Foxy and Kitty- Episode 5

Story by Sanura Mosi on SoFurry

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#6 of Foxy and Kitty

Kitten drifted out of slumber to the soft sunshine of the morning. Without opening her eyes she stretched luxuriously, the blankets slipping down to show her naked upper half. She felt a tweak on her nipple and giggled, opening her eyes to find Foxy sitting in the middle of the bed cross-legged, grinning at her playfully.

She dimpled and let her hands drift upward as she sat up doing a little belly dance as she hummed a little tune. She giggled and stopped- finding herself silly- as Foxy smilingly tilted his head, his eyes mischievous.

"You know." He said as he was reminded of last night where she'd belly danced in the nude, out of pure fun. "You should really try stripping one of these days."

Kitten laughed at that, and swatted his knee playfully. "Yeah I'll do it right after you do."

Foxy grinned. "Serious?"

Kitten blinked and half smiled. "Yeah, no way on earth I'd think of trying without making you do it first."

Foxy got a mischievous smile and only replied. "I'll have to keep that in mind." He bounded off the bed, already dressed in a pair of Speedos. "I'll be at the beach when you get back from your date." He called over his shoulder as he left, ignoring her irritated retort that it wasn't a date.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Kain glanced up from his coffee when the bell jingled over the door, for the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes. He was eager, but he had decided not to admit that to himself. He finally saw who he'd been waiting for. Kitten walked in the door, her eyes wide as she looked around for him.

She was dressed eerily similar to his daydream, although the shorts weren't nearly so short and the top showed her mid-drift, but not necessarily her chest. It actually was a bit better by his tastes, for it gave just enough of a view to get your curiosity- or imagination- going.

She padded forward, some strappy sandals on her feet that made a pleasant soft slapping sound as she walked. She'd already spotted him and she smiled as she got to the high table he was sitting at and pulled up a stool.

"Hello." She said cheerfully, cute as a button with her hair in mini pigtails. He had a hard time equating this with her body and the smooth sexy way she moved. It'd take a bit of getting used to.

"Hey there." He smiled a smile he knew from experience was every bit charming. "How'd you sleep last night?"

He heard her let out a soft purr for a few moments before she answered. "Wonderfully thank you. It's a beautiful morning outside, isn't it?"

"Mmhm. Quite beautiful in here also." He replied not taking his eyes off her face as she blushed slightly.

"Perhaps." She replied dimpling. She looked around impishly. "Can't say that myself though." She leaned in as if in confidence. "None of the Furrs are my taste."

He laughed heartily as he glanced as the fat sleepy eyed businessmen who were having a business meeting and a gaunt skunk, who had furr that was too shiny to be just its natural gleam.

"I admit you're right. They aren't anything good to look at are they." He grinned roguishly. "I was hoping you'd appreciate the sights in front of you though." He pouted teasingly, his eyes twinkling.

She laughed. "Nah. Your big body is in my way." She replied impishly.

He laughed with her. "Sorry about that, can't make it any smaller."

She blinked as she realized that could be taken a couple of ways. Nights with Foxy were starting to affect her conversation. She shook her head.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kain asked, watching her curiously.

"Oh, um, nothing. Just my mind playing tricks on me." She replied as she hailed a waitress.

The mouse walked up just in time to save her from Kain's reply, which she guessed from the look in his eyes, would've caused a blush.

"Could I have a raspberry hot chocolate please? And yes, I'd love whip cream on that." The way she said it, and the sparkle in her eye made the waitress chuckle as she told her she'd be by with it in a little bit.

"Special taste for whip cream?" Kain asked, only his eyes giving his teasing mood away.

Kitten grinned unabashedly. "Very much so." She got lost in thought for a moment as she remembered a couple fun moments with Foxy involving chocolate whipped cream.

Kain raised his eyebrow a bit and smiled a bit as he asked, more than a bit jealous. "Who's the lucky Furr?"

Kitten blinked at him in confusion. "Who the... Oh!" She grinned. "Not what you think. I live with Foxy."

Kain raised his eyebrows. "You live with Adrian?"

