Chapter 58: First Orgasm

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#58 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

From the world of the mating season

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First Orgasm

Chapter 58

Kilyan announced that he had to attend the wedding ceremony: not to attend at all would have been catastrophic. Not only would he face LiAnh's displeasure, but that of the village council. For this reason, Avi explained to Keme that she had to attend as well: she was on the village council. But she would not be attending before getting Keme "settled in."

Kilyan disappeared down the corridor with Avi, and after a while, both returned freshly groomed. Kilyan had even more feathers in his mane, and Keme could tell it had also been brushed with mane oil. Avi followed after him, radiant with flowers behind her ear, fussing and adjusting her husband, and when Keme stood as they approached, she fussed over him as well.

"But I'm not going to the wedding," Keme said.

Avi tisked at him as if he should have known better. "Keme going to meet future wife! Must make good first impression. And Keme will. He handsome like father, strong, good hunter and warrior --"

"Your grandfather's gushing letter was a mile long," Kilyan said in answer to Keme's unspoken question.

They set off together, and once a ways down the street, Kilyan kissed Avi's cheek and departed, cautioning her not to be late for the wedding.

"But this won't take long," Avi said when Kilyan had gone. She took Keme's arm and smiled in amusement at his misery. "Keme must smile and be polite. Come. It might not be as bad as Keme so determined to think." Her dark eyes twinkled at him, and Keme couldn't help but smile back: she was unbelievably pretty. And like the shemales he had met, she was so small! He secretly had to wonder if the pygmies weren't, in fact, related to the shemales somehow. Perhaps a sister tribe that had gone awry?

As they walked up the street, Avi held Keme's arm, and her chin was lifted proudly as those they passed whispered and stared. Keme was soon to realize that his status as a hero of the sun had quickly spread, for little pups clung to his tail as he passed, begging him for stories or demonstrations of his warrior's skill. Keme stopped often to play with them, and quickly realizing that he was stalling, Avi shooed the children away and marched Keme on.

"Avi understand how Keme feel," Avi said as they went.

"Really?" Keme said miserably.

Avi laughed. "Keme, Avi princess once! Think Avi never have to face an arranged marriage? Your father not Avi first mate."

Keme blinked. He hadn't expected that.

"Avi loved Keme father. Wanted to be with him for years. But Avi was princess and later queen. Her place was with shemales. Her place was with shemale mate."

"And this is my place? With this . . . Iniwa?"

"For now, my son," Avi said softly in pygmy.

Keme's ears pricked forward. Avi seemed to hate the pygmies so much, he'd never expected for her to speak their language. And so fluently! Unlike common tongue, she spoke pygmy as if she'd been speaking it her entire life. She probably had.

"You may not have the princess today," Avi continued in pygmy tongue, "or tomorrow or even the day after that. Perhaps you will have her never. And perhaps one day . . . you will. My point is, Iniwa is not the end of your life. She is merely . . . a beginning."

They smiled at each other, and for some reason . . . Keme felt better.

As the sun was finally sinking away beyond the village walls, they arrived at a small hut. In the distance, Keme could hear the cheering, the music and dance that was certainly Seleste's wedding. He flattened his ears and tried to drown it out, tried not to think of Seleste and the fact that LiAnh was probably dancing with her, kissing her, sitting at her side. . . .

The hut they had come to was even smaller than Kilyan's. Judging by the age of the wood it was built from, it seemed a fairly new home, with newly woven baskets hanging with flowers near the door. Keme could see where someone had made a clumsy attempt to start a new garden after the fires, and much the same as Kilyan's home, wash was hung out to dry out back. The hut had been burned all along the left side but was otherwise miraculously intact. Keme could see smoke piping out the smoke hole and his heart sank: he had hoped against hope that Iniwa was not at home.

