Chapter 1: Gentle Hands
#1 of Flaydramon's Endeavour
Note: there is a set of forms Digimon undertake which was 'lost in translation' from Japanese to English.
Original Japanese goes, Baby -> Baby2 -> Child -> Adult -> Perfect -> Ultimate
English one goes: In training -> In training -> Rookie -> champion -> Ultimate -> Mega
To Clarify I'm using the Japanese one
And I -REFUSE- to use 'Digivolve'. The original was 'shinka' which just meant evolve/evolution.
Chapter 1 : Gentle Hands
kitto mata koboreru hikari(Surely the light spills forth)
atatakaku tsutsunde kureru(It wraps warmly around me)
genjitsu kara nigeyou to shite(As I hide away from reality)
daiji na mono miushinatteru(Losing sight of that most important thing)
shinjiteitai anata ga kuru no o(The you who believes will come)
itsu no hi ka koko de meguriau made(Someday we two shall meet)
kanjiteitai jikan ga tomaru made(Until the time when we can feel ends)
atatakai te de watashi ni furete(I can feel your warm hands)
Tangaras... Suburban trains in Sydney, Australia... The soft rocking of the train echoes along the short tunnel pulling out of the City's underground stations and now travelling on ground level. The whoosh of other trains occasionally coming from the next line despite the multiple lanes available, always seeming to be on the direct line next to each other. The design was to have an entrance door at both the front and back of the carriage, with seating on opposing sides only fit for about ten or so people. From there there's the upper and lower sections designed for maximum seating capabilities, seats of 3 and seats of 2 on opposing sides corresponding to the stairs that equals out the carriage's spacing.
A hiss as the automatic doors creek open that connects the carriages to each other. A scruffy female fox on her phone and an seemingly untidied male wolf with his pants well under a few inches of his boxers, in their adolescent stages, both clothed in different school uniforms comes waddling through. Almost barging in an empty crowd as they stumbled through, barely having a care for another, as they chatted away making their way to find somewhere to sit on the lower level then changing their minds and sliding up to the higher levels.
Your eyes sort of dash back and forth eyeing something familiar within your eyesight. Slowly bringing a blue tail into view, slowly gliding up upon it eyeing it was a form a lizard like creature with undefined scales making it look much more like that of hairless skin. Five fingers with dark claw tips at the end of them as the body was hunched forward, his fingers intertwined with the other, elbows supported on his knees. Black almost formal like pants, an un-tucked, white long-sleeve business shirt and unbuckled cuffs that he wore that finally lead to his head. A set of lime to emerald green set of spikes of hair along the top and back of his head. The fringe parted to it's respected sides, rather neatly and extremely taken care of with details in mind to be formed that way. Blue ear stalks perked out of his ears then jagged slightly for an additional extension which comes to a rounded edge. His cheeks white and his snout, white as well which bleeds down his neck and just at his open collar showing or rather giving you the pretty knowledgeable guess he had a white chest and stomach. the rest of him a firm blue, the rest of his head and most likely his back.
A black strap slings over his left shoulder edging at his collar's edge, a satchel more than capable of fitting A4 Paper was flopped next to him. Although seeming full with items, It seems it's been used for his own personal uses as well as work purposes with the obvious wear and tear on the item. A black cord travels back up and splits at his collar dangling around the back of his neck and up to his ears, a clear appreciation for sound and music as he listens calmly, with his eyes closed and clearly embracing the sounds that pelt his somewhat hidden ear holes. On his cheek though draws the biggest attention that trails a lime green colour marking that's rather similar to a Boomerang; pointed with its top half going across to his ear, straight-sectioned before curving into a thickened 50 degree angle, following clockwise down to his neck somewhat. Near the joint though, just a centimetre apart slightly yet equal in length was a circle filled in with the same colour.
Intriguing as these cheek markings lie opposing on each side, clearly being mirrored in design, you couldn't help but just stare at him standing there holding onto the pole to keep yourself stable. The harsh orange light of the setting sun glared through the window as it curved over to the lizard like creature. Shining over his closed eyelids created the release of a soft grunt, opening his eyes, making contact with yours. The two-tone violet iris making contact with your own was truly piercing. You look away in a slight shock, staring at the floor- the corner of your eye twitching trying to look back to see if he's still glaring at you.
