Flight of Dragon's

Story by DarkStormDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

Post Apocalyptic story that bounces between future, present and past, the story of Man almost wiping themselves out and the Dragon's returning to Earth from another planet and dimension to reclaim the Earth and repair and rule it once more.

Flight of Dragons.

By: Dark Storm.


( Present Day 2011 )

In some small cubical style office in the main floor of the county courthouse, a computer keyboard taps out the words of the night supervisor as he files his shift change report.

Daytona, Florida, Dec/10/2011 9:00 Am, Shift Supervisors Report.

_Dec/9/2011 9:00 PM Officer McTilly and Deputy Sanders took over watch and guard of 15 inmates, 2 Drunks in number 3 holding cell. _

_ _

Dec/9/2011 10:00 PM Lights out, control lock down, small altercation with inmate Johnson over lights out, handled quickly without further incident.

_ _

Dec/10/2011 12:00 AM Deputy Sanders went across the street to get coffee and doughnuts, gone for approximately 20 minutes, within sight of the Bubble for duration, one 911 call dispatched officer to call about a possible prowler at a local club, turned out to be a false alarm.

_ _

Dec/10/2011 3:00 AM Officer McTilly took lunch, went outside for a smoke and perimeter checks, all was clear, one 911 call at 3:15 AM, dispatched officers to possible breaking and entering in progress, scene control officers called all clear at 3:30 AM, no sign of forced entry or disturbance.

Comments or Additional notes:

The rest of the night went without event, no further 911 calls or dispatches, lights on at 8:00 AM all inmates accounted for, released the 2 drunks to spouses at that time...

_ _

He paused for a moment, his fingers hovered over the keys before he continued to type.

Something I have noticed lately, a rise in prowler and possible BnE calls to dispatch the past few weeks, mostly between 12 AM and 6 AM, could be just nerves or fatigue, just an observation after 15 years of night shift and doing 911 dispatch, you sort of learn your cities pulse and when it changes you notice.

Officer McTilly ends his report by signing it, then having Deputy Sanders do the same, they pick up their coffee mugs and start to head out the door, stopping only to turn the report into the Chief before continuing out the door for a day's rest before they return to do it all again, 3 more days on, then 4 off, that's all McTilly can think as he settles into his truck to head back home across town.


The following morning as McTilly was turning in his report, he is called into the Chiefs office after shift change and after the Chief reads the previous night's report, the morning shift Lieutenant is also standing to the right of the Chiefs desk scanning a file. He looks up over the rim of his glasses from the file only for a moment as Officer McTilly posts in front of the Chiefs desk. "At ease Tilly, have a seat" The Chief chews on the end of a cigar, there was no smoking inside the courthouse but it didn't stop him from chewing on the end of his stogies when he was not enjoying them lit. Slowly Tilly moves to a chair in front of the Chiefs desk and sits, for a long moment there is a slight silence, the only sound was the Chief as he smacked at the end of his cigar and chewed.

"I read your report yesterday morning Tilly, after scanning your comments, I had the LT look into your statement and it seems your right" The Chief leans back in his chair and removes the cigar, spitting some of the innards of it into the trash can beside him, his eyes lock onto Tilly's "There has been an increase in prowler and BnE calls over the past year or two around the times you stated..." he paused "but.. There is also an increase in missing persons reports the following day, it seems to coincide with the prowler calls, it seems to never fail, if there is a 911 call about a prowler or a BnE usually the following day there are multiple reports of missing persons filed." The Chief stands and walks to the window looking out of it, his cigar held tightly between his fat index and middle finger on his right hand.

"I don't like the looks of it Tilly, it does not make sense for it to match up" The Chief returns to his desk, before he sits down he opens a drawer and pulls out something, tossing it onto the desk in front of Tilly. "Take it, I am taken you off nights, starting next Monday morning you're a Lieutenant, you'll have an office on the second floor, access to files and all the help you need, putting you back to your old work... Investigator Tilly" The Chief cuts him a glance as he returns to his seat behind the desk, slipping the cigar back to his mouth. "Well get the hell out of my office and I don't want to see you till Monday morning 9:00 AM Sharp, go enjoy your week off, get those old suits dusted off, if you need any tailoring go see my tailor down town, he will set you up, no cost."

