Chapter 7: The Papers

Story by CyrusP on SoFurry

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#8 of The Wolf of the Goddess

Chapter 7 Finally

I might be doing 1 chapter a week starting now.

Maybe 2 or 3 during the summer, or even 0 during the summer if my grades get bad enough.

Creative Commons License

The Wolf of the Goddess by CyrusP is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

The pair entered a massive lobby area with vaulted ceilings, the floor was a dark marble and the area was filled with wolves in suits moving about.

A female in a dark suit wearing a pin with the district seal on it waved over to them as they entered, "Hello ma'am, what a cute puppy you have there. Are you planning on having him registered?" She asked.

"Yes I am, I am having him registered as a citizen and for the guardian angel program."

"Oh okay then, go up the stairs to the area marked Registration and someone will be there to help you out at a booth." She replied

As they walked up the stairway, James felt the need to watch what was going on around him. He noticed the wolves walking near him were all wearing a black suits with a pin with metal the district seal on it.

As the pair walked into the registration center, a brown wolf with tan along his arms waved them over, he was an older gentleman with a kind face.

"Hello ma'am," He said in a deep voice, "Are you registering your offspring today? It seems they become cuter every year." He said smiling at James.

James just blushed from the attention he was receiving and shifted in his mommy's arms.

"Yes sir, we are having my little James registered aren't we?" She said watching James lovingly as he struggled in her arms. "You're not wet already are you?" She asked while quickly sticking her paw onto the front of his diaper causing his blush intensify. "Oh my, maybe I've been feeding you too much milk, I'll change you in a moment. After all, a puppy's belly can only hold so much." She cooed feeling that his diaper was full, while nuzzling him gently.

"Ma'am, changing stations are across the area in the bathrooms, there are diapers, wipes and rash cream all provided so that you don't have to go back your vehicle. I'll hold for you until you can come back." The wolf at registration said pointing to the back of the room.

"Thank you very much, I appreciate this very much." She replied walking back down the area she came from.

"No problem, It is our duty to serve the people." He replied with a smile.

Jane entered the bathroom and took a stall, it had a changing table, a toilet and a sink.

Placing James on the table, she pulled off his pants to reveal a soaked diaper underneath, "Wow, you are becoming a pee machine." She said chuckling while pulling the saturated garment off of him. She then wiped him down slowly and deliberately, as to not allow any urine to give him a rash. She then took a small dab of rash cream rubbing it into his fur as an extra precaution. Finally, she brought him close allowing her to pull up his pants and pat his behind with satisfaction.

Finally, she washed both of their paws taking care to clean between the spaces of each digit.

"There we go, a clean puppy is a happy puppy am I right?" She asked him tickling him on his belly and forcing him to release a giggle.

"Now then, lets get you registered!" She quickly ran with him back to the registration wolf who had greeted them.

"Ah! Welcome back, all nice and clean young one? Now let's get started shall we?" He quickly greeted them. "First thing I will need is a proof of introduction, then the medicals, assuming you've already gone to the clinic?" Seeing her nod he continued, "Then we need DNA samples, some measurements and his device."

"Now we can start if you can fill this form out with his name and information, after you're done, place his Goddess Visa in the slot over on the top of this clipboard. Now you," He said pointing at James, "You are going to sit here and help me register you is that alright?" When he too nodded he continued pointing to a stool, "Now I want you to sit down here and look into these two holes, and watch some cartoons on there, it's the same thing as watching T.V at home, but a lot easier, do you think you can do that?" James just nodded his head and waited for a moment before Jane lifted him up and dropped him into the chair.

It wasn't that hard to sit and watch a cartoon between the two holes, the only thing was that the chair was a bit short so that he had to kneel on it. As he was watching the show, the computer on the other end recorded his eye's color and markings, scanning them into the system as his registration began. As the show ended and James stood up and noticed that both Jane and the man were watching him intently. He realized that they must have been waiting for him to finish his show before leaving, and smiled sheepishly as a result.

"Okay James, we have everything registered for you and now it's time to get you your collar." Said Jane.

'Collar? No one mentioned a collar before, Oh man, I'm seriously going to be helpless aren't I? I hope it isn't too uncomfortable.' He thought worriedly.

"Oh don't worry, collars aren't too bad, and they're there for your protection, besides they give you someone to talk to when you feel lonely. They're also just like the device mommy has around her neck." She said pulling her MPNCOM out of her shirt and showing it to him.

'Well alright, it shouldn't be too bad.' He thought jumping into mommy's arms.

"Okay ma'am if you'll just follow me into this room, we can get him fitted and have him registered for the Guardian Angel Program . You can also meet his agent and request a different one if you would like." He said motioning them to come through a security archway.

Jane carried James through the archway into a small room with a couple tools on a wooden table and a computer in one corner. There were a few chairs in the area next to the wooden table and in front of the computer.

"Okay Mrs. Kline, I'll have to check the size of his neck before we can move on." With that, he took a tool that resembled a pair of scissors made of 4 plates stacked on top of each other with each alternating one being bolted to each other. "James, don't worry, this won't hurt at all, I'm just measuring your neck size, nothing to be worried about, here have a look." He said handing James the device.