Kitten grinned. "Yep! Best friend I ever had." Her grin dwindled to a fond smile.

Kain nodded, letting this sink in. Better not to contemplate exactly how lucky the fox was.

"How long have you been in town? I haven't seen you around here before."

Kitten's reply was the start of a conversation much like any others when two people are trying to get to know each other better for the first time, small talk and simple questions.

A few hours later, Kitten hugged Kain (who was surprised by this to say the least), as they said goodbye outside of the coffee shop.

"Call me?" Kitten asked, smiling fondly at the tiger who she now counted as a friend.

Kain smiled back, taken in by her just as he knew he would be- and not at all alarmed by it somehow. "Of course I will."

Kitten said goodbye and waved as he got on his bike and roared away.

Such a nice tiger, she thought fondly as she turned and padded home.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Kitten hummed under her breath as she shimmied out of her shorts and top in front of the French doors. She ran a paw down her body wistfully as she remembered Foxy's comment earlier that day. She felt this need in her heart to show everyone what she felt inside. Maybe she would take Foxy up on his challenge later. Besides it might be fun to watch Foxy's performance.

Anyway- it's not like anyone would see her after that day. She'd ask one of the women at the club to help her make herself look different.

With that on her mind, she slipped into the bikini they had bought for her and padded out onto the beach. Wonder what Foxy's doing. She thought with a playful smile.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

"You're going where?" Teffy asked as he spun around in his chair to face Gan and Dain on the back of the couch behind his computer desk.

"To the beachfront to surf the strip clubs and bars. We think you should go with us." Gan said, grinning unabashedly.

"In other words, you need someone who's not drinking to drive you back." Teffy half smiled at them, an eyebrow raised.

Dain nodded. "That's about right. So, do you wanna come with us or not?"

Teffy considered the computer. He'd be missing Kitten, he sighed quietly. He probably needed to get out, and he'd rather not they drive home drunk. He turned back to the two. "Alright, I'll come with you, when are you leaving?"

"In a few hours." Gan replied. It wasn't even four o'clock yet, but the drive to the beachfront was about 2 hours, so it was a reasonable time.

Teffy nodded and turned back to what he was doing. "I'll be ready."

Gan and Dain grinned at each other, Gan giggling happily. He was unabashedly looking forward to the evening's festivities. Both were hoping to spend the night with a female.

Teffy knew he wouldn't be, and shook his head at the two, they probably would- after they put a few drinks into the females. He continued typing among his own hearty laughter.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Kitten giggled freely as Foxy blew onto her stomach with a grin. They'd been drying off when Foxy had decided it was high time to pounce on her. He tickled her sides and grinned, his heart full and happy as he watched her laughter.

Eventually she managed to squirm away and he let her go, watching her with a mischievous smile as she caught her breath and watched him suspiciously.

A pounce from Kitten and much of Foxy's laughter later, they were padding back up to the house as Foxy thoughtfully brought up his challenge from earlier.

"I was thinking. You wanna make good on that challenge of yours tonight? I mean before you lose your courage." He half smiled.

Kitten wrinkled her nose at his comment, then grinned. "Ready when you are."

Foxy grinned back. "Race you to the closet!" Foxy challenged and then zoomed off.

Once they got there, they decided on a cute boyish outfit for his routine and as Foxy asked what Kitten was wearing she simply smiled and told him he would see.

Indeed he would.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

The place they stopped first for Foxy's routine, a gay bar that featured strip teases every Tuesday and Thursday, was packed with all sorts of male Furrs, almost all of them gay. Kitten grinned at the fact that she was one of the only females there and took a seat up front in between two cute Furrs she knew Foxy wouldn't be able to resist teasing.

She knew she had to have an up front seat for this show- seeing Foxy strip would be priceless, more so because she knew he could dance.

She waved back in good humor to the blue fox beside her, who seemed such a good-natured soul as they made some insignificant small talk before the show began.

Suddenly the lights dimmed and a porcupine strode out in a nice suit to announce the participants of the show in a soft voice. She heard "Foxy" announced and giggled to herself. He had chosen that as his stage name.