Avi stepped forward to knock near the curtain, then stepped back again to hold Keme's arm. She smiled at him as they waited patiently, and a moment later, a female peered out, then emerged. Keme's heart almost stopped: she was twice his age! He looked at Avi as if she were insane, then Avi and the female exchanged greetings, and Keme realized he was looking at Iniwa's mother.

Iniwa's mother was small and gray, with great breasts and great hips. Her breasts were wrapped in a pale gray shawl, and her long gray mane fell almost to the tip of her tail. Her eyes were deep brown and rich in color as the earth, and she searched Keme with them, scrutinizing him like a prize cow at the market. Keme stood stiff and tried not to fidget. When Iniwa's mother seemed satisfied, she nodded and smiled, then invited them inside.

Avi smiled again at Keme and they entered together.

The inside of the hut was dark and warm. Keme's suspicions were confirmed: the hut was indeed newly built, for it was practically empty. A few items were here and there, but there was practically no furniture and the fire pit was barely burning any logs.

As Avi and Keme entered, Keme could see a very large male sitting beside the fire. He sat with his legs and arms folded; a big gray buck of male, with the look of a seasoned warrior. In his mane was a white feather, which stood out hard against his otherwise dark being. He looked up as Avi, Keme, and Iniwa's mother entered. Iniwa's mother pecked him on the cheek and settled at his side. As Avi and Keme sat opposite Iniwa's parents, Iniwa's father turned his cold, inscrutable eyes upon Keme.

Keme swallowed hard and tried not to squirm. He suddenly felt like a little boy about to be spanked and not the twenty-year-old that he was. Iniwa's father was looking at him with a warning and a threat, and Keme sensed at once that his daughter had been deceived in the past.

"He is as you said," said Iniwa's mother into the silence. Keme was relieved that at least _she_looked happy and pleased. Iniwa's mother was practically beaming as she clasped her paws under her big breasts.

"Can he make children?" Iniwa's father barked. The question was directed at Avi, though his hard eyes were fixed on Keme.

Keme restrained rolling his eyes. Was that all parents cared about? Grandchildren?

"Keme healthy and vigorous as any young male," Avi said at once and nodded proudly.

"We were deceived once," said Iniwa's father apologetically, and his eyes softened as he looked at Avi. "I gave my daughter in marriage to a boy - I thought he was decent, healthy. He was a tail chaser."

"He . . ." Iniwa's mother hesitated, then said darkly, "He never touched Iniwa."

"He only married her to hide," growled Iniwa's father. "If the uprising hadn't taken him, I'd have broken his lying neck!"

Keme looked at Iniwa's parents and couldn't decide if they were angry that they had been lied to . . . or that the boy had been a tail chaser. He decided it didn't matter.

"I like females just fine," Keme assured Iniwa's parents. "I enter this arrangement with an honest heart: if I marry your daughter, she will have children, and I will her care for them."

Iniwa's father lifted his eyebrows in surprise. He and his wife exchanged glances and they were clearly pleased. Sitting beside Keme, Avi was looking very pleased as well.

"Then you will honor the arrangement?" Iniwa's father said, and this time, he was speaking directly to Keme. He held out his big paw.

Keme stared. It had only just occurred to him that he had a choice in this matter. But he had to ask himself what else he was going to do. If he didn't get married now and secure his place among the summer wolves, they mightn't let him marry later. Keme swallowed and took the male's paw. "I will honor the arrangement."

Keme and Iniwa's father shook paws, and Keme couldn't believe when the male actually grinned. He grinned back.

Iniwa's parents stood, and Iniwa's father whispered to his wife. His wife then nodded and disappeared behind the curtain barring the hall. A moment later, and she returned, a young female in tow.

