(Fresh Air 3)-Warm Winds

Story by alverick on SoFurry

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#3 of Fresh Air

The third part to the Fresh Air arc, Warm Winds. Here we'll find out more about Chris's past. As well as sexeh tiemz! If you have not read the first two in the series, i HIGHLY recomend you do as those two give VERY important plot details. I would like to also apologize again for the wait. I would have finished earlier if this was a 20 page story, but while i was typing it, 20 pages soon turned into . . . 55. Hehe, whoopsy. Also, as reference, in my other stories, i have built upon the theory of werebeasts, or furrys in this world. There are a few facts that i utilize. For one, werebeast saliva is much thicker and last much longer than human saliva, and is slicker as well, making it a great lube. DO NOT use spit as lube for sexeh tiemz if you're human unless you're into some kinky stuff, cause that can hurt you. Also, werebeasts are incredibly productive, and some incredibly sensitive. Which will make sense later in the story. For now, enjoy!

Warm Winds

Ah, love is so . . . terrible. I continue to groan with my face planted firmly on the desk, wondering just how idiotic I could be. Mostly thinking things like, I don't know, WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK DID I KISS HIM?! Or WHY DID I TELL HIM I LOVED HIM?! And one of my personal favorites, WHY THE CRAP-SHIT-DICK DID I RUN AWAY?!?!?!

Cussing repeatedly was never a good sign for me. Fuck . . . I think my brain broke too, cus all I'm getting is "Duh, uh, uh, the potatoes."

I look up, trying to focus on the lesson, but I'll probably be fine if I don't pay attention. It was only my philosophy class, and today we were on the many different stereotypes imposed by society on species. You know, all bears are a bit chubby and daddies, all wolves are total alpha dominatrixes, all cats are sadistic, all dragons are stuck up, and so forth.

"Hey, you ok?" a voice beside me asks. I look to my left and see a tiger with bright orange fur, his stripes streaking across his fur in a seemingly random pattern. Yet it all seemed so interconnected when you looked at the whole thing.

"No, not really." I say, feeling oddly comfortable with the tiger. "Life is complicated."

"Yeah, but that's what makes it fun." He says, smiling. "Now tell me what's wrong."

I hear a few murmurs from the other people, but I had long since learned to tune them out. Even here, rumors of my strange powers had leaked out, and a fairly large amount of people blatantly shunned me, the others just really nervous around me.

"Well . . . there's this guy I like-"

"Like?" he says, accusingly, but not in a "you're gay?!" kind of way, but more like- "Is that really how you feel?" Yeah, kinda like that.

"Y-Yeah." I say, blushing a little.

"Isn't it something more?" he says, smirking.

"I guess . . . it's love." I say hesitantly.

"Ahh, young love." He says, looking off into the distance . . . well, as far as you can in a classroom. "Okay, does he know?"

"Yeah . . ." I say.

"So~ what did he say?" he asks, holding out the "o" sound for dramatic effect.

"He . . . didn't get the chance to respond. I ran away."

"Hmm, classic anime running confession case. May the odds be in your favor that senpai notices you. So, first of all, is he . . . you know, of the bisexual or homosexual type?" he asks, apparently not going for the classic batting for the same team metaphor.

"Yeah." I say.

"Does he seem attracted to you?"

I think back to him practically drooling over me when I first got naked in front of him, then him proceeding to borderline molest me in the shower. "I think so? Not sure . . ."

"Okay, then go for it!" he says excitedly.

"You think so?"

"Yeah, trust me. When love gives you any kind of opportunity, you can't just let it slip through your fingers. You have to grab onto it and hold fast. After all, love is a fickle spirit."

"Yeah . . . yeah, I'll do it! I'm just gonna go for it!" I say, feeling much more confident after the pep talk from the mysterious tiger. "Thank you for helping me. Hey, what's your name?"

"Dennis, but I prefer professor Hua." He says, smiling widely.

I freeze, completely shocked. This guy was my professor?! Oh gawd, I just want to curl up into a corner and die! Or get on my knees and beg for forgiveness. Maybe both.

"Pfthahahaha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Dennis says. "I noticed you were a bit distracted from the lecture, so I thought I should help. So do ya' feel better?

"Y-Yeah." I stammer.

"Good. Now let's continue with our lesson, Mr. Escreed. And don't forget my advice. Don't think so hard, just do."

Just do, huh? Easier said than done. But . . . I guess the solution to this problem can't be easy.

* * * *

I knock at the door, four times, just like always. Footsteps heavy against the floor can be heard, once again, somehow audible despite the sound proofing. My heart starts to race, wondering what would happen once this door opened, creaking just a tiny bit as always, just like the first time I stood in front of it.

