01. Miles to Go

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Iron Author

Iron Author Upload for Heru

In this futuristic story, a humanoid canine who feels a compulsion to obey his commanding partner ends up giving everything to him and more while they are on a stake out.

01. "Miles to Go"

I could feel his flesh on my fur, his hands grabbing my hips and sliding away. I could taste his sweat, I could smell his sex as we twisted in the darkness. He was there, making me his and if I could have spoken, I would have been howling like a dog; but he held my muzzle shut lunging into me so hard that I was rocking forward against his weight, whimpering and sharply breathing at every painful, passionate buck. His arm wrapped under me, his other hand still holding my face as he bit my ear and let a hiss escape his teeth. He was human, so very human and so much weaker than me, but somehow he held this power over me that I couldn't control. I whimpered again, I was close and I hadn't even touched myself, not like I could... I was restrained somehow... it had to have been handcuffs, something in the darkness not seen I felt myself giving in and--

"Incoming phone call; Lieutenant Calloway, Scott Daniel. Do you accept?"

The sound of the soft buzzing woke me from the throes of my sleep as I felt my shoulders flump against the thick pillows I'd been laying on. They were cold with sweat, though I had a hard time believing that I'd been sweating through all that. My heart was beating so hard in my chest that I could barely focus enough to settle the pounding. "Y-Yes..." I managed to mutter and sat upright, composing myself a bit as the video screen came on.

Lieutenant Calloway was my superior officer down at the precinct. Actually, my direct boss and he'd seen me looking more ragged than I must have looked just then. That pasty white complexion came in on the monitor, his curled red hair and thick bearish body under his suit. Something told me he wasn't just getting up in the middle of the night.

"Clawson, I"ve been trying to reach you for the last hour. Have you been avoiding me?"

"No, sir." I said, rubbing the back of my head nervously. "I was just sleeping."

"I'm going to need you to come on down, detective." He said, sounding a bit sterner with me than usual, which always tended to get my ire up. "You and Davids."

Vincent Davids was my partner, he was assigned to me a couple of weeks back, but it didn't really feel like we clicked very well. He had a very dominating personality which tended to override my training. It felt like I was back in my K9 unit every time I was around him, and the mere idea of us meeting up made my eyes roll. "Sir, he doesn't exactly live with me..." I started to protest.

"Find him then!" He shouted more insistently.

I felt an anger bubbling against the back of my throat, but I swallowed the growl. "Yessir..." I said as I pressed the button on the video monitor and it powered off.

It had been eight years since I became the first humanoid canine in existence. Man's tinkering with genetics had done me a favor by giving me arms, legs, and the intelligence of a human without losing all the attributes of being a dog. Four years ago I joined the San Francisco Police Department as the first humanoid canine to join the force outside the K9 unit. I found out then that living as a human was so much harder than a simple handshake and game of fetch; with my keen smelling I could track down drug traffickers at the airports. With my keen eyes and hearing I was an essential scout on stakeouts, though I could never do any real undercover work, there still weren't that many humanimals active yet. But still I hoped for a break.

I made detective six months ago, if my parents hadn't died of old age five years ago, I could have celebrated it with them... I picked up a photo of my human family that had attended and made me feel proud of being promoted. I smiled a bit and put it down before making my way into the bathroom.

"Good morning, it is zero-four-forty-seven." The computer said as the individual spotlights in my bathroom came on and the green panel illuminated on my shower door. I set it to a good degree and watched the shower come on as I took a quick piss. The shower was automatic and always was instantly the temperature I set it to, but it could stand to wait a few minutes as I got ready.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed; a casual outfit for today, a pair of black jeans and a white tee-shirt that hugged to my humanoid torso tight. Humans said I was built like a brick house, whatever that meant. Their terminology was frequently lost on me, but what was I going to do? I was a dog. After putting on my badge lanyard and donning my holster over my arms, I put on a leather jacket and made my way out my apartment door.

Even at almost five in the morning, the hallway was packed with humans. Time meant nothing for them, my ears took some time to get accustomed to the strange and yet familiar sounds of thumping and bumping at all hours. I stiffled a yawn and pressed the call button of my floor's elevator. As it reached my level, it opened and revealed a familiar human inside.

His appearance was gangly, his face was gaunt and his gold wire glasses barely clung to the end of his nose. He was dressed in a black coat and matching trousers, nice leather shoes and a red sweater underneath his coat finished off his apparel. Even for a man like him, it seemed so odd to wear a sweater in the middle of a San Francisco summer.