Keme's mouth almost fell open, but he caught himself just in time. He hadn't expected for Iniwa to come walking out naked, but naked she came. Much like her mother, her breasts were too generous to be true - and perky besides, with dark nipples that stood erect. Her waist was narrow, her belly flat, and her shapely little thighs squirmed against each other as she stood, shyly rubbing her arm. She had beautiful slanted eyes as rich a brown as her mothers, and her long gray mane cascaded around her shoulders, falling away to the small of her back. Her mane fell forward to hide her face when she looked down, but one pretty eye peered at Keme around the sweep of it, and he could see she was taken with him. Her eye darted over him and her big breasts heaved, and when their eyes met, her lashes fluttered and she shyly looked down.

Keme felt the blood rushing to his groin. Avi playfully elbowed him, as if to say, I told you so.

Iniwa's mother smiled as she whispered to her daughter, "Don't be afraid. He is big, but he will be gentle. I can tell."

Keme wanted to die. Was his mother-in-law really predicting his performance in front him?

Iniwa nodded as her mother's whispered encouragement continued, and Keme could see her blushing brighter and brighter. He wanted to make her leave the poor girl alone. Eventually, Iniwa's father interceded.

"Come, my wife," he said. "Nothing can prepare her for adulthood." He kissed Iniwa on the cheek, then he, his wife, and Avi left smiling.

Left alone with Iniwa, Keme rose to his feet. He felt awkward as he looked at her. She was a complete stranger, and now . . . she was his wife. It hit him for the first time that he was married. Just like that. Apparently, a ceremony was a privilege, not a necessity.

Paws behind her back, Iniwa took a careful step toward Keme. "We . . . we have to . . ."

"We don't have to," Keme told her. "Not unless you're ready."

Iniwa looked up at him breathlessly. "I've never been more ready!"

Keme was a little taken aback. "Don't you want to talk to first?"

A look of surprise crossed Iniwa's face. "You want to talk to me?"

"Why not?" laughed Keme. "You're my wife now. I suspect we'll be doing a lot of talking from now on."

Iniwa laughed. It was a girlish sound, and looking down at her, he realized she might have been seventeen years old. Maybe even sixteen! It made him feel guilty to think that a girl so young . . . had been given to him in marriage.

They sat around the fire together. Iniwa folded her legs, and Keme saw the little cleft of her pussy lips split the tiniest bit. The lips between her thighs were dark like her nipples. The fur cloaking them looked so fuzzy and warm . . . She caught him staring and put her paws there.

Keme laughed. "Surely your husband at least looked?"

Iniwa shook her head so hard her ears flapped. "You heard my dad. He was a tail chaser. He married me to hide from his parents. He was good to me, but . . ."

"He deceived you. And your parents," Keme finished for her.

"Besides," Iniwa said sadly, "I don't think he could make pups. Even if he wanted to. He had some sort of . . . problem. Down there."

"Ouch. Poor guy."

Iniwa nodded. "Yes. He was a good friend to me. He built me this home with his father, and now it is yours to finish. I apologize: he hardly began furnishing it before he died in the uprising. I . . . I miss him sometimes." She looked at Keme quickly and winced at her own words. "Is that okay?" she asked timidly. She peered at him with large eyes around the sweep of her long mane.

"I'll never tell you how to feel, Iniwa," Keme assured her gently. "If you miss him, then miss him." He had every intention of missing Seleste. . . .

Iniwa smiled. "Thank you for understanding . . . my husband."

Keme smiled back: he liked the sound of that already. "So . . . your father didn't want you to have a mating season?"

Iniwa blushed and shook her head again. "Daddy is very protective. He didn't want me to be taken by just anyone. He married me off as soon as young males started . . . asking."

"How old was that?"


Keme swallowed hard and pushed his mane back. So he was right. Good god. She was so young. But he had to remind himself: he was only a few years older.

Iniwa frowned sadly. "I'm sixteen summers now. What's the matter? Are you displeased?"

Keme looked at her and realized she was frightened he would back out of the marriage. "No, no," he assured her. "I'm not - I mean - you're just so . . . young."

Iniwa laughed her girlish laugh again. "And how old are you, my husband?"


