Exiled (part 1)

Story by Ravenna on SoFurry

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He was laughing again, and it wasn't a good laugh. It was the laugh that reminded Jael (pronounced Jah-el) that she was below him. Scum, heck, lower then scum. The laugh that not only promised a long night of pleasures that boarded pain, but being taught ones place in life. Instructing the submissive.

Huddled in the small bay window of her room, she was safe. Well, as safe as one of Aaron's pets could be. Jael thanked the goddess every night that she wasn't one of Aaron's favorites. She had seen first hand what his 'favor' brought. Aaron, like so many masters in the land, was a cruel master.

She flinched when the heavy thud of flesh meeting brick resounded just outside her door and was quickly met by a sound that was both pain filled as well as lust ridden. The masculine grunts and growls weren't easily silenced by a pillow over her ears. Soft whimpers of pain, sighs of pleasure, and moans somewhere in between, like always, brought Jael into a state of semi-arousal, something that she found both annoying and yet pleasureful at the same time.

Entertaining the thought of encouraging her aroused state for a few moments, she stood, her pawed feet sinking into the lush carpet and coaxing a soft sigh from her. Having been born into a jungle tribe from the south, she was always amazed by the riches she had. 'Even though the price was my freedom...' she thought bitterly to herself as she padded over to the bathing room, using the communal door to leave the living areas instead of her front door which was being used as an impromptu pleasure room.

Through out the House of Aaron, scenes for all things exotic, from plants to sexual fantasies, littered the walls of the halls. Jael loved the color they brought the vibrant hues reminding her of the various flowers that grew in the jungle around the small village her tribe had held. She was known to sit for hours in the halls, staring at anyone of the paintings.

Lately though she had stopped doing so when Aaron had asked if she was lonely, all to obviously offering her his 'companionship.' Politely, she had answered as she normally did: 'no master, I'm quite pleased with my home. I would be willing to do anything my master asked of me.' And as always he had snickered at her automatic robot-like response, muttering something about not wanting a puppet in his bed.

For the most part, he left her alone, giving her only to his lesser guests for short periods of time. Mostly though she was a figurine in his collection of many. A mantle piece to make him look good. At first she had been content with that, but lately she wished for more. She wanted some of the things that Aaron had to offer. Being almost virgin next to most of his pets, Jael was still curious about some of the delights that Aaron practiced in his chamber.

Heading out to the gardens, the young she-wolf flopped down in the cool shade of a willow, her long tail playfully teasing at the fish just below the surface. Happy to sit and laze beneath the shade, she didn't hear the soft lusty growl of the wolf that had watched her every move since she'd entered the garden gates.

Daemon growled softly, palming himself roughly in hopes of relieving some of his sexual need, but only succeeded in making it worse. Since the first day he'd come to the manor, he'd watched the she-wolf every time she'd walk into a room. Thrown off guard by his uncalled for lust, he hadn't know how to react. Daemon was not a lover of women for the most part but for some reason the black and silver furred she-wolf and caught his attention and held it.

Aaron had called her Jael, saying that she was from a jungle tribe from the far southern boundaries of the land. A tribe of women warriors that had little need or respect for men other then reproduction (which, Aaron had added, didn't seem enjoyable to them seeing how Jael had oft times ignored his invitations. Daemon didn't blame the she-wolf, Aaron's invitations often lead to pain and ruin.) He somehow doubted that that was the cause.

Yet, somehow the girl seemed to ignore every beautiful man within Aaron's house. But then, she also ignored the women too, only bedding with either sex every so often. She puzzled Daemon greatly with her aversion to intimacy in a household that embraced every form of it.

Walking over to her, he opened his mouth to say hello but was cut off by the sound of a twig snapping underneath his foot. The female wolf jumped at the sound that had broken her thoughtful silence, her pale green-blue eyes locking with his gold toned ones in surprise and a touch of fear.

Hastily, she stood, and sunk to her right knee in the kneel forced upon all of Aaron's pets when within the presence of a greater. "M'lord, I didn't see you there. I'll be leaving you if that's your wish."

He frowned; the submissive pretense didn't fit the proud amazon that he knew her to be. "Don't worry about it, I was actually invading your privacy and I should be telling you I'm sorry for that and such and such and whatever else propriety dictates." He shrugged, flashing her a brilliant smile. "Please, sit. Relax. I have no love for submissiveness. Besides, it doesn't suit you."

