Chapter 67: Make You a Queen

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#67 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

From the world of the mating season

Make You a Queen

Chapter 67

"This way, my chieftess . . ." Tayanita whispered in the dark.

"But why . . . the garden?" slurred Seleste. She could still feel the effects of the wine spinning through her head. She'd had two more goblets before leaving, ignoring the protests of an appalled Inden and Mio. Zee tried to stop her as well but didn't even speak - just grabbed her arm! She shook him off, reminded them she was their chieftess, and announced that she would be back shortly. She wanted to . . . spend some time with the princess. After that, she had left the hall with Tayanita. How they'd gotten to the garden was a blur: Seleste had been staring at the female's swaying hips and tail for most of the journey. Staring . . . and fantasizing.

"You don't want to be caught, do you?" Tayanita answered in a hiss. "Think of the scandal! Father has enough on his plate."

Scandal. Seleste smiled. At least the mountain wolves were now tolerant enough that female to female love was considered a mere scandal and not a reason to murder.

"We'll keep this quiet as long as possible," Tayanita said thoughtfully. "I'll have to warm Father to the idea, and your husband - would he let you go? You said he didn't want --"

"My princess . . ." Seleste muttered, not listening. Her head spun a little and she reached out, grabbed Tayanita under her tail and squeezed.

Tayanita giggled and squirmed. "Oh! My chieftess, not here! This way!"

Seleste clung to Tayanita's paw as they went along through the dark twisted paths of the garden. It was a large garden and wild and towering with mushrooms. It stood behind the king's great hut, and at its center, a great white mushroom reached for the dark ceiling. Stone benches stood along the paths, flowers closed their petals to the night, large mushrooms lit the way, and bushes and grass rustled as the princess plunged through, dragging Seleste in her wake.

Seleste had to wonder . . . was it really night? How did the mountain wolves really know? But such thoughts vanished when the princess pulled her toward a wall. They waded in amongst white flowers that came to their waists, then the stone wall took shape in the darkness.

In a breathless frenzy, Seleste pressed the princess to the wall and groped her. She fumbled to get her top down and suddenly knew what it was like to be a frustrated male fumbling with all these foolish garments. Fuck it! She squeezed Tayanita's tit and suckled her right through her top.

"My - my chieftess," Tayanita stammered and laughed. "Here . . . let me . . ."

Seleste licked her lips and watched with a throbbing clit as the princess unfastened her top at the neck. Her silky white top tumbled forward, revealing her high breasts in the glowing light of the mushrooms. Her nipples were pink as her nose and stood hard against the slight curve of her heaving breasts. They were perfect.

"Aren't - aren't you going to . . .? Again?" Tayanita stammered hopefully. Her lashes fluttered and Seleste knew her body was on fire, tingling from a touch she had never known before. She glanced down shyly as she whispered, "I've never . . . never had them . . ."

"Sucked?" Seleste whispered in the dark.

Tayanita nodded. "And I've never sucked others . . ." Her eyes went to Seleste's breasts, which were hidden still in her traveling shawl.

"If I show you my breasts," Seleste whispered, "I'll have to take my dress off as well. It's not like yours; it's one piece."

Tayanita blinked. "So?"

"I'll be naked!" Seleste cried.

Tayanita smiled and shook her head. "I still don't see a problem . . ."

"My princess . . ." Seleste protested softly, and Tayanita reached for her. "My princess . . . don't . . . Anyone might see!"

Tayanita didn't stop. She unbuttoned Seleste's shawl and impatiently pushed it away. Then she fumbled with the beaded collar, and Seleste's gown tumbled to her feet. Her own breasts heaved as she looked at Seleste's. Her eyes glinted hungrily in the darkness.

"I feel it . . . throbbing," Tayanita whispered, and Seleste knew she meant her clit. "They're . . . they're perfect, my chieftess. Just like the rest of you!"

Standing there naked, Seleste knew her clit was throbbing as well, and the danger of an erection intensified when the princess leaned forward and carefully licked her nipple. Seleste's breasts heaved as she watched. Tayanita cupped her, and with her long curls spilling around her, she carefully rotated her tongue against the pink nipple that hardened for her at once. She closed her eyes and sucked, moaning as she tasted Seleste. Standing there naked as she was gently suckled, Seleste closed her eyes and it happened: her clit sprouted into a hard cock.

Tayanita halted. "My chieftess!" She straightened up and staggered against the wall, but she didn't appear frightened, just very shocked. She smiled slowly as Seleste fumbled to hide her pink erection. "My chieftess - you have magic?"

"Yes," Seleste nodded sheepishly.

"Will you . . . will you make love to me?" Tayanita asked and her pretty eyes fluttered.