For once, I doubted that my "World Atlas" could give me the answer to my question. It was scary, knowing that there was no way to possibly find out what would happen next, only time telling the future's secrets, slowly, yet ever so steadily.

The door opens, and standing there is Chris, wearing his usual jeans and white T-shirt, the one that hugged his torso tightly. I remember he would always complain about it, but when I asked why he kept it, he said it was to try and impress people, maybe get him some action. I wonder if he was trying to impress me?

"Hey!" he says, his ears pink from blushing, but a large smile on his muzzle. "Come in!"

I walk in quickly, eager to step inside and see what would happen next. As I walk in, I'm hit with a myriad of smells. They hit me like a dump truck, but they're all pleasant, and blend well together.

"I thought that instead of going out, we could just have some dinner at home. It seems kinda nice, you know . . . having a home cooked meal, alone." He says, a hint of excitement in his voice.

We walk into the kitchen, and I see our table all set up, a fine red table cloth covering it, and a small vase of flowers and candles in the center. On the two opposite ends of the table, there were two plates of food, still steaming hot.

I walk up to the table, and he pulls out the seat for me, making me blush as I sit down, but smile as I see him rush to his own seat.

Wow, he really went all out in this. And the timing was great, too. The sun outside was almost fully set, making the candle light all the more pronounced, as well as adding a bit of dark and a bit of romantic ambience. I sniff at the air, realizing one of the scents that hit me earlier was the burning candles. Lavender, my favorite. I sniff a bit more, picking up the distinct smell of the food, fettuccini alfredo, nice. But there was something else . . . it was a kind of musky smell, and reminded me of the gym for some reason, but stronger, and far more pleasant and familiar.

"Oh, sorry if I smell a bit." Chris says, probably noticing my twitching canine nose as I tried to decipher the different scents. "I had to run from campus to here, and the food literally just got done. Didn't have time to shower."

"It's ok . . . I kinda like it." I say. He looks away, his ears twitching nervously, but that same grin on his face. "B-But you really didn't have to do so- Oh my gosh this stuff is delicious!" I say, taking in a bite of the food.

"You really think so?" he asks. I nod my head vigorously, my mouth full of food. "Thanks, it really means a lot." He scratches the back of his neck, definitely one of his nervous ticks. Still, I couldn't help but get entranced by that smile of his, my heart skipping a beat as it got just a bit wider. I guess that's why I noticed it so much.

We both continue to eat, talking naturally, like we always did. I was a bit relieved at that part, knowing that if we did get together and went on dates like this, we would still be able to talk. I always felt like relationships complicated things up, but . . . maybe I was wrong.

"Really? Your professor?!" he asks.

"Yeah, so I ended up getting love advice from him. But it was crazy, he was so young!"

"Professor Hua, right?"

"Yeah." I say.

"He's a genius. You know how you can take those tests at the beginning of the year in order to skip classes?" I nod. "Apparently, he took every single one possible on the same day. It was crazy."

"No way! Those tests are insane!"

"Yet he did it." he says, taking another bite of the food. "So what advice did he give you?"

"Oh, um, just that I should act a bit more on instinct instead of hesitating so much. I guess I was over thinking a lot of things lately."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help." He says, genuinely disappointed.

"Don't be. You . . . you really helped me. More than anyone ever has. I mean . . . I don't know how to thank you."

"Well . . . will you listen for a bit? To my story, I mean."

"Oh, of course." I say, wondering what it would be.

* * * *

We clean up the dishes, or more accurately, we had just finished. Now, we were sitting at the table, side by side. On the table, there were three items. There was a shard of a mirror, laying on a small piece of cloth, a cigarette lit on an ash tray, and a small cup of steaming chamomile tea.

He places the fourth and final item on the table. A small porcelain cup filled with ash, and in it, two burning incense sticks.

". . . I'm sorry to kind of drag you into this. I meant to do this in secret, but . . . it always gets a bit hard for me this time of year, and . . . I thought that maybe telling someone about it would help." He says, his smile still there, but dragged down by painful memories. "You see, in the Vietnamese Buddhist culture, every year on the day a loved one dies, we give an offering. It's supposed to allow the spirits of those lost to come back to visit, as well as have a happy after life. In my family, we always liked to make it personal, so in their will, they asked me to have these items out as an offering. On a sad day like this, my father smoked. Said it was the only excuse a man had to do such a thing. And my mother liked to drink tea. Said it calmed the nerves. And the mirror . . . well that was my own touch."

I stay silent as it dawns on me. His parents . . . they-

"They died when I was twelve." He says, finished my thought.

