~Cute Little Neko Girls~

Story by NekoGirl2014 on SoFurry

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#4 of Bad Girls

This is a role-play I did I just turned it into a story. Was fantastic~ :D

Aoife spots the girl, tanning in the nude, and blinks nervously. She looks around, trying to see if there's a group of other people trying to punk her or something. Kind of a "Check out the lesbo!" sort of gag, but she was alone. Or rather, they were alone. Aoife and the mysterious girl laying naked in the sands. She slowly, cautiously approaches. Sora yawns softly and has her eyes closed enjoying to warm sun on her, she was laying out nude on the beach. All by herself she was rather bored, her tail was swaying slightly beside her and she listened to the sound of the water. Aoife looks around. Obviously the girl hadn't noticed the shadow that fell over her legs. She clears her throat, a little quietly at first. Then a second time, more loudly. Her tail swishes around behind her, flapping a sweaty, oversize gym shirt above her bum.

Sora opens her eyes and looks up at the girl and smiles a little "Well hello there. Sorry I didn't hear you I was kinda off in me own little world." She blushes and laughs softly, slightly looking the girl over. "Oh!" Aoife said, interrupting her sentence with a little giggle, "That's okay! I just, um... Well, I saw you. And I thought I would say hello!" Her eyes wander everywhere but over the body of the girl, although Aoife occasionally made eye contact. Sora smiles a little "I normally am all by my self many people don't like to talk to a...Nude girl" She laughs softly and sits up a little now "Names Sora" She holds her hand out "Nice to meet you". "That's the problem with people here!" Aoife smiles, "Haven't got any sense of adventure." She extends her hand and shakes that of the girl, "I'm Aoife." She still looked a little nervous, like a girl admitting a crush, but she was warming up to this Sora.

"You would think I wouldn't have an issue with that" Sora smiles and pats the spot next to her on the sand, finding this young girl rather cute "You can lay down with me if you want to" She looks out to the water "Its a rather nice day out" "I was just..." Aoife looks around, like she was expecting to see someone, "I was out for a run on the beach with my gym class..." There is a moment of hesitation, that she smiles and pulls of her sweaty shirt, "But what the heck? I can play hookie!" She plops down into the sand and lies down next to Sora. Sora smiles a little "Pretty sure you can do that any time ya want." She smiles looking her over a little trying not to make it so obvious that she was already starting to like this young lady. She let out a light sigh "So...what mad ya want to talk to someone like me?" she giggled softly and looked at her "It's not every day you see a naked girl in the sand," Aoife said, "At first I wanted to see if you were okay." Her tail swishes in the sand beside her, "And I was like... Dead last in the class run. And I was dying. So you were a good excuse for a 'stop or vomit' break." Sora laughs softly "That sounds like a rather good excuse to me...Just tell you teacher you saves someone on the beach" She winked at her a little and smiled "I can fake being hurt rather well if ya needed me too" She bumped against her a little. Aoife giggles, accidentally flinging sand at Sora's tummy when her hand flies to her lips to cover the laugh. The sand-splash caused another giggle. "That might be nice! Mrs. Graham would need some evidence. Something big to make the whole school buzz with this sophomore heroine!" Sora laughs and looks at her "I think I could make that happen, I tend to get hurt a lot seeing out clumsy I am all the time" She rubs the back of her head and blushes a little, smiling. "Clumsy? A cutie-cat girl like you?"

Aoife sticks her tongue out playfully and shifts onto her side, facing Sora and propping herself up on an elbow. Sora lays back on the sand and smiles "oh yes, I hurt my self more than I would like to, not even meaning to do it" She laughs a little blushing slightly looking over at her. "I think you're getting sunburn on your cheeks," Aoife giggles. She was taking great joy at teasing the girl, "So, what makes a girl tan in the buff? People like to frequent this area, don't they?" Sora covers her face and laughs a little" I have been out here for awhile..." she looks over at her again and smiles "I do it cause I like to feel of the sun on me...feels rather nice really. Others Im not really to sure why they like to" She giggles. Aoife smiles, "Well, you know... While we're playing hookie, the least we can do is go someplace exciting." She looks toward the eastern horizon, "There's the abandoned lighthouse!". "We should, shouldn't we." Sora smiles and looks over to the horizon as well and smiles "wanna go check it out?" She looks at Aoife again "But how would we get to it?". Aoife said "Well, unless you're a strong swimmer and climber, I'd suggest walking." She gestures vaguely to the promontory that rose up from the dunes of the beach, up into a rocky precipice that jutted out into the ocean, "It's not -too- far. Like, fifteen minutes." Sora nods and looks over at her, slowly standing up "I say lets do it then!" She smiles, grabbing a long dress thing you wear to the beach sometimes "I think I might need a little covering for this " She blushes