Looking at the gorgeous princess with her tiny waist and high breasts, Seleste suddenly wanted it. Fire in her eyes, she moved close at once and buried kisses in Tayanita's long neck. She breathed her in, burying her nose in the sweet scent of her curly mane as her frantic paws groped and explored. "My princess, my princess . . ." Seleste whispered between kisses, and Tayanita seemed to grow hot and flustered each time she said it. She clung weakly to Seleste, trembling, lashes fluttering, and when Seleste whispered for her to suck her dick, she was only to eager to oblige.

Down in the bushes and flowers, Tayanita's head moved back and forth on Seleste's cock, and she could hear the girl gulping and licking. She sucked until her spit had oozed over, slathering Seleste's cock in a wet, drippy veil. Breathless, Seleste stopped her and bid her to stand.

"You look dazed, my chieftess," Tayanita whispered happily and licked some of the spit from her lips. "Did I do well?"

"Tayanita do well," Seleste returned breathlessly and the girl laughed. "My turn," Seleste whispered and sank slowly to her knees. She could see the princess' tail flitting back and forth and knew she was nervous: she had never been eaten out before either, poor thing.

Seleste touched her thighs a moment, then licked them hard, and the girl trembled. She peeled the swollen lips of her pussy apart, and the hot scent that hit her face made her dick throb. Tayanita's pussy was soft, tight . . . and, god, it smelled so _good._Seleste's tongue rolled against her in the first lick, and she heard the girl's shrill cry of pleasure. Seleste continued, grabbing and massaging her backside as she carefully ate her out. She sucked on the girl's throbbing clit and heard her cry, "Oh - oh, my chieftess, I - I feel weak --!" Her thighs were trembling hard now.

Seleste plunged her tongue, bathing that tight hymen in her kisses and spit. She didn't want to pull her face from the heat, the softness of that squirming pussy, but her cock was aching to get there so . . . badly.

Seleste rose to her feet and smiled. The princess was weak and dazed, breathless with arousal. Her sharp tits heaved and she held them, those wild curls falling into slanted eyes. She was naked and disheveled, breathless. . . . beautiful.

Seleste pulled her close in her arms, loving the feel of her soft, naked breasts against her own. The princess loved it too. She held Seleste tight, kissed her cheek, stroked her long straight mane. They looked at each other happily and then kissed, their wet tongues twisting as they moaned.

Seleste licked her lips and whispered, "Turn around."

Tayanita breathlessly did as she was told. Seleste lifted her thigh from behind, and prying under with her fingers to get inside, she slid herself carefully inside. "My little princess," Seleste whispered in her ear, "I'll make a queen out of you yet!"

Bracing herself against the wall, Tayanita cried out as she was filled. Seleste paused, then sank deeper. She felt the girl's hymen break around her, but Tayanita didn't seem to be in pain. She whispered breathlessly for it harder, deeper - faster! Fuck her! Touch her! Kiss her! Seleste didn't hesitate. Holding the girl's thigh up, she groped her tit and kissed her neck as they rocked against the wall. Tayanita's plump little ass jiggled under her tail and Seleste loved the sight. The princess had such a nice ass. She smacked it, watched it jiggle, then leaned back to watch her own cock feeding in the girl's tight pussy. She could see a line of blood going down Tayanita's thigh, but she reached around, and the girl's clit was swollen. She fingered the princess' clit, and this seemed to send her over the edge.

They rocked against the wall until Seleste had come, and as her juices rushed hot inside, she cupped the princess' high tits and squeezed them. Tayanita's head feel back and she licked Seleste's cheek as her fluids rushed to fill her.

Breathless and happy, they sank to the flowers together and cuddled in the darkness.

Seleste fell asleep. She didn't mean to. When she awoke, Princess Tayanita was lying beside her, sitting up on her elbow, smiling at her as she watched her. Her slanted silver eyes were warm with affection, and her curls fell into them and around her shoulder. She was half-naked: her top hung down and her bare breasts knocked each other softly when she moved, but she had put on her skirt. Seleste's eyes traced over her breasts, down the dip of her waist, over the rise of her hip, and down the long legs revealed in the slit of her skirt. The princess smiled under this staring and shifted a little, her flat belly trembling.

"You're . . . amazing," Tayanita whispered helplessly. "I've never felt . . ." She shook her head. "I don't know what to say." Her eyes gazed at Seleste, large with adoration.

Seleste sat up and was glad to see her clit was a clit again. She was still naked. Her white gown and traveling shawl were folded neatly in the grass, and she knew Tayanita had done this for her while watching her fondly as she slept.