"Heh.... You're curious aren't you? The fact I look like a childhood anime character you might of grown up with? Or maybe because of these markings or the hair?" his voice was unique, Australian to some degree and so calm and decently deep. You slowly turn towards him meeting his face finding a smile upon him. His claws unlinked as he pulls the ear-buds out of the hidden spots at the sides of his head, near the base of the ear stalks close to the back of his head, slowly rearing his body up and grunting as he stretched himself out. He let out a sigh flopping his arms back down allowing his earphones to hum out the little sounds of what was most likely J-pop slightly cover up the humming and clicking of the tracks. "Well.. I guess the answer is D...All of the above.."
Now your brain clicks, realizing he does look like a character. A rather familiar one at that, a Flamedramon who's been stripped of the armour and given hair and without the red eyes. Now you can see the resemblances but is interrupted by the tapping claw of the seat next to the Mon. "Don't worry... You're not the first... I'll tell you about how it happened... About me... And my... Saga... So to speak..." He chuckled again, a rather warm environment growing around him that entices you gently sitting on the opposing side of the Dramon, rather interested in his story now that you have his attention.
A smile slowly creeps over your own face as you wander over casually, steadily as the surface stays unstable with the movements. Sitting down you've now noticed he doesn't seem all that old either, the uniform definitely adding a few years but definitely seeing the eyes of a child and yet the maturity of someone just out of their teens. Introducing yourself, he smiles comfortingly and just stares at his fingers to begin with.
"The Name's Flaydramon. Annunciate.... Flay-Druh-Monn. Or Flay if you prefer. Most do... Now...My story... Beginnnnns... a while back now... There was a world where Digimon reside... heh... course, you've probably seen the show... Those were... real.... No I'm no movie star or anything... My story was not told... I lived in the World of Digimon within the Tamer's world...Yeah that's right.. it was real... A place created by Sentient beings as a game at first... Which grew and evolved on it's own whim.. A place where anything was possible..."
The sun was high and the World of the 'others' was around transferring data from one spot to another through pink beams back to the real world and back. The desert grazed the surface as two warriors stood in a stance. Flamedramon on one side beading with sweat as the metallic armour burned around his skin feeling the heat. The other end of his site is a Leomon. His sword drawn and clasping it dagger style in front of him. Intimidating in his form, the Flamedramon twitched as he held onto his claws firmly. A single bead of sweat slowly glided down his cheek, dropping off as a single droplet, time stood still for the two warriors eying each other off. That single droplet hit the sand and allowed it to seep into the dust. Both warriors almost vanished as the two collided with a surge of strength and power surrounding the imact. Flamedramon grunted into Leomon's growling huff as the fur on his body stood on ends clearly making an impression of force on the Lion's muscles. Flamedramon's claws had grasped onto the Lion's blade with both claws. Their bodies leant against each other trying to win the battle of pure strength.
Flamedramon twitched slightly as re releases a breath jumping back hoping to catch the Warrior Anthro off balance before rushing back in swinging his arms into strikes and slash attacks. But being somewhat futile in his attempts as Leomon slung his sword upwards twisting his grip and using his expert swordsmanship to block and parry every blow. The clear clanking sounds eluding the barren wasteland.
"You're gonna Have to try harder than that Flamedramon!" The bestial Digimon growled out almost triumphantly. The opening that Flamedramon needed as his feet suddenly flared in a burst of flames slinging his body upwards his feet scrapping the ground and kicking the sand upwards while crashing onto his back. Leomon gasps and jumped back at the sudden movement. Flamedramon's claws and elbows burst into flames, slamming into the ground as the thrown inferno tossed him into an upwards thrust motion, still kicking up the dust and sand all around causing a maelstrom of a dust smokescreen. It was silent as Leomon glared about trying to pinpoint the devious Mon's position. But all too late.
Leomon's eyes tilted upwards as an orange glow pierces through the cloud of sandy dust before fine glistening points were thrown down, flinging towards the shocked lion-morph. his sword swung around wildly to cover himself as much as possible striking in as shards of glass shatter and glisten upon the sun's rays beaming through the dust Flamedramon being seen up high, teh sun behind him and allowing his whole body to blaze, swinging his limbs wildly into an intricate dance superheating the sand particles into dangerous weapons. One single stray needle skims the Lion's Tail fluff causing a single hair to split away.
