Club Leviathan 001: Opening Night, No Sex In The Restroom

Story by The Scaly Bard on SoFurry

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#1 of Club Leviathan

"Man, traffic freakin' sucks." Gordi grumbled as he swerved around the lumbering SUV in front of him. He tapped the gas and sped around, cutting them off to a symphony of horns and squealing tires. He grinned as he glanced in the rearview, seeing at least three middle-fingers being directed his way. He waved before hitting the gas again, leaving them in his dust.

His passanger rolled her eyes in amusement. "Yeah, and it'd suck a lot less if it weren't for maniacs like you, Gordi. Last time I checked, your last name wasn't Andretti, so want to slow it down, hot shot?"

Gordi grinned, the rat giving her a wink as he weaved through traffic. "Relax Lisa, I got it under control. I haven't gotten a ticket yet."

Lisa rolled her eyes while trying to apply lipstick. She quickly gave up as Gordi swerved again, and she nearly ended up with a red streak across her face. "Yeah, because you have that fancy little radar detector, and the one cop who did bust you, you gave a blow-job so he'd drop the ticket." The skunk swore as Gordi cut off a semi with three inches to spare.

He laughed as the truck bellowed it's horn. "Hey, it worked, didn't it? I still got a clean record. Hey, is that our exit?" He pointed at a sign proclaiming Exit 109, three miles ahead.

Lisa shook her head as she pulled out a nail file. "Not that one, it's exit 107."

The rat arched an eyebrow in surprise. "107? Lisa, that takes us to the docks! I thought you said we were going to a new club?"

"We are. It's located at the docks. It's a renovated ship repair facility, built partially over the water. It's pretty fucking awesome."

Gordi whistled. "Damn, sounds it. How the hell could someone afford to create a place like that?"

Lisa grinned. "It's Leviathans."

"What?!" Gordi nearly clipped a mini-van, earning a scream from the skunk. With a muttered curse, he swung the wheel, sending the Mazda screeching to the shoulder. After several seconds of hearing the wheels thrum against the grooves, he wrestled it back onto the road. "Well," he said, exhaling slowly, "that was unexpected... you alright?"

Lisa nodded dumbly, her claws embedded into the upholstery. "Yeah... think so. Might need to change my underwear though..."

He couldn't help but smirk. "You wear underwear? Since when?"

"Ass!" She punched him in the arm. Hard. "You nearly get us killed, and still you crack jokes. You're insane!"

Gordi chuckled, though the rat's heart was still pounding. "Yeah yeah, you know you love me. So... Leviathans?"

Lisa rolled her eyes, stretching as much as the cramped two-seater would allow. "Sorry, almost being killed by a minivan tends to make me forget about important things like clubbing. You know Kim, right? The gorilla from chem class who went prematurely silver-back?"

He nodded.

"Well, turns out that he applied for a job as a bouncer there. He almost didn't take it though."

Gordi glanced her way at that. "He didn't? Why not?" He manuevered the car into the right lane. Seconds later he was zipping down the off-ramp onto a poorly-maintained road that had them both bouncing in their seats.

"Fuck, G, slow down!" He did so, reluctantly. "He said the boss guy is some Siberian tiger who runs the place. Sinclair something or another. Kim says he's cold as ice and has some insane connections. He's seen him talking with all kinds of city bigwigs... take that road there, it heads to the docks."

He swung the car to the left. "Probably had to, to get the permits and shit to build a club out here, especially on those old docks."

Lisa pulled out a small tube and started applying eyeliner. "Yeah, but it's not the boss that Kim had the problem with. Apparently the 'host' is some insane reptile-hybrid who hits on anything with a pulse."

"Hey, sounds like you might get lucky tonight, Lisa."

"Asshole!" She punched him in the arm again.

"Hey, easy with the punches! That's not the type of 'being hit on' I want tonight!"

Lisa smirked as she pushed a lock of hair back. "Then watch your tongue, dick. Or I just might let slip to your girlfriend that you're here looking for guys."

Gordi flushed deep red under his white and tan fur. "No reason for her to know," he muttered, shifting gears, "it's not like the relationship's permanent or anything."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Casanova. I want to see her reaction when she finds out you love cock as much as cunt."

