon is liar. In this world you're going to stick with just me. I've always been honest." They didn't notice the red patch of skin. He turned around and arched down he lifted his tail and lustfully spoke, "I'm the number one slut. I'd be willing to fuck you both." They both gulped. Charzard choked out, "Ah, no thanks." Squirtle pulled Charzard back, "Yeah, we just need each other. But thanks for the offer." Reemon allowed them to get out. Reemon grinned as he turned back. He turned all black and seeped into under ground going further into a secret base. There were tubes and computers all around. Monodramon asked, "Did they refuse you?" Reemon smiled, "Damn right...master." Monodramon stepped back out with Angel dropped around his arm. Monodramon pulled out a cigar. They moved over to a large table with names on it. They each sat were there names were. Other names included Tails, Squirtle, Charzard and Gatomon. Monodramon said, "Everything is moving so perfectly. Every peace of the puzzle is falling right into my lap. Veemon is lost in a world that might as well be an improved dream state and the kids are right were I can keep track of them. Soon we'll start project sentinel. This is were things have the potential to get a little messy. We of course have to cover up our tracks. We can't have the others know that we work for the humans. Well some of them anyway. But the actuality of that is those are just pawns. And they think it's the other way around which works out perfectly for us." Reemon smirked, "Sounds so good master. So can we have sex like you offered?" Monodramon face was sickened straight at Reemon. He removed Angel from his hand. Monodramon said, "Take a better offer Reemon. I offer you the sexiest female Alien Angel. You two will make a baby." Reemon stood up, "What?" Monodramon stood up as well, "I am your master and you will bear a child with Angel, Reemon. It's our way to also insure Stitch's spot. You don't see my master vision yet and you damn well won't question it. We can't afford to screw this up. My rule over this world will happen and it will be legit." Reemon walked off, "Fine!" Angel walked off with him. Monodramon smirked, "Such a tool...I'm just waiting for you to make your move Reemon. I know all too well that you don't trust me anymore. I have a new back pocket."