She looked at him in amazement. "But . . . a male like you should have had six wives by now! The females should have been lining up --" She shook her head, still incredulous. "There's a female, isn't there?" she said shrewdly.

Keme looked at her, startled by her perception.

"A female you couldn't have," Iniwa said sympathetically. "You wanted her, waited for her . . . but for some reason, it was never to be."

"Um . . ." Keme miserably rubbed the back of his neck and flattened his ears when the distant music of the wedding grew louder. "Something like that."

Iniwa suddenly grinned and clasped her paws under her chin. "How romantic!"

Keme laughed flatly. "Yes. I'm glad my pain is romantic to you."

"I'll never try to take her place," she whispered.

Keme looked up and was startled by the serious fire in her eyes. She tilted her head down, and that she wanted him was clear. But as if she had caught herself lusting, her lashes fluttered and she fumbled with her mane. Her big breasts knocked each other softly. Keme felt himself stir.

Her pretty eyes went to his cock, round with fascination. "It's . . . moving!"

"It does that around pretty females," Keme said, but he hadn't taken his eyes from her breasts.

"What's happening?" Iniwa whispered.

"I'm getting . . . hard."

Iniwa's lashes fluttered again. "Because of me?"

"No, because of that broom over there," Keme joked. He felt it coming on stronger and knew what Iniwa was seeing: his big dick pumping upright, pulsing with veins, erect and ready. The scent of her was driving him wild. She smelled sort of flowery, as if she had rolled around the grass out in the grazing fields. But he could smell her pussy as well. It had a light musk that made his nose twitch a little.

"Oh my!" Iniwa whispered. "It's . . . standing!"

She still didn't seem to understand what exactly had made it happen. Keme nodded at her. "Your breasts," he whispered. ". . . cup them, Iniwa."

Iniwa's blush deepened, but she did as Keme asked and cupped her breasts. They were so big they spilled over her slender fingers, and the dark nipples poked between. The mounds of her breasts mashed together under her long neck, and below, her narrow waist spilled down to her hips, her thighs, and the dark little pussy that was slightly open to him.

Keme swallowed hard. "And you've never . . . done anything? I mean, you've never been kissed?"

Iniwa shook her head hard and hugged her breasts tight, as if to hide them from Keme's hungry staring. But her large pretty eyes did not stop staring at his hard dick. She was in awe. Did no one bother to tell her what happened to a male's dick when he was aroused? He could tell she was aroused as well, but she was confused by what was happening to her. Her pussy lips were swollen and her nipples were hard. She closed one little paw over her pussy, as if she didn't know what to do.

"Are you ready to?" Keme whispered.

Iniwa looked at him with her round, eager eyes. "Yes! Yes - please!"

Keme scooped her into his arms. She wrapped her slender arms around his neck, and she was beaming at him with those pretty eyes. She was breathless, she was trembling, her mane was in her face. Keme looked at her lips a moment, then kissed her. His tongue filled her mouth, and he could feel her pushing back, eagerly tasting him, startled by his hunger and eager to please.

Keme carried her down the hall, and after following her whispered instructions, he found the bedroom. It was as small and as modest as the rest of the house, but thankfully, the bed was double wide. Like many the bedrooms he had seen up until now, there was a wicker closet in the corner, low tables bearing mane brushes and mirrors, candles, baskets of folded laundry.

Keme went straight for the bed and carefully laid Iniwa down. Resting back on her elbows, she gazed up at him, her big breasts heaving. Keme leaned down and suckled her. She cried out and her head fell back. She dropped from her elbows and Keme went down with her, still carefully pulling with his lips and tasting with his tongue. His other paw flexed against the great mound of her tit, then he moved to the other nipple and carefully licked it as well. She hesitated, then curled her fingers in his mane. Her fingers tightened when his tongue carefully rotated her nipple around and around, then his fingers slid down her belly, and nudging her thighs apart, he slipped them between the silky soft folds of her pussy lips.