"MATCH POINT, DRAW!" Boomed a rather deep voice in the distance. Flamedramon landed not much longer after that sighing as the dust cleared and a rather disgruntled Leomon sighed, the two of them eyeing off the area where the voice came from. Approaching slowly, an orange figure shone through rather proudly as a warrior but also acting as a Judge. "Good work... Today is a draw.. You both have won a match each. That's enough for today."
Leomon Grunted and withdrew his sword. "As much as I hate to admit it... you've improved so much... I don't even recognise that style anymore... I really wasn't expecting such an interesting attack..." Leomon smiled to the Flamedramon student who looked keenly up at him smiling.
"I'm glad... But I want to get as strong as I can." Flamedramon broadened a smile as the mask twitches from his snout movement, his tail flicking behind himself thoroughly enjoying all the sparring sessions. Time seemed to pass as the three chat about battle techniques, trading some compliments here and there before Flamedramon and Wargreymon Parted ways with their Lion friend.
"So long, Flamedramon-Dono, Wargreymon-Dono!" the lion waved as he parted ways with them, Flamedramon smiling as he waved upon the tanned figure slowly getting smaller. "Thanks for today! Leomon-Sama!" (sidenotes: Dono used for respect acknowledging in equal value. Second we have Sama, just a title used to acknowledge someone of higher rank and holding great respect for)
"You did rather well today..." Wargreymon smiled unknowingly behind his disguising mask, as he looked down at his pupil whom stood just at his chest height.
"Yeah... But... I'm nowhere in your leagues...Sempai..." (Note: Sempai is used in Japanese as a title, often referencing someone in a higher class or someone with more experience. Or Both. For instance upperclassmen or your supervisor in your job etc. Yes I am a bit of a Japanese nut). The Flamedramon walked along next to the Greymon, a rather disappointed look on his face showing his displeasure at still knowing his weakness.
"You're improving... And that's why gave you the Digimental of Courage, because I knew you have potential"
A flash went through the Dramon's mind as he walked; he could remember being a weak Veemon struggling and gasping for breath before being clutched by strong arms, Wargreymon's. 'He's weak... But there's a fire that burns in his eyes... I'm sure he'll grow to be a fighter.." Darkened faces crowded around the young mon's fading eye line. He only remembers within the weariness that tried to take over him. It was warm...
"Flamedramon-kun..?" (Kun: title used for males, especially in referencing someone older than a child. Chan is for children for instance and would be an insult unless used for an affectionate nickname or females.)
The Dramon irked and shook his head, the grass already meeting his feet, already reaching the proximity of their campsite. He sighed and gently inspected his gauntlets, slightly twitching his wrist turning it around into gentle motions checking his gauntlets thoroughly despite their self repairing factors. His eyes trailed off from his wrists and towards their little clearing. The two of them spent much of their time here when not training. Mostly for rest periods but nonetheless Flamedramon loved the area to no end.
The time had passed reasonably as Flamedramon bathed in the crystal waters. Behind him crackled the firm blazes of fire, night time simply shifting over them in a quick elapse. The fish stuck out towards the charcoals, cooking slowly. Flamedramon sighed contentedly as he curled his fingers together cupping the water splashing his face firmly, rubbing the contours that formed his head as he washed himself down.
'C'mon... Wake up... You can do it...' The darkness parted away as Flamedramon had opened his eyes after what seemed to be a long sleep. Before him WarGreymon and maybe a few others were surrounding inspecting him as he lay on an unknown surface. He Gasped slightly before the orange claw brought a make shift carved out bowl to his mouth. A soft hint of bittersweet mixture poured down his throat as he chugged on it taking in the nourishment. 'Good... The Digimental transfer was a success... You've evolved to a Flamedramon now...' Smiled the orange Mon before him.