McTilly stares at the badge for a long moment, then stands removing his old one and setting it down on the desk then picks up the new one, he looks at it for another long moment before he hears the Chiefs last statement, knowing the Chief he turned without pause and walked out the office heading straight to his truck, once there he sits for a moment, old memories flood back as he stares at the badge, "welcome back Lt." was all he could think before he looked down the street at the liqueur store "yeah welcome back" he spoke out loud as he backed out of the courthouse parking lot, he drove to the package shop, walking inside after a long delay, like an old friend he made his way without any trouble through the shop to the scotch, picking up a fifth of Glenn Levites, he stares at it a long moment, then goes and pays for it, heading back to his truck and back home, 15 years of sobriety was over, 7 days in the bottle sat ahead of him.. Maybe.

(Exact Date Unknown, Year-Sometime around 3013, The anniversary of the last great "World War")

A small child stands near the edge of a cliff, her deep emerald eyes shimmer curiously looking out over the ruins of a massive city all but claimed again by nature and the plants that it once stamped out with its concrete footprint, after a moment a looming shadow of a Dragon over shadows her own, a massive red dragon stands behind her, arm cross behind his back tucked under a great white hooded robe like that of a scholar with a golden dragon crest on the front over an old Celtic cross, his sky blue reptilian eyes look out in the direction of the child, she tilts her head up, turning her head to the side a little to be able to see the dragon and smiles wildly then looks back out at the ruins "what is it?" her voice light and shrill, a true sign of her young age, the dragon has a flash in his mind of a time long past as he winces slightly, his voice is deep and booming even though he tried to speak in hushed tones as if this sight was a memorial "That is one of the cities of man from the 21st century Le'sarah. Just before man fell by their own devices." A hint of sadness lingers on his words, she is quite for a long moment then speaks again "The great war of the year 2013 when the great US nation collapsed under economic strain and distrust in its political system which caused the desert and Asian nations to invade the unprotected and weak country." the dragon nods "You have been studying your world history I see, that is very good."

Turning he moves one massive, very well kept claw back towards the path just beside the cliff, Le'sarah seemed reluctant to move but soon started to walk again, her long almost luminescent white hair flowed wildly in the wind as she skipped along to keep up with the strides of the dragon beside her "Master Dailis, you seemed sad thinking about that time, were you there during the war?" he glanced to her, he usually did not avoid the question when asked but he could not help but question this time "Why must you ask me about that time Le'Sarah, is it something you really have to know?" She looks forward seeing the group of other children, many looking similar to her in hair color but all being different, dressed in different color clothing, different styles all representing their age groups and their stature in the classes "I just wanted to know more about the war from someone that took place in it, to... understand more about what happen to our ancestors." a deep heavy sigh came from his snout, he looked to the other dragons that surrounded the class as a very large gold dragoness spoke "I see you found our stray sheep Dailis." she had a sort of comical tone to her prod at him, he scowled slightly, he has always disliked Dame Lunas, she to him, always seemed to think she better than the rest, though she was centuries younger and not near as powerful as most who taught in the collage.

Dailis motioned to the group adding in to Le'sarah "Come to my lair this evening, I will try to emplane what I can, I will have company over so come with your best respects and manners." She seemed to beam and bounded up to her seat with the other students as Dame Lunas began her lessons,as Dailis passed one of the other dragons they nodded to him as his rank was much higher in their Weyr of the Flight, he stopped for a moment and spoke to the muscular blue dragon "Good morrow Squire Telnas, what can I do for you." Telnas spoke softly turning to walk back down the path with Dailis "I was curious if you had heard from Flight Master Blaze, I heard he had returned again from the darkness empty handed again, he was said to be visiting the south western Weyr and was returning here this evening?"

Dailis looked to Telnas and nodded "He missed her again, he keeps trying to catch her at the right places and time but every time he gets close the flux in the time line causes him to be forced back here, someone else has been crossing over somehow other than himself." Telnas nods "So that is why such heavy contingent of the cental Weyr has been moved to the great Temple?" Dailis instantly looks at Telnas his mind instantly goes on guard as he stops in his tracks "That is only rumor, I cannot divulge that information to someone of your rank or of your occupation, you are not a battle class yet Squire!... and you would do good to remember that." instantly Telnas straightens up realizing he spoke about something he should not have "Forgive me Master Dailis, I had only heard rumors and wanted to find out the truth from a source closer to the center of it all." Dailis looked at Telnas for a long moment before he motioned for him to relax, still cautious he worded his answer carefully "go back to the rumor mill Telnas, tell them that we at the north wester Weyr know nothing more than any other Weyr, the central Weyr is the combat Weyr, until you are a Master or above unless otherwise appointed by Blaze himself, it is of none of your concern, these young-lings and their parents who are brought back are the only concerns you have being of the collage class dragon's." Telnas nodded and he turned to return to the class, his red robe twisting about him, it was decorated with the same crest as Dailis and all the others, but with black braided ropes hanging from his shoulders showing he was a scholar class dragon and a Squire.