"Bitch." He muttered under his breath. They both fell silent, save Lisa guiding him through the labyrinthine maze of blocked-off and dead-end streets that made up the docks. After a few minutes, both caught sight of the lights up ahead, and rolling down his window, Gordi could hear music faintly in the distance. "Hey, we're almost ther-, ho-ly fuck..."

"Oh my god..." Lisa whispered as they both caught site of the newly opened club.

Taking up almost the entire block, the massive building rose above the empty warehouses that surrounded it like a phoenix of neon and chaotic sound. Lights could be seen dancing across the blackened windows from within, and the air seethed with activity around the building. A massive leviathan denoted the entrance to the club, seeming to wrap around the blue double-doors before rising up to smash through a hapless ship above it.

"Jesus, that thing's gotta be five, six stories tall!"

"Fuck, Lisa, look at the line." Gordi's heart sank he slowed the sportster down. The line stretched across the wall of the building, snaking around and disappearing somewhere into the parking lot. "We'll be here all night just trying to get in."

The skunk grinned as she pulled two slips of paper from her purse. "Not so, babe. I got our tickets right here. Hey, pull over to that curb there." She pointed to a section of curb painted bright red. Gordi had barely pulled up and killed the engine before a slender feline in a simple, dark-blue jumpsuit appeared. Under a stylized depiction of the mythical Leviathan was a patch that simply said, "Valet."

"Valet parking?" The rat asked, climbing out of the car. "Seems pretty fancy."

The feline chuckled as he took the keys. "We do offer a public parking lot also, sir." He smiled as slipped into the driver's side. "Of course, we're always faster."

Gordi laughed as the sportster zipped down the street and into a nearby parking lot. He turned around to find Lisa applying her lipstick. "Are you done yet? I'd like to get in before we get so old we have to worry about breaking a hip on the dance floor." Lisa gave him the finger before capping the tube and dropping it into her purse. Turning to face Gordi, she took a deep breath. "Okay, how do I look?"

Gordi paused for a moment, slowly looking the femme skunk over.

That she was out for sex was obvious, from the knee-length crimson boots with three-inch heels to the red mini-skirt that barely stopped halfway down her ass. Her shirt was little more than a glorified strip of silk covering her breasts and exposing the ebony fur of her toned midriff.

"You look like you're dressed to fuck everything in there. Are you seriously even wearing underwear?"

She smirked as she flipped the front of her skirt up, exposing the postage stamp sized piece of cloth covering her crotch.

"Like that counts," he rolled his eyes while ignoring the fact his leather pants were starting to get uncomfortably tight. They quickly made their way towards the entrance, only to find their way blocked by a hard-eyed gorilla.

"Get the hell in the back of the li-... hey, Lisa!" The ape laughed before wrapping the skunk up in a bear-hug that had her back popping.

"Erk... Jesus, Kim! Let me down you oversized fleabag! You're gonna break my back doing that one day."

Kim chuckled as he set her on the ground, taking in her outfit. "Yeah yeah, love you too." He grinned. "Looks like you and Gordi are dressed for the party tonight. You got the tickets I gave you?" Lisa smiled as she handed them over, the tickets disappearing into the massive, black fist. "Excellent. Go on in, but watch out for Zhavir. Damn reptile's all over the place like a hummingbird on crack."

"Who's Zhavir?" The rat and skunk asked at the same time. The resultant dirty looks at each other had Kim exploding with laughter.

"Zhavir is Sinclair's right-hand man, and host of Leviathan. He's easy to spot, he's the only biped serpent in the entire place. Watch out though, he's unpredictable as fuck." He smiled as he opened the doors and ushered them in.

A wall of music thundered down on them as they stepped into the house-sized foyer of the club. A waist-high marble counter to their left was hidden behind a line of anthraens waiting to hand over their coats and jackets to the employees that seemed to move like ghosts behind the counter, taking the garments and passing out ID keys within seconds.

"You want to turn in your coat, Gordi?"

He opened his mouth to answer only to be cut off by a deep voice behind them. "Well well well... what two lovelies do we have here?"