"Oh god." I say, whispering.

"This . . . this is the first time I've ever told _anyone_this story. Will . . . will you listen? I just need to . . . I need to get it off my chest."

I reach out, grabbing his paws. They were shaking. Not trembling . . . but shaking all the same. "I'm open ears."

We stand up and move to the bed in our room, choosing to lie down on our backs in his bed, him looking at the ceiling and me looking at him.

"I remember it. It seemed like such a bright, normal day . . . walking home from school."

* * (6 years ago, Chris Alatrion) * *

Why are backpacks so gosh dang heavy?! I trudge along the sidewalk, grumbling about my book-filled back pack. The only good thing would be that I was going home.

Today was the day that I suspected they were going to tell me I was adopted. How I knew? Easy, I overheard them talking about it, and if they should tell me. That was about five years ago. I didn't really care that much, to be honest. They were my parents, simple as that. Although, I _did_have fun hinting that I knew and watching them squirm.

I walk up to the door of my house, wondering how they would tell me. "Huh, that's strange." I mutter to myself. The door was open, just a crack. It's never like that.

I open the door, and unlike the usual warm greeting, there was silence. There was a strange scent in the air, metallic and rancid, making me flinch back. It . . . struck some chord deep inside me, sparking up fear.

I walk further in, passing the entrance. I go down the hall, quietly, not ready to make a sound. I turn the corner into the living room and . . . freeze.

My family kept a large mirror in there, so we could always stand in front of it and smile, pretend it was a picture. They said it would remind us to smile every day, at least try to smile and be happy.

But as I looked at the bloody scene, it was as if my happiness, the literal feeling in my body, was slowly slipping away.

On the floor, face down, was my parents, cut up and bloody. And standing in front of the mirror was a stranger, in his hands, a knife, his whole body covered in blood.

I fall to my knees and scream as I clutch my head. This can't be happening, this can't be happening! The man turns to me, smirking.

"Took you long enough." He says calmly. I stop screaming, my body simply frozen. I wanted to scream, to cry, to kill that man over there, to die. But I couldn't, I was paralyzed from the sight of my parents like that.

"What, are you surprised? You shouldn't be, young Alatrion."

I look at him, angry and confused, tears streaming down my face.

"Don't tell me you didn't know. Those poor people were killed because of you, after all."

"W-What are you talking about?" I ask, voice laced with rage. I should have felt disgusted, defeated, and sick to the core, but I just felt a deep primordial anger rise up from me, threatening to take over me completely.

"You'll find out later just how special you truly are. For now, Chris Tran, just know your true name. Christopher Hades Alatrion."

I stand up shakily and glare at him, wanting nothing more than to see him lying on the ground like my parents, to exact revenge.

I want to kill him.

And at the mere thought, my vision turns red, then black as I fall into a dream-like state, but my body still moving.

* * * *

I open my eyes and see myself standing in front of the mirror that I loved so much. How long had a stood there for? Just staring at the webbing cracks and splatters of blood, entranced by the sight as much as I was revolted by it, forgetting to even look at my own reflection to see if I was hurt or anything was wrong, but mesmerized by the painting of red on such a strange canvas.

I look down and see my hands covered in blood, my nails sharpened into black claws. Strange, but not too surprising, I suppose. I look further, beyond my own two hands and see it, the man, shredded up and bleeding out.

"Hehe . . . you did it." The man coughs out. "All according to the greater plan, young Alatrion."

"Shut up!" I shout out, backing away from him. "Just die!"

"All in good time, little one, but before I go, allow me to tell you this. The Alatrion family is just a group of demons who sold their souls long ago. Just look at your hands and see. You will grow up and live on pain and agony . . . you will revel in the blood of the innocent and curse your fate. You will live alone . . . and die in solitude, never knowing the sweet taste of love. You will understand that despair and agony walk hand in hand, on the other side hope and bliss. As long as the name Alatrion resides in your heart, you will always find your way back to hell. Love . . . will simply be a pipe dream, a lost cause."

"Shut up!" I shout out. "I don't care what you say!"

". . . I'll be right, I know it. It is . . . your fate."

"Then I'll prove you wrong! If the Alatrion name is those of demons, then I'll be a saint! If they die alone, then I'll be sure to keep my friends close! If they can't know love, then I'll be sure to get enough to share with everyone! I'll take the name and be happy! I'll . . ." I look into the mirror, looking at my drained appearance. I was crying, blood smeared across my face.

"Hehe, fine then." He says, struggling to even laugh. "I'll tell you what . . . live your life virtuous, learn to love, try your best to be good. But in the end . . . what do you think will happen? Heaven doesn't exist kid. Only hell . . . and nothing. Trust me kid . . . trust me."