Dailis turned looking back out at the ruins, his only thought was "How close did he get this time" Dailis knew that the fire that Blaze was tracking in the darkness of the past, was the key to settling out the future and stabilizing the time lines, slowly he made his way back to the walls of the city the dragon's had built for the human's being brought back to this time, it had been going on for many years, so there were hundreds of these massive cities spread all over the country and over other countries across the world, all linked by crystals that shared data, power, communications, even thoughts between the dragons of the cities and the Weyrs that protected each region.

Dailis moved through town, nodding to people as he passed, most of the human's seemed blissful and happy to see him, not afraid at all, other dragon's stepped aside and bowed, most only wearing chains around their necks with the crest he wore on his robe showing they held no rank they were working class dragon's, most were shop owners, messengers or they were counselors for the human's to help them adjust to the new cities as they were all mostly much smaller then even the collage class dragon's, Dailis moved onward to his home, a very beautiful but modest one bedroom "studio" style home, dragon's did not need much, often their homes were one bedroom, very little in way of appointments as the old ways of hoarding had been done away with by Blaze to stop jealousy and infighting amongst dragon's and to stop the theft from human's thinking they needed the gold or gems or other monetary items for things now.

Dailis soon heard a knock at the door, opening it he motioned for the Dragoness and the human with her to enter, she was a very beautiful black dragoness with crimson red eyes, she wore nothing but a chain around her neck but its crest was different, it was a dragon's head with flame gushing from its maw, her scales even though being black, had an almost metallic sheen, to the untrained they would have passed it off, but to him he knew it was the armor of a battle class dragon, biologically fused to her and enchanted to only appear when in a fight.

(That little voice in your head (the Narrator))

I suppose I should explain what has happened thus far, I know many of you are lost, our story is set in the past and the future, a rather chaotic and fractured future in many places within the world... But in due time, I do not want to jump to far ahead, let's start where our time line starts and move back then forward from there... I always liked doing it that way, reminds me of a swing in the summer under the shade of an old Oak, just sit down then you start to swing by pushing back first, then swinging forward freely...

Basically in the year 2012 the wheels of one of the greatest rescue mission in the history of Man was already well underway and had been for many centuries, Dragons of all species, breeds and colors had all been united in a single worldwide Flight, the largest of its kind ever to exist in the history of Human time and Draconic, the Flight was Divided into great Weyrs, each appointed a Master, this Master was tasked with building many human settlements or cities around his Weyr, each Weyr served as say... a Castle or Keep in medieval Europe, each Weyr is responsible for the safety and livelihood of its human settlements and cites that surround it's region, each County or Continent was divided into up to eight to ten Weyrs.

As we know it the USA and Canada as well as what was left of Mexico was one Continent, it was divided into nine Weyrs, three Weyrs near the western coast, two central of the US and Canada, three eastern Weyrs and one massive Weyr in the center of the continent on the US/Canadian border that's sole responsibility is to protect and guard the great temple there. Europe, Germany, Russian, and what was left of Asia and Scotland were also divided into eight Weyrs of the same setup as the US/Canadian Weyrs, when addressed they are titled as the old world Weyrs, the US/Canadian Weyrs are just known as their locations on the continent.

South Africa and South America are uninhabitable due to the state of flux neat the equator, Australia, and both poles are also uninhabitable due to the monstrous creatures that resulted from the shift in the climate and from the radiation settling on the continents, very few venture there unless they are from what's known as The Central Weyr or the battle roost as the dragons have come to call it.

Each Continent is set up in stages of integration, new arrivals to the time line are started in cities on the coasts where there are very few dragon's, this gives those who have never seen a real dragon time to adjust, as they adjust they are given the chance to move further north or south to a Collage Weyr, where they are taught and made healthy, given foods, medicines and treatments that reverse the accelerated aging that Man brought upon himself over several Millennium of self-destruction, once there, they are given the choice to move inward across the continent to settle in its center where Dragon's and Human's often share homes, jobs or live side by side as one.