Seleste could feel the grass and sticks in her mane and pulled them out. Tayanita sat up to help her.

"Let me, my chieftess . . ." the girl whispered.

Seleste fell still, watching the soft trembling of those perky breasts as Tayanita groomed her.

"Many wolves have magic here," Tayanita whispered. "And even my father can do a few simple tricks. But none have magic like that! I never thought you could . . . make love to me in such a way, I . . . I want it desperately again. Every time I think of it!"

Seleste blinked, flustered. "Tayanita --"

"You took my virgin blood," she said over her. "I want this - I want you to stay!"

Seleste rubbed her eyes miserably. What had she done? She was startled when the princess snatched her paw from her face and made her look at her.

"Seleste! Do not look weary like that - like I am child!" Tayanita said and scowled. "I know what I want. I want this, I want you!"

Seleste shook her head in exasperation. "You don't even know me."

Tayanita smiled. "Yes, I do. I have known you in my arms, I have known your kisses in my fur, on my breasts, I . . . I have looked in your eyes and seen the sweetness, the tenderness as we kissed and touched, as our bodies knew . . . fire in the night --"

"Don't go on with this," Seleste begged. "Please. . ."

Tayanita stopped and looked at her sadly. She shook her head. "But don't you feel the way I feel? You said . . . you said you were unhappy in your marriage . . . and at dinner tonight, you made it very clear that you liked females . . ."

Looking at Tayanita's crestfallen face, Seleste realized where this was going. The princess had followed her off for this tryst under the impression that she wanted to be her mate! And she, a drunken fool, had followed her into the garden intent on getting one thing. Seleste drew her knees up and pressed her forehead to them. She'd grown a cock and was already acting like a male. She silently vowed to stop using the dick trick.

"Didn't you mean a word you said?" Tayanita said miserably.

Seleste lifted her head and felt a pang. Tayanita's pretty eyes were full of tears. Oh god. One trickled down her cheek, but she ignored it, staring in disbelief at Seleste.

"You s-said I was beautiful," Tayanita said. Her voice was thick, as if she was trying to hold back the inevitable sob. "And that you wanted to . . . break custom with me." Her lip trembled. She frowned. "But you just wanted this! I . . . I'm so stupid."

"Oh, my princess, no --" Seleste began wretchedly.

"Don't call me that!" Tayanita snapped.

"Taya . . ." Seleste tried again. "I didn't mean to hurt you --"

"But you did!"

The princess closed her eyes and her lip trembled as another tear rolled free. Seleste touched her face. Tayanita stiffened, then her pretty eyes snapped open, and glaring at Seleste, she slapped her hard.

Rigid with shock, face burning with pain, Seleste watched as the princess staggered to her feet. She gathered her top over her breasts and fled cradling them, mane and tail streaming.

It was a long and miserable journey back to the great hut where the others slept. The streets were dark and unfamiliar, and to make matters worse, Seleste was still a little drunk. After Tayanita had left her, she'd managed to get her dress and shawl back on. It was a long time before she realized her dress was on backwards and that her breasts, as a result, were poking out the open back. Luckily, her shawl was wrapped around them regardless, so no one seemed the wiser when she finally staggered into the king's hut.

Inside, the firelight was painfully bright and danced hard against Seleste's bleary eyes. The throne room was empty but for a few guards. The guards offered to help Seleste to her room, but a voice stopped them.

"Avi will care for chieftess!"

Seleste looked up and her heart nearly stopped. Keme's mother was standing at the bottom of the stairs, arms folded, and Seleste realized she had waited up for her. She came to Seleste with a disappointed frown, and taking her by the arm, she marched her away up the stairs.

Avi moved so quickly, Seleste could hardly keep up. As they went along at a rapid pace, Keme's mother grumbled under her breath, scolding Seleste for the obvious infidelity she had only just come from. Seleste blushed beet red: was it really that obvious? Oh god.

"Expect to be good chieftess while fooling around?" Avi scolded. "Would get stoned by summer wolves for such a thing - stand here!"

Seleste stumbled unsteadily and glanced around. Avi had marched her to the guestroom she shared with Kilyan. Over on the wide bed, Kilyan slept soundly on his side. His spear was against the far wall, and near it, his traveling pack. A stone basin that had once contained a fire stood on a table against the wall. But the room was dark now, and Avi seemed content to leave it that way.

Avi started undressing Seleste without preamble. She worked quickly and quietly, and Seleste stood in confusion a moment before she realized her clothes were still on backwards.

