The Beginning of Appreciation... (Conclusion)

Story by The Drake Ax on SoFurry

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This is what happens when I get tired with a plot, or I see that its not going anywhere. Its short so here. *shoves it at you*

Chessax was worn out, as well as I was, so we merely lay there, staring deeply into each other's eyes. I put my black scaly hand on his face, and caressed his cheek a few times. His eyes closed contently, and I could hear him purr much like a cat would. My smile couldn't contain itself, and I realized that I was absolutely beaming. Nothing was wrong, and everything seemed so perfect. All I had was right here in my arms. I meant something to someone. My dream of being more than a name people were awed by was slowly taking shape in the form as Chessax. He was my lover, my parent, my savor it seemed.

Had I not been watched by him...

Had I not actually met him...

I don't even know where I'd be.


I blinked a few times and awoke from my thoughts, "Um... Yes, love?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Yellow...I just realized. His eyes were yellow, and his black, slit, pupil contrasted greatly with the brilliance of the deep yellow. I answered him as I stared into that eternity.

"You..." I replied, and I clutched at him as I shivered, "How much you've done for me... All of this is so...overwhelmingly welcome to me... Chessax, you've given me more than anyone else in my life has ever before."

"You're just not used to the treatment rightfully owed to someone as beautiful as you are," he answered with a knowing smile, and rested a claw tip on the end of my muzzle, "I'm giving you all the things that you deserve, because I'm the only one who cares enough."

For some reason, this pulled me into a downtrodden state. Drifting away from his face, my eyes found nothingness in the space they tried to occupy. Chessax lifted a hand and slowly pushed my face back to his.

He had a worried look on his face, "Is...something the matter, love?"

"Remember when you were talking about those other people who were watching me, and would be jealous of you?"

He nodded.

"What makes you so different from all of them?" I almost choked on my breath, feeling horrible at doubting this person that my heartbeat belonged to, "How are you so different that you won't mistreat me?"

I shuddered a bit in his embrace, a tear falling from my eye and running down the side of my face and onto his strong arm.

"Ax..." his voice was soft, and alluring, "I could not live with myself...if I did something like that..."

"Chessax..." I didn't know what to say.

"I couldn't do that..." he breathed in and shuddered with emotion, "If I hurt would be like...killing myself...hundreds of times over... I couldn't... I wouldn't..."

I pulled him closer and squeezed him lovingly, "Please," I begged softly, "Don't worry about it. You haven't done anything."

His eyes seemed so unsure as he looked at me, "But..."

Softly, I put my fingers on his lips, "Shhh... Don't worry... You haven't done anything" I repeated, with even more tenderness than before.

He drew in a deep breath and sighed it out, "You're right..."

Chessax wiped off his front, and, grinning, he rolled over and stood from the bed to face the huge window behind the bed. I admired his form as he stretched and yawned, his well-toned body glowing a bit in the fading light of day. The glimmering light played over his lithe form, from his muzzle, to his chest, his hard-packed abs, and on down, making it seem as though everything had gained a new perspective for him and me. Hope was everywhere for us, and the warming glow of that light would only illuminate the way for us.

Likewise, I wiped myself off, and rose from my new bed. He smiled happily as I joined him, throwing my arms over his shoulders, and leaning against him. We were bare of everything; clothes, worry, the troubles of life, we had each other, that's all that meant anything to either of us. I pulled him close, basting in that feeling of his front on mine, his warmth, all of him touching me.

"You know," he said suddenly, "We really should get ready for the party."

He smiled, and the mirth in his face made me burst forth with a laughter that I had never truly known in my life. There had always been a force there to hold down love, emotions, happiness. Things that truly mattered in life that I had been devoid of for so long.

"One more thing though..." he stopped me as I tried to walk to the shower.

Confused, I looked up at him. His face shifted into an interested smiled, something of malevolent amusement showed in his eyes.

"Yes?" I asked slowly, wondering what was going on.

"I hoped you enjoyed this."


"Nothing will ever be as it seems to you."

I backed away towards the window away from him, "Chessax... What are you saying? What... What's going on??!?!" I shouted.

"Nothing more than you deserve."

All he did was push me.

My feet lifted off the ground, and the moment froze. For such a small push, why did it have so much force behind it? I could only wonder as my back smashed through the window, and the glittering of the glass seemed to be the only light. Darkness consumed my body, as I sailed laterally through the air. It had been too good to be true. I knew it. I knew it so well that I had allowed myself to be pulled into it, and now... I was going to die because of it...

_ _ _ _

"You can't end it like that!"

The Rex spun around in his computer chair just as, "Because of it..." came out of his fingertips and onto the screen, "What? Why?"

The Dragon sitting behind him pointed at the screen in annoyance, "Come on! It had such potential!"

The Rex scoffed, "I was getting tired of it, besides I have like three million other things going on," he sighed, "Not to mention the school work that I have to get done," he grimaced at some unseen pain.

The larger Dragon reached his arms around the chair and squeezed the Rex's obliques, causing the smaller reptile to jump at the touch, "You need to calm down. Just because people don't like your work doesn't mean you shouldn't quit it."

The Rex purred, and put his arms graciously on the Dragon's, "I know, but this one really was going nowhere. Truthfully, Drayko, didn't you see where I started to get bored?"

"You were bored were you, Ax?" the blue and black scaled Dragon began to tilt the seat back as he pulled the smaller Rex out of it, "I think I should fix that..."

The End.