He closes his eyes, letting out a long sigh. That was the last time he would even close them, the last breathe he would ever take. I reach out to him and pull a small piece of glass form his side. This was probably the last time I would smile. The last time I would love. The last time I would be happy.

I fall to my knees, crying hard and screaming in rage. Was he right? Was he right?!

I . . . I know he's right.

* * (Present, Ken Escreed) * *

I look at him, silent as ever. "I know, it's terrible that I killed him-"

"It's not." I say, hugging him hard. ". . . I . . . I'm sorry."

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm saying sorry because the world doesn't have the ovaries to apologize for being a dick!"

He chuckles, a tear running down his face as he looks at the ceiling. He turns to me. "Thank you. Thank you for listening to me. I know it must have been hard. You know . . . I believed him . . . until you turned everything upside down."

"What?" I ask as he pulls me close to him, hugging me firmly.

"For so long . . . it felt like I was just standing in place. I . . . I forgot how to be happy, and excited, and everything. But . . . you came into my life. For once . . . I was excited to see someone everyday . . . I felt happy every time your tail wagged, content every time you smiled, worried every time you seemed nervous around me, and everything in between. Everything I forgot how to do. I . . . I fell in love with you, Ken. I love you."

He pulls away, holding me still in his arms, one paw on the back of my head, the other on my back. He lifts us off our sides so we were sitting upright on the bed, looking deeply into each other's eyes. They were a vermillion red, eyes of passion and action, yet had a gentle, soft quality to them. Contradicting, yes, but so were most things in this world.

I lean in, wrapping my arms around his neck. Please . . . whoever is dictating how time moves and what happens . . . please just let me love him. He lost so much, he didn't deserve that.

"I love you too." I say, our lips finally touching, our muzzle locking together.

I'd like to say that it was a sweet, innocent kiss, but I could tell that he was pretty horny. Of course, I could also tell by the hard-on he had. I feel his tongue snake into my muzzle, gently licking and lapping at my maw, making me moan in response as I started to give more into the kiss, suckling lightly on the strange appendage and lick at it myself.

I reach down between us, groping him through the thick fabric, getting a deep growl from him. Sad to say, the submissive side of me shivered like a scared little pup, but not because of fear.

He breaks the kiss, choosing instead to attack my neck, nibbling and sucking on it, sending jolts of pleasure through me.

"Ahh, Ch-Chris, a-are you up for this?" I ask, wondering what he was going to do to me. I mean, I know how sex works, I mean, c'mon . . . ok maybe I don't know that much. I'm fairly sure it goes in my tail hole. I mean, where else? Right?

He grinds his crotch against mine, making me moan like I was his bitch in heat. "Trust me, I need this."

"Ok, um s-so are we . . . going to do it?" I ask.

"Yeah, if you're up for it." he says, already undressing me. He takes of my shirt, revealing my unimpressive, flat chest, completely covered with fluffy fur.

"Y-Yeah, course I'm up for . . . that." I yelp as he starts sucking on my nipple, nibbling lightly on the little nub. How did he e-even find it?! Even _ I_can't with all the fur! I grab the back of his head and hold him there. Man this feels weird, but really good at the same time.

"Ahh, fuck." I say, my voice up an octave. He just smiles and works even harder.

Suddenly, he pushes me back, making me land on the bed. Wait, I can't say that since we're technich-

He interrupts my thoughts . . . by taking off his shirt. Even with the fur, the muscle he was packing was clear as day. I know I've mentioned it a lot, but it was that impressive. The guy was an Adonis in fur.

He leans down, looking at me and growling lustily. "So . . . you have no idea how gay sex works, do you?"

"Not a clue."

"Don't worry." He says, taking off both our pants before I could even realize what he was doing. "I'll be sure to show you every single thing."

He starts nibbling on my neck again, making me whimper. He starts grinding his big cock against mine, already making a mess with just how much both of us were leaking. Seriously the guy was like a faucet.

He slowly starts crawling down my body, affectionately nuzzling my chest and stomach fluff on his way down. I look at him, eyes filled with lust as he looks at my hard cock. I blush fiercely as he leans in, his hot breath teasing me even further.

He opens his maw, preparing to take me in until I cover my grin area with my paws.

"W-Wait!" I shout.

"Oh, right. This is called a blow job, it's when-"

"I can take a lucky guess. B-But I kind of heard of something I kinda want to try." I say. I sit up and move him onto his back and straddle his chest, my ass to his head and my face to his dick.

"Oh, 69?"

"Y-Yeah." I say, leaning down towards his giant cock. "N-Not really sure how this works, but I'll give it my best shot."