When Seleste was standing there naked and embarrassed, Avi went to a corner stand, upon which stood a small basin of water for washing. Avi came to Seleste with the basin of water, and Seleste was shocked when she . . . tossed it in her face. Seleste went rigid. The water had been so cold, her nipples hardened. But the result Avi had been aiming for took effect: she could feel her head clearing, and she definitely wouldn't be getting a hard-on any time soon.

Avi slapped Seleste's cheek softly, as if to make sure it had worked, then she told Seleste to sit down.

Seleste glanced around. She noticed a stool at a vanity, but not wanting to see herself in the mirror and the wet, drunken mess that she was, she wobbled to the bed instead and flopped on the end of it. Kilyan grunted behind her but otherwise remained asleep.

When Avi had set the basin down, she came to Seleste and wrapped her naked shoulders in a blanket she'd pulled from the closet. Seleste thanked her in a small, miserable voice.

Avi tisked as she stood over Seleste, frowning at her. She was still wearing her traveling shawl and skirt, but the hood was down. Her incredibly long mane hung rumpled to her tail, and her dark eyes searched Seleste, hard with disapproval. "Seleste," she said heavily after a time, "what have you done?"

Seleste fiddled guiltily with her fingers and her straight mane swung forward, heavy with water. She suddenly felt like a pup - or some teenager who'd snuck out after curfew. She pulled the blanket tight around her shoulders, wishing she could disappear. Perhaps if Nahimana had taught her . . .

"Avi see Seleste leave with princess. Princess come home crying. Seleste return smelling of blood, flowers, and sex." Her frown deepened.

Seleste took a miserable breath. "I didn't . . . I didn't mean to . . . hurt her." She dropped her face into her paws and her mane tumbled around her. After a pause, she felt the bed shift as Avi sat beside her. The shemale hesitated, then her strong arm closed around Seleste and held her tight. Seleste miserably dropped her head on Avi's shoulder, glad to see the tender understanding in those dark eyes.

"Would have made more sense for Keme to do this," Avi said after a pause. She laughed softly. "After all, he just like father."

Seleste's ears pricked forward. She got the feeling there was something behind that comment but didn't want to pry.

"Seleste need a mother, that what wrong with her," Avi said soothingly and stroked Seleste's mane. "Every girl need a mother. With shemales it . . . it different. Both parents are like mother and father. So when Avi left her daughter with Kilyan, she didn't understand how much Wynn would need her. Avi assume Kilyan could fulfill both roles. Avi was wrong. Wynn had Kilyan and Lea and Ohana . . . but she didn't have Avi. She needed Avi. Avi . . . failed her."

Seleste looked at Avi quickly. She frowned sympathetically to see the sad look on the little shemale's face.

"But Avi won't fail you," she said with a smile. "You daughter to Avi simply because Keme love you, Keme has touched you. Makes you married in heart - not matter what summer customs say. Shemale customs say you and Keme are married! Your love has united you, Seleste." Avi paused, and looking up at her, Seleste realized she was waiting for some confirmation that she understood.

"I understand, Avi, that what I just did - I cheated on Keme_and_ LiAnh tonight . . ." Seleste rubbed her eyes as she realized that somehow, someway, she now belonged with both of them. She smiled sadly.

"It Avi fault too," Avi said. "Should have kept better eye on Seleste. Avi let you get drunk and wander off . . ."

"Avi!" Seleste cried in amusement. "I'm not a pup!"

"The hell Seleste not," Avi said with a laugh. "But no matter, it is done: Seleste married herself to the princess of this tribe, so Seleste have responsibility to that princess now. Must make things right."

"But . . . how can I make things right!" Seleste practically squeaked. "She thought I wanted to be her mate, I just wanted to mate . . . and now she hates me!"

Avi laughed softly. "Yes. Big red paw print on Seleste face gave Avi a clue."

Suddenly flushed with humiliation, Seleste rubbed her cheek. It was still throbbing where Tayanita had slapped her. She closed her paw over the burn and thought about healing it but changed her mind. No. She deserved the slap and whatever pain came with it. She sighed. She wished she could heal Tayanita's heart.

"It true, Seleste, that you can't take back the hurt," Avi whispered. "But it might help princess to hear that Seleste sorry."

Looking up at Avi, Seleste suddenly knew that such an apology had probably helped Keme's mother once. A long time ago.

"You . . . won't tell Keme and LiAnh, will you?" Seleste asked miserably. She was surprised when Avi smiled.

"No, Seleste. You get this freebie. But next time . . . Avi tell." The dark eyes twinkled mischievously, and looking up at her, Seleste laughed.

"Thank you, Avi," Seleste whispered and dropped her head on the older female's shoulder.

Avi held her close and stroked her mane, and Seleste knew she was thinking of her daughter when she whispered, "You are welcome, little one."