Chapter 54: I Claim You

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#54 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

From the world of the Mating Season

I Claim You

Chapter 54

Keme could smell Seleste before he even entered the room. The room was dark and no moonlight reached through the window, but he could see Seleste's small body lying on the bed as if it were day. She was still clad in the white fur shawl and skirt she'd left the moon village in, though the shawl was unbuttoned and hanging open to reveal her small breasts. Perky and supple, they rose and fell gently as she lay on her side. Her long straight mane fell in a mess around her, across the pillow, and across her eyes. She smacked her lips, and one of her slender arms reached to scratch her head, then flopped across her face. With her arm lifted, her breast was pulled high with it, and the nipple jutted. Keme felt himself starting to stiffen.

Closing the curtain carefully behind him, Keme moved quietly through the room. It was the smallest room in the house: the guestroom. As a result, the bed Seleste rested on was very narrow and stood against the wall. A wicker closet stood in one corner, and on a stand in another corner rested a basin of water for washing. A very long, beautiful mirror stood on the wall opposite the bed, and reflected Seleste's slender body.

Keme climbed in beside Seleste, and after looking over her a moment, he eased his paw under her skirt. His careful fingers found her sex in the folds of fabric. She was hot and soft. He closed his eyes as he sank his fingers. And tight. So miraculously tight after all that had happened.

Seleste's lips parted in a gasp and her thighs squeezed against Keme's fingers. He felt her tail slap against him, but he didn't stop. He carefully slid his other arm under her, and reaching around, he found her tit and started to massage. She cried out and opened her eyes.

"K-Keme . . .!"

"Shh . . ." he whispered.

She shivered as his fingers continued working her. He could see her little tit rotating as he massaged, could feel her sex moistening as he rolled her clit between his fingers. He fumbled to unlace her skirt and let it fall away.

"Keme, if Kel catches you --"

"It's worth it. . . ." He pushed her mane back, and leaning down, tasted her nipple. "So worth it."

Seleste arched her back and cried out as he suckled her. His tongue rolled against her nipple, then his lips carefully sucked. She squirmed as his fingers kept up their gentle caress. He could feel her juices running down her thighs. He nudged her onto her back with his forehead, then the trail of careful kisses began - on her neck, on her breasts, down her belly. Seleste watched him going down and down, her heart pounding. He smiled at her when he reached her sex, and pulling her thighs apart, he licked them.

Seleste squeezed her eyes shut when his tongue tasted her. "Oh, god - Keme - why -a-ahh!" She was silenced when his mouth began its careful work, sucking her clit, carefully pulling and tasting her pussy lips, licking the wet crevice of her sex so slowly, so deliberately. When she had squirted, she melted in the sheets, breathless, her breasts rising and falling. She looked down between them to see him carefully licking her thighs.

"Keme, now you really have to - go - before . . . god." The pleasure was still tingling everywhere and she shivered all over.

Keme laughed. He hovered over Seleste on his paws and knees, and quite suddenly, the words came tumbling out of his mouth, "Seleste, will you marry me?"

Seleste stared at him, agape. "What . . . what brought this on?" she asked quietly. She sat up and calmly adjusted her shawl, buttoning it back on with such quiet dignity that Keme's heart sank to his stomach: she knew.

". . . it was when you healed me, wasn't it?" Keme said as it dawned on him.

Seleste didn't look at him but at her shawl as she adjusted it. "Yes," she said in a quiet, bitter voice.

Keme shook his head. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought I'd wait for you to trust me," Seleste said and looked him in the eye, her gray gaze frowning.

Keme almost winced. She looked so hurt. "Seleste, it wasn't . . . it wasn't that I didn't _trust_you."

"Then what was it?" Seleste demanded and folded her arms.

Keme held out his paws. "I didn't - I couldn't . . ."

Seleste lifted her eyebrows coldly. "Yes?"

Keme pushed his mane back from his face as he struggled to find the words. Finally, he rose from the bed, and Seleste almost screamed when he lifted it in one paw clear above his head.

"Keme!" Seleste squeaked. She almost fell over but caught herself against the side of the bed and peered down at him. Her pale mane fell forward around her and her eyes were practically popping from her face. "Are you crazy? Put me down - put the bed down!"

Keme carefully set the bed down, and Seleste braced her back in relief against the wall. Breasts heaving, she sat staring at Keme, who stood over her miserably.

"I'm used to being so strong," Keme said into the silence. He shook his head. "I thought I was strong enough to handle it on my own. I was wrong. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my vision. I'm . . ." he shrugged, ". . . sorry."

Seleste's face softened. "Oh, Keme . . ." She rose to her feet, and coming to him, her small paw smoothed over the hard pectorals of his chest. "You have a heart just like anyone else, a heart that can break, hurt, bleed. Sharing such a burden . . ." She shook her head as she gazed up at him. "It doesn't make you weak."

Keme's lips lifted at one corner in a reluctant smile.

"But why the sudden change of heart?" Seleste wondered. "I didn't think you would want . . . I mean, I had hoped. . . ."

"I'd be stupid not to marry you, I see that now. Roan made it pretty clear for me." He shook his head in amazement. "I never dreamed it was that way in the summer village." He looked at Seleste, his face dark with determination. "I can't allow another male to take you."