Aoife snags the dress thing and hides it behind her back, "Nopenope!" She giggles, "I have to do this every day in the locker room! I'm not letting you get away!" She smiles wide and starts sprinting toward the lighthouse with the dress in her hand. "Oh hell no. " Sora glares at her then starts to laugh jokingly, starting to run after her now. "I will get you! " She was running rather faster than she normally has smiling a little as she ran after the girl. Aoife laughing boisterously as she runs now, slowly shedding her own clothes and throwing them back at the neko chasing her. First jumping up and over her shorts, kicking them back at Sora, then slipping out of her cute little sports bra. "No!" she laughs, "You can't!" But she's slowing down, and Sora totally could. Sora runs after her, trying not to let all her clothes hit her or trip her up a little "Im catching up to you missy!!" She laughed a little running faster now, slowly down as she got closer and tackles her softly to the ground trying not to hurt her, she smirks "Hah...Got you". Aoife squeaks, a little like a lost mouse, as she collapses into the sand. "Nyoooo!" she wriggles, lashing her tail back and forth, succeeding only in fiercely stroking the other girl with the fluffy mass. She looks up over her shoulder, as best she can, at the girl on top of her, "I'll show you mine if you keep showing yours.". Sora smiles and pins her down to the ground and laughs a little " Fine, fine I will, just give me my dress back" She stick her tongue out at her slightly, moving off her her standing up, she holds her hand out to help her. Aoife happily takes the other girl's hand and pulls herself up. She hands Sora her dress back, then makes a cute little show of tugging her undies slowly down - then back up! Then back dooooown, until they hit the sand. She has a cute little tuft of hair down there, and is otherwise a very cute and petite girl. "Shall we, Miss Sora?" She holds out a hand, "We're almost there!"Sora holds onto her dress and blushes a little bit as she kinda teases Sora with her little show, Sora looking her up and down a little before shaking her head back to reality "Y-yeah lets get going" She smiles and Takes her hand in hers as they walk the rest of the way to the light house, getting a glancing over at her every once in awhile.

Aoife skips along, or at least insofar as a girl might skip while hand-in-hand with another one, her tail swishes over the two bare cheeks of her bum. She giggles as she catches Sora looking her over, "What do you think would happen if one of my classmates came up the beach?" They were almost there now. They had escaped the dunes and entered onto the dry grasses of the promontory. It was maybe a thousand or two feet in front of them. Sora blushes a little skipping along with her, looking over at her "Well...They may laugh at us or not care...or just stare at how beautiful you are" She smiles a little, her tail always swaying behind her, walking closer to where they were wanting to go, she sighs softly "Seems not many people even come out here anymore" She looks around.