Both spun around in surprise only to come face to face with the grinning host of the club, Zhavir. "Just when I think the night's perfect, cuties such at y'all show up. God I do enjoy my 'tedious' duties as host. Welcome to Leviathans, I am very pleased to be your host, Zhavir. If you need anything... just ask." His voice was a deep, slow Southern drawl that belied his odd manners of speech.

"Uh, thanks..." Lisa smiled hesitantly. "Don't suppose you could give us a quick tour?"

Zhavir chuckled as he looked her up and down slowly. "For you, sugar, I'd give a ride on my shoulders around the club. Shall we?" He grinned as he draped his arms over their shoulders and directed them toward the doors leading into the club. "And here we are, lovlies, where the real fun begins!"

The inside of the club was every bit as impressive as the outside was unassuming. A pier the width of a six-lane highway extended several hundred feet past the end of the building into the water, the machine railings removed and the concrete decks covered in hardwood dance floors. What had once been a tool cage had been converted into the DJ's area, where a wolf could be seen sitting, fingers dancing across the consoles as Crystal Method's Blood Bath Dance boomed from countless hidden speakers. Laser lights flickered and danced across the sea of gyrating bodies, and the air was heavy with the smell of sweat and sex.


"I know, lovely, isn't it?" Zhavir grinned. "Sinnie has done wonderful things with this place. Are either of you afraid of heights?"

Both of them shook their heads.

"Then look up."

They did and gasped in astonishment. Three massive platforms rose up above the crowds in a step fashion, held in place by a system of columns and suspension cables from the ceiling. A quick glance showed a series of stairs that ran between the platforms and catwalks lining the far wall.

"Holy shit... how'd he pull that off?"

Zhavir giggled as he used his finger to shut Gordi's mouth. "Love, whatever Sinclair wants to do, Sinclair does. Granted, it took several weeks of heavy reengineering and retrofitting the existing structure to ensure stability and that the load-bearing structures could support it, but... hah, look at me, I'm babbling!" He laughed as he slipped from between them. "Unfortunately, duty calls, and I have people to... service." The gleam in his eye gave no doubt as to what kind of servicing he meant.

"But, before I go, have these, courtesy of me." He handed a bluish-silver token to Lisa, who squeaked in surprise when he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. He attempted the same on Gordi, who jerked his hand away in surprise.

"Hey, are you familiar with sexual harassment?"

Zhavir snickered. "Sugar, this is Leviathans. You want sexual harassment, go find an office building." He smiled lazily. "If you will pardon me, I must bolt. But if you need anything, you can find me in the upper levels, and those lovely coins will get you in." He side-stepped up to Lisa and leaned in. "I hope you decide to join us upstairs, cutie." The whisper sent a shiver down her spine. "I would love to know you in a more... private setting." He winked at them both before disappearing into the crowd, leaving them looking at each other in puzzlement. Gordi broke the silence first.

"Okay... if he were anymore gay, Liberace would be green with envy."

Lisa giggled. "I dunno, he was kind of cute, in a harmless creepy sort of way." She flipped the coin into the air before tucking it into her cleavage. "So... bar first?"

"Fuck that, I wanna get some dancing in first. Meet-up at last call?"

"Sounds good, catch you then, babe. Have fun. Try not to take more than you can handle." Lisa gave Gordi a light punch on the shoulder before she disappeared into the direction of the bar at the far end of the club.

"More than I can handle? Yeah, right." Gordi grinned as he made his way to the dance floor, melting into the crowd and quickly getting into the rhythm.

Within seconds the rat found himself dancing with a shaggy ram who gave him a wink. "Care for some company?"

Gordi grinned and nodded. "Wouldn't mind at all. Gordi."



They quickly found themselves drawn into the thudding base, the smell of sweat and sex drawing them closer and closer. Chris spun Gordi around and drew him close, his broad chest pressing against the rat's back. Hands reached back and grabbed the ram's hips, causing him to grind his groin against the rat's ass. Gordi groaned in response. He looked back over his shoulder and caught the ram's eye. Chris nodded a second later, and they broke apart and quickly made their way towards the restroom.