Slowly Flamedramon's claws parted away from his face. All he could hear was the gentle droplets falling off of his body, causing light ripples along the waters' surface. He twitched as the sound seemed to ring in his thoughts covering up everything in his mind. Gently he turned towards his Mentor, wadding over to him, he pulled himself out sitting by the fire crossing his legs in a calm fashion allowing himself to dry. He just eyed his armour to the side where he simply stuck them into the ground rather strategically so that if he had to get it back on each piece was in the right position to clasp back on in seconds. WarGreymon looked up following the armour Digimon's gaze tracing the lines of his armour, staring intently upon the symbol of courage on his chest armour.
Flamedramon looked back over to WarGreymon and just fell silent watching the charcoals burn. They spent countless times like this, eating in silence more so almost in ritual. The two Digimon fell asleep next to each other rather casually. Flamedramon usually huddled closely against the larger being, being comforted by the thoughts of protection that the Ultimate levelled Digimon provided simply by being nearby.
The soothing night passes as the sun brings itself around, the two of them continuing their daily routine, munching on a few fresh pieces of fruit before their usual meditation then some basic training. Sometimes Flamedramon found himself trying to stay underwater for as long as possible while trying to boil some water. Others he was scaling the mountain edges clambering along. And on rare occasions he was stripped of his armour and was told to track down other Digimon. Whatever his Sempai threw at him he took it and with pride in steed.
Every moment was worth it for him to become stronger and faster, he always thought of new techniques. But of course, none of the training matters but that was why they had regular sparring matches with other Digimon like Leomon yesterday. Today however Flamedramon found himself with a slightly tougher opponent: Weregarurumon in a forest area. Again Wargreymon acted as a judge hovering overhead watching over them.
The target this time was Weregarurumon's shoulder tufts of fur. The goal was to strike both at the same time. Slightly more difficult than Leomon's tail fluff, this would take a fair bit of consideration and planning. The draconic Digimon just looked up and around him, Weregarurumon was nowhere to be seen which meant he was already one step ahead. Both Digimon were given a target, and are not aware of what the opposition is aiming for.
The entire forest seemed to rumble under his feet. His crimson eyes burning open and right there in front of him in plain site, a lupine anthro figure in jeans, a set of darker blue waves covering his body. An odd feather like design of his shoulder fur, the things that Flamedramon was looking for this match. His arms although not revealing much under the fur, bulged and rippled showing his strength as he began swinging stripped down trees at the Draconian. Flamedramon gasped and hopped aside, each one slinging away into the ground thrashing up dirt and roots instantly with the impact as they slammed across next to him.
He's out in the open?! Flamedramon leapt and spun around in mid air, dodging another two and then using his claw to knock another one away, using his tail to swing himself around with his weight as he pushed, dodged and even use as a platform briefly to give himself more propulsion into the air. What's his plan!? This is reckless!
"ENOUGH!" Gasped the blue Dramon, gauntlets flaring at his command, surging a flame in his own eyes while almost seeming to hover in mid air.
A trail of flames left his blazing fists striking down the logs and meeting them head on with his strikes. Some spins away out of control, others burning up and landing nearby as the Flamedramon's feet slowly situated back on the ground, bringing himself into a fighting stance ready for the next assault of logs. But something wasn't right...
Weregarurumon grinned looking forward, without any worries or weaponry, not even a log ready to haul. Sweat had begun to form over the Flamedramon's body, twitching as he huffed in breaths, the singing trees crackled around him. Grunting, his maw opened seeming to have more trouble in taking in his breathes, feeling his limbs starting to tremble. Trying to focus on the end of his claw tips pointed at the furred mon in front of him. The world began to spin; vision blurring and fading as all he could do was struggle against the drifting thoughts, eyelids getting heavy, swaying almost clumsily... THUD!
Flamedramon slammed himself in, gauntlets clashing against a spear. A tough growl in his voice flaring his claws up spitting flames forwards. His opponent, a pink fluff ball with arms, legs a face with wide eyes, long strands of wings wielding a spear simply nudged the Dramon off with a small flick of his wrists. 'Pi! You need to try harder than that!'
Flamedramon grunted being shrugged off, his whole body blasting into a fiery blaze before rushing in leaping at his target with all of his strength and speed, using himself as a projectile. A deep hiss and growl present in his hest as he lunges himself at Piccolomon.(Known as Pixiemon in the English Dub)
A snigger and a full 360 spin around by the pink fluff ball not only avoiding the attack but jabbing the blunt side of his spear into the Flamedramon's back, shoving his fiery body into the ground in a drifting event as everything seemed to slow down having the air being flushed from his body.