I stepped aboard the elevator and pressed the screen for the first level. It took a moment for it to start moving, and once it did I finally spoke up. "I was just going to see about finding you."

"The lieutenant called me about an hour ago." Vincent said crudely, crossing his arms. "I'm surprised he waited this long to contact you."

"Any idea what this is about?" I asked, trying to ignore the blatantly determined voice of my partner who then lifted his glasses and blew on them before wiping them clean with a cloth he'd pulled out of his pocket.

"Not a clue." He said. "But it sounded urgent."

Vincent... made me uncomfortable sometimes. He always seemed to speak in a commanding tone, in a lot of ways he sounded like my partner when I was just a regular canine on the force. I always had the subtle urge to be completely attentive when he spoke, and recently other... bolder reactions began to occur when I heard his voice. But I did my best to ignore them. As the elevator reached its destination I straightened my poise and followed him out. It wasn't more than a few feet and we were out in the cool morning air, a loud taxi cab whizzed past us on its way to wherever its fare was taking it. The current from its electric hover converter vibrated against my ankles; it had been many years since cars actually came less than three feet from the ground at any given time and to find one going at about a foot, he must have just taken off from the curve at the end of the block. Vincent led me to his black vehicle though; a Skybeam they called it, but I didn't see a resemblance to that. It was just a short transport that whirred to life as we approached it. The doors swung open like a seagull's wings and I slid in along with Vincent to a cool, plush leather seat. With a throttling vibration the car lifted and evacuated the parking area so quickly I almost felt whiplash.

The ride was over fairly quickly, in the same city it was easy to get from one place to another without much of a second thought, as my eyes mulled over the familiar "SFPD" sign hovering at least two hundred feet over the building I gave off a slow sigh, letting my breath fog the glass as we opened the doors.

"Clawson." Vincent almost made me hit my head on the door as I climbed out. "Get me a copy of today's paper and if you're going for coffee you know what I like."

"Vincent, we're partners, can't you at least call me by my first name?" I asked. He gave me a blank, long stare before I recognized the cue. "Miles."

"And get me a bagel while you're at it." He said.

I couldn't help it. Before I knew what I was doing, I was walking along the sidewalk toward the vendor at the end of the street behind the station. I got him a large coffee and myself an iced Chai tea. I'd come to enjoy the taste of it, and the caffeine was more than enough for a dog like myself, by the time I'd gotten back to the station though, I got an earful for being late, but I didn't really care. I watched Vincent sip from his coffee and read the latest screens of the news on his tablet, and felt oddly satisfied.

"Detective, are you listening to me?" Calloway slammed his hand on the desk in front of me, making my ears do their instinctive flatten and turn to look at him. "If you're done staring at Davids, I'll repeat myself. I need you two to stakeout the docks near the old Golden Gate site, there's been reports of petty theft and the thieves responsible are pretty good at choosing random days to attack. Like there's a leak in our department on when and who is patrolling. No one's assigned on that beat today so we suspect they will try something."

"Lieutenant, please. A stakeout?" Vincent pulled his eyes from the tablet and stared incredulously at Calloway. "It's pretty subpar on my skill set, wouldn't you think?"

"It's been a while since your last one, it'll do you some good." He pointed at me. "Besides, you and Clawson aren't exactly getting along like partners should, maybe this'll be a good lesson for the both of you."

Before either of us could object any further, Calloway had pushed us, practically kicking and screaming out the office door and slammed it behind us. A cold chill crawled up my spine, but I don't think it was from the air conditioning.

"Great. Just perfect." Vincent said, furrowing the ridge of his nose before glaring at me. "This is all your fault!" He shouted, making me wince.

"M-my fault? How's that?"

"Just forget it. Let's go." He said as he shuffled off down the hall, and I followed. I hadn't realized exactly what effect Vincent's words had on me until I had to untuck my tail from between my legs.

It had been hours, it was nearly noon and the heat of the summer day was stiffling in the van we were in. The windows were tinted, no one could see in, but it didn't make it any less hot. We'd both removed our coats and my gun holster hung over the passenger seat in which I sat. Vincent was sweating, but hadn't mentioned anything about the heat until...

"That's it. I'm turning the air conditioning on." He said as he turned the engine over.

"But... we're supposed to be an empty vehicle, won't the perps be suspicious about a running unmarked van they can't see into?"

Vincent snapped me a look that made me shiver. "You think a couple thugs are going to notice that this van is running?"

"Probably not, but it's risky--" I started but the human put his hand on my lips, making me stop talking immediately.