All dragons are divided into classes, on the outer edges of the continents you have Transitional Class Dragons, their jobs are to integrate the new arrivals to their new lives, and to help the ones that wish not to get any closer to Dragons, there are human settlements that have hardly no if any contact with Dragons at all as they cannot cope with their existence, then you have the Collage Class Dragons, these dragons manage the central coast Weyrs where they care for, teach and help further integrate those humans who accept the dragons help, teaching them their history, the ways of the dragons, all the rules and guidelines set down by Blaze and who he is, they also treat the aging of man and can more than often reverse the aging in a human that is on death's door and give them the body and life of a twenty year old again, then extend their lives to over a millennium, further inward, you have the Population Class Dragons, they are just dragons who live, farm and craft, helping support the surrounding Weyrs, they teach humans how to survive off the land, how to make what they need, to never take more than their shares, to be generous and help their fellow man, then you have the Battle Class Dragons, these are the warriors, mostly located in the Central Weyrs of the continents, their entire lives and jobs are dedicated to quelling fights or arguments over lands, crops, or just to settle disputes, but their major function is to fight back the mutated beings that on occasion make it north and south from the poles, or to fight things coming through the unstable flux areas of South Africa and America. The Battle class answers only to Blaze himself and out rank any dragons from the other classes and Weyrs.

Each Dragon Class is divided up into Ranks, a Drake just coming into their own in a Weyr is a Whelp (of course), once they establish themselves they are advanced to Pages, from Pages once they show an interest in one of the classes they become a Squire to one of the Knight rank dragons, learning their jobs and what they are supposed to do, once they are proficient in their job they are promoted to a Knight, outside of Knights there are only two other ranks in a Weyr, that is a Guardian, which their name explains their jobs within the Weyr, and Master's, the highest rank within a Weyr, they are the head of the entire region and all answers to them.

(Back to present time, Dec 19th 2011)

The week had gone by rather fast for McTilly, he had spent it getting his suits tailored, getting his old uniforms turned back in, he had even squeezed in some range time to get use to the new Taurus 9mm he had been issued to replace his old revolver which he still kept as a backup strapped to his ankle. It was early as he walked into the station, he moved to his new office, walking in, on his desk sat a few boxes, all files of missing persons, he took off his jacket, tossing it onto his chair, he flipped the lid on one of the boxes, he rifled through the files for a moment, looking at dates, names, places, trying to get an order. Soon in walked another male officer, he was not nearly as nicely dressed but still casual dress as he looked at Tilly chewing the end of a pen, reading over the notes in a case, then jotting down something and tossing the file onto a pile in the center of a table. Soon another officer walked in, a female this time, younger, just out of the academy, she carried coffee, the other male officer reached out to take the cup as she shrugged him off and set the coffee down on Tilly's desk without a word, then looking over the growing pile as she spoke "So what are we looking for Lt. McTilly?" That seemed to snap him out of his trance as he looked at her and the other officer then noticed the coffee as he lifted it to take a drink, tossing the notebook on the table.

After a drink he spoke "Patterns, the dates and times of the missing person's cases and when they fall in line with a B&E that might have been reported at the time." He takes out a list handing it and a yellow legal pad to both officer as well as a box each, "Scan those, compare them to the blotter list in your hands and find the reported missing persons who fall onto the same day and time as the B&E's, that's our pattern." The other officer pipes up "How do you know there is a link?" Tilly looks at Lt. Marks and in an annoyed manner grabs a legal pad out of his briefcase tossing it in front of him, "Those missing persons were reported during the B&E's that happened on my night shift a week ago... I personally spoke to the reporting parties, only one said they heard some weird language just before lights flashed in the windows and a roar of some sort and their loved one or family member was gone."

Marks looked over the list then then the female officer Lt. McDaniel spoke "The "Roar and lights" a car or van maybe?" Tilly shook his head "Don't know, nobody saw anything out of the ordinary nor were there any out of place cars in the area, if it was a car or van they had to be in and out fast and clean, no tracks, nothing on corner cams, nothing, just up and gone like a fart in the wind." Everyone got quiet for a while as they all went back to pattern hunting, the Chief walked by to yell at them for a moment but seeing they were deep into their work he kept going.

Across town another of the missing persons reports were about to be filed, walking up to a rather modest two story home, a very well dressed man and a rather beautiful black haired assistant approached the door, knocking firmly, Blaze waited on the man to answer already knowing he was home alone for the day to work on a research project. For a moment the man questioned why Blaze came to see him, Blaze merely held out a letter yet to be published in a science journal of the very work and discovery that the scientist was working on, no other words were spoken as the man let Blaze in. Soon they sat in the man study as he read the letter, he was astounded that it was his exact notes, all fully worked out and with a publishing date six months from the day, he looked up and only had one question, "How is this even possible?"