They burst through the scarred door without a thought of who might be in there. Gordi spun around and quickly pinned the ram against the wall with a blistering kiss. Chris responded by reaching down and grabbing Gordi's ass, pulling the smaller anthraen off the floor and holding him against his chest.

After several seconds of moaning and tongues dueling against each other, Gordi pulled away, panting heavily. "Oral?"

"Fuck yeah."

Gordi grinned as he squirmed out of the ram's grip and dropped to the floor. He quickly undid Chris' belt and pulled the jeans down to find the ram was going commando.

"Less work for me." The rat licked his lips as he eyes the ram's swollen sheath. Reaching out, he fondled Chris's sac as he leaned in, his tongue darting out to tease over the slit. The ram moaned, horns clacking against the tiled wall as he leaned his head back. "Fuck the teasing, man."

Gordi grinned as he used his free hand to gently pull the sheath back, freeing the ram's cock. Six inches, and almost two fingers thick. Gordi licked his lips before moving in. There was no foreplay, no teasing this time. The rat took the ram's length into his snout and suckled gently, letting his tongue run up and down the shaft slowly.

Chris threw his head back, cracking a tile with one massive horn as his body shuddered in pleasure. "Goddamn..." Gordi didn't stop, sliding his snout up and down the ram's shaft as he fondled and squeezed his sac. The rat wanted this tonight, the taste of the other male's cock sweet nectar on his tongue. He savored the taste as he took the ram deep into his throat and began to swallow around the shaft, but he wanted more. Demanded more.

He began to hum softly around Chris's cock, and it proved to push the ram over the edge. He threw his head back with a bellow as hot come exploded across Gordi's tongue. The rat never slowed as he continued bobbing his head up and down, swallowing the ram's jism as quickly as it splashed into his mouth. After several seconds, Gordi stood up slowly, licking his lips with a smile.

Chris exhaled slowly, grinning down at the rat. "Suck the chrome off a trailer hitch."

Gordi smirked. "Might try that sometime, see if it's true." He teased a finger along the ram's semi-hard shaft, eliciting a soft growl. "Feel like second base?"

"Second? Oh, no, sorry man." The ram shook his head as he pulled his jeans up. "Don't care for that."

"Aww..." Gordi reached out and gave Chris a light squeeze, earning a sharp intake of breath. "What about giving it?"

The ram shook his head. "Sorry man, not my thing... hey, check out the sign."

Gordi turned to see what Chris was pointing at and started laughing. Next to the sinks was a two-by-three foot sign in hazard yellow with black lettering: "NO SEX IN THE RESTROOMS"

"Yeah, right, like anyone's gonna listen to that!" Gordi was still snickering as he left the restroom, then breathed deeply as he began looking for his next target. Movement against the far wall caught his eye, and he turned in time to see Lisa making her way up the stairs to the upper platforms. As she reached the top, he could barely make out a security guard hold his hand out, and Lisa placing something in it. The guard looked at it for a moment before nodding, and she disappeared onto the lowest platform.

Gordi fingered the blue coin in his pocket before shrugging. "Hell, might as well see what's up there." He started to make his way towards the stairs, when he found himself suddenly stopped by a black and white mountain of muscle.

"Hey there, looking for some fun?"

Gordi looked up at the zebra smiling down at him. Seven-feet tall, well-built with a short, black mohawk that ended between muddy-brown eyes. The rat wasn't going to let this one get away.

"Depends on what you're offering." He ran his hand over the zebra's front, not surprised at the noticeable bulge in the front of the leather pants. He wanted it.

The zebra grinned as they started back towards the restrooms that Gordi had just come out of. "Looking for someone interested in..." He grabbed Gordi's ass and squeezed, earning a squeak of surprise from the rat.

"Well," he said, his breath quickening from the firm hand on his rear, "I think you found your rat."

The zebra chuckled as they slipped into the restroom. They could see two pairs of feet under one of the stalls, and the fact it was shaking left little doubt to what was going on inside. "What's your name?"