Aoife smiles, then gently bops Sora with her tail, "You're coy, miss! You're a little coy-fish! I see what you did there..." They reached the door, which was cracked open. On the inside was a rusty chain lock, apparently in the style of inconvenient apartments. "Well! Here we are!" She looked around; there were no other entrances. "Ehm. Ideas?". Sora laughed a little and brushes her tail back against her, and looking into the light house "Well...We could always go inside just to see whats all around here, we need to be careful though, looks rather old.." She looks at Aoife. Aoife shrugs, lifts her knee up to her chest and then shoots it out, kicking the door. The chain breaks with an unceremonious 'thud', and the door floats open. "Okay!" she says cheerfully, stepping inside. Within is a surprisingly well-lit tower, around the walls of which a still-sturdy steel staircase full of alliteration spun up to first and second balconies. "After you, miss Sora!". Sora perks her ears as she kicks int he door, "Strong one we have here, huh?" looking around the light house carefully, seeing as how they were nude she didn't want anything to cut them. " We need to be rather careful inside. She slowly stepped into the light house looking around it and smiles a little "Its honestly not to bad looking in here, better then the outside...". "Heehee! Rusty chain is all, but I'll take the compliment!" Aoife wiggles her bum victoriously, then suddenly shoots her eyes to the ground, looking for nails or broken glass or something, "Oh. You're right..." she said. Cautiously, she slipped over to the stairs, "Let's go up!". Sora smiles a little, trying to avoid anything sharp they may step on, she moves over to the stairs carefully "Sure lets go!" She smiles and starts to make her way up the stairs slowly trying to make sure it is sturdy enough and wont break on them. Aoife on the other hand, once she felt pretty sure that there wasn't any glass on the stairs, bolted up. "Race you to the top, slowpoke!" She lifted her tail - and one couldn't be too sure if it was a tease or not - as she sprinted up the stairs. Sora laughs and shakes her head "Be careful!! " She chased her up the stairs trying not to stare at her butt or other things she might see, thinking she ment to to it. she also lifted her tail up as she ran rather fast right behind Aoife. Aoife squealed excitedly, trying in vain to reach the top first, "Being chased is scary!" She wound up stopping as they reached the first of two balconies, "I give up!" She curled herself into a ball as best she could while still standing. "You win!".

Sora catches up to her and smiles "I knew I would!", watching her blushing a little "I think you are honestly trying to tease me " She moves up behind her and slaps her butt playfully and smiles, moving onto the balcony. Aoife follows her out, smiling. Above them, a smaller little balcony rings the top of the tower, where the old burnt out lamp sits dormant. "What makes you say that, Miss Sora?" she barely stifles a giggle as she gently runs a fingertip up, between the girl's bum cheeks, around her tail, then traces an infinity sign on her lower back. Sora shivers a little cause that kinda tickles, blushing a little. Her tail brushes against Aoife softly and she looks at her "well you keep pulling your tail up like you are wanting me to see anything" She giggles softly and bites her lower lip softly. "Well, you didn't try too hard to conceal anything earlier, I didn't think I needed to..." Aoife giggles, stepping toward the girl. Now she flattens her hand against Sora's back and rubs gently, up and down. "Besides. Maybe I think you're cute or something!" She trails off and glances at the distant cliffs receding into the sunset. "You didn't want me to put my dress on, so I didn't think you would mind" Sora sticks her tongue out at her a little, she let out and soft sigh "So maybe I think you are cute too!" She laughs softly and looks off to the sunset as well, not rubbing her a little, her tail brushing against her softly. Aoife steps another step closer, "Well, what do two naked girls that both like each other do at sunset?" It's almost a whisper. Her touch grows softer, once more fingertips tracing patterns on the girl's back. She feels a tension growing inside of her, starting in her chest and heading south. Sora looks at Aoife and blushes a little "W-well there are quite a few things girls c-could e doing at sunset...." She slight whispers back to her, blushing rather brightly now. Her body slowly growing rather warm on the inside with all the things running threw her head. "Well, I'm just a high schooler and haven't taken health yet," Aoife puts on a fake pouty face, puffing out her bottom lip and giving Sora puppy-dog eyes, "Can you teach me what those things might be?" Her hand drifts south, again slipping a finger gently along the contours of the girl's bum, and tracing the space between cheeks. Sora smiles a little giggling softly "Well, There is cuddling...Watching the sunset...Or something else BUT I don't know if I should tell you." She smirks and giggles softly winking at her finger tips run along her side slowly looking at her.

