The Chase: beginning

Story by spring87 on SoFurry

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Panting, the grey Russian wolf was flat against the wall, he looked around the corner carefully to see if they were still following him. He has been on the run now for over an hour and his head was still spinning. Skylar wondered what they wanted with him he hadn't done anything wrong. His train of thoughts were derailed when he spotted the non-descript black and mud caked Gazelle van as it ground to a halt at the end of the pothole strewn road. No sooner than the van stopped all the occupant disembarked from it.The driver seemed to be the leader of the group, "You two! check that alleyway! You, you and you, fan out and search the area" the large rotweiler barked.

Folding his ears back Skylar flattened himself against the wall and quickly considered his options. Option one: Confront the group of canines on a 6 on one fight to the death... That didn't sound appealing to him. Option two, find some way out of the area as fast as he could. Looking up and down the street there were no cars parked or driving. He looked up at the depresingly grey sky that blended into the equally depressing grey buildings and the dirty grey street.The typical scenery of a downtrodden Moscow suburb.

The driver of the van, Shasha, reached into his pocket and took out a cell phone, dialing a number he waited until a gravelly voice on the other end responded."Yes?.... have you eliminated him yet?" Shasha looked about nervously and replied to the fur known simply as The Contact "Not as of yet, I have my men combing the area now it shouldn't be too long before he is no more." There was a long drawn out silence before a sigh at the other end of the line and a simple instruction "You have until the end of the week to make sure that Skylar is dead... fail that and I will be getting another team in to do your job" Shasha winced and knew what he was talking about. "Yes sir, I will have th job done by then." He clicked off the phone and put it in his jacket. Reaching in to the other pocket, he removed a silenced Glock handgun checking the chamber and making sure that the safety was on.

The sound of shuffling footsteps alerted Skylar to someone approaching making him tense up. This was it... only one thing to do. He waited until the muzzle of an Arctic fox appeared from around the corner and slammed his balled fist as hard as he could into the side of it. Without as much as a yelp, the fox hit the ground and was immediatly dragged behind a dumpster. The wolf rummaged through the foxes pockets and recovered a wallet, a small but powerful Makarov and an Iphone. He also looked at a small black case that was also in the foxes possession and opened it. Inside was a hypodermic syringe and three small glass vials, Skylar knew exactly what was inside the small bottles and closed the case pocketing it.

Just as he was walking away, the foxes cellphone buzzed. Lifting it out, he checked the name on the caller display it simply said Sasha, Skylar accepted the call and listened "Vasily, this is Sasha, the boss wants us to take the wolf out. As soon as possible" then call ended as suddenly as it began. Skylar looked at the phone then switched i toff, throwing it into a puddle. Vasily groaned as he started to wake up prompting Skylar to kick him in the chest, the fox gasped and fell back onto the ground not getting back up this time.

Sasha growled in annoyance and looked at his watch, 10:57am... "not bad for first thing in the morning" he thought to himself and went back to the van. Skylar on the other hand, found a quick way to get out of the area. A black and dust covered Gazelle. Rounding the corner Sasha had a look of minor confusion as he glanced around. "FUCK!" he roared and kicked a garbage can knocking if over. The wolf grinned as he drove down the garbage strewn street, indicated and joined the chaotic traffic of the Russian rush hour.

Viktor, a tall pudgy brown bear, was walking through the back alley and stopped, he spotted a pair of black boots the quickened his pace, running the last few yards and pulled out his cell phone. Hammering at the touch screen the called Sasha. "Boss! I found him!" the rotweiler smiled "Ahh well done, tell me that you've ended that wolf" he said with glee in his voice. "Wolf? Boss, I found Vasily.. He is in a bad way, you need to come here now." The bear said in a panicked tone. Sasha ended the call and brought up a small map on his phone, all ofhis teams locations were displayed on the screen, except for one. Trudging his way across the network of alleyways cursing his luck he eventually greeted Viktor with a curt nod. "He doesn't look too good boss" the bear said. Leaning in towards the bloodied foxes muzzle "Vasily... tell me what happened. Did you see what direction that son of a bitch took?" Coughing and spitting out congealed blood, Vasily wiped his muzzle and looked at the towering figure of Sasha. "I don't know what direction he took boss... he was too quick and go the drop on me" The rotweiler nodded and stood up, looking at bear he asked him one simple thing "You two have done enough, Viktor, take Vasily to the hospital.. I'll ring Mikial and Piotar" Viktor nodded and scooped up the fox taking him to a waiting car.

Skylar parked the van beside a bar leaving the keys in the ignition on purpose. Taking one last look, he disappeared into the throng of other furs, jostling their way through their daily day. Grinning, he entered another bar and ordered a beer. Sasha meanwhile was making his own way to a bar, grumbling as he pushed the door open. The patrons looked as he made his way into the dingy, dirty and cigarette choked bar. Sitting on two stools at a darkened corner sat a tiger and a husky, their faces only illiminated by the faint glow of the huskys burning cigarette. "You Sasha?" the white tiger rumbled. Nodding and ordering a drink the rotweiller sat with them "Yeah... you must be Mikhial" he said to the tiger "you must be Piotar" the husky simply nodded and knocked back a shot of vodka. "I have a job for you two..." Both listened to Sasha's offer and nodded. Piotar sparked up another cigarette and blew out a thick plume of blue smoke. "So you want the two of us tho join you in taking this wolf... Skylar out?... heheh consider it done" the husky grinned toothily.

Skylar exited a store wiht a new change of clothes and a hat. Looking over his shoulder out of habit. Turning up his collar he thrust his paws into his jacket. A black Nissan Patrol sat idling on the kerb. Piotar sat behind the wheel as Mikhail sat in the passenger seat. At his own insistance, Sasha went back to get the rest of the group with the good news.