Blaze took off his sunglasses, he reached back handing them to his assistant, he leaned forward and spoke clearly "I am from a time one thousand years in the future, you of all people should understand the concept of time travel, so I won't go into to many details other than to say that a race of creatures whom many of the people of this world think are Myths and Legends exist in my time, they are the ruling body of the new world." Blaze sits back as the scientist listens intently "Dragon's returned to the world just after the last or in your time the next great world war where mankind will almost wipe itself off the globe through M.A.D. but using an entirely new set of larger and more catastrophic bombs then even the largest detonated during the cold war."

The Scientists went white as Blaze continued standing to walk around "The largest of the bombs dropped unless I stop it, which I intend to and well... did... stop basically ignited to ozone layer and basically set the planet on fire." He glanced back to the man he spoke to "I am sure you already know what size bomb that would have been? I managed, like you, to talk to the scientists responsible for its creation and showed him its devastation by actually transporting him to the day its wroth was set loose, it was a very sobering experience for him, so now to why I am here." Blaze moved to sit down once more "Are you capable of trusting and living in harmony with a new earth free of violence and strife, free of disease and hunger, can you live with Dragons and be comfortable in the fact they run the world under my guidance?" The man was silent for a long time, he glance to Blaze then to the work he had yet to publish, after a moment he laughed hysterically, then he stood up and slid the papers back to Blaze "without checking the findings of that letter, I can't even say it is real, you could be some kook out to steal my research... No! Get out of my house before I call the cops..." He started to lift the phone as Blaze snapped his fingers, within a second, his assistant began to shift and morph before the scientists eyes into a smaller form of her true dragon self, standing how with wing's spread, tail waving idly behind her, red eyes on the man, she waited to see if he would drop the phone or if she would have to take it. As she had guessed he dropped the phone, which with a move quick as lightning, she caught with her prehensile tail, without moving from her spot she held the phone out to him.

Blaze spoke to him as he stood in shock for a moment "I think you dropped something Doctor, and yes if you wish to touch her she is very real." The scientist took the phone, he moved to set it on the desk and dropped it anyway as he couldn't peel his eyes off her, walking towards her slowly, he reached out to touch her wing, his hand shook as it touched the leathery membrane of her wing, he looked to her tail, then took one of her claws in his hand looking it over, his eyes fell to hers for a moment, then he looked to Blaze "She is real, a real life Dragon here in my home, this is the find of a lifetime!" he looked back to her as she growled softly and pulled away from him stepping behind Blaze once more still in her true form "She is a Battle Class Dragon and my personal guard, unlike the Collage Class Dragons, she does not take well to a lot of prodding even to prove their existence."

The scientist nodded as he swallowed hard "what do you want with me, what is my role in your future?" Blaze sat for a moment with his hands clasped under his chin in thought "Teacher, Professor, Researcher, pretty much what you do now but to a younger generation and for a longer time, it is a hard choice though, I do realize you have family, I can honestly tell you what will come of them in the future, which some of it you won't like, I can tell you this, and it will hurt, your Children are not your own, but I assume you already had suspicions?" The man nods sitting down on the edge of his desk "Your wife has been sleeping with your brother for a few years now, your kids are his, so you have nothing tying you to this timeline, if you chose to go with us... "Blaze glances at his watch then to his assistant who nodded looking at some device she holds "now then we can take you back to our time, settle you into a Collage Weyr and there you will be given a home, a lab if you so wish, assistants, whatever you need, my only question is, can you work beside Dragons as you do with other humans now?"

The scientist nods as a tear runs down his cheek, he removed his wedding band, setting it in the center of his desk, all he does is pen a note on a piece of paper putting it under his ring, it just simply reads ~I Know~ and he looks around once more, walking to Blaze he sighs "so how does this work?" Blaze nods putting on his sunglasses again and offering a pair to him "You'll want these, the Flux is rather bright." He nods putting them on as he questions "The Flux?" Blaze walks out to his back porch and yard, moving to the center of the yard as he looks around "about right..." He offers his hand to the man "The Flux is the tear through which I travel, it is a result of a stellar event that will happen about one century from now as the Dragons attempt to repair the earth from the ravages of the war, the poles will shift, when it does the North and South Poles, will be hit by a gamma ray burst from a dying star in the next galaxy over, the timing is just perfect that the burst passes through the poles and it causes a tear in earth's magnetic field"

The scientists is awe struck as he looks at the device that the Dragoness carries "And that Device?" Blaze nodded "it is a clock or key of sorts, the Dragons have always known how to travel inter dimensionally as well as through time, this is their greatest secret, they have only been six light years from us this entire time, watching." He gasps "you mean they were in Andromeda the entire time?" Blaze nods as the clock starts to make an odd ticking sound and begins to glow "another dimension and time Doctor" as Blaze finishes speaking, a shimmering pool of light forms before them, Blaze smiles as the Dragoness slips her left claw under his right arm, walking into the shimmering pool with the scientists in tow, after a moment there is a loud hiss as the portal shuts and another soul joins a new time and place.