The first teaser was a talented, slim leopard with a cowboy theme to his routine. She grinned and enjoyed it as he did various things to the play horse he had brought out with him. She even laughed a few times. This was turning out to be a lot of fun.

The next was a sturdy mutt who came out dressed as a doctor and did a wonderful routine with all the doctor innuendos. She absently wondered where he'd gotten such perfect music. She clapped along with the crowd as he picked up his tips and left.

Finally Foxy was on, she heard to music start and laughed. He'd picked the very appropriate "Young Boys" by a Rock band with their own style called Lords of Acid. It was by all means as sexual a song as the strip tease itself and Kitten sat back and grinned as she watched her friend- with a hard on bigger than she'd ever seen on him- tease the very Furrs she knew he'd tease as he did a "shy" strip tease to the song, giving the crowd a sweet innocent look.

The crowd loved it as a few called some offers to him. Apparently him not being boy size didn't matter- they liked the role-play. Finally he ended with a few more rubs up against the pole and a roaring crowd. Seems this crowd was all about the young boy routine. She shook her head and chuckled. She didn't want to know how into it many of them were.

She sat back and waited for Foxy to get dressed again. She hadn't worn her costume out of course; it was in a bag in the car. She'd worn her usual baby t-shirt- this one with an angel kitten on the front with fairy wings. She'd slipped on whatever was at hand.

Finally Foxy came padding out and grinned as a few Furrs took a feel of his ass as he padded past. She whistled as he came up to her and jumped up to hug him. "Nice routine" She grinned and tweaked his nose. "I could see you enjoyed yourself." She teased.

Foxy grinned back at her, his eyes still lit up with his excitement. "That was FUN!" He gave her a grin that said he was going to do this again sometime and led the way out of the club.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Kain walked into the strip club and absently paused by the list of performers for the evening to see if anyone was familiar. He was scanning the list, absently making a mental note to say hello later to a few of them, when his eyes spied the name Kitten. He blinked and told himself that plenty of cats used that stage name. And anyway, such a shy cat as Kitten wouldn't be caught dead here.

He padded over to the bar, where the owner was doing duty tonight said hello, asking about the performer named kitten. "Yeah she was real mysterious about everything, would only tell me her real name, even then she made sure I never told anyone. Sweet calico though, I have no idea what she's doing here." He shook his head and he wiped the bar off.

Kain was familiar with the place, as he'd had a brief stint as a bouncer here. With his natural protective streak towards those weaker than him- especially females, he'd easily earned the trust of the staff. He still came by every once in awhile to make sure the bouncers were doing their jobs.

He nodded and made his way through the club to the front in a daze. _There's no way that's

Kitten. Couldn't be._ He told himself as he took a seat in his usual spot- one with a good view of the whole front and the bouncers. He sat in his chair with a frown. Kitten didn't seem like she needed money. So there was no reason for her to be here.

He managed to convince himself that it wasn't her, but couldn't help calling over a bouncer and

telling the huge brown bear to be extra careful with the calico named Kitten. The bouncer raised an eyebrow and smiled a bit at him, but didn't question his request.

Kain, feeling a bit better, looked around the room to find many different types here, as usual. He smiled in amusement as a bluish green rabbit followed in his obviously quite drunk friends to the front of the room. They could barely keep their balances as they made there way to the front. The rabbit was obviously their designated driver as he was perfectly sober and quiet.

Kain shook his head and glanced around more to see a familiar fox pad into the room as the announcer came on stage to announce today's ladies. What is Adrian doing here? Must have a friend who's... Kain's thought drifted off and shook his head to clear it. Either way he'd find out, as he'd heard 'Kitten' announced last.

He settled back to watch the show, might as well enjoy himself while he was here.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Teffy half grinned at Dain and Gan. They were past the point of being decent Furrs, as if they ever were. Now Teffy's sense of humor came in handy, as all you could do was laugh at them or be disgusted. He heard the announcer come on stage and start his list of who was performing, he heard the name Kitten and wondered what she was doing right now. Probably having some sort of fun with Foxy.

After he managed to get his friends settled in their seats he took a seat far enough away from them to not be hit by anything swinging his way- they weren't very graceful at this point.