"Don't worry. Just remember to enjoy it." he says, pulling me up by my hips so he had full access back there. "If you feel uncomfortable, just tell me to stop."

"S-So you've done this before?" I ask.

"Tried once to see if I was straight or not. It was nice, but felt empty. I mean, we haven't even started and already it's a thousand times better." He says, firmly licking my cock right after.

I let out a groan of pleasure, gripping his member and licking the head. The sensations hit me harder than a train. The musky smell, the salty taste, even the thickness of the pre that made my head spin. I quickly dive in, taking about three inches of his cock into my muzzle. Okay, never gave a blow job before, but there's a first time for everything. I use my paws to stroke the parts of his cock that I couldn't reach yet, and bob my head as I sucked on his thick cock, greedy for that tasty pre of his.

He moans out, then takes my dick into his muzzle, managing to get most of me into it. I moan and take in more of him, now up to five thick inches of juicy cock. He growls lustily, taking in the rest of me, that being my barely forming knot, sucking even harder now. I could feel his rough tongue run over my entire knot, rubbing against the slit at the head of my dick, making me moan loudly around his cock that was stuffing my face at the moment.

Fuck, my legs were shaking. I moan again, working even harder, trying my best to make sure that he was feeling just as good as me.

I reach down with both my paws as I go down further on him, my right paw massaging his knot while the other massaged and kneaded his balls. He half growls half moans, telling me that I was doing a good job with just that sound.

He takes my cock out of his mouth, making me groan. Dang it, I wanted that warm wet-

-oh fuck, he's licking my ass. I moan even louder now as I feel his paws spread my ass, his tongue diving for my tail hole. I shiver in pleasure and sinful ecstasy as his tongue licks at me, every now and then sinking deliciously deep into my ass.

"Ahh!" I moan out, taking his cock out of my mouth and jacking him off furiously. I try my best to stay on task, but the new sensation was starting to overwhelm me. I could feel my legs shaking violently in response to that torturous tongue of his. I lap at the head of his cock, focusing on the slit where pre was leaking out of, both of my paws now gripping at his knot. He shudders in pure bliss, spearing his hot, wet tongue into me, going deep inside to my most secret places.

"Ahh, Fuck!" I shout out as his tongue presses against what had to be my prostate, sending my whole body into shock at the surge of sensations. As if he was waiting for this reaction, he starts to lap at that one area even harder, his thick, slimy saliva slowly slipping into me, making me feel hot and wet inside.

I feel his cock throb in my paws, reminding me of what I was supposed to be doing. I take him inside my muzzle once again, getting about six inches now, his cock starting to slip into my throat. Hehe, no gag reflex. There was no way I was going to just sit there and just take it like his bitch, no, I'm gonna be a proper mate.

Although that was easier said than done. I could feel myself quiver at Chris's every motion, his ministrations making me convulse in pleasure. I start to go deeper, drooling over that thick piece of meat of his.

Oh fuck, don't stop, please, d-don't stop! God I just wanted to scream that out, if not for the dick filling my muzzle. I was so close . . . just a l-little more. I feel the familiar pressure of orgasm approaching, threatening to just overtake my mind and make me go insane. I try to hold it back for as long as I can, but he licks hard into me, and I finally lose it. I practically shout out in pure ecstasy as my dick throbs hard, each wave of pleasure making me shoot out cum onto Chris's chest. He keeps licking, harder if that's even possible. I feel my legs finally give out as my whole body convulses and shakes uncontrollably, but he just grabs me by the hips and pulls me to him.

I start sucking even harder as I keep cumming, jacking him furiously. I feel him throb hard, and then without warning, cumming into my far too willing muzzle. I greedily swallow all his sweet, hot cum, savoring every drop as much as I did at his moaning. I also enjoyed how every muzzle-full of cum I swallowed, he filled me right back up.

I loved it all. In that small instance of bliss that seemed to last forever, we both shook in pleasure, each of us making the other feel as if we were in heaven. Finally, out orgasms taper out, and we just stay there, panting.

Slowly, but surely, I turn around so I can face in, noticing how much I came.

I lay atop him, our noses touching. "Th-That was amazing." I pant.

"Like a little prostate play, eh?"

"I loved it!" I say, closing the remaining distance between us, locking both of us in a tender, but passionate kiss. I quickly break away, nuzzling him with him doing the same to me.

"S-So you really liked it?" I nod vigorously. "Th-Then you wanna . . . try something a bit more intense?"

"Like what?"

"Um, having sex?" he says, holding me close. "Like, anal sex."

"Y-Yeah, sure."