This time though Blaze did not get away with it scot-free, the security camera's in the house caught most of the event, just up to Blaze handing the Scientist the papers, after that the camera's seemed to malfunction, as Tilly and the others sat watching the footage over and over for anything, Tilly mostly focused on Blaze, how he never looked at the camera's, he always seemed to just be out of focus or frame and his assistant did the same, he seemed familiar to him, flashes of Tilly's past shooting through his mind, replaying long and suppressed memories of an accident that he wished to forget, the night he killed his partner by accident in the line of duty.

(Back to the future *stands between to flaming tire tracks*)

Dailis motioned for the human to sit, his black hooded cloak bearing the Roaring Dragons head erupting flames embroidered in gold on the back covered his entire body and all features, as he reached a seat, he turned to sit, the Black Dragoness with him reached out to take the cloak, just as she was about to another knock came to the door, she instantly vanished, Dailis knew who it could be, he instantly spread his wings in front of the door as he opened it a crack, just as he felt the chill of a dagger to his spine, mid-line of his left side tucked just under one of his scales that covered his spleen, he froze as the door opened to expose a small white haired youngling, her emerald green eyes shined looking to Dailis, behind her stood Telnas. Dailis stood still as the grave and spoke softly feeling the pressure of the dagger increase, "Le'sarah and Squire Telnas, I was expecting you and much later, is Le'sarah through with her studies?" Telnas nodded noticing Dailis and his odd behavior "That she is Master Dailis and as instructed she wanted to come straight here to talk to you."

The dagger eased back, just the slight sting that a dragonbane blade can make is left, the black dragoness reappears behind the hooded and cloaked figure, Dailis looked back swallowing hard as the figure motioned his approval, Dailis stood aside letting Le'sarah in as well as Telnas who both bowed low as they passed Dailis, Le'sarah wearing her robes and dressed up in very fine cloths worthy of court. Telnas stopped in his tracks seeing the Dragoness, a slight purpling of his snout was the only evidence of his blush, he had never seen such a Dragoness in this area, he stammered for a moment till Dailis cleared his throat in a reminder of respect "Ma 'Lady and Ma 'Lord" he bowed lower than before as his eyes suddenly landed on her crest and he realized she was a Battle Dragon and a Guardian rank at that.

Dailis spoke as Le'sarah walked right up to the hooded figure without fear to which Dailis almost swallowed his tongue not knowing what reaction to expect from the Guardian "Le'sarah and Squire Telnas I present to you..." Before Dailis could continue, the hooded figure stepped forward, his cloak drug off his shoulders by the Dragoness, showing a black robed man, the same symbol on his robes and the same crest around his neck, he scooped up Le'sarah who giggled as he tussled her hair, the Dragoness not even phased by the youngling "Flight Master Draconis Blaze!" Blaze smiled sitting down and setting the young girl on his lap "please Dailis enough with the formalities on my behalf, I am just a man." Dailis shook his head "No Master Blaze you are our leader and savior, it is the minimum respect you deserve" Blaze laughed as the girl giggle "One of our first year students I am guessing, and how do you like it here little one?"

Le'sarah cackled and giggled at the tussles of her hair and the tickles, she looked back at the Dragoness and typical of a child spoke without thought "She's pretty is she your mate?" Telnas almost fell over, and Dailis spoke out shocked "LE'SARAH!!" The dragoness seemed unaffected and just stood silent, Blaze grinned and leaned in to Le'sarah as he spoke "She might want me to be, but we are much too busy for thoughts of that nature." That got a muffled huff of shock from the Dragoness, who now stood starring at Blaze, "So young lady, what brings you to see such an old Grump of a Dragon as or Master Dailis, and who is this fine young Dragon you have with you, I heard mention of Squire, tell me Squire how long have you been in service to the Weyr?" Dailis was about to speak till red eyes fell upon him, Telnas swallowed hard looking to Dailis for a moment, Blaze spoke again "You do not need his permission to tell me your years of service, unless they have been delayed for some reason I was not aware of?"