Seleste seemed very pleased by the adamant tone in his voice, and Keme suddenly realized this was the way a male was supposed to be: he was supposed to show desire for a female, put a claim on her, protect her from others. He could see already that Seleste felt happy and wanted and had to wonder how she had felt before. He hoped she hadn't felt _un_wanted.

Seleste nodded. "And you can't ever let anyone know about - about you and Honia. Honia's the chief here. If you became chief of my tribe and it got out later, they would think you had his ear because you slept with him. There would be no honor in that. A chief has the ear of his allies because he has earned their respect through his wealth and good breeding and intelligence . . . etcetera," Seleste finished wearily.

She sounded so bitter that Keme laughed. "You aren't looking forward to returning there, are you?" he said sympathetically. When the misery washed over her face, he kissed her tenderly and whispered against her lips, "Don't worry. I'll be with you."

Seleste closed her eyes happily. "Thank you, Keme."

"So . . ." Keme sat on the edge of the bed and looked up at her. "Does this mean your answer is . . . yes?"

Seleste smirked. "Let me make it clear."

Keme swallowed hard as she unbuttoned her shawl. It fell away around her shoulders and she shrugged it off to the floor. Now completely naked, she came to him and pressed her palms against his. Keme felt himself stiffen hard and strong when her shapely thighs opened around him, releasing the sweet musk of her sex. Still holding his paws, she pressed her weight down on him as she positioned herself over his cock, then that hot, wet, sheath came down over him and he moaned.

"Oh, Seleste . . ." Keme whispered as her slender arms enfolded him. Looking over her shoulder, he could see her dimpled back in the mirror opposite, the sides of her breasts as they jiggled near her underarms, the flexing of her small, round ass cheeks as her tail flicked up to reveal them. He smoothed her tail out of the way and could see his own thick erection feeding slowly in and out of her pussy lips. He peeled her ass cheeks apart in his big paws to get a better view, and she sighed in his ear.

"Ah . . . oh, Keme, what are you doing?" Seleste panted.

Keme's fingers curled under and he massaged her soft bottom in fistfuls. He could see her pink anus clenching tight under her tail and very carefully slipped a finger in. She cried out.

"I'm looking at you in the mirror," Keme whispered. "Your body's . . . incredible." He slid his paw down her narrow waist as he studied her reflection, then his eyes went back to her face. He was startled by the intensity there. There was no blushing, no embarrassment, no squirming or shy hiding. Seleste looked him directly in the eye, and her pretty gray eyes were fiery with lust. Suddenly, she wasn't the embarrassed little girl he used to know. She . . . was a female now.

"I'll show you incredible," Seleste whispered huskily. Before Keme could say a word, she had pushed him down on the bed. Her mane swung forward around her as she went down with him, and with her breasts crushed to his chest, she moved her hips against him in a way that made his toes curl.

"Oh - oh, Seleste," Keme whispered breathlessly.

Seleste's small paw smoothed up his muscly shoulder and neck to his face, and with that fire still in her eyes, she thrust her tongue in his mouth. Keme kissed her back, and his big paws gripped her ass in fistfuls as she moved on him. He could feel her pussy lengthening, his cock throbbing harder, getting deeper even as she became wetter. She was all over him, and he realized for the first time that she was making love to him. To him.

"Ah . . . ah. . . oh shit."

Smiling a twisted smirk of a smile, Seleste pulled back to regard Keme as she rode him. And looking up at her as he lay there weak in his passion, he realized what had brought on this sudden change: he had claimed her. Finally and officially, he had looked Seleste in the eye and said that he wanted her. And apparently, that meant everything to a female. Everything.

Breasts bouncing, Seleste began to ride harder, faster. Keme could feel himself coming. He sat up, and grabbing her flapping breasts, he suckled them as she gyrated her hips. Seleste's head fell back and she cried out. Her small paw offered her other tit, and Keme sucked it as well. He felt her tight pussy clench him and knew it was going to happen: he was going to come. Seleste felt it too. She took his paws in hers again, and with their paws pressed palm to palm, she tossed her mane and rode him hard, deep, slow, all that pale hair falling around her face, her slanted eyes still warm with love.

Keme felt her hot pussy smash down on him hard and his cock flinched inside her. He let her paws go and hugged her tight as it was happening: his hot fluids rushed to fill her. She huddled in his arms and he heard her cry out as his seed squirted inside.

They remained that way for a long pause, locked together on the bed, and as Keme held Seleste, he wanted to whisper that he loved her, that he would never leave her, and that he didn't care if she had his pup. But Seleste spoke first.

"Oh, Keme, I . . . I never thought you'd claim me!"

Keme's heart skipped a beat: her voice was a sob. "Seleste!" Keme pulled back and regarded her. He was alarmed to see tears trailing down her face. "Don't cry - did I hurt you? Here, climb off and you can lie down --"

Seleste shook her head. "No, it's just . . ." She looked at him, her eyes shining with tears. "We're going to be married. I - I never thought I would be able to marry someone that . . ." She smiled as she cupped Keme's face with one small paw. "Someone that I love . . . so much."

"Seleste," Keme said fondly. He hugged her tight again. When he opened his eyes, Kel was standing in the doorway.

And he was furious.