She blinked up at him, confused by his offer. He knew she wasn't used to kindness, not from a guest of Aaron's. Nodding, she carefully fell from her kneel into a sitting position, putting her just outside of his reach. Gods the girl guarded herself all too well. He briefly wondered what had caused her to be so careful around others.

Smiling softly at her, he offered her his hand. "Names Daemon Dubrinsky, I'm a guest of Aaron's."

She snorted softly (and rather elegantly, Daemon thought to himself, marking at possibly a higher member of her tribe before Aaron had found her) and looked at him with those pale eyes of hers. Eyes that would darken to a beautiful sea green in the right light, with the right touch his... "Did you hear what I asked you m'lord?"

He blinked at her, pushing his lustful thoughts from his brain, an longing growl just contained, as he shook his eyes, smiling sheepishly at her. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard a thing. You must forgive me, my mind seems to be wondering quite a bit today."

Rolling her eyes, she repeated her question. "Your one of the council men that I heard Aaron talking about last night aren't you?"

He nodded; not quite interested in the small talk she knew she was trying to start. He knew without a doubt that she had probably guessed his needs. Sighing mentally, he knew he'd probably lost all chances at bedding her without having Aaron order her to do so, something he would loath doing. But if he couldn't win her, none would have her. At least, not as long as he lived.

"I guess you could call me a council member, though most seem to think I'm just a toady." He laughed softly at his own comment, rather surprised that she had too. "So you find the accusation rather absurd to eh?"

Startled, she silenced her laughter, bowing her head to hide what little remained in her eyes. " No M'lord, it just that..." the trailed off, much to Daemon's disgust.

Shaking his head, he laughed softly, softly pushing her chin up to meet his gaze. "Speak freely child. Unlike your master I never did like a submissive woman. I won't berate you for anything you say here, nor will I repeat it to that fool."

The Laughter in her blue-green eyes redoubled at his calling her master a fool. "Well, it's just that...I don't think you're the toady they call you. You seem to be a.... Powerful, I think that's the word...." She frowned, puzzling over the word for a moment and the thought came to mind (and the realization that she had a rather heavy accent) that the common tongue wasn't her native language. "Yes, that's the word I want.... Powerful, that's what you are. People are afraid of you so they belittle you, make you seem less frightening. If anyone was a toady, it'd be Aaron."

That sent Daemon into a fit of laughter. He was...well, enchanted by this young female that sat before him. Now that she was beginning to loosen up a little, he was finding that she was intelligent, not one of the brainless twits that Aaron surrounded himself with. Though he had a feeling she had a hard time understanding the language spoken around her, he knew she'd learned to adapt quickly. A lot like himself.

She flinched when she heard Aaron's shouts of anger as he entered the garden. Quickly kneeling before Daemon, she averted her gaze from him and her approaching master. He cursed mentally cursed at Aaron, wishing the cheetah could have picked a better time to appear (not that there would have been a better time at all for Daemon). Flashing Aaron one of his award winning smiles, he met the cheetah in a brotherly embrace, patting him on the back a little.

Pulling away, Aaron looked down a Jael, raising a curious eyebrow at the girl before turning to face Daemon again. " I see you've met Jael already. I didn't think you fancied her type Daemon, or any womanly type for that matter."

Daemon shrugged, casting a glance at Jael before nodding for Aaron to follow him, leaving the she-wolf to herself. Unfortunately for him, he didn't leave his fantasies or arousal there as well.

She was being punished, yet again, for a slight she didn't do. Her punishment this time: time with Aaron, forced, preferably, or willing. The former would apply to Jael in any situation, even punishment.

She was tied, spread eagle to his bed, her bonds silk scarves that, when she didn't pull soothed the skin chaffed from her struggles for freedom. She was sweating from fighting against the bonds and him. He had waited until she had given up to finally take her.

He started from just where her pubic hair began (which there was little of) and nibbled up, leaving small angry welts, to her breasts. He laughed, every time she would wince, and she knew he enjoyed her pain even more then she did. Moving up to her shoulder, he bit her, his teeth leaving a neat little circle of blood that he lapped at, sucking lightly at the wound as he let the head of his cock lightly rub against her clit.

She cried out softly, horrified to find that she was physically being aroused by him.... Raping her. The instant the idea of liking what he was doing hit home in Jael's mind, she fought as best she could. He rewarded her efforts by roughly thrusting into her. Holding her hips down in a grip that hurt just as much as his forced entry, he rode her hard, grunting in pleasure as he did. His back bowed as he finally came, spilling his seed in her and leaving her whimpering and hurt. Disgusted, he left her tied to the bed, bleeding, hurt and crying....(to be continued)