"Is it... Playing doctor?" Aoife says with a smile and a cute affect of naivete. She spins, turning her back on the girl then walks a few steps toward the south side of the tower facing the ocean. Suddenly, she leans over, raising her bum high into the air and her tail with it, presenting herself to Sora, "Oh! What's this?" she says, picking up something shiny. "Kind of like playing doctor" Sora smirks and perks her ears a little watching her she stares for a moment taking all that in she then bites her lower lip a little. She smirks and licks her lips, slowly moving over to her and grasping her bum softly "such a Tease...". Aoife gasps, feigning shock, "I've never played. Can you show me, Sora?" She stays leaned over, but steps apart, spreading her legs and both of her cute little clefts that are facing the other girl. Her bum and her little cunny now fully exposed, "And I'm not teasing you! Honest!" She looks over her shoulder with a look of innocence and a bitten lip. Her sex has just the slightest glimmer of moisture on its lips. Sora smirks at her a little "Mmmhm sure" She smiles and giggles softly "Then I will show you how to play the game then. Its a little touchy feely..". She moves to her knees running two of her finger tips along her slit down to her clit. Looking over at her slightly "This feel good at all?" She herself started to grow a little moist down there, biting her lower lip softly. Aoife shivers. She hasn't been touched very much by anybody but herself, so the other neko's finger slipping down her lips and pressing gently on her little button was enough to melt her right there. She felt her knees wobble a little bit as another surge shot to her pelvis and caused a new wave of heat inside of her. She nods, "Uh-huh. Really good, miss." She spreads her legs a little more, lowering into a small split, causing her pussy and bum cheeks to spread ever wider. Sora smiled a little and whispered "New to this feeling are we?" She pushes the tips in slightly and moves them up and down again. Feeling her self growing more excited as this went on she bites her lower lip a little. Her thumb slowly starts to rub her clit softly and slowly. She leans in and kisses her bum cheek softly and slowly all over it. Aoife squeaks again, loving every second of her friend's touch. Her lips by now were starting to be visibly wet, so when Sora's fingers slipped between them, it was slick and easy. Aoife rocked back, pressing against her partner's touch, absentmindedly nodding at her question. At the moment, the sensation was more important than flirtatious dialogue. The thumb to her clit felt like electricity shooting from her groin, up to her chest, then settling in a little pool inside of her. She knew that it would soon burst in a flood of ecstasy, but for now her little puddle of pleasure was still filling up nicely.

Sora smirks and feels her body start to grow more and more with warmth,She slowly started to push her fingers in half way, feeling her wetness over her fingers noticing she was rather enjoying this a lot, and Sora became more excited the moisture grew more on her slit and it was almost dripping onto the balcony. She slowly starting to rub her clit a little faster now seeing how she would react. "Oh gosh!" Aoife gasps, as the thumb on her clit causes her hips to buck harder against the fingers slowly making their way inside of her, "I've never... Ungh... Had... Had anything. Inside!" she says with a soft giggle as she continues to ride Sora's fingers. In fact, she had done very little but play with her little button. All these sensations were totally new, and she was coming close to her peak. That little pool was filling up fast. Sora smirks and starts to wiggle her fingers around slightly as she rode her fingers "Such a good girl" she reaches down and starts to play with herself now as well, watching Aoife,she began to rub her clit a little faster now, twisting her fingers around inside of her slowly, and fingering her self the same as she is Aoife.

As the fingers worked inside of her, Aoife's breaths had grown to a constant panting, interrupted only by little gasps of pleasure increasing in magnitude. Suddenly, it was all too much to bear. The waves of pleasure which had been rippling up from her clit now settled in that buildup of pleasure inside of her and, all at once, the dam burst. Time seemed to hang in midair for a second, her body gone rigid, her eyes and mouth gaping open as the floodgates released. Then it was her first wave of ecstasy as orgasm racked her body. Her pussy clamped down, hard, over the girl's fingers. Then again, then again, and soon Aoife was writhing in absolute bliss as her little cunny gripped and squeezed Sora like it was trying to milk it for cum. Little gushes of Aoife's own come came cascading past Sora's fingers, falling to the dirty floor of the balcony with a noisy splash. Wave after wave, gush after gush after cute little squirt, Aoife rode her orgasm until she was spent and collapsed onto the filthy steel balcony, panting, and exhausted. Sora smiles a little enjoying the little sounds she is making and she feels her little pussy tighten up really tight right before she cums, she smirks fingering her harder "Thats it.." As she cums all over Soras fingers she shoves them deep into her wiggling them around some trying to make her climax as amazing as she could . As the girl grew weaker Sora slowly removed her fingers to lick all the girls cum off, the she leans down to lick all the cum off around her slit softly, not playing with herself anymore she rubs her back softly "Did you enjoy that Miss Aoife?" She smiles looking at the mess on the balcony now.