James turned the tool over in his small paws observing the curious piece of metal and wondering how it would be used to measure his neck. Still wondering, he gave the tool back to the wolf who promptly said, "Okay, now I'm going to put this around your neck for 3 seconds to check." With that, he opened up the "blades" of the scissors and placed them around his neck tightening them to a size that felt snug, but not so as to be uncomfortable on his neck.

"Is that comfortable James?" The registration wolf asked.

James nodded his head in reply.

"Okay then so the size is 22.3 CM around." He said typing the information into James's registration files. "Medical history is clear and good to go, sensitive fur, diaper size 1, Mrs. Kline under the age of 3 it is mandatory that the collars remain locking for their safety, however you can adjust settings for it using a computer and your Communication device. Also, Would you like leather or Kevlar James? Wait, here let's see you try it out." Continued the wolf. The wolf selected a band of kevlar mesh and a band of leather placing each around James's neck to see which one he found more comfortable.

James liked the feeling of flexibility on kevlar and immediately pointed to the kevlar one.

"Very nice choice kid, three times the strength of steel, yet it allows the skin to breathe and doesn't chafe." He said typing it into the computer. "Mrs. Kline if you could just review the results, make final changes and submit them at your discretion.

"Yes, I think all the results look as they should sir, Thank you." She said giving the page a once over and an approving glance at the submit button.

"Okay then, it should arrive in the wall in about 10 seconds." Replied the wolf.

After about 10 seconds the wall opened up and a kevlar mesh collar appeared, it looked like a strap of kevlar with 2 clasps on the outside, however all around the inside was a network of wires, batteries and receptors that were ready to transmit information and do everything for whoever it was attached to.

"Okay James, let's try it on shall we?" Asked Jane as she picked up the collar and placed it into James's paws.

James took the cue and wrapped the kevlar around his neck, making sure to push some fur out of the way before clasping the collar closed.

"That won't be necessary." Said the Wolf, "The clasps have small static fields that move hair out of the way before clasping, and if there is hair in it, it won't clasp, just a little function we added in to help out." He said smugly.

"Well how it it James? Is it tight or uncomfortable at all?" Asked Jane.

It wasn't uncomfortable to James, in fact it was far from it, with temperature regulators making it feel like his normal body temperature and weighing almost nothing, James felt as if there was nothing on his neck and double checked patting his neck with his paws to see if the collar had disappeared. James just showed a thumbs up to state his approval of the device and promptly stepped down from the chair. He then tried to pull it off, expecting the magnet in the device to succumb to his will, unfortunately when an electromagnet is turned on, nothing short of two maglev trucks going in opposite directions could pull those apart, as for kevlar, it was 3 times stronger than steel and 20 times as flexible, and to a puppy, it was not going to come off until someone with the authority to take it off took it off. James's frustration for the device soon became overpowering and translated into actions, he began to try and tear off the collar, leaving himself only exhausted and panting at the efforts. He then pulled on the pant's of his mommy to get her attention, who promptly knelt down and pulled the collar right off of him as if it were made of paper and tape.

"Oh, only I can pull it off of you because you're under 3 and the law says I have to do that. I'm sorry about that James, but it's so that you don't hurt yourself." She said looking into his pouting and patting his head.

"Now let's go meet your agent." She said picking him back up and placing the collar back onto his neck.

James could not believe the injustice of it all, here he was trying to be his best for his mommy and she goes and rewards him with a collar, a piece that represented slavery, and mistrust, it was "for his own good" as it kept him under lock and key and in sight at all times. Didn't his mommy trust him enough? James did the rational thing any offended puppy would do and broke into tears in order to protest this detestable treatment.

Unfortunately, James having a new mind and essentially being a newborn puppy, could not judge for himself that the law would not move, tears or not. As he sat there and cried in his mommy's arms, she comforted and gently shushed him, but Jane was not moved in the least, she instead consoled him by reminding him of his treat and that he was not going to be the only one in his age group who would be wearing a collar.

"And besides, Harris wears one just like that too, he can't take it off either, so you aren't really alone." Said Jane. The fact that Harris wore one like him calmed James down significantly and allowed him to move down with his mommy.

"Okay James, now let's go meet your agent, she's one of the people who can talk to you anytime through your collar if you're feeling lonely, sad or lost and help you. " Said the registration wolf gently.

As they walked out of the room and down a hallway, they entered a massive room filled with computers, there were rows upon rows of computers, in total, there were a few thousand on this floor as was confirmed by the registration wolf. On the far side of the room opposite where they were standing was a giant seal with a shield, angel wings around it and a halo on top of it with the words "Guardian Angel Protection" written on the shield. There were more floors too, as this section of the building went underground five levels.

"Welcome to Guardian Angel, how may we help you?" Asked a female wolf at a desk.

The registration wolf walked up to her and handed her a chip, unlike the one James had seen before, and he correctly assumed that it was a memory drive containing his information.

"We need to speak to Clarissa Towakami please, she should be waiting for us in her work station am I right?" He inquired.