Keme was careful and slow. He knew she had never been touched there before, and when his fingers slipped inside her, they were halted by her tight hymen. And, god, was she tight. He was really going to hurt her, he knew. His lips traveled down and down, leaving wet petals in their wake. She was trembling all over now.

"You're . . . going to . . .?"

"Kiss you there," Keme finished for her. He buried his face between her thighs and felt his dick throb harder as the heat of them pressed against him. Glancing up, he could see her frightened face peering down at him between those huge tits. Her long mane was in her eyes, and her pretty lips were open. Gazing into her eyes, he opened his mouth and plunged his tongue. Her lips shaped into an 'o' and her head fell back.

He ate her out, carefully, slowly, tasting her, smelling her, kissing her thighs. But he knew that wetness would not come. Not until he'd broken her that first time.

Keme sat up, kneeling over her as he regarded her. God, she was beautiful. She lay before him, that shapely body twisted on the sheets, her big breasts heaving, her mane a mess.

Realizing he had stopped, Iniwa's eyes opened and she looked at him shyly. Her body was no doubt on fire from his kissing and groping: she was trembling all over, blushing, and her clit was throbbing. She smiled up at him, and he knew she had spent the better part of her teen years bitterly wondering just what it was Daddy had been protecting her from. Keme smiled to himself: she was about to find out.

"What are you going to do now?" Iniwa wondered eagerly. She sat up and shyly hugged her breasts as she looked at him. He knew how he must've looked to her, kneeling there with his powerful body, his rippling belly, bulging pectorals, and the hard cock that stood erect against his belly.

"Iniwa," Keme whispered. He leaned close and kissed her warm on the mouth. When he pulled back, she was breathless and weak. He cupped her face with one big paw. "Suck my dick."

Iniwa colored up. "But - how?" she whispered, her large eyes round. "I've never --"

"Lick your lips," Keme whispered to her, "and cover your teeth . . ."

Iniwa did as Keme instructed, and her hungry eyes went eagerly to his cock. He could tell this was something she had thought of before, but she was terrified of doing it wrong. He assuaged her fears when he told her that anything she did with her lips and tongue would feel good. She looked at him warmly, then knelt down in front of him, and with her ass pointed out, her great breasts swung down as she started to suck.

Keme closed his eyes as her clumsy efforts began, and he had to wonder if he had ever been so clumsy and uncertain. But the longer she experimented with her lips and tongue, the bolder she became, until she had eagerly taken his cock in her mouth and was sucking.

Looking down at her, Keme watched her beautiful naked body moving with each suck. Her ass was still pointed out and the cheeks were split from the width of her knees. Her tail was flitting up and down. He could see the sides of her tits jiggling under as she moved. All that long hair spilled everywhere, falling down in her face as she sucked. She kept pausing to irritably push it back. Keme piled it on top of her head, and holding her mane there, he moved her head on his cock. He closed his eyes and sighed as he instantly got deeper. He was surprised when she grabbed his ass in fistfuls and pulled him close. She ate him ravenously now, and when it felt as if he might come, he stopped her.

Weak and breathless, Keme slouched forward.

Iniwa sat up, licking her lips as she happily regarded him. "I did it well, didn't I?" she asked with girlish delight. "You were about to - do something. Why didn't you do it?"

Keme laughed softly. "I was about to come. I didn't know if you wanted me to - I mean, you want me to in your mouth?"

"But what does that mean?" Iniwa asked and blinked her large eyes.

Keme smiled at her innocence. The amount to which her parents had sheltered her was shameful. "When a male comes . . ." Keme winced. God, did he really have to explain this? "It's an orgasm. It's pleasure."

Iniwa shook her head. "Why didn't you do it? Aren't . . . aren't you happy with . . ." She looked down and hugged herself sadly.

"No, no, Iniwa," Keme said gently and lifted her chin. "You are very beautiful. Never think otherwise."

