Red and Blake Ch. 1

Story by SweetKitten on SoFurry

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#1 of Red and Blake(Wolfie Steel)

Welcome SoFurry friends thank you for popping in! This is a little project I'll be doing by a really amazing and most favorite author of mine Wolfie Steel, we will be co-writing this story together so please do give him some love too and we both hope you enjoy our story! We'll be placing links into the stories to the next chapter in each upload, so look out for them thank you!

What happens when you come face to face with the least expected? Well a little fox named Red believes that his new tutor is as old as the gods like his previous one but what he didn't count on is the shock of his life being muzzle to muzzle with one of the most prestige tutors around, a young sexy Doberman by the name of Blake. What secrets lie within this hunk of dog? Only one way to find out.

For Chapter 2 here is the lovely link, once again thank you for reading!

Staring hard at the red, black, and white furred male across the breakfast table from me my maw had dropped open and eyes wide in utter shock with what had just been spoke moments ago. "Father you can't be serious, my grades aren't _ that _ bad!"

The father's arms remained crossed over his chest as he shook his head lightly and chuckled seeing the look on my face but knew that what he was doing was for my own good, "I know that son and I intend to keep it that way but I know you can do so much better if you had a bit more motivation. Your computer class grade has been slipping all year and I feel that it is high time I got you a tutor to help access the issue and bring that grade back up at least to a high B."

Sitting I shook my head and groaned putting my face into black padded paws wishing I had stayed in bed that morning instead of coming down stairs to raid the fridge. Curse my still rumbling stomach! Right I'm sure you're wondering what is going on well let me introduce myself, my name is Alexander Matthews and the fox sitting in front of me is my dad, Erik Matthews. Please just call me Red, my full first name is a muzzleful.

"Son you'll thank me for this later, besides Chester is up there in age and ready to retire, he'll be sending someone over to the school Monday to meet you and get you two well acquainted. I expect you to be on your best behavior, don't disappoint me son a brilliant mind is a terrible thing to waste." Ruffling the messy locks of red head fur on my head I pout but a little smile is evident on my face as my father walks off to the foyer to get his things ready for work. "New tutor huh?"

Monday had came a lot faster than I had liked but then again it was only yesterday I had gotten the news. I really will miss Chester, he was such a sweet Dalmatian with the cutest little bifocals that always was perched at the end of his nose like something out of a cartoon. I had known him since I was a little kit and he was part of our family by a long shot, it was nice to see that he would be able to spend more time with his boyfriend probably going to sunny Hawaii for a much needed romantic trip. Don't get me wrong Chester was almost 60 but boy could he move, for an old guy you'd think he was 16 considering how well he can play tennis and martial art practices with me on the weekends some times.

Getting back on subject I stare at my computer book just wishing my glares could make it turn to nothing but ash and soot but all my green eyes could do was drift between emerald and hazel in the florescent lighting of the library.

"This sucks monkey balls." I mumble laying my head down on the desk sighing seeing that it would be at least another ten minutes before I meet my new tutor.

"Yo Red!"

Perking my ears up I look to the side to see two of my friends rushing over to me as I full sit up and let out a yawn from my muzzle, "Hey guys what's going on?"

A panther leaned over the fist bump me while a black wolf smiled his greetings, "Oi we were just heading for track practice, wanna come watch? Jacob is gonna be breaking in his new shorts." Pointing to the black wolf he punched the feline in his muscular arm as he scolded at him.

"Way to pimp me out Luke!" He scolded but had a playful look in his eyes as he blushed deeply leaning into the other. "Sorry babe I couldn't help it, you know I love to watch you run in those little shorts, it's sexy the way your butt sways and bounce..."

Earning another punch in the arm the panther laughed a hearty laugh but saw me pouting deeply. "Whoa what's up with you? You never pout unless they run out of juice in the vending machine."

"Pops got me a new tutor."

Both of my friends looked at me a little stunned, back to each other, then back at me as they shrugged, "Sucks to be you, at least will this one be hot?" Asked Luke as he placed a muscles arm around Jacob's thin waist.

"It's a close friend of Chester's so I highly doubt that. I bet he's as old as the old dog himself if not then ancient! Ugh how can I concentrate with an old guy droning on and on in my ear, I'm gonna flunk this stupid class for sure." Laying my head back down on the table with an audible thud I turn to see my friends shaking their head again, if they weren't different species I'd say they were twins.

"I bet he wears coke bottle glasses and talks like he's from the 1800's, oi oi what if he wore one of those fancy penguin suits with tails! I'd probably die if I saw that!" The fox laughed unknown to him that someone was listening in on his conversation a lot closer than he thought.