"Yes sir, she's in her station which is on floor 3 and in sector D." The wolf replied with a smile.

The three of them then moved to an elevator that moved them up to the third floor, this floor looked similar in design to the first floor except that it had two desks in the front instead of the one on the first floor, there was also a hallway that lead to different doors which had their own sections of computers and stations within.

"Hello, here to see Clarissa? I was told a group of three would be up here to see her. Please come follow me." She said waving them over. "Clarissa is in sector D, she absolutely loves taking care of children and is one of the best Guardian Angels you could have, one time she left in the middle of a consulate meeting and personally drove her car over to her charge, over two hours of time and making sure he was okay when he got a broken leg, spent the rest of the day with him making sure he would be fine. There is some deep respect for her all around the workplace, you're lucky you're getting her, she's lucky too getting someone as cute as you too." She said pinching James's cheek causing him to blush again.

"Here we are section D, Clarissa's station is down the hall to the left, her station number is 237, you can't miss it." She said before walking back down the hallway and sitting back down at her desk.

As the group walked down the hallway, James began to feel nervous about meeting his new "friend", so nervous that he began to, unaware of his actions, suck on his mommy's thumb. This prompted a response from his mommy, she began by gently pulling her thumb out of his mouth and guiding his thumb in it's place. James, who realized what he was doing pulled his thumb out blushing at his actions and turned his head away, embarrassed from his mommy.

"James, remember what we talked about? It's okay to do these things, you're a puppy now, just let go and let yourself free." She said stroking his head fur.

James whimpered once and pulled his thumb back into his mouth, relief was immediate for him as it relaxed him to a point where he didn't realize that they had already arrived at the station until Clarissa started talking.

"OH HOW PRECIOUS!" Was all that James could hear before he was lifted into the air and dropped onto the lap of a kind looking wolf. She was wearing a suit just like every other wolf in the building, but her face had the look of youth and the wear and tear of time. "Oh my, Is he mine?" She asked enthusiastically.

"Yup Clarissa, all yours, here you go. I need to head back, but be sure to make him feel welcome, he's a little shy." He said handing her the memory card containing his information and walking back down the hallway and back to his registration desk. "It's been a pleasure ma'am." He said.

"Thank you sir," With that Jane turned her attention to Clarissa, who was already typing James's information up to find him in the server. "Nice to meet you Clarissa, how are you today?"

"I'm doing great ma'am, thank you very much, you?"

"I'm doing great as well, so how long have you been an agent for the Guardian Angel Program?"

"About 20 years, I started when I was 14 as a volunteer and moved onto working as a consulate for Leonapria when I turned 20."

"Ah I see, I've heard amazing things about you, Is it true that one time, you left in the middle of a consulate meeting and went all the way back to a that was quite a drive away just to see your charge?" Jane asked admiringly

"Naw, I just went to visit him because he wasn't feeling well, something I wanted to do for a while but never had the chance to.... James is a newborn I see?"

"Yes he is, wow, I never believed that anyone would do something like that with such a risk to her job just to see her charge." She said.

"It is true that that is not an obligation, but I prefer to have my charges to have a much more personal relationship with me so that they're not afraid to ask for anything when they need it." She said while finishing the final touches on his account and submitting the changes.

"Okay ma'am if I can have James's collar please? I'm assuming that Dave made sure you had one before coming here?"

"Yes he did, here you go," Jane said as she took the collar off of James and handed it to Clarissa."

Clarissa just took it and placed it onto a sensor making sure that the computer could confirm the connection with the collar and allow it to interface. After a few moments of typing on the computer, the collar let out two quick beeps. Clarissa picked it up and placed it around James's neck, securing it and making sure it was not going to disconnect. She then talked into a small microphone on her desk, the microphone transmitted the sound to James's collar allowing him to hear her speak.

"James can you hear me? Nod if you can." Seeing him nod, she continued, "Okay James you're fully connected to the computer and now I can see if you're ok or not." She said pointing to a computer screen with sophisticated looking lines and charts all over it. On the top it said in bold letters, "Kline, James".

"James, I'll always be there for you, I'll be waiting to talk to you all the time, especially now that I've been released from my consulate duties and become a full time agent. If you feel lonely or anything at all, don't hesitate to talk to me when you're wearing the collar." She said hugging him and looking down at him with a smile.

James just smiled back, he didn't know why, but he liked this wolf, he showed his affection by kissing Clarissa, the old fashioned way, puppy style. Surprisingly, she returned the favor in the exact same way laughing with James. She explained herself to a staring Jane, "The reason why I love kids and they love me back is because I act just like them, sure there are moments where professionalism is needed, but in this line of work, it's mostly fun and games when it comes to kids and when they need you most, that's also where we come in." She said quickly. Jane seemed to accept this explanation liking Clarissa's style of thinking.

"I like you Clarissa, I think we'll have you for James's agent, what do you think James?" She looked to James for confirmation, who nodded his head vigorously in approval. "Okay then, we'll take you." She smiled at her and watched James's looking with awe at Clarissa.

"I think we found the perfect match." Said Jane.