She beamed at him. "But . . . why didn't you? I still don't understand."

"When a male . . . orgasms . . . he squirts his seed. That would have gone in your mouth. And you would have been forced to swallow."

"What if I want to swallow?" she said mischievously, and smirking at Keme, she pushed her mane back behind her ear.

"If I come, I'll get soft, and I need to be hard to. . ." He glanced down at her thighs.

Iniwa's eyes grew round again as she realized. "You're going to put it . . . there!"

"Yes," Keme whispered. He kissed her. "Lie down . . ."

Iniwa gulped visibly, and Keme knew she was afraid: there was usually some pain for females the first time. Especially with hymens as tight and hard as hers.

Looking at her lying there so nervous, Keme was suddenly felt just as afraid. He didn't want to hurt her. And it hit him for the first time that he had never taken a virgin before.

Keme leaned down close. He showered her neck and breasts with soft kisses, and her lashes fluttered as she twisted under him. She was trembling so hard. He dipped his hips to get inside, but her thighs blocked him.

"Iniwa . . ." Keme whispered, ". . . open your legs. I'll be gentle. I promise."

Lashes still fluttering, Iniwa nodded. She opened her thighs, and Keme felt the heat of her sex hit his cock. He buried kisses in her neck as he slowly pushed the head of his cock in. He paused to let her catch her breath, then slid in deeper. She broke around him, and he heard her hiss with pain. He stopped again, and covering her with more kisses, he fumbled for her paw and held it. She looked at him gratefully and nodded for him to continue. He slid in deep and felt the hot blood come, a single faint line that slid down her thigh.

Keme looked down at her as he moved inside. She was in pain, he knew, but then she looked at him . . . and when their eyes connected . . . it was like she didn't even notice. She stared up at him, her pretty eyes wide with fascination. As he moved inside the warm sheath of her pussy, she looked at him as if she had never quite seen him before. She smiled uncertainly, then kissed him, and for the first time, she whispered his name.

Keme knew what she was feeling. It was her first real pleasure. The careful stroking of his cock made her lips part, made her eyes hood, made her twist under him and thrust her big breasts against his chest. Her breasts rode softly with his every thrust, and he could feel her small paws carefully exploring him. She grabbed the tight muscles of his back, grabbed his ass, ran her fingers through his mane. Watching as she received this deep pleasure, she looked so small and beautiful and frail to him. His eyes softened, and he kissed her.

Later when Keme had come, they lay in bed together as the night hummed soft outside their window. Crickets chirruped, distant sheep baaed in the stables, and lying there with Iniwa in his arm, Keme felt very content.

"Will I orgasm one day?" Iniwa whispered. "Can females do that?"

Keme held back a laugh. "Of course they can!"

"Will you . . . make me? I want to . . . I want . . ." She stammered herself silent and blushed when Keme looked down at her.

Keme lifted her chin. "Whatever you want," he whispered, "just ask."

Iniwa beamed at him, and her eyes were practically glowing. She hadn't stopped looking that way since he'd been inside. She was a pup fascinated with something shiny.

"I want to orgasm, Keme," she whispered.

Keme sat up. "Come here," he said when she hesitated.

Iniwa sat up beside him. She was startled when he immediately pulled her close and began kissing her neck. His paws were everywhere, groping her breasts, her ass, pulling her close, holding her tight. Her head fell back as he buried kisses in her neck and his big paw massaged her tit. "Oh, Keme!" she whispered. "I'm getting hot!"

"And wet," Keme said softly. His fingers slid easily into her pussy, and she watched with blushing cheeks as he tasted them. He sank them between her thighs again, and this time, carefully massaged her throbbing little clit. She shivered in his arms, and after feeling a hot brush, she glanced down to see he was rock hard.

"Get on your paws and knees," Keme told her. "In front of me."