Dailis turned to Ice now seeing Blaze and his Guardians eyes on him, he reached down to push on Telnas's shoulder and instead hit him in the back of the head which prompted him to respond "I have been in service to the Weyr for ten years Master Blaze." Blaze made note of that as he leaned back, he reached into his robe and dug around for a second producing a piece of candy made in the local candy shop of the Weyr offering it to Le'sarah, who was being on her best behavior, despite her eying the Dragoness up and down. "Ten years" Blaze Tisks "To long, you know that Dailis, five years is all a Squire should serve under a Knight of ANY Weyr... and why has he been held back for five years, who is his Knight?" Dailis swallowed hard "Dame Lunas is his Knight, I have had constant issues with her holding back her Squires, I have heard a gambit of reasons, some of which I cannot mention with current company."

Blaze looks to Le'sarah and nods "I am going to cover your ears for a moment Le'sarah, something needs to be said between adults that younglings should not hear." She nodded as Blaze cupped his hands over hear ears, he asked could she hear and she just stared at him which gave his answer. "What are the reasons she holds back some of her Squires?" Dailis went from red to white as he spoke "well She requires sexual favors from the Squires to earn their advances, if they will not lay with her, in her mind, as I have been told a time or two, they are not worthy of being Knights as any Knight must be willing to do anything he is instructed without question, and even if they do lay with her, if they do not please her, she will not advance them until such a time as they can please her." Blaze sets his jaw, he looks to Telnas whose head is hung low "Can you not please her or have you not accepted her offer?" Telnas does not lift his head when he answers "She has not even made the offer, I am a blue and only a scholar, I am not worthy of her trials according to her."

Blaze sits for a moment, Le'sarah haplessly humming away in her own silent world of bliss for the moment, still munching on the candy, Blaze looks over his shoulder as the Dragoness Kneels at his side "Dame Lunas, here, NOW!" She nods and stands as she moves out the door and disappears towards Lunas home, both males in the room visible shudder as Blaze removes his hands from Le'sarah's ears "now little one, why have you come seeking Dailis?" She perked up being included in things again as she spoke "I wanted him to tell me stories of the Great War, he was there wasn't he?" Blaze nodded "we both were little one, but I can't tell you more..." She pouted playfully "But whyyyyy nottt?" Blaze laughed "because I don't want to get you to far ahead of the other students, your next few chapters in world history will be on the great war and you'll hear and see things from that time about myself, Dailis and many of the other Masters, they were all there."

Le'sarah seemed to perk up now and cheered "I didn't know we learned about you and the Masters in school, that's great, okay I can wait to learn about Master Dailis and Master Blaze then." She smiled and hopped off Blaze's lap, trotting to the door "I got to get home now, have to do homework and get ready for dinner and bed, it was a pleasure meeting you Master Blaze, and thank you for letting me come to your house Master Dailis." Blaze smiled and waved as she bowed, then turned to open the door, just as she did, Dame Lunas and the Dragoness stood on the other side, Blaze stood motioning to Dame Lunas as she seemed shocked to see Telnas kneeling in the center of the room with Dailis to one side "Ah Dame Lunas, enter" Blaze looked to the Dragoness as he spoke past Lunas "Please Escort Le'sarah home if you would and return here post haste please my dear" Le'sarah cooed and giggled as she looked back to Blaze then to the Dragoness "I knew he wanted you for a mate to" another muffled grumble was all that was heard as the door closed, instantly Blaze went cold.

Blaze squared himself off with Telnas and Lunas as Dailis moved to become one with the wall as if Blaze just became bigger than the house itself "Dame Lunas! Present yourself before me NOW!!" She shuffled over and knelt beside Telnas, her head hung low, Blaze's voice gaining a reverberation akin to a constant growl "I Have heard some very disturbing news, news of something that breaks the very foundations of this society, I have only had to deal with such an issue in the history of your kind on this planet two other times, what on God's green earth gives you the rite to set a challenge of the flesh upon your Squires to gain advancement?" Her snout shot up almost instantly as he finished speaking and within that same instance she found it pushed back down with the force of a slap that would have set her rolling had she not been planted on the floor, such force not though of coming from a human almost an eighth her size, as she recovered she saw Blaze starring her down.