"Wait, are you absolutely sure? Your virginity is-" I silence him with a kiss, coaxing his tongue out and sucking on it lightly, making sure he could taste himself. I deeply inhale his scent. It was sweaty and musky, and I don't think I've ever smelled anything better. Despite just cumming, I still felt myself hard, deeply aroused by his intoxicating scent.

"It's because it's special that I want to give it to you." I say, breaking the kiss.

He looks at me, smiling dreamily. "Ok, then I'll take it with honor and make your first time one of the best of many to come." He says, taking me and laying me down on my back. He crouched over me, taking my legs and raising them, letting me lock them around his waist. "The rim job should have loosened you up, and werebeast saliva is a great lube. I'll start slowly. Tell me to stop if you need it."

I nod my head as he places his dick against my tail hole, making me shiver. Anxiety, or excitement? Both.

He pushes in, making his head pop in, although with the tampered tip it wasn't that bad. I shiver in delight as I feel the strange sensation of being slowly stretched back there, tightening my legs around his waist and urging him to go forward. He pushes in more, stretching me even further. A sharp pain flares up from my tail hole, but I only moan in response. The pain had a strange way of bringing out even more pleasure in this, making me feel alive in a different way than the pleasure, yet both working together making a symphony of bliss.

I grab onto his neck, loving the way his cock stretched me to my limit. Every time I adjusted, he pushed in more, stretching me once again to the brink. And I loved it every time. I feel his cock finally reach my prostate at about half way in, making my whole body flinch and tighten up, trying to get him to push in more.

Worry flashes across his face and he starts to pull out. "N-No! Don't pull out, please!" I shout out lustily. "I need you inside me!" I grip him even harder, trying to push more of him into me forcefully. He groans in pleasure and starts rubbing his cock back and forth slowly, sending waves of pleasure into me as that thick piece of meat rubs hard against my prostate.

He thrusts in sharply, sinking another inch of his cock into me, making me yell out in bliss as it hits my prostate hard. He keeps thrusting in, back and forth, every time sinking half an inch past that. I feel the pressure of orgasm building up again, shocking me a bit at just how good this felt, being stretched and filled to the brim and feeling so complete, while having all my buttons pushed semi-roughly.

Finally, he pulls out all the way, and firmly pushes back into me, finally hilting. A strange electrical feeling goes through me and catches me by surprise, making my whole body shake in pleasure as I start cumming again, making me painfully aware of the thick dick inside me, constantly pressing against my prostate.

"Ahh, Chris!" I shout out, holding him tightly as I start cumming again, my mind foggy and my whole body shivering in bliss. He pulls out of me and thrusts in sharply, making me spurt out a large glob of cum. He stops there, looking in amazement at how I managed to cum from so little.

"S-Sorry." I whisper, slightly embarrassed. "It felt really good." I look down, noticing at how cum was still trickling out of my cock, and how it still felt like I was cumming. I shiver again, wanting him to keep moving as waves of pleasure continued to wash through me. "P-Please, Chris, I-I need-"

He silences me with a kiss, forcing his tongue into my mouth as he drew he cock back out of me, making me moan into his muzzle. He thrusts back in roughly, making another spurt of cum shoot out of me and make my whole body tense up. He pull back out again and starts to roughly pound my ass, every time he hilted making me spurt out another glob of cum.

He angles his cock, making it hit my prostate even harder and forcing me to break the kiss, only to throw my head back and scream out in ecstasy. He starts biting my neck, nibbling and sucking on it, further making me squirm and convulse in pure bliss and he keeps thrusting back into me. I feel his knot start to form again, every time popping in and out of me with a strange squelching sound, further stretching me much to my enjoyment. I could feel his pre-cum start to fill me up even further as well, every time he thrust into me, pre squirting out of me due to the lack of space inside me.

He growls lustily as he starts attacking my collar bone, thrusting even harder now, making the feeling that I was cumming all the more intense for me.

"Ah, Chris!" I shout out in pleasure, wanting to say so much more, but with all the sensations attacking me, I could barely speak as it was. He starts pounding into me harder, forcing his knot into me every time, though it was much easier since it wasn't fully inflated, but it was quickly getting there.

He moves away from my collar bone and to my shoulder, roughly biting down for extra leverage as he starts grinding his cock into me, making even more cum shoot out of me and waves of pure ecstasy crash through my body, making me wail out from the sudden myriad of intense sensations.

I could feel the bed rocking and shaking from the intensity of what we were doing, the floor itself seeming as if it was shaking from the sheer force of how he pounded into me, and I loved every single carnal second of the passionate love making. I hold onto him for dear life as I feel my balls emptying out all the cum they had left in them, although I should have ran out long ago.