"Who gives a fuck." Gordi crushed his lips against the zebra's before slamming him against the wall. The larger anthraen grunted, but didn't falter on the kiss. His hands stroked down the rat's side to his pants, and within seconds had them unbuckled and pulled down to the rat's thighs.

"Mmffm..." Gordi broke the kiss with a groan as he felt the zebra's hand stroke his aching cock. "Fuck me..."

The zebra chuckled. "That is my plan." He spun around, and Gordi suddenly found himself pinned against the wall, his nose inches away from the "NO SEX" sign. "The irony," he muttered, then gasped as he felt a thick finger press against the underside of his tail.

The zebra chuckled as he fingered the rat's tight pucker. "You sure?" The rat pushed back against the probing finger in response.

He smiled as he began to push his finger against the rat's tailhole slowly. Gordi's back arched as he felt the zebra's finger slip into his backside. "Jesus..." He moaned softly as he tightened around the finger instinctively, then slowly relaxed. The zebra smiled, stroking his finger in and out slowly. Once he felt the rat relax, he slowly pushed another finger in, flexing both of them and causing the rat to squirm.

Gordi breath was coming fast as he felt his tailhole stretch to make room for the fingers invading his rear. God, he wanted this, needed it. The thrill of being fucked in a dingy club restroom, feeling his ass being filled with hard cock and hot come. If he didn't get it soon, he was going to go insane!

As if reading his mind, the fingers disappeared, and Gordi heard the sound of a zipper being undone. He started to look back only to have a hand press his face against the wall. "No looking." The zebra pulled a small bottle from his pants and snapped the top open. He poured a small dollop onto the rat's waiting entrance before smearing it liberally along the length of his shaft. After tossing it in the sink, he positioned himself behind the waiting rat.

Gordi's eyes went wide as he felt the flared head of the zebra's shaft begin to press against his tailhole. "Whoa, wait! What the fuuu-uuhgod!" A shriek escaped his lips as the zebra's cock pushed past the tight ring and speared into his ass. His claws scrabbled at the tile walls as he shuddered from the intense pain and pleasure screaming through his thin body. The zebra stopped his push, strong arms wrapping around the rat and holding him close. "Relax, you'll get used to it."

"Oh fuck, oh fuck..." Gordi gulped heavily. God, he felt like being split in two. The rat was used to large toys, his girlfriend had a strap-on fetish they enjoyed almost every night, but none of her toys were as thick as this zebra holding him against his chest. "Just... just give me... a minute..."

The zebra's brow wrinkled in concern. "Are you alright? Should I pull out?"

"No... just go... slow." The zebra nodded as he wrapped his hands around the rat's waist. With a grunt, he began to thrust forward, driving his cock deeper into the waiting rat. He went slow, the pleasure from the tight fit was intense, and he didn't want to erupt too soon.

Gordi shivered as he felt the cock drive deeper into him. The pain was slowly melting away into the most intense ecstasy he'd ever felt since realizing he enjoyed the company of males also. He felt like he was going to explode already, his cock aching from desire even as his pre splashed against the dingy concrete floor. Dimly, he was aware of the thought that if he could walk after this, his girlfriend was getting a larger strap-on for her upcoming birthday.

The rat whimpered as the zebra finally hilted against his rear, intensely aware of the eight inches of meat filling him. The zebra didn't bother asking before he began to pull away, grunting as he felt the rat tighten around him, reluctant to let him go so easily. He wasn't going to last long at this rate, and he had the suspicion the rat didn't care.

He pulled out until only the flared head was left, tugging gently at the rat's stretched tailhole and making Gordi squirm and squeak with mind-numbing pleasure. Smiling, the zebra began to push in faster, plowing his way deep into Gordi's ass until he once again felt his balls hit the rat's. The rat shuddered, reaching down to stroke his shaft only to find a hand already wrapping around it.

The zebra smiled as he pinned the rat up against the "NO SEX" sign. "You took me, so allow me to return the favor." The rat nodded, panting heavily as he tried to squirm against the tiled wall. The larger anthraen pulled out until just his cock-tip remained, then plunged deep again.

