baby land

Story by demon545 on SoFurry

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#1 of baby land

This story is for those who want to be young and enjoy the experience. Or wanted to be cared for by someone who would love you as you are.

in this land there are no grown ups just babies enjoying themselves being what they want to be the only grown up there was more of a baby than the rest he never let anyone change his diaper but his brother or his mom. Funny enough both loved changing diapers they would change any babies diaper to keep the baby happy and clean so they can enjoy being a baby the goddess enjoyed it as did the brother they where loving the time they could spend being free from the adult world it has lots of pearks that only a baby can enjoy. Perk one would be diapers because If you wear it you don't have to run to the bathroom when you got to go go if you now what I mean perk two is napping when you need it or when your grumpy and need it. Perk three is having fun in a diaper without being teased about it.

Part one morning babyfurs

Time to get up babies its fun time as im saying it i unlock cribs open curtains it was 12:00 pm so it was time to drag furs out of bed drane get your but out of that crib dont wanna drane responds want me to help the with getting out of your crib no drane responds getting out of crib i picked him up and took him to the table to eat some food then i changed his diaper and let him play in the bounce house for babies Soon it was time to eat food so everyfur sat at the table and eat baby food soon after it was my least favorite part of the day bath time with drane is like a fight just to get him in the water let alone clean him by the time I clean drane dry him up put him in diaper with clothes its time for bed for all. After putting everyfur in bed it was time for a treat for me by that I mean ice cream that tastes really good. After I ate my ice cream I went to bed and sleep like a rock till 12:00pm when it was time to get the babies out of cribs again. The only difference is when birthday comes that's when I make the house birthday string today was drane birthday he turns two today I get the babies up feed them then say do you know what today is drane my birthday he says. Correct drane so what game do you want to play bounce house game okay but just for an hour. After the hour was up I told drane time for presents drane opened the first present from me to find his favourite diapers drane said I love it thanks I needed more diapers. The next present was a baby bottle.