Heart pounding, Iniwa did as he asked. She had never been in such a position before, with her ass pointed at a male, her anus and pussy on display for him to poke, prod, and lick. She closed her eyes and shivered when Keme's careful fingers slid between her pussy lips again. She heard his lips and knew he was tasting her. Then the fingers came again, massaging, gliding in and out. One of his fingers even touched the tight knot under her tail, and she shivered again. He carefully spread her knees, and then he was pulling her to him by the hips. He was pulling her into his lap! She felt the head of his big cock plunge inside and cried out, melting all over as he held her from behind.

Now sitting in Keme's lap with his hard dick inside, Iniwa looked down and blushed. She could see her pussy splitting around him, clenching through her juices to hold on tight. Her clit was throbbing hard against their joined sexes, and groping Iniwa's tit, Keme's free paw smoothed down her belly to her clit. He fingered her and groped her as he fucked her in his lap, and her head fell back as she cried out, weak with pleasure.

Why was he so strong? When she was too paralyzed to move, he lifted her easily in his big paws and started bringing her up and down. He hunched his back to stab himself up and in, and lifting one of her huge tits, he stared at it hungrily as he fucked her.

"Oh, Keme - I - I can't breathe!" Iniwa cried.

"You can," Keme whispered. "Make more noise, it'll help - god, look at your tits!" Suddenly wild, he massaged her breasts hard, rotating them in his big paws as his cock stabbed up and inside. Her shapely body twisted on his cock, and throwing her shyness to the wind, Iniwa opened her mouth and screamed, rhythmically, shrilly, weakly - until her juices spurted over Keme's hard cock and seeped down into his balls. She sagged against his chest, he gave a choked cry in her ear, and then she felt the hot rush of his fluids filling her.

Deliriously happy, Iniwa climbed off Keme and shoved him down on the bed. He was startled by this aggression on her part but also found it a bit amusing: she was pushing him down so they could cuddle. Beaming at him, she snuggled into his arms.

Keme kissed her head and pulled the sheets over them. He stared at the ceiling as she happily ran her fingers through his chest fur. Maybe married life wouldn't be so bad.

"Keme?" she whispered contently.


"I. . . . I think I love you." She looked at him sheepishly. "Is that okay?"

"No, please hate me," Keme teased.

She giggled. "It's just that . . . I know you love that other female. And we only just married . . ."

"And met."

Iniwa touched Keme's face, turning it to look at her. The fire was back in her eyes as she whispered, "I will spend the rest of our lives earning your love!"

"Iniwa," Keme said fondly. He took her fingers and kissed them, not knowing what to say. He supposed it was the usual virginal fascination. He had witnessed it firsthand with Talisa's infatuation with Seleste . . . and he had gone through it himself with Aiyana.

"So . . . I make you happy?" Iniwa whispered hopefully.

"Very happy. What about you? Is the lady pleased?"

Keme felt her cheek bulge against him in a smile. "Very pleased!" she said and gazed up at him helplessly. "If that was an orgasm, I look forward to the rest of our lives!"

Keme laughed. "So do I, Iniwa. So do I."

Chapter 59: For Yeneneshe

For Yeneneshe Chapter 59 Yeneneshe was gone. Simply vanished. Ettoras could think of nothing else and found it incredibly frustrating that everyone else was so ready to just hide and not go looking for her. He wanted to _explode._ After the attack,...

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Chapter 57: Unrunning

Unrunning Chapter 57 Zeinara awoke abruptly to find Wilmer standing over her, bloody and hollow-eyed. "Geez, Wilmer!" she complained in a hiss, trying to keep her voice low for fear of waking the others. She gently disentangled herself from Kayya and...

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Chapter 59 A Glutton for Punishment

A Glutton For Punishment Chapter 59 Corene was taken to the dinning hall and made to kneel on paws and knees on the center of the long table, her backside jutting and her big breasts hanging down. One of the Akbash put an apple in her mouth, another...

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