He sat back in his seat and got comfortable. He enjoyed something he was just required to watch- made him screwing up less likely.

He smiled as the first performer, a vixen, came on stage as a schoolgirl. Yep, plenty to enjoy, he thought to himself.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Saving the best for last, Kitten thought, as the second to last performer collected her tips and made her way off stage. She hoped this was the right crowd for this. Her routine wasn't very modern, but she was counting on some things never going out of style. She looked down at her costume and waited as the announcer announced her unique performance and left the microphone at the front of the stage. She smiled back at the green cat, he was surprisingly nice and had given her encouragement earlier, now he whispered "knock em dead" as he got off stage. Kitten nodded back, now was not the time to be nervous.

She slinked out onto the stage, and into a pleasantly different part of her personality.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Teffy curiously watched the curtains as the announcer went off the stage. A singing performer huh? This was unique. He hoped she wasn't bad.

The curtains parted, and the spot light made a pool in front of the dark figure as her dress shimmered in the light. She smoothly, slowly padded forward, her steps sensual as the spotlight helped reveal the...calico...bit by beautiful bit. First a slim foot came into view then one brown and white leg that was being displayed by the slit in her dress. It traveled up slender hips and a trim waist to a full bust line and finally a slim neck to the Furr's face. Teffy's eyes stayed on that face in shock as she took her last step up the microphone. He played the same game with himself as Kain had earlier. That couldn't be Kitten- not the shy Kitten he knew. But as he watched she raised half lidded blue green eyes to the crowd, and with a graceful lift of her hand, cued the music. Her hips moved ever so slightly to the beat, but the dress was made to emphasize every curve and movement, and did so with pleasure. It drew many male eyes to the curves that were displayed, but not in the form they'd seen in many of the Furrs earlier.

As she started her first word, Teffy was drawn in. Her voice was low and sultry, heart felt as she crooned a song about loneliness, and needing a lover. As she sang she moved with the words, started a slow, sensual strip tease.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Kain watched her movements, his eyes hardly believing their sight. It was Kitten all right, complete with eye patch. But she wasn't Kitten she was someone else tonight. Someone he was willing to bet not even Foxy had seen. He watched her sensuous eyes scan the crowd, breezing over the male Furrs as she tempted them with her singing and her body.

His breathing threatened to stop as she started a slow strip tease. She was wearing an old-fashioned temptress dress. One of those with sequins and spaghetti straps- one that showed off enough of her breasts to intrigue the crowd into wanting more. She even had black silk gloves on up to her elbows, and she slinkily took those off and tossed them into the crowd as she sang her heart out.

Her song was enough of a turn on with her low, crooning voice, but as she slowly unveiled her "underwear" underneath, he found he wasn't the only one who could indeed enjoy the old fashioned teasing as a few Furrs were reminded of the no touching rule of the club.

She took a body he already knew was gorgeous and took it up a few notches with her sensual attitude, and her body and tail moved with the beat and her clothing slowly made its descent to the floor.

As she made a flashy ending to her song he heard the crowd roar to life, almost everyone had been unusually quiet in order to hear every word of her song. He looked away and caught his breath and self-control. He was caught in amazement as she realized he couldn't reconcile Kitten with the calico who'd just sang in front of him. How can someone so shy and sweet hold something like that inside her? He shook his head, and then looked up to watch her pad off of the stage.

~ >^.^< ~ =^.^= ~

Kitten breathing was shaky as she sunk into a chair in the dressing room, everyone behind the scenes was telling her how great that was, but she was in a daze, not sure how she'd done that, and half frightened by the person she hid inside. Where did that cat come from?

She shook her head and slowly came to as she received hugs from a few of the performers and finally smiled.

"Thank you so much." She said, once more the sweet Kitten. "I appreciate all your comments."

The furrs all smiled and said their goodbyes as she dressed back into her street clothes and washed

off the makeup.

Unlike Foxy, she decided that wasn't going to happen again- only private performances from now on.

She padded out of the club's back door with a new knowledge of herself. She just hoped it was useful someday. Hopeful she could make peace with who she was inside. She needed to.