Still, with every thrust of his, I found myself writhing in torturous pleasure, cumming once again. My body must have been going into overdrive to produce this much.

I feel the multiple sensations start to take over me completely, making me slowly lose consciousness, so I focus on my surroundings, like the big, strong man pressed against me, inside me in what was the most intimate way for a man to be with another man, or the musky smell in the air, reminding me of the passion in this one act, or even the warmth emanating from both of us, almost making this room unbearably hot.

I'm forced back into reality by a heavy thrust against me, his knot unable to enter me now that it had swelled so much. He growls dominantly, frustrated of how he wasn't able to fully claim me yet. I feel him drill into me once again, that seemingly gigantic cock of his burying itself inside me with enough force to break the bed.

"Chris, I need you!" I scream out, trying to get him to fucking knot me already. He growls, squeezing me tighter and pushes in once again, his huge knot grinding against my tail hole, trying it's best to fight the resistance until . . .


"Ahhhh!" we both howl out in unison as his knot finally ties me with him, expanding and stretching me to my absolute limits. It was so surreal. Finally, he was in me, all the way, and I felt so complete, as if he was meant to be inside me, like this. As if we were meant for each other.

To my surprise, he starts thrusting into me once again, roughly pulling me along with him as he tries to force his knot deeper inside. I scream out as I feel his knot tug against my tail hole, making my whole body convulse and force cum out of me. I felt so full, and him pulling at me like that roughly drove me insane with lust.

I somehow pull him away from my shoulder and pull him into a sloppy kiss, drawing his tongue out of his muzzle and sucking on it lewdly with a loud slurping sound. He moans and growls into the kiss, pounding into me roughly. Suddenly, his body tenses and he pounds into me harder, much more erratic than before.

"K-Ken, I can't hold it back!" he moans out, looking deep into my eyes.

"Don't hold it back! Give it all to me, e-every . . . last . . . d-drop." I whisper lustily to him, my hands behind his neck, panting heavily. He groans as I clench around him, trying my best to forcefully milk it out of him. He howls loudly, pushing into me one last time as he starts cumming. It came with such force that I could feel every pulse of cum as it went into me, making me cry out in pleasure.

He keeps thrusting in, trying his best to keep his orgasm for as long as possible. I groan out in pleasure, feeling my own cock squirt out a few spurts of cum itself, but at this point, it was somewhat less of strong spurts and more of constantly dripping out. Damn that knot felt good.

He looks at me, a stupid grin on his face as his tongue lolling out, panting. "Th-That was great."

"Fuck, yeah it was." I say, clenching around him and making him groan. I loved it when I made him do that. "Wish we had done it sooner."

"Same here. But . . . we aren't exactly done here yet." He says, grinning evilly. He holds me tight against him and flips over so I was on top of him and he was on his back, facing me. "Don't know why, but I think I could go for sloppy seconds." He thrusts sharply into me, despite just cumming and still knotted into me. The strange position makes his cock shift a bit, hitting me in a strange, new way, making me yelp out in pleasure.

"Good thing werebeasts are so productive. Course, it would be bad if you had nothing to make more cum with. Luckily, you got plenty of mine inside you to work with."

"Chris, I don't think that's how it works." I say, thinking about it more.

"We got plenty of time for thinking later, but for now . . ." he says, pulling me into a deep kiss and sitting up. He starts thrusting into me haphazardly, pounding my poor prostate and sending waves of ecstasy crashing through me once more, making me moan into the kiss. I start trying to move up and down to meet his own opposite thrust, but he was going to fast I could barely keep up.

I break away from the kiss and just hold onto him for dear life, nuzzling his chest right under his neck. He nibbles on my ears, his tongue licking into them, slobbering over them and sending weird tingles through me form the opposite end of me.

I look down and see that I was still cumming, my seed just oozing out of me and going everywhere as I was bounced up and down on Chris's cock.

He growls lustily next to my ear. "Such a tight ass we got here. Glad that it's mine. I'm such a lucky dog, having a cute pup like yourself." He whispers in a low, growling tone.

"I-I'm the one who's l-lucky. H-Having such a- ahh- a big d-dog to pound my ass!" I moan out, struggling to even say that much with him going at it like a feral dog. He lets out a half growl, half bark, pounding into me even harder and holding me closer to him. I clench down on him, shocked by how he was still able to go harder, yet loving how the copious amount of cum inside me was squirting out of me little by little as he continued to wreck my ass.

I could feel him tense up again, his knot swelling up once more to full size, since it had went down a bit.

"P-Please, fill me up." I whisper out, wanting nothing more than to please my dog, my dog.