They quickly lost themselves into the moment, moving with the booming rhythm of the music outside. Each thrust ripped a squeak of pleasure from the rat's lips even as his claws sought grip against the cool tile wall. Neither were aware of the people who came in and out of the restroom, colorful ghosts barely registered from the corners of their eyes. The zebra saw nothing but the needy rat who demanded his attention and was spiraling ever closer to release. Gordi panted heavily, caught between the cock pounding his ass and the skillful hand that stroked and teased his own slickened shaft. He barely registered his partner breaking rhythm and ramming him hard and fast.

"Ahhh, fuck..."

That was the only warning Gordi got as the zebra slammed forward hard, driving his cock deep into the rat's bowels. Gordi was caught by surprise, feeling that surge of hot come exploding deep into him. The zebra's grip tightened around his shaft, and it proved to be the tipping point for the rat. He threw his head back with a scream as he began bucking against the zebra, his own semen splashing against the tile wall with each thrust of the larger anthraen's cock into him. He couldn't help the greedy smile that creeped across his face as he felt the zebra's come escape and trickle down his leg. This was what he'd wanted, what he'd been craving tonight.

The zebra groaned as his orgasm began to ebb, leaning against the rat and pinning him painfully against the wall. "Erk... hey, tall, cute, and striped, get the fuck off, you're crushing me!"

"Oh... sorry." The zebra smiled sheepishly as he stood up on unsteady legs. With a sharp intake of breath, he began to pull his softening cock from the rat, earning a squeal as Gordi felt it pop through the abused ring. The rat would have slid down the come-covered wall had it not been for the strong arms that reached down and pulled him up. "Are you alright?"

Gordi nodded with a dazed smile. "Yeah... probably gonna be walking funny the rest of the night, but hey, that's the price of pleasure, right?"

They both looked up at the electronic chirp in time to see a grinning rabbit snap shut a small camcorder. "Thanks for the show, guys," he said as he turned on his heel, "you just made my fifty bucks worth it." He was gone before either could blink.

The rat and zebra looked at each other for several seconds before exploding into laughter. "Man!" Gordi said with a giggle, leaning against a sink for support. "That's probably the closest I'll ever get to making a porno."

The zebra snickered as he pulled his pants up. "Never know man, who knows who watches YouTube nowadays, right?" He winked as he leaned against the wall, waiting for his bulge to go down further before heading out.

"True enough." Gordi stood up and pulled his pants up, wincing slightly as the tight leather rode up against his tailhole. "Fuck, looks like I'm stuck to sucking cock the rest of the night."

"Er... I'm sorry," the zebra looked embarrassed. "I didn't mean to ruin your night for you." He looked up to see the rat smirking at him.

"Ruin it? Fuck, man, you made my night!" On impulse, Gordi leaned in and gave the zebra a quick kiss on the lips, surprising them both. "I just got the best ass-fucking I've ever had in my life. I'm not gonna complain."

The zebra grinned as he stood up. "I don't suppose my luck would hold, and you're single?"

Gordi thought about his girlfriend. "Mmm... does 'possibly' work?"

"Fair enough. May I have your phone number?"

After scrounging through their pockets and finding nothing to write with, they both noticed the pen hanging from the paper-towel dispenser. "Gee," Gordi said sarcastically, "you'd think they were expecting random people to hook up in the bathroom or something." The zebra laughed as he tested the pen, then quickly wrote down his name and phone number. Gordi did the same, and they traded pieces of paper.

The zebra looked his over and smiled before pocketing it. "Well, Gordi, I certainly enjoyed tonight. Maybe I'll catch you here again if we don't see each other before then."

Gordi grinned up at him. "Yeah... I'd like that. Catch you on the flip side."

The zebra smiled and nodded before stepping out of the restroom, leaving the rat standing at the sinks. Gordi looked down at the scrap of paper in his hands. "Michael Jubahli... thank you, Michael..." He pocketed the piece of paper and slipped out of the restroom. He took a deep breath as the music washed over him like a cleansing wave. He glanced at his watch and grinned. Not even twelve yet.

He remembered the blue coin in his pocket and started making his way towards the stairs. Perhaps it was time to see just what went on above the dance floor.