'Pi Pi.... This simply won't do.... I downed him all too easily...' Piccolomon sighed a little his wings flittering while he spoke with Wargreymon.
'You were pretty rough on him...' WarGreymon eyed Flamedramon slumped over on a rock, rubbing his chest still inspecting himself whilst still within listening distance. 'It's his first Match, Maybe if-'
The Fairy's spear protruded forward in a sharp thrust, threateningly, silencing the Greymon. 'In this world there is no turning back. He cannot rely simply on his fire powers! Pi! You must train him to be able to use his surroundings in a useful method! Otherwise not only will he doom himself but others around him! Pi! I cannot lower my expectations in hoping to find weakling warriors! Pi!''
".... I understand...."
Flamedramon opened his eyes softly. He focused his eyes slowly, grunting and coughing forcing himself to tilt his head to the side. The blues and greens he assumed were the sky and the tree tops now being focused on something orange which was fairly close to him.. A soft splutter of what seemed to be a touch of mucus seeped out of his maw. Something so sickly and clinging to his throat as it seemed to catch on it's way out oozing out of him.
"Take it easy..." sighed a Familiar deep voice stroking something moist over the Dramon's head slowly. Flamedramon slowly focused his eyesight blinking a few times, noticing Wargreymon's muscular thighs all tensed as he was kneeling down. A red glow grew on his cheeks before tilting his head back up, looking at Wargreymon's revealing face, green eyes piercing through at him oh so easily. An Orange claw strokes along the Flamedramon's maw, stroking and wiping his maw from such an awful ordeal he had just been through.
"What..." Croaked the Flamedramon, a disgruntled grunt and then following up with a few more coughs.
"You inhaled a toxin that paralyses as well as causes unconsciousness..."
"When ignited, the toxins were released from moss that was growing on some of those logs Weregarurumon was... It doesn't matter anymore..."
Flamedramon's eyes opened a bit more and just closed them tight sighing out heavily. So I lost... So...Damn...Easily... A tear welled up in-between the Mon's eyelids as the emotions seemed to come at him like a bull. He tried to clasp his claws which he realised was free from his gauntlets, but only ended up with a gentle curling of his fingers. Even to weak to fight off this toxin...
Wargreymon laid his claws on the Dramon's bare chest stroking him slowly. "It's still wearing off... So you got to be patient for a bit... You've been out for a few hours... Weregarurumon's already left now..."
"I... I..." Flamedramon shuddered shuddering in little breaths in what seemed like such a frail body.
That was when WarGreymon moved in his claws clasping on the Dramon's shoulders, slowly pulling him up facing away as the two sat there. Flamedramon in-between the Greymon's powerful legs, back propped up upon his stomach and head leaning into his chest. Shushing the Flamedramon quietly into his ear as a warm sensation that struck Flamedramon quite comfortably. His cheeks still growing red and hot as what really brought to his attention was that Wargreymon was wearing just as much as he was. A blissful moment as he closed his eyes. The powerful mon's arms curling around him protectively, allowing the full encasement into the comfortable session that they lulled into for that day. Resting comfortably into his Mentor's Gentle claws...
A soft pause fell through the air as the soft spikes of Flay's hair slowly collapses over his face. A light sigh contently releases from his chest as he reminesces for a moment before lifting his head towards you again. The whoosh and clacking of another train passing this one skimmed the windows quickly. Smiling and gently standing up clasping at the poles barely looking at you now.
"I was happy then... It was such... an interesting life... But that's all we got time for today..."
A hiss was heard as the Train slowed down and clunked, the side doors opening up easily as the Mon pulled himself up making sure his pockets were still full nothing had fallen out.
"This is my stop. Hope I can meetchya again soon. There's more to tell after all.." Flaydramon smiled his bag lucidly over his shoulder and his music still pumping outta his headphones as he stepped off from the train smiling as you lean into the glass watching him, the train slowly pulling away while your gaze is just fixated on him oh so curiously. A very firm glow of happiness emitting from him at this point. And yet a sense of immersing sadness, longing and anxiety clouded his head as he walks off along the platform.
End of Chapter 1