His voice booming not in volume but in presence in her chest "How dare you raise your snout towards me without being asked to, you only speak when asked to speak!" She choked back a sob, she had never been treated bad like this or scolded in her life span, Dailis knew what was building, he had seen this before and knew the outcome then, he only hoped Blaze would show restraint, Dailis lifted a claw silently waiting for Blaze to notice him, after a moment Blaze saw the movement as his eyes fell on Dailis "Yes Master Dailis, you have more input?" He nodded before he moved to stand behind the two "I apologize for interrupting Master Blaze, but Might I forfeit my own honor and service to you and ask that you be lenient on Dame Lunas for her transgressions, wrong she did do yes, but she is young and made a Knight by your own hand, should she be punished, please take my request into consideration."

Blaze turned and walked a few steps away as he moved his hand to his chin, after a moment he turned and looked to Lunas "Speak on your defense and PREY that I am in a lenient mood today" as Lunas started to speak the door opened and the Dragoness entered, without a word she moved to stand behind Lunas, her claws held low and crossed before her, unseen was the unsheathed dragonbane dagger, Lunas spoke between fighting the sobs that threatened to take over "might I ask who accused me of such actions?" Blaze pointed out Dailis and Telnas but added in "I will ask other Knights who you Squired and will hold the truth of the time line against them as well as... Stripping and Banishment..." She swallowed hard, she could not lie her way out of this knowing Blaze could travel the time line and would see the truth "I have no excuse for my actions Master Blaze, I did use temptation of the flesh to make my Squires service me, I knew it was wrong..."

Blaze cut her off "but you were young and still not matured, I knew that when I Knighted you, but you had shown early promise..." Blaze trailed off, he was running over the other two instances of this type of action between the Knights and Squires before, he had made a public showing of their transgressions and their subsequent stripping of title and lands as well as their banishment to the poles to survive or die, he turned back to Lunas, walking to her, his hand went to her snout lifting it he looked deeply into her eyes, just staring at them for a long time before the silence was broke "Demotion back to the rank of Squire, to serve under Master Dailis personally as his personal house Dragon for a period of five years of retraining, he can use you any way he sees fit, cleaning, errands, sensually, whatever your KNIGHT demands you must do, Squire Lunas, as well as continuing to teach your classes and students."

Dailis almost choked, he wanted leniency but he had not expected this, he thought for sure she would be totally stripped of title and publicly humiliated, but this was much lighter than he expected, Blaze looked to Dailis "She is your Squire now Dailis, Belt her, Collar her, she answers directly to you and none other, you have total claim over her for five years at which time she much pass MY trial to regain..." Blaze reached out and grabbed her necklace that represented her as a Knight and ripped it from her neck "This!" Blaze turned and walked to where he had been sitting dropping the chain into his chair, turning back to Lunas he looked at her for a long hard moment, then motioned to Dailis who stood and moved to get a robe and necklace, handing them to Lunas "Tomorrow morning, here at Dawn I will give you your first orders as my new Squire, now go and quickly" Dailis looked to the Dragoness only now seeing the flash of the dagger, Lunas spoke nothing more, she just backed away on her knees till she was clear of the dragoness and then stood and bowed several times as she apologized her way out the door.

Blaze sat for a moment as he sighed "I knew I made her a Knight too early, she was not ready, I blame myself for this business today, it is never a good day to learn of such issues that Dragons and I worked so hard to quell." Dailis sighed "she will learn well from me, I have no interest in her sensually, from what I understand she does have a mate now, I would not wish to destroy that, but I will be sure to nurture their bond and to be sure that she does not cross this line again." Blaze nods slightly "you always were one of my better Knights, thus why you are Master now, learning from one such as yourself might tame the wild fire that burnt in her eyes, as for you Telnas..." Blaze looked up, reaching up he removed his necklace tossing it to Telnas who caught it with ease "stand Sir. Telnas, and arise a Knight of the Central Weyr, for now you will remain here, until I send orders for you to move inland, you will report to the Senior Guardian here to begin your Knighthood under him, Five years you must serve no more, learn well from him your duties"

Telnas almost fell over when he caught the necklace, looking at it he was going to speak but could not find words, finally his dream had come true and to be given the very necklace that Master Blaze wore no less, he stood and bowed, he tugged the Squires chain from his neck and replaced it with the new necklace, the Dragoness handing him a summoned set of orders already sealed with his instructions to report to the Guardian, he smiled as he took them and for a moment got a smile and a very small bow from the Dragoness, her only welcome to a fellow Battle Dragon, turning he bowed as he left the house, as the door shut he roared and took off running for the Guardians barracks as Blaze looked to Dailis, the exhaustion now showing on him as he collapsed into his chair, the Dragoness instantly at his side as Dailis looked concerned.