"Oh d-don't worry baby, daddy's gonna make you feel nice and full~" he moans out, grinding his cock against my prostate and making a glob of cum suddenly shoot out of my still twitching and throbbing cock.

I hold onto him tightly as I feel him tense up again, him cock twitching and throbbing as his cum slowly rose up from within those balls of his finally shooting out and filling me once again. I moan out as I feel the intense heat that I longed for since the first time he filled me up, feeling the cum pour into me, some of it escaping from the knot, as I couldn't fit any more into me.

We both let out a loud howl, both so deep into pure bliss. Finally, we collapse on each other, him licking the top of my head and panting, and me still convulsing from the sheer pleasure of it all, cum still dripping out of me, but in s very small stream now.

I look up to him and we both kiss each other, him forcing his tongue into me, and me trying to fight with his tongue for dominance, but secretly letting him win so he could take full control. Damn I'm submissive, not that he minds, most likely.

We both break the kiss, looking deep into each other's eyes. "I love you." we both say in unison. I lie down on him, glad that his fur was soft, although it was a bit sweaty. Not that I minded or anything, but I could tell that the musk would make me horny later.

"Chris . . . this has to be the best moment of my life. I've never felt this way before." I say, panting.

"Filled with doggy cum? Cuddling with a lover?" he says, guessing. Though I could tell he knew the answer.

"Being loved and loving them back." I say, smiling widely as a tear ran down my cheek. He hugs me, pulling me close.

"I'll never let you feel lonely, Kendrick Escreed. I'll be here for you, through sickness and in health, in fortune or in poverty. Even after death tries to do us part."

"And I'll never let you feel despair, Christopher Alatrion. I'll take away the burden that name has put on you, and I'll love you with all my heart, even after time has stopped and this world is nothing but dust."

We both look at each other, knowing in our hearts that we weren't lying to each other. We meant every single word. And even though there might be rough times, we'll get through them. Because we have each other.

I close my eyes and snuggle up with him, content with how things turned out overall.

I guess this is my happily ever after.

* * * *

I woke up with a start, groaning to myself as I tried to get up and stretch, but the aching pain in my backside was telling me to just stay down under the bed covers.

"You ok?" Chris asks, stroking my but caringly. "Sorry I was so rough last night."

"Oh, gawd, don't be!" I say. "It was amazing." I take the covers off my head, letting my eyes slowly adjust to the morning light. I look down and see Chris, smiling up to me. "You know how you can apologize? Do the same thing to me. Every. Single. Day."

"Well, isn't somebody a horn dog?" he says, smirking.

"Horny for that monster cock of yours, babe." I say, smiling widely and putting on my best innocent face for him. He seems to blush a bit, yet growls at the same time.

Well, this is a strange way to end a story I suppose. Although, a story never really ends. There's always a continuation. As long as there is our lives to record and create a plot out of.

"C'mon, let's eat." He says, picking me up. I was grateful, because my legs still felt wobbly. After he deflated, he carried me to the shower since my legs refused to work. Took a while to wash out all the cum. Not to mention the bed. When he had pulled out, the sheer amount of cum that came out of me . . . still makes me shiver. But in a really good way. He sits me down and starts cooking us breakfast, making me salivate.

Strange. We confessed our love to each other, yet we still acted the same, other than our repressed sexual tensions finally being released, as well as a few lovey-dovey moments. I wonder, does this mean we could have revealed ourselves to each other a long time ago? Damn, I wasted so much time.

"Smells delicious." I comment as I continue thinking about it. I was grateful we still had a casual air about us, although it was still relieving, not having to hide our feelings.

It was relaxing, and refreshing. Just like when I got into the city. Just like when I got to know Chris. Just like when I realized my feelings. Just like when we finally made love. It was a breath of fresh air.

* * (Extra scene) * *

He kisses me lightly on the head as he puts my plate down. "Wait . . . why's there so much?" I ask as I look at the whole mound of food. I only ate a quarter of this on a regular basis.

"You kidding me? You came about a gallon of cum. Your body needs materials to replenish it." he says matter-of-factly. "If you're afraid you'll get fat, don't worry. With the amount of cum your body needs to produce since you expelled so much, most of this stuff will go into aiding it's production. The fat will most likely be burned off to increase energy production in the prostate and increase semen production. Yet another benefit of being a werebeast."

"Y-Yeah, but why so much now? I mean, it seems a bit early." I say.

"True, but semen takes time to create. And by the end of the day . . ." he says, lifting my chin up and looking deep into my eyes. "I'm planning to milk you of Every. Last. Drop."

Oh gawd, this is gonna be some fun times.

The end.