"It's too hot to put up with your shit." He said as he pulled his sweater off, revealing the thin white wifebeater shirt which was already wet with sweat. It clung to his stomach and my eyes couldn't help but follow his musculature the rest of the way down, he sat there staring at me. "What are you looking at?"

"N-nothing." I shook my head. "I just--"

Vincent glanced around the van's interior and back at me. "Want to help me take my pants off?"


His grin broadened. "I know you like doing things for me, I didn't expect you to hesitate on that. Take my pants off for me." He added commandingly.

I couldn't help it. I slipped out of my seat and crouched between the seats. My paws were a bit slippery from the heat and I began to pant, but I managed to unbuckle my partner's pants and open them with a long slow unzipping sound which revealed he didn't have any undergarments as his cock fell free and bounced into the air. Obviously he got some thrill out of this, my throat went dry when I saw it. He adjusted his seating a bit and allowed the pants to fall to his ankles. "Now, I want you to put that dog tongue to use." He said. I felt compelled to obey, my own bits were pressed so hard against my jeans I could barely stand it. I leaned forward and began to run my tongue along Vincent's shaft. He groaned a bit and grabbed the back of my head, forcing my nose hard against it. He smelled of sweat and musk, a trail of precum dripped from the tip of his head and fell down to my nose. I whimpered a bit, clutching his bare hips as my mouth wrapped around his cock and it slipped inward. My tongue was quite wet all of a sudden as I followed Vincent's rough handling of the nape of my neck as he forced me down and pulled me up again.

The air in the van was beginning to cool, I could hear the cooling engine turn on and rev up, it was already a lot more comfortable in the vehicle, but I couldn't quite take my mind off the surprisingly thick shaft in my throat. Finally, Vincent pulled up and released me from his cock. "Now that wasn't bad, I can see we'll be able to get along after all." He chuckled a bit. "Now take off your pants." He said to me.

I'd already pulled my shirt mostly free trying to cool down, I rid myself of that first and removed my pants as ordered. I seated myself, half-crouched on the floor as I waited for his next command. My shaft was so hard it pressed against my belly as Vincent looked me over.

"Turn over. Face on the floor, and put your fluffy butt in the air for me."

My heart was pounding, I did exactly as he commanded, putting both arms on the floor to brace me and immediately I felt his tip against the underside of my tail. I was expecting it so much that I could smell the cum drooling off my cock and onto the carpeted floor. He thrust into me so hard that at first I swore I'd just ripped a massive hole in the floor as I cried out. He was thicker and longer than I expected. I hissed out of my teeth and felt him pull back and lunge back in. I growled in almost a puppy like manner, enjoying every second of this, I felt needed, I felt wanted and most of all Vincent played the role of my master quite expertly. As I began to whimper louder he grabbed my muzzle and shut it, pulling back on my head only increased his momentum and he thrust into me even harder. My fingers grabbed the carpet as my body arched toward the ground, he was pounding me against the fibers, making my cock feel every grind, every rub as he began to pick up the pace.

The compartment had grown cool, the engine running a lot more silently than I thought it could, and I could feel the rocking of the car each time he threw himself into me, fucking me with so much strength he surprised me. Physically he was weaker than me, mentally he was much stronger, but in this instance he was greater than my equal, he was my master.

"I want you to cum for me." He commanded in my ear. "No touching yourself, I want you to spit your seed into the carpet and try to lick it up while I finish you off..." He leaned back and thrust forward again, rocking me against the carpet.

I howled, unexpectedly and obediently obeying his commands as I fired hard streams into the carpet that shot up as far as my face. I was still cumming as my tongue slid across the carpet, cleaning my own mess as I made it. Meanwhile, Vincent had leaned back and was now fucking up into me as I was forced into a somewhat seated position. At this moment I would do anything for him, even catch his seed as he--

"AHHH! FUCK!" He grunted and hissed, grabbing my ass like it was an emergency handle and firing his load up into me.

I whimpered and grunted, feeling the cum shoot at the back of my ass, giving my prostate a workout like it had never had before. I was running on empty by that point, firing blanks that felt like the real deal. I hissed and scratched at the carpet, howling madly as I was fucked raw by my partner.

After all that, we'd turned off the van and within an hour our perp had shown up and he was promptly arrested for thirty seven charges of petty larceny and mugging. When Calloway asked about the cleaning bill for the van's carpets, I could barely hold it together long enough for Vincent to make the excuse that he'd spilled soda onto the carpet, and from then on we never missed a stakeout opportunity.